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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  June 7, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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mom, go away! nicotine's a neurotoxin that can escalate teen mood swings go away mom, please. mom: listen, open this door. boy: no. please open the door. what he's doing by this visit is trying to send a signal, you know, kind of own the libs on their home turf. >> in and out. donald trump's trip to the bay area lasted just a few hours. it seems it was a success. he left with millions of dollars and an endorsement from a big name in the tech industry. today, he's looking to raise millions more in southern california, and the future of people's park finally decided the state supreme court, clearing the way for uc berkeley to transform this site after a three year legal battle off to the races one last time. it's the final weekend at golden gate fields as the racetrack shuts
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down the future of the site is in limbo and keep your head on a swivel in the bay. >> south bay wildlife experts getting reports of a big cat prowling around two different san jose neighborhoods. what to do if you encounter a mountain lion? >> mind my business. >> turn around. yes. good morning. >> on this friday, june 7th, we're going to start the check of our forecast with drew. >> all right. we are done with the heat. it finally feels a lot cooler out there this afternoon. here is a live look from our exploratorium camera. we do have a return of our coastal clouds. so you look at current conditions around the region. we have some patchy cloud cover over the city right now. oakland same story, but the thicker cloud cover along the coast. half moon bay reporting cloudy skies and that fog is pushing its way up into the valleys of napa. right now. you can see cloudy there as well. it's just an indication we have changed our weather pattern and we have cooler air overhead. 40s. it's been a while since we said that in the morning. santa rosa, sonoma. good morning. you're in the upper 40s, mid 50s around
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the bay shoreline. so just expect temperatures back to average later on today. inland, it's a lot cooler than the past couple of days. we do still keep the sunshine. highs will stay in the mid 80s later on today. that feels a lot better as we head around the bay shoreline with some patchy cloud cover right now, but it will be a bright afternoon and those highs pretty average in the mid 70s by about 3:04 p.m. along the coast, we'll keep a lot of that cloud cover. it's pretty foggy this morning and daytime highs will hit the upper 50s by about 3 p.m. that's a look at the forecast. let's see how we're doing with the roads this morning gloria good morning. >> good morning drew. good morning everyone at home. so far it's looking okay out there on the roads. this morning. of course it's friday. we have slower traffic than normal today because a lot of people do work from home. you can see here look at our drive times from tracy to dublin. it'll take you 57 minutes. right now that is in the red. and that's because there's a big rig crash on the shoulder that added to that commute, which we know that's always a slow spot. anyway but that crash just added a little
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bit more time. if you're driving in that area from san rafael to san francisco, 17 minutes antioch to concord, 14 minutes. >> thank you gloria. this weekend will mark the end of some horse racing history in the east bay. after more than 80 years, golden gate fields is set to close for good. abc seven news reporter ryan curry joining us live for the details on the closure and what could happen next. ryan. yeah, kumasi good morning. >> the track has been around since 1941. many call it an iconic landmark in the east bay, but it has been the center of protest over animal cruelty. the owners of the track announced back in july of last year the closure they say they are moving races to santa anita down southern california to consolidate operations, but many have been demanding the track closed due to a questionable history over its treatment of the horses. 17 horses died last year at golden gate fields. some will miss it, while others tell us they look forward to what the land can be used for. we spoke with them earlier this year. >> it'll be odd to see it not there anymore. driving by. so
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i've had i've had good times there though, and our friends have had some fun, fun times there on fun, you know, sunday activity. >> i think it's really a gift from the gods because it gives the whole region the opportunity to plan for development. >> golden gate fields will still be paying property taxes to the city of albany, even after it closes. the future of the site remains unclear. it is currently zoned for waterfront recreation. many we spoke with say they'd like to see it turn into housing or a park. it's a massive piece of land with prime bayfront bayfront real estate. the last race is set for sunday night after 5 p.m. ryan curry abc, seven news, guys. >> ryan, thank you. this morning, former president trump is waking up in los angeles after his visit to san francisco . he attended a private fundraising dinner and pac heights last night, according to reuters. the event raked in $12 million. supporters and protesters showed up outside of that dinner. the event was
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hosted by tech billionaire david sachs and his wife, along with venture capitalist chamath palihapitiya. tickets were sold out, ranging from 50,000 to $500,000. the chair of the san francisco republican party believes support for trump is growing in the city. >> i think it's very jarring for the democrats. to see not just that the president has a sold out fundraiser in pacific heights, from tech folks largely counterprotesters say trump is not fit to be president, pointing to his recent criminal conviction in new york, david sachs posted a lengthy explanation on twitter as to why he is backing the former president. >> it was well over a thousand words. here's how he wrapped it up. quote the voters have experienced four years of president trump and four years of president biden. in tech, we call this an a b test with respect to economic policy, foreign policy, border policy and legal fairness, trump performed better. he is the president who deserves a second
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term. now we spoke with the senior politics reporter with our media partners at the san francisco standard to shed a bit of light on why a san francisco tech billionaire would back the former president. and here's what he had to say. >> there is a growing number of billionaires and wealthy people like sachs, who are warming up to the idea of trump. and the question is why uh- many people have ideas that it is related to increasing their own wealth, rather than their stated goals about public policy. but that is, you know, up to each individual coming up in the next half hour. >> we are hearing from some of the president's supporters here in the bay area. the former president's supporters in the bay area, as well as what some of his critics had to say about his visit. you can check in with the biggest moments of trump's visit and find all of our election coverage heading into november right now at abc seven and wherever you stream abc seven, we have a significant development in the
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state trial of the man who broke into nancy pelosi's house and attacked her husband, paul, with a hammer. >> a san francisco superior court judge dismissed three charges against david depape for that 2022 attack. the judge says trying to pap for charges similar to his federal trial amounts to double jeopardy. the charges dismissed are attempted murder, assault of an elder and assault with a deadly weapon. depape still faces five state charges that were not part of the federal trial, including burglary, kidnaping and false imprisonment. >> this is a story we've been following for a few years now. you see berkeley celebrating a victory in its effort to build student housing at people's park. yesterday, the state supreme court ruled in its favor after a lawsuit sought to put a halt to that project. the lawsuit claimed the student noise would have an environmental impact. state lawmakers closed the loopholes in the california environmental quality act that were used to sue the university. >> we passed two different laws
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to make clear that environmental laws should not be used or abused. i should say, to stop on campus student housing, which is some of the most environmentally sustainable housing. >> ang cal put out a statement saying it's now focusing on the timeline to resume construction on that project. we haven't heard from the attorney representing the group that filed the lawsuit happening now. >> you should be on the lookout in certain parts of san jose because a mountain lion has been spotted in two different neighborhoods the past two days. we first told you about the sighting yesterday on abc seven mornings, gloria is at the live desk where? telling us about where this line has been seen. >> yeah. good morning reggie, a park ranger tells us they believe the same mountain lion was spotted on wednesday and thursday. the first sighting was around ella drive and war admiral way in south san jose on wednesday night. and then yesterday the city says the animal was seen near kelly park. a resident shared photos with us, but san jose has not confirmed that this is a cat
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they're looking for. police say callers reported seeing the mountain lion walking into yards . >> i'm shocked. i'm a little bit shocked. and now i'm like, so glad that i keep these guys on a leash because i really wouldn't know what to do. i have no coat to make myself bigger. >> all right, so if you do see a mountain lion, officials say do not run back away slowly stand tall, make a noise and do not turn your back. fish and wildlife officials say mountain lions typically pose little threat to humans. they suggest not to be out too late at night or too early in the morning, and drew, i know where i live. they always spot mountain lions. i'm always wondering what should i do? so now we know those are good tips. >> although i think i would run. i know i supposed to if i saw that i'd be very scared. so some good tips there. gloria. let's go to san jose. speaking of, we do have clear skies overhead right now, but we are tracking along the coast. some cloud cover, some patchy fog even
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around the city and oakland right now. but san jose, we have clear skies. it's one of our cooler mornings this week. we're at 58 degrees right now, so let's take a look at highs for average today. believe it or not, some of our cities will be below average for daytime highs. that's oakland and san francisco will be three degrees below average. other areas that will be above average only by a few degrees. so we got rid of the excessive heat we had the past couple of days. our heat advisories are done. it feels very comfortable later on this afternoon, very june like today. so looking at future weather, we'll have those coastal clouds. that's what you see here on future weather throughout the day. we'll keep it in the 50s and 60s, close to the ocean, 70s and low 80s inland. so we're certainly feeling relief from the heat inland. we spent the past couple of days in 90 degree plus heat, so 78 in concord later on, by 4 p.m. feels very nice today, but the winds will be an issue. it's one of the windier afternoons we've had this week, so be aware of that into 4 p.m, 5 p.m. that onshore
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flow, which will help us to bring relief to our inland areas from that heat. the past couple of days, we'll find frequent wind gusts over 30mph. so it will be a windy end to the day, and it will be a breezy evening as well. looking at highs today, we'll go to about 63 in the city, 68 in oakland, about 82 in san jose, the same in santa rosa. inland will max out in the mid 80s later on today, but again along the coast. will keep that fog, will keep those cool temperatures upper 50s for half moon bay, santa cruz in the upper 60s. we'll preview that weekend forecast coming up in about eight minutes. >> drew. thank you. a unanimous decision by san francisco supervisors coming up the next steps for the city to acquire pandas from china. >> a sure sign summer is on the way. more street markets coming to bay area neighborhoods. we're going to show you where and when they're taking place. >> an iconic beacon of san francisco pride back atop twin peaks, the celebration happening this weekend, and a live look outside right now.
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shooting that happened in san francisco's dolores park wednesday night. we've learned a teenager was killed in that shooting. police found the 19 year old with multiple gunshot wounds. first responders performed cpr, but that teen died at the scene. supervisor rafael mandelman, whose district includes the park, called the shooting scary. we are working to learn more about the investigation into the shooting. san francisco mayoral candidate daniel lurie, who's running on a tough on crime platform, went to dolores park yesterday to ask police for more protection. >> my kids go to school here, our offices, our campaign offices are a couple of blocks away. listen, violence can happen anywhere, but typically, we should not be worried about shootings in dolores park. >> lurie, who lives in another part of town, says the city
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streets are neither safe or clean, and he wants a fully staffed police department and sheriff's office and says that he would call a state of emergency to deal with the fentanyl crisis. >> today is national gun violence awareness day, state attorney general rob bonta says gun violence in the country would be much lower if other states did. what we're doing in california. >> our gun death rate is now 40% lower than the national average. >> as bonta says, more than 40,000 americans die from gun violence every year, he says a lot of that can be avoided with stricter gun laws. bonta presented a report on nine california protection orders that he says have reduced gun violence at home work and school. he encouraged other states to adopt similar laws. >> the developments in san francisco's effort to get pandas at the zoo. the mayor's proposal to fund a panda habitat at the zoo with private donations has just taken a step forward. and gloria, the next hurdle is on tuesday at the board of supervisors meeting.
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>> good morning. kumasi. a fundraising plan to bring giant pandas from china to the san francisco zoo will go before the board of supervisors on tuesday. yesterday the board's government audit and oversight committee voted unanimously to recommend an amended fundraising plan. it includes an ethics rules waiver, and it allows several city departments to receive unlimited donations to cover the $25 million needed to upgrade the zoo in order to host the pandas concerns. donations could create a conflict of interest within the mayor's office, had stalled the plan. the new resolution will require more transparency, including a public list of donors. several animal rights advocacy groups are opposed to the plan. they say the zoo is outdated and has to deal with other problems with animals currently in their care, before adding more, and the pandas are expected to arrive sometime next year, so of course we'll keep you updated on all of these developments. reggie thanks, gloria. >> the pandas are coming and so is nintendo. they are going to
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build their second us store at san francisco's union square. now, when we first announced this a few weeks ago, we didn't know exactly where it was going to go. but now we have an address according to permits filed with the city earlier this week, the new store will be at 331 powell street. that's an 11,000 square foot retail space. that is the bottom of the western saint francis hotel. so think geary. the store is close to the size of nintendo's only other us store in new york city, and that store is expected to open next year. it's one of the most famous homes in all of san francisco. now, the house used in the hit sitcom full house is going back up for sale. the house on broderick street in lower park heights was used for exterior shots of the tanner family. it's different from the painted ladies used during the opening theme song. this home was renovated in 2019 to match the look of some of the rooms in the show. the new price tag, a cool 6.5 million. i will add that they have handprints in the backyard of all the stars of
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full house, so that's pretty cool. we celebrate pride every day here at abc7, especially during the month of june. if you're looking to celebrate with us, here are some local bay area events that you can attend tonight. san francisco hosts the sf pride kickoff party. it starts at 6 p.m. at the tenderloin museum. tickets are 25 bucks. and then tomorrow, hundreds of people will gather at twin peaks to participate in the pink triangle commemoration ceremony. work already underway to get the iconic beacon lit. yesterday, volunteers picked up the pink canvas tarps and the 5000 steel spikes used to hold down the pink triangle atop twin peaks. the triangle is massive, covering nearly an acre, taking hundreds of volunteers to get it in place. >> we install the borders of the pink triangle. there are 240ft long each, and they're made out of pink sailcloth that they use as spinnakers. and then we fill in between the lines on saturday morning with the 175 tarps. >> i just learned something. i
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had no idea it was sailcloth. that makes sense. the pink triangle was once used to brand people suspected of being gay in concentration camps. now it's a symbol of protest against homophobia. the triangle is public. celebration starts at 1030 tomorrow morning. that is definitely one of the best things that we do, i think in the city, beautiful sight. it's really cool. and you can see if you're in oakland in the hills. oh yeah, it shines bright. yeah across the bay. our pride coverage continues all month long, leading up to the 54th annual san francisco pride parade, which is sunday, june 30th. abc seven is the only place you can watch it live, streaming wherever you watch abc seven. drew and i will be hosting the parade again this year. we're super excited. >> we'll be out there. i'll be running up and down market street. i will be if you see me. i love seeing folks out there. it's very exciting. >> get on tv, get on tv and we have our lovely pride pride month that reggie got us. >> thank you reggie. how they get. >> they didn't tell us. see how they get. tell us see how they get. yeah
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>> where are your mugs? see? come on. not one. not one piece of heads up, you know? >> you know what i do? i work hard for my money. you know what i do? she does a heads up. >> would have been nice. i think my thing. >> so we have to let you know when you need to pay. pride. fall >> no. okay. >> see, we always have ours, right? we're ready to go. now, wait a minute. >> wow. >> cheers, reggie. cheers not the least. >> pride dragging me down, june. >> now we're just something in it. >> mine is completely empty, potter. >> it's a prop i show. my pride is a prop. >> can i show my symbols? it's my intention, kumasi. thank you. >> just don't make me throw this across the room and make pride and protest this morning, okay? >> you threw the first cup. >> i knew it didn't have water, but i need coffee right? >> takes early take whether graphics full. >> let's go outside. here we go. here is a live look from our east bay hills camera. here's the changes that are finally arriving. for those who want the cooler weather, our fog has returned. it's patchy around the bay shoreline. it's quite thick along the coast, so it's breezy and cooler today. highs are
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closer to average. it's back to reality, so to speak. the weekend we will have some pockets of morning fog, but a lot of sunshine in the afternoon and it is looking fantastic. very nice weather. and then next week we will warm up again, but it looks like we won't get as hot as we were the past couple of days. but temperatures staying above average. so today's forecast inland expects a lot of sunshine, but cooler air will stay in the 80s for daytime highs. we have some patchy fog around the bay shoreline right now. we'll get that sunshine back and we'll have temperatures very comfortable in the 70s for most, but along the coast we will have fog this morning giving way to some peeks of sunshine. but it is a windy day with temperatures in the 50s, so a breezy and cooler today. highs in the microclimates 70s and 80s in the south bay along the peninsula. 60s and 70s for san mateo, redwood city, but 50s along the coast. with that wind picking up this afternoon, it gets windy across the city today. we'll have winds gusting over 30mph at times, and temperatures in the low and mid 60s in the north bay, 70s and 80s for the most
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part, but still. cloverdale, lakeport, ukiah hang on to some of that heat in the 90s. today in the east bay, we have some patchy cloud cover right now, giving way to sunshine by about 9 a.m. 60s and 70 feels a lot better today compared to the past couple of days. if you like that cooler weather and then we'll stay in the 80s today, which. triple digit heat. we had just two days ago. now the evening planner will show you we will have our marine layer surging back in and around the bay shoreline pretty quickly this evening, and it will get chilly, so you definitely want your jacket this evening for any friday night plans. then overnight tonight, we'll have temperatures generally in the 50s with a mix of stars and clouds. and just a quick preview of the weekend forecast. some morning fog on saturday, full sunshine on sunday, both days. temperatures close to average. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. cooler and breezy today with a nice looking weekend on the way. and then next week we do have those temperatures turning around. a bit of a warm up by tuesday and wednesday guys. >> thanks, drew. coming up, the seven things to know this morning instead of starbucks to
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a heatwave, it's kinda chilly in here. oh, that's because i'm pre-cooling the house with the ac before 4 pm. then i'll turn our thermostat to a comfortable 78 or higher that way i could stay cool later. ooh, what about me? you're never cool. oh.
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did you know that if you shave, 1/3rd of what you remove is skin? (♪) new dove helps repair it. so, if you shave it? (♪) dove it new dove replenish your skin after every shave. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) wave. it is done today. temperatures are back to
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average. it is windy this afternoon. we'll have frequent wind gusts later today between 20 and 40mph. >> number two, president biden said to make a major speech from france this morning. he'll be addressing demonn tsay to mark the 80th anniversary of d-day. we'll have live coverage at 7 a.m. >> number three, donald trump waking up in southern california this morning after a quick stop in san francisco. he flew there last night after a fundraising dinner in pac heights, home of tech billionaire david sax. >> number four, this is the last weekend for horse racing at golden gate fields in the east bay. the owners are consolidating operations to southern california. the final race is sunday. >> number five, a warning in san jose after two mountain lion sightings in two days. one was in south san jose, the other near kelly park, about six miles away, and number six, we have a commuter alert. >> if you take caltrain there will be no train service between san jose and san francisco. on june 8th and ninth. limited bus service will be provided. >> and number seven, pat sajak's final spin on wheel of fortune
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has arrived. he is retiring after more than 40 years on the iconic game show you can watch pat sign off tonight at 730 right here on abc seven. children's fairyland in oakland is kicking off summer with a big discount on admission. it is the first of the 5-10 summer fridays promotion. oakland residents can get into the amusement park for just $10. kids are usually are $5. it's usually $19 for adults and $17 for kids. you don't even have to reserve the tickets in advance. the deal is walkup only. you need to show your id with an oakland address. it's available every friday through the end of august. >> a brand new night market made its debut in west oakland. the prescott night market set up last night right across from raimondi park, where the oakland ballers now play. it will be held monthly, and the first three, including tonight's will be paired up with the baseball game. almanac brewing is the anchor tenant and will have a
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beer garden. just announced last night, san francisco's richmond district will be hosting night markets. the first one happens tomorrow on clement street. there are three other scheduled july 20th, august 17th and september 21st. >> starbucks is hoping to make it even easier for easier for you to get your morning coffee. the coffee chain is now partnering with grubhub for delivery. this is in addition to uber eats and doordash. starbucks is hoping to boost its sales after dropping 3% last quarter. delivery, however, is up by double digits, so expect to see a starbucks option on grubhub across the country by august. >> if you want to pay cash, it will cost you more. cash used to be a way to score a discount, but the wall street journal reports it's now costing 1 to $6 for people who don't come prepared with a credit card. that's because a growing number of places like stadiums are no longer accepting cash. in some places, cash has to be converted to a card at kiosks, and many of those places charge fees. you might have noticed vendors inside of oracle park are now
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cashless. in 2019, san francisco supervisor passed an ordinance requiring most businesses to accept cash rather than only debit or credit cards from golden state to hollywood. >> coming up at 530. what we're learning about the new series starring steph curry and a live look outside at 527, where the sun is already coming up at sf
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it's difficult because we are quote outnumbered though i'm not sure that we're as outnumbered as we think we are. >> donald trump supporters flood san francisco's marina green, hoping to catch a glimpse of the former president. his short stop in the city seeming to be a big payoff where he's hoping to cash out more money in california today. >> i'm abc's perry russom in washington. president biden in normandy this morning. we have a preview of his speech. that story coming up.
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>> 8000 episodes went by like that. >> 8000 episodes, 40 years in tonight. wheel of fortune host pat sajak is saying goodbye. good morning everyone. it is friday, june 7th. >> we'll get to all that. but first we start with meteorologist tumor. >> hey good morning guys. it is cooler today. our heat wave is over. that's the big headline. temperatures are back to average this afternoon. the reason why from our tam cam you can see some patchy fog has reemerged. that is that cooling effect that has gotten rid of all those hot temperatures from the past couple of days. you look at sky conditions right now, clear skies in concord and san jose over the city and in oakland. we do have some patchy fog, but some thicker cloud cover over half moon bay right now. even some thicker fog over napa. but we will have some sunny skies this afternoon. temperatures this morning. one of our cooler mornings this week. look at these 40s in parts of the north bay. we're in the 50s around the bay shoreline, and if you're close to the coast for much of the day today, layers are going
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to be key. dress for spring more than summer. looking inland today, it is going to feel very nice. we get relief from the intense heat highs only in the mid 80s. that is where we should be for this time of the year. around the bay shoreline. some patchy cloud cover right now. we'll see bright sunshine by about 9 a.m. and then those daytime highs feeling very comfortable in the mid 70s. but along the coast it is a pretty cloudy day today. it's also breezy and those temperatures in the upper 50s. let's see how that friday morning commute is going forward. >> good morning drew. good morning everyone. yeah right now traffic is starting to build right now. so this is a live look at our emeryville camera. and you can see traffic is filling in in the westbound direction along the east shore freeway. a look at our drive times from highway four to san francisco. it will take you 33 minutes right now. now let's head over to our live desk. we have a heads up for caltrain riders. you may have to make other arrangements if you have plans to ride this weekend, because service between san francisco and san jose will be shut down so the agency can test its new electric trains. so
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there will be some busses between the san jose diridon station, as well as the palo alto and millbrae stations. the busses will not run into san francisco. the shut down is part of caltrans work to electrify the railroad with trains that are supposed to be faster, cleaner and more efficient. the new trains will also have wi-fi power outlets at every seat on board displays with digital trip information, more storage, also a baby changing station in the bathrooms, caltrans says that if they find a problem this weekend, they will be doing more tests. but this weekend is the last scheduled shut down and the new trains are set to roll out in september. so again, if you do ride caltrain, make sure you make other arrangements because you will have to figure out a different way to get where you need to go. reggie. >> thanks, gloria. this morning, president biden will deliver a speech on the cliffs of normandy in france. this comes after the 88th anniversary of d-day. abc news reporter perry russom has more on what the president is
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expected to talk about. >> this morning, president biden and france preparing for a speech on democracy, a point to hawk one of the landing places for american soldiers 80 years ago. >> we're living in a time when democracy is more at risk across the world than any point since the end of the world war two, since these beaches were stormed. >> biden, speaking at a d-day commemoration yesterday honoring american veterans for their bravery at the forefront of biden's speech. >> ukraine to surrender to bullies to bow down to dictators is simply unthinkable. >> ukrainian president volodymyr zelensky sharing this moment with the veteran who tries to kiss his hand. are you the savior of the people here in europe? you saved europe, zelensky says president biden sitting down in an exclusive interview with world news tonight anchor david muir. >> i wanted to ask you about ukraine, our american weapons being used right now inside russia. >> they're authorized to be used in proximity to the border. we
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are not authorizing strikes of 200 miles into russia. we're not offering strikes on moscow, on the kremlin. >> as for biden's speech this morning on democracy, he is expected to talk about the fight between dictatorship and freedom while driving home a key reelection argument that he will uphold democratic freedoms. perry russom abc news, washington. >> president biden is expected to speak live from france around seven this morning. you can watch his remarks live wherever you watch abc seven news. we'll be sure to send an alert via the abc seven bay area app when he begins. >> israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has accepted an invitation to address a joint session of congress on july 24th. netanyahu said he is moved by the invitation and intends to address the war in gaza. he's expected to speak on the israeli government's vision on democracy, terrorism and establishing peace. former president donald trump resumes his campaign fund raising events in los angeles today, coming after a successful stop in san francisco, where he raised
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millions of dollars at a private dinner in pacific heights last night. now, the fundraiser was hosted by tech billionaire and david sacks and his wife, along with venture capitalist chamath palihapitiya. the tickets were sold out. they ranged from 50,000 to $500,000. supporters and protesters gathered on the streets and outside of that dinner to show their support or opposition for trump. >> abc seven news insider phil matier is weighing in about the former president's swell of financial support and his visit to the bay area. >> where is it coming from? it's coming out of san francisco and silicon valley tech. that is a statement. that is a statement out there that he is relevant, that he is relevant after the convictions that he still rolling. and there's two things a politician and especially donald trump wants to get every day. that's money and attention, publicity. and he's getting both of those things by coming to blue california, and especially by coming into san francisco. >> according to reuters, the private event in pacific heights
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brought in $12 million for trump's campaign. held a welcome party for him at marina green, hoping that he would stop by trump at his motorcade did not go in that direction. his supporters say they still wanted to show there's conservative voter base here in the bay area. >> i'm not sure that we're as outnumbered as we think we are. i'm more for people just being able to communicate again and get together again and discuss things. that's all i'm interested in. >> the rally remained peaceful for the most part. however, when we stopped rolling in, the interview just saw a man threw a pickle juice on the person we were speaking with, but another man skated by and hurled insults at him. san francisco gave trump 13% of the vote the last time he ran for president in 2020. >> horse racing fans this is the last weekend for you to see racing at golden gate fields. that racetrack will be closed
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for good after the final races sunday night. abc seven news reporter ryan curry joining us live with why not? everyone is sad to see the track go in. what could be next? >> yeah. kumasi good morning. it's the last time people are going to be able to go to the track. it's been around for a while, but there's now been the center of protest surrounding the racetrack with many people demanding it close over its treatment of horses. that closure coming soon. the owners of the track announced the closure back in july of last year. they say they are moving races to santa anita to consolidate operations. it is a track that's been around for over 80 years and since 2008, it's been the only thoroughbred racetrack in northern california. animal rights activists have long wanted this track to close. 17 horses died last year when we spoke with people during the announcement of the closure, they say now the focus shifts to what could come next for the land. >> it was within three years that you saw just a whole new community. see, you can create recreational area within that golden gate fields area. there's
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so much you could do. it's really a blank canvas that can be, made into something pretty spectacular. >> when bay meadows closed, they turned that land into housing and real retail space. golden gate fields sits on prime bayfront property. the track and facility is 140 acres. currently zoned for waterfront recreation, but it will be up to the city of albany to decide what happens next. the last race is set for just after five on sunday evening. ryan curry, abc seven news guys. >> ryan thank you. a bay area food bank is going to have to close one of its warehouses because of a rent hike. second harvest of silicon valley says this is a big blow because it's already dealing with the high demand from clients, officials say after they got the notice of the rent increase, they reevaluate it and realized keeping the warehouse wasn't the best use of their limited resources. >> so we're just figuring out how we can continue to do what we do. but again, you know, unfortunately, most of our support comes from the local
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community. you know, 90% of our donations are from the private sector, two thirds from individuals. and i think people just don't realize how great the need is right now. >> second harvest will still have two warehouses in san jose along with one in san carlos. the nonprofit says demand for food assistance skyrocketed during the pandemic, and it hasn't let up. >> a content creator trying to make hollywood level videos. up next, the federal charges he's now facing for this shooting fireworks at a lamborghini from a helicopter for drew. i can't first of all, logistics. i could barely read it. how do you book something? >> i don't even understand that. all right, two are santa cruz camera. this morning. we have clouds banked up right along our coastline. some of that fog is spilling into the bay shoreline this morning, and we will find a cooler afternoon. we are done with our heat wave. temperatures are back to average. we're finding a cooler morning in most areas right now by about 4 to 8
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degrees, and that will lead to a cooler afternoon on the way as well. here's future weather. we'll keep that cloud cover along the coast all day today. we'll stay in the 50s and 60s there inland, it will feel a lot better compared to the past couple of days. 70s and 80s for daytime highs. that's exactly where we should be for this time of the year. now, heading into the evening, not only will we have our fog pushing back in and around the bay shoreline, but we'll also have some high clouds streaming in. so we do turn to mostly cloudy skies overnight tonight, and temperatures in the 50s for overnight lows. the winds will also be noticeably gusty today by about 4 p.m. we'll have this onshore flow. you can see area wide. we'll see those winds gusting about 20 to 35mph. that's just reinforcing that cooler air later on this afternoon. so it is a breezy day today. temperatures are back to average. we'll go to about 68 in oakland today, 63 in the city. both those areas actually below average for this time of the year 82 with sunny skies in san
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jose, the same in santa rosa. still some hot pockets in ukiah and lakeport in the 90s. 84 in concord, the coast is cloudy and windy. 50s and 60s from half moon bay to santa cruz. looking at your weather wellness today, air quality is good to moderate. pollen levels have not changed this week. we're still at moderate levels when it comes to tree pollen, and grass pollen, and your uv index at ten out of 11, that is very high. we'll preview the weekend coming up in about nine minutes, but we'll be right back. >> this is abc 724 seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi's stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland. yeah. you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. >> we are we are, we are, we are, we are, we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc seven bay area streaming app. join us and start watching
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... i know... faster wifi and savings? ...i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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contain the corral fire started saturday near livermore and tracy. it burned around 22mi■!s. cal fire says higher humidity and cooler temperatures helped crews make progress. crews working the crystal fire in napa county spent the night putting out hot spots. cal fire says the fire there is now 90% contained. they have been able to hold it to 60 acres. it started wednesday between saint helena and calistoga, and no homes have burned. >> a california youtuber is facing federal charges over a helicopter fireworks stunt that was recorded and posted online last year. 24 year old alex choi of studio city was arrested for allegedly directing a video titled destroying a lamborghini with fireworks. the video shows two women without flying permits in a helicopter hovering over
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the ground. then they are seen shooting fireworks at a sports car in san bernardino county. his arraignment is set for july 2nd. a massive retail theft bust netted more than 2800 boxes of stolen legos. this happened in southern california, and now two people in long beach are facing charges, including a 71 year old man. police were tipped off after a series of thefts by the same person at the same store. investigators say the sets that were stolen ranged in price from $20 to more than $1,000, and they were being then sold online. >> a low calorie sweetener that's supposedly better for your waistline may not be as great for other parts of your health, a new study published in the european heart journal found xylitol may be linked to nearly twice the risk of heart attack, stroke and death. that's for people who consume the highest levels of it. xylitol is used in some gums, mints, toothpaste, mouthwash, cough sirup and
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vitamins. it's a sugar, alcohol, which the fda says is generally safe. >> more than 20,000 pounds of beef or beef products being recalled. now, south american meat incorporated is recalling frozen raw beef products because they were not inspected correctly when they arrived from uruguay. the recalled products were reported or imported in mid march, and then they went out to stores, restaurants, distributors all along the west coast. thankfully, there have not been any reports of anyone getting sick. >> three red lobster restaurants in the bay area are in danger of shutting down. red lobster announced more possible closures yesterday if they can't renegotiate their leases. the local restaurants at risk are in san jose, pittsburg and milpitas . the chain suddenly closed nearly 50 locations nationwide last month, including in rohnert park and fremont, and they filed for bankruptcy. >> peacock, sharing new details about its upcoming comedy series featuring warriors star steph curry. it's called mister
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throwback. the show follows a story of a memorabilia dealer who seeks redemption by connecting with his sixth grade teammate that teammate is going to be played by curry, according to the chronicle. the show will explore themes of redemption and nostalgia. filming for mister throwback started on may 9th in chicago and evanston, illinois. >> oh that's right, went to school. happening tonight, a legendary era of tv game show history comes to an end. pat sajak will host wheel of fortune for the very last time. last night's episode included a touching farewell from his longtime co-host vanna white. >> i can't believe that tomorrow is our last show together. i don't know how to put into words what these past 41 years have meant to me, but i'm going to try. 8000 episodes went by like that. >> oh, sajak was a wheel for more than 40 years. now he says he's looking forward to time with his crossword puzzles and family. ryan seacrest is taking
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over for sajak starting in september. you can watch pat's final spin tonight at 730 right here on abc seven. are you the only one who's met the two of them sitting here? oh, wow. have you ever met them? okay. and i haven't either. >> yeah. >> when i first came to the bay in 2019, where they were filming here, and i realized, like, people do not play about them, they were coming out of the woodwork trying to, like, just see them. and they were just so kind to everyone. they were kind to me. they really enjoyed the bay area, and i really felt like they were friends, like, how can you not be like, you work with someone 40 plus years, right? >> yeah, yeah, i think this is a show that like so many families bonded over. like, i watched this with my grandparents at seven and 730, jeopardy! and wheel together, and i feel like it really is just a closing of a big chapter in so many. yeah. so good for him. 40 years enjoying retirement. >> yeah. and it's neat to see all the flashback videos from years ago of them to together all those. >> totally. yeah >> i remember when they had the turntable of prizes. oh yeah. i
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know some of you remember that. yeah. and there was always a dalmatian statue was. and that fascinated me as a little kid. >> random. i think the 80s was always like, we want that dalmatian statue. it was a sign that you made it. it was that dalmatian in your foyer. >> it was luxury. >> it was for some reason. i don't know why. >> i don't know dalmatian, i don't yeah. >> about that. it was a symbol. we never had one. >> but takes me back. yeah. >> to the golden gate bridge camera this morning. it is cloudy along the coast as our fog has returned. it will be a breezy and cooler day today. highs are closer to average. it's back to where we should be for this time of the year. the weekend outlook will have some morning fog, but both days lots of sunshine in the afternoon. it is looking nice. you're good to go with any outdoor plans and then next week we are warming up again. but nowhere near the intense heat we saw over the past couple of days. no heat advisories in effect. sooday's forecast. lovely inland today. lots of sunshine, mid 80s for daytime. highs around the bay shoreline. currently we have
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some patchy cloud cover, brighter conditions this afternoon and temperatures mainly in the 70s and then along the coast. it is a pretty cloudy day. we have some fog this morning. it's windy this afternoon and highs in the upper 50s, so it's breezy and cooler today. highs in our microclimates. let's start in the south bay 70s and 80s for daytime highs. santa cruz it will be quite cloudy today a high of only 69 there, but 82 and sunny in san jose. windy along our coast. frequent gusts over 30mph at times. this afternoon as we head towards redwood city. palo alto will have daytime highs in the mid 70s across the city. today it's a partly sunny day. it's a windy afternoon and temperatures on the cool side. you want the layers today with highs in the low 60s. in the north bay we're mainly in the 70s and 80s. some hotter areas around ukiah and cloverdale in the 90s, but sausalito, stinson beach coming in at 62 degrees with a mix of sun and clouds in the east bay today, sunshine, 60s and 70s. 68 in oakland, 77 in union city, 79 in castro valley and then
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inland. it feels a lot better than, say, the triple digit heat we had for the past couple of days will be in the 80s. 86 in brentwood, 82 in san ramon, walnut creek, up to 83 degrees. the evening planner if you have some friday night plans, we'll have that marine layer coming on back in from the coastline. you do want those jackets with you because we do cool off pretty rapidly tonight. overnight tonight we'll have temperatures mainly in the 40s and in the 50s under a mix of stars and clouds. looking at the weekend preview saturday, we will have some morning fog burning off for sunshine. temperatures close to average. on sunday it is full sunshine, little change when it comes to our daytime highs. we will enjoy a pretty pleasant saturday and sunday. here's the accuweather seven day forecast the next seven days for you. cooler and breezy today with that morning fog tomorrow. little change on sunday with those average temperatures. and then next week we will see high pressure build back in. we'll get a little warmer around here. 90 do return inland but currently no heat advisories in effect guys. >> thanks, drew. new at six. the major retailer ditching self
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checkout and thousands of stores nationwide. >> first though, what president biden is saying about a possible pardon h son hunter if he's found guilty in
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the metering lights have just flipped on over at the bay bridge toll plaza. you can see, however, traffic is not too heavy right now. from the toll plaza to san francisco. it will take you 14 minutes right now. >> thank you. gloria president biden told abc's david muir in an exclusive interview that he would not pardon his son, hunter biden, if he is found guilty of federal gun charges. he also said he would accept the outcome
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of the trial that's currently underway in delaware. the president's son is accused of illegally purchasing and possessing a gun while abusing or being addicted to drugs, which is a violation of federal law. in today's gma first look, rex herman, the suspect in the gilgo beach murders case, is now charged with two more deaths. here's abc news reporter aaron katersky. >> in this morning's gma first look, rex herman, the alleged gilgo beach serial killer, is now charged in two additional murders. >> there is a document that we found, which certainly, we would argue illustrates that he meticulously planned these murders and had really worked hard to not only commit the murders, but to make sure that he was not caught. >> prosecutors said. advanced dna testing establishing a link between human and two new victims. >> one murder is obviously horrific and it's a difficult thing to defend. >> herman showed no reaction in court where he appeared with hands cuffed behind his back.
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his attorney entered a not guilty plea. i'll be highly surprised if there aren't more victims. and the reason why is serial killing is an obsession and coming up at 7 a.m, we're talking to the district attorney about the case with your gma first look, i'm aaron katersky, abc news, riverhead, new york. >> new at six. more than a million lights being recalled because they could spark fires. the items you need to get rid of immediately. >> and then dolly parton makes a big announcement and shows up at one of the biggest country music festivals in the country. although we already knew her announcement because we had it here on 7 to 7, our streaming show. but what can i say? we sure did. >> i'm excited for this. she's got a lot of things coming out later on in the couple of months. okay, so we say congratulations to the grads at saint helena high school. they are graduating this evening. it's really nice forecast. thank goodness it's not too hot out there. you see those temperatures updating 80s and 70s as those grads come down the aisle around 6 p.m, so enjoy looking at highs today we're back to average. finally, we are
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done with our heat wave. it does get windy out there later on this afternoon we will have winds gusting about 20 to 40mph. the you can make the stars align. because when we come together, hope and joy will shine. help us make every wish come true. ♪ ♪
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live now at six a hot giving way to a cooler and breezier friday. >> whatever you need to has you covered.


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