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tv   ABC7 News 400PM  ABC  June 10, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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>> abc seven news reporter luz pena has been following this story. she's here with an update. the video was just stunning to everyone who saw it. it was incredible. >> i mean, it's just shocking to see them leave. and this is one of at least 800 dog bites incidents that take place in san francisco every year. sfpd confirmed they made contact with the dog owners and cited them for leaving without offering any information. but the victim's family feels this story is far from over. almost three weeks since the attack, police confirmed the dog owners who left the scene after their dog attacked this four year old boy have been found. >> i'm just grateful that we had media's help. we had abc news to apply some pressure, otherwise i don't think things would have happened. i don't think we would have been able to track down the owner. >> the boy's mom, who wants to keep their identity private, said an sfpd officer confirmed the couple had been cited a day after our story in a statement, sfpd said their vicious and dangerous dog unit is investigating the case and said
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the owners were cited by animal care and control for failure to provide information after a dog bite and failure to report a dog bite to the department of animal care and control. >> i realize this is only the first step. what happens after what we learned from the police officer is the city is going to schedule a hearing for the dog. >> this unit is part of sfpd. at the hearing, an officer will hear both sides and decide the dog's fate. >> for example, if she orders a dog declared vicious and dangerous and has to be registered, we would do the registering thing. we make sure that the dog owner comes into compliance. the hearing officer does have the power to order a dog euthanized. that's that's the most drastic outcome. >> the san francisco animal care and control confirmed the city's process is focused on the dog's future, not necessarily the dog owners. >> there's nothing happening to the owners, and if we want to hold the owners accountable, we
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have to file separately through the civil court, which could be time consuming and probably have a financial impact. so a lot of people shy away from that, and, and when it comes to consequences, according to city records, a citations for a dog owner is about $91. >> that's less than some parking tickets. and jail time is. it's not possible in many cases, only the extreme ones. the hearing in this case is set to happen in the coming weeks. >> and you'll follow that i know. yes, definitely. >> thanks, lucy. >> okay, well, cal fire acted quickly this afternoon to slow the spread of three fires east of petaluma. this tower camera video, recorded around 245, shows smoke pouring from planes in the hills along old adobe road. you can see traffic passing through this cloud of smoke sky. seven shows us the view from above. about 45 minutes later, you can see the charred grass along old adobe road, which appears to have acted as a firebreak. the flames did not jump the road. cal fire has stopped the growth of this fire at about two acres nearby, santa rosa fire declared today
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as the official start of wildfire season and that comes as a heat advisory is set to kick in for some parts of the bay area tomorrow. >> yeah, let's go right to abc seven news meteorologist sandhya patel for first look at the forecast. sandy. yeah. >> dan and umma, consider this the comfort zone. and you can be thankful for it because because of the marine influence that's still going. take a look at this live picture right now from mount tam cam. we have the fog around that's holding some of those temperatures. but they are running higher in most areas compared to 24 hours ago. 14 degrees warmer in livermore, up eight in san jose. we have low 90s, which is manageable in our warmest inland areas like fairfield and livermore. it's 65 degrees in san francisco. this all changes tomorrow as the temperatures will spike. that heat advisory going up for all areas shaded in orange from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. tomorrow. as those temperatures rise, so too will the risk of heat illnesses, especially if you're sensitive to the heat. i'll be back to
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show you those temperatures for your tuesday and let you know how long this hot weather will last for our inland communities coming right up, dan. >> okay, sandy, thanks a lot. we'll touch base again in a couple of moments. san francisco police are blaming weekend sideshows on both sides of the bay on the same group of, quote, 200 rogue vehicles video from oakland early yesterday morning, right in front of the grand lake theater. you can see one car nearly hitting some bystanders. police say the same group drove into san francisco, engaging in a series of sideshows around the city. this video shows a driver spinning donuts along the embarcadero as another car burned at each location around the city, officers gathered evidence, developed a plan, and ultimately flushed the vehicles out of the locations. >> this is our primary focus during the events to ensure public safety. >> chief scott says officers were able to impound several
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vehicles and investigators will be working to make arrests and impound additional vehicles in the coming days. and weeks. >> now we turn to the future of the bay bridge. we are getting a first look at what the bridge could look like when tollbooths are finally removed. just this morning, a crash into the tollbooth impacted the commute, leaving east bay drivers heading into the city facing long delays. so we wanted to know how future changes might help alleviate that challenge. abc seven news anchor amanda delcastillo has new details about the toll booth removal project. video taken shortly after the crash shows that car wedged between two toll booths. we also saw one person taken away from the scene on a stretcher. no word yet on that person's condition. caltrans crews had to work quickly to reopen lanes six through nine, as the toll plaza started to get crowded with drivers. the incident brought up questions about the long planned removal of the toll booths. here is a look at renderings of what the bay bridge might look like after the eventual demolition. caltrans previously announced it
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was delaying the removal of the toll booths until february 2026, saying it wants to upgrade the automatic toll collection system and remove the booths at the same time, the metropolitan transportation commission, bay area toll authority says the bay bridge will be the final location of toll booth removal as it is the most complex. a spokesperson then addressed how the change might impact our behavior behind the wheel. >> it is a tight squeeze and it's signed for slowing to 25 miles an hour. now, the upside of all of this is that when this transition to open road tolling is complete, there will no longer be any toll booths, no longer any need to slow down, to squeeze through that narrow opening booths will be taken down at every state owned toll bridge, and replaced with that open road tolling beyond this morning's crash in 2017, a bay bridge toll worker was killed after a drunk driver crashed into the booth. >> i'm amanda delcastillo, abc
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seven news. >> a creative sos got a kitesurfer to safety after he was stranded on a santa cruz county beach cal fire ccu. share this video. it shows the rescue near a steep cliff south of davenport landing yesterday. officials say the kitesurfer used rocks on the beach to spell out the word help. a private helicopter saw the message and called for assistance. no word how long the surfer had been stranded. we are told he was not hurt and only needed help off the beach. >> investigators are trying to determine the cause of a fire aboard a small boat in lake tahoe. look at this. that fire broke out yesterday afternoon near cedar flat. six people and one dog had to be rescued from the burning boat. a good samaritan in another boat was able to take four of the victims and the dog to safety, while the coast guard rescued the other two in the north bay. >> as the weather heats up for the summer, water officials are getting ready for peak hydration demand. today, they're raising a giant rubber dam on the russian
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river to help keep up a spike in water use. abc seven news reporter cornell bernard shows you how this thing works. >> summer is heating up, and water officials are counting on this dam along the russian river to help keep up with demand for h2o. >> it's enhancing our ability to get water to our customers at the dry time of the year. this rubber dam, located near forestville, has been raised. >> it's vital to the region's water supply, which provides naturally filtered drinking water to more than 600,000 residents in sonoma and marin counties. >> our demand just about doubles in the summertime, and that's mostly, as you could guess, due to irrigation. it's the dry time of the year. people turn their irrigation systems on, so there's a much larger demand. >> so think of this dam here on the russian river as a giant water balloon, if you will. and that makes it easier to pump the water over the 65 foot levee into the settling ponds right
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here. the ponds hold the extra water supply and even help recharge groundwater. >> without this uh, we'd be really hard pressed to pump enough water to serve the public. >> sonoma water relies solely on its own watershed for drinking water, so what we get here in terms of precipitation is all we get for now. the area is in good shape. lake sonoma and lake mendocino are full this year. >> we are very, very happy with the amount of water that we have. both our reservoirs are very much topped off, but this water agency knows supply may change in the future, so they urge every customer to be water wise, especially in natural resource use. it's not something you want to take. you want to, you know, take for granted. >> meantime, this dam doing its part to provide enough water to a thirsty north bay in sonoma county. cornell bernard abc seven news. >> coming up, the show must go on. the pittsburgh theater company needs your help to keep
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its history alive after a major fire. apple and i, the tech giant reveals the new way it's putting artificial intelligence in the palm of your hand and a photo contest to help build a better bay area. how you can a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost.
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it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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violence over the weekend. police tell us three teenagers were shot and killed early this morning. around 130, officers found a 16 year-old boy dead from gunshot wounds on ninth and filbert streets. 30 minutes later, we're across town on 102nd avenue and international boulevard. two people were shot, an 18 year old and a 17 year old. both died at the hospital. >> at this point in the investigation, it does the two incidents do not appear to be connected. we believe that the last two individuals were both at 102nd international, but again, just 12 hours into the investigation, that's all that we have right now. >> oakland has had a 40 homicides this year. it was at 47 this same time last year. the police officers association says the department needs more resources and support to ensure the safety of residents and businesses. >> we're getting a look at the damage done by a fire at a home in pittsburgh today. two people are in the hospital in serious
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condition. the contra costa county fire department said. the home that caught fire was a multi-family property on crestview drive. fire was reported shortly after 8 a.m. crews knocked down the flames within an hour. the cause is being investigated. a huge grass fire yesterday in pittsburgh that started in a warehouse has been extinguished, but the adjacent theater company that stored their props and costumes in the warehouse is devastated. abc seven news reporter leslie brinkley has more on the fire itself and what lies ahead. >> dubbed the john fire, the wind whipped blaze consumed 55 acres of grassland adjacent to this warehouse utilized by the pittsburgh theater company late sunday. today, investigators with the contra costa county fire protection district were on site to determine the cause. >> i was terrified because, like every so much history is gone now. >> theater volunteers spend sunday morning moving items from the warehouse to the california theater in downtown pittsburgh
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for their upcoming string of performances starting this friday. >> basically, we were getting set pieces and props in from the warehouse to here for our production of the sunshine boys, and it ended like about an hour before we heard about the fire. >> we received a call a little bit after 4 p.m. that there was a structure on fire once crews arrived on scene, they recognized that it was a grass fire as well, with wind as a contributing factor. >> several aircraft dropped retardant before the fire's progress was mostly halted overnight. >> it was up in smoke in a matter of minutes. >> now the theater company is assessing what's next. they got the set here and the costumes here, but they lost all their wireless microphones, props and furniture. devastating for not only pittsburgh theater company, but for neighboring community companies as well. in clayton, brentwood, pinole and martinez. >> show must go on. so we are currently getting donations from the community to help us with
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furniture. we called it the phoenix project because because we figured we're the rising out of the ashes and we want to continue on a new home is what we need in pittsburgh. >> i'm leslie brinkley, abc seven news. >> all right, let's talk back to work weather and back to some real heat. yes. >> meteorologist sandyha patel has that for us. sandy. >> yeah. so let me tell you, ama and dan the good news about this. it's only going to last for a day. and then the temperatures really back off, and it's not going to be anything like last week. so let's look at a live picture right now from our san jose camera where it's nice and sunny. this is one of the spots that's going to get warm fast tomorrow. as we check out live doppler seven, we still have some fog hanging around near the coastline. high pressure is really just going to nudge in a little bit more tomorrow, allowing those temperatures to rise, but they will rise in areas inland where you're looking at moderate to major heat risk. the area shaded in
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orange and red. so keep this in mind, especially if you're particularly sensitive to the heat. doesn't seem to be bothering the sea lions today because the weather is not that bad. this is pier 39 camera. you can see people visiting nice looking weather 66 in the city, 67. in oakland it is 75. in hayward, you're at 83 in san jose and 74 in redwood city. from our oakland airport. camera clear skies right now. 80 degrees in santa rosa, 78 in napa. you are in the 90s and our warmest locations like concord and livermore. and from our sutro tower camera, you are seeing the sun right now. tomorrow temperatures spike a heat advisory goes up above average temperatures expected, with the fog clearing quickly for sunshine and then midweek we are expecting cooler afternoons, so first let's talk about tonight 80s and 90s. still at 515 away from the coastline. the fog is there near the coast. and as we head into the latter part of the evening, you will notice it pushes in across the bay. late tonight, numbers will come
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down, but still pretty mild inland. as we head into tomorrow morning, we begin with fog around the coast, the bay, and then rapidly the fog begins to pull away. you start to notice those temperatures by the lunch hour already in the upper 80s. and by 405 you're looking at upper 90s for our hot spots. good news is the coast is going to remain in the comfort zone. just enough of a marine influence that you really are not going to heat up. so there's always a place to go here with our microclimates, as you know, around this time of year, temperatures in the 50s and 60s. watch out for the fog in the morning tomorrow afternoon, much warmer bayside and inland night. a nice looking day, but it is going to be noticeably warmer. 95 in morgan hill, 90 in san jose, 78 in santa cruz on the peninsula, 78 in san mateo, 64, in half moon bay, downtown san francisco, 72 degrees 68, in daly city, your north bay temperatures up into the upper 90s in places like calistoga, 91, san rafael 96, in santa rosa, heading into the east bay, 78 in berkeley 79. oakland 88,
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in castro valley, well above average. a good 1015 degrees, in some cases 2096. in concord, 97 degrees inland in livermore. here's your accuweather seven day forecast. yes, it gets hot inland tomorrow, but after that those temperatures do moderate and we notice that cooler afternoon thursday is only in the 80s inland. back up again briefly, but you will notice those temperatures coming into the comfort zone once again just in time for father's day. it is looking nice upper 50s to the upper 80s on sunday. dan and we like the comfort zone. >> yes, thanks and yes, all about it. >> yeah, well, apple dives into the ai arms race by collaborating with a big competitor. the announcement that could dramatically change your iphone plus. >> we want to capture the landscapes, capture the views, capture the wildlife. you see building a better bay area one snapshot at a time. >> the new contest trying to protect a beautiful space through the lens of the people
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there. this is time lapse video on higuera road, just north of quimby road. it's on the east side of town. we are working to get details on how big this fire is, and we will update you as we learn more information. >> as you all know, the future of ai is changing fast and the bay area is right at the center
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of it. today, apple announced a major new push into the ai world at what experts say is the tech giant's most important worldwide developers conference in years. abc seven news reporter zach fuentes shows you how apple is teaming up with a competitor to make some pretty impressive big advancements. >> there will be a lot of huge announcements have been made throughout the year by the biggest tech companies, each unveiling their innovations in ai. >> still, apple had stayed relatively quiet in that regard until monday at its worldwide developers conference. this is a game changer. >> this is not hyperbole. this is going to be a big deal. >> the tech giant's new ai capability is called apple intelligence, ceo tim cook said. it's the next big step for apple, which reached an agreement with openai to integrate chatgpt into devices. some of the updates mean that, with your permission, siri will be able to tap into chatgpt to help out with daily tasks. >> for example, if you need menu ideas for an elaborate meal to make for friends, using some freshly caught fish and ingredients from your garden, you can just ask siri. siri
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determines that chatgpt might have good ideas for this. >> generative ai will usher in many other tools for iphones, ipad, and mac like language tools that summarize text and image generators that can spruce up photos with a revamped siri, which was also announced at the conference. you'll be able to do all of that just by making a simple request. >> you'll be able to say, show me my photos of stacey in new york wearing her pink coat, and siri will bring those right up. then you might say, make this photo pop and siri will enhance it just like that. >> it wasn't just the features that were part of the massive ai unveil. a big emphasis was also placed on user privacy. >> we have integrated it deep into your iphone, ipad and mac and throughout your apps so it's aware of your personal data without collecting your personal data. >> for the last few years, many iphone users have been able to hold on to older models without missing out on too many big updates. with the advancements unveiled monday, that might change if you want to take advantage of everything that they demonstrated, they kind of gave you warning.
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>> you better have an iphone 15 or presumably the 16 when that's announced in september. >> for now, we've only just scratched the surface of everything that was announced today. but apple intelligence will be available this fall in us english for ios 18, ipad os 18, and mac os sequoia, which were all discuss today at apple park in cupertino. zach fuentes, abc seven news and here at abc seven news. >> we are always looking for ways to build a better bay area. now, a photo contest aims to do just that. even if you're not a practice photographer, you have a chance to take a photo that will leave a lasting impression. in fact, it could help make an outdoor destination here in the bay area. even more spectacular. abc seven news meteorologist drew tuma brings the contest into focus, hiking the sunny trails of coyote valley open space is an adventure waiting to happen for volunteer program coordinator kat hill, and this month, she's keeping a special eye out. >> this is a gopher snake. they are a really exquisite creature,
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she tells us he's not poisonous, but he is just one example of the life both amateur and experienced photographers can find if they visit the park for a special photo contest. >> now running through the summer, we have a category for wildlife and this is a perfect example of something that you might like to photograph in coyote valley. >> so it's the big open space area between san jose on the north and morgan hill to the south. cat and program director nick perry showed off the borders of the preserve, which are still evolving as public open space. >> just a short hop off highway 101. they say the photo contest is designed to help planners better understand what visitors love and appreciate about the valley. >> yeah, we want to capture the landscapes, capture the views, capture the wildlife, you see. and so part of the photo contest is getting people out here to see the landscape so they can better participate in the planning process and tell us what types of things they like
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to see out here in the future. as we work to restore it. >> photographer and tour guide ron haury has been capturing the valley for years and never runs short of backdrops. >> one time, just right over there, i saw coyote coming up the hill with a big gopher snake in its mouth, and then one time i was on top of the hill and an eagle, a golden eagle, flew right in front of me. >> visitors of all levels are encouraged to register for the contest on the open space website and upload their photos from digital cameras or cell phones. for terry fergus, some of the most spectacular opportunities are just a few feet from the gate, i like taking pictures of the flowers. the challenge is right now the breeze is blowing and they won't stay still. so that's kind of hard to keep them in focus. >> category winners can receive a $100 rei gift card and an open space authority swag bag, but organizers say the real prize is
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the chance to help a magnificent open space evolve into the future as a gem of the bay area, a coyote valley. drew tuma abc seven news the contest is called picturing coyote valley and runs until july 22nd. >> if you still so you still have time to pay a visit and maybe even take a picture. >> well, hospital is getting ready to send surgery patients somewhere else, and tonight, nurses are worried that the cuts will keep coming. >> a new vision for a struggling street in san francisco. how cable cars are inspiring powell street's future. >> and we'll take you to the bayou with a sneak peek inside disney world's new better in as little as 2 weeks. and when you can breathe better, what isn't better?
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u.s. cease fire plan. >> my message to the governments throughout the region, to people throughout the region, is if you want a cease fire to press hamas to say yes. >> secretary blinken says he does not know what hamas's answer to the proposal will be, but says there's a sense of urgency among all concerned. his comments came as he traveled to israel for meetings with prime minister benjamin netanyahu and other top officials. netanyahu faces political pressure at home. his war cabinet minister resigned following a raid to rescue four people taken hostage by hamas on october seventh. new video from gaza shows israeli airstrikes alongside their rescue mission. hamas claims more than 270 palestinians were killed, nearly 700 injured. the israeli military disputes those numbers. pro-palestinian groups are once again trying to stop the biden administration from
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providing money and weapons to israel for use in the war against hamas. they held a rally outside the federal court building in san francisco, where they filed an appeal to a previous ruling rejecting their claims. plaintiffs in the suit claim president biden and other top officials are complicit in the deaths of thousands of palestinians. >> so let this moment be a testament to our collective resolve, and let it echo through the halls of power and across the globe, that we will not rest until every child in gaza can sleep in peace. every family can rebuild their lives, and every man and woman can live in dignity and freedom. >> in recent months, president biden has walked a thin line in his support for israel's right to defend itself, while calling on the netanyahu government to do more to protect civilians and allow more aid into gaza. >> in the east bay, nurses just ended their picket line at alameda hospital this afternoon. the hospital plans to send patients to other facilities for surgeries, and a move to cut
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costs, but the nurses argue those cuts will impact patients. abc seven news reporter anser hassan has more. what do we want? >> full service, no cuts, no. >> some cuts don't heal. say, nurses picketing at alameda hospital. >> their plan is to have the emergency room remain open. but anyone requiring surgery would be transferred to another facility, taking precious time in delaying that care. >> lisa lafave says she's concerned that the hospital will end some surgeries as of july 1st, as a way to cut costs. >> they are ostensibly saying they're cutting elective elective surgery, but we know that they will ultimately want to eliminate all surgery. we think this is a terrible disservice to the public, and it puts our patients at risk. the nurses united can never be defeated. >> alameda, san leandro and highland hospitals are three acute care facilities that service eastern alameda county. in a statement to abc seven
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news. alameda health system, which operates the hospitals, point to a $55 million price tag to retrofit alameda hospital. it writes the relocation of elective surgery is part of a plan to ensure the long term sustainability of alameda hospital. >> highland and san leandro are already at capacity. we have an operating room right here. why not use this? why not make this a center for excellent care? when we have facilities that are already overloaded? >> lafave admits the surgery facilities at alameda hospital are underutilized, but her concern that these cuts will have a domino effect. >> emergency rooms, ors and icus are a triad of necessity for handling emergencies, so you cannot have one without the other. >> the nurses are asking the alameda county board of supervisors to step in ahead of the july 1st deadline. they plan to protest at the board meeting next week. >> we can see your greedy side
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in alameda, anser hassan abc seven news. >> america has a loneliness problem, and the surgeon general says it's putting the health of millions of people at risk. it's been more than a year since doctor vivek murthy first sounded the alarm, calling loneliness a public health crisis. he says it continues to increase our risk for heart disease and mental health issues. murthy says time spent on social media is taking time from in-person interactions. >> the ability to get everything delivered to us where we are means that we also just encounter people less often in the grocery store and the retail store, or in our neighborhoods. when you combine this with the fact that our participation in the groups that used to bring us together, like, you know, churches and synagogues and mosques or service organizations or recreational leagues have all decreased over the last half century. you start to see why we've become so isolated and alone. >> a recent study from the surgeon general's office showed health issues caused by a lack of connection can be as deadly as smoking. 50 cigarets a day.
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well revitalizing san francisco's downtown is a critical part of building a better bay area. >> and today, the city rolled out a new vision for powell street as it struggles with empty storefronts. so far, they have a plan for the three blocks from market to union square. the new design calls for refreshed sidewalks and upgraded parklets, creating more space for pedestrians. the designers also envision a massive new light feature above powell and market, inspired by the cable cars taking off below. last summer, the city set aside $4 million for the union square alliance to redesign powell street and start construction on the first phase of the project. coming up, team usa snub wnba star caitlin clark responds after being left off the olympic roster and a new diet that promises to save your health and mother earth, the four
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not a disappointment and it gives her something to work for. obviously, chris, we're going to go to you first and see what you have to think. >> yeah, i mean, she's a young player and so i think her attitude is right and that she wants to have maybe a little bit of a chip on her shoulder for the next time the olympics come around. and i think this time around, not having her on the squad, if there's players that have been in the olympic games either longer or veterans that are going to help this team win now, maybe that's the best decision for team usa this time around. i can't imagine her not being there in four years because she is a really good player. but if you're talking about from a network and a tv rating standpoint, you'd want to have run the team because she is ratings gold. everyone tunes in to see caitlyn. she's been a phenomenon over the last couple of years in the college game and has transitioned into the pros and the wnba, but that's not what the coaches and the management of usa olympic basketball are trying to do. they're trying to get the best team to win the gold medal. and maybe they just didn't feel this time around that caitlyn was either ready or they just wanted
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a more veteran staff of players on their team this time around. >> that's a good point. and you know, she may elevate the publicity for it, but hopefully it's translating anyway into more people are watching. >> and i think, like chris said, there's two things. you're right. she's still young and unproven in the league. she has time to play on the olympic team. but from a ratings standpoint, that may have been a missed opportunity. all right, body cameras commonly worn by police officers may be coming to a store near you. some workers are now wearing body cameras and major stores. the parent company of t.j. maxx, marshalls and homegoods, says it's equipping some store employees with body cameras in an effort to thwart shoplifting and keep customers and employees safe. other stores could soon do the same thing in a survey by the national retail federation last year, 35% of u.s. retailers say they were researching body cameras for their employees. let's start with you, sandhya. you know, it obviously has some benefits, but that would mean all of us, as we check out, would then be on camera. what do you think about that? >> yeah, i mean, that's a little odd, dan, but i think that for the greater good, which is safety of everyone, not just helping the bottom line with companies, stores and whatnot,
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but just in general, if people are going into shop and there are people trying to shoplift and there's a scuffle of some sort, i mean, this could be obviously very helpful in a situation like that. >> chris, i feel good that they'll be watching you very closely. >> i just think you just get more security flat out. you get him outside the door, you put him in a couple of different places. i think that would be maybe a little more beneficial than having i. that's where i would put my money. i guess i would say if you're going to put the money on cameras, you might as well just get paid. professionals that are security guards and put them in different places to try and deter it from the from them. even entering or at least seeing it. you got to. they all know there's cameras around in the building, so let's just put more physical security in these in these stores. yeah. because it's great. >> but then are they going to prosecute. it has to actually be a deterrent. did they steal enough in order for them to, you know, go through the process? >> sometimes it seems like cameras instinctively you think they are a deterrent, but people ignore them all the time because cameras are everywhere. >> yeah, we're all being watched. all right, well, want to live a longer life and help save the environment? eat
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plants. a study published today in the american journal of clinical nutrition says people who closely follow a diet of mostly fruits, vegetables and whole grains can reduce the risk of premature death by nearly a third. it's called a planet friendly diet because, researchers say, can also cut greenhouse gas emissions by 29. the study analyzed dietary data from more than 200,000 people. sandhya you're already a step ahead of all of us. >> i am so it's easy for you. >> i've been a vegetarian my entire life, and i feel like it's, you know, just better for our bodies to be able to digest better for the environment. kind of a better for everything. right so i'm not opposed to people eating meat. it's just i was raised a vegetarian and i think it's a lot healthier options. >> chris, could you do it? >> i'm a smoothie master in the morning, so i've got my fruits and already getting my day going. so i do like meat though. i definitely will eat some meat. but i do try to eat my veggies and try and balance it. and you know what? i have a little sweet tooth too. so yeah, i'm not perfect in common. >> no, that's right. but you
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know, if you eat a balanced diet, even if it includes meat and sweets, occasionally, but lots of fruits and vegetables, that's probably helpful anyway. well add a new combo to the list of wild food pairings that will probably make you cringe. >> make sure it's a good bite for everybody. look at that. cheers ooh! >> oh, you know, kit-kats and ketchup. it's apparently catching on the official kit kat instagram account posted a video of employees testing the combo for themselves with mixed reviews. these are some of the comments from viewers. one person wrote. the fact that this is coming from the official kit kat page scares me. another said the combo is surprisingly good, while another who wasn't a fan wrote just three words. jail now . >> goodbye. people also got ridiculed for the way they were eating it because they didn't snap the pieces apart, right? right, right. >> they just took a bite. it's criminal. >> yeah, only an animal would you have to break them apart. >> come on, be civilized. >> i don't know, sandy. i know you don't eat meat, but would you eat that? >> no. >> i mean, i love kit kat, but i would not put it with ketchup.
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dan. i mean, that just looks so gross. >> yeah, it does a little bit. chris. mustard break dan hahahahaha yeah, i don't know people. some people really like that. that combination of salty or spicy and sweet, i don't know, i'd take a, you know, i'd take a little bite to try it just because i can't see that i would like it. >> but but i love ketchup on hot dogs and hamburgers, but i don't put i don't use ketchup with french fries. >> i don't like it on french fries. interesting. and i for sure not a kit kat bar. >> yeah, yeah. all right. >> that's
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florida won the series opener three nothing on saturday thanks to an incredible effort by their goalie sergei bobrovsky. the panthers fans were chanting bobby, bobby, bobby! because, you know, it's hard to find anything that rhymes with bobrovsky, so just yell bobby, right? uh. the oilers actually dominated the game. they had a ton of scoring chances, but bobby bobby shut out edmonton with 32 saves. and the panthers would love to see more of that in game two. >> we're confident in what bob can do behind us, which is huge, so that gives us the opportunity to do, you know, have courage and have good gaps. >> yeah, this is a different caliber, so the idea of shutting down isn't realistic. we all say all the same things that every
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coach that's ever gone to try to limit them time and space, there's a reason for it. we're going to try to limit what they can do and they will try to limit our best players as well. >> we can't win without scoring any goals. and, i don't think we got to change much. i just think we got to stick to our game. and, i believe that when we play our our best 60, we can beat any team and we'll that's what we'll try to do tonight. >> game two. with the stanley cup final coming up here on abc seven, the florida panthers and the edmonton oilers starting at 5 p.m. a programing reminder that means wheel of fortune will come on at 9:00, followed by jeopardy! at 930 and then abc seven news, both at ten and 11 sports on abc seven, sponsored by smart and final. and we will have our first ever hockey post game show, nhl after the game. and we'll have, sharks broadcaster dan rusanowsky in. he's he is a hockey hall of famer. another one hard to find a rhyme for. >> i've been trying to come
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rusanowsky and bobrovsky. no that's fun. no. >> yeah. so i mean it's nice to have a hall of famer upgrade the level of class on that program. that's true. >> it doesn't take much. but it's good to have that. it's a low bar. >> it is a low bar when i'm hosting. yes thanks larry. >> that's true. but we tease. >> all right. well we just got an update from firefighters about that new fire that's burning in east san jose. firefighters tell us the fire is burning outbuildings, but no homes right now. >> yeah, this is it's on happening on higuera road just north of quimby road on the east side of town. the fire is now gone to a second alarm and they're asking for some more help responding to it. yeah >> cal fire has a helicopter making water drops. no word yet on how big it is, but we do have a crew on the way there. and we will keep you updated on abc seven will. >> and of course, any time there's a fire. weather is a factor, whether it's heat or windy. >> let's get to meteorologist sandhya patel for the latest. sandhya. yeah. >> ama and dan. let's take a look at the conditions near the fire right now. humidity is up there 48. but you will notice that the winds are a little bit
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on the gusty side. out of the south, 15 miles an hour. so something to keep an eye on. although i think that they should be able to get a control of it as the winds are not terribly strong. we do have the marine influence on live doppler seven that's sticking around, keeping it mild. tomorrow afternoon in half moon bay, 64 degrees, our summer microclimates 72, in san francisco 79 and oakland getting you up into the mid and upper 90s inland from walnut creek to antioch. here's some other high temperatures 96 in santa rosa, 90 degrees in san jose. it's a one day heat up after that, temperatures trending lower going into the midweek time period before we get a little bump up on friday and then back down for father's day weekend. dan and emma. okay. >> thanks, andy. coming up here, a sneak peek inside disney world's newest attraction. it's part musical journey, part thrill ride, and it's a nod to the beloved movie the princess and the frog. >> we're going to take you inside. tiana's bayou adventure next. >> this is abc 724 seven.
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mountain, which was criticized over its racist roots. >> after years in the works. the new ride is just weeks from opening, and today we have a sneak peek for you. >> that's right, reporter ashley mackey from our sister station in los angeles is live at walt disney world in florida with an inside look at the new attraction. hi, ashley. >> dan. ama. hello, all the way from walt disney world. i literally flew all the way across the country to be here because princess tiana is throwing a party to celebrate the grand opening of the new ride, based off the disney classic the princess and the frog. now, if you are a fan of the movie, the character, the stories like i am and you're a bit of a thrill seeker, this ride is for you. we are getting our first official look at the new tiana's bayou adventure here in the magic kingdom at walt disney world. the musical attraction takes you on a thrilling journey with princess
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tiana and the jazz loving alligator louis as they get ready to celebrate mardi gras season. >> tiana's bayou adventure is a very exciting journey through the bayou. we are on our way to find some musicians for her mardi gras party. >> we're taking the very best of what the imagineers do, especially those that are technically inclined, and we brought it to this new story. so what we're seeing here for the first time domestically in our parks is some of that very best technology showcased. and i'm super excited because i've never seen tiana louis come to life like they like they do here growing up. >> and even now i've been a fan of the princess and the frog and of course, tiana. so this ride is a little bit of nostalgia and a whole lot of fun. the celebration crescendos with a 50 foot drop that plunges you into the grandest celebration on this side of the >> the ride was just so incredible, if i'm being honest, like i kept thinking when i was
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in it, like, wow, people from all over the world are going to get to experience this ride, get a taste of new orleans, like, get that feel, get that vibe. and it's the first black princess ride. so as a black. >> tiana's bayou adventure officially opens here at walt disney world on june 28th. for those of us on the west coast, we've got to wait a little bit longer. but the ride will open in anaheim at the disneyland resort this fall. reporting live at walt disney world. ashley mackie abc seven news. >> we're just going to ask about what's happening at disneyland here in california. ashley, obviously, a lot of people really excited that you spoke with today about this really big milestone. >> absolutely. it's amazing. it really is a big milestone for those of us who are really nostalgic about the story. it really hits all those points. >> fantastic. thanks, ashley. >> and as ashley said at tiana's bayou adventure opens at disney world on june 28th. all right. >> and disney, of course, is the parent company of abc seven. now
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abc seven is streaming. 24 over seven is coming up. get the abc seven bay area streaming app and join us whenever you want, wherever you are. >> yes, that is going to do it for this edition of abc seven news at four. >> i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley. stay tuned now for the stanley cup final next. then join us again for a special edition of abc seven news at 10 a.m. and i will be there with you for that. and of course at 11. prescribed by cardiologists. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure. novartis may help you save on your prescription. (♪) (♪)
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♪ >> announcer: this is espn on abc. ♪ sunset in sunrise, florida, two teams in a quest to end stanley cup droughts. the panthers after winning game one closer than the edmonton oilers, and g


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