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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  June 2, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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breaking news. fire fighters are battling a now 12,000 acre brush fire burning near tracy. and you're looking at new video just in this morning. you can see that the winds are creating a greater challenge for firefighters, and some residents are being told to evacuate and
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road closures are currently in place. good morning. it's june 1st. a battalion chief with cal fire is standing by to answer questions about the latest containment efforts. but first, we want to send it over to meteorologist lisa argent, who is tracking the current wind conditions in that area. all right stephanie. >> yeah. good morning to you. it's awfully breezy out there. we've had some very gusty winds over the past couple of hours. overnight a here's a look at some of the sites there in and around the fire where temperates are in the mid 50s. relative humidity. that's the good news. up to 95. the winds anywhere from the southwest to ten miles an hour to stinto 38 miles an hour. so we'll continue to see these winds be breezy out of the southwest. they should dial back a little bit throughout the early morning hours and then we're expecting another breezy day today. sthe good news with this is that temperatures have been coming down. we went from the 90s on friday to the 80s yesterday and today. forecasted highs are supposed to be around average once again near 80 degrees. but
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the winds this is all about the wind factor. and that is going to continue to push some of the smoke om the southwest up to the north. and we'll look at the winds continue to move around throughout the day, which could be making efforts to fight the fire pretty difficult >> now this is new video coming in this morning showing firefighters trying to knock down the so-called corral fire. it's now 13% contained and it has burned more than 12,000 acres southwest of tracy at the alameda and san joaquin county line. overnight, smoke and flames burned dangerously close to the 580 freeway, forcing all lanes in both directions to close between the junction to interstate 205 and interstate five. it all started around 230 saturday afternoon. two firefighters were injured fighting this fire, and a
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spokesperson for the alameda county fire department says they suffered minor to moderate burn injuries. both are receiving care at e hospital at this time. here's a map giving you an idea of where exactly the fire is burning the perimeter of the fire is mostly in san joaquin county. as you can see near the lawrence livermore national laboratory. now we want to bring in cal fire battalion chief josh silveira. he has been monitoring the fire burning right now. he's currently standing by for us in his car. we see you there, chief. along the fire line. we thank you for your time this morning. i wanted to first ask you about 580. is it still closed? >> yes, ma'am. 580 will remain closed, until further notice. crews are still actively engaged , in the firefighting efforts on 580 and smoke conditions across the highway. just make travel on it, not safe. >> now, i understand there's a lot of moving parts at this hour, but given what you know now, how long do you anticipate 580 will be closed?
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>> it'd be hard to tell. we do understand that it's affecting people's commute traffic, but for our safety and the safety of the civilian population out here , it's just safer to keep it closed. and we understand that it's an inconvenience, but for safety, it's just going to remain closed until we feel it's safe to open it again. >> yeah. of course. safety always comes first. now we know the fire has jumped 580. where exactly did that happen? and what direction is the fire moving right now? >> the fire jumped 580 in a couple spots. it jumped at corral hollow. it jumped again at chrisman, both of those areas where it jumped, it was, surrounded and contained relatively quickly. we're we're currently experiencing fire growth in the area of corral hollow, and it's
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burning down towards, corral hollow itself, off the top of the hill. >> and can you identify specifically where corral hollow is in terms of the neighborhood area, the neighborhood area is going to be, west of the city of tracy. up on the unincorporated hillsides. it's a very rural area, steep terrain, very thick, tall grass. and our, our biggest , challenge right now is the wind. it never really subsided overnight, which definitely posed a challenge for firefighters that were engaged in in the firefight. yeah >> speaking of that wind, lisa was just giving us the most up to date figures. and i believe she reported around five, 80, 38mph. that continues to be a concern. how will that be impacting your strategy throughout the day? >> well, in a fast moving fires
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like this, we rely pretty heavily on our air assets, if wind conditions continue to stay that gusty, it just makes, relying on those air assets a little bit more difficult. they have thresholds of, wind limits that they can fly in. and once we get out of those, those limits, it, it, definitely slows our ability to, to rely on those, those tankers and helicopters. >> yeah. speaking of that, have aircraft been able to conduct those water drops? and what do you anticipate for the schedule today, given those wind speeds? we're expecting we had aircraft on the fire all day yesterday until sunset, once it got dark outside, our firefighting aircraft, are down for the night, today we do have a full lineup of air, aircraft, they'll be flying out of various air bases locally, where they can
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reload with retardant and water and come back out and, start engaging on the fire again. so, it the, the air force will be out in full effect again today, just like it was yesterday. >> now, the two firefighters injured. any update on their condition this morning? >> we haven't gotten an update on their condition. we, as of last night, they were both stable, as you reported, we're looking at minor to moderate injuries with both both individuals. and they're being treated at the local hospitals now. >> or were relieved to hear that they're both in stable condition. and we'll certainly be checking back with you on their condition throughout the morning, chief, you know, we know here in the bay area, we're always on fire watch. but given it's so early in the season, do you anticipate this is a bad sign for what's to come? >> with, the late season rains we had, we have a tremendous
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grass crop this year, standing out in some of the areas yesterday afternoon, i was looking at grass that it came up about four feet and was very thick. it had a growth from, from this year and last year, and it, and things like that. pose a risk. light, flashy fuels burn really fast. and, coupled with the wind and the steep terrain here, it came into perfect alignment. and that's what, really was the recipe for this fast moving fire to grow as quickly as it did. and if we're we're seeing similar, grass crops, up and down the state. so we're definitely going to be very vigilant, trying to attack our fires and keeping this small as possible, as an agency, we do look to keep our fires under ten acres, unfortunately, with this fire, with the wind on it, we were just we weren't able to get
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there. well chief, we appreciate your time with us this morning. >> please stay safe, and we will catch up with you during our next hour. >> thank you. ma'am. have a good morning. >> thank you all right, cal fire is telling people near this fire to evacuate immediately. if you are west of the california aqueduct, south of corral hollow creek, where the chief was just telling us about. west to alameda county and south to stanislaus county, you are being told to leave now. if you need a place to stay. the county is setting up evacuation centers in larch clover community center. that's in tracy, right on larch road. if you have large animals, there is a center being set up at the men manteca school district on luis avenue. p-g-and-e's is working to restore power for residents who live in this area. it says two major outages happened around seven last night, affecting thousands of people. here's a look at p-g-and-e's updated
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outage map. right now we are seeing some progress. right now, about 130 people are waking up without electricity in those areas you see in yellow and green. now that's a big difference from last night when power was knocked out for nearly 4000 people. the utility company says its equipment was damaged in the fire, and those repairs continue today in the east bay. now uc berkeley police are searching for an arsonist suspected of torching one of its cars on the cal campus. the university says the suspect set fire to the car early saturday morning. it happened behind sproul hall, where you see, that's right around uc police headquarters. the suspect wore all dark clothing and walked up bancroft way. after setting that fire, the university of california system is once again asking the state to intervene in a strike set to grow next week. the union for student workers is planning to expand the walkouts to three new campuses this week,
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all in southern california. and they're demanding the universities drop discipline cases over pro-palestinian protests. the uc system is appealing to a state board claiming the walkout by thousands of student workers is illegal. the state rejected the uk's first request. the union president told us in a statement. quote, management clearly knows that our work is necessary for the functioning of the university. if they want that work to resume, they should seriously engage with the mediation process and stop wasting time and public resources on legal maneuvers. now the sat is still a big part of the college application process for many students in oakland. over 1000 students were sent home without being able to take this test because the wi-fi wasn't working at the test site and there was no backup system in place. abc7 news reporter anser hassan spoke to concerned students trying to make a deadline. >> isabel davis was one of the few thousand students who showed
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up at the oakland marriott saturday morning, signed up to take the sat test. it was really shocking and disappointing, especially because i've been preparing for this for weeks. >> we study so much for it. we pay a lot for tutors and we get there and then we can't take the test at issue. >> the wi-fi wasn't working. that's according to the college board, which administers the sat. in a statement to abc seven news, it says that 1400 students were not able to take the test because of the wi-fi problem. >> i mean, you think that if they've been running this organization for like 100 years, they'd have had a big backup plans. >> davis says that students sat in limbo for three hours until they were told to go home. while some colleges no longer require the sat, davis is applying to schools that do. early applications are due in november, and davis says there are no remaining bay area test dates to meet that deadline. >> it's shocking really. i mean, it's there's no accountability and that's very clear. >> as a parent, brian davis is frustrated that his daughter may
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now be at a disadvantage. and he says there needs to be more accountability for when problems arise. >> it's a monopoly. it's not like you can take the test from somebody else. you know, you're stuck in its statement, the college board says student demand has exceeded capacity and that there's a shortage of test centers. >> the college board says that it did add capacity for 6000 extra seats for the may and june test dates. >> if you look at the college board testing sites and dates now, it's all full. >> parent eunice charles says that she was told her son will get his money back, but her concern is how and when he can retest. not a refund. >> i just want to know, are they going to offer another date? you know, is it going to be easy for us to get a date? can you open up more space for us? the people , the students who missed it today, families say the college board told them they'll get an email outlining the next steps in oakland, anser hassan. >> abc seven news. >> all right, let's check on
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conditions outside. good morning. lisa. >> hi stephanie. we are in between a very hot weather system that's going to move our way on tuesday that has put the bay area in a heat watch. so we're going to talk about that. and the cooling in between that will be today and tomorrow when we come back. >> thanks, lisa. also ahead, supermarket settlement y save mart will now pay over $1 million over alleged safety and health violations. then pride in the north bay. sonoma county, holding its rgest parade yet. we'll do you question the tradeoffs of treating? ubrelvy is another option. it works fast to eliminate migraine pain. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness.
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at the san francisco skyline. it's 516. new this morning. save mart supermarkets have agreed to pay $1.6 million to settle allegations that they sold certain products past their use by dates. save mart is the biggest regional grocer in the state and multiple district
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attorneys brought forward this claim. they said that save mart was selling expired over-the-counter drugs. baby formula and baby food. save mart has not denied or admitted liability. they were ordered by a yolo county court to pay those penalties. happening today, voters in mexico and some here in california are set to make history by electing the country's first female president . the two leading candidates are women claudia sheinbaum, who's backed by the current president and the opposition candidate is social galvez. this will be the first year that eligible mexican citizens abroad can vote online, by mail or in person, outside of mexico. voter outreach groups across california say it's a sign mexico's politics are changing. >> my kids, my daughter. she's. you know, she's really strong and going to vote here and going about there because we want peace in the world. we want to have to have a better communities.
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>> there are two designated voting locations here in the bay area, one in san francisco and one in san jose. the polls will be open today from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. if you plan to cast a ballot, you must have up to date mexican voter credentials this coming thursday will be the 80th anniversary of d-day on the san francisco bay. a celebration was held to highlight the ss ss jeremiah o'brien's vital role in the invasion. now, the liberty ship is one of the rare survivors of the nearly 7000 strong armada that was off the coast of normandy, france, on d-day. locals joined veterans and active duty members of the armed services to highlight the o'brien's role moving supplies and troops throughout europe during world war two. her final trip across the atlantic happened 30 years ago to commemorate the 50th anniversary of d-day. >> the jeremiah o'brien was the only one of the three that could actually make it, so it steamed
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down the west coast, through the panama canal, up the east coast, across the atlantic, and on june 6th, 1994, it was off of the beaches of normandy. >> the ceremony also paid tribute to the valor and sacrifice of the greatest generation who fought during the war. here at abc seven, focused on building a better bay area, and that means looking at both problems and solutions that brings us to san jose mayor matt mahan and his state of the city address. the mayor focused on crime, police department staffing, traffic safety and small businesses. but he says their biggest issue is the homelessness crisis. mahan says the city is investing in safe sleeping sites and more than 600 new quick build units and a new safe parking site for people who live in cars. >> over the next year, we will move over 1000 additional people out of unsafe conditions who would otherwise continue to live on our streets and along our
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creeks. >> mehan also praise the volunteers who are working on the city's beautification initiatives, like this mural painting project in san pedro square. he says in the last year, san jose has seen a 300% rise in volunteers from. all right, we continue to follow that breaking news near tracy, where a fire has burned more than 12,000 acres as of this morning. and lisa is tracking the latest on those wind speeds. >> yeah, you know, they have gusted anywhere yesterday up to 40 miles an hour, and they really haven't dialed back too much. so we're looking at gusts anywhere from 20 to 35 miles an hour. and we'll continue to see the temperatures drop off, which is the good news. and the relative humidity increase. but there's been a lot of growth out there, of course, from all the rains, all those grasses. so there's a lot of fuel to burn. and we'll be looking at the cooler conditions for today and tomorrow. as you see, this trough of low pressure in the pacific northwest, bringing the cooler air and the relative
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humidity up. in fact, we could even see a little bit of mist and drizzle here locally as we get into monday. but we are looking at high pressure, which is on cue to build in bringing the hottest weather we have seen for tuesday and wednesday, which puts us in a heat advisory. there's a look at mount tam where you can see we do have a marine layer out there and that is allowing for the cooler numbers. this morning is 51, in san francisco, 54 in oakland, 56 in hayward, 60 in san jose with mid 50s on the coast. so we are looking at numbers elsewhere in the 50s. so comfortable this morning. and as we go through the afternoon the winds won't be as gusty, but they'll still be breezy. we'll have that sea breeze up to about 30 miles an hour. so for today and monday mild to warm in our temperature ranges. so we'll see a few low 80s in our warmest inland valleys. that includes livermore, antioch and brentwood. and tuesday and wednesday sizzling summer like heat. so we're talking about temperatures that could surpass
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100 degrees in our inland valleys. and by the end of next week, the temperatures will moderate. so this is about a 2 to 3 day event. here's a look at the general wind flow today. you'll notice the 25 to 33 mile an hour wind gusts from san mateo point rays, but all throughout the bay once again, anywhere from 18 to about 2022 miles an hour. so the breezy winds, the partly cloudy skies. this is throughout the day today . notice that we're having more high and mid level clouds. the low clouds that clears, but we'll have mostly sunny conditions. but as we get into your sunday night and monday, the clouds increase and you can see a little precip to the north there. so we'll have even more cloud cover on your monday. just bringing this in for fun to show you that there is a little bit of rainfall that could fall in terms of the precip a couple hundredths here out towards the bay shore. so that's important, of course, for the firefighting efforts. that keeps the relative humidity up even though the winds will continue to be on the breezy side. excessive heat watch in red a heat advisory for
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the rest of us for the bay area all the way down through southern california, as we're anticipating the strong ridge of high pressure to bring temperatures anywhere from 20 to 25 degrees above average, 72 today for oakland, you can see mostly sunny skies, but a few clouds around 82. in napa, upper 70s in livermore, 73 in san mateo and looking at the accuweather seven day forecast. so we're partly cloudy and breezy today. cloudier and cooler. for your monday record warmth for tuesday, wednesday and then getting into some cooling around the bay for thursday. we'll be bac when you have moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch.
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because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin. some even achieved long—lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪ show off to the world. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. wendy's fries are always hot and crispy. fryday! so toby says everyday is now— fryday. fryday. fryday. —tuesday. —fryday. —wednesday. —fryday. —friday? —fryday. get the fries other fries wish they could be.
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wendy's hot and crispy fries, guaranteed. we saw a lot of smiles, of joy on market street in san francisco. the sf, lgbt center held its first block party celebrating pride. they brought in live music and food trucks to start the month. and in
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pacifica, neighbors celebrated with a car parade down beach boulevard. a festival followed at ingrid b lacey school, complete with music, food, and local artists. in the north bay, sonoma county kicked off the month with its biggest pride parade ever. thousands of people came together celebrating equality, love and inclusion. abc seven news reporter cornell bernard takes us to the party. >> the sun was shining in santa rosa and so was the pride. this parade through downtown giving vibes of love and inclusion. >> pride is about celebrating community, everybody coming together and, celebrating our differences, our similarity. and, being present >> thousands of people coming out for the 39th annual sonoma county pride parade and festival, the spurlock family is here showing their support. it's just a moment to really be proud of ourselves and celebrate and
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just be us, as we grew up in a place that did not have a lot of queer support. >> and so it's really nice to come out and just see a big community, supporting the queer community. >> i love to dress up and show my, and my support as an ally because, this is just the best day. i have so much fun at pride. >> some marched advocating for the rights of trans youth, which are under attack across the country. >> i think it's really sad that people are attacking people who are just trying to live their lives and be themselves. >> years ago, this pride parade started very small, with a few dozen participants. today it stretches more than a mile with a record 105 parade entries. i've been here all along, so i've seen the growth and it's great. it's all about inclusion and that's important. and our community understands that. they appreciate it and they support it. >> pride overall, for me, means that we can be out and proud in
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a safe place and be with our loved ones. >> organizers say it's great being among the first in the bay area, kicking off pride month celebrations. >> we love it. we call it the bookending. you come here, you have a great pride. and then you go to san francisco and have a better pride in santa rosa. >> cornell, bernard, abc seven news. >> celebrate pride with abc seven all june, and you can watch our exclusive live coverage of the 54th annual san francisco pride parade live on june 30th. streaming everywhere you watch abc seven. coming up in our next half hour, we're following breaking news this morning a growing grass fire in alameda and san joaquin counties leaves two firefighters injured. lisa is tracking the wind conditions right near tracy. plus failure to launch the starliner scrubbed minutes before liftoff when another attempt could take place.
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how to get out of here. and i got to once i start seeing the ash come down, then i know i got to go. >> now, at 530, we are keeping an eye on a fire that's burning in san joaquin county and alameda county, southwest of tracy. crews trying to get those flames under control right now, and some residents are being forced to leave their homes. good morning. thank you for being with us this half hour before we get to more on that fire, let's bring in lisa, who is tracking the latest wind conditions in that area. >> all right. yes. from livermore to tracy, we're talking about temperatures that have come down. considering in the mid 50s. and the winds are beginning to comdown a little bit. we had wind gusts past hr up to 38 miles an hour. here's some of the sites around five 8-80 from lirmore to tracy. inly in the 50s. livermore,om tracy 63 degrees. the relative humidity is at 96, a little lower than that. out towards tracy. and the winds now out of the southwest, up to 29 miles an hour. so that is drifting. that smoke to the north and to the
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east, and the winds will continue to be in and around the range of 15 to 20 miles. an hour throughout the morning hours. upwards of about 25 miles an hour. so we are looking at the weather in terms of the humidity and temperature in the right direction. today, temperatures will be in and around the upper 70s, but the wind certainly problematic as we'll be breezy those onshore winds throughout the d. today but as soon as tuesday in the next 72 hours, we have a heat advisory for much of the east bay. we'll talk about the rising temperatures and the rest of the bay area forecast in a few minutes. >> all right, lisa, thank you. this morning, the so-called corral fire is 13% contained at this hour. it has burned more than 12,000 acres southwest of tracy at the alameda and san joaquin county line. overnight, smoke and flames burned dangerously close to the 580 freeway, forcing all lanes in both directions to be closed between the junction to interstate 205 and interstate
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five. this all started around 230 saturday afternoon, and the fire quickly grew by thousands of acres throughout the night. we're hearing from residents who were told to evacuate, and you could do, except just keep watching it and see what happens. >> and just thought that it's better to get out first and just wait outside. yeah. that's it. >> two firefighters were injured fighting the fire, and a spokesperson for the alameda county fire department says they suffered minor to moderate burn injuries. both are receiving care at the hospital. cal fire is advising those near the fire to evacuate immediately in the following areas. if you are west of the california aqueduct, south of corral hollow creek, west to alameda county and south to stanislaus county. you should leave now for those who need a place to stay, we know the county is setting up evacuation centers in larch clover community center that's in tracy, right on larch road, and
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if you have large animals, there is a center being set up at the manteca school district on luis avenue to this now a 3.6 magnitude earthquake shook parts of santa clara county just hours ago. it happened around 330 in the morning, about four miles northeast of the east foothills in san jose. that's according to the us geological survey. right now, no damage has been reported, but we'll be closely following that. also happening right now. there are some lane closures on the bay bridge. first responders are doing fire drills and tests on the yerba buena island. here's a live look now at the bridge where teams from caltrans, chp and fire departments from san francisco and oakland are working to test the new fire sprinkler system. it's going to last until noon and two lanes are partially closed on both decks. well, after several failed attempts, boeing's starliner is still on the launch pad after yesterday's
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launch was scrubbed just minutes before takeoff. the delay was blamed on a ground computer. here's abc news reporter johny fernandez with the latest on 8-80. >> lc switch is not ready. troc stopped at t -three minutes. 50s with less than four minutes left on the clock. >> the liftoff on boeing's starliner scrubbed. >> hold, hold, hold. >> the launch derailed by a problem with the ground launch sequencer and that's a computer that controls things like retracting umbilical's and the prior events that release the bolts at the base of the rocket so that when ignition happens, the rocket is free to fly away and do its job. this was the starliner second attempt in a month to send humans to the international space station. we got really close. >> it didn't work for us this historic mission is a critical part of nasa's commercial crew program, meant to replace the agency's now defunct shuttle program.
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>> nasa said it will provide an update today on the rescheduled launch date. the next available launch window is wednesday, june fifth. johny fernandez, abc news, new york. >> coming up on this week, former president donald trump's attorney will speak on the future of trump's legal strategy . it comes after his conviction in the new york hush money case. you can watch that interview with george stephanopoulos at eight this morning right here on abc seven. still ahead this morning, a bond measure to pay for school improvements is now on the table. but what happened to the millions voters approved before? we're digging into the spending questions, and we'll take you outside here for a live look from our exploratorium when your child has moderate—to—severe eczema,
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it's okay for them to show off. show off their clearer skin and noticeably less itch with dupixent. because children 6 months and older with eczema have plenty of reasons to show off their skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, they can stay ahead of their eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪ show off to the world. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent.
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are looking down at the city.
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it's 538 this morning. san francisco voters will decide on a bond measure to improve school facilities. it is the costliest bond ever to be voted on in this city. $790 million. this as the school district is already in the midst of a financial crisis. abc seven building a better bay area reporter lyanne melendez has new information that raises some serious questions about how the school district has spent the money. >> bonds to renovate school facilities are and always will be a never ending cost. >> when i used the campaign for these bonds, people used to always say to us when is enough? when are you going to stop asking for money? and i would always say never. when are you going to stop fixing your house? >> the longest serving school board commissioner, now retired, recalls the track record of some of these bonds. it hasn't always been stellar. in the 1990s, under then superintendent bill rojas, there was a history of improper spending practices with bond money. here's what the
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incoming superintendent at the time, arlene ackerman, told the chronicle in may 2000. basically there were no control systems in place. documents had been destroyed or were missing. decisions were made that were clearly outside of what voters had approved. since then, the bond expenditure process has been more transparent. until 2016, when voters passed a $744 million bond in that bond. school modernization projects and kitchen upgrades were promised and for the most part, successful delivered. but some of those promises failed. and supervisor shamann walton, who represents the bayview district, was a school board commissioner at that time. >> there was talk about a new school in the southeast sector of san francisco because we have all the development and all the new housing coming. so there are things that were in that bond that we don't see coming up as a
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priority anymore. >> in 2016, voters also liked that the ruth asawa school of the arts would be finally relocated to the heart of the performing arts district. $100 million was set aside while the district attempted a now unsuccessful fund raising campaign. bond money was even used for the architectural drawings of the new school. the district was supposed to start a campaign to raise money. yes. did they drop the ball? was the effort not there in your opinion? >> they. did not have the either the administration or the developer people or the fundraising capacity to do that. >> phil halperin is the co-chair of the proposed bond measure. how are people going to trust you this time around? >> i think the school district acted very fiduciary and fiscally intelligently by not investing so much money in one particular school. >> instead, the money for the ruth asawa school was used to
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fund other projects, including the construction of a new school in mission bay that wasn't even included in the initial 2016 bond. susan stotter is a school district's former artistic director. >> i don't know as a voter how i feel about voting over and over again for something and being told it just disappeared. it just went away. it becomes a trust issue. >> abc seven news also discovered that there was little oversight of how the 2016 bond money was being spent because of the pandemic, it was nearly impossible to recruit people who would serve on the citizens bond oversight committee, known as sybok and required by law. it wasn't until the summer of 2021 that a new committee was finally formed for several years, this bond program not only did not have a sybok as required by law, it was not producing an annual
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audited annual report, which is the absolute bare minimum, not merely required by law, but that any reasonable person should expect would be provided for the public. last year, that committee found that the school district used 2016 bond money to defend against a lawsuit. after the school board voted in 2019 to cover up murals at george washington high school. what is known is that sfusd faces a financial crisis not seen in years, the state has warned the district that schools may have to close or be consolidated. this leaves voters with the obvious question you're in a crisis. >> you can't afford things. why are you asking us to do this? and they need a good answer for that. the good news is, is that the school bond program operates alongside the rest of the school district's finances. >> it is managed separately, both from an operational
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perspective and financial perspective. >> leon melendez, abc seven news through a live look outside now. >> hi lisa. >> hey there stephanie, good morning to you. this is emeryville. we're in the mid 50s and we'll continue to see a cool down. and those stronger onshore winds usher in the cooler air. the higher relative humidity for the next couple of days. before we get into a heat advisory for the bay area, we could see triple digit heat here for a couple of days. next week, my full get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. ♪ ♪
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we can tell you what it's capable of or you could find out for yourself. how we get there matters. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. for the a's a better outcome. here's abc seven sports anchor chris alvarez. >> good morning yankees perennial all star and two time mvp aaron judge. he grew up a giants fan born in linden, california. fresno state star he sure looked like barry bonds on friday night. hit two home runs
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in his first career game at oracle park. how would the encore go with giants ace logan webb on the hill saturday night? well, it must be warriors weekend there at oracle. stephen curry at the game friday night. head coach steve kerr visiting the dugout pregame on saturday night. webb versus judge first meeting top one runner on. and that ball is launched toward the coke bottle and the glove 464ft, 115.7 miles off the bat two nothing yankees 21st of the year leads the majors. that kid is a judge fan for life in the third down four nothing. casey schmidt there goes his first homer of the year. it's a two run shot. giants down four two hanging in fifth inning webb versus judge again and webby gets him left. a runner on to seven innings, four earned runs, six strikeouts in a season high 108 pitches for logan. new york, though, rallied with a two out rally in the eighth. john carlos stanton 14th homer of the year, stays fair, caps a three run inning. giants lose seven three. they're now
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back under 500 trying to avoid the sweep later today, with blake snell on the mound. webby not happy he gave up that early blast. >> see how it sucks putting the team in a hole like that super early and you know it's a good team you're facing. so you can't really can't do that. >> a's and braves a wild game in atlanta that included body slamming mascots i mean he laid the hammer right there. i think it's a home depot mascot. top 463 oakland. brant rooker hammers that 1/12 of the year. it's eight three a's. and oh they're looking good in atlanta. but it all unravels in the fifth. remember this guy former a matt olson. oh he got all of that one two run shot ties the game at eight. the braves score six to take the lead in just two pitches into the top of the sixth. a's manager mark kotsay tossed for arguing balls and strikes with the home plate umpire. frustration there boiling over. and that just fires up oakland. rooker now deep to right going, going, going. it's not a home run.
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instead a two run triple. the a's up again and they hang on 11 nine rubber match later today. hockey tailgate time in florida saw it right here on abc seven. game six of the eastern conference final. panthers hosting the rangers florida one win away from the stanley cup final late first period off the rangers. turnover. florida on the attack and sam bennett the slap shot one. nothing panthers. rangers had chances but just couldn't get that last shot to go. and it's one nothing. after two periods we go to the third. another rangers turnover and vladimir tarasenko lights the lamp two nothing florida under two minutes. rangers pull the goalie and artemi panarin scores. rangers within one. but new york fans know that's not going to be enough as florida wins two one second straight trip to the stanley cup final, they'll await the dallas edmonton winner. you'll see every game of the stanley cup final right here on abc seven. that is your look at sports. have a great sunday. let's send
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things back to you. >> all right. thanks chris. and the giants make another attempt to take on the yankees today. first pitch here at home is at 105. how's it looking, lisa? >> well, you know, we're looking at more cool weather, which is some good news for a break before we get into our heat advisory. that begins tuesday at 8:00 for the north bay, the east bay, the sonoma coastal hills. we're going to have the hottest weather. there's a look at a system that is bringing our cooler onshore flow, the breezy winds and the cloud cover from time to time today and into monday. and perhaps even a few hundredths of precip as we get into the afternoon tomorrow. there's a look, a beautiful view right of our sutro tower camera. and we love that fluid look of that. the atmosphere here where you can see the buildings just in the distance. so the atmosphere is allowing for just a dense area of fog. and it is not widespread. 54 in oakland, 56 in hayward, it's 60 in san jose, 51 san francisco. but you go to the golden gate bridge and there is no wind at all and no fog. so we have had more of a
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north wind. there and that has allowed for a hotter day yesterday. and the clear sky throughout the morning hours. 50 in petaluma, 54 in napa, 57 in concord. and as we look outside from our exploratorium camera, you can see it's bright out there today and tomorrow, mild to warm and our temperature range. so that's more like 60s and 70s with a few clouds around. we'll call it partly cloudy. then into tuesday and wednesday we really do about face where temperatures will be well above average record territory. we're looking at temperatures anywhere from 100 to 105. in lake county, livermore. so hopefully we can get a handle on that fire because the weather, even though it's breezy with the winds, the it is better today and tomorrow, of course, than it will be tuesday and wednesday. and then after that we begin to cool off. generally on thursday everyone. friday into the weekend. here's a look at that. onshore flow. anywhere from 15 to 30 miles an hour back westward towards the coast. so it's a breezy day, not quite as gusty as it was yesterday. and as we go through
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the morning hours, you notice a little bit of cloud cover out there. we've got the fog along the coast, high to mid level clouds around the bay, so it's partly cloudy for your sunday. and then as we get into your monday that system gets even closer. so we have more clouds around and maybe even a few areas of mist and drizzle and a couple of hundreds, perhaps would come down throughout the day with all of that cloud cover and that system close enough. so that would be some good news, because look what happens on the backside of that. our heat risk increases for tuesday and wednesday. it's a moderate heat risk here. an excessive heat watch into the sacramento valley. and the highlighted areas from the north and east bay hills really looking at the hottest temperatures up in sonoma as well. so keep that mind whatever you have planned next week, it is going to be a lot warmer than it is today and tomorrow. today we're in the low 70s, near average upper 70s in livermore, low to mid 80s from napa to vallejo, 74 in santa cruz. and here's the accuweather seven day forecast. we're looking at temperatures today
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with breezy winds in the 70s to low to mid 80s inland. cloudier and cooler on monday. and that's where we could see maybe a sprinkle or two. and then a rapid warm up on tuesday and wednesday. that summerlike sizzle bringing temperatures into record territory. and then by thursday we're still warm inland. but we'll begin to cool back off throughout the next several days, thursday into friday for the rest of us. >> all right, lisa, thank you. up next, thousands of dollars could go to a well-known donkey in palo alto. why? city leaders are i love you. [vo]: confusion. i'll just take your arm. [vo]: pain. worry. and bravery. you got this. [vo]: all in the life... i love you. okay? [vo]: of a child. this is why starlight exists. to bring happiness to hospitalized children when they need it most. because happiness matters.
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such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪ show off to the world. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. city of palo alto, but the city is now getting pushback for ponying up the cash. the donkey, named perry, lives in a park in palo alto's barron park area, and he's cared for by volunteers. you see him here? perry's claim to fame the city says animators used images of
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him to create donkeys from the shrek films. perry is growing older, but now palo alto's mayor wants to help the volunteers with his medical bills. this month, at a city council meeting, other city leaders shared reservations about handing out so much money when the city is in a deficit, the city is losing money. >> we have a deficit this year. we have a deficit next year. we have deficits for next for four years or so. and, so just seems irresponsible in my opinion. it's a great opportunity for well-being in the community as well to be able to interact with these wonderful animal animals. >> the mayor says the money is coming from a discretionary fund that's about to expire and does not roll over well. it's a big weekend for shelter animals. all across the state. that's because saturday was the first ever california adopt a pet day. the aspca and cal animals partnered with more than 170 animal
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shelters to offer free adoptions. several bay area organizations participated, including the san francisco spca, where they had a huge turnout. the goal of adopt a pet day is to make adoptions affordable to help with overcrowding at shelters. next on abc, seven mornings at 6 a.m, a wildfire growing thousands of acres overnight. we're following the latest on this breaking news about the corral fire, plus thousands of students not able to take the sat. how this could derail their college application plans.
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ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. from abc seven live. >> breaking news now at six, we are following breaking news. firefighters are battling a now 12,000 acre brush fire burning near tracy. you're looking at new video just in this morning, and you can see the winds are creating a greater challenge for firefighters this morning.


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