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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  May 29, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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happening from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m, and number seven get ready to set sail. >> abc seven's parent company, disney, just released this trailer for the upcoming moana two film. moana will journey to the far seas and into dangerous waters for an adventure unlike anything she's ever faced. moana two hits theaters november 27th. >> fun fact this is the first time disney has ever used a female duo to write music for one of their animated features. oh wow. so that's really cool and i'll let you. cravalho is back. the original voice of moana. we love her. dwayne johnson is >> george: good morning america. donald trump's fate in the hands of a jury. deliberations set to begin this morning in the criminal trial of the former president after a full day of closing arguments. prosecutors called the hush money payment to daniels a conspiracy and cover-up.
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the defense calls key witness michael cohen the greatest liar of all time. dan abrams breaks it down. >> robin: deadly severe weather and flash flooding in the heartland. ginger is tracking the storm. the new threats, massive power outages and the powerful winds pushing a plane away from the gate in dallas and forcing two air traffic control towers to evacuate. >> we can't see anybody. we lost our ground radar. we can't see anything out the window. >> robin: gio is tracking all the travel trouble. >> michael: deadly explosion. the investigation into the blast in the middle of youngstown, ohio. we're on the scene. >> robin: heading home. another american freed after being detained in turks and caicos on ammunition charges. >> it was a huge relief. >> robin: the virginia father speaking about his ordeal. >> george: nicole brown's sisters on the trial of the century. >> oh my god. but i was in such shock, i couldn't scream. i felt numb.
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>> george: now how nicole's kids are doing 30 years later. >> michael: attention parents. the new report on peanut allergies. what could reduce the risk of developing a peanut allergy by 75%. >> robin: mystery solved? why scientists now believe orcas have been ramming boats, causing at least seven of them to sink. >> michael: staying alive. >> big time shot! >> michael: anthony edwards of minnesota making money moves to survive game 4. ♪ i'm hooked on a feeling ♪ >> robin: and speaking of money -- >> show me the money. >> show me the money! [ bell ringing ] >> robin: see who is flying into summer with some unclaimed cash. there may be funds with your name on them. we'll show you how to claim it. and we're hooked. >> i have a special look this
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morning at moana 2. >> robin: you heard her. you do not want to miss the first look at moana 2. >> thank you! >> robin: you're welcome. >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> robin: we are hooked on a feeling. we have a feeling it's a busy, busy morning in times square. first lady dr. jill biden will join us in just a little bit. >> michael: home prices hitting a new all-time high. we'll tell you where they're up the most. rebecca will break down what's behind the surge in prices nationwide. >> george: we begin with donald trump's criminal trial. now in its final phase. closing arguments wrapped up last night and in just hours, the fate of a former president will be in the hands of a jury. aaron katersky is at the courthouse. good morning, aaron. >> reporter: good morning, george. jurors are on the cusp of deciding this case. they should have it by about lunch time after the judge issues instructions to convict the jury must find former president trump falsified business records to cover up a
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conspiracy to corrupt the 2016 election. lengthy closing arguments kept the jurors here late and clashed on the facts. in a five hour closing argument, prosecutors put former president trump at the center of a, quote, conspiracy and cover-up to supress a story about sex with an adult film actress and to hoodwink the american voter before the 2016 election. it was, the prosecutor said, the subversion of democracy. he said that trump devised this scheme where his fixer, michael cohen paid stormy daniels $130,000 in hush money and trump falsified business records to disguise his reimbursement payments to cohen as legal expenses so voters would never know. the name of the game was concealment, he said, and all roads lead to the man who benefitted most, the defendant, former president trump. defense attorney todd blanche said it doesn't matter if there was a conspiracy to try and win an election. he said every campaign in this country is a conspiracy to help somebody win. defense insisted this is an election, not a crime.
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blanche asked the jury to return a quick and easy not guilty verdict. a conviction, he said, would depend on the word of michael cohen, and blanche called him the greatest liar of all time. cohen testified he spoke directly with trump some 20 times about the hush payment to daniels. he lied to you repeatedly, blanche said. he is bias and motivated to tell you a story that is not true. but prosecutors said cohen wasn't authorized to buy lunch without the defendant's approval and expected to be paid back so he said he had 130,000 reasons to get the defendant's blessing. prosecutors asked the jury to hold trump accountable. come back in here and say guilty. the jury of five women and seven men is highly educated. there's a teacher, speech therapist, lawyers, bankers. there are two immigrants, two native new yorkers. they'll follow the instructions given by the judge. that should take about an hour or so. then off to deliberate.
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and, george, while the judge is instructing the jury, no one is allowed to enter or leave the courtroom. george? >> george: thanks. let's bring in dan abrams. many hours of closing arguments yesterday. does any side have the edge? >> i think both sides did what they needed to do. right? defense started by trying to raise what's called reasonable doubt. they talked about donald trump's intent, lack thereof to commit a crime. what did he actually know or not know? they focused a lot of michael cohen. michael cohen, michael cohen, michael cohen. prosecutors came back and said, we don't even need michael cohen in our case. look at the documentary evidence. prosecutors trying to tell jurors look at the big picture here. how else could this possibly have happened? what else could donald trump have been doing except paying off stormy daniels in an effort to protect himself from the 2016 election ramifications. >> george: what happens with the jurors once they get this charge from the judge? >> in theory these jurors have not spoken a word about this case up to this point. right? none of the jurors know what the others think.
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typically in a case like this, i think what will happen, the first thing people will do is, what do you think? take a straw poll. where do you land? those things can change in a lot of cases, but i think that will be the first thing that will happen. the jurors will get a sense of, what do you think? >> george: in the end, in order to get conviction they have to agree on three things. the records were falsified, that donald trump had an intent to falsify the records and it was connected to the election in some way. >> right. in an effort to conceal another crime. that was the way they got this to a felony, right? the misdemeanor is the falsification of business records. statute of limitations had expired on that. this is not one of those cases. >> george: they pretty much established the records were falsified. >> it seems fairly clear. again, that's the situation where they couldn't try that case because the statute of limitations. that's why there won't be a lesser included offense. >> george: dan abrams, thank you very much. robin? >> robin: now severe weather, including damaging winds and hail in the heartland and a flash flooding threat.
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ginger is tracking it all for us. good morning, ginger. >> ginger: so much to get to. 24 hours ago we were showing you that line that blasted dallas with the severe winds. 70 to 86 miles an hour gusts. that line sunk toward houston. that is where this damage happened. unfortunately, a construction worker, a 16-year-old boy, was inside and killed when that house collapsed. damaging winds is going to be a problem again today. we'll get to that. but first at the height of the storm, more than 1 million customers without power. still this morning around half million. there are schools that are not going to be open because of all of the damage and because of the power outages. today it's all about the high plains up to montana and north dakota. rapid city you are in a damaging wind threat. then the same spots getting hit again thursday, friday. flash flooding a problem, too, michael. >> michael: ginger, thank you for that. the severe weather leaving many stuck in a travel mess. more than 1,000 flights were cancelled yesterday, with flights in and out of texas hit especially hard.
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our transportation correspondent gio benitez is here tracking it all for us. good morning, gio. >> gio: good morning. it's been a rough couple of days for so many travellers. all of it has a ripple effect for days across the country as passengers try to get on new flights. just take a look at what happened in dallas. this morning incredible video showing the power of the wind at dallas ft. worth international airport. american airlines saying several planes were impacted by gusts up to 77 miles per hour. surveillance video showing one plane pushed away from a gate by those wind gusts. listen to the drama unfolding at air traffic control as the faa evacuated two towers. >> we can't see anybody. we lost our ground radar. we are getting out of the tower. sound likes a freight train up here. >> gio: american airlines says the planes were not occupied and nobody was injured. the weather forcing travellers to stay put right after the record breaking memorial day holiday. more than 1,100 flights cancelled across the country, more than 7,300 delayed.
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>> i may have to live out of my carry-on. i have an extra pair of socks in my carry on. >> gio: let's look at the numbers right now because we are still seeing some cancellations in america. just over 200 flights cancelled right now. 500 delaying. but that's more than what we saw at this time yesterday. so keep that in mind because that weather moved in. those numbers quickly grew. everything changed for so many travellers. >> george: thank you, gio. overseas to the latest on the war between israel and hamas. the first israeli tanks rolled into rafah. as the u.s. cautions israel against escalating the operation. foreign correspondent britt clennett is on the scene in israel. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, george. the white house says u.s. policy is not changing despite sunday's deadly strike in rafah. this as the israeli military seems to be pushing on with its offensive with more attacks reported this morning. this morning israeli tanks reaching the heart of rafah for the first time. smoke billowing, a further attack killing at least 21 people according to the hamas
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run health ministry. israel denying they are responsible for the strike in a humanitarian area. the attacks steady since sunday's devastating strike triggered a massive fire at a refugee camp there, killing 50 and injured nearly 250. dr. james smith is working on the front lines in rafah. >> every day we are seeing patients with mild, moderate and incredibly severe injuries. many of whom require referral to hospital for definitive care to save lives and save limbs. >> reporter: the international condemnation of the strike quick, coming just days after a u.n. court ordered israel to immediately halt its operation in rafah. you are saying nothing went wrong operationally? >> the attack was according to procedure. the reason for the casualty was the fire that broke out after ward. >> reporter: the idf claiming it was the fire that caused the mass civilian casualties and they are investigating what triggered that fire.
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idf saying the strike targeted two hamas commanders. the mass exodus of the former safe zone continues. 1 million people have been forced to flee rafah in the past three weeks. just over 200 aid trucks entered gaza in that time. this as the u.s. seized operation while it under goes repairs which are expected to take at least a week to complete. this woman has already moved with her family four times since the start of the war. >> are we going to be next? >> reporter: she shows me where her tent and bags are already packed, ready to go at any moment. rafah is something the biden administration has been warning about for weeks. the white house stopping short of saying this has crossed its red line. robin? >> robin: so much concern. thank you. now the deadly bank explosion in ohio. stephanie ramos is on the scene in youngstown, ohio, with the latest on the investigation.
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good morning to you, stephanie. >> reporter: robin, good morning. the explosion happened at the building behind me. it blew glass and debris all over this area. look at this mangled mess. that was a chase bank. police say several injuries have been reported, including one death. this morning authorities are trying to figure out what caused an explosion in the middle of downtown youngstown, ohio. >> i was coming down and heard a huge explosion. i saw smoke. >> reporter: the blast happened tuesday afternoon at this 12 story apartment building that includes a chase bank on the street level. emergency responders racing to the scene. >> my firefighters went floor by floor clearing that building to ensure that no one else was in that building and no one else was hurt. >> reporter: overnight, first responders recovering the body of a 27-year-old man who worked at the chase bank. police say seven people were taken to the hospital, one of them in critical condition. >> we have no idea what caused the explosion. we know it did a lot of damage
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to the bottom of the building. >> reporter: this man was working nearby when he witnessed the explosion, capturing the after math on camera moments later. >> you see explosions on tv. all i could think of was 9/11, with the smoke and dust and everything, just on a much smaller scale. there was just glass, smoke, paper, all kinds of stuff just coming right out of the building. >> reporter: authorities are urging people to avoid this area as they work to determine what caused the blast. but so far police say there is no evidence of suspicious activity, michael. >> michael: hope they get to the bottom of it, stephanie. thank you very much. now to home prices, climbing to an all-time high. our chief economics correspondent rebecca jarvis is here with what's driving it and what it means for the housing market. >> rebecca: good morning. anyone who is house hunting is feeling the sting. mortgage rates are at their highest in years. that hasn't stopped home values from also climbing. prices are up 6.5% from a year ago breaking records for the ninth time since last june. this index measures prices in 20 cities.
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guess what? every single one of them is up from a year ago. the city is experiencing the biggest jump, los angeles, cleveland, new york, san diego. and coming in at number one is that san diego. you see there, up 11.1% over the last year. even cities that aren't seeing the giant jumps are still higher. the biggest driver is a housing shortage. a major shortage. somewhere between 4 million and 7 million homes, especially starter homes, that's exacerbated by the fact that most current homeowners have 30-year fixed rate mortgages between 3% and 5%. mortgage rates right now over 7%. just doesn't make sense to sell. and there are higher values. that means jobs are strong. the underlying economy is strong. but prices are pushing people into really tough decisions. the fed's been using higher interest rates to stop rates from climbing.
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but that's yet to happen. buyers could see relief with likely cuts later this year but it's not going to be dramatic. it will be a slow, slow move. >> robin: any relief would be appreciated. >> rebecca: indeed. >> robin: baseball history changing forever. starting today the mlb will officially incorporate negro league statistics into the record books. demarco morgan is here with this for us. good morning, demarco. >> good morning to you. this is big news. for the first time ever the more than 2,000 players who played in the negro league will be part of major league baseball history. it's a historic change to our national past time. major league baseball set to announce statistics from the negro leagues will now officially be integrated into major league baseball historical books. >> over 2200 players from 1920 to 1948 will have their statistics counted as official. >> reporter: with the new stats come new record holders. josh gibson, who played in the 1930s and 1940s will now become
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the mlb career batting average leader passing ty cobb. gibson passes babe ruth in multiple stats including shrugging percentage. the decision to integrate stats from the negro league follows a years long research product by a committee made up of experts, former players and journalists who compiled the stats. josh gibson's great grandson was on that committee. >> i know josh gibson had a great career in the major league. he is considered one of the greatest baseball players of all time. we always considered josh gibson a major leaguer anyway. it's just now that he is recognized in major league baseball stats. >> reporter: the mlb commissioner saying this initiative is focused on ensuring that future generations of fans have access to the statistics and milestones of all those who made the negro leagues possible, their accomplishments on the field will be a gateway to broader learning about this triumph in american history. >> with negro league statistics now added to major league
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historical records, major league baseball's history can be told in a broader way. >> reporter: an updated version of the major league database will be made public before the cardinals game next month. but this means josh gibson could be the greatest catcher and one of the greatest players of all time. the debate continues. >> robin: that's right. >> michael: the numbers speak for themselves. >> robin: see you on gma3. >> got it. >> robin: all right, demarco. >> george: coming up another american tourist freed who was detained in turks and caicos. we're hearing from him this morning. >> robin: plus why experts think killer whales are really attacking boats. what's behind the surge? >> michael: and show me the money. how to find out if you're owed lost cash and when to search for it. but first back to ginger. >> ginger: we have to talk about the flash flooding. this was an issue. in greenlee, colorado they had 1 to 2 inch hail. that will be an issue going through the rest of the week for parts of the plains. i will show you that. look at that flash flooding up to the half tire there. then we will end up seeing more rain in the exact spot where there's some 2 to 400% of normal
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in southeast texas for the last month. this is where that bullseye will fall. san antonio, austin, houston, we're watching all of it. your local weather in 30 seconds.
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>> robin: coming up, don't miss country music megastar lainey wilson like you have never seen her before. we'll be right back. when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups.
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breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. (♪) these new menu items at panera are perfect tens. they're also each under $10. more new sandwiches and salads, more in every bite, and more new options under $10. come taste the new era at panera and get a $0 delivery fee for a limited time. you are bountiful. your skeleton can support two times your weight. it's in your nature to stand strong. supplement your bones with high-absorption magnesium. nature's bounty. it's in your nature. (james) so while i'm gone, you'll feed rosie blue buffalo? (marcus) i got iams. nature's bounty. (james) but blue has deboned chicken, chicken meal, brown rice, oatmeal... (marcus) well iams has chicken, ground whole grain corn,
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ground whole grain sorghum, chicken by-product meal we're switchin' to blue! type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea
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may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. t-mobile has plans built just for you. like two lines of unlimited for just $30 bucks a line. ...that's a 45 percent savings versus verizon and at&t! so switch to t-mobile and save. (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) >> always live. abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven. morning. today's san francisco's palace of fine arts will host a summit with the movers and shakers of the ai world and the politicians setting the rules for its future. san francisco mayor,
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london breed and district attorney brooke jenkins are among the keynote speakers at the gen ai summit. governor newsom is also set to speak to the crowd of tech leaders, researchers and entrepreneurs. let's see what traffic looks like this morning. hi, amanda. hi, reggie. >> still some trouble in the south bay this sigalert in san jose as crews work to remove 40,000 pounds of strawberries from an overturned big rig in san jose. the truck went down at around three this morning, triggering that sig alert, and still has northbound 101 to 880 and northbound 880 to 101. connectors shut down. >> thanks, amanda. we're going to check in with meteorologist drew tuma for a
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things like a 259 a month lease on civic boldly delivering up to 42 299 a month on rv with loads of cargo space and available all wheel drive, and 379 a month on accord hybrid, hitting up to 51
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mpg. but you got to get here fast. our race to save event ends may 31st. >> it's not just shag carpet, it's shag carpet and more. >> m is for their magnificent selection of flooring and carpeting. o is for overall price value and affordability and outstanding warranties. r is for psg's reputation for a no surprise guarantee. they've been a respected leader for over 70 years and e is for exceptional quality and expertise and their experience. that's s and g carpet and more s and g more than carpet. >> we're quality is affordable. >> all tv's biggest morning party live with kelly and mark >> to the tam cam this morning a live look outside. it is sunny and it's going to be warm this afternoon. temperatures right now we're mainly in the 50s, but over the next couple of hours temperatures are going to warm pretty fast. so you have the light jacket. you won't need it
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by about 10 a.m. as those temperatures feel mild already. so here's a look at the day planner today. nothing but sunshine. we have our sunset pretty late this evening at 824. it's all about warm weather this afternoon we'll head to the 60s with full sunshine along the coast. 70s around the bay shoreline, our warmest areas inland, approaching the upper 80s later on this afternoon. so look at highs across the region. it's a warm 70 in san francisco, 75 in oakland, almost 80. in san jose, 83 in napa, 85 in concord. a lot less wind today compared to yesterday. >> reggie drew, thank you for joining us on the abc seven bay area app. abc seven at seven continues. everybody else is watching gma. >> summer's here. and with a new toyota you can start your summer with a splash. >> nailed it. >> get financing as low as 0% apr on tundra. or check out the all new redesigned tacoma toyota let's go places. >> type two diabetes. >> discover the ozempic tri-zone
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0000. then i got the power of three. i lowered my a1c cv risk and lost some weight. in studies. >> the majority of people reached an a-1c under seven and maintained it. >> i'm under seven. ozempic lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack or death in adults. also with known heart disease. >> i'm lowering my risk. >> adults lost up to 14 pounds. >> i lost some weight. >> ozempic isn't for people with type one diabetes. don't share needles or pens or reuse needles. don't take ozempic. if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type two, or if allergic to it, stop ozempic and get medical help right away. if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase. low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type two diabetes that's about the power of three with ozempic. >> summer is here, and with a new toyota, you can capture all
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the summer fun. wow! my favorite party trick get low 3.99% apr on highlander or choose a low lease on rav4 toyota. >> let's go places. >> i want to see all my friends at once. i want to see all my friends at once. >> i want to see all my friends at once. hey >> i want to see all my friends at once. >> from pep in their step. to shine in their coats. when people switch their dogs food to the farmers dog, the effects can seem like magic, but there's no magic involved. it's just smarter, healthier pet food. it's amazing what real food can do. >> meet the new target circle
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360 with unlimited same day delivery so you can get what you need when you need it. better in every way. that's the new target circle 360. >> stay ahead of your moderate to severe eczema and show off clearer skin and less itch with dupixent. the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists that helps heal your skin from within serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, including blurred changes, including blurred vision, joint aches and r r a parasitic about dupixent. ♪ you're welcome for the tide the sun the sky ♪ >> robin: welcome back on gma. fans are excited to see a first look at the sequel.
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the first was released in 2016. then in 2023 it was the most streamed movie here in the u.s. don't miss the new first look on gma. that's coming up in our next hour. >> george: the rock can sing, too. following a lots of headlines including donald trump's criminal trial. closing arguments wrapped last night. in just hours, the fate of a former president will be in the hands of a jury composed of five women and seven men. also severe weather hit texas. the most significant damage from dallas to houston, where wind gusts were 75 to 86 miles an hour. nearly half million customers in texas don't have power. >> michael: it took overtime again between the rangers and panthers. this time the panthers came out on top after two straight o.t. losses. sam reinhart scored the winner to tie up the conference finals. game 5 thursday night right here in new york. >> robin: you aren't getting any sleep, are you? >> michael: you don't know what
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happened last night. i went somewhere. >> robin: oh. >> michael: i'll be quiet. we got a lot more ahead including the lucky people who ran into our becky worley. you're lucky just to see becky, but when when she is at the airport giving you money, that is special. she's gonna tell you how to find cash that could be owed to you. that's all coming up. >> george: now the freedom for another american tourist detained in turks and caicos. a judge sentenced tyler wenrich to time spent. for possession of ammunition. we are hearing from him this morning. matt rivers has the story. good morning, matt. >> reporter: good morning, george. tyler wenrich told us the entire time that he was in court he was just thinking about his young son, hoping, praying even that that judge would let him walk free. this morning american father tyler wenrich waking up a free man, allowed to return home to virginia after facing a possible 12 year sentence for bringing ammunition to turks and caicos. >> it's a huge relief. i haven't seen my son in over a
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month. it's been a roller coaster of emotions. >> reporter: the 30-year-old arrested in april with two rounds of .9mm ammunition in his backpack that he didn't know he had. the bullets discovered as he tried to reboard a cruise ship that had stopped on the island. immediately taken into custody, he spent two weeks in prison. >> being in prison was awful. it's a mental game and it's a physical game. >> reporter: on tuesday, the judge handing down a more lenient sentence. instead of 12 years in prison, tyler sentenced to time served and a $9,000 fine. his wife there with him in court. >> it was just a relief. overwhelming happiness, knowing that he can come home. >> reporter: now tyler preparing to reunite with his 18-month-old son everett, sharing the news over face time. wenrich is the second detained american allowed to go home in less than a week. brian hegrich freed last week by a different judge after more than three months in the country.
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[ cheers ] he's now back home in pennsylvania with his kids. >> greatest feeling in the world, just to be back here with my family. i dreamed about it for 101 days. when you actually experience it, it is nothing short of amazing. >> reporter: and remember, there are three other americans still awaiting sentencing on similar charges of illegal ammunition. the question now, has there been a new precedent set? guys? >> michael: we'll see if that's the case, matt. thank you for that. now the manhunt and murder of johnny wactor. los angeles police are asking for the public's help to find the suspects. whit johnson has the story. good morning, whit. >> reporter: michael, good morning. police still have not identified any suspects so they are pleading for tips and information after the beloved actor lost his life over a simple car part. >> you deserve a chance, kid. >> reporter: this morning the l.a.p.d. intensifying its
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search, now asking for the public's help in identifying those behind the senseless killing of former general hospital star johnny wactor. >> three males wearing masks weapon used a handgun still outstand. >> reporter: police scouring surveillance videos for clues after the 37-year-old actor was gunned down early saturday morning. >> to hear the words johnny shot, killed in the same sentence, i couldn't process. >> reporter: wactor was walk to his car with a female co-worker when police say he came across three suspects clad in black, wearing masks trying to steal his car's catalytic converter. one of them opening fire on wactor before driving off in a dark sedan. >> you look at not just cameras at the scene, but cameras that people approach the scene from. >> reporter: he drove a toyota prius, which experts say is one of the most targeted for catalytic converter thefts, thieves after the precious metals inside. >> particularly the prius.
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hybrids have two catalytic converters. they tend to leave intact the metals at a higher quality state so they are more desirable. >> reporter: wactor's friends and loved ones looking for justice. >> they took an amazing human being from us. johnny was such a gift. johnny was everything that is good about a man. >> reporter: johnny wactor bartended on the side but was recently working on a film. his colleagues tell us it's now more important than ever that they finish that production to honor him. guys? >> robin: oh my goodness. whit, thank you very much. now the mystery surrounding orcas and why they have been attacking boats. scientists think they solved it. janai norman is here. got to answer for us? good morning. >> yes, guys, good morning. turns out the scientists just asked the whales and got their answer. no. [ laughter ] we have seen videos of aggressive orcas attacking boats without explanation. now experts have narrowed down the attacks to iberian killer whales, most males between 5 and
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18 who they seem to be, experts say, mimicking each other. there's a so called aggressive killer whales, ramming into hundreds of boats with thuds like this. >> yeah. >> please go away. >> reporter: even ripping off pieces of them. >> we lost both rudders. >> reporter: yeah, that's a rudder, torn clear off a boat's hull. now after years of mystery, scientists believe they may know what's behind the behavior, claiming in a new report the apex predators might actually just be playful teenagers. >> when we examined the evidence, we concluded that there's really no reason to think that this is an attack, this is part of a normal social behavior of the orca. >> reporter: according to
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research done by more than a dozen orca experts, the iberian killer whales simply enjoy playing with boat rudders and following the latest trend. >> fads are what orcas do, just like humans. they come up with these purposeless, silly behaviors that look silly to us and are probably silly as far as they're concerned. >> reporter: they also believe they're acting like typical teens. >> lot of hormones are raging, judgment is impaired, you make interesting choices. >> reporter: that behavior though dangerous for those on board the boat. there have been nearly 700 encounters in the waters off spain, portugal, france and morocco since 2020 resulting in the sinking of at least seven vessels. experts now trying different measures to deter attacks like providing real time information about whales' locations to sailors using acoustic devices to startle the whales and changing the rudder's appearance to make the game less appealing.
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>> you want them to get bored. you want them to say, that's no fun anymore. >> reporter: experts also say orcas have more time to play these days because the population of their main prey, the blue fin tuna, has increased so they don't need to spend so much time searching for food. that's why they have been playing. george, i know you are captivated by this. [ laughter ] >> george: i'm taking it all in. whales at play. >> robin: whale of a story. [ laughter ] coming up, we'll save you guys. coming up next, becky worley gonna show us the money. there may be funds with your name on them. we'll show you how to claim it just in time for summer vacation. with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles to help me out. splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive.
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oh tina! wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse. glenn close?! with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be. that's my line! booking.yeah (vo) struggling with moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis? talk to your doctor about #1 prescribed entyvio, offering two maintenance options, including the entyvio pen. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. pml, a rare, potentially fatal brain infection cannot be ruled out. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, or are prone to infections. liver problems can occur. entyvio. relief. remission. for real. ♪ entyvio, entyvio, entyvio ♪ try killing bugs the worry-free way. not the other way. zevo traps use light to attract and trap flying insects with no odor and no mess. they work continuously, so you don't have to. zevo. people-friendly.
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stop! do we finally have it? let's go back to the beginning. are you... your electric future. customized. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. >> robin: we are back with show me the money. it is summer vacation season, so we are taking to the skies to help the state of california reunite people with their lost cash. becky worley has that story for us. >> reporter: robin, good morning. we have reached our cruising altitude and you are now free to claim all that unclaimed money that's owed to you. we're at the san francisco airport for another installment of "show me the money." in what's expected to be a summer of record breaking travel, we're setting up shop at san francisco international airport to help the state of california return money back to consumers.
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>> baggage claim is over here. the exits are over here. and free money is right here! with help from state employees. we're trying to connect people to their money. and malia cohen. we searched their database for those waiting for baggage claim. $2.45. and $1.92. christina had multiple accounts linked to her health insurance. $475. that's unexpected. >> show me the money. >> reporter: one in seven people nationwide are owed money. >> they are changing addresses, jobs. sometimes they'll leave the state. >> reporter: sources can be closed accounts where people get a refund of a pro rated bill, rent deposits returned late, unclaimed pay checks from a job you may have left. even inheritances and safe deposit boxes from relatives. >> just last year alone we returned $360 million to californians. that's a lot of money.
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>> reporter: teracena had seven hits for unclaimed funds. did you know about any of that? >> no. >> reporter: okay, you get a check for 59.00 and free pretzels. >> thank you. [ laughter ] >> show me the money! >> reporter: this couple came to the airport to pick up their new frenchie. also picking up 1,000 bucks. 1,000 bucks and a new puppy. we're making good progress with people who had no idea they had funds to collect when -- >> someone just came by and didn't want to go on camera. they were shy. but get this. they found an entry in their father's name for -- how much was it? >> $5,281. >> reporter: over $5,000. that's incredible. >> show me the money. >> reporter: grand total $9351. in this installment of -- >> show me the money! [ cheers ]
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>> to find any unclaimed money owed to you, you can go to your state's unclaimed money website or missing remember this shouldn't cost you a dime. how much fun to do these segments, robin? >> robin: rule of thumb is to check it out once a year. go back again and again and again. >> michael: may have some money you don't know. who doesn't like that? who doesn't like our play of the day? we love it. that's coming up next. we'll be right back. next. there's us. she raised us on her own. ten years as my roller derby wife. three. three schools she's opened. she's a mother. i think we turned out alright. she's a friend. our mother's could tell stories. she's a teacher. she may be retiring but she's not done. i'm never gonna stop! retirement is the sum of your life's work. now what? get income for life and protect your life's work with prudential.
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>> michael: back with our play of the day. timberwolves staying alive with the magic. will reeve is here with the highlights. minnesota hopes they're one step closer to nba history. making it all the way back. >> yeah, michael. good morning. it is still a long road to make history as the only team to come back to win from 3-0 down in a series. but it starts with one. that's what minnesota got. it was close the whole way. what game. anthony edwards scoring 29 points. carl anthony towns adding 25. he was great last night. the big moment that everyone is talking about is this three-pointer from another zip code. with 13 seconds left, and the foul, which means he gets a free throw which, if he made it, would bring the game within two. but he misses. wolves get the rebound and win 105-100. minnesota lives to fight another day now down 3-1 in the series.
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game 5 is tomorrow night just one week from the start of the nba finals. >> michael: all right. i went to the game last night. >> robin: oh! >> michael: that's what i was doing last night, robin roberts. in dallas last night hanging out with all my cowboy fans. >> now you're here. >> michael: now i'm here. >> robin: you are wide awake. >> michael: it was worth it. dallas, the fans were fantastic. energetic stadium. they should be very proud of their team. they still got a ways to go though. yes, george, i will be napping today. [ laughter ] >> robin: coming up first lady jill biden is here live. come on back. i cannot believe you went. >> michael: me either. me neith. ♪ country music's most nominated for star lainey wilson ♪ ♪ live in concert.
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lainey wilson, country is cool again tour .24. ♪ ♪ performing live across north america with special guests. get tickets now at livenation .com (vo) you might be used to living with your albuterol asthma rescue inhaler, but it's a bit of a dinosaur, because it only treats your symptoms, not inflammation. treating both symptoms and inflammation with rescue is supported by asthma experts. finally, there's a modern way to treat symptoms and asthma attacks. airsupra is the first ever dual-action rescue inhaler that treats your asthma symptoms and helps prevent attacks. airsupra is the only rescue fda-approved to do both. airsupra is an as-needed rescue inhaler and should not be used
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people with graves' could also get thyroid eye disease, or t-e-d, which may need a different doctor. find a t-e-d eye specialist at [ serene music playing ] welcome to the wayborhood. the wayfair vibe at our place is western. my thing, darling? shine. gardening. some of us go for the dramatic. how didn't i know wayfair had vanities in tile? [ gasps ] this. wow! do you have any ottomans without legs. sure. you'll flip for the poof cart. in the wayborhood, there's a place for all of us. ♪ wayfair. every style. every home. ♪ i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪)
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>> ginger: it is national flip flop day. lori facts into my house. you could use open door, sell your house directly to them. it's easy. >> i guess we're moving. kev kev, what you gonna ask me about next, man? practice. we are 100% committed, focused and determined to get our clients
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the best result possible. >> justice takes more than a fighter. you need a champion. wake up. personal injury law. call 866. walk up law. >> right now. there's just so much happening in our world. >> so much at stake at the start of every morning. >> and that's why at good morning america, we're right here and we got you, we got you, we got you. >> where's my husband? >> he's on a ventilator. >> you're saying you may already be lost? >> the 9-1-1 season finale thursday on always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. >> i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. now. here's amanda with a look at traffic. >> yeah, reggie it is busy. that overturned big rig carrying 40,000 pounds of strawberries is still on its side in san jose, shutting down the 101 to 880 northbound to northbound ramps. and there's a second sigalert on highway four after franklin
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canyon road that's blocking a lane. it's causing a backup on eastbound 80 from the tolls, and you won't see it on your screen. but we're also following a major crash on southbound 101 and millbrae avenue involving a bus and four other vehicles. >> amanda, we'll go to our sutro tower camera. it is sunny out there this morning looking at the golden gate bridge, and we have temperatures in the 50s and low 60s. look at vacaville right now at 71 degrees. so it is going to be a warm afternoon. a look at your day planner showing you wall to wall sunshine already mild midday. and then in the afternoon 70s and 80s. for most of us away from the coast, even the coast is looking lovely today with lots of sunshine up to 70 in the city, 75 in oakland, san jose, up to 79. >> reggie drew, thank you for joining us on our abc seven bay area app. abc seven at seven is next. everyone. everyone else is watching gma. >> summer's here and with a new toyota you can capture all the summer fun. wow. my favorite party trick get low 3.99% apr on
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stack those club sized boxes, go big or go home stack like you mean it. >> smart and final. where else? >> i was injured in a car crash. i had no idea how much my case was worth. >> call the barnes ferm to find out what your case could be worth. we will help you get the best result possible come one 808 million. >> summer is here and with a new toyota, you can start your summer with a splash. >> nailed it. >> get a low lease on corolla or lease a camry for 249 a month after $1,000 bonus. cash. toyota. let's go places. >> star wars the >> george: good morning america. it's 8 a.m. deliberations set to begin in the criminal trial of a former president. prosecutors called the hush money a conspiracy sand cover-up. defense called key witness michael cohen the greatest liar of all time.
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>> michael: 30 years later. nicole brown's sisters sit down with diane sawyer to talk about nicole and her children. >> did they ask about her? >> robin: jill biden live in times square on initiatives for teachers, women's health and her latest children's book inspired by this cat. >> george: ron howard is here. >> good morning america. >> george: sharing the magic of the man behind the muppets jim henson. >> michael: the best frenemies you will ever meet. >> it would totally eclipse yours. >> completely. >> yeah. >> michael: a look at ryan reynolds and hugh jackman one on one for "people" magazine talking about everything from their kids to anxiety and how the sexiest men alive finally brought deadpool wolverine to the big screen. ♪ what can i say but you're
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welcome ♪ moana and maui are back. >> look at moana2. >> michael: you don't want to miss this. >> aloha and good morning america. ♪ wild flowers wild horses ♪ >> robin: our inside look at one of country's biggest stars. >> lainey -- >> lainey wilson. >> robin: that's right. lainey wilson. after years of struggle -- you lived in a trailer for awhile. she's in her blockbuster era. it's lainey wilson as you have never seen her before. >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> robin: this is gma. i'm very excited about my special lainey wilson's bell bottom country. we were with her for a year, getting an inside look at what it takes to become a country star. she's a one of a kind plain speaking inspiring, so incredibly talented and one of the nicest people you will ever want to meet. >> michael: big fan. cannot see that. >> robin: huge. >> michael: just ahead, an alert for parents. how you may be able to help
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reduce the risk of developing a peanut allergy. >> george: first donald trump's criminal trial. now in its final phase, closing arguments wrapped up last night. for the first time in our history, the fate of a former president will be in the hands of a jury. let's go back to aaron katersky at the courthouse. good morning, aaron. >> reporter: good morning, george. this historic trial is nearing a verdict after six weeks the jury of five women and seven men will soon take over. the judge is instructed the jury on the law. he's telling them they cannot hold president trump's choice not to testify against him. and that to convict the former president, they must find that donald trump falsified business records with intent to defraud and to cover up a conspiracy to corrupt the 2016 election. the jury does not have to agree. prosecutors don't have to prove that it actually occurred. but the jury must believe that conspiracy existed.
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they also have to find he acted with criminal intent. once the instructions are finished, the jury will retire to deliberate. there's no telling when a verdict will come. george, it could come at any time. >> george: we will be waiting. aaron, thank you very much. robin? >> robin: now the severe weather, including damages winds and hail in the heartland and a flash flooding threat as well. ginger tracking it all for us. good morning again. >> ginger: good morning to you, robin. what another 24 hours we had with 78 to 86 mile an hour wind gusts that blasted through texas. this was dfw. that american airlines plane is not moving because somebody is moving it. that is the wind pushing it away from the gate with gusts closing in on 80. that was early in the morning. as it sunk south that whole area of damaging winds brought very strong winds to north of houston. unfortunately a 16-year-old construction worker was inside that house as it collapsed and he was killed. you have trees into houses and cars.
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could happen today. anywhere from western, south, north dakota to the high plains of colorado and kansas. we open up the same exact area. north texas going to get hit again as we go through later thursday and into the day friday. i anticipate they'll probably enhance these as we go into the next couple of days. not just damaging wind. you can have embed tornados. you can also have large hail. michael? >> michael: thank you very much for that, ginger. now a new report out on the national institutes of health suggesting early exposure to peanuts could help reduce the risk of developing a peanut allergy by 75%. our chief medical correspondent dr. jennifer ashton is here to break it down. tell us about this study. >> published in the new england journal of medicine evidence, peanut allergies affect 1% to 2% of the western world. i'm one of those people. particularly important is children and this conception of early childhood exposure and whether that helps or hurts. this study confirms past research that it is helpful in lowering the risk.
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in this study, children were given exposure to peanuts 4 to 6 months of age in peanut butter form, obviously, not hard nuts, there was a 75% reduction in peanut allergies over time by 5 years of age, by 12 years. if you carried it out to age 12, four times less likely to have a peanut allergy if they were exposed early. so really significant. >> michael: very significant. if you are a parent, you're concerned about your kids having an allergy or developing an allergy. how should you approach this? >> with caution, with open dialogue, with your pediatrician. obviously, if parents have any questions. but here's what's recommended right now. if a baby or toddler has a severe excema or egg allergy, they should be formally evaluated and tested for a peanut allergy. if they have no excema, no egg allergy or mild form of e ebg cema testing is not recommended. bottom line, if parents have questions they should talk to their pediatrician.
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>> michael: great advice as always. thank you, doc. >> you bet. >> george: coming up, nicole brown simpson's sisters sit down with diane sawyer talking about nicole's kids. >> michael: first lady dr. jill biden is here talking about her new children's book, her passion for education and much more. >> robin: plus ron howard is here to tell us about his new movie about jim henson and about keeping up with the "happy days" gang. lara is here with lori b. got some special guests as well, lara. >> lara: i sure do. she is here, lori b, with clay and harry for national flip flop day to show us fun summer shoes for everyone in the family including the kiddos coming up on "good morning america." you guys ready? let's do this. you are bountiful. your bones can support two times your weight. it's in your nature to stand strong.
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your cells renew every 27 days. it's in your nature to glow. your digestion can improve by laughing with friends. it's in your nature to thrive. your body is brilliant. from your head to your heels. we're just here to supplement you. nature's bounty. it's in your nature. what's a walt disney world thrill feel like? it's like... and like... and it feels even better... together. disney thrills us like... [screaming] if you don't stain your deck, it's like the previous owner is still hanging around. so today let's stain, with behr,
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the #1 rated stain. and make your deck, yours. behr. exclusively at the home depot. ♪ when your child has moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay for them to show off. show off their clearer skin and noticeably less itch with dupixent. because children 6 months and older with eczema have plenty of reasons to show off their skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, they can stay ahead of their eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪
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show off to the world. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent. (vo) what does it mean to be rich? ask your child's eczema maybe rich is less about reaching a magic number... and more about discovering magic. (bill) we made a promise to our boy blue that we would make the healthiest foods possible... ...with the finest natural ingredients and real meat first. and that's our promise to you and your dog or cat. because when you love them like family you want to feed them like family. hi guys! bill, you look great! now that i have inspire, i'm free from struggling with the mask and the hose. inspire? inspire is a sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body with a click of this button. where are you going? i'm going to get inspire. learn more and view important safety information at (♪) (♪) (♪)
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(♪) at enterprise mobility, our experts always see another road. because with the right mobility solutions, the path to success is shorter than you think. (♪) t-mobile has plans built just for you. like two lines of unlimited for just $30 bucks a line. ...that's a 45 percent savings versus verizon and at&t! so switch to t-mobile and save.
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>> george: it has been nearly 30 years since oj simpson was acquitted of the murder of his ex-wife nicole brown and ron goldman. diane sawyer sat down with nicole's sisters just like they did 30 years ago. they talked about their sister, the after math and nicole's children. >> 30 years ago the so called trial of the century ended in that stunning acquittal. >> we, the jury, in the above entitled action, find the defendant not guilty of the crime of murder. >> reporter: all of us began debating the role of race, distrusted police, questions about confidence and national spectacle the trial became. >> if it doesn't fit, you must acquit. >> reporter: in that courtroom, two families, the goldmans and the browns. today nicole brown simpson's sisters say they feel the jurors
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didn't fully understand the harrowing progression of domestic abuse and violence, and shockingly those secret journals nicole kept detailing simpson's violence against her were ruled hearsay and not allowed as evidence. in another missing piece, the prosecutors had a potential smoking gun, a bruno magli shoe print left in the blood of the crime scene but couldn't prove simpson had ever worn those shoes, and he denied it. >> i would have never worn those ugly ass shoes. >> reporter: the criminal trial was already over when someone found proof that simpson was lying about the shoes. a photo, he's wearing them. this is the moment he sees that photo for the first time. >> that is a picture of you looking at exhibit 1. >> appears to be me, yes. >> reporter: at the moment of the verdict, the brown sisters are sitting behind ron goldman's father and sister kim. these are those sisters today, denise, dominique and tanya brown. we looked at your faces in the courtroom when the verdict
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arrived. >> i was in shock. i thought it was going to be a hung jury. we were told by judge ito, nobody make a noise. no sounds. we want nothing. we want silence. then i heard kim scream. i just thought, oh my god. i was in such shock, i couldn't scream. i felt numb. >> reporter: afterwards the family returned home where nicole's children were waiting. the sisters received a firm instruction from their mother. do not let those little children see grief on your face. >> she said put a smile on your face when we walk in the door. you know? it was like always protecting them. always being there for them. and whatever was best for them is what she would always say, girls, this is what we have to do. >> reporter: today sydney and justin are in their 30s, parents themselves.
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how are they? >> they're good. >> reporter: they are? >> they're young adults now. they're not children. >> they both have their own families. >> they're beautiful. >> reporter: do sydney and justin ask about her? >> no. but we talk about her. >> justin even said, what was mom's favorite color? you know? so he had a whole list of things that he asked at one point, a couple years ago. >> reporter: they don't ask about their father? >> no. so i don't know what kind of relationship they had with him. i'm there to love on them. i'm there to love on their children. >> murderer! murderer! >> reporter: a civil trial would find simpson liable in a wrongful death claim. his punishment? to pay millions and millions to nicole's estate and ron goldman's family. the goldmans received a tiny fraction of what they were owed and it is not public what he gave his
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children through nicole's estate. today, where is it all? the civil case verdict, awarding the money to the goldman family and to you? >> it wasn't to us. we didn't get a penny. just to make it clear. it was the estate of nicole brown simpson for sydney and justin. >> it's always been about the kids, you know? so it will continue to be about the kids. >> reporter: we don't know if simpson had any remaining assets when he died. but we do know the brown family had to watch him return to the spotlight. revelling in attention in music videos, on the golf course celebrating himself. >> they call me juice! the juice! >> reporter: and if nicole brown simpson's life had not been savagely taken, she would have just turned 65. >> oh my gosh. that is fast. oh my gosh. what would she look like?
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>> beautiful. >> i know, i know. >> she would be fit. she would still be running. >> yeah, she'd be running. >> i see her at the beach. >> i do, too. >> playing with the kids. not the kids -- >> reporter: the grand kids. >> the grand kids. >> i love the videos. for me, the videos, i mean, as hard as it is to hear her speak and to see her moving and she's alive, i'm like, oh my god, that's killing me. but i love seeing it because she was just so graceful and elegant and just so sweet. and the love that she had for sydney and kissing them and justin. >> but there is one video i like. it's her with short hair walking into the ocean saying bye, sydney. i'll be back. >> see you soon. >> bye-bye, sydney. see you again real soon.
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>> george: what a journey they have been on. >> robin: the love they have for their sister. just hearing their voices. >> george: life and murder of nicole brown simpson premieres this saturday on lifetime. if you or someone you know is a victim of domestic violence and you need help call the domestic abuse hotline on your screen or go to ginger? >> ginger: we want to go to arizona where some folks are waking up outside of their home having evacuated because of the simmons fire in arizona. we're watching this one. it was the hottest day of the year for phoenix. they made it to 106 yesterday. they're going to stay hot through the end of the week. as it builds especially into parts of utah, nevada, idaho and even california next week.
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>> michael: we are joined now by first lady dr. jill biden, here live to talk about her new children's book "willow the white house cat." dr. biden, welcome to gma. >> thank you. [ applause ] thank you. >> michael: this is a great story. this is a story that's inspired by a real life event. >> that's right. >> michael: tell us about it. >> it's the story of willow the white house cat, how she came from western pennsylvania from being in a barn to the white house. really, it's kind of a behind the scenes cat's eye view of what it's like to live in the white house. [ laughter ]
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>> george: we were just talking about the illustrations. so beautiful. tell us about working with kay ruby. >> she came to the white house. of course, she met willow and she met all the people who work there who are so warm and welcoming and make the white house a home. so she had her tour. she met everybody. so i think she felt right at home like we do and like willow does. >> robin: of course, it's a children's book but there's really a lesson for all of us, isn't there? >> yes. it's that learning can be fun, and reading can be fun so that i hope, you know, children enjoy the book. i hope teachers use it before they come to the white house. have you all been to the white house? >> robin: a time or two. >> all right. i want to make sure. [ laughter ] >> michael: never had a cat's eye view. that's different. >> lara: this is your third children's book, dr. biden. >> yes. >> lara: what is it about writing to kids that's so special to you?
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>> you know i'm an english teacher. i want children to love reading. i want children to know reading is fun, learning is fun. i want people to know about the white house and the people inside that make it all run. there are almost 100 people there. they dedicate their lives to making the white house run. it doesn't matter whether you are a republican family or a democratic family. they always make everything so special for us and for the people who visit there every single day. we have thousands of people come on tours and they make it beautiful. they make the house beautiful for all the people in the united states. >> michael: you're so passionate about education. >> i am. >> michael: you had the first ever teacher of the year state dinner. with your finger on the pulse of education, what is the biggest concern for teachers? and how can we help them? >> well, i think when i talk to
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teachers -- we had that state dinner, which is the highest honor for teachers. it was so filled with joy. the whole night was just magic. i think teachers are always sort of thinking about their students. a lot of students are dealing with mental health issues. i think a lot of that is due to the pandemic. so i think that if we commit to acts of kindness each and every day, i try to tell my students that, my own kids and grand kids. it makes such a difference. just a little smile, maybe a pat, maybe something to reach out to people to make connections. >> robin: we often talk about how we all have a favorite teacher and how they've made an impact on our lives. this saturday we know where you're going to be. erie county community college. you are the special commencement speaker. what's your favorite part about speaking to the next generation
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of leaders and thinkers? >> i know all of the opportunities that they're going to have. six out of ten children don't go straight to a four year college. but now they have so many other pathways. we have career connected learning where they can start in high school, earn college credits and go into like cyber security or environmental studies or robotics. so many interesting careers now. careers of the future. that's what i think is exciting that people, students just don't have to think, oh, i need to go to a four year college. that's not true any more. >> lara: not true. also so passionate about women's health. we thank you for that. >> oh my gosh. >> lara: i know in november you and the president launched the white house initiative for women's research. talk about the progress you are seeing being made. >> i'm so excited. women's health has been underfunded and understudied for so long. i'm sure many of you have friends, somebody in your
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family. women go to the doctors and they come away, they don't have answers to their questions. especially for women who are maybe middle age or over, what is menopause? what are hot flashes? why do i feel this way? why is my hair thinning? why am i moody? we need answers to these questions. >> robin: yes. >> lara: yes, we do. [ laughter ] >> not getting personal. but now it's going to change because we are funding the research. i'm so excited about it because things will change. >> george: it is, of course, an election year. how do you subscribe to people watching at home what's at stake? >> oh my gosh, everything is at stake. i think especially for women this year, women's rights, our freedoms. democracy is on the line. we have a choice. this is what i'm out there saying. we have a choice.
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we can have my husband, who is calm and steady and strong and has character and integrity, or we have the other choice which is chaotic. you see just look at what you just reported on the craziness of it all. we have to decide. democracy or chaos. >> lara: we also have to celebrate you because you cannot leave here without us all saying happy birthday. you have a birthday coming up. fellow gemini. come on in here, sal. [ applause ] >> oh my goodness! thank you. thank you. >> lara: this is for you. we just want to say have a happy birthday. book we love. hello. thanks >> yeah. thank you for being here. absolutely absolute pleasure. and willow, the white house cat, will be available next tuesday. best, best, best perspective in the white house. everybody in the first lady will
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be joining the view later this morning. oh watch out. yeah oh morning for you. it also she's going to join the hot topic table. you're a brave woman. you going to have some fun with anyone coming up. country star lainey wilson like you've never seen her before. we'll be right back with more gma. they're gonna love on you. >> gypsy rose blanchard, since her release from prison and separating from her husband, she's been at the center of a whirlwind of headlines. >> everyone has something to say about her now. tomorrow, you're often portrayed either as the victim of munchausen or the murderer. >> right. and what are you want people to know about you? she speaks out for herself on good morning america. >> i experienced a lot of heartache. >> it's taken me a long time to even get to this moment. >> and the cma award for entertainer of the year goes to lainey wilson. >> why don't
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>> friday night has a case we all thought was solved. >> here's my dog, holly. bobo. holly. bobo >> bobo. blown wide open. >> now the key witness changing his story. what does he tell you? >> tells me he made the whole thing up. 2020 friday night on abc. >> he went behind my back. >> give me one reason i shouldn't end your career right now. >> helicopter coming in with an injured firefighter. firefighter joe, whose combination of alive cheers the nba finals. >> what? what >> always live abc seven news starts right now. good morning everyone. >> i'm kumasi erin from abc seven mornings. we're going to take a look at traffic now with amanda. good morning kumasi. it is still a mess in the south bay where crews are still working to remove £40,000 of strawberries off of an overturned big rig. it
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went on its side at around three this morning, and here we are almost at 830 and it's not on its upright, i should say, yet. and so it's blocking the 101 880 northbound connectors in that area. so just be aware you can see speeds are down to 21mph. there >> thanks, amanda. meteorologist julie tumor has your accuweather forecast after the break. >> summer's here and with a new toyota, you can start your summer with a splash. >> nailed it. get a low lease on corolla or lease a camry for 249 a month. >> after $1,000 bonus. cash toyota. let's go places. safe >> go. we'll be making another one. one. it's one.
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in california, there were 200,000 car crashes. >> when a car crash happens, it's important to have an experienced attorney on your side. the barnes firm has years of experience handling thousands of car crash cases. we will give you the support you need and help to get the best result possible. if you are injured in a car crash, call the barnes firm now for your free consult. >> the bondsman injury attorneys come on, 808 million. summer's here, and with a new toyota, you can start your summer with a splash. nailed it. >> get financing as low. 0% apr on tundra. or check out the all new, redesigned tacoma. toyota. let's go places. hey, bay area, live with kelley marcus. coming up, we'll chat with ron howard about his new film, jim henson
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idea, man. >> plus jane krakowski. that's at nine on abc seven. >> we will see you very shortly . here's a live look at our san rafael camera right now. with all that sunshine out there, it's going to be a warm day. temperatures already lifting. we'll see 60s and 70s already at this hour, and it's going to be a bright afternoon and a warm one. here's a look at your day planner today. get used to the sunshine. it's mild midday. and then this afternoon the coast sees sunshine 60s. there 70s around the bay shoreline. upper 80s inland kumasi. >> thank you drew. we'll have another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes, but you can always findabout 30 minutes, bun always find the latest on our news app and at abc ne >> what's going on y'all? my special with robin roberts on hulu is streaming now. this has been a wild ride. you'll get to ride right alongside with me on this journey. i'll be watching it with you. i cannot wait to hear what y'all think.
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>> robin: that's lainey wilson. she has had, i can say she's had quite a year entertainer of the year from the academy of country music and cma's and grammy for best country album. we were with lainey for it all. extraordinary access with one of country's biggest stars for lainey wilson bell bottom country. lainey said this year has been a whirl wind but it hasn't always been easy. here's a bit of the special. ♪ >> i'm so glad y'all are here. i'm a tough woman. and i pull myself up by the boot straps. but it's not easy. i have my days, just like everybody else. hell yeah. where you gotta do whatever you can to crawl out of those dark holes. i love you. i'm proud of you. it don't mean that it's not hard.
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one two three! red rocks! [ cheers and applause ] if y'all leave here learning anything, it's actually something i'm in the process of learning right now. and it is hard to do. i have got to share with my fans this little nugget that i have picked up along the way that are helping me. getting up every single day with the sun and it is looking at yourself in the mirror and saying, i am beautiful, i am smart, i am talented, i am godly, i am fearless, i can do anything i set my mind to. if somebody tells me i can't do it, hold my beer, watch this. take that home with you, okay? [ cheers ] me saying it is also a reminder to myself, too. this business is crazy. it can get dark real quick. it was november of '22 i was
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scrolling on tik tok and i noticed a few videos of my butt that had gone viral. then i noticed like a week later it continued, continued. then the next week i was like, golly, it's still there. it wasn't just like a small little viral moment. it was a big, no pun intended, moment. i can't even scroll on tik tok on my page without seeing my fat butt on everything. whatever brings the people in. however you found me, i'm happy. i'm happy you're here. >> robin: i'm proud of you. i'm proud of how you handled it. >> yeah. >> robin: you know? you're like, whatever brings them in. whatever brings them in. >> whatever brings them in. first of all i'm like, how did y'all notice i had a big old butt? it's been back there the whole time. [ laughter ] i went back to, how would dolly handle this situation? how would reba handle this situation?
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they'd laugh about it and they'd move on with it. that's just part of it, you know? but, of course, don't go down the rabbit hole of looking at comments. i have learned my lesson with that. >> robin: it gets frustrating for me as a woman, the discussion about our bodies. but as women -- >> it's different. >> robin: it is different. is it frustrating for you? >> it definitely has been. i'm not gonna sit here and say, you know, that it has not like just made me feel weird, you know? but at the end of the day, you know, like me gaining a few pounds or me losing a few pounds, it ain't got nothing to do with my story or my singing or my song writing. if you got a problem with that, turn off the radio because you're going to be hearing me on the radio. [ laughter ] >> robin: that was a mic drop. she really, really showed her vulnerable side during our time together.
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she can handle tough times. she's raw. she's down to earth. we had so much fun filming for so many months with her. i think that will come across when everybody has a chance to see it. >> michael: what about her story might resonate with people, do you think? >> robin: you don't need to be a country music fan to adore her. she is somebody who is, when you say their authentic self, she truly, truly is. she's down to earth. she is about never giving up on your dream. she was living in a trailer for a time. she just was relentless in her determination to realize her dream. we talked -- and also have a sense of humor about yourself. that's something else you can take away from her. we talked to her family, fans, collaborators who have known her -- >> lara: she let you in. >> robin: she did. it was months and months and months. she was so kind to everybody in our group. she's got a bar she's opening in nashville at the end of this week. >> lara: i love how you were going to call it introducing lainey.
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no need to introduce. >> robin: no, no. you saw her at the cma's. >> lara: i did. and she's just exploded since. she's the kind of girl you immediately feel a kinship with. she's a girlfriend and somebody who you can also look up to at the same time. >> robin: everybody in the industry embraced her because they know how hard she has worked. >> lara: yeah. 100%. such applause for her. robin, great job. >> robin: thank you. you can see lainey wilson's bell bottom country streaming on hulu. coming up, ron howard, ron howard is here live in our studio. come on back.
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>> george: we are back with ron howard. he has a new documentary coming out about the man behind the muppets, jim henson. welcome back to gma. >> pleasure. [ applause ] >> george: what drew you to jim henson? >> i knew him. i knew him a little bit, only in passing. i knew others who respected him so much. yet when i saw the archival footage and met the family, began talking about the story behind those iconic characters, it had a lot of surprises and was incredibly entertaining. there's so much footage in the archival stuff that's just hilarious. i was laughing my way through this session. just learning about the way he got started, the way he developed his voice, his talent. it all revealed itself in these great characters. but the journey is, has a lot of
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twists and turns. it's very entertaining stuff. >> michael: was there anything that sticks out as your favorite thing that you found in the footage? >> these really short like six, seven second commercials they made early on. he and his wife jane launched this company. it was like the beginning, it was the new tech, right? like somebody going out there now being a content creator. but for them these short commercials they did are just hilarious. you can see all the stuff you're going to wind up loving about the sense sense of humor, the characters later on. you can see it in these early commercials. >> robin: you have whet our appetite. let's take a look at a little bit right here. >> he was figuring out what he wanted to do next in his life. >> i was going through the early times in one's life. i was breaking up with a girl.
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>> we were kind of dating other people and everything. we had life going on during sam and friends. >> he clearly had a moment of self-doubt. here's a track. i could stay on this track, but is this the track i want? >> robin: already sounds so relatable in so many ways. >> he was a real genius. a bona fide outliar. he just broke a lot of new ground. the way he did it as an individual. and he and his wife jane, she was so central. >> robin: how so? >> there was a sense of anarcy. it was about satire. he was an introvert. but he was a puppet. the evolution of kermit is funny. it wasn't already kermit. but when he had that puppet on his hand, he became this remarkable entertainer with real insight. he would do it with fun but he would hold a mirror up to the human experience. >> robin: he didn't aspire to be a puppeteer.
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>> no. he loved television. he loved the new tech. he was an introvert but he wanted to be part of it somehow. just as an absolute fluke he found the local television station, they were looking for puppeteers. he was kind of a boy genius. he said, okay, i'll make a puppet. went down there, auditioned. got a gig doing puppet shows. that was the door that opened for him. >> lara: i want to touch on jane. you mentioned her. i think people would be surprised to know her role in sort of building the empire, if you will. >> foundational, you know? they've got a really interesting relationship. in the beginning their romance is kind of built around creativity and puppets, you know? as life gets more complicated, the thing they created ultimately caused friction and caused them to drift. that's part of our story, too. the family made all of that information available to us through their interviews, and also access to these archives which were remarkable.
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i really appreciated how much they trusted me. >> michael: it is remarkable. another thing that's remarkable, 50 years ago "happy days." >> unbelievable. [ applause ] >> michael: yeah. we all absolutely loved that. we saw you and henry winkler had a reunion. do you keep up with him and the cast? >> yeah. we have a thread, little thing going on all the time about who's doing what. >> lara: potsie. >> yeah. [ laughter ] we see each other. oh, yeah. it was a bond. it was a great time. i think our boss, gary marshall, was such a great leader, and he wanted us to have careers beyond the show. everybody has remained so active and busy. >> michael: glad that you've done that. >> robin: love your passion. >> george: thank you for coming in. always a pleasure. jim henson idea man premieres friday on disney +. ♪ monday tuesday happy days wednesday thursday happy days ♪
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[ laughter ] >> you can pick it up, ginger. >> ginger: i want in on that "happy days" group text. that's what i want in on. i want to see more of that. thank you very much. we are pumped for deadpool and wolverine. yes, it hits theaters in july. in the mean time we're getting insight into the bromance between the stars ryan reynolds and hugh jackman. they are each on a cover of "people." which team up to form a new image. they also did a one on one interview for "people" and talked about the things they have in common like both being named "people's" sexiest man alive. >> it was great that you got it. i did a lot of campaigning for you. >> weirdly, that's such a weird super pact to have that. apparently there's hundreds of millions of dollars in that super pact. >> there's a lot of money, yeah. >> propping people up. >> yeah, yeah. the smart money wasn't on you. i said, you're wrong. >> every year it's hemsworth or denzel. [ laughter ]
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>> ginger: sexiest man alive. i love it. the new issue is on newsstands nationwide friday. you can see more at wolverine and deadpool hits theaters july 26. let's get a check now closer to home. >> michael: and now we can't wait to share the brand new moana 2 trailer that just dropped. that's right. here's moana herself with a special message. check it out. >> i'm so excited for moana 2. check it out right now. ♪
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♪ ♪ >> this is a call from the ancestors. sail to new skies and reconnect our people across the entire ocean.
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♪ >> boat snack. boat snack up grade. bacon and eggs? why didn't you bring the pig last time?
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>> lara: we're back with summer style and putting your best foot forward. it's national flip flop day. gma lifestyle contributor lori bergamotto is with us to help find the most flattering foot wear. it's all shopable as well. hello, young lady. >> good morning. happy national flip flop day. >> lara: there is a day for everything. i do love a flop. >> yes, indeed. >> lara: this brand i love. these are kind of my go to. >> that's right.
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you are not alone. this is the best selling flip flop brand in the world. >> lara: i didn't know that. >> with over 250 million pairs sold globally. >> lara: they're comfortable. >> they come out of brazil. they're comfortable. they're cute. people love they have this nonslip grip. they're great for the beach. they're from brazil. they know what they're doing when they talk about going to the beach. right? they come in a rainbow of colors. we got these from zappos. they are affordable. you can buy a few pairs. you keep a pair in your car. >> lara: for mani/pedis. >> right. they are great for the beach and that nonslip action. >> lara: big fan. >> big fan there. >> lara: let's talk waterproof. you go in the water and your feet get wet. you don't want them to stay wet. >> exactly. we are all obsessed with this brand. this is premium quality. feel that. squeeze that for me. do you feel that? >> lara: it's nice. >> this has arch support in it. >> lara: the shape is good. >> the shape is great. you can wear these all day.
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this is great if you are doing a water activity if you want to be in a flip flop. you'll never lose them. they'll never sink to the bottom. if you feel the strap, lot of people don't like the feel of rubber between their toes. this is memory foam lined. >> lara: like a little squish to it. >> super comfortable. people give these positive reviews all the way through. these are for men and women. let me tell you one other quick thing about them. in honor of national flip flop day, every time you buy an adult pair, they'll give a pair of a child in need. >> lara: i didn't know the platform was back. >> it is back, lara spencer. i love it. i'm a little vertically challenged. i like a little height. >> lara: everyone likes a little height. >> this is a great brand, beloved. and again, really comfortable. >> lara: squishy. >> they come in all different varieties. this is the bondi. lots of different colors. it's all about that comfort factor when you are wearing a platform.
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love those. >> lara: talk to me about this flower. >> we love these for day to night. these are sold at nordstrom. >> lara: i see these guys pop up on instagram a lot. >> they are vital. used to be an under the radar fashion brand. but now everybody knows about them. you can get them at nordstrom. they are memory foam so they are great to wear during the day. feel that. feels so nice. really quality crafted. you can wear them into the night. if you're gonna get one pair that you need that's versatile, this is the pair to get. >> lara: we've been talking about taking care of our kiddos. we have two models. hello, gentlemen. >> two excellent models here. we have clay and harry. they are modelling the rainbow flip flop for us. >> lara: they're so cute. i love how little they are. >> rainbow's a great brand. they've been around for about 50 years. they come out of california. again, born out of that surf culture. >> lara: yep. >> and what we love about rainbow, go ahead and feel this again.
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it will give you support right between the toes. >> lara: yep. >> they also are really comfortable and well made. if you have little littles, i have a little toddler at home. they have the back strap. >> lara: great. >> and so i recommend doing that for the little toddlers. super well reviewed. thumbs up? yeah? what's better than that. >> lara: clay and harry, excellent job. excellent, excellent job with the jenga. all of these shopable. >> and affordable. >> lara: and it's national flip flop day, everybody. let's celebrate as we come back on gma. see you in a minute.
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all from astound. more value, superior customer service. get internet for just $20 a month and add unlimited mobile on one of the nation's largest, most reliable 5g networks, free for
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12 months. be astounded and switch today. >> it's like playing a video game, but in real life. yes, when we bring a truckload of magic to your house, that magic is yours to keep. big open rooms without clutter and that feeling of fresh air. freedom call one 800. got junk. >> gypsy rose blanchard. since her release from prison and separated from her husband, she's been at the center of a whirlwind of headlines. everyone has something to say about her now. tomorrow. >> you're often portrayed either as the victim of munchausen or the murderer. right? and what do you want people to know about you? >> she speaks out for herself on good morning america. >> show me the money. my sister dorothy went looking for money for herself. she found me 90 bucks. yeah. 91 john robin speech. >> robin. >> breakfast. >> have a great day, everyone. one of us.
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>> 90 bucks to yourself. wow >> jedi are being murdered sense something, rock star. >> summer's here. and with a new toyota, you can start your summer with a splash. >> nailed it. >> get financing as low as 0% apr on tundra, or check out the all new redesigned tacoma toyota let's go places. >> after my car accident, i wondered what my case was. so i call the barnes ferm. >> i'm rich barnes. >> is your accident case worth more than insurance offered? call the barnes ferm now to find out. you might be surprised >> hey, alex. gluten free waffles? >> yes. freezer section. third door on the left. >> thanks, selena.
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>> and a smart and final. she is like a well-oiled machine. coiled cobra ready to attack her grocery list. right? and she grabs everything in one fell swoop. you see that right over there? that is a pro move. ice cream last boom by alex. hey, how's she always find me? smart and final. where else and. phone, so we'll be making another run on its line >> plus, granite expo has everything you need to remodel your home or business. >> we have the best selection of quartz and granite countertops. choose from a wide variety of
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cabinets and vanities. visit us at our emeryville location or at the granite >> allergies with allegra. they won't stop me. nothing beats allegra. it's the fastest non-drowsy 24 hour allergy relief. live your greatness >> summer is here, and with a new toyota, you can capture all the summer fun. wow. my favorite party trick. >> get low 3.99% apr on highlander or choose a low lease on rav4. toyota. let's go places . >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. here's a look at traffic with amanda. >> good morning. continuing commute trouble in the south bay because of an overturned big rig. it happened at 3 a.m. and here we are almost 9 a.m. it's still an issue shutting down the northbound connectors between 100 and 1 and 8-80. it was
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carrying 40,000 pounds of strawberries that had to be unloaded before the big rig is upright. and then we go to highway four, where you can see there's another sigalert that we're following after franklin canyon road. drew. >> amanda, it is sunny out there to tam. >> can we go a live look outside? it is bright across the area. temperatures are warming. many of us in the 60s right now. vacaville the warm spot this morning. currently 75 degrees. so expect sunshine all day long. it's going to be a warm afternoon. temperatures above average, sunset this evening at 824 kumasi. >> thanks, drew. now it's time for live with kelly and mark. we'lll be be back at 11 back atr ♪ ♪ >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and mark!" today, host of "name that tune," jane krakowski. and, the


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