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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM Repeat  ABC  May 29, 2024 1:06am-1:42am PDT

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♪ >> byron: finally tonight, if you want to relive that "home alone" experience, now's your chance. one of the most iconic homes in american cinema is up for sale. the dawn mckenna realty group showing the "home alone" house on instagram. clips from the movie then -- and now -- no more compartmentalized kitchen in this house. >> byron: including in the suburban chicago home are a sun room, open kitchen, and a sports
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court. all this just $5.25 million. i'm sure that's pocket money for somebody. that's
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the end of the lunch break turns into a student beating at a middle school in the north bay. parents and police are now finding out about it. showing up tonight, looking for answers. good evening. thank you for joining us. >> i'm dan ashley and i'm ama daetz tonight. police tell us arrests have now been made after the school attack involving multiple girls between the ages of 12 and 14. >> it happened last friday at sonoma middle school in novato. and abc seven news reporter justin was at tonight's meeting
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hearing from parents about what more should have been done. >> this is video of one of two female students assaulted at sinaloa middle school at lunchtime in novato last friday. it is now part of a police investigation. >> i think that all she was trying to do was defend herself, and she was trying to, like, knock away blocks and stuff, but, the other three were just on top of her just going at her and not stopping. >> so they told me it was vicious. they told me numerous people were recording. they told me it happened very quickly. >> upset parents packed the middle school library tuesday night looking for answers. school employees called this a horrific attack. during that meeting, police say that school administrators learned there was going to be an initial attack here thursday, but took action and that did not happen. on friday, two extra private security guards were brought in
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and a number of additional administrators. the two district wide school resource officers were not on campus, though, so the school district was aware that the police department wasn't correct. >> so if we had been request id as part of our agreement with the school district, we definitely would have been involved. but that is something we need a request and we need information to be able to act on it. >> arrests have been made and police say there could be more. they don't have an answer for why this attack happened. melanie sanchez tells us her daughter was arrested tuesday after being seen on camera throwing punches. she claims her daughter and others were bullied by the girls who were attacked on video. >> they're being told they're fat, being told they're ugly, their hair is ugly, balls being thrown at them every single day of school. >> she says her daughter regrets the attack but snapped, saying even after talks with her counselor, nothing was done previously. she's heartbroken that her daughter was immediately taken into custody.
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>> hugging my daughter goodbye when she's never been away from me. >> that did it when they took her to away today. yeah and i can't imagine how the other parents felt when they came home from work and their daughter was gone. parents say they want all of these issues addressed going forward. >> the bullying has become a huge problem, and so i'm hoping that we can address this, you know, for the rest of this year and for the kids who don't feel safe, the district says they are paying teachers and staff extra to open their classrooms at lunch so students can come in and feel safe. >> novato police say they should have more details into the next steps here. come wednesday. j.r. stone, abc seven news. >> time now to get to tonight's abc seven news advancer at 11. it's our way of keeping you informed on top of the big headlines you'll be hearing about in the days to come. and a trio of court proceedings will be featured prominently in the news as our first advancer is scott peterson's bid for freedom
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heading into a hearing with potentially huge implications tomorrow, a judge will hear arguments about whether to revisit dna evidence in the murder of laci peterson and her unborn child, 20 years ago. the la innocence project is focused on a van and bloody mattress found near the peterson home in modesto. tests five years ago found no signs of laci's dna. peterson's attorneys want them tested again. >> the technology, the assays, the way that we collect and analyze evidence has not changed enough since 2019 that these samples warrant retesting. but we know uc davis forensics expert ashley hall doesn't think new testing will make a difference in the case, says peterson's attorneys try to revive a theory that burglars killed laci. >> hall is worried if the judge agrees to the retesting, it could open the floodgates for similar appeals. in other cases, there has to be a high bar for where we retest samples, flooding the system with samples for retesting would restrict
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what we can do for current cases . we've taken three samples, hall says. if the judge orders new testing, it could be done within a week. we will be in court tomorrow as peterson's attorneys make their case and bring you the updates on abc seven >> our next advancer is the unprecedented criminal trial of donald trump heading into the jury's hands. tomorrow, a deliberations are set to begin in the hush money case against the former president trump. as you know, was accused of falsifying business records tied to payments made to adult film actress stormy daniels. prosecutors say the goal was to keep voters of learning of the affair, which the former president denies. even happened today. in closing arguments, prosecutors argue that trump was at the center of a conspiracy and cover up that defrauded voters. trump's attorneys told jurors today that they can't convict trump based on the testimony of his former fixer, michael cohen. they flat out accuse cohen of perjury, calling him the greatest liar of all
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time. >> we'll see how it goes. this is a very dangerous day for america. it's a very sad day. >> tomorrow morning, the jury will receive instructions from the judge, and then they will start their deliberations. and our final abc seven advance here at 11. opening statements in the state trial for the man charged with attacking nancy pelosi's husband, paul, in their home in san francisco today, david depape was resentenced to 30 years in prison on his federal conviction for the assault with a hammer back in 2022. paul pelosi was 82 at the time and required skull surgery in court today, depape spoke to the court and apologized, saying in part, quote, i'm sorry for what i did, especially what i did to paul pelosi. i should have left just, just left the house when i realized nancy pelosi wasn't home. >> new at 11, a series of startling drive by shootings in san mateo using toy gel blasters as weapons, police say they got three reports on sunday of different people being hit
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around town. and as abc seven news reporter lauren martinez explains, the crimes are more dangerous than they may seem. >> san mateo police are calling a recent string of incidents involving toy guns alarming. on sunday, police received three different 911 calls within three hours from community members reporting being shot at. >> one of the victims thought he was shot with a real gun, so obviously there's mental stress and everything that goes along with being shot with anything. >> police say the suspects used guns similar to this. they shoot out gel filled pellets up to 200ft per second. three people have been arrested, so they're being charged with assault with a deadly weapon, they did shoot the victims in the face. one of the victims almost got shot in the eye. the victims told san mateo police when they were walking, a white bmw sedan would drive near them and a passenger would shoot at them. >> it's really surprising because i've never seen anything
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like that. i've been here lots of times and it's always felt safe. >> the third incident that was reported on sunday was off monte diablo avenue near martin luther king park. police say it was near there where a man and his pregnant wife were shot multiple times by the suspects. >> honestly, that was scary. i mean, you say pregnant women. >> damian lives in the neighborhood and read about similar cases involving baby guns on reddit. he didn't know about this most recent case, but i had no idea it was here on this block, which makes it all the more real. police say this appears to be a trend, but they are still investigating the blatant disregard for the safety of others, elevated this up to a felony in san mateo. >> lauren martinez, abc seven news. >> new developments tonight in a plan targeting the rights of transgender children in california. it will not make it to our november ballot. the measure would have banned gender affirming health care for trans kids and barred female trans students from sports. it would also have required schools to
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notify parents when a child is trans or gender nonconforming. proponents say they wanted to protect parents rights, but they were about 150,000 signatures short of qualifying for the ballot. right now, state lawmakers are considering a bill that would ban parental notification policies in schools across the state. >> the weather is starting to warm back up after that mild memorial day. as we get you ready for tomorrow. the heat is starting to creep back in. let's check in with abc seven news meteorologist sandhya patel, who is tracking it all in our 24 hour accuweather forecast. sandhya. yeah, ama, the biggest thing you're going to notice is that the fog is limited and the temperatures do come up close to 90 degrees inland. >> tomorrow, a live view from our san jose camera and it is a pretty nice view. all is calm there, but it's not like that everywhere. it is still gusty in parts of the bay area. 7:00 tomorrow morning. limited fog temperatures in the 50s. the sun is shining by noontime and it is going to be breezy and warmer by 4 p.m. we're talking upper 80s
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inland, low 60. coast still mild inland at 7 p.m. you will notice. but the other thing you will notice is just like today, it is going to be another breezy one. as we head towards tomorrow, i'll be back to let you know when you're going to see some low 90s around here and if it'll last through the weekend. coming right up, dan okay, sandy, thanks a lot. >> new developments tonight as protesters blocked the entrances to uc santa cruz, the university will now hold classes remotely tomorrow and thursday in response to this new wave of pro-palestinian protests. demonstrators have been blocking two roads into campus on and off for ten hours now. the university chancellor calls the protests, quote, extremely dangerous, promising severe penalties. >> new details in the highly controversial california forever proposal in solano county and the timeline ahead. the leaders behind this utopian city have been buying up huge chunks of land around travis air force base in fairfield. they're wanting to turn more than 17,000 acres of farmland into a
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sprawling area for 400,000 people. now, solano county says the california forever group has until june 25th to collect enough valid signatures on the petition. if those pass, then the county can approve the proposal to the november ballot. during its july 23rd board meeting, the california forever group said it had more than enough valid signatures. back in april. >> building a better bay area frequently means keeping an eye on the future, and so often these days, that means watching over the emerging technology of artificial intelligence. tomorrow's san francisco's palace of fine arts will host a summit with the movers and shakers of the ai world and the politicians setting the rules for its future. san francisco mayor, london breed and district attorney brooke jenkins are among the keynote speakers at the gen ai summit. governor newsom is also set to speak to the crowd of tech leaders, researchers and entrepreneurs. >> a young bear was shot and killed in south lake tahoe, and tonight, we are now starting to hear the entire story, plus new
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rules to know about for the buy now, pay later programs to help prevent you from falling into debt and you've heard of the stanley cup. so it's about time we tell you about the stanley cup. >> all of that's coming up. but first, here's a look at what's ahead tonight on jimmy kimmel live! right after abc seven news at 11. >> jimmy, watch tonight or we're >> jimmy, watch tonight or we're breaking up. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients.
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i am obsessed with olay's retinol body wash. with olay retinol body wash, 95% of women had visibly renewed skin. it makes my skin feel so smooth and moisturized. see the difference with olay. wanna know a secret? more than just my armpits stink. facts. that's why i use secret whole body deodorant for clinically proven odor protection everywhere. so i smell great all day, all hike, and all night. secret whole body deodorant.
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entered his house. wildlife officials now say the homeowner will not be cited, but it's another example of the dangerous proximity between bears and humans in the sierra nevada. >> who deliberately wanted to kill that bear, it seems like. >> and bryant, director of the bear league, says this 16 month old bear walked into a south lake tahoe home through an open door, likely trying to find something to eat. >> the bear went in thinking, well, you know, i'm hungry. i'll see what i can find in the refrigerator. and he easily got him out. but then grabbed his gun and shot him, twice. state fish and wildlife officials say the homeowner told them the bear went for his dog. >> that's when he shot it. the bear then went outside, climbed up a tree and fell. the homeowner says he then shot the bear again to euthanize it because it looked like it was
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suffering. kyle parker, public information officer for the el dorado county sheriff's office, says a bear entering a home when someone is there is very unlikely bears in general. >> they are, especially the black bears that we have in california and here locally in el dorado county. they are honestly more afraid of people than they are aggressive to them. cdph has opened up a public comment period on a draft of a black bear conservation plan. >> the plan hasn't been updated since 1998 and would include things like new models to better track the population of bears and minimizing human bear conflict. >> yeah, it's just kind of a modern reflection of, you know, black bears in california and their value and how we can make sure they're healthy and, and, continue to thrive in the future. >> now, the public comment period for the draft of the black bear conservation plan is open until june 14th. >> new details tonight on alameda county district attorney
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pamela price's chinese name after canceling an announcement today. tonight, she released a video explaining what it means. >> i also have the privilege of having a chinese name which symbolizes kindness, law, and unyielding character and perseverance. >> this is all coming during aapi heritage month, and as price faces a recall election, she says she has a longstanding relationship with the bay area's aapi community, citing previous endorsements and office initiative. today, some we heard from in the community thought price choosing a chinese name was cultural appropriation, but it's not uncommon for bay area candidates to use a chinese name . vice president kamala harris was one of the first to do it when she was running for d.a. of san francisco in 2003. oakland fire investigators say they now know where a massive lumber yard fire started, but the cause is still unknown. new sky seven video today shows the aftermath of sunday's fire near high
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street in coliseum way took more than 75 firefighters to knock down those flames. crews used excavators to tear apart one of the buildings at economy lumber so they could put out hot spots. the business will be closed for the rest of the week. >> a big rule change tonight for layaway services. soon, companies that let you buy something and pay for it over time will have to follow new rules to protect you. they're known as buy now, pay later services, and they're gaining popularity. certainly as credit card rates rise under the rule change announced by federal regulators, a companies like affirm, afterpay and klarna have to give refunds for returns or canceled services. send billing statements and investigate disputed purchases. the rule change is expected to have the biggest impact on vulnerable consumers, because you don't need a credit history for this, you don't need a good credit or any credit at all. >> it's disproportionately affecting low income households and also younger people. gen z, who don't have a lot of experience with managing debt.
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>> it's hard to know how many people are in debt through layaway services because they don't have to report loans to credit reporting agencies. >> a piece of hip hop history shrouded in mystery will finally be available for listening. but there's one very big catch the wu-tang clan's secret album, heard only by a handful of people, is about to go on display. but to hear it, you have to travel to tasmania. yeah, there's only one copy of the album, once upon a time in shaolin, in 2015, soon to be convicted felon martin shkreli bought it for $2 million. the us government seized it from the notorious pharma bro after his securities fraud conviction. now the album is at the museum of new and old art in tasmania. the next month, it will be available for listening for a little more than a week. >> it's wild. >> it is all right, all right, let's turn our attention now to the weather forecast. >> wind was fairly breezy today. >> yeah, maybe we could kick that down a notch. santiago
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>> after tomorrow. okay, ama and dan. we'll take it down a little bit. but tonight it is still breezy outside. i want to show you the temperature change. it's running 16 degrees warmer than at this time yesterday because of a north northwesterly wind in santa rosa giving you an indication of where those numbers are. right now we have many areas ranging from the 50s to the 60s, even a 71 in brentwood. so not quite as cool tonight. and we're going in the opposite direction as we head towards next week. here's the temperature outlook from the climate prediction center out west and also in the northeast east you will notice a very distinct line of above average temperatures. as a matter of fact, there's a 60 to 80% chance that here in the bay area we're going to be above average. so enjoy the comfortable weather we had today, which was 50s to 80s, because that is all going to be changing. so still rock and rolling from mount tam. it is a
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shaky view tonight, a system moving to our north kicked up the winds and the winds are still going, as i mentioned right now. not as strong as earlier, but gusts to 26 at sfo, 27 sustained in san francisco. a live view from sutro tower also showing you a shaky view tomorrow. sunny and warmer. thursday and friday summer-like heat is coming your way and for your weekend outlook cooler start to june. so let's talk about almost june and it's graduation time. northgate high school tomorrow in walnut creek, graduating 7:00 in the evening. it's going to be nice and sunny and warm in the upper 70s barely dropping off at around 8:00 into the low 70s. also graduating gunderson high kids there tomorrow in san jose at 4:00. it's going to be nice and warm there as well in the upper 70s, eventually dropping to the 60s by late at night. congrats to all of the graduates out there. you have some good looking weather coming your way. hopefully a bright future as well. all right, tomorrow morning, patchy fog temperatures beginning in the 40s and 50s by noontime, you're already really
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nice and sunny from coast to inland. we're looking at 50s to 80s. and then in the afternoon, we'll bump you up into the upper 80s for the warmest spots. so your morning temperatures in the 40s and 50s, just a few patches of fog like we have right now in half moon bay. it's not going to be quite as extensive as it was this morning. the winds helping to keep that atmosphere stirred up. tomorrow afternoon we get you up to 88 in fairfield, 60 degrees in half moon bay, and it's going to be wall to wall sunshine, but still a little breezy to gusty. the accuweather seven day forecast. it's a warmer day tomorrow summer like spread for your thursday and your friday with 90s inland 60s coast. and as we turn the page to a new month, we're talking about cooler weather for the about cooler weather for the we when you host, your bathroom can feel like a revolving door... keep things fresh with febreze small spaces. it's an outlet-free air freshener that fights odors for 45 days. so even after every flush... you know your bathroom smells amazing. ♪ lalalalala ♪ a year after a heart attack,
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in one wash, without weigh down. guaranteed or your money back! for resilient, healthy-looking hair... if you know, you know it's pantene. fight to earn a spot in the final. they are about to get some adorable competition. the national hockey league has teamed up with petco to launch the stanley pup shelter. pups will take part in a friendly competition to raise awareness about pet adoption. each puppy represents one of the 16 nhl teams that qualified for this year's playoffs. one of the pups nicknames is a nod to longtime san jose sharks player jake pavelski. the stanley pup will air on espn plus next friday at 5 p.m. disney, of course, a parent company of espn and abc seven. i love the stanley cup. i'd watch. >> that is such a cute idea and
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with a great purpose. all right, well, the giants get to play some bonus baseball tonight against the phillies. >> abc seven news sports anchor chris alvarez is here. >> hi. dan and umma, coming up in sports in the nba playoffs, the west is still up for grabs. and at oracle park, we had bonus and at oracle park, we had bonus baseball giants - ugh. - cabin crew cross check. that yellow's not gonna fly. - buckle up! - whoa! ♪ reality checkup ♪ there's toothpaste white, and there's crest 3dwhitestrips white. whitens like a $400 professional treatment. [pilot] prepare for non-stop smiles. crest. to give your teeth a dentist clean feeling. start with a round brush head. add power. and you've got oral-b. round cleans better by surrounding each tooth to remove 100% more plaque. for a superior clean. oral-b. brush like a pro.
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[♪] did you know, there's a way to cut your dishwashing time by 50%? try dawn powerwash dish spray. it removes 99% of grease and grime in half the time. dawn powerwash has 3 cleaning boosters not found in traditional dish soaps that remove food and grease 5 times faster. and, because it cleans so well you can replace multiple cleaning products for counters, stoves, and even laundry stains. try dawn powerwash dish spray. brand power, helping you buy better. giants again. lamonte wade jr.
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placed on the ten day il with a grade two hamstring strain, he could potentially miss up to a month. giants hosting the phillies tonight chinese heritage night year of the dragon as the giants play the best team in baseball at least record wise. second inning. let's show some love for the glove that matt chapman on the redirect fires across for the out. inning over. so nice. we show it twice. good play there on both ends. trenton brooks making his major league debut. family in attendance, taking on former giants top prospect zack wheeler strikes out there zero for two. in his debut, wheeler had nine strikeouts in six innings. giants of bullpen game here in the fifth, spencer howard the strikeout, then patrick bailey strike him out. throw him out. inning over, scoreless through nine. we go into extras. bottom ten runners on the corners, one out. luis matos deep fly to left, tyler fitzgerald tagging and he is safe. giants win one. nothing and they can go for the sweep tomorrow afternoon. a's fans in tampa bay i think the baby said sell the team. sell all the okay
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all right. starter mitch spence was solid here in the third. jose caballero swinging and then down goes richie palacios to end the inning. spence five and a third four strikeouts. no earned runs. actually carried a no hitter into the sixth. in the sixth. scoreless two on for miguel andujar. that's a home run three run shot his first of the year. and then in the ninth, it is miller time. rays bring the tying run to the plate, but mason miller gets the strikeout to end the game. his 11th save of the year. a's win three nothing game for the western conference finals. mavericks looking to close out the t wolves final minute of the fourth. anthony edwards deep two goes minnesota five point lead. he had a game high 29 15 seconds to go. dallas down six. luka the desperation three and the foul. but he would miss the free throw. so it stays a three point game and a great inbound play here nas reid seals the deal. minnesota wins 105 100. dallas still leads three games to one.
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game five thursday in the twin cities on the ice game four of the eastern conference final, third straight overtime game between the rangers and panthers off the face off tic tac toe and sam reinhardt wins it. panthers win three two. there's rats on the ice series tied two two. game five in new york on thursday, sports ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well. ♪ ♪ jardiance! -it's a little pill with a ♪ ♪ big story to tell. ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's staaart. ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to seeee, ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away
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looking for a smarter way to mop? try the swiffer powermop. ♪ an all-in-one cleaning tool, with a 360-degree swivel head that goes places a regular mop just can't. ♪ mop smarter with the swiffer powermop. oaklin teenager who got accepted to college, 122 of them, and there's a boatload of scholarship money being offered as well. we caught up to interview him and his father about his exciting future and what he plans to do next. he certainly has options. that story is one of the top things people are clicking on right now on our website. it's up for you on the top news sidebar at abc seven 122 colleges. >> that is something. all right,
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a reminder you can watch all our newscasts live and on demand through the abc seven bay area connected tv app available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv. never forget your roku. download the app now so you can start streaming. all right, thanks for watching. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley for sandyha patel, chris alvarez, all of us. >> we appreciate your time right now on jimmy kimmel luke bryan have a great night. mesothelioma to victims and their families for over ten years. mesothelioma is really all we do. call us now for this free book. call us at 800 511 5400 or go to >> what is circle? >> circle is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. circle is your foster tree with a sweet kick of confidence.
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