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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  June 9, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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for happy, healthy dogs. [dog food pouring] ugh. i was made for sport. nutrish whole health blend for balanced energy, active mind and immune support. helping dogs dog healthy. >> whit: "good morning america". great escape. inside israel's dramatic operation to recover four hostages kidnapped during the october 7th massacre. what we're learning about the planning as well as the intelligence supplied by the u.s. the tearful reunions after eight agonizing months and the deadly toll it took to get the hostages
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home. >> janai: shark scare. the attack in hawaii on the same day three other people were bitten in florida and the serious injuries as officials address why those beaches were immediately closed after the first attack. >> gio: catastrophic landslide. a key roadway falls to pieces, cutting off a critical highway to one of the nation's most picturesque and popular tourist destinations. what we know about the cause and the efforts to rebuild. >> whit: porch pirates caught on camera. this one swiping a package seconds after the driver drops it off. the homeowner stunned. >> i was shocked. i mean, i thought maybe it was a joke at first. >> whit: the creative new ways law enforcement is trying to crack down. ♪ >> janai: and finals weekend. the panthers host the oilers overnight in game one of the stanley cup final. all the highlights and the fantastic saves. >> what a performance!
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>> janai: while the mavericks try to even up the score in the nba finals as boston looks to capitalize on its home team advantage. >> announcer: live from abc news in new york, this is "good morning america". >> whit: man, we have the beats this morning. >> janai: good morning, america. sunday's starting good. gio, we were wondering if you were going to be dancing. it is so great to have all of you here with us this morning. we are in the very middle of a busy news weekend as president biden wraps up his overseas trip following a state dinner with the president of the france. we will go live to paris in just a moment. but, first, gio, you see him there, he is not on the desk here with us, he is on a very exciting assignment. >> gio: oh, you know what, i am very excited to be here, but i miss you guys, i miss you guys, but it's great to be here in los angeles this morning, because we are here for the l.a. pride parade with our powerhouse abc station kabc. you will be able to watch it on "abc news live" on hulu starting
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at 11:00 a.m. pacific. first, we are following all of the big news today including former president trump here on the west coast today holding his first major campaign rally since his felony conviction ten days ago. he's courting voters in nevada, whit. >> whit: we miss you too, gio, but excited to still have you on the show. we will get back with you in just a moment. we are still two weeks away from the official start of summer, but the heat turning way up across the southern half of the country. look at all the red on that map. somara will have the forecast in just a moment. but we begin with the hostage rescue in gaza and the new details this morning including the role the u.s. played. abc's marcus moore joins us live from tel aviv with the latest. marcus, good morning. >> reporter: whit, good morning. the idf says the raid to rescue those four hostages was in the works two weeks prior to the greenlight and this morning we are learning new details about the operation as the death toll climbs in gaza. this morning, new details on
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that daring israeli raid to free four hostages from hamas captivity. israeli forces simultaneously striking two buildings housing the captors, using the daytime to catch hamas by surprise. the operation resulting in the rescue of noa argamani, almog meir jan, shlomi ziv and andrei kozlov. celebrations breaking out in the streets. argamani was kidnapped during the october 7th attack on the nova music festival, video of her abduction going viral on the internet. these videos circulating online showing argamani being loaded into a military helicopter, soon taking off to be treated. tearfully reuniting with her father just in time for his birthday. families and friends reunited after more than 200 days. >> i couldn't believe it, but it was totally real, it was her, she was smiling, she was well, she is well, she is with us and we hope to keep her safe. >> reporter: amid these joyful reunions citizens demanding further action from netanyahu's administration. while so many are applauding the
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successful rescue of those four hostages others are back on the streets here in tel aviv demanding a deal to bring the rest of the hostages home. an american official confirming to abc news that the u.s. provided intelligence and expertise to support the hostage recovery efforts, while stressing that no u.s. boots were on the ground as part of the operation. in france, president biden affirming his support for israel's actions. >> we won't stop working until all the hostages come home and a cease-fire is reached. that is essential to happen. >> reporter: chaos erupting in gaza in the aftermath of the attacks. at least 210 palestinians were killed and more than 400 injured during the raid according to the hamas government media office. we have heard from palestinians in gaza who were really shocked by the number of casualties from these raids, really in disbelief. hamas has called them an escalation in this war. meanwhile, the palestinian president, mahmoud abbas is urging the u.n. security council to convene for an emergency session.
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janai. >> janai: marcus, thank you for that update this morning. now to president biden winding up that overseas trip he's been on, watching the latest developments in the middle east. abc's mary bruce joins us live again this morning in paris. good morning to you, mary. >> reporter: good morning, janai. here in france the president is of course welcoming the news of the release of the four israeli hostages and promising to do everything he can to bring the remaining hostages home including the eight americans who are still believed to still be held by hamas, but president biden there is no question he is facing a lot of growing pressure to do more to end this war. we have seen this weekend thousands of pro-palestinian protesters outside of the white house making their voices heard. now, as you mentioned, we do know that the u.s. provided intelligence and assistance from israel to help support this latest rescue effort. the u.s. has had hostage recovery teams there on the ground since the october 7th attack, but releasing and getting all of the remaining hostages home is likely to
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require a political settlement and that is something that secretary of state antony blinken is hoping to secure this week as he heads back to the region. the biden administration is pushing this plan that would start with a temporary cease-fire but they hope ultimately build to a permanent end to this fighting and the release of all of the remaining hostages. whit. >> whit: mary bruce for us traveling with the president. thank you. let's bring in abc's chief global affairs correspondent martha raddatz who will be hosting "this week." martha, always great to have you. we know the u.s. provided intelligence and expertise for this operation, but what more are you learning from your sources. >> martha: whit, i think one of the big questions is even though they did provide that help and they would provide that help whenever hostages were involved because, remember, we also have americans over there, but the big question is did they know the plans for this operation? did they know air strikes were involved? because that's what we're seeing in gaza, in central gaza. the air strikes were pounding down on the area where they were rescuing the hostages and the
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israelis have even said that was part of the plan to enable the israeli soldiers to get out of there. so those are big questions we're going to be asking this morning to see just what the u.s. knew and how involved they were, if at all, in the planning, but that the logistic support, that intelligence support, is key. people i talked to said it was likely drones above that area that the u.s. was supporting, helping those israeli soldiers get in and those hostages get out. whit. >> whit: so, martha, where do you think this leaves negotiations for a possible cease-fire? >> martha: i think that could go either way, either hamas will say, look, we've got to get those hostages back, we have to sign something, we have to sign some sort of cease-fire to get those hostages back, or this will happen again, or there will be more civilian casualties, or they will just back themselves into a corner and say, we're not doing anything because of what just happened.
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but, frankly, i think these trips that are happening now and antony blinken as mary bruce said heading to the region, they are really doubling down, they're doing everything they can, the u.s. administration, to try to push this cease-fire, to try to push getting these hostages released and an end to this war. >> whit: and we know those critical conversations are happening behind the scenes, martha, thank you so much. as always we appreciate it. tune into "this week" later this morning, martha has interviews with national security adviser jake sullivan and idf spokesperson peter lerner about israel's hostage rescue mission plus martha speaks with homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas following president biden's new executive actions restricting asylum access at the southern u.s. border. gio? >> gio: all right, whit, and to politics now. former president trump campaigning here in the west this weekend with a big rally set today in las vegas, his first big event since his felony conviction. abc's rachel scott is there with much more on this. good morning to you, rachel.
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>> reporter: hey, gio, good morning to you. for the first time since the former president was found guilty on 34 counts of falsifying business records he's back out on the campaign trail, set to hold his first major rally as a convicted felon right here in the critical state of nevada. we know the former president has made his legal issues really the cornerstone of his campaign and he's leaning into that, sending out fund-raising emails to his supporters, falsely calling himself a political prisoner. the former president has been on a swing throughout the west coast, holding multiple fund-raising events and also doing several interviews where he seems to imply that he would seek some sort of retribution or political revenge against his political enemies and democrats, even dodging a question when asked if he would ask the justice department to prosecute the manhattan district attorney alvin bragg saying, quote, we're going to see what happens. of course, all of this comes as the former president is just weeks away from being sentenced on july 11th. that's just four days before the republican national convention begins. as for the republican party,
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well, they are standing firmly behind the former president. in fact, senator j.d. vance, north dakota governor doug burgum we are told are among two republicans that have joined the former president on this swing. those two names are notable because sources do tell us that both of those republicans are also on the short list to be trump's possible running mate. we are told the trump campaign now intensifying that search requesting information as part of the vetting process for multiple republicans including burgum and vance, janai. >> janai: rachel, thank you for that. now to the new video that is sparking outrage over the treatment of a homeless man in southern california. abc's melissa adan is in l.a. with the very latest. good morning, melissa. this is a disturbing one. >> reporter: good morning, janai. so, look, at the center of this, the burbank police is now conducting their own investigation all because the l.a. council city president released a video, in that video you see officers dropping off an unhoused man in another city. this morning, growing scrutiny in los angeles after two burbank
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police officers were seen leaving an unhoused man in front of a los angeles city council office. the video obtained by the l.a. district office of council president paul krekorian drawing outrage saying this highlights the city and country's dire unhoused crisis. >> it's heart-wrenching to see someone who was utterly helpless to be abandoned on the sidewalks of north hollywood. >> reporter: in the video you see officers removing the man's handcuffs, at one point the man drops to his knees and begins crawling. the man dropped off in north hollywood just outside of the city of burbank's jurisdiction. the burbank police department says their officers responded to reports of a naked man sitting at a bus stop. when officers arrived, they say the man got dressed and told officers he had been taken to the hospital, but wanted to be dropped off at the metro station in north hollywood. police say during the drive the man asked to be let out sooner. >> what do you make by the response of the burbank police department?
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>> i was disappointed to not make any effort whatsoever to try to find aid or support for this person, who clearly needed it, is to me inexcusable. >> reporter: now, the l.a. city council president says that the man in the center of this video had recently become unhoused while living outside of los angeles, but he is now receiving medical treatment. whit. >> whit: melissa adan for us this morning, thank you. now to a weekend of shark attacks and questions on how florida officials are responding after three injuries in gulf coast waters, plus another attack in hawaii. abc's reena roy joins us with more. reena, good morning. >> reporter: hey, whit, good morning to you. look, shark attacks are rare, but officials are urging swimmers to stay vigilant and avoid the water at dawn and dusk with these recent incidents. this morning, authorities investigating another shark attack, this time in hawaii. a 25-year-old woman is in
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serious condition after she was bit in a boat harbor on oahu's north shore. a popular destination for shark tours. three other attacks in walton county, florida, also on friday, where a 45-year-old woman and two teenagers, ages 15 and 17 in waist-high water were bitten just 90 minutes apart just four miles away, eventually causing beaches to close. this video taken moments after one of those attacks, the shark dangerously close to shore. the woman sustaining significant trauma and an amputated arm. one of the teens still remains in critical condition. >> i know that all three are still alive. i know that one was discharged with superficial wounds, the other two are still seriously hospitalized and the best word i can use is stabilized. >> reporter: florida officials are now on high alert along that 26-mile stretch of beach telling abc news they believe it was one eight-foot bull shark who may
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have attacked all three. and there are growing questions about why florida officials didn't shut down the beaches after the first woman was attacked. >> we didn't see fit at the moment to close down the entire beach while we figured out what was really going on. >> reporter: and those officials in florida are expected to be back today to patrol the water and keep an eye on things, but for now the beaches are back open. gio. >> gio: so important for those swimmers to be mindful. reena, thank you so much. now to those dramatic images of a massive landslide that's cut a key highway near the popular tourist destination of jackson, wyoming. alex presha is following this story. good morning, alex. really stunning, because this is such a popular destination. >> reporter: absolutely, gio. the wyoming department of transportation is calling this stretch of road on the teton pass, they say it catastrophically failed. take a look at these images and you can see why, a massive mudslide on this road collapsed
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part of the road saturday following a mudslide just a couple of miles away. now that road had been battered for a good portion of last week, authorities believe cracks and a drop in the road contributed to a motorcycle crash on thursday. crews came out and worked on it. early friday morning another mudslide prompted closures here. it remained closed. good thing, road crews saying that they were very lucky that no one was hurt and that no equipment was damaged, but this road, state highway 22, is a critical link between small eastern idaho towns and jackson, wyoming. the governor has already declared a state of emergency. as state officials there call this highway a lifeline for the teton valley but there is no telling when it will reopen. >> janai: because of that weather, alex, thank you for that, and we are going to get a check of the weather now with somara. how is it looking? >> somara: janai, i guess that depends on where you live. a lot of our friends in the middle of the country,
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from albuquerque to lubbock to southern missouri the next 24 hours you have a flood threat at play. we have seen 4 to 5 inches of rain fallen in some of these areas, an additional 1 to 3 inches of rain is possible today with these showers that will be pulsing through. while it's not an elevated risk for severe weather there is a chance some storms that bubble up could go severe. out west it's a numbers game, we're dealing with heat. new excessive heat alerts going into place from phoenix and tucson, very little relief overnight. we could see temperatures reach 120 in death valley there and this could be record-breaking temperatures. any of these days that you are looking at, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, specifically on wednesday in vegas, that could be one for the record books hitting 110 degrees, phoenix 113. you have to stick around because we're going to talk about the heat that is impacting florida if you have travel plans you want to hear all about it.
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>> and that's a look at your forecast. yes, it is extremely hot out west. and that humidity in florida makes it worse. >> whit: vegas might have to hit that lazy river. >> somara: okay, okay. >> janai: he wants to go to cosmopolitan. >> whit: i'm not afraid of a lazy river, that's for sure. i know gio isn't, either. let's talk about basketball and hockey, because it's finals weekend of course. the oilers and panthers facing off overnight in game one in their battle for the stanley cup and we are looking ahead to game two of the nba finals friday night. abc's ike ejiochi is here with more on that. ike, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, whit. we were treated with a goal keeping performance of the ages
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last night during game one of the stanley cup finals. the florida panthers skating away with a win thanks to their star keeper standing on his head against one of the best players in the league. >> and a centers pass. they score! >> reporter: this morning, the florida panthers striking first in the stanley cup finals, grinding out a 3-0 win over the edmonton oilers to take a 1-0 series lead. the panthers' sergei bobrovsky notching his second shutoff of the playoffs, making 33 saves against one of the most dangerous defenses in the nhl led by conner mcdaniels. >> it was a fun challenge. >> reporter: florida managing 18 shots on goal, but capitalizing on the few chances they were given. in the first period barkov finding carter verhaeghe for a goal off the rush. >> out in front, they score! >> reporter: then in the second sam bennett outmuscling oilers defenseman cody ceci behind the goal man, passing to evan
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rodrigues for the score, but hockey fans aren't the only ones having all the fun. the playoff action continuing on the hardwood sunday night when the boston celtics host the dallas mavericks for game two of the nba finals. boston putting on an offensive clinic in game one beating dallas 107-89. all five starters reached double digit point totals including 20 points from kristaps porzingis in his first game back in over a month. >> porzingis way outside knocks down another. >> reporter: superstar luka doncic finishing 30 points, but it wasn't enough. dallas would need better play from their superstar kyrie irving who finished day with 14 -- 12 points. the former celtic will get no love from the crowd. fans greeting irving with boos every time he touched the ball. >> being in this environment i'm used to it at this point. i'm expecting the same things going into game two. >> you can catch all the action in game two of the nba finals right here tonight on abc and
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game two of the stanley cup final will continue monday night, june 10th, also here on abc. >> janai: we are so lucky. we were waiting to see a hockey player, somara and i and probably gio, too, actually on his head. turns out that's just a saying. >> figuratively, not literally. >> janai: that wasn't going to help stop pucks. we learned something new today. thank you, ike. still coming up here on "gma", the latest warning about health dangers for overnight teen girls in our medical rundown with dr. sutton. >> gio: and brazen thiefs. how police are trying to stop porch pirates. >> whit: three young boys on a hike and the surprising find. we will be right back. there's us. she raised us on her own. ten years as my roller derby wife. three. three schools she's opened. she's a mother. i think we turned out alright. she's a friend. our mother's could tell stories.
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>> why did we take it as an offense? adria hello? >> biden takes executive action, tightens the border now with outcry from critics. homeland security secretary mayorkas faces the tough questions. plus what the two candidates fighting for a second term say they'll do if they win. this morning on abc's this week. >> right now there's just so much happening in our world, so much at stake. >> at the start of every morning . >> and that's why at good morning america we're right here. >> and we got you. we got you we got you. >> you a coming of age in the 1980s, the brat pack was near the center of your cultural awareness. but for those of us experiencing it from the inside, the brat pack was something very different. if you could have a brat pack may not you? i hated the brat pack. what a disaster! >> why did we take it as an offense? >> andrew? i'm not going to say we were the beatles or anything.
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>> always live. >> abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning, i'm stephanie sierra. one person is dead and several others injured after a shooting and stabbing at lake berryessa. napa county sheriff's office says it happened around 530 saturday night. shots were fired during a fight and one man was killed. authorities tell us there were several other stabbing victims as well. at least two of them were airlifted to local hospitals and their condition is unknown this morning. well, it will be nice out today. just waiting on some clearing. lisa. >> yes, and that's in the city, because if we look around the bay, it is brightening up. here is our exploratorium camera where temperatures are in the upper 50s, redwood city getting sunny in hayward. and there's a look at san jose upper 70s today for you there numbers near average, a little warmer in the north bay. fog at the coast. stephanie, thank you, lisa, and thank you all for joining us. >> gma is next.
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>> reggie aqui kumasi amanda drew and new abc seven mornings always better with you. >> sunny days and the best days start here. >> you deserve a better day. we all do. >> weekdays at five. watch abc seven mornings. >> welcome to our annual gathering, the nba finals. here we go at the center of it are two exceptional teams. and yet you're all a part of it. but remember, no one sips the champagne into a champ, is crowned. >> you got a friend in me you've got a friend in me. you just remember what your old pal said. >> boy, you got a friend in me. >> everyone's invited to pixar fest at the disneyland resort for a celebration of friendship and beyond. you won't want to miss now through august 4th, 2024, visit the disneyland
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tiktok craze so popular. i'm very excited about it, i see janai dancing already. >> janai: 6'5" blue eyes. oh, my. i heard about it in hair and makeup this morning, so it's a thing. >> gio: it is a thing, but before i send it back to you i wanted to say this, i'm going to send it back to new york to the perfect friends. >> whit: thank you. >> janai: you are so sweet. we love you. let's take a look at some of the other big stories that we're following on this sunday morning. happening right now, boxing star ryan garcia is under arrest after allegedly vandalizing a beverly hills hotel room. espn is reporting that the 25-year-old allegedly caused $15,000 in damage at the waldorf astoria beverly hills. his lawyer saying the boxer has been dealing with devastating news regarding his mother's health. >> whit: also right now, the u.s. coast guard responding to a massive shift taking on water in lake superior saturday. the 689-foot bulk carrier has now been safely anchored in thunder bay, ontario.
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half of the 22-person crew had been taken off the ship for safety reasons, the cause of the flooding is unknown at this time. the ship will undergo an inspection and repairs at a nearby port. >> janai: and door knock, a 17-1 long shot won saturday's 156th running of the belmont stakes. door knock dominated the ten-horse field that included kentucky derby winner mystic dan and preakness winner seize the gray. this is the sixth straight year that a different horse has won each of the triple crown races and their names always so good. now, let's take a look at some of the significant health stories that are making headlines, abc news medical correspondent dr. darien sutton is here to break them down for us. thank you for being here, dr. sutton. >> good morning. happy to be here. >> janai: there is a new study about health dangers for overweight teenage girls and young women that they could face later in life. >> an important study to break down.
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this is a large study over 10,000 participants spanning over 50 years. they found that for teen girls having obesity at the age of 14 was associated with more than almost a double the risk of having a stroke before the age of 55, and that increased risk was not seen for teen boys. >> janai: wow. >> whit: really interesting. also, more states are legalizing and decriminalizing marijuana now and we're learning more about the impact on women and heavy cannabis use. >> so this is also an interesting study, it looks at women and heavy cannabis use, qualifying that as more than 100 uses during their lifetime. it found specifically for women had a disproportionately higher risk to cardiovascular disease. one big factor here however, is that the risk seemed to be the women who had chronic disease, for example, diabetes, high pressure. that gives some idea this may be more of an association between cannabis use and worsening chronic disease rather in patients that didn't have any at all.
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>> whit: also that definition, you said 100 times they have used it during the course of an entire lifetime, that's what they consider heavy. >> and that can be variable from person to person and it's important to understand the patient population itself when trying to make recommendations. we have long known that cannabis have been associated with a higher risk of heart disease. the question is how much. studies like this are really helpful to get the ball rolling but can be complicated with medical histories. >> janai: whit, i appreciate you bringing that up. 100 times, that's a big popular. >> not going to judge. >> janai: absolutely right. there's also an interesting new study showing that lifestyle changes may improve symptoms in alzheimer's patients. >> i think that these studies are helpful. this study is actually a smaller study but it reveals similar reports or findings from larger prior studies. it found for patients who had alzheimer's disease changing lifestyle modifications like increasing moderate exercise, stress management and also focusing on a plant-based diet it found they had a slower progression of their alzheimer's disease when they looked at
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their cognitive test and biomarkers in their blood they found patients who did these lifestyle modifications had better numbers, so that helps to allude that having important lifestyle modifications is helpful aside from medication to prolonging life, quality of life and reducing risk from dementia. >> whit: very interesting. >> janai: and really hopeful study there. >> whit: things we can do now to improve our life later. >> estimated 70,000 people living with alzheimer's, it's expected to double by 2060. making sure we manage our blood sugar to keep our brains healthy is really, really important. >> whit: got to get it right, get it tight. >> janai: and less than 100 times. >> whit: i don't think that phrase is part of the study. thank you, dr. sutton. >> of course. >> whit: let's get a check of the weather. somara, what's going on? >> janai: gio is just shaking his head. >> somara: nothing much. good morning, you guys. all right, i say marco you say polo you didn't think i could hear you at home. i could. marco island, how are you doing,
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it's going to be a hot day because it's a hot morning, 86 degrees is already what it feels like and the scorching temperatures throughout florida really going up there. heat advisory already issued for parts of florida along the eastern coast there. orlando, you know you're headed down there for disney world today and this week make sure you stay hydrated. like i said yesterday you have to get the thing that goes around your neck with the fan and spray bottle, it helps so so much at the parks. it will feel like 105 degrees. now, we also are going to tap into tropical moisture down in florida and as a result you will get a heavy dousing of rain, we could see 5 inches or more possible, especially mid late week. you can see the areas in red, that deep red, that's who is going to see the most rain, from palm bay, down to naples, out to miami, still getting nice rain farther north in orlando. make sure you're ready for the rain at the end of the week and make sure you're staying hydrated at the top of the week. that's a look at the forecast across the country, let's see what's
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>> somara: and that's a look at your local forecast. florida is also in a severe drought, they need lots of water and rain and it will be hot so drink lots of water. >> janai: water, water everywhere. >> somara: there you go. >> whit: thanks, somara. >> janai: thanks, somara. gio, anything you want to add? >> gio: i've got my water. >> hydrated, good. >> janai: still coming up on "good morning america," the hunt for the brazen porch pirate, look at this, who stole a package right under the delivery guy's nose. stick around. who stole a package right u is his prized possession or the family hauler... he needs to protect it. this father's day, give him the gift of weathertech. from laser-measured floorliners and cargo liner to keep his interior pristine. to seat protector to guard against stains
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>> gio: and welcome back to "gma" on this sunday. the hunt is on for a brazen thief who made off with a delivery just seconds after it was dropped off as law enforcement tries to track down these so-called "porch pirates." abc's alex presha is in columbus, ohio, with more on this. alex, good morning again. this is such a problem. >> reporter: absolutely, gio, porch pirates can be so frustrated, it feels like a
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violation and many times when you have your package stolen it can get down right expensive, more than a quarter of consumers reported having a package stolen at some point and many times it's playing out in front of doorbell ring cameras just like this. brash and brazen, this latest wave of package thefts has baffled some homeowners by just how bold these porch pirates are. this past week in columbus, ohio, a fedex driver had just arrived with a delivery when this thief ran up from behind and grabbed the package, leaving the fedex worker standing there stunned. the thief getting away with a brand-new apple watch. >> i was shocked. i thought maybe it was a joke at first. >> reporter: kyle dorsch who was home at the time said the thief wasn't deterred by the presence of the fedex worker or his doorbell camera. >> i just feel bad. it's a lot of people including ourselves who work hard to get the things we have and for them
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just to be taken. >> reporter: near philadelphia police are looking for porch pirates dressed as amazon delivery drivers. >> angered, yes, because i wanted a gift for my wife. >> reporter: the area dealing with a number of thieves pretending to be amazon employees. the retail giant telling abc news in this statement, we encourage anyone who's been a victim of package theft to report it to police. the average price of a stolen packages just over $80, nearly half of these thefts are from single-unit homes, 22% had a doorbell camera and a quarter said they never received a refund. florida is using the law to discourage thieves, it's now a third-degree felony to steal anything from a home worth more than $40. >> we will raise penalties on people that steal packages from your front porch. >> reporter: now, some retailers are offering services giving delivery drivers partial access to your home, your garage, even the trunk of your car, but also if you are ever worried about those delivery packages being in
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a safe, secure place, most places also offer the option of having a secure locker to pick them up from. guys? >> gio: i mean, this is so important because, do you know what, my mom, she's had so many of those packages lost like that, they were stolen right from the front porch. thank you so much for bringing that story to us, alex. >> janai: and thank you for demonstrating it as well as you did, alex. that was fantastic. >> gio: with that doorbell camera. nobody can work a doorbell camera like alex presha. that was great. and coming up here on "good morning america," the fantastic find in the north dakota wilderness. how a family discovered a rare dinosaur fossil tens of millions of years old. we can't wait for this story. stick around, you're watching "gma" on a sunday morning. if you're 55 and up, t-mobile has plans built just for you. like two lines of unlimited for just $30 bucks a line. that's a 45% savings versus verizon and at&t!
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♪ california sky ♪ ♪ todos alcanzamos las estrellas ♪ ♪ sunny state of mind ♪ ♪ flexin' all the time ♪ ♪ todo es dorado ♪ ♪ y nos gusta picante ♪ ♪ cause this place is caliente ♪ ♪ 'tamos enchilado ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state with you ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado oooh ♪ ♪ we got that drip, drip, drip ♪ ♪ come take a sip, sip, sip ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪
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>> whit: back now on "gma" and >> whit: back now on "gma" and how a hike in north dakota's badlands led to an amazing discovery. three young boys and a dad unearthing very rare bones from the dinosaur age. >> it is a dinosaur that you do not know what it is. >> whit: an unlikely prehistoric discovery, kaiden madsen along with his cousins liam and jessin fisher were out for a hike when they noticed something unusual sticking out of the ground. the three boys stumbled upon the fossilized remains of a tyrannosaurus rex while in the dakota badlands in the summer of 2022. their story the subject of the documentary film "t. rex" highlighting their rare discovery. >> they both came running up and jessin seen it and said that's a fossil. >> whit: paleontologist tyler
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lyson returned to the boys and a group of scientists to excavate the fossil but it took another year to finally get the necessary permits to extract it. these young cousins taking an active role in the excavation. the dinosaur's remains set to go on display and revealed to the public at the denver museum. >> you either had goosebumps or tears in your eyes to be witness of something that special. >> whit: experts estimate the t. rex likely died some 67 million years ago. >> it provides a key insight into the growth of this iconic animal. >> whit: now these young explorers hope their stunning find inspires more discovery. >> what i want them to learn is if you just put down your electronics and just go out hiking, you will find something. >> whit: i love that message. the new temporary experience discovering teen rex is set to go on display later this month at the denver museum of nature
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and science where the public will be able to see the trio's discovery for the first time. pretty cool. >> janai: that's incredible. >> whit: you have a favorite dinosaur? >> gio: well, those kids are living my childhood dreams right now and the t. rex is absolutely my favorite, come on. >> janai: my son, i think it's the tetradactyl. >> whit: i like the velociraptor. "jurassic park." >> janai: we will be right back with our play of the day, looking for a man in finance. ♪ i'm looking for a man in finance ♪ unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift. adding vraylar to an antidepressant is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms better than an antidepressant alone. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke.
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ask your doctor about otezla.
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>> janai: we are back now with our "play of the day" and how a young woman's catchy couple of words is turning into a candidate for the song of the summer. abc's will ganss here to explain. you are not a finance, bro, 6'5". >> will: but i do have blue eyes, that's right. megan boni known as girl on couch wrote a few jokey lyrics about her ideal man, inspired by
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her own dating app fatigue, now those lyrics have captured the attention of david getta. she's racing up is the charts. >> reporter: megan boni knows what she's looking for. >> 6'5", blue eyes, finance, trust fund. 6' 5" blue eyes. >> reporter: but what she found instead. ♪ finance, trust fund >> reporter: tiktok's unofficial song of the summer. racking up 42 million views. ♪ i'm looking for a man in finance ♪ djs and producers like david guetta, device finance trust, megan signing a record deal to license those viral vocals. >> i'm looking for a man in finance, a sign of the shifting landscape of music where some of the most successful tracks are first, and sometimes only available on social media. >> so i interviewed david guetta
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two weeks ago, and when i walked into the room, he was listening to listen to the guy in finance, and i was like, are you going to do something with those vocals? and he said, yeah, i want to play what people want to hear. and this is it. are you serious? yes. isn't that amazing? that is so cool. wow, i like it. >> i like, i mean, it's a bop. it is a bop. we're all singing it. thank you. will we appreciate it. before we go, let's go back to gio in la. you got a big day today. >> yeah i'm in la for the la pride parade i'll be joining ellen leyva and the entire eyewitness news team for that. and you can watch across the country at 11 a.m. pacific, 2 p.m. eastern on abc news live, on hulu, or wherever you stream. >> have so much fun, gio. get it right, get it tight. and thanks for watching this newscast. brought to you by bubba sparks was a great sunday. >> wow, have a good one. >> biden takes executive action, tightens the border now with outcry from critics. homeland security secretary mayorkas faces the tough questions this
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morning on abc. >> always live. abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm stephanie sierra today the 113th annual dipsea race kicks off in mill valley, the oldest trail race in the nation will bring out around 1500 runners starting in just a few minutes at 8 a.m. organizers say there will be some parking restrictions and road closures for motorists. it's a scenic nearly seven and a half mile course, starting in mill valley and ending in stinson beach. also today, keep those cars parked and bring the bikes out. if you're in san jose, viva cal returns to san jose. about six miles of the city will be closed to cars, but people can bike, skate, or take a walk. there will be food trucks, vendors and live music for people to explore. the event kicks off at 10 a.m. and goes until three. to weather now let's check in with lisa. >> all right. thank you. we are looking at some sunshine all around the bay area. a little haze here still in oakland,
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emeryville. but numbers are climbing through the 50s to the low 60s in san jose, 60 in hayward, it is 54. in san francisco. and you can see the sunshine here from our exploratorium camera, where numbers are coming up through the 50s. so a nice afternoon on the way. we will have those breezy winds and those will pick up throughout the afternoon. that sea breeze allowing for the fog along the shoreline there, around half moon bay, with only upper 50s for you. but as we get towards our inland valleys in the 80s, you have to go way out towards brentwood, but in the north bay will be a little warmer into the mid 80s. 70 in santa cruz, the accuweather seven day forecast. we're getting warmer each and every day beginning tomorrow. our warming trend for low 90s inland, mid 70s around the bay. tuesday's pretty hot inland upper 90s stephanie. >> all right lisa, thank you. and thank you all for joining us. this week with martha raddatz is next.
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