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tv   Nightline  ABC  June 5, 2024 12:37am-1:07am PDT

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>> jimmy: thanks to vice president kamala harris, thanks to abby elliot. apologies to matt damon. we ran out of time for you, you s.o.b. "nightline" is next. thank you for watching, good night. ♪ this is "nightline." >> juju: tonight, breaking news at the southern border. president biden's sweeping changes going into effect just moments ago, saying he'll do what congress hasn't. who will now be turned away? plus, deion von furstenberg, the iconic fashion designer and creator of the wrap dress now
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unwrapping her incredible story. >> fashion tycoon. >> influencer. >> feminist icon. >> juju: ring on her fast, wildlife. >> we all had many lovers. david bowie and mick jagger. that's a great story. i was having a man's life in a woman's body, yes. god, yes. >> juju: the daughter of a holocaust survivor turned european royalty turned fashion mogul speaking out on her private struggles to robin roberts. ♪ >> juju: eddie redmayne saying, welcome to "cabaret" on broadway. >> from the second you walk into the kit kat club, all parts of you are being entertained. there's a seductive equal question to it. >> juju: the actor and his costar off offering a fresh take on the classic. >> not your grandmother's "cabaret." ♪ ♪ and girls just wanna have
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fun ♪ >> juju: cyndi lauper immortalized in cement. just which famous friends of the "wanna have fun" star were there to sing her praises. ork shirt needs to be for more than just work. like when it needs to be a big, soft shoulder to cry on. which is why downy does more to make clothes softer, fresher, and better. downy. breathe life into your laundry. pain means pause on the things you love, but... green... means... go! ♪ cool the pain with biofreeze. and keep on going. biofreeze. green means go.
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a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! ♪ >> juju: thanks for joining us. tonight, we begin with breaking news from the southern border.
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president biden signing a proclamation earlier today to address the crisis, suspending and limiting entry of asylum seekers, threatening to send them back to their country of origin. my colleague, mireya villarreal, is in el paso, texas, where this new regulation went into effect moments ago. >> reporter: the white house tells abc news, as of 12:01 a.m. tonight, any migrant looking to request asylum while crossing at a u.s./mexico border will be turned away. effectively, the border will be shut down every time the number of migrants surpasses 2,500 in a one-week period. the border patrol encountered nearly 250,000 migrants who had crossed illegally during the month of april alone. trade and travel will continue to flow at ports of entry. now, for those who cross the border illegally, if apprehended, they will be sent back to their home country of origin in a matter of days, if not hours. there are some exceptions to
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this new policy, like for victims of trafficking or unaccompanied minors, the children whose parents send them across the border alone with the hope of starting a new life here in the united states. human rights advocates like the aclu almost immediately said that they will be filing a lawsuit, but but right now the white house says that they feel like this policy quill stand up and is within their legal options. juju? >> juju: mireya, thank you. we turn now to fashion legend deion von furstenberg, her name synonymous with classic style and grace. though her iconic wrap dress secured her a place in fashion history, it's just one of the many moments in the lift of the woman who broke barriers and continued to do so in part by celebrating her wrinkles. here's abc's robin roberts. >> you even your imperfection, they become your asset. your vulnerability, if you accept it, you turn it into strength. >> and that is exactly what you've done. >> i became the woman i wanted
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to be. and i want every woman to become the woman they want to be. >> reporter: designer deion von furst 10 berg, so legendary she's often known as just "dvf." >> i want you to be strong! >> reporter: a feminist icon whose sleek and chic looks have been loved by actresses, first ladies, and royalty alike. >> she was one of the first women who broke through the glass ceiling in business. >> reporter: for decades, a staple and filler in the fashion world. ♪ after creating the wrap dress that revolutionized women's wardrobes in the '70s. >> the adventure of my own life has been incredible. >> fashion tycoon. >> influencer. >> feminist icon. >> i was in charge of my destiny. >> reporter: now, she's giving an in-depth look at her extraordinary life and legacy. >> i created the wrap dress, and i wrapped america around. >> reporter: in a new documentary, "deion von furstenberg: woman in charge."
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>> i don't think there's any life that's a boring life. i think every life is interesting if you pay attention to it. having said that, i've had a very big life. >> reporter: born in belgium as diane hoffen, the daughter of holocaust survivor, her mother lily giving birth just 18 months after surviving auschwitz concentration camp. your mother, she is present throughout the documentary, as she was in your life? >> i was america. she used to say, "god saved me so that i could give you life. by giving you life, you gave me my life back. you are my torch of freedom." >> reporter: working in fashion throughout europe, from her humble beginnings into hoe society. in 1969, she married a german prince, egan von furstenberg, and into a glamorous, liberated lifestyle. >> it was a time of free love. we thought nothing could be better for you than promiscuity.
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we all had many lovers. david bowie and mick jagger, that's a great story. i was having a man's life in a woman's body, yes. god, yes. >> reporter: you did not shy away from discussing the many loves that you've had in your life? >> i was married to a very young, attractive man who was very promiscuous. i wasn't going to be a victim. i wasn't going to be, you know, the janus wife. i never gave it the best i believed. i had many lovers in my life, and i am very happy i had every one of them. that's for sure. >> reporter: diane also finding happiness in her career and grabbing acclaim with her iconic wrap dress, first introduced 50 years ago. >> i used to resent, why does the wrap dress always, you know, come after my name? and then i came to accept it and like it. and yes, i created the wrap
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dress, but really, it is the wrap dress that created me. >> reporter: dvf going on to sell millions of them worldwide. she says, creating a uniform for women in charge of their futures. you talk about the impact and the influence you've had. i love how march jacobs said you were probably the original influencer. >> it happened by an accident. we went around the country, and because i was successful, i was sharing my confidence. the confidence comes from within. when you're true to yourself. >> reporter: the dress and success catapulting her beyond a jet-set princess. minting her as a bona fide designer and household name. but it wasn't always easy. >> my company was in trouble. >> she said, "i hated my life, i felt like a failure." >> i had to take back my business and reinvent my life. >> reporter: her signature style
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making multiple returns into the cultural zeitgeist. qvc giving her designs a renaissance in the 1990s. and still today finding new fans. it's timeless. >> and the funny thing is that every 20 years, it's the very young girls who rediscover it. >> reporter: how does that make you feel when you know a new generation discovers you? >> i can't believe it. and then this is from the '70s. it's actually a wrap top with a skirt. it's a two-piece. >> reporter: because it -- >> originally it starts with a t two-piece, then i thought, oh, she put it together, then it was a wrap. >> reporter: fashion name came while raising two children she had with pens egan. you admitted you were not there all the time. >> right. >> reporter: you had no regrets being there -- >> wait a minute. i lived with my children, and my mother was there six months of the year. but, you know, i traveled a lot.
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i don't think i neglected them. they think, oh, but you weren't there. but if i judge the results, i did really good. i did really good. >> reporter: a tight-knit family even after divorcing egan in 1983. they stayed close until his death in 2004 from aids. >> aids had a huge impact on my family. >> i never stopped loving him. i was with egan when he died. >> reporter: dvf also recounting a devastating diagnosis she was determined not to let slow her down. at 47, you were diagnosed with cancer. many people who have gone through cancer, they say it helps change your perspective or gives you a new perspective. did that happen with you? >> yes, of course. you have to own it. you have to understand what's wrong. you have to understand what the doctor can do. and then you are 50% responsible for the rest.
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and how you handle it, from where i live to the hospital to my office, i realize was like a "v." so i would walk like that, the blocks, making a perfect "v" for victory. >> reporter: the doc filmed over the course of a year also offering a glimpse at a woman who has embraced aging on her own terms. >> i don't understand why so many people do not embrace age. i've always been attracted by wrinkles. you know? age -- age means living. i am 77 years old. okay? 77. that's a lot. but i own them. aging is great, because first of all, if you're my age, you know that you've already lived, right? instead of asking people how old you are, you should say, "how many years have you lived?"
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>> reporter: that includes decades spent with her now second husband, media die don't know barry diller. why are people so fascinated by your relationship? >> our relationship is so unique. barry was very introverted when i met him. he was chairman of paramount pictures. he was 32 years old. i was 27. he always remained the presence in my life. the other men were always jealous of him. we always knew. we always knew that one day we would be married, and we did. and we have an extraordinary relationship. >> reporter: an extraordinary relationship in the extraordinary life of an extraordinary woman. everybody always wants to talk about legacy. when we all reach a certain stage. >> my legacy is many things. it's first and foremost my family, obviously. and i'm very proud of that. my legacy is the body of work. i am very happy to say that i'm the designer who makes uniforms
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for the women in charge. >> reporter: what us the biggest lesson from having that early success that you did? >> i think the biggest lesson is to be true to yourself. because if you are true to yourself, you are free. >> juju: our thanks to robin. diane von fuss tear berg, woman in charge, is out june 25th on hulu. when we return, eddie redmayne brings "cabaret" back to broadway. why he says the show message matters today. ♪ cabaret cabaret ♪ l in with cl. ♪ things are getting clearer...♪ ( ♪ ) ♪ i feel free... ♪ ♪ to bear my skin, yeah that's all me. ♪ ♪ nothing is everything ♪ ( ♪)
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♪ >> juju: welcome back. our next guests are perhaps best known for their work onscreen, but now they are taking on broadway by storm in a revival of "cabaret." it's the hottest ticket in town, frankly, and eddie redmayne and gail rankin, welcome to "nightline." >> thank you for having us. >> juju: congratulations on your joint tony nominations. >> thank you. that sounds unreal but thank you. >> juju: you both are very humble, i can see that. eddie, this is the fourth revival after it first debuted 60 years ago. there was the iconic bob fossey movie. ♪ ♪ welcome ♪ >> juju: what makes this version so fresh, so different for you? >> it's specific to the period of the 1930s, which was written -- and now the themes feel sort of even more -- so
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painfully prescient, i suppose. the piece plays as a compassionate warning about heat conquering humanity, and sadly, it does remain consistently relevant. >> juju: absolutely. gail, you're best known, perhaps, for the series "glow." >> what the hell is wrong with you? you killed that thing? >> i didn't kill it. i found it. and i brought it here. >> i think you should sleep somewhere else. >> juju: that was about female empowerment as well. why was it so important to have a female director, and how do you think this character reflects that sort of female gaze? >> i mean, why things so brilliant about rebecca just as a director, i think it's imperative to have women presented in these kinds of positions, especially in a story like this. women's rights are under attack in our current climate, and sally has to make a really difficult and personal, sophisticated, complicated
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decision. with respect, it's not your grandmother's "cabaret" but there's something i hope that we've all been aching to feel from the female voice, too. i think i kind of howl a truth around us that exists in the state of the story, and also hope. >> juju: eddie, i understand you were responsible for recruiting rebecca to the show. why? >> what was important to me was to find a new way in. when we spoke, we talked about doing something new with it. what we try to do here on broadway is, from the second you step off 52nd street down these kind of cavernous tunnels into these bars with musicians and dancers, hopefully you get a bit lost and discombobulated and you are spun into this space that makes you forget what's going on in your life outside. >> juju: i want to talk about the physicality of your role. i think of it as sort of part marionette, part robot. but let's take a look at a clip. ♪ outside it is winter but here it is so hot ♪
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♪ every night i beg with the girls to stop them from taking off all of their clothings ♪ ♪ so don't go away who knows tonight we may lose the battle ♪ >> juju: the physicality is so particular, also exhausting i'm sure for both of you. i've also read that the character is metaphor for four itch, metaphor for anti-semitism. what do you see in this role this time out? >> he's almost like the greek chorus. he starts -- you mentioned marriott net -- almost like a puppeteer. he conjures some of these characters into our sort of music box-like space. gradually over the evening, he goes from being puppeteer into conductor. and there have been versions of "cabaret" in which the emcee is a victim of the rice of facts and circumstancism, whereas i suppose in our version, he's more the perpetrator. >> juju: you mention that because "cabaret" was based on
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the true story of a queer novelist who lived with a lesbian cabaret singer as fascism and naziism rises in germany. how do you think your performances pay homage to sort of that queer backstory? >> we spent a lot of time trying to find the nuances of what -- a kind of a queer, bisexual, truly bisexual and queer relationship is between sally and cliff. and that has been so ahead of its time. it's so interesting how reverential it was, that this was back in the 1920s. >> juju: it's so interesting. eddie, you're known for playing complex characters. people are fans of yours from when you won the academy award for playing steven hawking in "the theory of everything." >> look -- what -- we -- made. >> juju: for those who don't come to the theater very often, what do you hope audiences take away? >> what we've been aspiring to do is to create an evening that
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is all-consuming to your senses. so, from the second you walk into the kit kat club, all parts of you are being sprained. there's a seductive quality to it, gut at the same time, it challenges you. and it makes you think. and hopefully it moves you. >> juju: well, for me, it absolutely worked. >> oh, thank you. >> juju: thank you so much, eddie, gail, thank you both for being here, and good luck in the tonys. we're all rooting for you. >> thank you so much. >> juju: of course, "cabaret" will remain on broadway through september 14th. when we return, cyndi la lauper. the "time after time" singer, the most celebrated in hollywood today. wi be waiting time after h you i time ♪ just like i was. dryness and frizz could be damaged hair that can't retain moisture. new pantene miracle rescue deep conditioner, with first-of-its-kind melting pro-v pearls...
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♪ >> juju: finally tonight, cyndi lauper now part of hollywood's walk of fame. ♪ oh mama dear we're not the fortunate ones ♪ ♪ and girls they wanna have fun ♪ ♪ oh girls just wanna have fun ♪ >> juju: she burst onto the music charts in 1983 with "girls just wanna have fun," and today cyndi lauper's long and colorful career honored at tcl chinese theater by none other than her good friend cher. >> i'm a pretty good singer. cyndi is a great singer. >> juju: her hands and footprints memorialized in historic concrete alongside entertainment royalty. and that's "nightline" for tonight. watch full episodes on hue rue. we'll see you right back here,


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