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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  June 7, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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museum. >> i've always wondered where they kept that fabric. not me being nosy, just there is it? >> i was like, yeah, that the frameline festival is also kicking off and we have them as guests this morning on abc seven at seven, which is our streaming show. >> if you haven't checked it out, please do. you can go to abc seven and also download any of our apps and watch it right on your tv if you wish. >> have a good weekend everybody. happy friday. we're happy you're with us. and watch abc seven at seven for everybody else. >> good morning america starts right now >> george: good morning america. president biden's major address as the world remembers d day.
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>> dictatorship is unending. >> george: set to meet with president zelenskyy. plus more of david muir's exclusive with the president and his message for donald trump. >> one thing is for certain, stop under mining the rule of law. >> george: after trump's conviction. >> gio: severe weather and tornados striking florida. sam champion is tracking the biggest threats on the move plus record temperatures stretching across the nation. >> george: prosecutors preparing to wrap up their case in the hunter biden gun trial after his brother's widow testified about their relationship, her decision to toss the gun and what she remembers about his drug use at the time. >> rebecca: the long island killer suspect allegedly linked to two more murders, one dating back 30 years. the district attorney in the case joins us live. >> gio: more time? the promising new study on alzheimer's disease and the intensive lifestyle changes that could help. >> rebecca: explosive stunt.
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a you tuber faces a federal charge for allegedly directing this fiery video. >> george: final spin. >> this is wheel of fortune, y'all! come on, everyone! >> george: pat sajack says good-bye to wheel of fortune. plus vanna white. her farewell to her friend. >> i have enjoyed every minute of it with you. ♪ welcome to the space jam ♪ >> gio: space jam. astronauts greeted with hugs and high fives. plus fans netting unclaimed cash. >> show me the money! >> gio: how you can take a shot at finding money with your name on it. and boston block party. the celtics shutting down any hopes of an upset in game 1. but they're not done. >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> george: they are waking up happy in boston. good morning america. hope your friday morning is off to a good start. >> gio: lot of winners. celtics on the court.
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fans in the stands. will and ike are both there live. more from them ahead. >> rebecca: there they are. we are also tracking severe weather on the move, after deadly storms in florida. you see a glimpse of the damage right here. >> george: first president biden in normandy where he's taking part in events commemorating the anniversary of d day. he is set to give an address on timeless principles that have safe guarded american security and democracy. mary bruce is in normandy. she also has more of david muir's interview with the president. good morning, mary. >> reporter: good morning, george. here on the edge of these 100 foot cliffs, american forces scaled on d-day, president biden will offer a forceful defense of democracy. while he is not expected to call out donald trump by name, the contrast will be clear. this morning 80 years after the invasion that turned the tide of world war ii, president biden arguing the lessons of the past cannot be forgotten as he rallies the next generation to protect democracy. >> their hour of trial, the allied forces of d-day did their
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duty. now the question for us is, in our hour of trial, will we do ours? >> reporter: biden greeting the last surviving veterans who stormed these beaches, thanking them for their sacrifice and service. biden, feeling the weigh of history as he toured the normandy american cemetery. graves as far as the eye can see. in emotional remarks biden under scoring the importance of alliances as he tries to rally allies to keep up the fight for ukraine. >> aggression and greed, desire to dominate and control, change borders by force, these are perennial dictatorship and assault on freedom. it's unending. >> reporter: one veteran embracing zelenskyy. >> i will assure you the united states is gonna stand with you.
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>> reporter: ukraine using american made weapons to strike back inside russia, which has been gaining ground. in an exclusive interview, david muir pressing the president on putin's warning that russia, a nuclear armed power, will use all means to respond to the west. >> does this at all concern you that it could not only escalate the war between ukraine and russia, but draw the u.s., the west in into this in a much larger way? >> theoretically could, but it's not likely. look, the idea that russia is a juggernaut with nuclear weapons is a conventional juggernaut. do you know how many trips they lost so far? 350,000 dead and wounded without a single american troop being engaged by supplying ukrainians with the weapons they need. >> reporter: while the president is echoing the lessons of the past to make clear what's at stake in this election, back home issues like the economy and immigration continue to dominate.
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republicans slamming biden after he signed his toughest asylum restrictions yet, saying he should have done this sooner. biden blaming donald trump, who earlier this year urged republicans to reject a bipartisan deal with the strictest border policies in a generation. >> you bring up your opponent, donald trump. he has said of your executive action, he's pretending to finally do something about the border, but it's all about show. he says we have a debate coming up. biden's executive order is weak and pathetic. >> is he describing himself? weak and pathetic? come on. look. everybody knows what happened. we had a deal. it was much better, much more accepted across the board. and he got on the phone and told the republicans don't support it. it will hurt me, will help biden. >> you did address donald trump and the guilty verdict on 34 felony counts before the american people. you told americans to respect the jury and the outcome of this case.
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you were at a campaign fund-raiser and told the room a convicted felon is now seeking the office of the presidency. you called it disturbing. what do you think the american people should make of this? how important do you think this conviction should be in this race for president? >> that's for the public to decide. one thing for certain, stop undermining the rule of law. stop undermining institutions. that's what this whole effort is. all the maga republicans are coming out saying this was a fix, this was a judge that set up to get trump. there's no evidence of any of that. none. he's trying to under mine this. ska he's trying to underminethis. the jury spoke, like they spoke in all cases, and it should be respected. >> reporter: this is the site of one of president reagan's most iconic speeches. today president biden will try to echo that moment as he argues the dangers of isolationism and underscores the need to come together and fight again tyranny
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what he says is important. >> gio: all right, mary. thank you very much. we're going to turn to the deadly storms and tornados striking florida. sam champion is in for ginger. you're tracking it all, sam. >> sam: we just continue this ridiculous storm count for spring here. i want to show you this one out of orlando. you can see the storm pulling in here. watch that big rotation on those clouds, already starting. as the storm pulled through we had about a 60 mile per hour wind gust near the airport, damage like this. imagine if you decided i'm going to wait the storm out at the gas station? this is the damage there. we did have one fatality. it involved a tree, a car and an accident. i want to remind you, these storms this year are not playing. every time you think, oh, it's just a storm. wait it out. let it pass. here's where the big storms are firing up today. basically kansas and nebraska. i want to show you one thing we're talking about. when these storms fire up in the middle of the country, they'll deliver 2, maybe 3 inches of
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rain with 3-4 in a spot check. so when we looked back over the last month, in the last 30 days these areas have had twice their normal rainfall. if we get more rainfall in these areas, we're talking about big time flooding. this is the kind of thing i want you to watch out for. all the storm elements. you mentioned heat. we will talk about heat, but there's so much of it, we'll do it when we come back. >> rebecca: heed those warnings. thank you, sam. we turn now to the fallout from the deadly israeli strike on a u.n. school in gaza. the hamas run ministry of health se at least 40 people were killed including women and children. israel says it was targeting militants. marcus moore is in tel aviv for us. good morning, marcus. >> reporter: rebecca, good morning. humanitarian groups say these incidents are proof that innocent families have no safe place to go in gaza while israel, in its war with hamas, says some of these facilities have become legitimate targets and the idf is trying to avoid civilian casualties. overnight more strikes in
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central gaza. less than a day after an israeli air strike hit a school, killing at least 40 people, injuring 74 according to the hamas run health ministry. 14 children among the dead. what was once a united nations run school sheltering displaced palestinian families, now piles of rubble, mattresses covered in debris, ceilings and floors littered with holes. idf saying the move was, quote, a precise intelligence based strike targeting terrorists hiding in a school in gaza. munitions say remnants of the bomb appear to be u.s. made. this as the u.s. state department notes the tragic losses. >> the government of israel has said they are going to release more information about this strike. we expect them to be fully transparent in making that information public. >> reporter: the strike just days after dozens died in the after math of an israeli air strike near a camp for displaced
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palestinians in rafah. we have also learned that the israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, will address congress on wednesday, july 24th. he's expected to make the case for israel's latest moves in gaza and also try to shore up public support from a close ally. george? >> george: we'll get the latest on hunter biden's trial on gun charges. his brother's widow, hallie biden took the stand, testifying about the guns and hunter's drug problem. terry moran has the story. good morning, terry. >> reporter: good morning, george. prosecutors say this trial is a simple case about a man who lied about his drug use and bought a gun. but in court it feels different. they are telling a story about hunter biden's drug use and the women closest to him. prosecutors are expected to rest their case against hunter biden after days of dramatic and potentially damaging testimony. a key witness, hallie biden, widow of beau biden who told
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jurors about the crucial days when hunter bought that colt 38 special handgun in 2018. after beau's death, hallie and hunter had a romantic relationship, their texts becoming evidence. hunter at one point, weeks after the gun purchase, wrote to her, i'm a liar and a thief and a blamer and a user and i'm delusional and an addict. prosecutors say that proves hunter lied on the federal form for gun purchases where he denied abusing drugs. jurors leaned in as she recounted seeing hunter a week after the purchase looking tired exhausted and like he hadn't slept. she said she found the remnants of crack cocaine some paraphernalia and that colt revolver. i panicked. i wanted to get rid of them. she feared he would commit suicide. prosecutors then played this video showing hallie at a local supermarket ditching the gun. 20 minutes latered a local man
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look for recyclables retrieves its turning it over to police. but under cross-examination hallie testified about that period, it's all kind of vague and that she did not see hunter using drugs or alcohol at the time. meanwhile in france, david muir asking president biden about the trial of his son. >> i know that you cannot speak about an on going federal prosecution but let me ask you, will you accept the jury's outcome, their verdict, no matter what it is? >> yes. >> have you ruled out a pardon for your son? >> yes. >> reporter: hunter biden's defense lawyer says they will start their own case today, call their own witnesses to try to refute what the prosecution presented to the jury. perhaps they will even call hunter biden himself. gio? >> gio: so many watching this trial. terry moran, thank you very much for this reporting here. we're going to space now. boeing starliner safely docking at the international space station after some tense moments not knowing if they could do it. you can see right there, two retired navy captains turned
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astronauts floating right into the space station to high fives and some hugs. take a look. >> we have confirmation of contact and capture, butch and sunny have made their arrival. >> reporter: the first starliner crew making it to the international space station, but getting there was no easy task. after two launches were scrubbed, the test flight taking off only to encounter a problem right before docking with their reaction control thrusters. >> we're still assessing the other two jets. >> reporter: the crew waving off the first docking attempt. after some trouble shooting finally that hatch opening. the two astronauts greeted with hugs and high fives. >> i'm not sure we could have gotten a better welcome. >> just want to say a big thanks to family and friends who lived this for a long time. >> reporter: mission managers now trying to figure out what caused the starliner's problems. helium leaks and those complicated reaction control thrusters, which had to be jump started a couple of times.
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>> we just have to take our time to work through it and figure out how we can make the system lead time on the ground. >> reporter: they are putting the ship through its paces before they return to earth. their return flight with end with parachutes and air bags helping starliner land softly in the desert southwest. and in that tense situation, starliner showed off here because it was designed with a unique manual tool setting there that gives astronauts on board just so much control. in fact, if they got stuck in space, they really could just spin starliner around so that it could use the sun to keep charging it up. pretty amazing. >> george: sure is. gio, thank you very much. nba final time. that means time for will reeve up in boston where the celtics took game 1. good morning, will. >> reporter: good morning, george. here's your stat of the day right off the bat. teams that win game 1 of the nba finals at home go on to win the title 78% of the time. so that bodes well for the boston celtics and their passionate fans.
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>> the steal and slam! >> reporter: this morning boston takes game 1 in a blowout. >> holiday, three pointer! >> reporter: in front of a raucous sell out crowd the celtics dominated the dallas mavericks to take a 1-0 nba finals lead. >> we just have to respond. we did a really good job of that. >> reporter: with the hometown team taking warm-ups in a special shirt to honor bill walton, who died of cancer at 71 last week. the building was buzzing. noise reaching a crescendo here. kristaps porzifgis, out for over a month with injury, making a triumphant return, scoring 11 points in the first quarter alone. >> outside knocks down another! >> reporter: and 20 overall for the game. >> porzhingis cuts to the basket. >> it wasn't ideal that i was out for such a long time.
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i did everything i could to prepare mentally for this moment. >> reporter: celtics fans supporting their team all night but no love lost for kyrie irving. the crowd unleashing on the mavericks point guard any time he touched the ball. >> being in this environment, i'm used to it at this point. early in my career it was a different relationship that i had with boston. i'm expecting the same things going into game 2. >> reporter: and the real stat of the night, guys, last night doris burke, the analyst for abc and espn, became the first woman ever to call a u.s. men's major professional championship. so a salute to and a round of applause for doris burke. she is one of one. >> george: that's cool. i'll leave it up to you on whether or not i should give you my stat of the day. >> reporter: go ahead. please. [ laughter ] >> george: happy 32nd birthday. happy birthday! [ applause ]
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>> reporter: thank you. >> rebecca: happy birthday, will. >> george: always fun. appreciate it. coming up new developments in the long island serial killer case. suspect facing two more murder charges. >> gio: plus this isn't a scene out of fast and furious. a you tuber faces charges after this stunt. >> rebecca: and pat sajack's final spin on "wheel of fortune" is tonight. what we know about his next chapter. first back to sam. >> sam: sorry to see that day happen. let's talk about. one of the biggest numbers is that vegas number. that 111, the earliest, hottest number for vegas. death valley leading the country at 122. that's pretty early as well. look at the records we're likely to set across the country. those are the high numbers. we put the records in circles, from the west coast to east coast, west palm beach already into the 90s. where do we beat this heat? where is the one place you can get out of it? it is the northeast and the northern part of the mid-atlantic. even these 80s in philly, it's low humidity, so it's great.
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we had a front move through new york and boston yesterday. so look at these temperatures, 70s. this is glorious weekend weather. there may be a spot sprinkle in some locations but not so bad. here's what you expect this morning. ♪ early in the morning dawn of a new day new hopes new dreams new ways ♪ ♪ i open up my heart and i'm gonna do my part and
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make this a positively beautiful day ♪ ♪ la la la la la it's a beautiful day good morning america ♪ >> gio: coming up our show me the money team took toefr celtics home court. there's another bill here, donald duck. we'll be right back. it's started. it's... the side hug. tween milestones like this may start at age 9. hpv vaccination—a type of cancer prevention against certain hpv-related cancers, can start then too. for most, hpv clears on its own. but for others, it can cause certain cancers later in life. you're welcome! now, as the “dad cab”, it's my cue to help protect them. embrace this phase. help protect them in the next. ask their doctor today about hpv vaccination. t-mobile has plans built just for you. like two lines of unlimited
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found the 19 year old suffering from multiple gunshot wounds. first responders performed cpr. the teen died at the scene. just terrible. now we're going to check in with our friday morning traffic. >> yeah. you know, right now we are seeing some slowdowns. if you're going from tracy to dublin, it'll take you 75 minutes and it's even slower than normal right now because there was a big rig crash earlier this morning on westbound 580 at northland road. right now, the right lane is still blocked, so traffic is very heavy in this area. if you're driving there, keep that in mind gloria. >> thank you. we're going to
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7:26 am
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currently inland. so future weather showing you will keep those clouds along the coast today with 50s and 60s there in land, it is a pleasant afternoon. we finally have relief from the intense heat the past couple of days will stay in the 70s and 80s for daytime highs, but winds will ramp up this afternoon. we'll find that onshore flow gusting about 20 to 35mph. so today it is cooler, it is breezy, 63 in the city, 68 in oakland, 82 in san jose and santa rosa. concord up to 84 degrees. reggie >> thanks, drew. if you're streaming us on the abc7 bay area app, abc at seven continues. everybody else is watching gma. what ordinary becomes extraordinary? >> find out this summer at the exploratorium. 89 artists make everyday stuff into incredible art. explore stunning installations made out of lego pieces, string shoes, saxophones
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>> it's so easy to get your windshield replace using safe. why don't you just get it fixed? all right, so what do we do now? i've scheduled an appointment at to meet us here at the beach. >> schedule free mobile service at repair asap. >> like replace if you have chronic kidney disease, you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with pacifica because there are places you'd like to be for zika. >> can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. of the perineum could occur. stop taking for to and call ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪ ♪ >> gio: one of rebecca's favorite scenes. classic scene from "the breakfast club" to take us into the weekend. coming up in our next hour we'll
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have an exclusive sneak peek at the highly anticipated documentary about the brat pack. >> george: we are looking forward to that while following a lot of headlines. deadly storms hit the atlanta metro area where a 14-year-old girl was killed. two tornados also reported in florida. today new storm system moves into the heart land. also former trump adviser steve bannon has been ordered to is your render to prison before july 1st. he was found guilty of defying a subpoena investigating the january 6 attack. bannon said he plans to appeal. >> rebecca: the oklahoma sooners are women's college world series champions again. oklahoma swept texas to win its historic fourth title. it is the school's eighth softball title overall tied for second most behind ucla only. we've got a lot more ahead including what's next for pat sajack after his final spin on "wheel of fortune." that's coming up tonight. >> george: now the major development in the long island
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killer investigation. prosecutors have watched rex heuermann with two additional murders one going back 30 years. we'll speak to the special prosecutor after this report from the courthouse. good morning, aaron. >> reporter: good morning, george. these allegations are stunning and they expand this now sprawling murder investigation. rex heuermann is being held here on new charges he hunted and haunted unsuspecting young women over three decades and drafted a blue print for how to kill them. this morning prosecutors say this professional suburban dad is the prolific gilgo beach serial killer, now charged with two discussion at murders jessica taylor in 2003 and sandra castillo in 1993 for a total of six. >> he meticulously planned these murders and really worked hard to not only commit the murders but make sure that he was not caught. >> reporter: prosecutors said these murders mirrored heuermann's collection of
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torture pornography on one of 300 electronic devices seized from his home. he found a planning document used by heuermann to blue print and plan out his kills. heuermann allegedly reminded himself to hit harder and consider a hit to the face or neck next time. remove marks from torture and use push pins to hang drop cloths from ceiling, not tape. >> i would be highly surprised if there aren't more victims. the reason why, serial killing is an obsession. >> reporter: heuermann showed no reaction in court, where he appeared with hands cuffed behind his back. his attorney entered a not guilty plea. >> one murder is obviously horrific and it's a difficult thing to defend. now we're at six. >> reporter: prosecutors said advanced dna testing established a link between heuermann and hairs found on or near castillo, whose body was found in the hamptons, and taylor, who was found decapitated in the woods. more remains found at gilgo beach near the bodies of heuermann's four other alleged victims.
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he has pleaded not guilty to killing them, too. >> this has been 21 years since she was taken from us. longer than the chance she got to be alive. i can't express what this day means after waiting and hoping for answers. >> reporter: prosecutors believe heuermann acted alone, pwu and that his estranged wife didn't know. she says she continues to believe he was incapable of killings. >> she is still of the position that, i don't think the guy i knew for all these years, that i met when i was 18, clerk at 7-eleven is capable of being this homicidal maniac. >> reporter: prosecutors are now going back through 30 years of crime to see if there's any evidence of links to heuermann. they also say they are slowly developing a picture of heuermann's life in the decade between the discovery of the bodies and his arrest last july. george? >> george: aaron, thanks. we are joined by the suffolk county district attorney. raymond tierney. thank you for coming in this morning. >> thank you. >> george: you connected heuermann to two more phurders. do you expect to find more?
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>> we're going to continue to look at the cases. we've got more bodies on gilgo beach and we have more bodies off of the beach as well, which as a result of these two additional charges. we'll continue to work. >> george: tell us about the significance of this planning document. the details are hard to read. >> we allege the planning document shows his motivations, his meticulous planning and his clear intent to murder those six victims. >> george: it seems like he was using some books that he found written about serial killers as a how-to manual? >> there was a specific reference in the document to passages from a book by an fbi criminologist. >> george: his wife continues to maintain, boy, this is not the person she knows. you hear that, i guess, all the time. what do you think people need to know about heuermann? >> i think what we're going to do is follow the evidence. again, this document and all of the other evidence in the case we submit shows the motivations and the actions of this defendant.
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>> george: have you gathered evidence that some of the victims were actually held in his home? >> it would seem to indicate, from the document, again. it's our allegation that there was a plan to abduct these women and keep them for a period of time. >> george: how could someone get away with that for so long? >> do you know what? we allege that this defendant lived a double life. he had his public forward facing life and then what he did that no one else knew about. >> george: that is a common trait of serial killers? >> yes, if they want to remain at large. >> george: thanks for coming in. rebecca. >> rebecca: we turn to the video you have to see to believe. coming up next why a you tuber is facing charges. ♪ some people just know that the best rate for you is a rate based on you, with allstate. because there's a right way to.
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supplement your bones with high-absorption magnesium. nature's bounty. it's in your nature. ♪ stay ahead of your child's moderate-to-severe eczema. and they can show off clearer skin and less itch with dupixent, the #1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent.
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a heatwave, it's kinda chilly in here. oh, that's because i'm pre-cooling the house with the ac before 4 pm. then i'll turn our thermostat to a comfortable 78 or higher that way i could stay cool later. ooh, what about me? you're never cool. oh. >> rebecca: we are back with a you tube influencer facing a federal charge for a video that shows fireworks shot from a helicopter at a lambourghini. eva pilgrim has the story. this is just nuts. good morning, eva. >> we're all shaking our heads. this video doesn't even look real when you're watching it. but it is real. what it shows, the feds say, is against the law. now the car influencer behind it, expected before a judge today in l.a. this morning a social media influencer is under fire and under arrest after pulling an
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explosive stunt. watch closely. no, that's not a scene from a "fast and furious" movie. the video, titled destroying a lambourghini with fireworks. according to the complaint filed by the department of justice, he directed a you tube video in which two women in a helicopter flying near the ground and, without filming permit, repeatedly shot fireworks at a sports car. >> the placement of explosives, in this case fireworks, on an aircraft tphrbg this case a helicopter, is illegal. >> reporter: the since deleted video was filmed in june 2023 and posted july 4th of that year to his you tube channel, which has over 900,000 subscribers. news special report. >> good morning. i'm whit johnson in new york, and we're coming on the air because
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president biden is about to deliver an address at pointe du hoc in normandy, france, the 100 foot cliff that army rangers scaled under gunfire during the d-day invasion 80 years ago. his address on the urgent need to defend democracy and freedom, and on the dangers of isolationism, expected to draw a direct line from world war two to the cold war to russia's war in ukraine. you're seeing some of these images coming in right now there, secretary of state antony blinken, we know earlier today, president biden met with ukrainian president volodymyr zelensky in paris, calling on a new generation to defend europe and the free world from a tyrant bent on domination. speaking of vladimir putin of russia, they're urging allies to support and defend ukraine. yesterday, this remarkable exchange between president zelensky and an american world war two veteran, you see them embracing there, that veteran telling zelensky you are a savior of the people. and zelensky then responding, no, you saved europe. that was a
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remarkable moment. and then this, the president and first lady doctor jill biden, met with some american veterans who have traveled to normandy, most in their 90s, some over 100 years old. many of them for the very first time since that day 80 years ago. and speaking with our david muir, the president, saying he is determined to remember their sacrifice, saying what an obligation we have to preserve what they fought for. president biden, now coming before the microphone, expected to address those themes again on that very same cliff. and the beaches were 80 years ago today, that tremendous battle took place that changed the world. the president, taking a moment to take it all in again, leaders from around the world joining him, including members of the administration. let's listen to the president. >> please welcome the 46th president of the united states of america, joe biden. >> john, how are you? please sit down.
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dawn. 6th of june, 1944. the wind was pounding as it is today and always has against these cliffs, 225 american rangers arrived by ship, jumped into the waves and stormed the beach. they could see all they could see was the outline of the shore and the enormity of these cliffs . and i'd like to look. i know i'll get in trouble with the secret service if i go to the edge and look over. but think of those cliffs as my host just showed me. that's what we're standing on top of. they could hear. all they could hear was the crack of bullets hitting ships, sand, rocks hitting everything. all they knew was time was of the essence. they
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had only 30 minutes, 30 minutes to eliminate the guns high in this cliff. guns that could halt the allied invasion before it even began. but these were american rangers. they were ready. they ran toward the cliffs and mines planted on the beach by field marshal rommel. rommel exploded around them, but still they kept coming. gunfire rained above them, but still they kept coming in. grenades thrown from above exploded against the cliffs. but still they kept coming. within minutes, they reached the base of this cliff. they launched their ladders, the ropes and grappling hooks, and they began to climb them. when the cut their ladders, the rangers used the ropes. when the cut the
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ropes, the rangers used their hands and inch by inch, foot by foot, yard by yard. the rangers clawed, literally clawed their way up this mighty precipice until at last they reached the top. they breached hitler's atlantic wall, and they turned in that one effort. the tide of the war that began to save the world. ladies and gentlemen, yesterday i paid my respects at the american cemetery, just a few miles from here, where many of those rangers who died taking this cliff are buried. i spoke of what the what the fallen had done to defend freedom today, as we look out at this battlefield and all the bunkers and bomb craters that are still surrounded, one thought comes to mind. my god, my god, how did they do it? how were these americans willing to risk
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everything, dare everything, and give everything? there were americans like sergeant leonard. well, sergeant leonard loman from new jersey. he was one of the first rangers to jump off his ship and run toward the cliff. he almost was shot right above the hip initially, and he didn't wasn't sure, but he was. he kept going. at one point, he was scaling the cliff and another ranger, he yelled, i'm not sure i can make it alone, will yell back with every ounce of strength he had in him. you've got to hold on. and he did. and they did. americans like sergeant tom ruggerio from massachusetts. the german shell hit his boat as he was approaching the shore. everything exploded. the sergeant was knocked into the freezing water, and as he told it, he began to utter a prayer. dear god, don't let me drown. i
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want to get in and do what i'm here and supposed to do. americans like colonel james rudder, texas. when the military asked for a battalion for this daring mission, he raised his hand and said, my rangers can do the job. he knew their capacity. he knew the strength of their character. a few days after they scaled this cliff, he wrote a condolence letter to his mother of one of the rangers who gave his life here, and that letter said, a country must be great to call for the sacrifice of such men. a country must be great to call for the sacrifice of such men. and americans like john wardell from new jersey. john is here. john, we love you, man. thank you for all you've done you deserve that and a lot more.
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john just 18 years old. he deployed to this cliff to replace the surviving rangers on that d-day invasion. he would go on to fight across france and germany. and early december 1944, during one of those battles, shrapnel pierced his skull. but by christmas, he was back fighting with his unit. and here's what he said about what the notes he kept at that time, he said, knowing that my buddies and i always looked out for one another. that's why he came back. that's why he fought so hard to get back. he always looked out and his buddies looked out for one another. we talk about democracy, american democracy. we often talk about the ideals of life, liberty, pursuit of happiness. but we don't talk about is how hard it is, how many ways we're asked to walk away, how many instincts are to walk away. the most natural instinct is to walk away
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, to be selfish, to force our will upon others to seize power. never give up. american democracy asks the hardest of things to believe that we're part of something bigger than ourselves. so democracy begins with each of us. begins when one person decides there's something more important than themselves. when they decide the person they're serving alongside of is someone to look after. when they decide the mission matters more than their life, when they decide that their country matters more than they do. that's what the rangers have put upon point to hock did. that's what they decided. that's what every soldier, every marine who stormed this beaches decided a fear dictator had conquered a continent, had finally met his match because of them, the war
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turned. they stood against hitler's aggression. does anyone doubt? does anyone doubt they would want america to stand up against putin's aggression here in europe? today they stormed the beaches alongside their allies. does anyone believe these rangers would want america to go alone? today they fought to vanquish a hateful ideology in the 30s and 40s. does anyone doubt they wouldn't move heaven and earth to vanquish hateful ideologies of today? these rangers put mission and country above themselves. does anyone believe they would exact any less from every american today? these rangers remembered with reverence those who gave their lives in battle. could they or anyone ever imagine that america would do the same? wouldn't do the same?
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they believed america was a beacon to the world, and i'm certain they believed that it would be that way forever. you know, we stand today where we stand was not sacred ground. on june the 5th. but that's what it became on june the 6th. the rangers who scaled this cliff didn't know they would change the world, but they did. and i've long said that history has shown that ordinary americans can do extraordinary things when challenged. there's no better example of that in the entire world than right here at pointe du hoc. rangers from farms and cities in every part of america, from homes that didn't know wealth and power, they came to a shoreline that none of them would have picked out on a map. they came to a country many of them had never seen for a people they had never met. but they came. they did their job. they
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fulfilled their mission, and they did their duty. they were a part of something greater than themselves. they were americans. i stand here today as president to come to point to hawk. when none of those 225 brave men who scaled this cliff on d-day are still alive, none. but i'm here to tell you that with them gone. but when we hear coming off, this ocean will not fade. it will grow louder. for as we gather here today, it's not just to honor those who showed such remarkable bravery on that day. june 6th, 1944. and so listen to the echoes of their voices, to hear them, because they are summoning us, and they're summoning us now they ask us what will we do? they're
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not asking us to scale these cliffs, but they're asking us to stay true to what america stands for. they're not asking us to give or risk our lives, but they are asking us to care for others in our country more than ourselves. they're not asking us to do their job. they're asking us to do our job to protect freedom in our time, to defend democracy, to stand up aggression abroad and at home, to be part of something bigger than ourselves. my fellow americans, i refuse to believe. i simply refuse to believe that america's greatness is a thing of the past. i
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solemn vow to never let them down. god bless the fallen bless the brave man who scaled these cliffs
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there. you see, president biden leaving the stage at point a hawk, the beaches of normandy finishing his speech at times referencing the world war two veterans in the crowd praising their heroism and bravery, talking about the existential fight between dictatorship and freedom, the dangers of isolationism. there's the president right now, shaking hands with one of those veterans, many of them in their 90s, some more than 100 years old, and some of them going back to normandy for the very first time. the president also making references multiple times to how hard it is to defend democracy. the president said in speaking of those heroes that we need to listen to the echo of their voices, to hear them because they are summoning us. they are asking us what will we do? let's bring in our chief white house correspondent, mary bruce, who is traveling with the president and joins us now from normandy, and mary, the president there multiple times expressing the theme of don't forget the
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lessons of history. the president is really urging the world to listen and learn from the voices of the past. >> he is honoring what happened here 80 years ago, while also challenging the next generation. you heard him say, they're not asking us to scale these cliffs. they are asking us to stay true to what america stands for. the president stressing. look democracy is hard work and it is something that you have to fight for. throughout his visit here to normandy to remember and commemorate the 80th anniversary of d-day, the president has really been drawing this through line, challenging the world to remember that, that what we accomplished 80 years ago, that the challenges and the lessons of that still apply to today, that just as the u.s. and allied forces came together to turn the tide of world war two, so too is the president now trying to rally allies to again protect and preserve democracy, to come together, to continue to help defend ukraine? againstrillionussia which, of course, we have seen is gaining
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ground. but of course, what this speech was also very much aimed at a domestic audience back home. you'll note the president, of course, did not mention donald trump by name, but the contrast between the two certainly were clear. the president has argued that donald trump is a danger to democracy. he is arguing that he will protect and defend those principles going forward. with mary bruce, for us, thank you so much. >> and some people might note that this speech was a bit of a throwback to 40 years ago, because on that very same spot in 1984, president reagan marked the 40th anniversary of d-day with a stirring call to heroism and patriotism in defense of freedom and honoring the sacrifice of those army rangers who again scaled those cliffs and helped end a war. let's take a listen to part of that speech . >> these are the boys of puerto . these are the men who took the cliffs. these are the champions who helped free a continent. and
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these are the heroes who helped end a war. see the striking similarities in the backdrop that again, 1984. >> let's bring in abc's chief global affairs correspondent and anchor martha raddatz, who's joining us now from washington. and martha, it is quite remarkable that in an election year, our president biden, who is a democrat, would make reference to a former president , a republican and conservative icon as well, because they have a very similar message with that is what president biden is trying to echo, because president reagan also said, we've learned that isolationism never was and never will be an acceptable response to tyrannical governments with an expansionist intent. >> that is the message that ronald reagan was trying to drive home. that is clearly the message that president biden is trying to draw home, and he is probably hoping that some of those republicans who are on the fence will hear that message and
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see him as an alternative to donald trump. but i got to say, with the power of that place and what president reagan also called those men who scaled that wall, the roll call of honor. indeed, it is what? >> and martha, even though he didn't reference ukraine directly, um, still, ukraine looms large over this entire gathering. it certainly does. >> as mary said, that is the threat that connects all of this. and we have heard president biden again and again talk about ukraine and the importance of fighting russia. >> martha raddatz, for us and our thanks to mary bruce, we'red our thanks to mary bruce. we're going to return you to regular programing, for some of you, that's good morning america in the west. our coverage continues on abc news live and david muir will be right back here from normandy with the latest on world news tonight. i'm whit johnson in new york. have a great day. >> this has been
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>> rebecca: fans netting unclaimed cash. >> show me the money! >> rebecca: how you can take a shot at finding money with your name on it. >> gio: the brat pack is back. our exclusive sneak peek. unpacking the inside story of those '80s super stars. >> rebecca: dolly parton announcing her next new project. what she's saying about bringing her life and songs to broadway. >> gio: strongest summer ever. moves you can do from the garage to the park to the beach, as we work out into the weekend.
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>> george: plus one lucky pup and an exciting night for one young fan. as we say good morning america. >> announcer: live from times square this is gma. >> george: good morning america as we head into the weekend. >> gio: we are getting ready for the stanley cup final. game 1 on the panthers home ice. ashan singh is live there now. >> rebecca: one of those fans is about to get the surprise of her life. >> george: first we start with severe weather striking florida. sam is tracking where the big threats are headed. if you are ever just standing around, you start to see this. that could be a tornado forming. that's how they drop out with the rotation. this is what's left behind from the last storm.
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that was from a storm in orlando. we had a lot roff damage in this area. again, being out in these storms not a good idea. even taking shelter here, that came down in the storm. this is where these storms will completely redevelop later on today. into kansas city. those are kind of an issue storms. i want to talk about the rainfall with these storms over the next four days. we've had so much rain in two areas particularly, from oklahoma from dallas, also from kentucky to tennessee. we'll get more rain in these areas. we had 200% of our normal rainfall in 30 days. that could lead to intense flooding. the other big story, some big heat across the country. this is super early to be dealing with numbers. that 111 yesterday in vegas, that was the earliest 111 they ever had. the warmest they've ever been that early. look at all these records from west coast to east coast, even in florida, where we're in the 90s. >> rebecca: i was just in vegas, it was so hot your shoes stuck to the ground. thank you, sam. we turn now to the new jobs report. elizabeth schulze is in
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washington with a reality check on the economy. good morning, elizabeth. >> reporter: good morning, rebecca. this report is expected to show 272,000 jobs added to the work force in may. the unemployment rate is on at 4% first time since january of 2022. we are seeing industries like health care, transportation and retail aggressively hire new workers every single month. this report puts into question that the jobs market is significantly slowing down. investors have been hopeful that jobs and inflation are cooling enough that the federal reserve will finally be able to cut high interest rates. stubborn inflation might make the rate cut less likely. so far this year the s&p 500 is up 12%. gio? >> gio: all right, elizabeth. thank you so much. we're going to turn to a
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promising study that shows lifestyle changes could slow down the decline in lifestyle patients. erielle reshef is here with details. good morning. very important story. >> it is. some good news on a friday. that new study finding that intensive lifestyle changes for early alzheimer's patients showed markers of improvement in cognition and function. this adds to growing evidence suggesting that early intervention with a vegan diet low in fat and sugar, plus supplements, moderate exercise, stress management, can help slow decline. in the intervention group, ten patients had improved cognitive function compared with the control group where none of the patients saw any improvement. this was a relatively small study conducted by researchers at ucsf. neurologists we talked to were very encouraged by results. especially because these are extremely low risk changes that you can implement. nearly 7 million americans are currently living with alzheimer's. though these lifestyle changes may not reverse or stop the disease altogether and, of course, more research is needed the study offers another
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indication that it is possible to slow it down and give families some more of that precious time. >> george: that is encouraging news, erielle. thank you very much. stanley cup finals tomorrow night with the edmonton oilers and panthers set to face off. ashan singh is at the panthers arena in sunrise, florida. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, george. we're here in south florida. that's right, it's host to game one of the stanley cup final. on one side the oilers, the other the panthers. i got to chop it up with super stars from both teams to get a preview of the cup. used to be hard to find ice in south florida in june. but when the puck drops saturday night for game 1 of the stanley cup finals, there is one florida panther who will be totally chill. >> to be back in the stanley cup finals is an honor. hopefully, we can finish it this year. >> you said in game 6, i told you we'd be back.
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how did you know? >> i guess you never know. i am just so confident. this year we came into camp and we were just ready to go. >> reporter: north of the border, hockey is as common as snow north of the border. conner mcdavid, super star center from the edmonton oilers with a name everyone knows. what would this moment mean? >> means a lot to me. takes a lot of work to get to this point. we're all living out our dreams. >> reporter: edmonton has not won a stanley cup since 1990. for mcdavid, it's not just about his personal dreams, it's about bringing a championship back to canada. >> i'm sure they believe they have the best fans in the league. they've really pushed us along here. >> reporter: while florida has never won a stanley cup in the team's short 30-year history, they could be one step closer come saturday. >> south florida's a hockey place, right? >> it is now. it's cool to see the evolution since i have been down here. a championship would be the cherry on top. >> reporter: guys, for this
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year's stanley cup, they're doing something different. deaf or hard of hearing hockey fans can tune in to a simulcast of the stanley cup final on the espn + app. isn't that pretty cool? if you are looking to tune into the stanley cup, it will be right here on abc tomorrow at 8 p.m. >> george: all right, ashan. thank you very much. coming up, show me the money at the nba finals. gma helped fans score lost money. we're gonna show you how you can cash in. >> rebecca: also ahead an exclusive sneak peek at "brats" the new movie about the brat pack. the actors who owned the '80s. >> gio: plus you can have your strongest summer ever. these fitness experts show us how to tune up without paying for a gym. sam made his way upstairs for some special guests. >> sam: look at this. or you could just get a puppy and run. this is goose grass. you can run goose grass everywhere for hours. you've heard of the stanley cup. these are the stanley pups. these little guys are getting ready to face off. with a face like that, they are
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going to win, coming up right here on gma. (vo) struggling with moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis? talk to your doctor about #1 prescribed entyvio, offering two maintenance options, including the entyvio pen. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. pml, a rare, potentially fatal brain infection cannot be ruled out. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, or are prone to infections. liver problems can occur. entyvio. relief. remission. for real. ♪ entyvio, entyvio, entyvio ♪ (man) every time i needed a new phone, i had to switch carriers... (roommate) i told verizon, everyone can get that iphone 15 on them. (man) now that i got a huge storage and battery upgrade... i'm officially done switching. (vo) new and existing customers get iphone 15 on us when they trade in any iphone. verizon ♪ behr behr behr behrrr behr behr behr ♪ ♪ behrrr behr behr behr behr ♪ ♪ behr behr behr behr behrrrrr ♪ whether you're doing it yourself
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>> george: we are back with our edition of show me the money. the celtics weren't the only winners last night. we helped some fans win some cash. ike ejiochi is in boston. good morning, ike. >> reporter: it was an electrifying night. the celtics winning big. but they were not the only winners here. some of the fans securing a slam dunk size pay day thanks to unclaimed money. it all went down in our show me the money booth. the boston celtics walking off the court with a big win
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overnight. but for these fired up sports fans -- >> let's go celtics! >> reporter: -- some walking away with some big cash. >> my man, how much money did you get? >> $22. >> show me the money! >> reporter: gma setting up our show me the money booth. fans from the celtics and the mavericks in the house for the firsted time ever, we came up with two states massachusetts treasurer's office. looking up names of those willing to take a shot on finding some unclaimed money. unclaimed money is cash any of us could have forgotten about or never knew we had. from things like uncashed pay checks that could have gotten lost in the mail or even old gift cards. massachusetts alone one in ten residents have unclaimed money. in texas it's one in four. >> someone told me the unclaimed
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property paid for the entire gut and renovation of a kitchen, $29,000. >> reporter: $29,000. >> some kitchen. >> reporter: that's a good kitchen. >> that's a good kitchen. >> show me the money! >> reporter: one woman taking it to the house with 70 bucks from an overpaid health insurance premium. >> $70. 7-0. >> reporter: another with a slam dunk $155. >> show me the money! >> reporter: but this father and son taking home the biggest swish of the night, a whopping $1,549. all from a pay pal credit. tell me what are you going to spend this on? >> more celtics tickets. >> game 2. >> show me the money! >> reporter: so much money. i guess that's why they say celtics fans bleed green? here's how it works.
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if money goes unclaimed typically for a few years it gets sent back to the state where they post it online. you can apply at their website missing individuals aren't the only people who have access to this. small businesses can have unclaimed fund, too. here's something else we've been learning. this isn't something you do just once. you can do this every year. make sure you check every year to make sure there aren't unclaimed funds waiting for you. this may be the nba finals but the unclaimed money, final is never final. >> george: you convinced sam. he has to go check. [ laughter ] >> sam: i always say i'm going to, right? i have given everyone towels, george, because later it's pup news. you know how puppies are, so just in case. we begin with dolly parton because i think we should start every day with dolly parton. she works more than 9 to 5. she's creating a broadway musical based on her life. why not? it's going to be called, hello, i'm dolly.
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it features some of her famous songs. i gotta assume it will include i will always love you, jolene. parton saying you'll laugh, cry, stomp. it's truly a grand ol opry night. the pun is fully intend. not only are we getting her classics, she's written a number of originals for the new show. hello, i'm dolly will come to broadway in 2026. i can't wait. i need it right now, dolly. also from the queen of country to one of the industry's rising stars. lainey wilson is getting ready for her introduction to grand ol opry. wilson has had an exciting few weeks. her special with robin premiered. her new bar in nashville opened. she kicked off her summer tour with back to back sold out shows. that's a career for most people. couple weeks for wilson. another clip of what wilson told robin about this honor, what it meant to her, before she even knew she was going to get it. >> i absolutely have dreams of
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being inducted into the opry. kind of makes me emotional. you're gonna see me cry again. that would be -- that would be hands down the most special moment of my career by far. >> sam: for any country star. growing up in kentucky the grand ole opry is everything, right? you can catch robin's special bell bottom country right now on hulu . also a huge win on the cricket for team usa. this is a big surprise. it was a stunning upset. team usa beating pakistan to go to the top of their group in the world cup. this is the first time it's ever been in the u.s. u.s. won a tie breaker similar to a penalty shootout. you may be wondering, how do i know anything about this? why is sam talking about this right now? you may have missed i actually learned to swing a cricket bat right here on gma!
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george, you marked it on your calendar, i know. cricket has 2.5 billion fans world wide. this could be a whole new fan base if they capture the spirit of america. winning always wins for us. you can watch it wednesday. >> george: that was a massive upset. that's like pakistan beating the u.s. in basketball. >> sam: yes. [ laughter ] i wasn't prepared for follow ups. i reached my sports limit, george. [ laughter ] but, yes. all right. finally this morning another reference. drop the puck and bring out the pups, guys. let me scoot back to the towel idea here. we're celebrating the nhl's first ever stanley pup game. while none of these guys that you are about to see -- oh, goose bump, you're back. they're representing every four legged dog who needs a home. we've got two 8 week old chocolate lab mixes goose grass and pig weed.
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i would change the name. she's young enough not to know. look how gorgeous they are, right? 10 week old terrier juno. >> george: hi, juno. >> sam: yes. this is a german shepherd mix liam. liam is just a little shy. that's okay. there's a lot in the studio right now. you can get any of these from new york second chance animal rescue. 16 dogs will represent each team that qualifies for the stanley cup playoffs and compete for a puppy size version of a legendary trophy. all of the dogs are available for adoption. do you know what? when you find a cute dog here, there's one just like it in your neighborhood shelter. all of these rescue groups with petco loves. you can catch the action tonight on espn, espn +. i can't. liam. that terrier, boy. get ready if you get one of those. that is pop news. >> rebecca: are you going to do
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the weather holding the puppy? >> sam: i am. >> rebecca: get on that, sam. >> sam: let's get to the boards. we got one or two things we want to show you. this is gorgeous from seaside park new jersey. one of the places that's behind the cold front. these temperatures are just gonna be so nice. maybe we get 80s in philadelphia but we're in the 70s for a couple days in the northeast. how about water temperatures? in the gulf they are bizarrely unusually warm. in the northeast we're still trying to get that 60 degree mark in atlantic city. here's the best local weather in the business from goose grass and your local abc stations.
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♪ oh oh oh the right stuff ♪ >> sam: hi, lori bergamotto. if you smell me, i smell like goose grass. i mean the puppy. lori is here with summer glam beauty and hair up grades to keep you fresh all summer long. these products will be recommended by hair and makeup artists who keep our anchors looking fabulous. >> we have the best glam team here at good morning america. >> sam: have you seen me when i come in in the morning? >> i look like the crypt keeper and they give me a whole new face. should we jump in? i'll tell you these awesome summer beauty products. we kick it off with waterproof mascara. lot of ladies don't want to get smudges underneath. >> sam: they don't look good. that's not what you're going for. >> camille, eva pilgrim's stylist, chose this waterproof formula.
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she said it coats on very easily. it doesn't clump. it is humidity resistant. you can wear it in the pool. you can take a dip. >> sam: that's important. >> it's sweat resistant. she's not going to get anything underneath. so affordable, sam, and has over 3,000 five star reviews. >> sam: that's incredible. yes, you want great lashes at the pool. yours look amazing. what's this? what's glow screen? >> you're gonna love this. so next up, recommended by michael strahan and my makeup artist alyssa. fabulous. she chose this super goop sun screen. she's going to tell us why. >> this product exceeded all of my expectations. as a makeup artist i love it because it does not break down your makeup. it has no odor. and as a consumer with sensitive skin, it does not irritate it. it feels like you have nothing on but still offers you great
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protection. >> sam, i want to put a little on your hand. >> sam: i'm big on sun screen. >> it is weightless. it does not even feel like you are wearing sun screen. it's invisible. fantastic. we love that. almost looks like a makeup primer. she also turned me on to this. >> sam: look at that. look at that. >> it's amazing. this is glow screen so it's tinted. her makeup artist tip was if you go a shade darker, you can use it on your body, almost like a highlighter. >> sam: i can draw my abs in. >> we love that. pick super goop up at sephora. next up, we want to -- we have sun screen for your face. we want to talk about protecting your scalp, a part that's very overlooked. >> sam: it is a big deal. >> lara's hair stylist. >> sam: he is amazing. >> he turned us on to this moroccan oil product. you spray it in when the hair is wet. it gives you uv protection on the scalp.
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it also protect yours hair color. i'm not a natural blonde, sam champion. it might shock you. >> sam: what? >> it also helps protect that hair color. we can't all be as lucky as you, genetically blessed. what he loves about this is it's super light weight. if you have a summer vacation, throw in in your bag and have a uv protectant and great style. >> sam: you have no idea how much your scalp is being seen by the sun. >> next we're going to stick with hair. we will talk about who had been robin roberts hair stylist for over a decade. she's gonna tell us what she loves about this product. >> one of my favorite products a mask. it hydrates. >> so here. you can use it all summer long. and it's for all hair types. >> i love things that are from all hair types. and what tula also told me is you can put this
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in wet hair, braid it, or put it in a bun and let all that goodness soak in. so you definitely want to check that out. >> water all the pool water. hair mask. very important. we want to get to rebecca jarvis, hairstylist deanna donofrio i have seen her use this color. >> wow anti humidity cream. this is incredible. she uses it on dry hair right. and it instantly gets rid of frizz. so ladies out there if your hair is prone to frizz in the hot weather in the summer this takes less than 50s. and your hair will instantly look better. so we love the color! wow and finally, we want to get to ginger zi's makeup artists, the wonderful andrea fairweather. oh yeah, she loves these janessa merrick's beauty face tints. they're like a 3 in 1. so she can do eyes, lips and cheeks with this. she uses it on ginger all over her face and she said she can use it on ginger in the morning and it is heat resistant. it won't melt down. that's one of the big things, you know, you guys are out there. you're in the elements. >> i was just going to say, because ginger's got a different
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day from most people. she can go from the studio to a flood zone and then get in a hurricane. so this stuff has to stick. >> exactly. and it really does. this is an incredible brand and we love it. and we love all our glam team here as well. >> we do. thank you for bringing us all the secrets to the stuff. all right. all these products are shoppable on our website. coming up. get ready for your strongest summer ever with workout you can do. we'll be right back in just over. >> been a dream. put an earthquake. against the dream house. star wars, the acolyte new episodes tuesday. >> the stanley cup final game one saturday on abc. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning everyone. >> i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. let's get a look at traffic with gloria. >> good morning. kumasi. no major incidents to reportrillionight. now here's a live look at our san mateo
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bridge camera and traffic is a little sluggish on the westbound side of the bridge, but no major slowdowns right now, so that's some good news from the toll plaza to foster city, it will take you 13 minutes and then, looking at your caltrain alert for this weekend service between san francisco and san jose will be shut down on june 8th and ninth. so there will be some limited bus service there. thank you so much. >> meteorologist drew tuma has your accuweather forecast after the break. if you've been hurt in an accident and you need results, call sweet james. >> here are just some of the recent wins for our injured clients. call the firm that wins big calls. sweet james >> grand sierra resort presents the art of balance for her. >> it's a pleasant retreat at our world class spa. for him, it's about perfecting his swing under the open skies for her, it's about finding peace and relaxation, and for him sharpening his skills of the
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bay area live with kelly marcus coming up, we'll chat with amy poehler from inside out two. >> plus, our goal is this year. that's at nine on abc seven. >> we will see you in 30 minutes. >> we're taking our sutro tower camera out there live. look outside with our sunshine. we have coastal clouds that are back. so we are finding temperatures this morning mainly in the 50s and 60s. it gets windy this afternoon. those winds gusting about 20 to 35mph. but the big takeaway heat advisories are done. our temperatures this afternoon are back to average for this time of the year. kumasi >> thanks, drew. we'll have another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes. you can always find the update in about 30 min. you can always find the latest though on our news app and a >> as i understand you were not talking about it.
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>> i did conversation all the time. i turned everything down. >> why are you talking to me? >> because you called me. because you asked. i also thought it was time we clear the air on a couple things. >> sam: whoa. okay. >> george: that's a clip from "brats" about the brat pack. premieres next thursday on hulu. >> sam: to celebrate on monday george, we are going '80s. some of us live it all the time. andrew mccarthy is here as we turn back the clock on food, fashion and fun from that decade. we have to see gio and rebecca. >> rebecca: unfortunately. we are looking forward to the brat pack and "brats." looks phenomenal. why are we dressed like this? warm weather is the perfect time to get outside for a workout. one of the best things is you can turn just about anyplace into a free gym. we have three super star trainers who will show us some outdoor workouts so we can have our strongest summer ever. here we are. first up james mcmillian, so
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nice to see you, james. what do we need to do here, james? >> we have our paint buckets. we have them stored from renovations that redid for the last year. first thing we are going to do is a front raise. keep upright position. slight bend at your elbows. rising all the way up. working our lats and upper chest. think about 8 to 12 reps. >> rebecca: james, you were telling me, i'm not swinging it like this. >> nice and controlled. you have the modified version. i have two buckets. that's the advanced version. then you transition. we are going to come down to the ground. you have that soccer ball you haven't used in awhile. you're going to come down to the ground. it will take mind to body coordination. we have a dribble. we are going to dribble the ball in between our legs just like this. advanced version of the bicycle and twist.
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if that is a little bit challenging. >> rebecca: yes. >> go right into the bicycle and twist. >> rebecca: you're still sitting up on that bicycle and twist. >> still sitting up. working your waist line, core stability, even your lower back. >> rebecca: which is so important, for women, too. >> so important. we are going into a power move. >> rebecca: this is the one i'm most afraid of. >> takes agility. you have to be able to chase your kids, your dog, you need that agility. we're going into a broad jump, burpee, drop down into an inch worm. swing those arms. >> rebecca: let me try that again. >> we're going to drop down leading with your chest. you raise up say good morning america. >> rebecca: good morning america! >> and go right back into it. >> rebecca: how many times? >> 8 to 12 reps. then bring it up to 20 as you get advanced with it. >> rebecca: gio, we're gonna work on that a little bit more. >> gio: follow me to the beach. that's where we are right now
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with jessie diaz-herrera. welcome. >> thank you. >> gio: you have a beach ball. what do we do? >> grab the ball here. full body workout. start with our squats. right out to the front here. feet shoulder width apart. always a nice squat keep that in the back. this is working our legs, our booty, right? also we are giving tension with the arms. allowing that balance to happen. we'll do that a couple times. >> gio: it feels good. you feel the stretch. feels really good. >> you do it as low as you want. i want to start with some hand raises. bring them up here. bring the shoulders down. we're squeezing the shoulder blades at the top. so down and up. this is pretty simple. >> gio: but it feels so good on the shoulders. i gotta tell you. you would never think to do this with a beach ball. >> rebecca: you get the nice relaxing exercise, gio. [ laughter ] >> gio: that's typically how it goes. >> we're gonna pick it up. lot of it is keeping it here at the middle.
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we're going to do some core workouts. we are going to bring our left knee up -- sorry, right knee. one, two, yes, one more time. then switch that over here. let's go. yeah. bringing in that knee working on those abs, right? because i'm a dancer, we have to do a little dance. little ball swirl. i want to go around and down. oh yeah. >> gio: that feels good. feels really good. >> around and down. yes. right? other way to get a nice little -- >> gio: feels so good. >> we can put that altogether. two of each. one two three. squat for two and hands up one and two. one and two. now knee one and two. stretch. one and two. give it a swirl. woo! yes! all right! >> gio: i love that. i'm gonna do this every morning. i'll take the little beach ball.
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rebecca, what do you have? >> rebecca: i'm here with daddy defreece. tell me what we are going to do with this bench? >> we are in the park the benches are similar to what we have in the studio. we're going to start with a stepup. step up onto the bench. >> gio: make some room for me. >> room for everybody. >> rebecca: do you do the same leg? >> hold that balance. so good. looking good. okay, beautiful. >> gio: it is hard on a bench though. >> it is. i like to say if i'm running late for work i gotta take the stairs. like the double step. we're gonna take it down to the floor. face the bench. put our feet up on the bench. this is working the glutes. these are the muscles propelling you forward. >> gio: i love bridges. >> yes. you're great at the bridge.
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take one foot off the bench. >> rebecca: he is a master bridger. >> yes, exactly. these are the muscles that propel you forward. this will help you get to the other side of the park quickly before someone takes your spot. >> rebecca: you can do this on the floor. this is better. >> much more challenging. that elevation adds extra burn. >> gio: show us some upper body stuff. >> i'm going to take my hands out of the bench. we're going to do some classic pushups. >> rebecca: can i do it on this side? >> yes, you may. even if you like, you can even turn it around. feet on the bench. >> rebecca: that's fancy. >> gio: worried about that camera angle? >> rebecca: yeah. these are so great. thank you very much, maddy, jessie, james, thank you very much. i feel stronger already. coming up we're celebrating 90 years of donald duck. i wonder if he could do these exercises?
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>> gio: come on, donald. oh yeah, oh yeah. oh yeah. >> sam: oh yeah. yeah! ♪ california sky ♪ ♪ todos alcanzamos las estrellas ♪ ♪ sunny state of mind ♪ ♪ flexin' all the time ♪ ♪ todo es dorado ♪ ♪ y nos gusta picante ♪ ♪ cause this place is caliente ♪ ♪ 'tamos enchilado ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state with you ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪
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♪ vive en el estado dorado oooh ♪ ♪ we got that drip, drip, drip ♪ ♪ come take a sip, sip, sip ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪ teacher: ...but it's still true. there are four states of matter. there are solids, liquids, gases... teacher: trevor? teacher: not quite? plasma. teacher: lights please. teacher: now, states of matter are comprised of relationships between molecules. teacher: molecules' relationships... nicotine's a neurotoxin that can escalate teen anxiety. teacher: saved by the bell! ♪ (ominous music) ♪
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>> george: this week's gma buzz pick, >> george: time to reveal gma's book pick. we love to celebrate local bookstores. we have annabelle chang with our buzz pick. >> good morning america. i'm annabelle.
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founder of annabelle book club l.a. my recommendation is one perfect couple by ruth ware which follows five couples who are invited to an island for a reality tv series only to then become trapped with the killers. if you loved "then there were none" this heart pounding thriller should be your next read. >> george: thank you, annabelle. let's go to sam. >> sam: george, this is something very special. hi, guys. it's okay. come over here if you want to. it's okay. let me show you. here we go. we're celebrating 90 years of donald duck. he's been making us laugh since about 1934. we're going to do that in a second. let's get to this weather. you guys okay? everybody good? let's get to some weather first then we'll come back and celebrate donald duck. here's our heat advisory in miami. heat index 107. that's an awful lot of heat. we've had it so far this season. we've been in the 90s a lot. now we are adding humidity.
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the heat dome that's basically keeping the heat into the deep south and west is shifting east. we're going back into those temperatures. that's the weather around the nation. here's what you ex >> sam: come over here. hi. hi. come over here. this is stella and mia. sorry i was confused because there's a lot of action going on here. 90 years of donald duck. he's been making us laugh for years. all of this is in honor of that one lucky duck. all right. so let's talk about the stuff we've got. this table is full of the hottest new donald duck products for all ages. i spotted some incredible stuff. lot of times we're just talking about the mouse, right? but this is donald's day.
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look at all the different stuff if you are a donald duck fan. who doesn't love the duck with the white fuzzy tail? who doesn't love that? there are clothing options you can go through. these are the hottest products of all ages. and mia is modelling some of the coolest stuff. we have the american tourister hand side carry on disney store 90th anniversary backpack. mia, how are you doing? >> good. >> sam: you feeling good. can you show me your backpack? can you just spin it around? let me spin you this way. this way. one more. one more. oh, oh, all the way around. how was that? was that good? do you feel comfortable? okay. is that awesome? that's kind of gorgeous and cute, mia, thank you very much. this isn't just any backpack. something special happens when it's in the sun. check it out. all right. and, by the way, we've got a little, for donald duck fans,
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we've got a bunch of kids here. guys, you know a lot of people say it's mickey mouse's day, only mickey mouse, right? donald? can you see it? come on out. it's your day, donald duck. guys, it's donald duck! [ applause ] how are you? are you good? mia, do you want to go say hi? you can. do you want to say hi? you can. >> fluffy duck. >> sam: did you hear her? she said you're a lucky duck. [ laughter ] all right. not incredibly well organized donald, i'm sorry, but he's beautiful and i'm having a great time. all of these products, you can shop all these products on our code. we'll be right back. back.
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with a new parade. so, join the party, now through august 4th, 2024. visit the disneyland resort with a special 3-day disneyland ticket offer for a limited time.
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>> george: we're going back to florida where the puck drops on the ice tomorrow for the stanley cup finals. ashan singh is with some fans.
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>> reporter: how's it going, george? i'm here with a bunch of panthers fans. [ cheers ] these guys are pumped! they are pumped for the stanley cup finals. these guys are pumped for the stanley cup finals. they came close last year. could this year be the year, guys? [ cheering and applause ] i have got a panthers super fan here with me. is mikayla an her mom here? come here. come here. come here. guys, we got to spend the morning getting to know each other, but i want our audience to know more. for 11-year-old makayla hockey is life. >> she is a huge huge hockey fan. she is a die hard hockey fan for the florida panthers. >> she has a dream and a desire to be a hockey player one day. >> reporter: and taking the ice with the florida panthers.
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>> she has her jersey that says golka on the back of it. she has bought books to learn more about the game, learn the different positions. >> reporter: her passion runs deep. makayla, who has autism, won the title where she show cased her panther smarts. >> panthers locker room in the arena. >> the pageant is an event where we bring young women with disabilities together to not only empower them and give them tools to build confidence and friendships, but also an incredible opportunity and experience for our community to embrace and include people with disabilities. >> hockey is her sparkle. to see her up there and just talking, interacting and sharing that passion, it is amazing. >> reporter: even showing the crowd her sick slap shot. [ cheers ] now newly crowned and shining,
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makayla is ready for the puck to drop on game 1 with a panthers win, of course. >> to see her totally locked on that ice watching every single move. the grin that's on her face is priceless. >> we're so proud of makayala. she has her eyes on the panthers winning the stanley cup. >> reporter: what was it like getting to watch that? [ applause ] i gotta ask, when did her love for hockey and the panthers start? >> oh my goodness. we introduced her to hockey here in florida. it's been a long passion of my own. i played deck hockey in college. we're from pittsburgh. we started with the penguins, but got into the panthers down here when i decided to take her to a game. when she came, she was hooked from the word go. she was excited, loved everything, the energy, watching everybody on the ice. it's just been an on going thing since. >> reporter: what is it about
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the panthers that make you love them so much? >> well, when i first saw them, they looked kind of cool and the excitement was going on everywhere. why not join in? >> reporter: i understand you're going to hockey camp. you have dreams of being in the nhl one day? >> yeah. >> reporter: do you think you can win it all one day? >> maybe. >> reporter: one day maybe. i think they're gonna need you here for the panthers for game 1 so the nhl is actually going to be gifting you tickets to game 1 tonight. [ cheers ] what do you think about that? what do you think about that? [ applause ] yeah! pretty cool. guy, makayla will be in the stands. if you're looking to tune into the stanley cup final it will be on abc tomorrow night 8 p.m. guys? >> george: that was a great surprise. we'll be right back.
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>> announc >> announcer: next week the best place to start your day is gma. with tony hale live. plus get ready to say yes with ayo edebiri. super chef michael symon cooking things up for father's day, on gma. >> george: you have a big weekend coming up? >> gio: gma sunday from l.a. for l.a. pride and live on abc news as well. >> rebecca: see you back here monday morning when we go '80s. have a great weekend, everybody.
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>> imagined your wife murdered. you were put in prison for over 30 years and you didn't do it. >> cold blooded unrepented murderer. >> he is an innocent man. >> tonight the incredible new development. >> where would he need to be on the night of the murder? >> a case 20/20 has investigated for years all comes down to this moment. >> i really need it to happen. >> all new 20/20 tonight on abc. >> biden takes executive action tightens the border, now with outcry from critics homeland security mayorkas faces the critics. plus the two candidates fighting for a second term, what they say they'll do if they win.
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to learn >> i experienced a lot of heartache. i'm a tough woman, but it's not easy. you're going to feel lonely. it's taken me a
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really long time to even get to this moment. and the cma award for entertainer of the year goes to lainey wilson. >> that was a mic drop. the entertainer of the year, baby. >> i do see the bell bottoms and the hat as my superhero outfit. wild horses. >> if you could describe diddy in one word, what would it be? >> mogul. powerful. >> hustler, broken. and i feel like that's like i felt kind saying that you definitely reached the mountaintop and it seems like he's falling from it. >> disturbing video that shows sean diddy combs kicking, shoving and dragging his ex girlfriend. >> she was scared of him, i think so were you scared of him? yeah. >> my sense was that everybody around him was afraid of him. >> afraid of sean combs? >> yeah. why? because he's explosive. >> diddy's downfall, now streaming on hulu. >> gma surprise people across the country helping find thousands in unclaimed money. this really is a big check.
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>> yeah, and this summer we're at it again. >> that's incredible. because nothing's better than hearing you say show me the money. >> the stanley cup final oil country looks to celebrate for the first time since 1990. the panthers have waited a lifetime to capture their first stanley cup. >> the stanley cup final game one saturday on abc. >> what's your garage door telling you? maybe it's time for a change, a precision. we do house calls, let one of our door designers come to you and help you design the door of your dreams. let a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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morning. oh, yes. >> please. oh, little things like this help save our power and help save us from outages with flex alerts. the power is ours. learn more at power is ours. org. >> grab the keys to a new toyota . let's go this summer. answer the call to adventure in a powerful truck or versatile suv. explore more of california with toyota's legendary rugged reliability. get a low lease on rav4 hybrid and forerunner for after 1500 bonus cash, or get up to $1,000 cash back when you finance with toyota on grand highlander, grab the keys. >> let's go toyota, let's go places. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. here's a look at traffic with gloria. >> good morning. there's a crash in fremont that is causing some delays in that area. this is a three car crash on southbound 80 before stevenson boulevard. and right now, speeds are down to
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19mph. the right lane is currently backed up, and it's blocked, so traffic is backed up to 84. there's a 12 minute delay right now. >> hey, gloria, we're preparing for a cooler and breezy day out there. a live look from our east bay hills camera. temperatures right now. we're in the 50s and 60s, and you can see a bit of a marine air influence in these temperatures this morning. we'll have windy conditions this afternoon in those winds will gust about 20 to 35mph. so temperatures our heat wave is over. no heat advisories anymore. back to average kumasi. >> thank you drew. now it's time for live with kelly and mark and for live with kelly and mark and we'll be deja vu: it's live with kelly and mark. today from the new animated film inside out 2, amy poehler. plus, psychic char margolis shows you how to follow your intuition.


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