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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  June 5, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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that three times. >> you know, for five minutes. >> you never know. people like disney. >> the people need to know. >> people need to know who writes a check. i mean, the house of mouse, it's right on my mug. >> it's kind of on my mug. you can't really tell. >> and which country is that from? morocco pavilion, morocco at epcot at epcot. >> i love that place. >> it hits even better when you're an adult. and i was a kid, i was it, get me out of here, drink around the world. >> and that can mean whatever you want that to mean. >> abc seven at seven continues next on r >> george: good morning america for our viewers in the west. new restrictions at the border this morning. breaking overnight, president biden's executive action taking effect closing the border to migrants crossing illegally, as the president defends his plan, we're live on the border. plus jake sullivan joins us live. >> robin: life threatening triple digit heat wave. millions on alert for dangerous temperatures.
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plus, the severe flash flooding overnight, and the threat on the move right now. ginger is tracking it all. >> whit: service resolved. breaking overnight, the major cell phone outage fix after the nationwide issue preventing some customers from calling between major carriers. the investigation into what caused it. >> george: breaking overnight the latest on the shoot out outside the embassy in lebanon. >> whit: hunter biden on trial. his case on gun charges expected to get deeply personal, with the first member of the biden family expected to take the stand. >> george: breaking news. amanda knox convicted in an italian courtroom this morning. >> robin: the startling prediction from the american heart association. what you need to know about cardiovascular disease. >> george: alec baldwin's announcement with his wife, weeks before his trial in the rust on set shooting. how his new series could impact the criminal case.
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>> whit: shopping cart controversy. >> i'm not returning my shopping cart. you can judge me all you want. >> whit: why this mom of two says no way to returning her cart to the corral. you might agree. >> robin: the heroes who helped change the course of history. >> seeing so much emotion come out in his voice today, it's unbelievable. >> robin: we are live in france with some of the veterans and their families. >> lara: what a pleasure it is to meet you. >> robin: returning to norman day 80 years after d-day. >> whit: sweet 16 scores. the 16-year-old jumping for joy in a dream debut. >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> robin: good morning everyone. what a moment. 16 years old. we're going to have much or on that ahead as the u.s. women's national team gears up for paris. >> george: she is just getting started. also in france, take a look at
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this. this is the tomb stone, the light from the tomb stone at the commonwealth war cemetery in normandy, france. president biden is there to mark the 80th anniversary of d-day. >> whit: the president arrived in france early this morning. we'll have much more ahead. >> robin: we're going to begin with his executive order at home giving him the authority to shut the border for asylum seeker. it took effect at midnight. mireya villarreal is in texas with the latest. good morning, mireya. >> reporter: good morning from the international bridge that connects mexico to el paso. this is one of eight ports of entry along the southwest border where people, migrants, can legally request asylum. but this whole process changed at 12:01 last night when president biden's executive order which prohibits migrants from trying to claim asylum between ports of entry. at places where it's illegal to cross, anyone who does that will
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get turned away. this new rule is triggered when there have been seven consecutive days or more of 2,500 encounters between ports of entry, which is the case right now. the u.s. won't open things back up until there have been 14 day of encounters with 1,500 migrants or less. there are a few exceptions including unaccompanied minors, victims of human trafficking as well. as you can see behind me, the border is closed. only trade and travel going through. people can still request asylum if they go through the app or show up at ports of entry like this. >> george: okay, thanks. rachel scott is at the white house with the political fallout from president biden's executive action. good morning, rachel. >> reporter: george, good morning. the president's executive action addresses one of the political liabilities for his campaign. but this morning even members of his own party are noting this is a major policy shift for the president and far different from one he campaigned on.
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this morning the president defending his plans to strictly limit the asylum process, a move that has now temporarily closed the border to migrants crossing illegally. >> doing nothing is not an option. we have to act. >> reporter: the president insisting that republicans on capitol hill left him with no choice after they blocked a bipartisan border deal at the urging of donald trump. >> he told the republicans and has been reported by many of you, that he didn't want to fix the issue, he wanted to use it to attack me. >> reporter: under the new executive action, when migrants average 2500 a day over the course of a week, the asylum process for people crossing illegally would shut down. it's the toughest action the president has taken on the border yet, but republicans say it doesn't go far enough. trump claiming biding is desperate. >> crooked joe biden is finally pretending to do something about the border. in fact, it's all a show. >> reporter: he said his position is far different from his rival. >> i will never demonize immigrants.
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i would never refer to immigrants as poisoning the blood of a country. and further, i'll never separate children from their parents. >> reporter: but some democrats warn it could all back fire. >> they think it's going to bring more republicans over. i don't think it does. i think in the end we end up hurting the very people we're fighting for. >> reporter: yes, so this policy is in effect, but legal challenges are likely. aclu already vowing to sue. white house officials are confident this will hold up in court. >> whit: thank you very much. now breaking news from overnight. a shoot outoutside the u.s. embassy in lebanon. marcus moore is tracking the latest for us. marcus, good morning. what can you tell us? >> reporter: well, whit, good morning. this incident happened as the workday was beginning. gunfire reported near the entrance of the u.s. embassy in beirut. we know lebanese armed forces responded along with the lebanon security team.
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a suspect was wounded and later taken to hospital for treatment. now, the alleged gun man has not been identified. any potential motive is unclear. lebanese officials say he is a syrian national. all embassy staff are said to be safe. this incident comes amid heightened tensions in the region and reports late this morning that israel is calling up 50,000 additional reservists in preparation, it says, for any potential escalation on the lebanon front. clashes between israel and hezbollah have intensified in these last two weeks, and all of this, since the war broke out in gaza on october 8th. george, the u.s. and other countries, as you know, have been trying to keep this war from spreading into a wider conflict. >> george: okay, marcus. thanks. president biden is in france to mark the 80th anniversary of d day. the president's national security adviser, jake sullivan joins us from paris. jake, thank you for joining us this morning. i want to get to the president's trip, but let's begin with that breaking news out of beirut. what more can you tell us?
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>> reporter: we've been getting realtime updates from embassy beirut. all american personnel in lebanon are safe and accounted for. one of our guard staff was wounded. he is receiving care. we are cooperating closely with lebanon authorities to acertain what happened and taking every action we deem necessary to protect our people. >> george: you're in france for the anniversary of d-day. the president has meetings with allies on the war in ukraine and gaza. >> so president biden is here for the 80th anniversary of d-day, as you noted. he's here to honor the veteran, the men who gave their lives and those who fought bravely to defend freedom, to liberate the continent, to stand up to dictators. and he will speak today about how this war in europe today with the dictator on the march today, the very things that those men fought so bravely for are at stake and america and our allies must meet the challenge.
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>> george: the president will be meeting with president zelenskyy of ukraine. we know u.s. weapons have now been used in russia, been used by the ukrainians to attack russia. what else do we expect from president zelenskyy this morning? what will he be requesting of the president? >> well, as you know, they will have a good opportunity to sit down tomorrow in normandy and then again a week from now when the g-7 leaders meet in italy. so there will be two opportunities for the president an president zelenskyy to talk about the state of play on the battlefield in ukraine. one of the things president zelenskyy will be focused on is air defense. how to defend the skies of ukraine from russian missiles and iranian drones raining down on them. president biden will talk to president zelenskyy about what more we can do. president biden has mobilized a lot of air capacity. >> george: on the war in gaza, i know the president went public with that cease fire proposal last week. have we had any kind of official response from hamas? what are you expecting? >> we've seen some public comments from hamas officials, but we have not yet gotten an
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official response from hamas to the qataris who are the mediator. to whom israel gave their proposal that was transmitted to hamas. at this point, george, the ball is in hamas' court. israel has accepted the proposal. the world has endorsed the proposal. now it's time for hamas to say yes to it, and that is what can lead us through multiple phases to an end to this war, return of all hostages, a surge of humanitarian aid an return to stability and security for the state of israel, as well as a better few future for the palestinian people. that's hamas needs to step up and take. >> george: does the president believe prime minister netanyahu is prolonging the war in order to stay in office? that's what he seemed to be suggesting in that interview in "time" magazine. >> well, what the president said yesterday when he was asked a version of that question was that he thinks prime minister netanyahu is working to try to advance the interests of israel. from our perspective, we're not
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going to delve into israeli politics. we're going to focus on the task at hand, end the war, get the hostages home, make sure israel is safe and the palestinian people have a decent future. >> george: jake sullivan, thanks for your time. whit? >> whit: now the three donald trump allies who have been charged with forgery in wisconsin in connection to the alleged fake electos scheme. our chief justice correspondent pierre thomas has details on that story. good morning. >> reporter: whit, good morning. today associates who helped former president trump try to block joe biden from becoming president are facing new legal challenges. through trump's attorneys and one of his campaign aides have been charged with a felony, accused of being part of a scheme where bogus electors tied to trump would certify him rather than biden as next president. wisconsin attorney general charged the men with felony forgery and each are facing up to six years in prison if convicted. among those charged kenneth chespro who already plead guilty to a fake elector scheme in
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georgia. wisconsin joins four other states including michigan, georgia, arizona and nevada. controversy over the 2020 election still playing out, robin. >> robin: all right, pierre. thanks for your reporting. now the major cell service outage. some customers nationwide had troubles making calls between carriers. erielle reshef joins us with details. the nationwide issue resolved overnight? >> that's right. the company said it was fixed overnight but this is the second time in roughly three months that at&t's network has faced interruptions, leaving customers without full service for hours. overnight at&t saying it resolved the massive issue that left customers from coast to coast unable to receive or make calls to another carrier. >> seriously, at&t, again? >> reporter: the company confirming in a statement, we collaborated with the other carrier to find a solution and appreciate our customers' patience during this period.
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according to the website down detector, which tracks self-reported outages, 24 states, from california to new york, to illinois to ohio and connecticut were impacted. it's the second widespread outage to hit at&t's network this year. back in february, customers in major cities all over the country lost cell service for hours. >> 911 what is your emergency? >> reporter: that included emergency services, 911 in multiple states and first net, a nationwide network for first responder and police communication. >> i remember getting up in the morning not having cell phone service, having to, predown load stuff off my home wi-fi before driving to work. >> reporter: the sec opened a formal investigation into the cause, which at&t blamed on a technical error while expanding their network. and it's still not clear what caused this issue or just how many of at&t's 100 million customers were affected.
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the company says it is working to diagnose the problem and the ftc is investigating. we have some correspondents who were affected by this. >> whit: under scores how much we depend on these services. >> we need our phone. >> exactly. thank you very much. we turn to the hunter biden gun trial. lawyers gave opening statements and called the first witnesses yesterday. a biden family member could take the stand today. abc's senior national correspondent terry moran is at the courthouse in wilmington, delaware. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, whit. because hunter biden is the president's son, this case seems political by many. but for the biden family, like so many families have been caught up in the whirl wind of drug abuse and guns, this case is personal and painful. this morning hunter biden is back in court facing felony gun charges and first up today more testimony from an fbi agent. and then first member of the biden family will take the witness stand. kelly biden. she was married to hunter's older brother beau until his death from brain cancer.
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months later she and hunter biden began a romantic relationship. she was exchanging text messages with hunter in 2018 at the time he purchased a gun. prosecutors say that evidence is backed up by hunter's own memoir "beautiful things." >> i had returned that fall of 2018 after my most recent recollapse in california with the hopes of getting clean through a new therapy and reconciling with hallie. neither happened. >> reporter: whether hunter biden was abusing drugs at the time of the gun purchase is the critical question in this case. prosecutors said biden knowingly lied when he filled out this form. and, therefore, illegally obtained the gun. defense lawyer abby lowell told jurors it will show that hunter was using alcohol at the time not drugs. during testimony, the jurors saw these angry text messages between hunter and hallie after she found hunter's gun and threw it in a trash can. hunter texting, did you take that from me? you're being totally
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irresponsible and unhinged. hallie reporting, i just want you safe. that was not safe. prosecutors are painting a picture of hunter biden the crack addict using images from his lap top including a video where he's holding a crack pipe, as well as passages from his memoir. >> i used by super power, finding crack anytime, anywhere. >> reporter: defense lawyers say they plan to call members of the biden family who can present eyewitness testimony and paint a different picture of that troubled time in hunter's life. robin? >> robin: terry, thanks to you. now boeing's starliner spacecraft back on the launch pad ready for liftoff this morning. our transportation correspondent gio benitez, you know he's there at kennedy space center for us. good morning, gio. >> gio: robin, good morning. boeing is hoping third time is a charm. this launch was already scrubbed twice before after a four year delay. now the weather is looking good. the weather alone is giving it a 90% chance of launch. this is a test flight to the
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international space station aboard the boeing starliner. space x has been doing this for four years now. this is the first time boeing is doing it with humans on board. it is important for the space program to get more companies involved. let's talk about those astronauts, legendary vets of space. butch wilmer and sunny williams. they've been in quarantine to prevent illness. they'll spend about eight days in space before coming back to earth. now, the last launch attempt on saturday was scrubbed with just four minutes to go because of a last minute computer issue. that has since been fixed. now, i don't need to tell you, boeing is facing major pr crisis right now so they need this to work out well especially because they've already lost $1.5 billion on this program with all of those delays, guys. >> robin: yeah. and you did say billion, not million. billion. >> gio: billion, yeah. >> robin: all right, gio. glad you're there for us.
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coming up, we got breaking news concerning amanda knox appearing in a courtroom on a slander charge. the verdict is in. we'll have the latest. >> george: alec baldwin talking about his new reality show and how it could impact his upcoming manslaughter trial. ginger? >> ginger: more than half foot of rain in two nights around oklahoma city. so you have big flash flooding problems again with that next storm that came over overnight. it's pushed out around dallas. we saw a stormy morning the last couple hours. there are more than 10 inches above average for the year, so flood watches are in place. northwestern louisiana rbg southwestern arkansas, a pocket in washington, d.c. because we anticipate a lot of this moisture to be building in. so anywhere there in west virginia, pittsburgh included, parts of maryland and virginia, you're going to have an elevated risk of flash flooding going into tonight and early tomorrow. then we have to talk heat. talking really early and a lot of records possible the next couple days. 108 today for vegas. your local weather in 30 seconds.
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more information. amanda kumasi. >> it's a little heavy on the san mateo bridge traffic is backed up from cloud road in hayward, and then a decent number of drivers on northbound 280 in san jose. i see congestion from lee avenue to saratoga avenue. >> thanks, amanda. meteorologist drew tuma has a
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come on, come on, come on. >> you want to get into an outing and go your own way? do you want. >> you want. to find your way to exceptional offers? >> during the summer of audi sales event at your local audi dealer. tv's biggest morning party. >> live with kelly and marc. outside this morning from our east bay hills camera. >> you can see it is sunny. in fact, all of our reporting stations have clear skies right now. it is going to be another hot day. temperatures. you can see a lot of cities right now, beginning the day in the 60s, if not low 70. so heat advisories continue. this is day two of a three day heat wave. those heat advisories have been expanded to include the santa cruz mountains. so many of us underneath the increased risk of heat illnesses like heat exhaustion and heat stroke. so you look at highs today, it is going to get hot once again. 99 in concord, 101 in antioch, 93
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in san jose will go to 99. in santa rosa. even the east bay 83 for oakland, 89, in fremont, the city today hitting a high of 78 degrees. we go to 84 in palo alto. if you're going to head to the coast to get some relief, just be aware. a beach hazard statement is in effect today and tomorrow. we have a rough northwesterly swell that is increasing the risk of sneaker waves. the next afternoon or two. kumasi. thank you, drew. >> if you're streaming on the abc seven bay area app, abc seven at seven continues next. for everyone else, it is. good morning america. we >> when lawyers who don't handle injury claims need help, they call us. justice takes more than a fighter. you need a champion can walk up personal injury law visit, walk up in the next 30s 250 couples will need to make room for a nursery. >> 26 people will go all in. this family will get two bathrooms and finally one vacationer will say, yeah, who?
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walk up law. if you have chronic kidney disease, you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with passes because there are places you'd like to be for zika can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections in low blood sugar, a rare, life threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. >> stop taking for zika and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection. an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. the time to press rewind with neutrogena rapid wrinkle repair. >> it has derm proven retinol expertly formulated to target skin cell turnover and fight not one, but five signs of aging with visible results in just one week. neutrogena are you life with these new menu items at panera? are perfect ten's. they're also each under $10 more new sandwiches and salads, more in every bite, and more new options under $10. come taste
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the new era at panera and get a $0 delivery fee for a limited time. back >> whether you're doing it yourself or hiring a pro today, let's paint. >> bam bam bam bam bam. >> exclusively at the home depot. get ready now. >> the number one movie in the world is garfield. >> i could watch this all day. >> i've studied the science ♪> i've studied the science >> robin: back here on gma. that's a great scene from "sister act 2." whoopie goldberg there. can you believe the movie was released 30 years ago? we have an exclusive clip that's coming up.
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>> george: looking forward to that. also right now, president biden's new executive order on the border went into effect overnight. it gives him the authority to close the door to mexico. president said republicans left him no choice after they blocked a bipartisan border deal. also right now at&t said it has resolved an issue that prevented some cell phone customers from calling people who use other carriers. the ftc opened an investigation into the cause. at&t blamed it on a technical error while expanding its network. >> whit: the u.s. women's soccer team wins big in preparation for the olympics. the national team taking on south korea in a friendly. crystal dunn scoring with this close range shot right here. and sophia smith gets the second going around the keeper. now if you look here, you can watch lili yohanis. 16 years old. making her senior u.s. debut. what a dream start. she becomes the third youngest woman to ever score for the national team.
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also a special moment for rose lavelle, playing in her 100th match for the national team. coach hayes will select her final 18 player roster for the summer olympics, as the u.s. opens tournament july 25 against zambia. that's going to be a great tournament to watch. >> robin: veterans leaving, new ones stepping up. >> whit: you bet. great stars to watch. we have a lot more ahead including the grocery cart debate. do you return it? it's lighting up social media on both sides of the aisle. that's ahead. >> robin: to return or not to return, that is the question. but now amanda knox, convicted just moments ago inside an italian courtroom. the 16-year-old slander case stems from the night she was interrogated about her roommate's murder. our foreign correspondent james longman is there in florence, italy, with the very latest. good morning, james. >> reporter: good morning, robin. a shock decision this morning. amanda knox came here to clear her name, but she has just been
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convicted by this court of slander, of implicating another person in the murder of her roommate. she has been sentenced to three years. she will not serve any of that time given how much time she has already spent in jail. her team says she'll appeal. this morning amanda knox facing another guilty verdict in an italian courtroom. she was fighting yet again to clear her name once and for all. this time a 16-year-old slander conviction upheld stemming from the murder case of her british roommate. in an emotional ten minute speech before the verdict, knox telling the court why she wrote the note at times trembling. her lawyer speaking after the verdict. >> yes, of course. this was a big surprise. we were looking for dismissal. we don't know exactly what is the logic behind this decision. >> reporter: knock was accused of pinning the killing on a bar owner who she worked for part time.
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the accusation based on two statements she signed. one in police custody. the now 36-year-old mother of two discussed the slander charge on her podcast last december. >> my argument is that i was coerced into making, into signing those statement, and i never intended to implicate myself or others in a crime that i didn't commit. >> reporter: kerchic's death was a media frenzy in 2007. knox and her boyfriend were accused of murder, a crime which she was wrongfully convicted and spent almost four years in an italian prison. italian authorities convicted a man in 2008. he had come to italy as a child. his dna was found at the scene. in 2019 knox had her conviction overturned. >> amanda knox being found guilty means that final blemish after a long saga of being found guilty and then exonerated in a brutal murder of
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her then british roommate will remain. that even though the slanderous statements were found not admissible, the prosecution found a way to still uphold the conviction. >> reporter: now rudy getty was the man convicted of the murder. he spent 13 years in jail of a 16 year sentence. he was released in 2021. he's under enhanced surveillance. he's wearing a tag because he's been accused by his ex-girlfriend of abuse. as for amanda knox, well, this saga continues. guys? >> whit: all right. quite a turn of events. james longman, thank you. now the bison attack in yellowstone national park leaving an 83-year-old south carolina woman with serious injuries. our chief national correspondent matt gutman joins us with details. matt, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, whit. the national park service is still investigating what led to this woman being gored by that bison. the animal lifted the 83-year-old woman about a foot off the ground.
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the question is how this woman got so close to the largest land animal in north america, one that causes more injuries to visitors at yellowstone than any other. this morning a south carolina woman is recovering from serious injuries after being gored by a wild bison at yellowstone national park. park officials say the animal was defending its space, but lifted the 83-year-old woman about a foot off the ground with its horns. the victim flown to a hospital in idaho. >> the fact that she survived is very lucky. i think that what the bison did was just remove what it perceived as a potential threat. >> reporter: this latest incident part of dangerous encounters in recent years between park visitors and wild bison. bison have injured more people at yellowstone than any other animal. last summer a tourist had a close call with a bison as the animal lunged toward her as she tried touching it while taking a photo. thankfully, stayed back.
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and in 2022 a texas woman spent six days in the hospital after a bison gored her. >> he rammed my back and gored me, flipped me in the air. flipped me face first into a bush. >> reporter: the national park service advising anyone visiting the area to move away from wild life if they approach you, saying it's the visitors' responsibility to stay more than 25 yards from all large animals. >> don't count on because it looks calm it will remain calm. it only takes a split second for a person to cross that line where the animal feels threatened and then it's too late. >> reporter: the park service released no new information about the woman's condition, but animal experts we've been talking to say that given the size of these animals, they can weigh as much as a car, she is lucky to be alive. the park service has been pleading with visitors around the country not to get close to these animals. guys? >> george: okay, matt. thank you very much. coming up next, alec baldwin announces his family will start a new reality series.
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flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. feel unstoppable. ask your doctor how lasting remission can start with stelara®. johnson & johnson can help you explore cost support options. i'm adding downy unstopables to my wash. now i'll be smelling fresh all day long. [sniff] still fresh. ♪ get 6x longer-lasting freshness, plus odor protection. try for under $5! if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect. new parodontax active gum repair breath freshener. clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease. a new toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. you are bountiful. your skeleton can support two times your weight. it's in your nature to stand strong. supplement your bones with high-absorption magnesium.
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nature's bounty. it's in your nature. (rebecca) it wasn't until after they had done the surgery to remove all the toes that it really hit me. you see the commercials. you never put yourself in that person's shoes until you're there. (announcer) you can quit. call 1-800-quit-now for help getting free medication. pet parents can save more this summer at petsmart. with lower prices on hundreds of items storewide. and right now, save $10 when you spend $35 on select toys. (♪) petsmart. anything for pets. why is special k so special? the multigrain flakes? oh wait i see, it's the real fruit. oh wait wait, can you go back to the berries?
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mmhmm. special k. special for a reason. with a new parade. so, join the party, now through august 4th, 2024. visit the disneyland resort with a special 3-day disneyland ticket offer for a limited time. >> george: we are back with alec baldwin and his wife, they have a new reality show about their family with seven children weeks before he goes on trial for the "rust" on set shooting. janai norman is here with details. good morning, janai. >> good morning. an interesting turn of events. alec baldwin is a busy man. actor, producer preparing to stand trial for involuntary manslaughter.
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but the father and husband preparing for tv. this morning alec baldwin's announcement. >> we have an announcement to make. >> one, two, three, we are the baldwins! >> he and his wife welcoming cameras into their lives as the emmy winning actor faces charges for involuntary manslaughter. >> we are inviting you into our home to experience the ups and downs, the good, bad, wild and crazy. >> the couple announcing their new series on instagram, aptly titled the bad -- baldwins in 2025. the series will feature the long time pair's seven children, ranging from 19 months to age 10. tlc saying about the project, for the first time, they're opening up their family lives and bringing everyone in to join in the nonstop love, drama and laughter. the announcement coming as
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baldwin's criminal trial is slated to start in july for his role in the fatal shooting of hylena hutchins on the set of "rust" in 2021. >> if he talked about anything related to the incident, it can be used in trial. the likelihood of that is very slim. >> reporter: baldwin, entering a not guilty plea, claiming it was not his job to handle gun safety. the actor producer adamant he never pulled the trigger, stating so in his exclusive interview with our george stephanopoulos. >> george: so you never pulled the triger? >> no no no. i would never point a gun at anyone and pull a trigger. never. that was a training i had. you don't point a trigger at somebody and pull the trigger. >> the film's armorer sentenced to 18 months behind bars after being found guilty for involuntary manslaughter in march. this week prosecutors requesting the court compel her to testify against baldwin. >> the way the jury may perceive all that alec baldwin has going
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on, with the charges being dropped, with them being reinstated, and the reality show, it's really going to fall upon the juror. do they see this as an effort to garnish support or someone continuing with their day to day life despite the circumstances that they've been with? >> so it took a jury less than three hours to find gutierrez guilty. court documents say that she would testify what her firearm training consisted of, including with alec baldwin. that is if she does testify. it will be really interesting to see if any impact it has on the trial, this new reality show. >> robin: all right, janai, thanks so much. coming up next, lara is in normandy as we celebrate the 80th anniversary of d day. good morning to you, lara. good to see you. >> lara: good to see you, robin. world war ii veterans are remembering d day on the eve of the 80th anniversary. coming up, we'll meet the hero
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as they go back to omaha beach, many for the firsted time since the war. alive. from day one, it's the high-protein nutrition she instinctively craves. it's making a real difference, supporting healthy energy and strong muscles. purina one true instinct is the food she was born to eat, helping her live the life she was born to live. (vo) purina one true instinct. a difference from day one. i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa.
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>> robin: back now honoring the 80th anniversary of d day with some of the world war ii veterans who traveled thousands of miles to return to those historic beaches. lara is there with them in normandy, france. i can only imagine what it must be like to be there. so glad you're there. good morning. >> lara: robin, thank you very much. it is quite motional.
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they are the last voices who can tell us first hand about world war ii. there are not many of them left. american airlines has flown 67 of our world war ii veterans over here to france to take part in the 80th anniversary of d day. it was a huge effort for organizers and also for these men and women, who are all close to 100 years old. some of them older. yesterday we were with them visiting omaha beach, as they shared memories of that fateful day. it is hard to imagine this picturesque beach in the northwest corner of france was the very site of the bloodiest battle of the d day invasion. >> this is hallowed ground. when you walk that beach and collect a sample, hold that up. that's an example of what's at stake. ♪ o beautiful for spacious skies for ambers wave of
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>> lara: at a seaside ceremony on omaha beach, world war ii veterans share their stories. >> i remember it like it was yesterday. >> lara: from his seat in a bomber plane, he realized he was part of something massive in scale. >> looked like you could walk across the water on stepping stones. >> lara: 6,200 boat, many landing craft, used to storm the beach. >> it came down like a tailgate. when the guys hit that water, they had anywhere there 80 to 112 pounds of equipment on them. they'd die before they ever hit the beach. [ taps ] >> lara: there were 2,400 american casualties on this beach that day. 80 years later, they will never be forgotten. >> it's a long journey but it is well worth it. >> lara: tell me what that sand represents. >> that represents the freedom of the beaches in the united states of america.
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>> lara: this morning the department of veterans has confirmed that less than 1% of the men who fought on d day are still with us. so how blessed are we that we can speak with these last living heroes and hear their stories firsthand. guys? >> robin: what he said so true. the freedom that we have on the beaches here because of what they did on the beach there. we know you'll be back and have much more on d day's 80th anniversary including a veteran's memories of being 19. he was 19 on the beach that day. come on back. beach. beach. come on back.with your albuterol asthma rescue inhaler, but it's a bit of a dinosaur, because it only treats your symptoms, not inflammation. treating both symptoms and inflammation with rescue is supported by asthma experts. finally, there's a modern way to treat symptoms and asthma attacks. airsupra is the first ever dual-action rescue inhaler
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not flossing well? then add the whoa! of listerine to your routine. new science shows listerine is 5x more effective than floss at reducing plaque above the gumline. for a cleaner, healthier mouth. ahhhhh. listerine. feel the whoa! (vo) struggling with moderate to severe crohn's disease ahhhhh. or ulcerative colitis? talk to your doctor about #1 prescribed entyvio, offering two maintenance options, including the entyvio pen. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. pml, a rare, potentially fatal brain infection cannot be ruled out. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, or are prone to infections. liver problems can occur. entyvio. relief. remission. for real. ♪ entyvio, entyvio, entyvio ♪ >> ginger: dangerous heat from arizona up to northern california.
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coming up on the program, the american heart association is out with a startling new projection. and the debate pushing buttons online. do you return your grocery cart? “got-up-too-fast-from- tying-your-shoes” back injury. not to be confused with the “you-threw-your-back-out- sneezing-back-injury”. and amazon. one medical provider can help. and if it comes down to needing meds, amazon pharmacy will deliver them to your door. of course, you have to get to the door an accident and you need
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>> that's great advice, amanda. we'll take you to the accuweather forecast. we have that heat advisory still continuing today. this is day two of our three day heat wave. looking at current temperatures right now, you could see it is warm out there, 60 and seven. look at brentwood closing in on 80 degrees already at this hour. so we are in store for another hot afternoon. highs across the region. we're going about 10 to 20 degrees above average, 78 in the city, but 93 in san jose. we'll go to 101 in antioch, 93 in napa, a beach hazard statement is in effect along our coast for the risk of sneaker waves and breakers up to 20ft. thank you. drew >> if you are streaming with us on abc seven, bay area app, abc seven at seven continues next. >> for everyone else, it's good morning america. >> you need new replacement windows, but you just not sure if they're in the budget this year, right? i'm brian gary here with ted kunz from renewable andersen. and he's here to talk about how to make window replacement more affordable. >> well, first, brian, you don't have to do them all. you could just replace your worst windows first. or another way to make
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for first time since he was 19. >> whit: boy meets girl star trina mcgee announcing she's expecting at 54. >> george: reactions from both sides of the aisle. >> i'm not returning my shopping cart. you can judge me all you want. >> george: one mom's video sparked a grocery car controversy. whose side are you on? ♪ >> robin: fresh off the premiere overnight the new star of the new star wars series. amandla stenberg with tears on joy. she's live in times square as we say good morning america. >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> robin: this is indeed gma. good morning america. glad to have whit with us this morning. >> whit: absolutely. we have a lot to cover. lara is in normandy to mark the 80th anniversary of d day, meeting veterans who put their
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lives on the line that day. we hear from one of those haoe rose coming up. >> george: first president biden's executive order took effect at midnight give him the authority to shut the border for asylum seeker. want to go back to the white house. good morning, rachel. >> reporter: good morning again. this is the toughest action the president has taken on the border yet. his policy is already in effect. under this new executive action, when the daily average of migrant apprehensions exceeds 2,500 for the week, the asylum process will automatically close for those trying to enter the united states illegally and claim asylum. they will be turned away, no longer allowed to wait in the united states as their claims are being processed. now officials tell us that the u.s. has already stated that threshold. as of this morning the border is currently shut down for those migrants trying to cross into the united states illegally and claim asylum. there are limited exceptions for unaccompanied children as well as victims of human trafficking. the president insists
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republicans gave him no option after they blocked a bipartisan border deal at the urging of donald trump. but some gop lawmakers are saying that it's too a little too late for the president to now take this action. some members of the democratic party are not very happy with this either, saying that this is a notable shift for the president and far different from what he campaigned on. reality here is that president biden is fully aware that immigration is a political liability for him, just months out from the november election. the white house this morning says this policy is in effect but they are certainly bracing for legal challenges. whit? >> whit: rachel scott, thank you. now the american heart association predicting more than 184 million adults in the u.s. will have cardiovascular disease by 2050. eva pilgrim is here with more on that. good morning. >> good morning, whit. the american heart association is out with a startling new projection. cardiovascular disease is already the leading cause of death in this country. a new report says more than 61% of american adults will have
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some sort of cardiovascular disease within the next 25 years. researchers estimate increases in the rates of diabetes, heart disease, heart failure by 2050. and estimate the risk of stroke will nearly double. while there is a projected decline in high cholesterol diagnoses, other risk factors like obesity and diabetes will increase. they expect to see similar trends in children. why is this happening? combination of rising health care costs, people living longer and growing underresourced populations. but the american heart association says there are some things you can do to lower your risk. experts recommend eating a balanced diet, maintaining a healthy weight, getting healthy exercise, proper sleep and avoiding alcohol and all tobacco products. >> robin: all right, eva. see you on gma3. a big honor for our fearless leader. bob iger is now an official honorary knight of the british empire.
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he was presented with the honor yesterday with the royals celebrating artists, politicians, diplomats and humanitarians. bob's wife calling it a proud family moment. even more special this honor was announced in 2022, making bob one of the last to receive ale from the late queen elizabeth. at the time he posted on social media saying it was one of the great honors of my life and i have great affection for the people of the u.k. and have always been inspired by their extraordinary contributions. >> george: what a great honor. >> robin: do we call him sir bob now? [ laughter ] >> george: he's actually not sir bob. i texted him yesterday. because he's not british. but he is a knight. >> robin: i'm still gonna call him sir. [ laughter ] he's the boss. >> george: coming up, lara in
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normandy, with a vet remembering d day when he was just 19 years old. >> whit: trina mcgee announcing she's pregnant at 54. what she's saying about it this morning. >> robin: plus the great grocery cart debate that has social media buzzing. return or not to return? which side of the aisle are you? tory johnson has a special pride edition of deals and steals with bargains from lbgtq owned companies starting at less than $5. coming up on gma. that's jason wu with her right now. coming up on gma. gma. [announcer] introducing allison's plaque psoriasis. she thinks her flaky gray patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. allison! over here! otezla can help you get clearer skin
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common side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. with wegovy®, i'm losing weight, i'm keeping it off. and i'm lowering my cv risk. that's the power of we. ♪ ♪ check your cost and coverage before talking to your health care professional about wegovy®. with a new parade. so, join the party, now through august 4th, 2024. visit the disneyland resort with a special 3-day disneyland ticket offer for a limited time.
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>> george: that is the scene in normandy as we commemorate the 80th anniversary of d-day. president biden and other leaders have gathered in france. want to go back to lara in normandy. good morning, lara. >> lara: good morning to you, george. the entire world is honoring the service members who landed on this beach 80 years agop for some it is the first time being back since the war and also likely the last. one is 99-year-old who landed on omaha beach on d day. he remembers it like it was yesterday. the last time felix was at omaha beach, he was 19 years old, newly enlisted in the navy, witnessing the horrors of war. >> it hurts. it really hurts. we were coming in there i could just picture the plane, the boats coming in and troops going to the shore. >> lara: pretty vivid?
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>> i have tears in my eyes. >> lara: we first met felix at his home in norfolk, virginia, where he shared his remarkable story with us. >> that was actually our main concern, the freedom of this country. >> lara: on d day he was navigating the english channel on his navy landing craft, dropping american soldiers off to battle at omaha beach. among those soldiers his brother salvatore. he was one of the first to come ashore. >> i'm not ashamed to admit that i was crying like a baby and my brother went off. i told him, keep your head low. then i didn't see him again until after the end of the war. >> lara: unlike the 2,400 casualties at omaha that day, salvatore survived the war. years later the two were planning a return to the shore of normandy together. >> we were going in june. but in january he had passed away so we never got to go.
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so this is my first time i had the chance to go back to normandy. >> lara: at the age of 99, flix received an offer from united american airlines to attend d-day with 66 other world war ii heroes. his son bill joining him, as he sees omaha beach again for the first time since 1944. i know this was a trip you were hoping to make with your brother. thinking about him today? >> yes, i am. thinking about the 12 men that were my buddies that were killed. i was fortunate. i think god saved my life. >> just thinking what he went through. i can't imagine it. no history book can tell you any of this stuff, what they lived through. >> lara: then it was time to walk to the shore line. at 99 years old, finally steps
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toward healing. >> the guy right alongside of me getting hit by machine gun shells. it just brings back too many memories. >> lara: it's not easy allowing himself to remember, but critical, felix says, that none of us ever forget. thank you. >> thank you. thank you. >> lara: what an honor it is to meet you. felix and his son bill will attend services tomorrow when 25 heads of state, including president biden, are here to take part in an international tribute to the more than 150,000 soldiers who landed on these beaches below us 80 years ago. felix did tell me he wasn't sure he wanted to come back, but he's so glad he did. so are we. what an honor it has been to meet these troops. >> robin: so glad you gave him a big hug for all of us like that. thank you. >> george: such an emotional story. thank you. >> ginger: thank you, lara. starting to heat up and cool
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down, fresno, california, will get hotter today. they are in excessive heat warning as are so many folks through nevada, arizona, southern california, too. that building heat dome and ridge will go pretty far east. grand junction could see records above 100. that's in colorado there. phoenix 112. las vegas could tie their earliest 110 on record and will likely tomorrow. you say yeah, but it's desert southwest and it's summer. not quite summer. we are seeing five times more likely because of climate change, so human emissions, trapping heat, making these type of high temperatures five times more likely thanks to the climate shift index. let's get a check closer to home.
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>> now to news about one of the stars from the '90s sitcom "boy meets world." trina mcgee revealing she's pregnant with her fourth child and, as she put it, at the age of 54. she's really excited about this. >> she is. i heard someone giggle. she said, yeah, at the tender age of 54. it was in 1993 that "boy meets world" debuted. whit, i'm sure you remember, the weekend gma team got to talk with the cast of "boy meets world." we all loved that show. it was 1997 until 2000 that trina played angela, a high school, then college student, who was dating cory matthews' friend. she says she was in her 20s when
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she was cast. she was going home to three kids at the time. now all these years later, she is adding one more. ♪ when boy meets world ♪ >> reporter: she's known for playing angela moore in the popular '90s series "boy meets world." >> what is going on? >> i don't know but i like it. >> reporter: this morning trina mcgee is announcing that she's pregnant at age 54. >> i can't wait, are you kidding? i have all this wisdom now and i know things. >> reporter: mcgee sharing on instagram, at the tender age of 54, i have found myself pregnant. please bless us with your prayers for a safe delivery. pregnant with her fourth child, the first from her marriage with marcello bedford. the two began trying to conceive a year ago with mcgee saying she got pregnant naturally using natural remedies. >> we decided to go to belize. i went to the bush doctor.
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they gave me an this is mostly made of wild yam extract and a couple of other thing. but that's the main ingredient that was able to give me progesterone. that did the trick. that just got me pregnant. >> reporter: while mcgee said the elixer worked for her, doctors say it is important to follow the science. >> if you look at someone in their 30s, there's a 20% chance getting pregnant. that will decrease to 5% at 40 and 1% at 45. so you can see at the age of 54 the likelihood of becoming pregnant naturally is quite uncommon. we do not have a lot of data that shows natural remedies will increase your chance of becoming pregnant after the age of 45 and even to the 50s decade. >> reporter: as for the new baby, will it be a boy or a girl meets world? >> i don't want to know. i like to keep things as natural as they would be if we didn't have all the technology.
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>> she has even posted a picture with her bump on instagram. but she is really excited. it's so cool that at 54 she was able to get pregnant. she was trying to. congratulations to her and her husband. >> whit: special moment for the family. >> george: i want to hear more about your special moment in belize. >> whit: i went on a trip to belize and tasted some of these elixirs. >> you also ate termites. >> i did eat termites in the rain forest, yes. when in belize. [ laughter ] i'm feeling great. >> look at him now. >> robin: i don't know how to respond either, george. time now deals and steals. this morning we are celebrating pride month high lighting businesses owned by lgbtq + community. tory johnson is here. jason wu is here. starting with your line. clean beauty. you are the founder. >> clean beauty. we are just turning 3. just like me.
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i just turned 3. it's a line about making beauty accessible, you know? all my runway show, the clothes are ebbing extravagant. you can buy these for a great price. these are some of my favorites. that is a must. >> he pulled that out of his pocket this morning and said he doesn't leave home without this lip. >> this is our lip mask. i use it as my lip balm. i'm not just saying it because i make it. it's really the best. >> it's really hydrating. your lips look fabulous when you wear it. you gotta add one of those to your cart. those are gonna sell out. >> it is uni sex. it's perfect. we all need hydrated lips. >> you and i have on these jewel sticks. you've got the purple. i have got the bronze. we like the jewel sticks. foundation's fabulous. you were telling me the beauty of this line, don't take three hours to get ready.
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get ready quickly. >> i don't have three hours. >> who does? >> the whole line is designed to just enhance your natural beauty. what's great about this, it looks like a lip stick. three uses. eye shadow, cheeks and lips. >> which makes it good for travel when you don't want to take a lot of stuff with you. >> there are a lot of makeup tutorials. who has time for all that? all my friends have kids. they're barely trying to make it out in the morning alive. >> you're not only saving us time, you're saving us money. this entire line at 50% off. robin, these prices, anything here $4 to $10. >> robin: come on. how can you do that? >> make sure you add the patches. saved by the patch. i don't have it sitting here because i took it. add that. >> i'm going to steal that back. >> okay. you know this line very well. >> i know it, yeah. >> unbelievable, head to toe
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literally head to toe, body care, head care, skin care. we've got the pepper mint shampoo. it's so invigorating. it smells amazing. it smells so good. we've got the hand creams that are fabulous, the moisturizers. what i also love about this line, it is for everybody. it is clean, effective, easy to use. there's nothing complicated about it. think ahead, too, for father's day, because these make awesome gifts. we cannot get enough of this line here. >> r >> robin: very pop hrar. >> tried and true. we've been doing this for 20 years. it's really -- >> tried and true. >> i haven't seen andrew, one of the founders, in a long time. i should contact him. >> 50% off starting at $13 and free shipping. you don't even have to contact him. load your cart. >> robin: easy to make at home? >> easy to make. this allows you to make coffees or chai. at home. you love the chai.
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>> i'm a chai boy. >> these are concentrates so you will use this. they call themselves the caffeine conscious cold brew. you can go from no caf to extreme caf. depending on what you like. we also have their flavors. easiest ways to make incredible coffee at home, robin. all 50% off, these start at $10. you gave a thumbs up to the chai. double thumbs up. this is cocktails or mocktails. easiest way in the summer for entertaining. you will fill this with the spirit of your choice, put it in the fridge for three days, let it sit, soak up these incredible flavors. pop on the strainer and pour it over ice. you could use soda, juice, water. if you don't want to use a spirit just put hot water in here and you make the most delicious cocktail or mocktail. this is another favorite in the studio, hibiscus ginger, sangria, lavender lemonade. >> robin: boxers or briefs?
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>> actually briefs. however, some sort of merge. these -- pants are not in. oversized shirts and little shorts. these are perfect. >> not us. [ laughter ] >> i just don't have the legs for it. >> you look fabulous. this is woxer. they're so incredibly soft. no chafing. not going to happen. >> who has time for that? >> no one has time for that. these are super soft. there's no panty line. you can wear these under a dress, under skirts. they feel fabulous. the fabric, i know i keep touching his tush over here. it's so fun. it's so soft, i can't help it. a three pack starts at $30 plus free shipping from wox. >> robin: bring us home.
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>> stretchy jeans. this is where it's at. stretchy jeans. cocoa and carmen. >> we love stretch. >> this is four way stretch. we've got all different styles. styles brand new in the front. ankle flair, capri, wide leg. we've got it all from them. these at 50% off, $36. >> can't beat that. most of these are independent business owners, too, including myself. >> robin: yeah. >> so i think it's a great way to celebrate pride, but also eupbd we have partnered with these companies on these great deals, and you can get them by heading directly to our website. thank you. jason. thank you. you just can't hang around. he's really good with it. i know we've got to have more deals and steals. you got father's day coming up. so deals and steals for father's day, and we've got the new star of star wars here live next. come on. that is the life you're
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living right now. >> compare to the life you imagined. >> gma tomorrow morning, living the dream, baby. >> what's travis kelsey want you to know. oh man. he's got a lot going on. and tomorrow he's only on. good morning america. >> drugs like ozempic. so many people are using them or want to use them. if you're on these drugs, what should you eat to get the protein you need? how can they help with your heart health? and what's the best plan after hitting your goal weight this week? gma with the science behind it all for you, if you were coming of age in the 1980s, the brat pack was near the center of your cultural awareness. >> but for those of us experiencing it from the inside, the brat pack was something very different. if you could have the brat pack name not exist, would you? i hated the brat pack. what a disaster! >> why did we take it as an offense address? >> i'm not going to say we were the beatles or anything. >> well, we didn't feel. shea stadium, 1985. >> i think we could have her. hello. >> i experienced a lot of
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heartache. it's taken me a long time to even get to this moment. >> and the cma award for entertainer of the year goes to lainey wilson. >> wow. dream, but an accolade >> against the dream. >> star wars the acolyte new episodes tuesdays. cheers to the nba finals. >> last always live abc news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. here's a look at traffic. hi, amanda. >> good morning. some traffic trouble for those heading out of the city because of a stalled big rig on eastbound 80. just after fourth street. that big rig is in the right lane. it's slowing things down to about 18mph. at this moment. back to you, reggie.
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>> thanks, amanda. we're going to check in with meteorologist joe tuma. it is going to be another warm day. we'll have that after the break. >> in comes company. the smash hit broadway musical company. he winner of five tony awards, including best revival of a musical company, is a hilarious musical masterpiece about life, love and good company. >> critics give it five stars, saying yes, it's really that good. >> playing now through june 29th at the orpheum theater. tickets at broadway last year in california, there were 200,000 car crashes when a car crash happens, it's important to have an experienced attorney on your side. >> the barnes firm has years of experience handling thousands of car crash cases. we will give you the support you need and help to get the best result possible. if you are injured in a car crash, call the barnes ferm now for your free consultation. the von sperm
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injury attorneys call norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... i know... faster wifi and savings? ...i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? >> fast, reliable speeds right where you need them. that's wall to wall wi-fi with xfinity. >> hey. bay area live with kelly and marcus. >> coming up, we'll chat with michael chiklis. plus rita from the film hitman is here. >> that's at nine on abc seven. >> we will see you guys in just about 30 minutes outside from our sutro tower camera. the sunshine is with us and temperatures are already warm. i mean, look at brentwood. we're at 81 degrees right now at 830 in the morning, 75 in concord. we're at 73 in san jose, 60s for
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the city and oakland closing in on 70. in sonoma. so our heat advisory continues. it's actually been expanded to include the santa cruz mountains. so we have another day of the increased risk of heat illness. so just be aware of that highs today we're going back into the above average category across the board about 10 to 20 degrees above average. if you're thinking about going to the coast for some relief just be aware a beach hazard statement in effect for the risk of sneaker waves. reggie drew, thank you. >> another abc7 news update comesat you in about 30 minutes. you can always >> announcer: welcome back to gma, live from times square. >> robin: we're about to go to church, y'all. welcome back to gma. that performance of joyful joyful from the sister act 2 reunion on the view. later you'll see them celebrating the beloved movie's 30th anniversary.
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whoopi was there along with sheryl lee ralph. so many others. make sure you tune in later on "the view." >> george: right now looking forward to talking to our next guest. she starred in the hunger games. now she's playing twin warriors in the star wars series the acolyte. welcome. great to see you. [ applause ] >> thanks for having me. >> george: i want to get to the acolyte and the amazing performance. at the premiere you celebrated by watching the first star wars? >> oh, yeah. last night, i actually rang in the fact that it was out by putting on binary sunset, which is the main theme. it happened that it swelled right as 9:00 hit. i just felt the force coarsing through my veins. >> robin: that had to be a wonderful thing. >> i got emotional. we've been working on this thing -- i have been attached for three years now. there's so much secrecy around it.
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you have to keep all these things to yourself. >> robin: sure. >> so to finally share it with the people we made it for feels so good. >> george: talk about the challenge of playing twins. >> it's hard. [ laughter ] it's hard. yeah. i'm like a very cerebral person, so i wrote a lot. especially because we near a galaxy far far away. it felt important to have as much of a back story as possible. i had one binder for each twin. if i had to switch throughout the day, which happened pretty often, i'd open one binder, shut the other one. i just really wanted to differentiate them and make them feel like different sides of the force. the concept is yin and yang is in star wars. i try to apply that to my characters. >> fellow actors were complimentary of how you approached playing the twins, how you looked at them individually. i have to ask you this. many people know you from "the
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hunger games." did that help you in any way, how you had to train for "the hunger games?" did that help you in the stunts for this? >> yeah. i mean, that was over a decade ago, which is pretty wild to think about. i remember at the time i was in wires for the first time. i had to climb trees. i was jumping off high things and working with stunt trainers for the first time. i definitely think that laid the groundwork. i also got to see what it was like for actresses like jennifer lawrence to be carrying a series of this magnitude. i think i learned a lot just from observing her. >> robin: you were number one on the call sheet for this one. >> yes, i was. [ laughter ] >> whit: we were talking earlier. i have two young daughters. one of the great things about star wars is it's multigenerational.
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fathers and their daughters and parents and kids can watch together. they are especially looking forward to the action scenes in this one. i believe we have a clip. let's take a look. >> you attack me without a weapon. why? >> whit: both sides of the force. >> george: looked fun to play that. >> it's so much fun. i got to learn an entirely new skill set. my master was so patient with me. he gave me all the fundamentals first. i would take my knife and go like this over and over again. so i had that down. then he moved on.
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everyone was so wonderful. >> george: you had so many skills. you are also an accomplished violinist. you got to play the star wars score on a special violin. tell us about it. >> yeah, i did. so disney came to me and said, we have this idea for something that can showcase your love of star wars. they have agreed to let you play binary sunset on violin. he's going to arrange a solo version of you to play. i lost it. just a rare, incredible opportunity. i bought my grandfather's violin with me, which i have been playing since i was about 14. i just felt like i had my grand dad with me. i felt like i had the legacy of star wars with me. i was soaking in the whole moment. so grateful to john williams for providing me that opportunity. >> robin: you let your emotions show.
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it's endearing that you can tell that you are just a very -- there's a lot of depth to you at such a young age. >> that's so sweet. you'll make me cry on tv. [ laughter ] like you said, i'm going to show my emotions. >> whit: we also heard that you're a big fan of coffee in the morning, as are we. >> who told you? >> whit: little birdie told us. we have something special for you. can we bring that on out? as you're finally getting some rest, there you go. think of us in the morning when you're watching gma. >> this is gonna be used a lot. it's big, too. >> robin: we aren't even allowed to take them home. >> really? >> whit: we're not. >> it's iconic. thank you very much. [ laughter ] >> george: thank you for coming in today. >> thank you for having me. >> george: star wars acolyte on disney + with new episodes releasing every week.
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coming up michael chiklis is here live.
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>> george: we are back now with michael chiklis. he plays a dea agent in hotel cocaine. good to see you here. >> great to see you. >> george: tell us about hotel cocaine. >> well, it's actually a sort of historical fiction, if you will, in that it takes place at a real place. the mutiny hotel. >> george: miami, right? >> in miami, circa 1978. the advent of the cocaine trade back in 1978.
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written by chris broncoto, one of the co-creators of narcos. that's what drew me to the project because he's such a great writer. danny pino and i worked together on "the shield." he's a wonderful actor and good friend. it's a great world. it's not just the dark underbelly. the great juxtaposition of the hedonistic veneer of sex, drugs and disco, right? you got the lifestyle, but then you have that darkness and the underbelly of, at what cost, you know? the cocaine trade and millions and millions of dollars that were pouring into miami at the time. we couldn't even shoot in miami -- >> george: you were in the dominican republic. >> yeah. that looks like 1978 did back in miami. miami is now such a built up place, we couldn't shoot it
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there. also has its benefits shooting there because we were cloistered together as a group. it made us a bonded group. this cast really remarkable and wonderful group. >> george: let's give everybody a look. >> you have a young daughter. right? what would happen if her father was arrested for aiding and abetting a drug trafficker here at the mutiny? i'll bet a judge wouldn't let you within five miles of that little girl. >> look -- >> i don't want to see this happen to a good guy like you. >> i don't sell drugs. >> then your daughter ends up in foster care. >> george: you always play these tough guys. there's a great gap between the michael chiklis in person and the one you play on tv. >> i'm the jessica rabbit of actors. i'm not mean, i'm just drawn this way. i played plenty of nice guys in my career.
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the irony is earlier in my career, i played these sort of affable guys like the commish and daddio. no one thought i could play a tough guy. then i did "the shield." they were like, he can play a nice guy? >> george: what do you get recognized for most? >> wow, that's -- you know, it depends on the demographic. like, i get everything. when i was in the dominican republic, people were going lamore! that's what they call the thing down there. depends. in new york i get a lot of "the commish" here because they loved that show from the old days. "the shield" probably the most. >> george: you have a big milestone coming up this month. your daughter is getting married. >> yes. i don't know what to make of that. i'm very, very excited, obviously. my first, my oldest, is getting married at the end of the month. everything, the last -- i put more production into this than a movie. [ laughter ]
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it's just been a lot of things. we've been rehearsing the daddy daughter dance recently. i can't get through it without, you know -- i'm going to ruin my rep as a tough guy. i just cry. it's very tough to get through, but it's beautiful. >> george: congratulations. fantastic. thanks for coming in today. hotel cocaine premieres june 16. let's go to ginger. >> ginger: thank you, george. we've got that heavy air you can wear in baltimore. dew point is up around 70. they are in a flood watch, as are the folks in northeast texas and louisiana. flood watch in d.c. and baltimore goes until this evening but you'll see rain showers through early morning. that's why we've got this elevated flash flood risk for part of southeastern ohio, much of west virginia, pittsburgh. so rain tonight.
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>> whit: and now to a grocery cart controversy gaining a lot of traction online. a video posted by a woman who unapologetically said she never returns her shopping cart. it's sparking quite a debate about whether you should always corral that cart. eva pilgrim is here with more on that. her excuse though is interesting. it's worth a listen. >> this has caused all kinds of fights in the back office this morning. this social media video making many people really think. is it our social responsibility to return the cart at the store? and what do you do when you have your kids in tow? what do you leave, the kids or the cart? people are sounding off. it's the debate that has people divided. do you return your grocery cart to a corral in the parking lot or leave it near your parking spot?
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>> i'm not returning my shopping cart. you can judge me all you want. >> dr. leslie dobson raising eye brews after posting this video. the video getting nearly 12 million views. >> i'm not getting my groceries into my car, getting my children into the car and then leaving them in the car to go return the cart. >> the mom twof said she first heard the debate on the radio and based off conversations she's had in her field, she said she made this video with the intent to raise awareness of moms and children being unaware of their surroundings. >> i wanted to make the video to empower people to say, trust your instinct. it's okay if you don't feel safe to not return your shopping cart. >> thousands reacting online. the reactions on both sides of the aisle split. some saying, not returning a cart is rude. others agreeing with dobson saying they wouldn't leave their kids in the car alone either. >> people who don't return their
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shopping cart are benefitting from everybody else doing the nice thing, which is returning their cart. 'cause if nobody returned their cart it would be chaos. that's also why this resonates. sort of like, i'm doing the nice thing and you're sort of not doing your part. >> people didn't watch the whole thing. >> but now it's turned into such an important conversation. i'm so happy that people are talking about this. >> okay. dobson has gotten a lot of hateful messages. she said she's also gotten private messages from other moms saying they feel the same as she does. >> whit: kids in the car is one thing. i get that. the rest of us need to put the cart away. >> george: the minute we say anything we'll get all the reactions as well. >> people have a feeling about this. people are never just down the middle. it's always one side or the other. >> robin: one side of the aisle or the other. >> whit: try to avoid the messiness. thank you, eva.
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we appreciate it. coming up the creator of basketball wives is here talking about her new memoir. a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to
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triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
8:49 am
>> robin: we are back with a side of shaunie henderson that you srpb seen before. you may have known her from her basketball wives franchise or for her previous marriage to shaquille o'neal. she's written a book winning on my own terms. she's revealing so much more about her life. good to see you. >> thank you for having me. >> robin: this had to be healing for you. what do you mean by winning on your own terms? >> it's my life's journey, my story. in this book i just share so many experiences i have. i feel like it's therapy in a book. therapy for me to just find my courage to write it. just being happy and where i can speak my truth.
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>> robin: you said don't come here looking for gossip. even when you were discussing your marriage to shaq. >> yes. >> robin: you talk about how the relationship you had with your father kind of gave you the courage to move on. >> absolutely. i love love, right? i still love love. and my dad kind of instilled in me the safety. like, the man in your life, your partner, is just supposed to make you feel safe. even i tell my husband all the time, my dad, he was my protector. he just always made sure i was safe and i knew i could go to him for that. when you don't feel that at some point, then you lose the trust. you lose that pillow of comfort. i think i just figured out everybody receives love in a different way. if you don't learn that from
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your partner, then you're kind of lost the entire time. you don't find that voice, that feeling of love that you can find in life. >> robin: you did say something. it went viral. >> i know. i know. >> robin: this is a passage from your book. you said looking back, about your previous marriage to shaq, looking back, i don't know that i was ever really in love with the man. what did you mean by that? >> just that, robin, that i thought i was in love. of course i loved him. of course i loved him. it was absolutely taken out of context when you just grab that little snippet, right? it's the fact that i lost the trust. i lost that safe feeling. that's what i needed to receive love. some people find love in things and providing. he was all of those. he was a great provider. he was all of that. i lost that safe feeling. and now that i have it, i'm like, oh, okay. so this is in love? this is where i can let my guard
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down. i can feel safe. i can feel love in a wholeness. >> robin: you went from basketball wife to a preacher's wife. we'll talk about that in a moment. >> okay. >> robin: you say here that you created basketball wives because, like you said, reading the statements that i did. people take it out of context. when you created basketball wives, it's giving you a voice and other women a voice. is that partly why you wanted to create basketball wives? >> absolutely. being in a marriage to someone with such a big brand, such a big name, such a big personality, you kind of tend to be drown by that. i wasn't even aware that i was drowning in that space. it's nothing he did, you know? the world loves him. for you to just kind of enjoy that and support that, you just go on with life and you're just thinking, okay, this is good. i'm happy. it wasn't until i stepped out of that marriage that i was like, what is my purpose? what am i doing? what did i do with all those years, for me?
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i just wasn't investing in myself. that's what i talk about in the book. just finding my voice, finding my purpose. we all have one. just honing in on taking some you time and realizing that you are here for a reason. you deserve love. you deserve happiness. >> robin: you said you have never been happier. >> i have never been happier. i can honestly sit here and say that and just wake up with a smile. 'cause that's a decision, too, you know? finding your purpose, finding your job. i read something the other day that said your life is a love letter to god. so if you wake up every day and know your life is a love letter to god and what you want to write to god every day, it will change your perspective. >> robin: now you sound like a preacher's wife. [ laughter ] i'm glad that you're happy and healthy and doing well, and your children as well.
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thank you, shaunie. it is a beautiful book. undefeated changing the rules, winning on my own terms. we'll be right back. >> thank you. a power outage is looming. that's just alert, he's always getting worked up about something. flex alerts notify us of preventable power outages. that way we always know when to help stop one. ok flex, just drop some knowledge on me again. oh, ok i will - i'll turn our thermostat to 78... i'll unplug the blender. the hair dryer. - my blankie? - yep! - let's talk about it! - nope. ooo, we can save the laundry til' the morning! oh, yes please!
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triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! where you need them. that's wall to wall wi fi with xfinity. >> always live. abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. here's amanda with traffic. >> good morning reggie. >> we're taking you straight to sanela after a two car crash. this is southbound 680 after andrade road. you can see speeds down to 33mph in some places, 40mph. and others, we're seeing brake lights from stoneridge drive in pleasanton. that crash is in the middle lanes. >> drew amanda to the tam cam. it is sunny out there, a live look outside with moderate air quality. we'll find sunny skies across the entire region today. look at these temperatures. 80
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in concord right now before 9 a.m. we're at 78 in san jose, 67 in oakland, 75 in saint helena. so our heat advisory continues for another day. it is expanded to include the santa cruz mountains. so here we go again. 10 to 20 degrees above average this afternoon. reggie thanks for your time now for live with kelly and mark. >> we see you we see you again ♪ ♪ >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and mark!" today, from the series "hotel cocaine," michael chiklis. and one of the stars of the new film "hit man," retta. also, the cohosts open up the inbox and check in with the viewers. all next on "live!" ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] and now, here are kelly r


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