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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  May 30, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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>> george: good morning america, for our viewers in the west. donald trump's fate with the jury. the first full day of deliberations in the criminal trial about to start. the key parts of testimony jurors asked to hear again.
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dan abrams breaks it down. >> robin: close call at one of the nation's biggest airports. >> cancel takeoff clearance. go around. go around. >> robin: an american airlines jet forced to slam on the brakes while taking off, coming within just 1,300 feet from another plane. >> michael: volcano emergency. lava shooting into the air. one of the most popular tourist spots in iceland evacuated. our team is on the scene. >> george: supreme court justice samuel alito rejects calls to recuse himself in two cases related to january 6th. what he's saying about the two flags that were flying outside his home. >> robin: last moments. a co-worker who was with general hospital star johnny wactor detailing the shooting saying the actor was between her and the gunman with the suspect still at large. >> george: gypsy rose blanchard one on one. after serving nearly a decade in prison for plotting her mother's murder,
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speaking about her life now, the sudden split from her husband, her fame an infamy. >> they want a perfect victim. there is no such thing as a perfect victim. in their mind the perfect victim would have died. >> george: first on gma this morning. >> michael: honeymoon bear attack. >> she picked me up and thrashed me around. that's when she went to my head. >> michael: our exclusive with the veteran who survived. >> i hung up the phone not knowing if i had spoken with my husband for the last time. >> michael: and how his wife helped save him. >> george: summer savings. big drug store items finally getting slashed, including vitamins. plus, the president of mcdonald's with a message about their prices. as amazon teams up with grub hub. rebecca breaks down all the deals. ♪ school's out for summer ♪ >> robin: the magic school bus and how these high school seniors are rolling into graduation. and the summer road trip of a life time. facing the ultimate final project. our whit had to hop on board
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with them. >> announcer: live in times square, this is "good morning america." >> robin: good morning america. we cannot wait for you to see more from these incredible students, transforming a school bus into a tricked out rv. >> michael: that's going to be cool. also ahead, ginger tracking more severe weather taking aim at the areas in texas that were already hard hit. that is coming up as well. >> george: first donald trump's criminal trial. jury set to go into their second day of deliberations after requesting testimony from some of the witnesses. dan abrams here to give analysis. aaron katersky is at the courthouse. good morning, aaron. >> reporter: good morning to you, george. today will be the first full day of deliberations for a jury that's already contemplating key pieces of the case that charges former president trump with 34 counts of falsifying business records. this morning the court is going to read back testimony from two prominent witnesses, david pecker former publisher of the national enquirer and michael cohen. the jury asked to hear how each of those men testified about a
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meeting at trump tower where prosecutors said they hatched a scheme to corrupt the 2016 election by hiding from voters lewd stories from trump's past. jurors also asked to hear pecker's testimony about his phone call discussing karen mcdougal. the jury wants to rehear the judge's instructions about the law when he told them to simply keep their promise to be fair and impartial and to set aside any personal opinions or bias they might have for or against trump. now among the seven men five women jury, two lawyers, a teacher, a physical therapist. in their five hours of deliberations have already changed the vibe at this courthouse, george. the lawyers seem more tense. the court security officers more rigid, as the jury gets ever closer in this land mark trial. george? >> george: thanks. let's bring in our chief legal analyst dan abrams. dan, it's hard to know what's going on inside that room for sure. when you look at the request, they're both focused on this meeting that would determine whether or not this was about interfering in the election.
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>> right. and this is where prosecutors want them to start, right? this is where prosecutors say the plan was hatched, in 2015 trump tower with david pecker, michael cohen and donald trump all there, talking about how they are going to look how david pecker will be the eyes and ears looking out for any negative stories about donald trump potentially to help him politically. that's a good place for prosecutors to want them to start. we just don't know exactly, are they doing it chronologically? was there something specific that was asked? that we don't know. >> george: what about asking for the jury instructions to be reread? >> in new york a wrinkle in the law, right? in most jurisdictions the jurors can take back with them the jury instructions, right? >> george: makes sense. >> of course it make sense. the idea that if they have a question they can go, this is the issue. in new york, you're not allowed to take those back with you. so if they have questions about, well, what did the judge say about the law?
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you have to literally ask the judge to read it again. >> george: can they take notes? >> yes, they can take notes. but then you have the problem potentially of two jurors saying, wait, my notes say this, my notes say this. all right. let's ask the judge to read it again. so that's the challenge in new york. i wouldn't read too much into the fact that they're asking about the instructions. it does seem, at the least, they're taking the prosecution's case seriously. >> george: thank you very much. michael? >> michael: now supreme court justice samuel alito rejecting calls to recuse himself from cases involving january 6th after two flags flying outside his homes with political overtones. our senior national correspondent terry moran has more. good morning, terry. >> reporter: good morning, michael. this is the second time justice alito has tried to explain in writing what's going on with those flags at his homes, flags associated with the january 6th attack on the capitol. alito is offering more details, but he remains defiant.
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this morning justice samuel alito is rejecting a request to recuse himself in two cases related to january 6th. the conservative justice had been under pressure to step aside from both cases after the new york times first reported that two flags flown outside his residences were associated with those carried by the pro trump mob during the attack on the capitol and are symptoms are adopted by the stop the steal movement. the times first reported that an upside down flag, traditionally a signal of dire emergency, was seen outside alito's home in january 2021 in the days after the attack on the capitol. >> what he did was really the wrong thing to do and it cast some doubt on impartiality. >> reporter: in a letter to lawmakers calling for his recusal, alito said he had nothing whatsoever to do with the flying of that flag, and
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that his wife raised it during a nasty neighborhood dispute. alito adding he was not even aware of the upside down flag until it was called to my attention and that he asked his wife to take it down, but for several days she refused. my wife is fond of flying flags. i am not, alito wrote. and he defended her freedom of speech. my wife is a private citizen and she possesses the same first amendment rights as every other american. the second flag, a pine tree flag with the words an appeal to heaven, a revolutionary war era flag that was also carried by some pro trump rioters on january 6th was seen flying at the alitos new jersey beach home. alito wrote that flag was simply one of many flags of sports teams, colleges, countries the couple had visited that were flown there adding martha-ann makes her own decisions and i honor her right to do so. congressional democrats and many legal experts aren't satisfied with the letter. they said he's damaging the court's credibility.
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but there's not much they can do about it. the justices judge themselves, and that won't change unless there is an enforceable code of ethics. robin? >> robin: you're right about that, terry. thank you. now the very close call between two planes at reagan national airport. one plane speeding down the runway to take off. the other landing on a possible collision course. trevor ault has those details for us. good morning, trevor. >> reporter: good morning, robin. so these two planes were headed straight for each other with only seconds to spare. and this morning, we are hearing the moment the air traffic controller realized how dangerous this could be, telling an american airlines plane to abort their takeoff immediately. >> runway one clear for takeoff. >> reporter: this morning another close call on the runway. this time at reagan national airport in washington, d.c. an american airlines flight cleared for takeoff barrelling down the runway just as a king air flight was coming in to land on an intersecting runway. >> 2134 cancel takeoff clearance. go around, go around!
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>> reporter: the two aircraft on a potential collision course. the american airlines flight already accelerating for takeoff, hitting speeds of 110 miles per hour when the air traffic controller told them to abort. that same air traffic controller telling the king airplane to go around but it was too late. the king air flight already landed. >> zero alpha cannot go around. we are already on the ground. >> reporter: the planes coming just 1,300 feet from one another. the latest in a string of incidents on airport runways. several close calls that have drawn attention to a nationwide shortage in air traffic controllers and stretches ton the system. in a statement, american airlines says the safety of our customers and team members is our priority and we're grateful to our crew for their professionalism. we will support the faa in its investigation. and that american airlines plane that was taking off was already traveling so fast that it was then required to circle back and undergo another inspection
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before it could then actually take off. now, fortunately, no injuries were reported on either plane. michael? >> michael: that's the fortunate thing about it. thank you very much for that. we're gonna turn now to the latest on "general hospital" star johnny wactor. one of his coworkers revealed the details saying he was between her and the gunman. kayna whitworth has the story. this is a gripping account of what happened. >> reporter: yeah, michael, it certainly is. anita joy details johnny's heroic actions, what he did in the final moments of his life to save hers. in fact, she calls him her guardian angel. this morning the co-worker of johnny wactor, who was with him at the time of his death, breaking her silence. she writes, i was with johnny in his last moments and i'm here to be his voice after such unimaginable events. anita joy taking to instagram explaining she needed time to collect myself and my thoughts before detailing the events of that fateful night culminating
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with the former "general hospital" star shielding her before being fatally shot. my friend of eight years went from laughing together, working side by side, leaving our bartending shift and walking to our cars, to him dying in my arms in the streets of l.a. in the dark hours of 3 a.m. police say they came across three suspects dressed in black and wearing masks trying to steal his car's catalytic converter. one of them opening fire on wactor before fleeing in a dark sedan. joy writing johnny was between me and the man who shot him as i heard the shot ring into the night, he forcefully tumbled back into my arms. as i grabbed for him i shouted, honey, you okay? he only responded nope, shot. she goes on to describe the chaos that followed, as her friend lay dying in her arms. she screamed for help and a security guard she knew called 911 and tied her jacket around wactor in an attempt to stop the bleeding.
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but it wasn't enough. according to joy, it was too close range, too extreme of a wound for him to survive. but, my god, he fought to stay. now she now joins a chorus of other actors, friends and loved ones who are calling for justice. she writes, my only other peace will be seeing these awful men brought to justice. robin, as we know, the investigation for the l.a.p.d. has just begun. >> robin: it has. all right, kayna. thank you. now top golfer scottie scheffler. prosecutors have dropped all charges against him for his arrest outside the pga championship earlier this month. now we're seeing body cam video from the incident. victor oquendo has more. good morning, victor. >> reporter: good morning. this happened as scheffler was playing arguably the best golf since tiger woods in his prime and days after having his first child. his attorney telling abc news, they're glad it's over. this morning case closed.
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a kentucky prosecutor dropping all criminal charges against the world's number one golfer scottie scheffler. >> based upon the totality of the evidence, my office cannot move forward in the prosecution of the charges filed against mr. scheffler. >> reporter: scheffler saying in a statement on instagram, i wish to put this incident behind me and move on. it all happened after a fatal accident led to heavy traffic before the second round of the pga championship at valhalla golf club. detective gilli sa saying scheffler refused to comply with his direction and dragged him with his car, injuring him and tearing his uniform. scheffler was booked on felony assault and other charges. the golfer calling it a big misunderstanding. the county attorney agreeing. this as newly obtained footage reveals a tense conversation between scheffler and another officer right after the incident.
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>> reporter: scheffler's attorney doubling down on scottie's stance. >> they were trying to get him to admit him to something he didn't do. the video shows he didn't do it. >> reporter: in a statement, louisville pd said they respect the county attorneys decision and respect the judicial process. and overnight detective gillis released a statement saying in part that it was disturbing for scheffler's attorney to challenge his honesty and integrity that he was dragged and injured. but moving forward, they both agree there is no ill will. george? >> george: now the latest major retailer to slash prices as customers push back on high prices. chief business correspondent rebecca jarvis is here. give us the details on this price cut. >> rebecca: good morning, george. nice to see you guys. shoppers have just reached a breaking point. after years of price hikes, walgreen's is joining a group of retailers cutting prices on
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essentials, hoping to win back cash strapped customers. the move impacts 1300 items ranging from toiletries to snacks and gadgets. so for example, this hand cream was $7.29. now it's $6. men's and women's gummy vitamins are down from $13.49 to $11.99. this bag of potato chips is down from $2.79 to $1.99. in recent weeks, we have seen target, wal-mart, amazon roll out their own price cuts to try and attract inflation weary consumers. the biggest driver of these cuts is shoppers. americans are trading down. they are cutting back with prices up 20% to 30% from prepandemic levels. it seems like we've just reached this tipping point, with retailers waging price wars to try and win back a bigger piece of your paycheck. >> george: mcdonald's, too? >> rebecca: mcdonald's as well. what we've seen from mcdonald's, they are dealing with the same issues as retailers are. customers are at their breaking point with sticker shock.
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mcdonald's president addressed some of the outrage that a big mac meal cost $18. he said that's at one location, only one location. the average price nationwide is $9.29. still, that is a 27% increase since before the pandemic. when it comes to the overall menu, he says prices are up roughly 40% due to supply chain issues and wages. yep, robin. just like walgreen's, target and others they're now cutting prices to get customers back in the door. mcdonald's is rolling out its own value meal. it's economics 101. play hard to get as a consumer, you get better deals. >> george: where does it cost $18? >> rebecca: it cost $18 at one location. i just want to point out that mcdonald's is franchised. most restaurants are franchises so the franchises themselves set the prices. it's near here where it's 18
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bucks. >> robin: wow. >> george: you will be back next hour with more on amazon? >> rebecca: yep. all these retailers, they know that people are stretched. they are cutting. >> robin: enough is enough. >> rebecca: yep. >> robin: all right. see you in a bit. >> rebecca: yep. >> robin: coming up, gypsy rose blanchard free after nearly nine years in prison for helping kill her mother. she's here talking about her new life and her divorce. >> michael: our exclusive with the veteran who survived a bear attack on his honeymoon. >> george: lava shooting in the air at a popular tourist spot. our team is there live. first ginger. >> ginger: severe thunderstorm blanketed west texas with hail. lot of people will say, wait a minute. hail in summer or spring? that's exactly when we see hail. you have to have the heat to make a thunderstorm that reaches so high in the atmosphere that it produces ice from tapping into that cold air. behind this the temperature dropped 50 degrees. pretty strong cold front. we're gonna have that dynamic jet stream. why we've had such a stormy pattern, it was a huge may numbers wise for damaging wind
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and tornados. unfortunately, in west texas including the panhandle today, more big hail. talking 1, 2, plus inch in diameter. all the way from garden city down to san angelo, watch for damaging winds. your local weather now 30 seconds. stka
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>> michael: coming up bulk up or scale back? we're talking about shopping, not your weight. all right. gonna tell you what you can buy in bulk or not. we'll be right back. (vo) you might be used to living with your albuterol asthma rescue inhaler, but it's a bit of a dinosaur,
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(man) now that i got a huge storage and battery upgrade... i'm officially done switching. (vo) new and existing customers get iphone 15 on us when they trade in any iphone. verizon wanna know a secret? with new secret outlast, you can almost miss the bus... but smell like you didn't. secret fights 99% of odor-causing bacteria. smell fresh for up to 72 hours. secret works! it's a crime to smell that good. (♪) [shaking] itchy pet? (♪) with chewy, save 20% on your first pharmacy order so you can put an end to the itch. get flea and tick medication delivered right to your door. [panting] >> always live. abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc. seven mornings. we're continuing to track developing news out of the east bay. a three alarm fire broke out at the lake chabot public market in castro valley. >> the building houses several
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small businesses and food vendors, including a coffee shop, ramen restaurant, and an ice cream shop. >> the fire is under control. it's unclear how the fire started. amanda, how's traffic this morning? >> reggie crews in gilroy are working to upright a big rig that went down after 230 this morning. here's a picture of it. it spilled 20 gallons of fuel and shut down westbound. 152 at ferguson. the sigalert remains in place. take 156 or 25 to get around. >> amanda. meteorologist drew
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consultation. >> the infiniti qx60 was clearly designed to make an impression, and my first impression is wow. it totally fits my vibe. the interior, it's luxurious. it really is. the back seat has a ton of room. hello ooh. i didn't realize this would have a third row of seating. consider me wowed. discover what you'll love about the 2024 three row qx60 with infiniti premium care included only at your local retailer. >> fx's clipped streamer june 4th only on hulu. >> and the accuweather forecast will take you to our east bay hills camera this morning. it is quite sunny out there. we also have some mild temperatures right now. looking some more warmer spots at this hour. even at 730 we have cities in the low 60s currently mid and upper 50s around the bay shoreline. so prepare yourselves for another warm one today if you like. yesterday you'll love today. so it's sunny and summer-like once
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again. we'll hit 70 in san francisco, 78 in oakland, 85 in san jose, 90. and our warmest spots inland. the coast is lovely today with sunshine. winds out of the northwest are pretty light waves 5 to 6ft high in that ocean. water temperatures chilly in the low to mid 50s. so looking at the three day forecast, we are sunny and summerlike today and tomorrow. cooler weather for saturday even into sunday, but expect a lot of sunshine the entire weekend. >> reggie, thanks to you for joining us on the abc seven bay area app. abc seven at seven continues. everybody else is watching gma it's like playing a video game, but in real life, yes. >> when we bring a truckload of magic to your house, that magic is yours to keep big open rooms without clutter and that feeling of fresh air freedom call one 800. got junk? >> it's the final lap of norco honda dealers race to save.
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gritty eyes could be more than a rough patch. >> people with graves could also get thyroid eye disease or ted, which may need a different doctor. find a ted eye specialist at. is it block from watching the big match. save the day by using a bank of america customized cash rewards card, and choose to earn 3% cash back on online purchases like live streaming. are you like me? >> if it's been a minute since you've been to panera, you might not want to wait a second longer, more new sandwiches and longer, more new sandwiches and salads, more in every bite, and get a $0 delivery fee for a limited time. ♪ ♪ ♪ school's out for summer ♪ >> robin: not quite.
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welcome back to gma. whit is live on a bus right now near boston. high school students transformed that bus into a camper van for their final school project and the summer road trip of a life time. they're putting the finishing touches on. the deadline is tomorrow so you better hurry up, guys. we can't wait to meet whit's new friends in our next hour. >> george: following a lot roff headlines. donald trump's criminal trial is first. jury set to go into its second day of deliberations after requesting some excerpts of testimony. they will hear testimony from david pecker and michael cohen. the justice department said it has taken down a massive bot scheme. it estimates it resulted in billions of dollars in losses around the globe. more than 19 million computers were infected which allows criminals to carry out hacking fraud and harassment campaigns. the chinese national accused of creating it was taken into custody last week. >> michael: nissan issued a do not drive warning for 84,000 vehicles with recalled air bags. the air bags were already subject to recall because the
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front passenger air bag inflaters could explode from high temperatures and humidity. the warning involves certain 2002-2006nissan sentras, 2002-2004 pathfinders and infinities. we've got a lot more ahead including the gma grocery challenge. the fact about buying in bulk, when it could lead to big savings and when it could be a big mistake. all coming up, robin. >> robin: now gypsy rose blanchard speaking about her life after prison where she served more than eight years for plotting to have her mother killed after years of abuse. juju sat down with her. good morning. >> good morning, robin. quite a story. you'll remember she spent those years for helping plan her mother's bloody murder. that was after surviving 20 years of abuse by her mother. gypsy said she's trying to set the record straight and just learning to navigate the wild ups and downs of the first few months of real freedom she has
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ever known. >> hi. i'm gypsy rose blanchard. >> reporter: she's an unlikely social media star. from her makeup tutorials. >> get ready for me. >> reporter: to her secret prison recipe. >> i will show you how to make a prison style energy drink with four ingredients. >> reporter: the controversial and complicated gypsy rose blanchard amassed nearly 10 million followers in the five months since getting out of prison. hi, gypsy. >> hi. >> reporter: some people might hide from the spotlight but you're going in a different direction. >> sometimes i feel like i have no choice. >> reporter: what do you mean by that? certainly you have a choice. >> i think that with social media is concerned, i think that i wanted to be like everyone else and have that right of freedom to have social media and interact with my friends online. i had no idea that i would have 9.8 million followers. >> reporter: gypsy's fame and
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infamy claim after she plead guilty for second degree murder to have her mother killed after years of abuse. her mother forced her to under go unnecessary surgeries, shaved her head and kept her in a wheelchair with a feeding tube. you're often portrayed either as have victim of munchausin's or murderer. >> right. >> reporter: what do you want people to know about you? >> quite honestly, i'm starting to feel like they want a perfect victim. and there is no such thing as a perfect victim. in their mind the perfect victim would have died. so now that i survived and the perpetrator of the abuse is the one that died, then i'm getting the hate. >> reporter: with new freedom comes a new look. she's gone blonde and has had cosmetic surgery, including a nose job. >> i have always been very self-conscious about my nose. i wanted to do it for myself, my self-esteem, what would make me feel beautiful about myself. >> reporter: that surgery must have felt different.
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>> it did feel different. i got to choose whether or not it was necessary. >> reporter: in december, gypsy was granted parole after serving eight years in a missouri prison. her first months of freedom captured in a life time series gypsy rose, life after lockup. >> not every day is a fairy tale in life. >> reporter: while still behind bars gypsy met and married ryan anderson. cameras were there as he picked her up from prison to begin their new life together in louisiana. >> what if i snore? >> then we got to get a divorce right away. [ laughter ] >> reporter: by april, gypsy filed for divorce. what went so wrong so fast? >> people need to understand that ryan and i had been in a relationship for three years. in those three years we had been through a lot of ups and downs. sometimes relationships just take its course. >> reporter: there was some reporting out there that you were afraid of him. is that accurate? >> i'm not afraid of ryan.
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i think that there is some things that happened that i think we've both wish wouldn't have. >> reporter: anderson's attorney telling abc news, any allegations of abuse levelled against mr. anderson are false and adamantly denied, and we consider any such allegations to be defamatory in nature. do you regret the marriage? >> i regret getting married while i was still in prison. i don't regret the relationship. >> reporter: now gypsy is focused on moving forward while making peace with her past. you got a lot of backlash on mother's day. >> it does not go without notice that my own biological mother is not here. >> reporter: what do you feel like the backlash was about? what, if anything, have you learned from it? >> being associated with anything to do with mother or mother figure i'm going to get backlash for it. i wanted to acknowledge her and honor her memory.
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if i got hate for that, so be it. >> reporter: at this point you're aware that you will always be associated as somebody who helped murder her mother. >> right. i go through my own guilt on a daily basis. and so it's not like i could ever hide from that. but i don't know if people want me to curl up in a ball and just start crying all the time. i can't live that way. i have to heal myself. >> reporter: you moved back in with dad and step mom. but you call her mom. >> she has been the one person that i know, without a doubt, has my best interests at heart. hey, y'all. me and christy are in nola. christy, what do you think about how far she's come? >> she's come a long way. she's not a little meek girl anymore. >> reporter: what motherly advice do you give her? >> what you don't know doesn't hurt you. what people say about her shows their character. pretty much.
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and just knowing her heart that the people that know her an love her know the truth. >> reporter: what is the truth? >> the truth is that she is remarkable. >> gypsy says she's often overwhelmed by choices, like in the grocery store, everywhere, all the decisions she has to make for herself for the first time ever. but one big choice she's made recently was to rekindle her flame with her former fiance, another man she first met at a pen pal behind bars. she's called him the love of a lifetime and says this time she's gonna take it. >> robin: even though she's 32, you can tell how young and just naive she is in some ways. >> lack of life experience. she just doesn't have it. yeah. >> george: what's fascinating is how her story has taken hold with so many people. >> yes. young people are obsessed. that's part of why she has such a social media following. i asked my kids about it. they are all following.
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>> robin: there's so much more to your interview. you can see more of juju's interview on "nightline." gypsy rose, life after lockup premieres monday night, june 3rd on lifetime. >> michael: coming up next, matt gutman has an exclusive interview with the man who came face to face with a bear and survived. hey, matt. >> reporter: hey, michael. james patrick was hiking on his honeymoon and saw a grisly bear cub. mama bear was not far behind. how he survived coming up next. . coming up next. ♪ siri: “continue straight." [bird caws] [commuter groans] siri: “you're still on the fastest route.” [commuter groans] [bird caws] commuter: “aghhh” [music stops] [debris crashing] [debris crashing] [phone thuds] ♪ [bird caws] ♪ “oh, come on!”
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>> michael: back now with the veteran on his honeymoon who came face to face with a grisly bear protecting her cub and somehow lived to tell the tale. matt gutman spoke with him exclusively. good morning, matt. >> reporter: good morning, michael. shane patrick survived deployments in iraq. he survived a brain tumor, the loss of family members. but it was a different danger that lurked in the wyoming woods, one that weighs about 400 pounds, can run about 30 miles an hour and has 4 inch long razor sharp claws. chloe and shane patrick were hiking on their honeymoon celebrating marriage and shane's recovery from a brain tumor. >> so i was moving. i was just like, at this point just watching my gps. >> reporter: they split up because shane was trying to find a particular owl. but an owl wasn't the animal he encountered. >> close enough to identify that it was a cub. >> reporter: what does your body
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do when you register, a, there's a cub and then immediately you see an adult grisly and it's charging you? >> i locked up. the decision making in such a fearful moment. it was insane how fast it happened. i don't know. i went to pure instinct. >> reporter: he had bear spray but not enough time to use it. >> okay, this is not going to be able to spray this animal. that's when i ducked an covered. she just bit down each leg and picked me up and thrashed me around. that's when she went towards my head. i kept my hands interlocked like this to protect the arteries in my neck. she bit down and got my left wrist and my right hand. i heard a pop. at that point in my head i was like, all right, she's in my skull. >> reporter: it wasn't his skull, it was the bear spray can. after a taste of that, mama bear ran off.
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>> then the pepper hit me. i was like, you're still alive. >> reporter: alive, but badly wounded, he scrambled up a hill and managed to get a call through to his wife, chloe, who is an emt. >> i said, i got attacked by a grizzly bear. i'm not sure exactly the damage yet. she goes right into emt mode, telling me what to do. >> i hung up the phone not knowing if i had spoke ton my husband for the last time. >> reporter: rangers finally get him. what's the first thing he tells them? >> please don't kill the bear. she was just defending her cub. >> reporter: the rangers decided that he was right, so everyone survived the day. >> brain tumor, surgery. >> it went really well. >> i was good after that. universe decided to test me again, i guess. >> no one ever starts their day thinking, i'm going to get attacked by a bear today. it happened to us. i'm really grateful that my husband was prepared and had
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these wonderful instincts to be able to preserve his life and make it back to us. >> reporter: the experts say shane did everything right. if you are charged or attacked by a grizzly bear, you want to lie flat on your stomach. only if the attack persists should you try to fight back and do so with everything you've got. guys? >> michael: got it. wow. >> robin: so glad he's doing well. hope they have is a long and happy marriage. >> george: our team is live on the scene where lava is shooting up in a popular tourist spot. . ♪ ♪ ? was that your great aunt, keeping armies alive? drafting the plans. taking the pictures. was it your family members who flew? who fixed. who fought. who rose to the occasion. when the world needed them the most.
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>> george: look at that. unbelievable sighting in the land of fire and ice, lava 150 feet in the air, forced hundreds of tourists to evacuate. marcus moore is on the scene in iceland. good morning, marcus. >> reporter: george, good morning. we are about 30 miles outside rejkavic. i want you to see this. this is where lava crossed an entire roadway yesterday. this morning you can feel the heat radiating from the hardened lava. there's also a distinct smell of gas. this, as that volcano erupts just a short distance from here. in fact, we have a live picture showing you extraordinary scenes there. this eruption starting yesterday morning just after residents were warned of increased earthquake activity. that lava shooting 150 feet into
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the air, coming from a split in the earth that stretches for more than a mile and a half. and this eruption, or this flare-up of activity here on the peninsula started back last november. that's when 4,000 residents were permanently evacuated from the town where we are this morning. officials also shut down the popular blue lagoon tourist destination because of this eruption. and, george, i want you to see, again, this lava that you can see in the distance behind me, also the heat waves in the distance. they have set up barriers to try to divert the lava away so they can manage to protect homes. this is the land of fire and ice, as it continues to unfold. >> george: that is some sight. >> robin: i hope everybody stays safe out there. wow. >> george: we'll be right back. . some things should stand the test of time.
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. so we'll be making it another one. it's love my husband? he's on a ventilator . >> you're saying you may already be lost? the 9-1-1 season finale tonight. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. >> here's amanda with traffic. >> good morning. reggie caltrans crews in gilroy are still working to upright a big rig that went down after 230 this morning. we do have a picture of it. it's spilled 20 gallons of fuel in. shut down westbound. 152 at ferguson. the signal
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remains in place here at 756. take 156 or 25 to get around it . hi, amanda. we'll go outside, take a live look at our east bay hills camera. >> it is lovely and sunny out there. temperatures they just updated. you could see we're at 61 in oakland, but 71 in brentwood. so it already feels quite warm out there. and the planner will show you full sunshine today. very similar to yesterday. it's a bit warmer than we were yesterday. those temperatures in the 80s and 90s away from the coast. the coast will be lovely today with full sunshine so high of about 70 in the city. 788 in oakland, 85 in san jose, but antioch and fairfield low 90s for daytime highs. it feels a lot more like summer out there. >> drew. thank you. if you're shooting with us on the abc seven bay area app, abc seven at seven is next. everybody else is watching gma. get that gorgeous , easy to maintain lawn you've always wanted with an artificial lawn from heavenly greens, our patented hybrid fiber is strong smooth, soft and resilient.
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donations at any mancini sleep world location, learn more or donate online at sleep worldcom . >> hey alex, gluten free waffles? yes. freezer section. third door on the left. thanks mom. selena and a smart and final. she is like a well-oiled machine, coiled cobra ready to attack her grocery list, right? and she grabs everything in one fell swoop. you see that right over there? that is a pro move. ice cream. last boom by alex. hey, how she always find me? smart and final. where else? tv's biggest morning party >> george: good morning america. it's 8 a.m. jury deliberations in donald trump's criminal trial, and key parts of testimony jurors asked to hear again. >> michael: summer savings we're helping you unlock the deals you might already have access to.
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rebecca has a closer look at your subscriptions this morning. >> robin: buy big to save big. strategies to really save when you're buying in bulk. but why you may be better off shopping small when it comes to some items. we're going one on one -- >> shoots from the same spot! >> robin: with wnba all star breanna stewart. why the new basketball league that she started is going to be a slam dunk. ♪ school's out for summer ♪ >> michael: the best high school project ever. ten friends transforming a school bus into a camper van for the summer road trip of a life time. >> i think people around the world are really excited to see what we're doing. >> michael: we're there live. and they're saying -- >> good morning america! [ applause ] >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> michael: good morning america. you know we picked the right
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person to cover this. we hope we didn't lose him on this road trip. that is whit johnson. he's no stranger to buses or road trips 'cause there he is in the red hat going on a family road trip back in the day in a refurbished bus. he is back on the bus this morning with a group of high school seniors in massach who renovated a bus to hit the road together. >> george: we learn something new about whit every day. >> robin: when we heard his mother, remember, during the eclipse? now you understand. you have a better understanding. an amazing, amazing family he's from. also ahead jimmy kimmell speaking about his son overnight after 7-year-old billy's third heart surgery. >> george: we are glad he is healing right now. first we start with donald trump's criminal trial. jury set to go into its second day of deliberations after requesting excerpts of some of the testimony. aaron katersky is at the courthouse. good morning. >> reporter: george, good morning. jurors deliberated about five
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hours so far. in that time they sent two notes. the jury asked to have some courthouse. good morning. >> reporter: george, good morning. jurors deliberated about five hours so far. jurors deliberated about five hours so far. in that time they sent two rors hours so far. in that time they sent two notes. the jury asked to have some me notes. the jury asked to have some testimon notes. the jury asked to have some testimon trump must be here at the courthou testimon trump must be here at the courthouse throughout the entire deliberations. whenever the jury is out, in case there's some note or eventually at some point, between two planes at reagan national airport.
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one plane speeding down the runway to take off. the other just landing. let's go back to trevor ault. good morning again, trevor. >> reporter: good morning again, michael. these two planes were essentially on a collision course. you had an american airlines plane cleared for takeoff hitting speeds of 110 miles an hour at the same time a king air flight had been cleared to land on a separate runway. those two paths were intersecting up ahead. you can hear as they had seconds to spare the air traffic controller realizing the danger, urgently telling the american airlines plane to abort the takeoff telling the king airline to circle around. it was too late that king airline flight was already on the ground. the american airlines plane was able to slam on the brakes and there were no injuries reported on either plane. this is just the latest in a string of incidents. it is highlighting a national shortage in air traffic controllers around whether or not those controllers that are working may be overworked or stressed.
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on top of all the general stresses on the system. as we head into a busy travel season. the faa will be investigating this incident, and american airlines will support that investigation. robin? >> robin: sounds good. all right. thank you very much, trevor. now to jimmy kimmell, back on the air last night after his 7-year-old son billy had his third heart surgery. will reeve is here with what the late night host said. good morning, will. >> good morning, robin. overnight jimmy kimmell on his show with an update on billy after he underwent his third heart surgery over memorial day weekend. take a listen. >> after an extra, extra long holiday weekend, we spent most of it at children's hospital. our son billy had an open heart surgery. he's doing very well. thank you. [ applause ] thank you for your thoughts. >> billy was diagnosed from birth with a heart defect and had his first open heart surgery when he was just 3 days old. back then jimmy saying he cries more than billy does.
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now here's present day billy, just days post surgery, returning home to find an unexpected guest, a hawk. jimmy sharing this video last night on his show. there's billy in the background running away from all the chaos. we are glad he is back home happy and healthy. >> george: will, thank you very much. coming up, summer savings. how to access some of the deals from your memberships that you might not know about. >> michael: the grocery store challenge. the best items to buy in bulk and the ones you're better off keeping small. >> robin: plus wnba super star, stewy, breanna stewart. she's here talking about her brand new game changing basketball league. you heard me. plus tory johnson rolling into times square. hey, tory. >> hey, robin. we have deals and steals. that's coming up right here on good morning america.
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it's a one speed. hahaha. hahaha. and if you have cut rate car insurance, odds are you'll be paying for that yourself. so, get allstate and be better protected from mayhem... like me. hey, i'm walking here! you are bountiful. your skeleton can support two times your weight. it's in your nature to stand strong. supplement your bones with high-absorption magnesium. nature's bounty. (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) ♪ behr behr behr behrrr behr behr behr ♪ ♪ behrrr behr behr behr behr ♪ ♪ behr behr behr behr behrrrrr ♪ whether you're doing it yourself or hiring a pro, ♪ behr behr behr behrrrrr ♪ today let's paint. ♪ behr behr behr behrrrr ♪ no, no.
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>> george: wre back with how to use your subscriptions to save. amazon is teaming up with grub hub that helps cut prices for members. rebecca jarvis back with details. welcome back. tell us how it works. >> rebecca: the reason they are doing this, they want more people to become prime members. target and wal-mart have their own program. shoppers really like those as well. they want people to spend that $139 a year to become prime members. this service allows you to get grub hub plus, a value of $120 a year, for free. the way that it will work is that you can now order your grub
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hub on and through the amazon app. you also will save, as a prime member, $5 on orders over $25 until june 2nd. you want to think about if you're somebody who orders food online, you know those fees, the delivery fee, the service fees, they can add up. sometimes it feels like you're paying more in fees. than you're paying for your actual food. grub hub plus allows you to see those numbers diminish so you're paying a lot less. >> george: do you have to do anything special to get access? >> rebecca: right now go to hub and see what the program entails. for that $5 off your $25 order, you do have to enter in the code prime 5 at checkout. again, that runs through june 2nd. >> michael: anybody with a credit card can save money. >> rebecca: anyone with a credit card. you've got points. most credit cards do cash back. i do want to stipulate, though.
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you're only saving money if you're paying your bills on time. if you are looking at credit card offers thinking, this is great because i get cash back. if you're spending on that apr each month you are not getting anything back. there are a number of cards whether it's amex, visa, chase, they are all offering cash back. we found these on amex where you get $10 back when you spend at macy's or u.p.s. $5 back when you spend $15 at mcdonald's. in some cases you have to opt into the programs. >> michael: those are big rebates. >> rebecca: they're significant. significant, too, if you see 3% cash back at the grocery store or gas station. it does add up. again, pay your bill on time. that's the way to get cash back. >> george: good advice. robin? >> robin: joining us now two time olympic gold medallist, two time wnba mvp breanna stewart, stewy. the new york liberty star is also the co-founder of a brand
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new women's basketball league that is called unrival. give it up for stewy here at gma. [ applause ] come on. [ applause ] you were on the court last night. >> i know. i don't know how you do these early mornings. [ laughter ] >> robin: congrats on the victory. it was a wednesday night and the place was packed. what is this explosion in the women's game? for you as a player what has the experience been like? >> for me, it's been a long time coming. i feel like, as we know, this product has been here this entire time. now people are finally seeing what we have to offer. but like you said, wednesday night arena's packed. wnba games are happening frequent and often this summer. i hope people are seeing new friends or old friends. i hope just they continue to come and support. >> robin: whatever brought them to the game. you talk about the wnba season this summer.
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in the off season many times players have had to go abroad to play. >> yeah. >> robin: you are starting a new venture that will begin at the beginning of the year with your former uconn teammate. tell us about this new league. >> i think just depends on what you said. obviously in a typical women's basketball life you play in the wnba and go overseas. there's a seven month gap where our players aren't home. aren't in market. she and i are co-founders in unrivalled which is going to launch in miami come 2025. it will be the top athletes where we'll play three on three, one on one. just be home, be in market, and be able to be in a market that continues to grow the game and brand. >> robin: it will stay there in miami which is very important to the players. they didn't want to be traveling around in the off season. so it's gonna be there. >> yep. >> robin: three on three. the court will be a little bit different? >> yes. the court will be a little bit smaller so around 60 feet in comparison to 94.
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full court three on three. we'll have to make sure our cardio is up. we'll have a training camp in this ten-week window. but i'm really excited about it. i'm excited to be playing, be around the best, continue to get better. miami's not a bad place to be. >> robin: it's not. especially that time of the year. what sets it apart? there's been some other three on three leagues. but what sets this league unrivalled, apart? >> i think what sets us apart is especially in the women's world, this has never happened before. this is the largest average salary in women's sports. >> robin: say that again. >> yeah, yeah. the average salary is the highest ever in a women's league around the world. six figures. making sure that not only are we going to have the best product, but also the product will be what we deserve. >> robin: aren't the players going to have equity in the league? >> all 30 players will have equity in this league.
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obviously, this is year one. we want to start with a bang. but knowing the potential. like you said, the movement of women's sports is going to continue to grow. we're going to make sure it's better year after year. >> robin: this is proof again, this is not a moment, it's a movement here. i know you can't give us all the deets. i know you are still working out the tv package and everything. 30 players. can you just give us an indication of the players we will be seeing? >> obviously she and i. and then there will be all-stars. all-star game will be part of this as well. i can't tell you any names because it's a secret. i might have to come on again and give you a rundown. it's going to be the best of the best. >> robin: you really wanted this to be -- you want to leave the game better than you found it. isn't that part of why you're doing this and what you want to do? >> absolutely. this is my why. this is what we do in the wnba. we are trying to grow the game individually and collectively.
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and make sure we are filling gaps, filling voids of not seeing these players throughout the entire off season. now we're going to be around. >> robin: yeah. gonna be in miami. okay. road trip! road trip! >> come on. >> robin: 2024 olympics, paris. >> can't believe it. it's coming so quickly. >> robin: you already have two gold medals so we'll see. >> got to keep it going. >> robin: hey, stewy, thank you. thank you for what you're doing and what you want to do, to not only raise the level of women's basketball, but women's sports in general. very proud of you. >> thank you. >> robin: come on back, let us know who those players are. unrivalled will tip off next january in miami, michael. you ready? >> michael: that's exciting. i'm all for that. thank you, stewy, for bringing that to women's basketball. now to a group of high school seniors who are transforming a standard yellow school bus into a camper for the ultimate cross country summer road trip. it's all for school credit.
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whit johnson is with those students in massachusetts. good morning, whit. look like you're having a lot of fun. >> reporter: right? absolutely, michael. good morning to you. take a look at this transformation already. this is not your average school bus. come in for a tour. these guys here, these are my new buddies. they haven't slept in weeks. they've been working around the clock trying to finish this bus, this project, by tomorrow. that's when it's due. their message of growth through trial and error, team work, never being afraid to fail is one that is resonating around the world. the ultimate senior project and the summer road trip of a life time. >> i made our kitchen. going to put a counter up top. >> reporter: five classmates from milton academy outside boston, with a little help from their friends. >> turn the lights on. >> reporter: transforming this tired old school bus into a tricked out rv. >> it kind of had to be
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something where we were all together because it was our last hoorah. >> reporter: as part of a graduation requirement, seniors take a month long break from classes to focus on a project of their choosing. >> the parameters are pretty wide. what we want for students is to spend the last month of their senior year engaging in something they love. >> reporter: the group combining all of their savings. finding the bus was the easy part. >> facebook market place. you can buy anything. >> we scattered the internet. wait, lot of people are selling buses. >> reporter: then, rewiring the electrical, adding appliances, a roof top deck a triple bunk bed. these are the beds? this is a triple decker. >> it's going to be tight. >> reporter: especially this one down here. i even helped with some finishing touches. there. first one's good. >> then down here. >> reporter: first one's good. the teens, documenting their progress on social media. >> it's been two week since we started renovating this bus.
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>> reporter: amassing 2 million followers on instagram. >> not even just milton but people around the world are really excited to see what we're doing. >> reporter: this bus, building much more than friendships. now a viral vehicle of inspiration. >> learning by doing, right? kind of jumping in head first. being not afraid to make mistakes and learn from those mistakes. >> i'm inspired by my friends every day. they push me and everyone to work hard. it's amazing. >> reporter: i'm here with benjamin and kevin right now. all right, guys. everybody wants to know, what's the plan for the big road trip? >> it's been a crazy past few days but we're super excited to launch into summer with some short trips around the northeast, maybe a few days, couple days. see how the whole bus thing works out. >> at the end of july will be our big road trip where all ten of us will cram in this bus and drive across the country. we hope to meet as many of you as possible. our big goal is to touch the pacific ocean. >> reporter: i love that. touch the pacific. all right, guys. i hope you come visit us in times square, maybe on your way
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out. ready? ready for the road trip? [ applause ] back to you guys. >> michael: all right. get ready, whit. just make sure you come back here. we need you here, whit. now ginger. hey, ginger. >> ginger: i'm happy to provide the forecast. headed to the west coast, get in touch. your people, my people. we've been looking at record highs. just a baking month of may. some places the hottest may they've had in south florida. look at winter haven, record of 99, tampa 97. things will come down a little the next couple days. today tampa could hit a record, as could miami. building heat in the west. this is an area that hasn't seen as much as south florida. but redding by wednesday, thursday, friday, above 110. let's get a check little closer to
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>> michael: time now for deals and steals. tory johnson is here as we head into the busy summer months. we have great products to help when you're on the go. good morning, tory. let's get to it. what do we got? >> no matter where you're going, four over 100 years samsonite has been the trusty go to. extremely lightweight and incredibly durable. you don't want the suit case itself to be all the weight. once you put your stuff in there. easy maneuverability. look how fabulous the wheels are for checked as well as carry-on luggage. so many compartments to be able to have increased packing space.
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they've considered all of your travel needs with these. we've got a huge assortment. more colors, more collections. everything slashed in half starting at $99. >> michael: $99 for luggage is excellent. >> this is the pivot explorer dream all-terrain stroller wagon from even flo. big name because it does a lot. you've got space for two kids, 6 months to 5 years old. even more leg room. when you take this out, you can see that. they've extended more leg room in there. and then when it's time for a nap, it comes with an extender here to create it into a bassinet. you can literally take the kids anywhere and accommodate, whether you're on the go or nap time. you can pull or push all-terrain. they have thought of every feature on this. this is slashed in half. >> michael: i need an adult
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size, so i can take a nap. >> all right. parker and hyde great bags for on the go. we've got the totes, belt bag, messenger bag. >> michael: i love this material. >> the material is fabulous. really great nylon weave. it looks fabulous. it accessorizes any outfit. everybody loves these. savings at least 50%. starts at $20. free shipping. >> michael: i like it. >> from your bags to your feet, this allows you to walk in ultimate comfort. these are precision made premium orthotics. what i love about these, they're made for significant conditions and activities. you'll choose based on gender, shoe size or activity. casual comfort, speed, we have fashion. arch pain. heel pain, a kind of any kind of foot condition. they make a product specifically for you all of these today slashed
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in half starting at $25. and free shipping from eight track. >> i'm on the casual comfort side. oh yeah. okay. >> lusso gear, this is the easiest way to keep kids organized on the go. so if you look on the other side of this, if this was the parent in the front seat, kid in the back seat, we've got the back seat organizer right there to keep everything in its place. this tray is pretty fabulous for the car, plane, train. it has a dry erase surface on the top. it's got all the pockets on the sides. this is snacks, activities, holds, your ipad, something to hold their ipad. keeps them all in case this is a car trash can. car organizers. they've really kind of thought of all of these options. these are the products that like, you didn't know you needed, but you'll love having them 50% off starts at 1050. and then finally , so smart, right? my magic carpet. so when you want to make sure that your floors are covered, stylish way to cover your floors. two great things about these. not only do they feel good, they've got a
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non-slip grip on the other side that's not going to wear off in the washer and dryer. and then also a liner here so that if you spill, it's not going to go through and ruin your floors. >> great pattern, great patterns, 25 different patterns, six sizes starts at $40, 50% off. you got it. you do it again. great deals by tory johnson. we want to thank her. and we partnered with these companies on these great deals. you can get them on our website. good morning coming up the gma grocery challenge bulk are not to bulk. that is the question. >> you went behind my back. give me one reason i shouldn't end your career right now. >> helicopter coming in with an injured firefighter. firefighter joe who's coming down the ladder . >> cheers to the nba finals always live. abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. here's a look at
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traffic with amanda. >> good morning. kumasi people in gilroy are still dealing with this sigalert. this is after a big rig overturned after 230. this morning. it spilled about 20 gallons of fuel across the road there. crews are working to get the big rig upright. they already cleared the road of that fuel, but this is on westbound 152 in ferguson road. so just a heads up, kumasi. >> thanks, amanda. meteorologist drew tuma has your accuweather forecast after the break. >> it's like playing a video game, but in real life. yes. >> when we bring a truckload of magic to your house, that magic is yours to keep. >> big open rooms without clutter and that feeling of fresh air. freedom call one 800. got junk? >> do you like this one? i think this is my favorite. >> okay, hun, what do you think of this one? when it's time for an update or a complete remodel? re-bath is with you every step of the way. >> is this going to be ready in time for the baby? >> absolutely. >> from design and products to removal and installation. check it out. >> we handle the entire process
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to create a beautiful and functional bathroom for whatever your life needs. >> re-bath with you every step of the way. call or visit re-bath .com for your free in-home design consultation. >> after my car accident, i wondered what my case was worth. so i called the barnes ferm. >> when that car hit my motorcycle. insurance wasn't fair, so i called the barnes ferm. it was the best call i could have made at the barnes ferm. >> our injury attorneys work hard to get you the best result possible. call us now and find out what your case could be worth. you might be surprised the von sperm injury attorneys call one 808 million. >> it's like playing a video game, but in real life. yes. when we bring a truckload of magic to your house, that magic is yours to keep. big open rooms without clutter and that feeling of fresh air. freedom. call one 800. got junk? >> let's go outside. here's a live look from our east bay
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hills. camera it is sunny. it's another day of warm temperatures , more summer-like than late spring. those temperatures already feel nice out there this morning. look at all the 60s from oakland to san jose, fairfield at 66, saint helena at 60, brentwood getting warmer 73 right now. so looking at the planner today, you can expect full sunshine from start to finish. uh- it's a warm to hot day. we'll see temperatures nice along the coast in the 60s and 70s, 70s and 80s. around the bay shoreline are warm spots inland going into the 90s, so it is sunny today. your uv index is an eight out of 11 that is very high where that sunscreen reggie aqui kumasi. >> thank you. drew we'll have another abcen n seven news updan about 30 minutes. you can always find the l >> announcer: welcome back to gma live from times square. >> robin: now our series gma grocery challenge. we do love a challenge.
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this morning buying in bulk. when does shopping big save you big? and when does it not make so much sense? our consumer correspondent becky worley went shopping. she has some answers for us. >> reporter: cases of chicken stock, pounds of peanut butter, a mountain of paper towels. buying in bulk, the portions can be as large as the savings, but experts say that's not always the case. >> anything with an expiration date that can go bad quickly, you want to be careful how much you buy in bulk. unless you know there's a certain amount that your family consumes within, you know, say a week. >> reporter: what are some items you should think twice about? a few our expert points out are spices, salad kits and bread because they will likely go bad before you can eat it all. >> food waste is the biggest way people waste money on groceries. >> reporter: to do a price comparison, my producer sara and i each went to bulk stores and grocery stores in our area. $4.99.
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i found salad kits for $4.99 at safeway. now, you can get double that size at costco for $7.99 but you have to eat it before it goes bad. that's potential food waste that could cost $3. sara found garlic powder for $1.29 for 2.5 ounces at shop rite $8 for 21 ounces. that's a $7.55 savings, unless you're making mashed potatoes for an army. other bulk items that can go bad quickly, olive oil. in many cases its shelf life is only a few months once it's open. coffee. that fresh ground smell and taste starts to peter out after awhile. bagels. eating that many bagels in a week, it's a lot. they can be frozen, but just like coffee, fresher is better. experts say strategizing the purchase of bulk store staples versus smaller store items is the best way to save and avoid food waste. >> it really comes down to knowing, how much is my family
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going to eat? what is going to last? and shop savvy and smart that way. >> reporter: for good morning america, becky worley, abc news, oakland, california. >> robin: thanks to becky. registered dietitian and cookbook author maya feller is here with more smart shopping strategies. always good to have you with us. let's look here. fresh fruit. we like fresh fruit. you're saying canned and frozen is also the way to go. >> robin, that's right. canned and frozen can be fantastic for cost savings and it can also be quite nutritious. this is where i want folks to be informed consumers. look at the nutrition facts panel and label and make a choice based on your individual needs. opt for things that don't have added sugars, fats and salts and have a plan for fresh. you want to make sure you eat it before it goes bad. now, let's not forget the dried goods. with the dried fruit, those can be wonderful. what i tell people, look for ones that don't have added sugars and package them yourself.
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you can snack on them and they are at the ready for you. >> robin: have to have a plan, and this is where you have to have a plan. staples are good in the pantry. but you say still have a plan. >> i love things like pasta and oats. that rounds out your pantry. i also like variety, white rice, brown rice, red rice. very nutritious. varying degrees of fiber, vitamins and minerals. you want to store these in a container like this that is airtight, away from light, air and water. >> robin: okay. >> also with these things, be sure you have an expiration date in mind and use them. they last a long time, about six to eight months. keep an eye on them. >> robin: you can lose track of time. >> now, robin, i want to talk to you about things like nuts. i want you to open that fridge. >> robin: got to go over here so i can use my good hand. why do you have them in the refrigerator? there are nuts in here.
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>> for maximum shelf stability, you can store your nuts in the fridge. they're amazing for snacking and last even longer in the fridge or freezer. >> robin: i never thought about put them in the fridge. >> such a great way to make them last longer. also, i like to pack them into individual bags and mix them up because then you have your own home made trail mix. >> robin: i like that tip. >> i'm gonna pop this one. we're gonna move on over here. >> robin: keep them in the fridge like that. all right. protein. i don't know. okay. tuna, yes, i get. salmon, i get. okay. but chicken? even canned chicken? >> stay with me here. this is where folks are really going to have to be informed consumers. read that nutrition facts label. canned chicken, what are you telling me, maya? you've got to spice it up, season it so it pops on your plate. it can be delicious. great for cost savings. don't sleep on the canned
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chicken breast, but give it a try. >> robin: okay. all right. also because the tuna, this can last awhile. >> canned tuna's amazing. got your omega 3 fatty acid, source of protein, tuna, mackeral, all of those minifish are nutrient dense and you can add them to crackers, bread, salads. there's so many cooking applications, and they're really wonderful and delicious. >> robin: as are you, wonderful and delicious. thank you, maya. do you know who is, also? i'll keep the streak going. sunny hostin is here. she's gonna talk about her brand new book. her third one in a series. come on back.
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>> michael: back now with our friend sunny hostin. she's an emmy winning co-host of "the view" and abc news legal analyst. not to mention a best selling author. her new book "summer on highland beach" is out now. sunny, good morning. we always love having you. >> so good being here with all of you. >> robin: good to have you here. can we have the shoe cam? cute shoes. we cannot show them. >> thank you. they're not walking shoes. they're posing shoes. >> michael: i like that. george, do you want to pose? [ laughter ] let's talk about "summer on
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highland beach." third installment of your summer beach trilogy. >> yeah. >> michael: you say the setting is meaningful to you. why is that? >> each setting is a character in the book. what i decided is to put them in hbbc, the federal designation historically black beach communities. people have heard of hbcu, historically black colleges universities, never hbbc's. i thought if i didn't know about it, people don't know about it. oak bluff was the first, second, sag harbor. yes, there are black folks in the hampton's. and then highland beach. i left it for last because it's the most important to phre. this is the oldest hbbc in the country and it was frederick douglas' summer home. can you imagine? you're talking about generational wealth since the late 1800s. this is where frederick douglas would summer, sit on his porch.
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i sat there. and look across the bay where he was formerly enslaved. imagine that? i know lot of people don't believe in ghosts. maybe george. [ laughter ] i felt the ancestors, it was that special for me. that's where this last book is. >> george: give us the elevator pitch on the story. >> hbbc. we have a woman named olivia, our protagonist. she is looking for self-care, self-help, self-value. she's looking for chosen family, biological family. more importantly, she is discovering that she gets to decide her value, her worth, who she is. and so it buttons up the series, i think -- people are asking for more. i think it buttons it up. she's also -- i'm trying to destigmatize mental health. i have a black therapist in the book. i have been speaking with taraji p. henson.
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she's been doing amazing work. and i have dr. grange giving olivia advice, as to life and love. got a little sex in it because it's a beach read. you've got to have is a little smut, also. >> robin: i remember when you were talking about that on "the view." i'll let that slide. what has it been like for you to share these places with your readers? >> it's been unbelievable, robin. the first book, you know, most books sell 5,000 books during the life time of the book. the first book sold 25,000 the first week. so i realized that it resonated with readers. i visit martha's vineyard. we had people print out t-shirts with the cover of the book walking around and visiting the places. historical fiction. everything i write about exists. they were visiting the oldest carosel in the country.
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it is on martha's vineyard. they were visiting c'est la vie this wonderful black owned store. it's been such a blessing to teach people history. you want to feed your kids asparagus but maybe put a little peanut butter on it? that's what i'm doing. teaching people american history. it's not just african-american history. it's american history with a little peanut butter on it so it's digestible and so that they learn. our history is being erased. >> michael: you are talking about your main character. she's trying to fine her ancestors. this was personal for you as well. >> thank you for bringing that up. i found some roots recently. i learned so much about my family. i learned grandfather on my father's side, he was not. i learned my mom is puerto rican but from spain. our family were slave owners.
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we had the enslaved on one side and enslavers on the other. what was so fascinating is i wanted to write to that. this is a journey for olivia to find her ancestors, to find her home. it was very real for me. i thank you, skip gates, for giving me all of that information. >> robin: wow. >> george: what a great story. you will turn the whole series into a tv series with octavia spencer? >> i sent this to octavia spencer. i think i wanted an instagram post. i don't know what i wanted. she called me and said, you are going to get offers. let me tell you why i should be your producing partner. she sold me. she is my production partner. prime amazon bought it on pitch. we just got green lit for our pilot. you will be seeing it, hopefully, next year or the year after. they have the option for all three books so we're gonna bring it to a whole new audience. >> robin: who is your dream
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cast? octavis, i would think. >> if she is available she will play olivia's mom. i happen to know another oscar winner whoopie goldberg, so if octavia is unavailable i'll ask whoopie. i would love the duke from bridgerton. if you're watching. [ laughter ] i would love lucien from in paris. i would love il semesh. >> robin: you have a list. >> i have got a story board. i dream big. i want these people. i want lenny kravitz as carter. lenny, if you're watching. yeah. >> michael: you got a heck of a cast going there. [ laughter ] wow. sunny, we're so happy for you. >> thank you. >> robin: congratulations. >> thank you so much. >> michael: lot of work. it's paying off. so happy for you. >> thank you. >> michael: sunny's book "summer on highland beach" it is out now. make sure you get yourself a copy. now ginger. hey, ginger. >> ginger: we got a vision board is what we just learned.
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all right. we do have exciting news from a galaxy not so far far away. this week marks the fifth anniversary of galaxy's edge at disneyland in california. the chairman of disney's experience is announcing a new initiative with disney's long term partners at the make-a-wish foundation. >> i love it! >> ginger: the walt disney partnership with the make-a-wish foundation. >> hear ye hear ye welcome all to the royal ball. >> ginger: making dreams come true for decades. >> you're all royalty for the day! >> we are honored that disney is the number one wish granter in the world. we're always trying to come up with new and innovative ways to make these kids' dreams come true. >> ginger: disneyland now shooting for the stars. >> this is why i'm so excited for our next big wish later this year when we invite wish kids and their families to the disneyland resort.
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it will be a multiday star wars experience, culminating right here in star wars galaxy's edge. it is going to be the ultimate dream come true party in a galaxy far far away. >> ginger: since the 1980s the make a wish foundation partnered with disney to grant more than 155,000 wishes to make a wish children. let's get a check now closer to home. >> michael: coming up former congressman patrick kennedy is here telling us about his new book profiles in mental health courage.
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>> george: may a mental health awareness month. patrick kennedy here to talk about his new book profiles in mental health courage.
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welcome. good to see you. >> good to see you. >> george: tell us about the book. >> president kennedy obviously wrote about eight u.s. senators who demonstrated great political courage. that was important for his time. mental health courage is important for our time. we are having an epidemic in suicide and overdose. young people suffering from record rates of depression and anxiety, but we're still not talking about it. some people say they have a diagnosis. yes. that's great. what we don't know is how people live with these illnesses. simone biles, in the last olympics, said she couldn't perform because of mental health. no one knows what that means. how does that play out in her life or anyone's life? in this book we feature 12 people who talk about how mental health impacts their daily lives and we interview, george, their family members. what's often left out of these stories are the closest people to someone who suffers from a mental illness. i think our country, if we're going to tackle this problem,
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need to understand really the complexity of these illnesses. as you know, in politics, we want a simple easy solution. it's not gonna be that, but that doesn't mean we can't get a solution. >> george: this is a very personal journey for you. >> i'm a person who is in long term recovery. i have not had to use drugs or alcohol or, as we say, any pills, pot or powder, since february 22, 2011. i am amongst 30 million americans who are in long term recovery. most people don't know who those people are because we all live in church basements. we're all anonymous. if you were a politician and you looked out and didn't see a series of people ready to vote for you because you did the right thing on mental health, you wouldn't have been as active in trying to propose it. i liken this to if you're running for office on the democratic side, even the republican side, and you had a special interest group. you do what they ask you to do if you want their vote. we are the biggest special interest group in this country,
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but no one's holding politicians accountable to do things we need them to do. >> george: what would that look like, holding them accountable? >> we would be keeping all of the reports from social workers psychologists, psychiatrists, peer workers. then you could get all the overdose survivor, anyone suffering from depression, bi polar, eating disorders. if you ever brought us together -- we share 99% of the same agenda but we go to capitol hill separately. what we lose is the power of collective action. that's what i would -- you did the war room when president clinton. we need a war room. we need to put points on the board so anyone running for office in this country knows how many people in their district care about this. >> george: how about on a personal level? how does one help a family member struggling with addiction? >> kind of like the airlines, put your own mask on first.
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you aren't able to help someone else if you're reacting to them. if you're not in a good mental health position yourself. so the problem is, people could respond to their loved one if they knew they had access. as you know, when i was in congress i wrote the mental health parity and mental health addiction act which prevents companies from discriminating against these illnesses and reimbursement. and, frankly, that's still a problem. president biden actually is about to impose a rule on insurance companies that are already turning their hair gray because they're so worried about it. we ought to be saluting president biden for pushing this. we know he suffered from these illnesses, like everyone else. i think this is an issue that everyone needs to know that there's a political solution to it. we feel overwhelmed in this world now. i think if we felt we could actually do something, we would. the problem is, george we don't have that agenda laid out, like every other special interest group has theirs laid out.
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>> george: you're doing it in this book. thank you. >> thank you, george. >> george: if you are experiencing mental health crisis call or next 988. profiles in mental health courage is available now. we will be right back.
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plus, you'll find one of the largest volcanoes in the world, haleakala. and there is no shortage of great shopping, buying local helps bolster small
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business owners who are supporting their communities and families when visiting. remember, locals are still healing from the devastating wildfires, so visitors are encouraged to travel with aloha, compassion and empathy. discover the magic of the islands with nonstop flights from oakland to paradise on southwest or hawaiian airlines. aloha begins at o.r.k. >> did you know the average person throws away over 4 pounds of material a day? that's why recycling is so important. recycling rules have changed over the years, so it's time to learn how to recycle, right? have a waste sorting plan that starts inside your home? know what recycling material is accepted in your cart. keep recyclables empty, clean and dry. put loose items in the cart. avoid using bags. not sorting properly. keeps recycled materials from having a second life. for more information, visit oakland >> it's surprise people across the country helping find thousands in unclaimed money. >> this really is a big check.
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yes and this summer we're at it again. >> that's incredible, because nothing's better than hearing you say, show me the money on good morning america. >> another great day. it's been a wonderful week here on gma. >> have a great day. welcome to our annual gathering the nba finals. here we go at the center of it are two exceptional teams. and yet you're all a part of it. but remember no one sips the champagne into a champion's crown. >> is that your new nissan rogue? yeah. >> crazy story. so this morning i'm at the nissan thrill of summer sales event, taking a test drive. when dave's like, these cars are going fast. >> hurry in for memorial day savings. now nissan offers six vehicles starting under $30,000. >> when a truck hit my car, the insurance company wasn't fair. i didn't know what my case was worth, so i called the barnes ferm. i'm rich barnes. >> it's hard for people to know how much their accident case is worth. let our injury attorneys help you get the best result possible in the grand tapestry of california for ecosystems,
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we've curious connections. >> connections in the forest like bears feeding redwood trees with salmon. >> and on the coast were underwater. forests support thousands of species. >> species in the desert survive the heat of day and thrive at night. >> bobcats navigate around the city just like us. >> see how it all weaves together at california state of nature, a new exhibit at the california academy of sciences. >> i'm janelle marie. i'm here with award winning real estate expert suzanne rosha. now, suzanne, speaking about my own experience. it can be so overwhelming when people finally decide to sell their property or start thinking about it, right? yes. >> you know, and that's why i offer a very unique approach, utilizing my psychology degree to help those who are feeling stressed out and overwhelmed so that we can transform a very stressful situation into an easy and positive experience. >> and people are so stressed out because of the circumstances they're in. >> yes. and a lot of them feel like they're struggling. maybe they're behind on their property
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taxes or mortgage payments. i also help those who are downsizing, needing to relocate. want to sell a rental property also, maybe a trust sale as well as facing a probate situation. and that's what's so great about your expertise, because you can help people sell in as is condition like this house right here and without for sale signs. yes, i like to focus on privacy and safety. call suzanne directly at (800) 893-6665. >> suzanne is the local expert. you can trust. >> is that your new nissan rogue? yeah. >> crazy story. so this morning i'm at the nissan thrill of summer sales event taking a test drive. when dave's like, these cars are going fast. >> hurry in for memorial day savings. now nissan offers six vehicles starting under $30,000. all swease live. >> abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. here's a look at traffic with amanda. >> good morning kumasi a look at the four car crash that has traffic at a standstill on the richmond-san rafael bridge. this
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is happening at the mid span and we want to give you a live look. traffic is not moving at all. again this is in the westbound direction. take golden gate bridge instead. >> good advice amanda. let's go outside to the exploratorium camera. it is sunny out there and it's already pretty warm. 60s and 70s for the most part at this hour. so a look at the planner today. expect a lot of sunshine even along the coast. it is bright today is actually warmer than yesterday in most cities by a few degrees, so very summer-like out there. later on this afternoon. so we'll go to a high of 70 in the city, 78 in oakland, 85 in san jose, but 92 the high in fairfield, kumasi thank you, drew. >> now it's time for live with kelly and mark, and we'll ♪ ♪ >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and mark!"


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