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tv   ABC7 News 400PM  ABC  May 29, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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money trial in new york. and with that, we say good afternoon . thanks for joining us. >> i'm larry biel and i'm kristen sze. let's begin with that scott peterson hearing in redwood city today. attorneys from the la innocence project argued for additional dna testing on evidence they believe is connected to the murders of peterson's wife, laci, and their unborn son, connor. >> i-team reporter dan noyes was in san mateo superior court here with the latest on the hearing, which is still going on. right. >> that's right. larry and kristin, you know, the defense is pushing for more investigation and new dna tests. but prosecutors say they got it right the first time and that laci's family has a right for this case to be finished once and for all. the director of the los angeles innocence project gave an hour and 20 minute rapid fire argument that scott peterson deserves to have the deaths of his wife, laci, and their unborn son. connor in 2002 investigated further. >> no murder weapon was found, no time or even date of death was established, no cause and manner of death were ever
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established. there were no eyewitnesses implicating mr. peterson. the evidence against him centered almost entirely on conjecture over possible motive. >> peterson now 51 years old, watched from mule creek state prison, where he's serving life without the possibility of parole. his lawyers say favorable daetz dna evidence would change the outcome of the trial, and they called for new dna testing for target bag wrapped in duct tape, found near the spot where laci and conner's bodies were found, and they want new dna testing of a blood stain on a mattress from a van set on fire in modesto, two days after laci disappeared. no evidence connecting that case to peterson at this point. >> the bottom line is that that mattress really needs to be tested just thoroughly, completely tested. is there anything on it or not? we don't know. >> a special prosecutor from stanislaus county who worked the first scott peterson case said dna testing done on that mattress in 2013 found only male blood. he said the murder case has been adjudicated fully.
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>> we're not just talking about the first motion. we're not even talking about the stipulation. we're talking about. this is the third bite at the apple that the defendant is asking this court to address. >> harris focused the hearing back on peterson and his litany of lies. he told new girlfriend amber frey in the weeks before his pregnant wife disappeared. >> the defense has never explained how mr. peterson was able to tell people that this would be his first holiday. back in that christmas, his first holiday without his wife. >> harris also said the defense never explained why peterson was researching tide charts for san francisco bay. and then weeks later, laci and conner's bodies were found in that same location, repeated lie after lie after lie after lie of this defendant. >> during the investigation of all of these different things that dealt with the disappearance of his wife and unborn son. >> and i just heard from our abc
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producer inside the courtroom, the arguing is still going on. the hearing is happening right now. but we do know that two items that the defense wanted to be tested, dna tested, have already been destroyed. so clearly more to come on this. larry. >> kirsten, look, i know people have strong opinions on this. i mean, this is the scott peterson case, but what is the downside? just to play devil's advocate, what's so wrong with just having the dna tested? well, really, it's two points. >> i mean, number one, they did more dna testing just in 2013 and up into 2019 as well. but also think about lacey's family. they have to keep on reliving this again and again. the more the scott peterson brings this up. so you know, the prosecution's saying, look, we did this right. we did it right the first time. and there's ample evidence to convict. and this will be decided either today or tomorrow, most likely. >> yeah, probably tomorrow. >> it's looking like as we heard that it's still going on right now. so probably tomorrow. but we'll we'll keep up on it. >> all right. thanks for keeping us posted dan. thanks >> all right. >> david depape, the man who invaded nancy pelosi's home and attacked her husband in court
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again today to face state charges, including attempted murder. he apologized yesterday for attacking paul pelosi two years ago, but that did not sway the federal judge. depape was sentenced to 20 years for attempting to kidnap nancy pelosi and 30 years for the assault on paul pelosi. that is the maximum sentence for both counts. >> former president donald trump has been in and out of a new york courtroom as the 12 person jury deliberates in his criminal hush money trial. today was the first day of jury deliberations. around noon, the jury asked to have testimony reread to them from national enquirer publisher david pecker and ex-trump fixer michael cohen, and then asked to rehear jury instructions to. trump faces 34 charges alleging he paid off a former actress to hide a sexual relationship ahead of the 2016 presidential election. women who accuse sean diddy combs of sexual assault may soon share their claims with a federal grand jury. cnn reports that federal investigators are preparing to have them testify, signaling the
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justice department is moving toward potentially seeking an indictment. combs has been named in eight civil lawsuits since november. he has denied the claims against him. >> our professional cowboy, who was arrested while videotaping richmond police make a traffic stop earlier this month, has filed a claim against the city. this is video taken by kwesi gus on may 5th. he's recording the end of a police chase when sergeant alexander kane yells at him to back up and then pushes him. gus yells back at sergeant kane, the claim says. the two start shoving each other, then a second officer knocked gus to the ground and handcuffed him. gus says he suffered head trauma and bruised ribs for legally recording police in public. >> my wrist, they hurt all the way from cinco de mayo. still aching every night. i've been having nightmares, bad dreams. >> richmond police say they're investigating this incident. so far, the department has refused to release police body camera footage of that confrontation on
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a special city council meeting is underway in oakland to analyze mayor shinto's latest budget, a proposal that's facing criticism among some residents. >> fiscal disaster. >> fiscal disaster. fiscal >> the campaign to recall mayor tao held a rally before the meeting. they claim the mayor and the city council have mismanaged the budget, and they say selling the city's part of the oakland coliseum to close a $360 million budget shortfall is shortsighted. >> they need to stop defunding this city. they need to stop defunding the police and they need to focus on bringing businesses back to the city. >> several employee unions have come out in support of mayor tao's budget. it calls for a hiring freeze, but does not include layoffs or any permanent city employees. tao said there would also be no reduction in city services in east oakland. >> more than five months after an apartment fire damaged a building, some tenants there are still dealing with the aftermath. >> they say that includes
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electrical issues and pollution from a generator. as abc seven news reporter anser hassan found out, they're now suing their landlord and also pointing a finger at the city of oakland. >> then it just dies to the point where i have to turn off and turn on the switch inside. >> on a bolanos apartment, there are problems with the stove and pollution coming from a generator outside her window. she says both are issues related to an electrical fire in january that damaged the building. >> i have a fan on 24 over seven for the carbon monoxide smell that we are smelling all day, every day. >> the generator was installed as a temporary fix to power four units still dealing with electrical issues. that does not include bolanos apartment, but she says she's still impacted. she says she has a note from the doctor indicating how the fumes are causing her children health issues. she's still struggling with power issues. >> p-g-and-e's and even the fire department said it was temporary light by that. i don't know what they mean. i don't know if it
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can happen again, i don't know if we would be without power sometime soon. >> tenants say all 18 units of the building were without power and hot water for a month after the fire. during that time, tenants say they spent thousands of dollars and out of pocket expenses. they claim their complaints went unanswered for months. they're now suing for reimbursement and breach of contract. >> the landlord has committed a lot of violations of the warranty of habitability. he's violated the tenant protection ordinance and quite frankly, just based on common sense. he left the tenants with no housing for weeks. >> the landlord did not return requests for comment, but the lawyer for the tenants say the landlord has agreed to meet on friday like he requests his rent monthly. >> and i pay for it monthly, i request my unit to be up to code. tenants rights groups say the city of oakland's policies are partly to blame for their problems as well. >> they claim properties are not routinely inspected, and that the city's complaint based code enforcement program makes
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tenants vulnerable to retaliation. >> the city that is light years away from having a proactive rental inspection program that could prevent these issues from happening to begin with, the city of oakland did not return our request for comment. >> in oakland, anser hassan, abc seven news. >> details are coming out about that toxic gas that made kids sick at a san bruno elementary school last week, about 20 kids experienced irritated eyes, noses and throats when riot gas blew from a san francisco sheriff's training exercise to the school about a mile away. the san francisco chronicle is reporting some of the chemicals were 60 years old and expired, the sheriff's department tells abc seven news. it's common to use old chemical canisters for training and usually older chemicals are less potent. >> coming up on abc seven news at 4:00 i central. it's big business, big bucks. but it could also help build a better bay area paper or paper. the true end of the line for plastic bags could be just around the
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corner and get ready to rave. a big party set for san francisco civic center in june. but is it helping the city recover? or is it perhaps a mistake? >> i'm spencer christian, looking at summer like warmth as the month of may winds down, there's some heat coming our way and i'll have the accuweather forecast in just when your child has moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay for them to show off. show off their clearer skin and noticeably less itch with dupixent. because children 6 months and older with eczema have plenty of reasons to show off their skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, they can stay ahead of their eczema. it helps block a key source of
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inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪ show off to the world. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent.
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music event this saturday at san francisco's civic center plaza. the concert, featuring dj skrillex and producer fred again, is sold out. 25,000 tickets gone in just over 24 hours. >> so that got us wondering could this be just the kind of event that san francisco needs as it recovers from the pandemic? and abc seven news reporter luz pena looked into this event and is in the newsroom live now with what she learned. hi, luz. hey. >> yeah, for context, these two artists are massively popular when skrillex teased this show to his 5 million followers on x, the excitement went through the roof. the excitement and those followers are now exactly what san francisco wants and needs. more reasons and more events to attract people to the city. over 20,000 music fans are coming to downtown san francisco, and it all started with this post on x. >> there were some hints about it. skrillex and fred again had announced on social media that they are. they've got some new
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music and they're anxious to preview this, and there were some hints that it might come a week later. >> those hints have now solidified with a sold out outdoor electronic music dance party set for saturday, june 1st at san francisco's civic center plaza. >> this is the line between my district and supervisor dean preston district. i know we both really are supporters of doing anything we can to activate the neighborhood restaurants. >> pasco is right across civic center plaza. they found out about the dance party at the same time everyone else did last minute. >> now staffing changes, hours change. big crowd. you know it makes for a good week. it gives everybody an opportunity here to make a little bit of extra money . >> according to the event organizers, another planet entertainment, the event is expected to inject tens of millions of dollars into san francisco's local economy, a huge boost for downtown. >> i don't think that there's really that one silver bullet when it comes to, you know,
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revitalizing and reimagining downtown san francisco post pandemic. but having that consistent drumbeat of exciting events and activations is definitely going to be a big factor for nightlife and entertainment. >> were among the industries hardest hit during the pandemic, but the city believes they will be vital to san francisco's economic recovery. >> for example, our downtown energy grant program is a $500,000 grant program with grants of up to $50,000 for existing downtown nightlife, entertainment, arts businesses to support new creative projects. >> even though san francisco is not the one behind this weekend's event, the city is putting money towards future events. >> san francisco is one of the world's great music cities, and events like this help remind everybody of that fact, and we want to keep reminding everyone of that fact. >> and just to show how powerful these events can be, the organizers report that 40% of the people coming to san francisco for this concert are coming from outside the bay area, in the newsroom. luz pena,
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abc seven news. >> luis, before you go, 25,000 people coming into san francisco this saturday, i know what that means for traffic and the bridge bay bridge. but what does it mean for the economy? >> well, larry, last year, tourism generated over $600 million in tax revenue for the city, which was nearly 100 million more than in 2022. those are signs the city is recovering . and these type of events will add to that. >> all right, progress being made, luis. thank you. >> well, part of a busy san francisco road will be closed again tomorrow for pavement work . two of the three northbound lanes of 19th avenue will be closed from sloat boulevard to taraval street. the work is scheduled from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. tomorrow and friday. >> well, the mystery continues over what may be causing brown pelicans to starve along the california coastline. since april, nearly 340 emaciated pelicans have been taken to wildlife rescue centers. experts say the birds are having difficulty finding fish and almost 40% have been found entangled in fishing line and
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hooks. storms have made the water off the coast choppy and murky, which makes it hard for the birds to see the fish that they need to survive. testing has not revealed any diseases, such as bird flu, so hopefully things turn around all right. >> weather still looking very nice. it's kind of been in that pattern. >> it's a pattern that we will take. spencer christian we will accept this. we'll embrace it. >> yes we will. this nice little warming pattern here at the end of may or near the end of may. so let's take a look at the particulars. here's a satellite radar composite image showing the onshore flow that we've been enjoying the last week or two actually. and the gentle breezes that accompany this are not. this clicker has been giving me problems for two days now. it's not advancing. let me get over here and advance this manually and give you a look at what else is going on. okay. sorry. you have to step off camera there, but my computer is giving us problems here, and we're not, even though even the manual uh- advancing system isn't working
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on the computer, so bear with me one second while i just give give this one little tweak tweak and see if it'll move along. there it goes. okay you can see we've got gusts up to 33mph at sfo, 23mph at half moon bay, and the 24 hour temperature change is the big story of the day. with this warm up we've been talking about, it is ten degrees warmer in hayward right now than at this time yesterday. 11 degrees warmer in napa, 14 degrees warmer in san carlos. so we are certainly in the middle of a significant warm up. here's a view from sutro tower looking out over san francisco under mainly sunny skies, 67 degrees here in the city right now. low to mid 70s at oakland and hayward. low 80s at san jose and redwood city and 61 at half moon bay. mainly blue sky over the golden gate. and we've got some warmth up north 89 degrees right now at santa rosa, petaluma only 77, but 82 at napa, 89 at fairfield and mid 80s at concord and livermore and let's check out our forecast headlines tomorrow and friday. more summer like heat coming our way. even warmer than today. of course.
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weekend outlook a cooler start to june, but then next week we'll experience the warmer side of june as we get another warm up starting early next week. overnight, look for low temperatures mainly in the low 50s, low to mid 50s, but it will be quite mild over in the east bay, especially with antioch a low of 61 degrees, which is more like a daytime high here in san francisco. sometimes highs tomorrow about 62, half moon bay, 70, in san francisco, 78. in oakland. we'll see some locations around the bay shoreline topping out at 80 degrees or higher in the east bay. upper 80s to low 90s 92 likely high at fairfield tomorrow. and even up in the north bay. santa rosa might hit 90 degrees. we're forecasting 89. and then over the next few days, looking at friday, it'll be another warm day with highs around 90 or higher in our inland areas, but it starts to cool on saturday under breezier conditions and that pattern will continue through the weekend. here's the accuweather seven day forecast uh- saturday brings in the month of june and some cooler weather, but early next week. as you can see, by
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tuesday, high temperatures up to about 90 again in our inland areas and mid 90s on wednesday. so it may be even a warmer midweek next week than the warm up we have coming this week. >> can you take it? >> absolutely. yeah that's fine. as engineer dwayne often would tell me turn it off then turn it back on. that's exactly what i did. >> i turned it off and turn it back on and voila! >> now we're both supposed to just kick it a few times. >> no sledgehammer. we're both in the it department now. there you go. moving on up. >> we earned our wings. yes >> so talented. thank you. the chp handed out nearly 25,000 tickets during its maximum enforcement campaign this memorial day weekend. more than 19,000 of those citations were for speeding cell phones are an increased hazard. more than 2000 tickets were issued for distracted driving. there were also more than 100 drunk driving arrests. remember to buckle up. 1850 drivers were cited for seatbelt violations. >> coming up, fixing a decades
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old wrong. bringing the league into major league baseball history. >> and later. now there is one the three bay area national spelling bee finalist whittled down to just one how she's going, a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine.
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major league baseball announced
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it's rewriting its storied history to now include statistics from the leagues. abc's perry russom explains how this will reshape mlb history. >> it's a historic change to our national pastime. statistics from the leagues will now officially be integrated into major league baseball's record books. >> over 2300 players who played in the leagues from 1920 to 1948 will now have their statistics counted as official. >> with those new stats come new record holders hall of fame catcher josh gibson, who played in the 1930s, and 40s, will now become the mlb's career batting average leader, passing ty cobb. gibson passes babe ruth in multiple stats, including career slugging percentage. the decision to integrate stats from the leagues follows a years long research project by a committee made up of experts, former players and journalists who compiled the stats. josh gibson's great grandson was on that committee. >> we all know josh gibson had a great career in the leagues. i mean, he's considered one of the greatest baseball players of all
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time. but we always considered josh gibson a major leaguer anyway. it's just now that he's recognized in the major league baseball stats. >> mlb commissioner rob manfred saying this initiative is focused on ensuring that future generations of fans have access to the statistics and milestones of all those who made the leagues possible. their accomplishments on the field will be a gateway to broader learning about this triumph in american history. >> with league statistics now added to major league historical record, major league baseball's history can be told in a broader, more complete picture. >> perry russom, abc news, washington. >> and major league baseball is going to hold a tribute game to the leagues featuring the san francisco giants. >> wow, this is so neat. and it will be against the saint louis cardinals june 20th in birmingham, alabama's ridgewood field. that's where willie mays first played pro ball before becoming a giant. >> it's the timing is a little bit unusual as to why they're doing this in the middle of the season without much warning, but
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it certainly warranted and long overdue. when you talk about players like josh gibson, some of the players in those leagues are the best ever. yeah, among the best, but have never been recognized. >> i'm just happy that willie mays numbers will get even better now. yeah, yeah. >> that's yeah, that's great. he was pretty good, i heard. >> yeah. more sports news. >> warriors fans get ready. summer league basketball is coming back. the california classic returning to chase center in july. general single day tickets will go on sale. actually in just a few minutes starting at 5:00. the classic will feature three days of games between the sacramento kings, the l.a. lakers and miami heat, along with the warriors 2024 rookies, along with second year and g league players, will be competing to make regular season roster spots or show the coaches what they can do. >> okay, the future of ai a big conference in san francisco. just another clue that the city is the center of the ai world, but it's about more than just tech. how ai can help build a better bay area and get ready for some more confusion when you're at the grocery store.
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>> the new plastic bag ban that could soon hit
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ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. other states or other countries. i mean, this is this is california. i'm 35 of the 50 top market cap ag companies are just right here in our own backyard. >> that, of course, is california governor gavin newsom speaking today at the gen ai summit in san francisco. so you heard him say he's pushing for california to remain the global leader at the forefront of ai. but he's also talked about the need for regulated the technology because there's growing questions about what it means for our future. >> artificial intelligence means big business and big bucks for the bay area, especially san
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francisco, which is the center of the ai boom. >> the question is, can i really help us build a better bay area? abc seven news reporter suzanne fawn was at today's summit here. now with a look at the growth ai could bring here. suzanne. >> so, larry, kristin, many of the big headlines surrounding i have been about open ai and google and the new technology they've introduced recently. it's part of a constantly evolving landscape. now, many ceos and tech employees at the three day jen ai summit say that change that energy, that innovation is drawing more money and more business to the bay area. >> jen, ai is really, you know, the future. >> generative artificial intelligence. it's all the talk at the jen ai summit at the palace of fine arts in san francisco. 10,000 people are expected to attend the conference sponsored by microsoft and gpt dao. big names are turning out like nvidia, openai, microsoft and ibm. ai is bringing people all around the world to san francisco like sharon moran, the director of force interactive in malaysia,
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there's no ai event yet in the uh- in malaysia and indonesia. >> so that's why we flew here to actually learn from the experts here, because there are so many developments here, so many companies here, some leaders have declared san francisco the ai capital of the world. >> forbes just declared in 2024 that at the top 50 ai companies in the world, 21 are right here in san francisco with a $22.4 billion investment. >> ai is moving into this next phase, and the next phase is all about your private data. >> rodrigo leung is co-founder and ceo of sambanova and one of the key speakers of day one at gen ai summit. loooooong agrees that ai is redefining and reshaping san francisco and the bay area. >> we're based out of palo alto, and the amount of innovation in this area when it comes to ai is just tremendous, and it's really a beacon for a lot of the uh-
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technologists to come here. big and small ai companies are thriving in the bay area. >> mark siri, ceo of bouquet in san jose, agrees his consulting company helps people use ai in marketing departments. >> it's been a lot of studies that show that cities are successful in technology because they're part of a ecosystem. it's not just about the technology companies, but it's also about the universities that are in the area, whether it's stanford and berkeley and what the contributions they make to ai and how that helps the whole ecosystem. >> everything is here. if you want to start a company, if you want to go change the world. san francisco in the bay area is still one of the best places to do it on the planet, and there is some skepticism about how much san francisco will benefit from ai, according to reporting from our media partner, the san francisco standard. >> while ai companies have signed san francisco's biggest leases in recent memory, the number of jobs they're actually creating is less than in previous tech booms. and some experts say it's because they're
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using their own ai technology to do more with less. but for downtown san francisco, something may be better than nothing. back to you. >> all right. suzanne thank you. climate change is already impacting california's crops. how changes over the next quarter century could impact the world famous wine industry here in the bay area, we know there's more impacts of extreme events. >> there have been a lot of issues that directly relate to climate change, drought, lower yields associated with that, smoke taint, heat waves. there's been a mean change in having earlier harvest. >> so what will happen to napa's famous cabernet grapes? and what is being done to keep the local grape harvest from wilting away? watch the abc seven originals bay area 2050 now streaming everywhere you watch abc seven and airing this saturday night at eight after coverage of the stanley cup playoffs. right here on abc seven. >> all right, now to another effort in the fight for the environment here in california,
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a possible ban on all plastic bags in grocery stores is moving forward. two versions of a new bill have gone through the state senate and the assembly. abc seven news reporter lena howland explains the change. >> nearly a decade has passed since california made history as the first state in the country to ban single use plastic bags. >> we just know that the law is not working, jen engstrom, state director of the california public interest research group, worked on the original plastic bag ban. >> she says while plastic waste did go down for a while, the pandemic changed everything, and that's when we really saw these thicker plastic bags show up in large numbers. a loophole in the law allowed grocery stores to continue selling thicker plastic bags, considered to be reusable for at least 125 times something our own lyanne melendez put to the test last year. >> 125. that's it. you can still use it. it's reusable. oh, it just broke. >> the reality is people are not
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really reusing them, so they're ending up as trash. >> according to data from cal recycle, the amount of plastic bags discarded per person increased. it reached an all time high in 2021, with more than 230,000 tons thrown away statewide, assembly member rebecca bauer-kahan of orinda is working on one of the two identical bills aiming to change that. >> we are moving to 100% paper bags in grocery stores in 2026. >> she was inspired to ban the use of these thicker, reusable bags in grocery stores by her teenage son. >> we have our grocery store right on the creek and he started to notice that in our nature areas, the trash and the bags from our grocery store were ending up in our waterways, and we could see it. >> though the companies that make these plastic bags oppose this. the american recyclable plastic bag alliance says bans for stores and shoppers to switch to other products that are more expensive. with food prices continuing to climb from near record inflation, these increased costs will be passed
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along to consumers in the form of higher prices. if passed, shoppers will still have a paper option, but it will also cost about a dime and they'll have to be made out of mostly recycled material. in orinda, lena howland, abc seven news. >> lawmakers have until the end of august to pass one of the bills through each house. only one needs to pass in order to go on to the governor for his signature. >> much of the us has been working to ditch plastic since the early 2000. san francisco led the way, becoming the first city to ban plastic bags in 2007. then california passed the first statewide ban in 2014. since then, plastic bag use has declined 70% within the state. now, california is moving towards requiring all packaging to be recyclable or compostable. the goal is to meet that requirement with 65% of all single use plastic by 2032. >> coming up, the future of flying. we have some hot new innovations to show you and summer movies and sum
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and major cardiovascular events have occurred. the most common side effects were acne and itching where applied. repigmentation is possible. ask your dermatologist today about starting or refilling opzelura. pursue it.
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see something wrong at a house. >> if you see a fire, maybe call 911 or the fire department before you go on to your next delivery. >> so those are the comments from a massachusetts family. after surveillance video shows an amazon driver dropping off a package and completely ignoring
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all the smoke that is billowing from the house. hours later, part of that home was destroyed, amazon told the family, since they weren't responsible for the fire in the first place, they weren't really interested in their comments, but later issued a statement saying they encourage drivers to report suspicious activity. i would suggest that not just amazon drivers, but any of us. spencer. if we see flames or smoke shooting out of a building or whatever, maybe call somebody yes. >> i can't believe what i just saw. that's yeah, but you're right. anyone, not just a delivery person, just driving by or jogging by a house. if you see flames and smoke, you call the fire department. >> yeah. what is it, a911? if you see something, say something . >> see something, say. >> right, i mean, i, you know, maybe it's because we're journalists and we're used to reporting anything that we're seeing, but i would hope that it's common sense if you see somebody need help them. if you see something that's happening, call it in. you know, even when
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i'm driving in the freeway and i see something happening, i'm like, oh my gosh, 9-1-1 somebody needs help. >> unfortunately, i think a lot of people, a lot of people are just like, mind your own business. don't get involved, you know? yeah. all right. now to a court case with video. you've got to see to believe. a michigan judge was astonished when a man with a suspended driver's license joined a zoom court hearing while driving. >> mr. harris, are you driving? >> i'm ashley, i'm pulling into my doctor's office, actually. so so i'll just give me one second. >> okay, so maybe i don't understand something. this is a driving license. suspended. >> that is correct. your honor, and he was just driving and he didn't have a license. >> yeah. look at the man's face, though. corey harris. hello? corey harris. the judge revoked his bond, and he was ordered to turn himself in to the local county jail. and i believe that
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was another moving violation, right. to have the camera on you , looking into the camera while driving. oh, boy. >> now, i've seen two things today i can't believe. yeah he was honest. >> i would give him that. right. like hey, give me a second. but also like, what are you doing? what are you thinking, honest and busted. yeah. >> and clueless. oh, i do like what kristen pointed out, corey's his expression. like he was puzzled as as to what the problem was here. like. yeah, i'm i'm i'm on the zoom call with you. let's go, let's go. let's adjudicate something. yeah, he needs that little suspension so he can take some lessons and learn about the rules of the road. >> yeah, yeah. >> he's. yeah, yeah, he needs to do the written test. i'd say. yeah, the future of flying now. all right, check out new cabin designs that just won innovation awards at an expo in germany. this social hub. okay it arranges two rows of economy seating. they're facing each other. like, i got to look at
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spencer for, like, a five hour flight. well, i'm already against this, another design lets passengers sit at a table together in full dining style. >> plus, that's so nice. >> is that what you for? your family? but what if there's strangers opposite you? is that what you want? >> better than what we got now. packed in there like sardines. all right, it's your elbow to elbow with someone you don't know. >> there's also room for passengers to get up, grab a snack and stretch, see, this would fly all the time if i could be one of those seats. >> this. but this is economy. kristin talking about first class. but first class. spencer, why don't you tell me how life is really like in the nicest? >> i haven't been back there. oh, no, i haven't, i, i like the idea of the stretching and snacking area. i'm not so sure i want to fly five hours across the country facing strangers. sometimes you just want to be. i don't know, you want to sleep, you want to read, you want to be. >> but trains have that configuration right? and it's okay. >> i just want to make sure you said stretching and snacking. i thought i thought you said
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smacking. i was like smacking, snacking, maybe smacking. 100 years ago, continental on their big planes had little bar areas. it was the best thing ever. right now they don't exist. that. >> but i agree with spencer. i'm okay if it's for a family. but you know, just staring at a stranger the whole time. yeah, i don't know. yeah. too much maybe. >> yeah. >> again. i'll take that over what i have now. okay it's almost summer, and that means summer movies and streaming premieres. the new star wars series the acolyte hits disney plus next week. the boys, bridgerton and dance of dragons all return in june as well, along with the highly anticipated new season of the bear wants us. >> so non-negotiables. that's how restaurants at the highest level operate. >> push boundaries constantly evolve through creativity and vibrant collaboration that's demented. these are non-negotiables. >> i can sense the sarcasm. >> no, no, no, not sarcasm, snark, contempt, even streams june 27th on fx and
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hulu. >> so you guys, which summer show or movie? one of those or something else? are you looking forward to watching lose bridgerton? >> and i cannot believe that we have to wait till later in june. oh, what in the world are they doing this? yeah. were they just show you the first episodes and they're like, hey, come back like, no, why binge watch the whole thing? because they keep you subscribing or subscribe. it's not like i was going to say i don't want this anymore. of course i'm gonna keep watching. >> that's the difference in the binge watching culture, you know, you're used to getting. i want all eight. i want all ten episodes right now. yeah, but you know, the old school. yeah. once a week, a week at a time. you had to wait. yeah. >> so what are you watching, larry, i'm actually watching a show called warrior on netflix. i recommended that, it's so good, right? i listen to everything you tell me to do and just do exactly what you say. well, you know what i'm watching now. >> so what you're watching next, right? >> no, i wasn't paying attention to that. >> i just. oh. go ahead. i'm sorry. >> hannibal. >> oh, bro. yes. yeah, yeah, i
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just finished watching, a man in full with jeff. >> goldblum bridge. no, no. bridges no, not jeff bridges. >> name a famous chef 100. oh i know there's so many daniels. >> jeff daniels. >> oh, he's excellent. daniels. yeah. all right. >> it's worth watching. so for recommendations there for you. >> yeah. all right. that's it for the for ad for listen
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b what is a sobriquet? a collection of flowers. b a sumptuous feast. c a fanciful nickname, a sobriquet is c a fanciful nickname? >> that is correct. thank you. >> that's shraddha smriti, an eighth grader from san jose. she finished third in last year's spelling bee. shraddha will compete now in the semifinals tonight at 5:00. the finals are tomorrow. go, shraddha, go all the way. this is your year? >> yeah, she is definitely ready . as is spencer christian. indeed. >> ready to give you some warm weather which you wear all i think going to be happy about overnight. it's going to be a bit mild because we had a fairly warm day today, so some of that warmth is not going to recede during the overnight hours. low temperatures, mainly in the low to mid 50s. then high temperatures tomorrow will approach or exceed 90 degrees in the warmest spots. places like fairfield and antioch. we'll see
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lots of upper 80s inland and upper 70s to near 80 around the bay shoreline, but only about 62 or so on the coast. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. a warming continues into friday before it tapers off sharply over the weekend. breezy and sharply cool over the weekend, we can expect another warming trend beginning early next week. larry, thank you. >> spencer. >> the san francisco documentary festival returns for its 23rd year tomorrow. the fest includes 38 feature films and 52 shorts this year, 30 of the films are local to the bay area. one film centers on the pickleball craze. you know, it's defying most cultural trends, which it was, you know, transcending race and class and all these, you know, typical barriers in our society that keep people apart. >> and yet this sport of pickleball was, you know, growing in all these demographics. and i thought that was really interesting. and i wanted to understand why. >> well, you can see dream breaker a pickleball story on
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friday at the roxy theater. the sf doc fest also includes virtual screenings. you can find out more about that or buy tickets at the website on your screen. sf a new documentary has star wars actress daisy ridley diving into a new role as a pioneering female athlete who changed the course of women's sports. >> disney's young woman in the sea will hit theaters on friday, and reporter george pennacchio has more. >> i've decided to swim the english channel. >> what do you mean? >> i'm going to swim the english channel? >> no, no, i'm saying i wasn't asking. >> please pass the bread. >> young woman in the sea tells the true story of trudy ederle, an olympic gold medalist who became the first woman to successfully swim the english channel. >> you know, most men believe that we're too weak to compete. >> and what if i make it? then they got a serious problem. >> the feats. in an era when women were mostly kept out of sports made her a national hero. a century ago. but her story,
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since been nearly forgotten. >> people cannot believe that what she did has been lost to history. so to be part of the team that is sharing this story, that is bringing something that has just been lost to light. so to be part of telling that is really, really cool to tell. >> trudy's story is accurately as possible meant months of training for daisy, working with a real olympic swimmer as her coach. >> my first swimming test i. i tried to swim a 20 meter pool and stood up halfway and said, i can't do it, and then thought, what have i done? i might have lied on my cv. >> the movie shows how trudy overcame the sexism of her era with the support of her family, her sister in particular. >> it's 21 miles across. sounds like fun. do you think i could do it? >> it's so lovely to be able to celebrate a relationship between women like this, particularly as sisters to women that are really
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supporting each other to be the best version of themselves? >> i personally made this for my daughters. you know, my i have two teenage daughters and they are my inspiration and i wanted to give them this story to, to learn about trudy and what she did 100 years ago in test audiences, the film scored higher than any movie, and producer jerry bruckheimer's illustrious career. >> we look at what she's accomplished and the fact that nobody knows about her and it's an emotional story. we all look for good movies to go see this is really a good movie. >> young woman in the sea is rated pg. george pennacchio for abc news. >> all right. world famous dj steve aoki looking to be a new kind of hero. >> we all have a superhero inside of us that are fighting in a way, and those are the moments that really matter. >> his new quest as a multimedia author. that's next
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is followed by shark tank. and then stay with us for abc seven news at 11. a world famous dj and music producer mixing his love of music with a new graphic novel series. abc news reporter melissa adon sat down with the modern renaissance man. >> okay, we got a book signing for heroquest. >> steve aoki is on an adventure to save the world, a journey depicted in his new graphic novel, heroquest.
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>> this incredible story of this young boy that eventually has a chance to save the world. it is the very first story that i'm aware of that mixes in so much science fiction, fantasy, anime, you know, comic book culture with music. >> the two time grammy nominated music producer, artist, fashion designer and entrepreneur teamed up with jim krueger, a former creative director at marvel comics and best selling author. >> steve is an amazing world builder, and i'm a pretty good world destroyer. so it's been very yin and yang. >> aoki's jams like save me were crafted into the graphic novel, helping tell the tale of his main character's rise and falls. that's when you see me on my self. >> save me when you save me, on my save me. >> his latest album was created for this new world. each chapter is titled after his singles, which feature collaborations
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with artists of all kinds. >> there is like these kind of small like linkages of real storytelling from my life. and jim helps spell that out. >> stories of success and failures, even superheroes experience. >> we all have a superhero inside of us that are fighting in a way, and those are the moments that really matter. >> melissa oden, abc news, los angeles. >> i went to one of steve's shows in las vegas last year. jam packed, incredible energy. had to do it for this edition of abc seven news at four. i'm larry beil. abc seven news at five is coming up you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do?
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