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tv   America This Morning  ABC  June 4, 2024 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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great, great game. thanks for watching. we'll see you again tomorrow right here on the alex trebek stage. [applause] ♪♪ captioned by los angeles distribution and broadcasting, inc. >> right now in america this morning, bracing for a potentially record breaking heat wave as wildfires burn in the west, the sweltering prediction about the summer ahead and the forecast for your electric bill. what experts are saying about home cooling costs. >> new action to address the crisis on the southern border. president biden expected to
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announce a new plan to limit asylum seekers crossing into the u.s. what it would entail and what critics on both sides of the political aisle are saying. >> record fraud in the wake of the pandemic, seven people on trial charged with spending money meant for child nutrition programs on luxury cars and homes. and now a new bombshell a juror claims someone showed up with $120,000 in cash at her home, offering her a bribe. >> a hot air balloon crashes into power lines. a witness describes the split second reaction from the pilot. >> a new plan to regulate kids time on social media, how it would restrict the algorithms used by popular apps, the shocking mistake at a funeral home when a woman is found alive , and when not to take your child to work. the congressman's son, who's funny faces are making everyone smile. the response from his dad from abc news this is america this morning. good tuesday morning,
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everyone. i'm rhiannon, ally and i'm andrew dymburt. >> summer is more than two weeks away, but millions of americans are already feeling the heat. >> a potentially historic heat wave is about to tighten its grip as wildfires break out in the west, and with triple digit temperatures this early in the season, it comes a warning about your electric bills this summer. the cost of cooling your home is about to go up, and in some cases, way up. >> but let's begin with those heat concerns in the west this morning, hundreds of firefighters are on the front lines battling wildfires in california ahead of what could be a record breaking early season heat wave for the west. crews in san francisco's east bay. battling this fire that broke out yesterday and not far away, the corral fire burning more than 20mi■!s. travis curtis parents were among those forced to flee. >> they lost everything they left with the clothes on their back and so and came home to nothing. came home to nothing. >> usually we see the more intense fire activity in july, august, september. so we just
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want everybody to be prepared. >> experts warn fire seasons are starting earlier and they're lasting longer now. >> we have that, potential heat wave coming midweek, which is just going to dry everything out even further. >> six states are now bracing for a blistering heat wave. parts of california, arizona and nevada could see temperatures top 110 this week. nationwide, noaa predicts a 61% chance of this summer being the hottest on record. and that heat, along with additional factors this year, mean it will cost more to cool your home. a new forecast predicts cooling costs will hit a ten year high this summer. these states are expected to see higher cooling bills. those in the south atlantic are expected to pay 7% more than last year, and people from kentucky to alabama could be paying bills more than 10% higher. here's another challenge federal aid programs that help low income families pay their energy bills have been cut back this year. we'll check today's weather forecast in just a few moments. >> the other big story this morning, president biden announcing a new plan to secure the border. sources say his new
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order if it clears legal hurdles, hurdles would limit the number of asylum seekers. abc's christiane cordero has the details on this, christiane. >> good morning, brianna, and good morning to you. sources say president biden is preparing his most aggressive action yet on immigration. but many republicans questioned the timing this morning. president biden is expected to issue an executive order that would effectively shut down the border to asylum seekers when migrant crossings surge, sources say. when daily encounters reached 2500 between u.s. ports of entry, asylum seekers would be turned away. the move could have an immediate effect, since migrant crossings already averaged 3500 per day. but many republican lawmakers say the move during an election year, with biden trailing in several polls, is too little, too late. >> very desperate man, trying to, divert, i guess, what is in my mind an irredeemable problem. and that is that he created a crisis at the border intentionally, purposefully, politically.
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>> and some democrats accuse the president of giving in to republican pressure. >> we're basically giving the right wing some of the things that they want without delivering for our communities. >> the president's move is also expected to face legal challenges, but supporters say the president has no other choice after former president trump killed a bipartisan border security deal earlier this year that was endorsed by the border patrol union, the migrant crisis remains a top issue for voters amid concerns about crime. police in new york say these two officers were shot yesterday by a venezuelan migrant wanted for robbery. the suspect entered the u.s. illegally one year ago. as for that executive order, president biden said himself that it's unclear whether he has the legal authority to do this. we're expecting more details later today, rhiannon. all right. >> thank you, christiane, for that. opening statements are expected today at hunter biden's trial on felony gun charges. 12 jurors are now seated in delaware. the president's son is accused of lying on a federal
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form about his drug abuse so that he could buy a gun. back in 2018, first lady jill biden was among the family members in court to show their support. abc's terry moran has more on the jurors who were asked about their views on gun rights, drug addiction and even politics. >> the jury selected six men, six women, including a man whose father died by gun violence and whose brother was sentenced to prison for drug crimes. a woman who grew up in a hunting family with guns and whose best friend died from a drug overdose, and a man who has owned six guns in his life and told the judge, i believe the second amendment is very important. >> president biden released a statement saying he has boundless love for his son in minneapolis. >> a juror has been dismissed in the largest pandemic relief fraud trial in the country. the juror reported that someone tried to bribe her by dropping off $120,000 in cash at her home and offering her more money if she voted to acquit. deliberations are expected to
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begin today. seven people are charged in the $40 million scheme, accused of spending money from a child nutrition program on luxury cars and homes. >> now to the fiery hearing about the response to the pandemic, doctor anthony fauci, under fire at one point told he should be in prison. this morning, doctor anthony fauci is reacting to the combative hearing on capitol hill, where he was grilled about the origins of covid 19. >> do you think that's appropriate? do the american people deserve to be abused like that? mr. fauci and whether six foot social distancing was based on science, the level of vitriol that we see now just in the country in general, but actually played out during this hearing, was really quite unfortunate. >> doctor fauci testified for a republican led committee investigating the pandemic response. he previously told the panel privately that the government's recommendation for six foot social distancing, quote, sort of just appeared. fauci clarified yesterday,
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saying he meant there were no clinical trials done on social distancing. >> i made the statement that it just appeared and that got taken out like, i don't know what's going on. it just appeared. it actually came from the cdc. the cdc was responsible for those kinds of guidelines for schools, and you didn't feel an obligation as the lead scientist at the nih to challenge that it is not appropriate to be publicly challenging a sister organization. >> the panel's chairman reprimanded congresswoman marjorie taylor greene after she refused to call fauci doctor and said he should be in prison. >> children in school were put in plastic bubbles because of your science, you're repulsive. evil science. we should be writing a criminal referral because you should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity. you belong in prison, doctor fauci doctor fauci pushed back on claims that he covered up a
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theory that the virus may have originated in a chinese lab. >> do you agree that there was a push to downplay the lab leak theory? >> not on my part, really? really. wow, wow. >> i think i think most of the country would find that find that amazing. >> doctor fauci also choked up as he described death threats against his family. >> it is much more troublesome because they've involved my wife and my three daughters. >> one expert claims yesterday's hearing did little more than damage the reputation of scientists to score political points. >> the purpose of hearings are to try and figure out how we can do better so that next time, if and when we are faced with a pandemic, we'd be better prepared and we could benefit. that was nothing about trying to do better. unfortunately, fauci's testimony comes amid growing concerns about the bird flu, which has spread to another herd of dairy cows in michigan. >> time now for your tuesday weather.
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>> good morning. we're going to be tracking some more strong and severe thunderstorms this afternoon and into the evening. and tonight the worst of this will be into the central plains and the upper midwest, des moines, places like minneapolis facing some large hail, isolated tornadoes and strong straight line winds. you can see this really consolidates into a nasty round of storms into the twin cities, moving into wisconsin and eastern iowa late in the day into the evening. and we're going to be dealing with also some big heat building across the western u.s. through the rest of this week. for accuweather. i'm jeff cornish for abc news. >> coming up, a hot air balloon crashes into power lines. >> also ahead, a new plan to regulate kids time on social media, how it would restrict algorithms. >> and later, the historic animal cruelty case for thousand beagles are found at one facility. the
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the best plan after hitting your goal weight? answers this week on gma. >> a dramatic crash on this highway in nashville. a semi truck veering off interstate 24 tumbling into a creek. good samaritans rescued the driver, who somehow escaped with only minor injuries. wow. >> and some scary moments captured on video, this time in northwest indiana, a hot air balloon crashed into power lines and caught fire. the pilot landed safely in a field after putting out the flames. one of the passengers praised his quick response since it was just scary to see it bend over the power line and then the basket bounced sideways the whole time. >> i didn't see anybody in the balloon, so when i didn't know if they had fallen out or if they were laying in the bottom of the basket, three people on board suffered serious burns. >> we turn now to what could be a landmark moment in protecting
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kids online. there's a new push to change the rules when it comes to social media. here's abc's lionel moise. >> this morning, lawmakers in new york are set to propose a first of its kind law to regulate social media feeds for kids under 18. multiple reports say the bill would ban social media companies from using algorithms to curate what minors see, and rhythms, critics say, can show violent and sexually explicit content. >> they're dealing with the negative effects on mental health that is driven by social media and the addictive algorithms that bombard users, creating literally addictions. >> the measure would instead force apps to show content in chronological order to users under 18. it would also ban apps from sending alerts to children between midnight and 6 a.m, unless their parents opt in and it would prohibit selling their data. >> we're saying enough is enough . >> the proposal is likely to face legal challenges amid free speech concerns. regulating
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social media companies has been at the forefront nationwide. the state of utah just yesterday sued tiktok over what officials claim are virtual strip clubs. the lawsuit claims the apps tiktok live feature leads to the sexual solicitation and exploitation of minors. users are able to gift virtual currency to live streamers, which critics say could allow adults to engage with minors for illicit acts. >> and what we have found is kids are very susceptible to performing those acts and to receiving gifts. >> tiktok insists it has policies in place to protect children. meanwhile, x, formerly known as twitter, has updated its policies to allow on the platform, leading to more concerns about exposure to minors. but the company says it prohibits any content that is promoting exploitation, sexualization or harm to minors. the surgeon general has warned about the harmful effects of social media on kids mental health. asked for that proposal
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in new york, the first vote could come this week. rhiannon andrew. >> all right. we'll see what happens. lionel. thank you. coming up, remembering an nfl legend. >> also ahead, the shocking mistake at a funeral home when a mistake at a funeral home when a woman is found alive if you're 55 and up, t-mobile has plans built just for you. like two lines of unlimited for just $30 bucks a line. that's a 45% savings versus verizon and at&t! plus, get one of the latest 5g phones free when you add a line. experience it all on america's largest and fastest 5g network. at t-mobile, customers 55 and up can get two lines of unlimited for only $30 bucks a line. switch today! (♪) is he? claritin clear? yeah. fast relief of allergies with nasal congestion, so you can breathe better. claritin plus decongestant. live claritin clear®. it's hard to run a business on
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may be the best known play from the hall of fame career of nfl lineman larry allen. >> the former cowboy star died suddenly on vacation in mexico. no cause of death was released, but allen played 12 seasons in dallas and won a super bowl. he was just 52 years old. >> the suspect in new york's gilgo beach serial killings is reportedly about to be charged in connection with a fifth victim, multiple reports say. rex herman could be indicted again as soon as thursday. it follows recent searches at both his long island home and a wooded area where the remains of two women were found. he's already pleaded not guilty to killing four women. >> now to nebraska, and a shocking mistake at a funeral home. authorities in lincoln, nebraska, appear stunned by the case of a woman who was thought to be dead, but was later found very much alive at a funeral home. >> i've been doing this 31 years and nothing like this has ever gotten to this point before, police say the 74 year old woman
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had been transported from a nursing home, where she was pronounced dead yesterday. >> two hours later, a funeral home employee saw the woman breathing and called 911, a 74 year old female that was believed to be deceased and brought here, is now, agonal. >> breathing on the table. >> funeral home staff conducted cpr on the woman and she was rushed to the hospital where her family was told she's still alive. the sheriff's office is investigating, but no charges are pending. >> i'm sure they'll look and see if new protocols need to be made, or if they were all followed because the woman's death had been anticipated, the nursing home was not required to call authorities after pronouncing her dead. >> a woman has been gored by a bison at yellowstone national park. it comes less than a year after an arizona woman was injured, in this case, an 83 year old from south carolina suffered some serious injuries. officials say she was lifted a foot off the ground as the bison, quote, defended its space and an animal breeding company
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has agreed to pay a record $35 million in fines after it was forced to surrender 4000 beagles. the justice department says the company neglected the dogs at a facility in virginia, where they were bred and sold for medical research. most of the rescue dogs, though, were adopted. >> glad they had a happy ending. they're coming up the soda that just passed pepsi as the number two brand right behind coca cola, plus the congressman's son, who's funny faces are son, who's funny faces are making everyone deep down, i knew something was wrong. since my fatigue and light-headedness would come and go, i figured it wasn't a big deal. then i saw my doctor and found out i have afib, and that means there's about a 5 times greater risk of stroke. symptoms like irregular heartbeat, heart racing, chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, or light- headedness can come and go. but if you have afib, the risk of stroke is always there. if you have one or more symptoms, get checked out. holding off on seeing a doctor
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remember the long and cherished tradition we have in this country of settling our political differences at the ballot box. >> all kids will be kids, won't they? the six year old stole the show, sticking out his tongue. his dad later joked, this is what i get for telling him to smile at the camera. next, there's a new runner up in the soft drink wars. >> doctor pepper has outsold pepsi to become the second biggest soda brand in the u.s. coke has a solid grip on number one, but doctor pepper is gaining ground with its blend of 23 flavors. >> personal favorite of mine. next, a rough landing in the trees of new hampshire, an 84 year old glider pilot ended up stuck in a tree after crashing. >> he was dangling 20ft in the air for nearly five hours. he did have his phone to get help and now he is okay. next, the latest research on sharks. after a series of attacks north of san diego, the man who was bitten now recovering as researchers try to figure out why white sharks gather in certain places, they gave us a remarkable
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figure. >> they say 97% of the time when people are in shark gathering locations, a shark is nearby. yet attacks are very rare, perhaps suggesting that sharks have actually learned that people are not really good food for them. finally, we are not sure alligators have learned that lesson. >> this 12 foot gator was removed from a ditch near houston, the city later posting later gator. ooh, surprise, it's later gator. ooh, surprise, it's not florida. top h ♪ when your child has moderate-to-severe eczema, it's okay to for them to show off. show off their clearer skin and noticeably less itch with dupixent. because children 6 months and older with eczema have plenty of reasons to show off their skin. with dupixent, the #1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, they can stay ahead of their eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your child's skin from within.
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