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tv   America This Morning  ABC  May 31, 2024 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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congratulations, alison. it's getting harder and harder to keep this secret from the kids. she'll be back on monday, and we'll see you then. ♪♪ captioned by los angeles distribution and broadcasting, inc. >> right now on america this morning trump guilty on all counts. >> never surrender. >> what's next for the former president, his new fundraising push and what he's planning. >> today we take a closer look at the sentence he could receive and his grounds for an appeal plus perspective from our
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presidential historian on where we've been and where we may be going. >> also this morning, a major change by the white house when it comes to providing weapons for the war in ukraine and how those weapons are used. >> the doomsday cult author convicted of killing his wife and his stepchildren, claiming they were possessed, while chad daybell get the death penalty. >> the cost of daycare sky rocketing, just how unaffordable it's become. >> an orange juice crisis why makers of the breakfast beverage may be at a crossroads. >> breaking overnight western conference champions are the dallas mavericks. the mavericks punch their ticket to the nba finals and caught on camera the risky rescue in the texas flood waters. >> more severe storms in the forecast. what to expect today from abc news. >> this is america this morning. >> good friday morning everyone i'm andrew dymburt. >> good morning to you i'm rhiannon ally. we have new reaction to the historic conviction of former president trump. >> trump is scheduled a news
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conference at 11 a.m. eastern this morning, his first as a convicted felon. sources say trump's team was not surprised by the verdict, but was surprised at how quickly it came down. after seven weeks in court, former president trump left a fundraiser in new york last night, hours after the historic verdict. a supporter in the crowd urging him to fight never surrender, one person at the fundraiser describing trump as fired up. his lead attorney, meanwhile, hit the airwaves, vowing to vigorously appeal the conviction. >> at the end of the day, there were key decisions made before the trial started and during the trial that i don't want to use a fair or unfair, but that we think were not consistent with with the law. >> a jury found trump guilty on all 34 counts, convicting him of falsifying business records to keep a payment to actress stormy daniels secret from voters before the 2016 election. now trump faces a sentence that could range from probation to up to four years behind bars. but prison time is considered highly unlikely. >> even if it's no time, the question becomes are there
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nuances right? could it be home confinement? could there be probation? could there be community service? so the judge has enormous discretion here. but most people believe because it's a low level felony, it will be on the very low end of that. >> he can't send them to probation. this is a guy who's followed by the secret service. he's going to have to find some creative community service, some way for donald trump to use his stature and his finances to make new york city a better place. >> the judge scheduled sentencing for july 11th, four days before the republican national convention. experts say trump is unlikely to see any punishment before the november election, because the appeals process could take several months. >> it doesn't mean he's actually serving the sentence immediately after the sentencing. they could actually delay that as they appeal it and potentially not have to serve the sentence until after the election. >> trump's team could take multiple avenues with their appeal. they could take issue with the pretrial, publicly arguing it tainted the jury. they could argue that the jury should have been sequestered during the trial, and they'll likely point out that manhattan da alvin bragg, a state level prosecutor, was enforcing
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federal election law, questioning his authority to even bring the case. >> while this defendant may be unlike any other in american history, we arrived at this trial and ultimately today at this verdict, in the same manner as every other case. >> bragg upgraded the charges in this case to felonies, saying he believed trump also broke election laws by falsifying financial documents, which trump was unaware of until the trial started. >> new york state law allows for this. it's the so-called object defense of the scheme. but the supreme court has never looked at that squarely. and they may well decide that trump's rights, constitutional rights under the sixth amendment right to be informed, fully informed of the charges against you. maybe that right was violated if trump loses his expected appeal, judge mershon will have broad discretion over the sentence, factoring in everything from trump's age, his lack of a criminal record, and trump's conduct. >> during the trial, trump repeatedly attacked judge mershon online and outside court. >> one of the factors the judge is going to consider is, does
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the defendant accept responsibility? does the defendant show remorse? is the defendant willing to pay restitution? and it's quite clear that that is simply not the case with him. >> with so much uncertainty ahead, trump's daughter ivanka chiming in for the first time responding to the verdict by sharing this picture of herself as a young girl sitting on her father's lap with the caption i love you, dad. reporters say the jury never made eye contact with trump as the verdict was being read, before excusing them, the judge advised the jurors to never disclose that they were on this jury. >> let's turn now to the politics of all of this. first, some reaction in the media. the new yorker magazine showing trump with a pair of handcuffs. time magazine showing a gavel above an image with trump's blond hair. of course, there is no shortage of reaction to the verdict. independent presidential candidate robert kennedy last night claimed democrats are trying to beat trump in court instead of at the ballot box. abc's perry russom is here now with more perry. good morning arianna. >> good morning. while the polls show the conviction could hurt
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trump on election day in november, his campaign for now sees a silver lining. this morning, the trump verdict paying off for republicans, at least in the short term. >> what we just started was a brand new little red wave, the trump campaign quickly sending out a fundraising request, calling trump a political prisoner, supporters flooding the website with donations. >> the campaign says it caused the site to crash. >> they are going to be angling to use the verdict as a rallying cry to mobilize and energize their supporters through november. i mean, in some respects, i feel like the trump campaign might even be really happy about the timing of the sentencing, because it does play into their narrative that they've tried to drive this entire time, that this is about election interference. i run a campaign, some gop mega donors already opening their wallets.
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>> casino magnate miriam adelson pledging $100 million. democrats also trying to capitalize on the verdict. biden's campaign telling supporters the only way to keep trump out of the oval office is the ballot box. >> i have real reservations on voting for a convicted felon, but i don't believe he's a convicted felon. i believe it will be overturned according to recent polls, trump's trial and conviction could sway up to 20% of republicans, but the potential swing in support would only give biden a four point lead overall, a difference within the margin of error. >> i think that this thing, you know, isn't a real case, but i think he's going to get more popular with the american people as a result of this. >> 20% say they would either reconsider or withdraw support from the former president. and now that doesn't sound like a lot, but that could make a difference, particularly in some of these battleground states where i think this race is going to be won or lost by very slim margins. >> on capitol hill, trump
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supporters speaking out senate minority leader mitch mcconnell saying these charges never should have been brought in the first place. i expect the conviction to be overturned on appeal. house speaker mike johnson saying president trump will rightfully appeal this absurd verdict and he will win. and georgia congresswoman marjorie taylor greene, posting this image of an upside down flag, writing this isn't a prosecution, it's a persecution. and many of republican politicians are vowing to stand behind trump regardless of what happens next in this historic case. rhiannon. >> all right, perry, thank you for that. and a few moments, we'll get perspective on the verdict from our president historian and breaking overnight, three people, including a police officer, have been fatally shot in minneapolis. officers say they were ambushed when responding to gunfire at this apartment building. they say the shooter is among the dead. no word. what prompted the initial violence? >> a major shift in us policy regarding the war in ukraine. president biden has now given permission for ukraine to use american supplied weapons in
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airstrikes on russian territory, but only in the region of ukraine's second largest city, kharkiv. russian forces have been making advances in that area in recent days. workers at this pizza shop ducked for cover when a russian bomb landed nearby. abc's martha raddatz says the new policy moves the us one step closer to this war. it will be the pentagon that will coordinate exactly where the weapons can strike inside russia. >> but there is no question this is a big change. >> vladimir putin calls the new us policy an escalation in, well, the third human case of bird flu. >> here in the us has been confirmed. in michigan, all three were exposed to infected dairy cows on different farms two in michigan, one in texas. the cdc says the risk to the public remains low, but it is stockpiling the current bird flu vaccine and a new mrna vaccine is now in the works. >> time now for your friday weather. a flood watch is in effect for north texas. flooded
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highways like this one near dallas yesterday are possible again today. the storms in texas this week prompting rescues like this one. the driver of that truck was pulled to safety near houston after the man who came to the rescue broke through the windshield. today's severe weather threat stretches from the southern border to memphis. some areas could see six inches of rain checking today's high temperatures, mostly 70s from new england to the northwest. mid 80s in the southeast up just how expensive daycare is becoming. >> also ahead, a guilty verdict in the doomsday cult murder case. what's next for chad daybell, who's convicted of killing three people, including two children, and later a win for cher in her fight against sonny bono's widow
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i love you. [vo]: confusion. i'll just take your arm. [vo]: pain. worry. and bravery. you got this. [vo]: all in the life... i love you. okay? [vo]: of a child. this is why starlight exists. to bring happiness to hospitalized children when they need it most. because happiness matters. this morning, gma live with all
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the breaking new details. >> new video from the volcano erupting in southwest iceland. the lava as you can see here, consuming this home. at least three evacuated houses have burned and drone footage shows just how fast the lava is moving . it is the fifth time that volcano has erupted just since december. >> new figures show the cost of child care is soaring at nearly double the rate of inflation. daycare and preschool costs have jumped by 260% since 1990. one analyst says the child care dilemma for parents has come to a boil since the pandemic. the labor department is suing hyundai and a parts supplier for allegedly using child labor in alabama. they're accused of employing a 13 year old on the assembly line for 60 hours per week. hyundai says it's cooperating with the investigation. >> we turn now to a possible death sentence for chad daybell, the former leader of a doomsday cult. a jury finding him guilty of three murders, including the
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deaths of two children. here's abc's andrea fujii. >> this morning, a guilty verdict for chad daybell, the doomsday author accused of killing his first wife and his then girlfriend's two children. >> first degree murder of joshua jackson vallow. guilty. >> a jury convicted the 55 year old of conspiring with his now wife, lori vallow, to kill tammy daybell and lori's two kids, seven year old jj and 16 year old tylee, in 2019. the children's bodies were found behind daybell's home. a year later, jj's emotional grandfather spoke after yesterday's verdict. >> it's a sad day. jj would have been 12 years old. guys what? for what? >> it's been a year since lori vallow was convicted for her role in the killings. she's
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serving life without parole. prosecutors said the couple wanted to start a new life together and profited from insurance benefits. they married just weeks after the murders. pictured smiling in hawaii, they justified their actions with their twisted religious beliefs, claiming the victims had turned into zombies and had to be killed. daybell did not take the stand at his trial. the prosecution will now seek the death penalty, although the death penalty is not often sought. >> we do see it in these types of cases that typically regard egregious murders. oftentimes, if it's some small children or something that just really offends sensibilities. >> this morning, the jury will hear victim impact statements as the sentencing phase of this trial begins. >> andrew, andrea, thank you for that. coming up, what is being called a crisis for orange juice makers? >> but first, the verdict in the trump hush money trial, a historical perspective can america overcome its political america overcome its political divisiveness a perfect day for a family outing!
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when americans are already deeply divided. guilty, guilty. some people cheering the verdict outside the court. 11 felonies reading off the felonies like lottery numbers from their phones. >> it's very exciting that he's going to be held accountable for at least some of the bad things he's done. >> others, furious at the verdict. what i do know for sure is that our justice department is criminals. >> all hell. >> the mixed reactions also on full display on cable news. >> how could this happen? this is this is america. this is democracy. this isn't the soviet union. this isn't some banana republic. how can this happen? >> thank god for the state of new york, donald trump's home state, because there was no way for him to interfere with the process of justice. >> presidential historian mark updegrave calls it a sobering moment for america, comparing the divisiveness to what we saw during watergate, which was also a very divided time in american history. >> but the big difference was that richard nixon resigned
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because, as the leaders of his party came to see him, and they urged nixon to resign the presidency for the good of the country. we now have a president who has been convicted of a crime, and he is the presumptive nominee of his party, the same republican party that told richard nixon he should not stay in the presidency, not remain in the presidency due to the likelihood that he would be convicted of those charges up to grove expects the verdict to further divide the country. >> no matter whether trump is sentenced to probation or prison . >> donald trump has a rabid following of individuals. americans will continue to be divided in this moment because they believe donald trump, despite the fact that this verdict has been handed down, trump has already faced two impeachments, numerous scandals and allegations of sexual and financial misconduct. >> time will tell if his presidential campaign can survive a felony conviction. >> i thought of ford in the wake
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of the resignation of richard nixon, as he addressed the american people for the first time as president, and he said, our constitution works with our great republic is a government of laws and not men. here the people rule with a verdict. we saw that we are indeed a government of laws and not of men. there is no man or woman that is above the law. >> for more analysis, you can check out our website or the abc news app. >> coming up, a new push to ban cell phones in schools. >> also ahead, the pint sized >> also ahead, the pint sized picasso cashingn on if you're 55 and up, t-mobile has plans built just for you. like two lines of unlimited for just $30 bucks a line. that's a 45% savings versus verizon and at&t! plus, get one of the latest 5g phones free when you add a line. experience it all on america's largest and fastest 5g network.
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next thursday right here on abc. >> meanwhile, in hockey, the panthers held off the rangers 3 to 2. florida is now one win away from returning to the stanley cup final. next, a new call to outlaw smartphones in the classroom. >> new york's governor wants to ban kids from using smartphones in schools. so-called dumb phones would still be allowed. those are phones that don't have any internet access. kids and parents can still text each other on them. that ban could come for a vote early next year. >> in my day, those were just phones, right? regular flip phone. >> next. what's being called an orange juice crisis? >> yeah, producers say extreme heat and citrus disease is taking a major toll on the orange crop. prices have nearly doubled in two years. some juice producers are now considering using mandarins. next, a legal win for cher. >> so she has been in a legal battle with sonny bono's widow over royalties for sonny and cher's music. a judge is now sided with cher, saying she is owed more than $400,000 and finally, the two year old artist
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get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. disgrace. this was a rigged trial by a conflicted judge who was corrupt. the only voice that matters is the voice of the jury . >> and the jury has spoken. >> donald trump is waking up a felon. the first president in history to be convicted of a crime. he's expected to address the public just hours from now. first, now, you will not be arrested overnight. >> police moving in on an encampment at uc santa cruz. officers dressed in riot gear confronting protesters who've been blocking entrances to campus for days. >> good morning. welcome to the last day of the month. it is frid


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