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tv   ABC7 News 1000PM  ABC  June 6, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! let's go tonight. team coverage on the messages and the missed opportunity. >> new developments. some, but not all, charges dropped against the man already convicted of attacking paul pelosi. what? a jury will still get to decide. >> i'm meteorologist sandhya patel. our natural ac is back and the cooling has started. i'll let you know how long this will last. coming up. >> always live abc seven news
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starts right now >> they made their point, but not to the man they had hoped to see. drive by trump supporters in a show of unity as the former president comes to san francisco tonight. good evening. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley. >> it's been a boisterous day in san francisco as hundreds of trump supporters gathered to show their support for the former, and possibly future, president of the united states. daetz donald trump flew to the bay area from arizona, a pivotal swing state. the event in phoenix was the first political rally since his conviction last week on 34 felony counts. in the hush money trial, trump landed at san francisco international airport just after 6 p.m. >> he was whisked by motorcade to pac heights for tonight's fundraiser, expected to raise millions of dollars for his campaign. a crowd waited outside but didn't get a glimpse of trump or his motorcade.
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>> abc seven news reporter tim johns begins our team coverage. he's live at the fundraiser that took place tonight in pacific heights. tim >> yeah. dan. umma. i'm about two blocks away from that house. and literally just minutes ago, we saw a bunch of motorcycles leaving from the residence. so we do believe president trump, former president trump, is about to depart from here in pacific heights and make his way back south towards sfo. now, when he arrived here, like you guys said, he was greeted by both supporters and protesters. a lot of those folks are still out here at this hour. three hours after the president made his way into the house, many of these folks, obviously very impassioned and wanting to make sure their voices are all heard here tonight through corrupt nonprofits and corrupt organizers who have benefited from the suffering of the less fortunate on the streets, ignorant people vote for him. >> you're talking about biden. >> tensions were high at times between supporters and protesters of former president donald trump, both groups
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gathering outside a private residence in san francisco's pacific heights neighborhood on thursday, where trump attended a private campaign fund raising event. >> i think it's very jarring for the democrats, to see not just that the president has a sold out fundraiser here in pacific heights, from tech folks, largely. >> john dennis is the chairman of the san francisco republican party. he believes support for trump is growing in the city and around the country, a view shared by many of the trump supporters who came out thursday. rhonda murray and her friends drove in from sacramento to try and get a glimpse of the former president in his motorcade. after touching down at sfo. we already see a perfect example of what's happening to our country under the current administration. >> we see what we had under his administration and we need that back desperately. >> but not everyone who came out thursday agrees with that. a group of counter-protesters were also present, many of them telling us they believe trump is unfit to be president. once again pointing to the criminal convictions against him from his
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recent new york trial. >> not everybody in pacific heights welcomes trump and i think he is our felon in chief at this point. >> that includes armand domalewski. armand says despite the show of support for trump thursday, the bay area and california as a whole remain largely democratic, a trend he believes will continue on election day in november. >> they came because they were devoted to their king, but i wanted to represent the values of the people who live here. >> now, even though the former president is leaving the bay area, he's not leaving california. he is expected to make his way down to los angeles this evening. but for now, i'm live in pacific heights. tim johns, abc seven news. all right , tim, thank you. >> tickets to tonight's fundraiser range from 50,000 to $500,000. tech billionaire david sacks and hiwife hosted the event with venture capitalist chamath palihapitiya, and david sacks posted a lengthy explanation on twitter as to why he's backing the former president. it was well over 1000
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words. this is how he wrapped it up. quote the voters have experienced four years of president trump and four years of president biden. in tech, we call this an a b test with respect to economic policy, foreign policy, border policy and legal fairness, trump performed better. he is the president who deserves a second term. now, we spoke with the senior politics reporter with our media partners at the san francisco standard to shed a little light on why a san francisco tech billionaire would back the former president. here's what he had to say. >> however, what we did find in the reporting is that people like sacks, who are very wealthy and have a very firm views about the way that their wealth is policed by the federal government, as well as issues abroad. there is a growing number of billionaires and wealthy people like sacks, who are warming up to the idea of trump. and the question is why? so many people have ideas that it is related to increasing their own wealth, rather than their stated goals about public policy. but that is, you know, up to each individual. and i
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think, you know, what trump is doing by this visit is trying to send a signal, you know, kind of own the libs on their home turf, whether or not that actually needs people in san francisco and the bay area are lining up to support him. i'm a bit dubious. >> trump supporters were spotted across the city today. we shot this video on scott street by lombard in the marina, several vehicles driving by with american flags and trump flags for san francisco. this is a pretty rare and unusual sight. of course, a caravan of trump supporters rolled into san francisco this afternoon. we saw quite a few vehicles with flags come off the bay bridge into the city. then they made their way over to marina green, where dozens of people had gathered for a rally, hoping to greet the former president as he passed by. and while mr. trump never actually stopped by marina green, his supporters were energized and ready to welcome him to san francisco. things didn't go quite according to plan for some people, however. abc seven news reporter lena howland continues our team coverage with that story.
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>> supporters of former president donald trump lined up along san francisco's famous marina green and waited for hours. >> the reason we're here today is to support trump and his in his agenda. and for me, it's drill, baby drill and border security. >> this supporter from fremont said his flag was sent from his friends back in idaho back in 2016, the first time trump ran for president eight years ago. >> i fly it proudly uh- for trump and hopefully he'll see it when he stops by. >> though trump never stopped by a giant inflatable trump chicken did wearing a prison shirt, the former president was convicted by a new york city jury one week ago of 34 charges in the hush money trial. >> we just felt it was really important to kind of see for ourselves what was going to be going on out here. >> david pro-park, out of monte sereno, says he wanted to show there is still a conservative voter base in the bay area. this
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despite san francisco giving trump just 13% of the vote the last time he ran for president and lost in 2020. it's true in california, it's difficult because we are, quote, outnumbered, though i'm not sure that we're as outnumbered as we think we are. >> i'm more for people just being able to communicate again and get together again and discuss things. that's all i'm interested in. >> there were a few outnumbered counter-protesters, but things remained peaceful for the most part until the minute we stopped rolling on this interview when a man raced by on a bike, throwing a cup of what appeared to be pickle juice at pro park. >> why can't we sit down and talk about stuff? no, i'm going to throw pickle juice at you. >> wow. these people, you can disagree, but that's not how you. that's not how you show your disagreement. i'm sorry. >> and by the time trump's motorcade made its way through the city, this crowd had moved on, hoping for a closer view in san francisco. lena howland, abc
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seven news. >> as lena mentioned, the trump chicken came out of storage for tonight's fundraiser. we saw it fully inflated and floating around san francisco bay this afternoon. earlier in the day, the wind seemed to be causing some problems and it had a little trouble staying upright. the chickens last appearance was in 2021, after president biden was elected and earlier today we talked with abc seven news insider phil matier about the former president's visit to san francisco. >> he provided some insight into what mr. trump gains and who is supporting him tonight. >> where is it coming from? it's coming out of san francisco and silicon valley tech that is a statement that is a statement out there that he is relevant, that he is relevant after the convictions that he still rolling. and there's two things a politician and especially donald trump wants to get every day. that's money and attention and publicity. and he's getting both of those things by coming to blue california and especially by coming into san francisco. >> phil says the expected haul from tonight's fundraiser could
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reach as much as $20 million. >> vice president kamala harris came through the bay area yesterday for a pair of fundraisers. one was at a home in oakland and the second was in san francisco. that event was supposed to be at manny's cafe, but it was moved a few blocks away to a music venue because of the large crowd of pro-palestinian protesters. former president trump's search for a running mate is heating up. his campaign has reportedly started vetting at least seven candidates to be the nominee for vice president. the list includes north dakota governor doug burgum, florida senator marco rubio, ohio senator jd vance, south carolina senator tim scott, congresswoman elise stefanik, congressman byron donalds and ben carson, who served as secretary of housing and urban development under trump. the announcement will likely come at next month's republican national convention in milwaukee. >> all right. moving on. a significant development in the state trial of a man who broke into nancy pelosi's house and attacked her husband, paul, with a hammer, a san francisco superior court judge decides
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list three charges against david depape for the 2022 attack. the judge says trying to pap for charges similar to his federal trial amounts to double jeopardy. the charges dismissed are attempted murder, assault of an elder and assault with a deadly weapon. depape still faces five state charges that were not part of the federal trial, including burglary, kidnaping and false imprisonment . >> in this week's heat wave is about over, which is nice. >> yes, it was brief but intense, abc7 news meteorologist sandyha patel is here with some cooler temperatures and a look ahead. >> sandy, absolutely nice to have some relief. finally today. yes, the heat wave is over. dan and umma, let me show you a live picture from our sfo camera shrouded in the fog right now at the airport. if you're flying out of there tomorrow, you might want to call ahead in case there are delays. 15 degrees cooler in fairfield. you've got a good delta breeze down ten in livermore, eight degrees cooler. san jose, 12 degrees cooler in santa rosa. today's high
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temperatures not like the last couple of days. you can see low 90s. concord livermore got up to 85. in santa rosa, 83 in san jose, upper 60s oakland, 62, in san francisco and 59 in half moon bay. i suspect the weather service will be dropping this soon, but that heat advisory remains up until midnight tonight. now, i want to show you tomorrow's forecast. inland areas start out clear at 8:00, 60s and then eventually warming to the 80s around the bay. some fog, upper 50s and eventually into the mid 70s by 5 p.m. and the coast is not going to really warm much. we'll go with mid 50s and then up to the upper 50s. at 5 p.m. i'll be back to let you know if this cooling trend is going to last through the weekend. coming up, ama and dan. >> okay, sandy, thanks very much. a three year long legal battle finally has a resolution. coming up next, the state supreme court issues its decision on housing at people's park in berkeley, plus the next step in panda diplomacy, san francisco's new fundraising plan
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favor of cowell's plan to build student housing athat landmark piece of property. abc seven news reporter anser hassan explains why the fight may now be over. >> the barriers around people's park will soon come down. now that the california supreme court ruled that uc berkeley can build student housing here, i'm unsurprised by it. after a year long legal fight over the berkeley landmark, the court ruled that a new law, ab 1307, which was enacted in 2023, nullifies the claims by those suing uc berkeley. the lawsuit claimed that student noise could be an environmental impact filed. >> their claims with the court was that there was going to be all of this noise that resulted from the new number of students being added into that area, that
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is unprecedented. >> a state appeals court ruled last year that the university failed to consider alternate locations, or how to deal with the potential increase in noise, but uc berkeley appealed to the state supreme court and then ab 1307, which passed unanimously, effectively closed the holes in ceqa or the california environmental quality act that were used to sue the university. >> it's also frustrating that they can just change the rules halfway through and then decide that our case no longer has merit. >> uc berkeley says it's relieved with the decision. in a statement to abc seven news, it writes the campus is turning its attention to the timeline for resuming construction. now that all legal challenges have been resolved by the california supreme court. professor david fraser adds even with the new law, the court still could have ruled in favor of the university. >> historically, in the state of california, there have been always allowances for educational institutions, albeit k through 12, to be exempt categorically from most of ceqa
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requirements. >> state senator scott wiener says there's a student housing crisis and that this ruling allows uc berkeley to move forward. >> we passed two different laws to make clear that environmental laws should not be used or abused. i should say, to stop on campus student housing, which is some of the most environmentally sustainable, housing. >> the lawyer representing the people's park advocates did not return requests for comment. in berkeley, anser hassan abc seven news. >> tuesday could be a big day in san francisco's efforts to bring pandas to its zoo. today, a board of supervisors committee voted unanimously to put an amendment amended fundraising plan to the full board next week. it includes more transparency from donors, some supervisors said, allowing unlimited fundraising for the pandas could foster corruption at city hall. a dublin council member has taken over as the city's mayor. michael mccorriston, was sworn in after the former mayor, melissa hernandez, resigned to join the bart board of directors. mccorriston has been a dublin
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council member since 2020. he will serve out the rest of hernandez's term. dublin is now accepting applications for the kristen sze city council seat. >> developing news a brush fire that destroyed a home and injured two firefighters is now 100% contained. the call fire or corral fire started saturday near livermore and tracy. it burned about 22mi■!s. cal fire says higher humidity and cooler temperatures helped crews make some progress. more than 100 firefighters continue to battle a wildfire between saint helena and calistoga. cal fire says the crystal fire is 75% contained. it's burned 60 acres, but no homes. crews spent the day strengthening the containment lines for firefighters injured yesterday were treated at a hospital and released. they're okay. the fire started near the site of the 2020 glass fire, which burned for 23 days, and fire crews were able to quickly put out a vegetation fire in pacheco this morning. it started
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on a hillside near the 680 and highway four junction. the fire burned four acres, damaged tents from a homeless encampment in the area as well. crews were able to stop the flames before they reached a solar panel installation on the hillside. but we've had a busy few days of dealing with wildfires because of the high heat and some winds. yeah but finally getting at least a break from the heat, sandhya patel is here with the latest sandhya. >> yeah, and dan and we're also getting higher humidity, which will help in the firefighting efforts and also keep our fire danger down. so let me show you a live picture from our emeryville camera. it is a little bit of a murky view as the low clouds have made their push from the coast towards the bay. a here's a look at what you will be seeing over the next couple of days. san jose's average high is 78 degrees tomorrow, down to 82. you will notice those temperatures continuing to slide down into the upper 70s over the weekend before you see that recovery. but the heat that's coming next
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week is going to be nothing like what we experienced the last couple of days. we still have a beach hazard statement up along the coastline until midnight. hazardous conditions expected with a west northwest swell 8 to 10ft. although point arena is reporting an 11 footer, this is what the weather service is saying. so keep that in mind. high pressure that brought us the hot weather, especially over our inland areas, is shifting off to the east. there were some thunderstorms earlier in the day, but mostly on the nevada side. this area of low pressure is starting to continue to push in the marine layer and bring in a stronger effect of the marine influence, so be aware of that. the breeze will pick up as well. right now on live doppler seven, all is quiet out towards the delta. we do have a 23 mile an hour wind right now in fairfield and sutro tower. camera showing you what is a view of san francisco 55 degrees here in the city. 56 in oakland. you can definitely feel the difference. 64 in san jose in redwood city right now. a live view from our
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east bay hills camera. and you can see a little bit of haze there as well. 55 in santa rosa it is 50 in petaluma. you've got a breeze there as well. and 60s in concord, livermore and fairfield. from mount tam cam marine layer is back. it's about 1200ft deep, and it's going to continue to make its advance overnight tonight. fog and spotty drizzle tomorrow. our cooling trend continues. and for the weekend it's going to be nice. late spring weather, but nothing like what we experienced over the last couple of days thanks to the return of fog and low clouds tomorrow morning. starting off the day around the bay along the coast, and then really just hanging around near the beaches most of the day will also see some higher clouds tomorrow evening. so your morning temperatures will start off in the 50s for most of you. a couple of 60s out towards antioch, but better sleeping weather for you tomorrow afternoon in the south bay. that cooling trend continues. 84 in morgan hill, 82, san jose, 78, in milpitas on the peninsula, 75, palo alto, upper 50s here near the coast, where you're going to just see peeks of sun. downtown san francisco, 63
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degrees 60, in daly city, north bay. temperatures low 80s sonoma. santa rosa 75, in san rafael in the east, bay 68, oakland 79, in castro valley, head inland 84. concord 86, livermore 83. walnut creek temperatures coming in closer to where they should be for this time of year, so the accuweather seven day forecast features numbers in the mid 80s over the next few days. inland upper 50s coast side. and then if you do like the warmth, we're going to bring it back next week. getting hot for a day inland mid 90s tuesday mid 60s coast and then trending lower over the next couple of days. >> ama and dan we can take it. >> yes. good. you can handle it. >> speak for yourself. all right. coming up next, the building blocks police have to work with to construct a case against some suspects for stealing legos
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a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! ♪ (ominous music) ♪ come on. what can i do to help you? dad: come on buddy. headphones. what! dad: hey! dad: ok all right. what do you wanna do? i said i don't wanna talk about it! dad: trey! what are you doin'? ♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪
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it's ok.
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800 boxes of stolen legos have been in southern california. two people in long beach face charges, including a 71 year old man. police were tipped off after a series of thefts by the same person at the same store. investigators say the building brick sets that were stolen ranged in price from $20 to well over $1,000, and were being sold online. tomorrow is national gun violence awareness day, and state attorney general rob bonta says gun violence in the country would be much lower if other states did. what california is doing. >> our gun death rate is now 40% lower than the national average, as bonta says, more than 40,000 americans die from gun violence every year. >> but he says a lot of that can be avoided with stricter gun laws. bonta presented a report on nine california protection restraining orders that have reduced gun violence at home, work and school, and encouraged other states to adopt similar laws. however a teenager was killed last night at one of san
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francisco's most popular parks. >> police found the 19 year old suffering from a number of gunshot wounds. first responders performed cpr, but the teenager sadly died at the scene. supervisor rafael mandelman, whose district includes the park, calls the shooting scary. and san francisco mayoral candidate daniel lurie, who's running on a tough on crime platform, went to dolores park today to ask for more police protection. >> my kids go to school here, our offices, our campaign offices are a couple of blocks away. listen, violence can happen anywhere, but typically we should not be worried about shootings in dolores park. >> lurie, who lives in another part of town, says the city's streets are neither safe nor clean. he wants a fully staffed police department and sheriff's department, and says he would call a state of emergency to deal with the fentanyl crisis in the east bay. >> the contra costa county district attorney has filed felony charges against a 33 year old vallejo man in connection with an accident that left a
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mother and daughter with serious injuries. police say jose chavez was driving his suv when he hit the women in downtown walnut creek, as they were setting up for the farmers market early sunday morning. chavez faces felony dui and hit and run charges. he remains in the contra costa county jail with bail set at $260,000.80 years ago today, d-day. >> and coming up next, president biden's message to the world delivered in normandy, france, and some of the final witnesses against the president's son, hunter biden, in his criminal trial. >> hear what former romanti
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you just remember what your old pal said.
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boy, you've got a friend in me." everyone's invited to pixar fest at the disneyland resort for a celebration of friendship and beyond you won't want to miss. now through august 4th, 2024. vist the disneyland resort with a special 3-day disneyland ticket offer for a limited time. tonight at the pacific heights home of tech billionaire david sacks. police are starting to break down the perimeter. political reports this is trump's first visit to san francisco in more than a decade. >> this is part of the west coast swing that is expected to bring in millions of dollars for
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his campaign. after tonight's fundraiser, trump is going to head to los angeles for fundraisers in beverly hills, as well as newport beach. >> for the first time ever, the child of a sitting president is the subject of a criminal trial. tomorrow, the government plans to rest its case against hunter biden, and the defense could rest on monday. >> abc news reporter kim nguyen has a wrap up of today's testimony. >> new testimony in hunter biden's trial out of delaware. a key witness, beau biden's widow and hunter biden's former romantic partner, hallie biden, saying how she, quote, went to clean out his car on october 23rd, 2018 and found a gun. she said she panicked and used a pouch in his truck, which the prosecution says later tested positive to having cocaine in it to conceal the gun before frantically throwing it out in a trash at a nearby grocery store. jurors in court were shown surveillance video from that market, dated 11 days after hunter biden allegedly obtained the firearm illegally at the heart of the case. whether the
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president's son was using drugs at the time of the gun purchase, he's charged with two counts of lying on a federal form and one count of unlawfully obtaining a firearm while using drugs. prosecutors zeroing in on how hallie biden described hunter biden as tired and exhausted and that he, quote, could have been on drugs. that's why she said she tried to clean out his car so they could start anew. but the defense tried to poke holes in the case, saying no witness has confirmed hunter biden was using during that month. today, the gun store clerk who sold hunter biden the firearm testified the younger biden did not exhibit any symptoms of drug or alcohol use. hunter biden's attorneys, underscoring how he had just finished rehabilitation and may not have thought of himself as an addict and therefore did not knowingly lie on the federal form which asked are you an unlawful user of or addicted to various narcotics? the trial continues tomorrow. hunter biden's attorneys have
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said they intend to try to throw out this case on grounds of insufficient evidence and constitutional shortcomings. and when abc news washington. >> and president joe biden told abc's david muir today in an exclusive interview that he would not pardon his son, hunter biden, if he's found guilty of federal gun charges, he also said he would accept the outcome of the trial that is currently underway. >> and that interview with david was in france, where president biden joined other world leaders in normandy for the 80th anniversary of d-day, the allied forces invasion eventually led to the liberation of france and helped defeat the in world war two. abc news reporter zohreen shah has a look at how the world paid its respects. >> it was this day, 80 years ago today, when more than 130,000 troops from the u.s. and britain landed on the shores of normandy, france, fighting to beat the german forces. today, world leaders, including
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president biden, meeting the remaining few men who fought for freedom, changing world history at the american cemetery, paying respects to more than 4000 men who lost their lives that day. more than half americans, make no mistake, we will not bow down. >> we will not forget the president in another moment, appearing to be in tears. the men who fought here became heroes. >> he sat down with david muir, the focus shifting to another war unfolding in this very moment. >> i wanted to ask you about ukraine. i know for years you resisted the idea of american weapons being used for any sort of direct strike inside russia. but we did witness this shift in recent days, authorizing american weapons for limited direct strikes, our american weapons being used right now inside russia, they're authorized to be used in proximity to the border. >> we are not authorizing strikes of 200 miles into
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russia. we're not authorize strikes on moscow, on the kremlin, ukraine's president vladimir zelensky, also there in this remarkable exchange, hugging a world war two veteran. >> are you the savior of the people of europe? >> it's hard to stand here without recognizing the bravery of all these young men. 80 years ago this morning, the sacrifice they made to protect our freedoms, the things they fought for, i think what an obligation we have to preserve what they fought for. >> zohreen shah, abc news, los angeles and oakland native tom hanks reunited with director steven spielberg to pay tribute to the war veterans at the d-day commemoration in normandy. >> hanks starred, of course, in the 1998 world war two film saving private ryan, which spielberg directed and many say is as authentic a presentation of what d-day was like as anything else ever put on film. the two praised veterans for their courage and sacrifice.
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>> it was just a few months ago, back in march, when the largest home insurance company in california announced it would not renew policies for about 30,000 customers. well, it seems the company has changed course. sort of. state farm now says some of its customers can keep their policy. but there is a catch on our 3:00 pm program getting answers. abc seven news anchor julian glover spoke live with michael soller with the state department of insurance about what that catch is. >> so to simplify, the state farm is basically offering a limited coverage policy. explain to us how this works. >> that's right. you know, a lot of people in california probably have never heard of the california fair plan. and as you said, it is state created. but it's not run by the state of california. it's a private association. they will write you a policy if nobody else can. and the fair plan has been growing in california over recent years as we've experienced these major wildfires. so what state farm has done and the department of insurance authorized state farm to offer what's known as a difference in conditions policy.
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and basically creating options for insurance is one of our top priorities during this time of insurance crisis in our state. and so what it does is if state farm policyholders who are non-renewed, who lose their coverage, if they can't find coverage through another company, a traditional company, they can find it through the fair plan. but to have that coverage that they used to have, that they expect for water damage, for liability, they need to have an extra policy. and it's called a difference in conditions policy. and that's what state farm is going to start offering to its non-renewed policyholders effective now. >> certainly some good news for those policy holders who thought that they would be without insurance and were wondering what they would do. of course, as we begin to think about fire season even earlier this year, let's talk about the cost, because i guess second to wondering if you're actually going to be able to have coverage is how much is it going to cost me? so will there be an increase in the amount of money that folks should be budgeting
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for that insurance? if they have to have this fair plan? >> that's a great question. so first of all, at the department of insurance, we want people to have the best coverage. we want them and traditional comprehensive homeowner's coverage is often that's really the best coverage you can have. like i said, the fair plan is really a limited policy and it comes at a higher cost. so the first thing we urge people to do is contact the department of insurance. we can help you. it's not enough these days really just to search for insurance. you really have to hunt for it. and we can help you with that. we have a number of tools, so don't settle for the fair plan is my first piece of advice. if you have other options. and many californians do have other options, but we know that there are parts of the state increasingly where insurance companies won't write a policy at any price. we're working to change that. but for now, if you have to be on the fair plan, expect that it's going to be a higher cost policy. that difference in conditions policy, though, is something you should
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consider because it really does cover you. our data shows that about half of californians who have the fair plan do not have a difference in conditions policy. and so when a winter storm strikes or even just a burst pipe, they don't have coverage for that. they are covered for wildfires, they are covered for house fires. so that's an important fact to understand about the fair plan. it's limited and it does come at a higher cost. >> michael. that's a really good point there. and of course, you always want to know what kind of coverage you have before you actually need that coverage. the last thing you want to do is call the insurer, think that you can file that claim, and then they tell you you actually don't have coverage for that. we know that several other insurance companies, like state farm, started to follow their suit after they notified folks that they were going to have to cancel policies because of this extreme fire danger. do you think that many of the other insurers might begin to reverse course and offer part of their coverage, along with the fair plan? >> well, we have a number of companies in the state that do offer what's this, this
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difference in conditions policy. we've also we've been doing a lot of work here at the department, you know, as we've seen companies limiting coverage, we've also seen some companies expand their coverage. so farmers insurance uh- just recently said they're going to start writing commercial coverage, including for apartments and homes. so that's a real significant that's good news. farmers is the biggest homeowners company in the state. so they're going to be offering some new policies. we also saw mercury insurance say they're going to pick up policies that were dropped by another smaller company, a company called tokyo marine, that was reported. so they're going to pick up policies. so and we did we did have allstate say in a recent hearing that we held that they're going to come back and start writing policies as soon as we finish the regulations we're working on this year. so there's options on the way we, you know, and really for folks who are wondering what to do, we urge them to call the department of insurance at 809 274357 or come to gov. you
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can do online chat with us and we can help you really scour the market because there may be companies out there that that you hadn't thought of that can write you a coverage. >> that is certainly good news, that there are many options out there that homeowners can potentially turn to. and we know so much of this is stemming from california homeowners facing, really increased risk when it comes to fire danger. what else is the state doing to try and create more options for homeowners out there? >> well, that's a great topic because you're absolutely right. we have to, in the state, drive down the risk of wildfires. and so the incredible investments that the state of california has made in wildfire risk reduction, those are going to help the insurance situation as well. they're going to keep people safer, and they're going to help people keep their insurance, there's also steps that, you know, the commissioner, laura commission insurance commissioner ricardo lara, urged congress to take some steps because there's also any investments that we make in our federal forests can really help the situation. we know that 58%
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of california's forests are actually controlled by the federal government, only 3% by the state. so there's a lot we can do as a state, but there's a lot that the federal government can do to help with these overgrown forests. and that's going to help the situation as well. so there's a there's a help on the way, but obviously there's a lot more that we need to do just to focus on wildfire safety in the state. >> mike soller with the state department of insurance, we really appreciate your time letting homeowners out there know what options they do have available to them. thanks for being here. >> and you can watch interviews like that every weekday at 3 p.m. on getting answers, but stay here with us. >> coming up. astronauts arrived successfully at the international space station today. there was a bit of a tch. the complications they dealt with i
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milestone for the elon musk company. the 5000 ton spacex rocket went farther than its previous three test flights. it also had a successful reentry into earth. >> however, some anxious moments at nasa this morning as boeing's starliner linked up with the international space station. this was starliner's first mission with astronauts to the space station, but it wasn't all smooth sailing. a leak caused several thrusters to fail. reporter jenn sullivan has the story. >> we have confirmation of contact and capture. >> boeing starliner spacecraft successfully docking at a space station thursday, a moment that was a decade in the making, marking the first time the spacecraft launched into space carrying a crew. >> lots of cheering here in the room, but it was not without complications. >> as the spacecraft approached the international space station, five of the 28 reaction control system thrusters failed on the service module. those allow the spacecraft to stay on track to land, but they were able to get four of the thrusters firing
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again. >> it was great, what a wonderful place to be. >> that was just one of a few complications. shortly before wednesday's launch from cape canaveral space force station in florida, a helium leak was detected in the spacecraft. nasa deemed it acceptable, but after taking off, two more helium leaks were discovered. >> it looks like we picked up a couple more helium leaks. >> boeing says helium is used to fire the spacecraft's thruster system and is not combustible or toxic. the spacecraft carried two astronauts on board, butch wilmore and sunny williams. but nasa says the leaks are not a safety concern to the crew. >> we're just happy as can be, to be up in space. uh- one in starliner on an atlas five, and then here on the international space station after spending just over 24 hours traveling to the space station, williams and wilmore are expected to spend about eight days living in the orbiting laboratory before returning home. >> i'm jenn sullivan, reporting
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>> stocks closed. mixed but mostly unchanged, as investors await the jobs report for may. those numbers are due out tomorrow morning. the dow picked up 78 points, ending the day at 38,886, a dip for the nasdaq, which shed 14 points, while the s&p 500 was essentially flat. san jose's ebay will no longer allow you to use american express, citing a high credit card fees. ebay says the credit card companies transaction fee is unacceptably high. the national retail federation says the fee can be up to 4. in a statement, american express says its transaction fee is comparable to that of other credit cards. you'll no longer be able to use amex on ebay starting august 17th. >> more business news. we learned today that three red lobster restaurants in the bay area are in danger of shuttering. red lobster announced more possible closures today if they can't renegotiate their leases. the local restaurants at risk are in san jose, pittsburgh and milpitas. the chain suddenly closed nearly
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50 locations nationwide last month, including in rohnert park and fremont, and filed for bankruptcy. >> this week's heat wave is over. sandhya has a look ahead at the wee
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dad: headphones, buddy. mom: headphones. what! dad: hey! ♪ (ominous music) ♪ what is going on? mom: what was that? mom, go away! nicotine's a neurotoxin that can escalate teen mood swings go away mom, please. mom: listen, open this door. boy: no. please open the door.
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cooler. how long will that last? meteorologist sandyha patel is here. sandy? >> yeah. a couple more days of this. so enjoy the relief that you're getting, dan. and let me show you the air quality it has been suffering as we haven't had a strong sea breeze. as you will notice, it's moderate across many parts of the bay area, but that is going to change. most areas will turn green, which is good air quality. tomorrow as we look at live doppler seven, we do have some fog out there tomorrow afternoon. that fog will hang around near the beaches keeping your temperatures in the 50s breezy as well. inland areas. you're going to be mainly in the 80s as opposed to the 90s and one hundreds. we've dealt with now. as we hit the weekend saturday,
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temperatures will drop off some more. sunday is going to be very similar and then monday we warm it back up into the 90s. for those of you who like the warm weather, the accuweather seven day forecast will feature that cooling trend the next couple of days, taking you into the weekend with pleasant weather, and then next week we bring those temperatures back up closer to the mid 90s. by tuesday, and then back down wednesday into thursday. ama and dan all right. >> sounds good. thanks, sandhya. >> all right. we have all the nba finals games right here on abc seven. and of course coverage with sports director larry viel and adonal foyle on after the game. at the conclusion of every game. and game one tonight was a one sided event for the most part, the celtics dominated the mavericks right from the tip off. big reason for that was the return of kristaps porzingis, who racked up 20 points off the bench. former calbert jaylen brown led the celtics with 22 points. some really amazing defense to boston, a 107 89 winner is three wins away from
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the title. >> took care of the job tonight. get some rest, watch film and see what we can do better for game two. >> i knew i could prepare to come off the bench, which is something different for me, and that's what i did and stepped into that role and embraced it and, and, and had a good game. you know, it's a full team effort. >> and you know tonight i got lucky a few times. but we got to get ready for game two. >> tonight's game eight history for what happened on the sidelines. espn's doris burke became the first woman to call any major men's championship in us history. burke joined espn in 1990. in 2003, she called her first men's college basketball game, and in 2009, she rose to become the network's top nba sideline reporter. just before tonight's match, lebron james posted on acts congratulating burke and saying she elevates all of us. very nice comment indeed. now game two of the nba finals will be on sunday again here on abc seven. coverage starts at 430. it will be
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followed by after the game hosted by abc seven sports director larry beil, with special guest warriors coach ron adams. grateful and inspired. >> oh my, did i do that right? absolutely. nailed it. next here from star trek actor george takei about his role as a grand marshal of the la pride parade this weekend. a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business.
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c7 will stream it live. los angeles pride is this weekend, and actor george takei is one of the grand marshals. reporter george pennacchio, from our sister station in los angeles, talked with him about it. >> it's a funny thing. the shame of internment is the governments there, the ones that did something unjust, cruel and inhuman. >> 87 year old george takei is
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worried the lessons regarding world war two and the treatment of japanese americans hasn't really been learned, especially among younger people. he's written a new picture book for children called my lost freedom. >> this book i wanted to capture two generations. the parents reading to their children. because still to this day, so many americans don't know about what this uh- event that happened during world war two. >> takei was four years old when president franklin d roosevelt declared anyone of japanese descent an enemy of the united states and forcibly removed from their homes. in the book, he writes, we were seen as different from other americans. this was unfair. we were americans. along with his passion for keeping the history of his japanese american heritage alive, takei has also been a longtime advocate for his
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lgbtq plus community. he's been chosen to be one of the grand marshals at this weekend's pride parade. takei said to be recognized in this way by the lgbtq plus community, an extraordinary group of individuals who have fought tirelessly for equality is truly overwhelming. as someone who has witnessed the struggles and triumphs of our community over the years, i am filled with gratitude for the progress we have made and inspired to continue the fight for full acceptance and equality for all in los angeles. george pennacchio abc seven news. >> the effort is now underway to get the pink triangle installed for the 29th time on twin peaks in san francisco in honor of pride month today, volunteers picked up the pink canvas tarps and the 5000 steel spikes used to keep them in place. the triangle is massive, covering nearly an acre, and it takes hundreds of volunteers to get it in place. tomorrow we install
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the borders of the pink triangle. >> there are 240ft long each, and they're made out of pink sailcloth that they use as spinnakers. and then we fill in between the lines on saturday morning with the 175 tarps. >> gay rights activists adopted the pink triangle decades ago as a symbol of love and solidarity. the public is welcome to attend the celebration starting at 1030 saturday morning, and our pride coverage continues all month long. and it culminates with the 54th annual san francisco pride parade. sunday, june 30th. watch it live wherever you stream abc seven that is this edition of abc seven news at ten. >> we appreciate your time. yes. >> stay where you are because coming up, vandalism at a local mormon temple. the message is read loud and clear. plus, kind of scary, but i we have never seen any what could be creeping around san jose. >> reports of a big cat prowling around two different neighborhoods. abc seven news at
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11 is next >> this is abc 724 seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi's stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland. yeah. you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. >> we are, we are, we are, we are we are we are where you are. >> never miss a you just remember what your old pal said.
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l'm everything you said >> the bay area is kind of the belly of the beast. >> right into the heart of the blue. you get attention, you get money, you score points. >> former president trump sets


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