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tv   Nightline  ABC  June 11, 2024 12:37am-1:07am PDT

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>> hilarious. >> jimmy: thanks to mr. patton oswalt. you can see his new game show, "the one percent club" tomorrow on prime video, again with your family june 3rd on fox. apologies to matt damon. we did run out of him. "nightline" is next. thanks for watching, good night! ♪ this is "nightline." >> tonight, sharks. >> oh, my gosh, look at that! >> two attacks on florida beaches less than two hours apart. beachgoers looking for fun in the sun instead finding danger in the water. >> i severed four tend on thes, and i obviously had a big hole on the top of my hand. >> what to watch out for on your summer getaway.
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plus, hunter biden's future hangs in the balance. a jury now deciding his legal fate on federal gun charges. >> we've literally never seen anything like this. during a president's time in office to have his own child standing trial in federal court. >> president biden's son's long-time battles with addiction on full display. >> have i made mistakes in my life. >> what president biden told abc about a possible pardon. >> have you ruled out a pardon for your son? and playing like a girl. the cinderella story of the girls team that could and did, entering the league of all boys teams and crushing the competition. >> when you see us like beating them like 5, 6-0, they were like crying to their mums and dads. >> and the surprise lesson the boys say they've learned from the invincibles. plus still dancing in the dark. ♪ courteney cox joining in on the viral mom challenge. >> "nightline" will be right back. a mystery! jessie loves playing detective.
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but the real mystery was her irritated skin. so, we switched to tide free & gentle. it cleans better, and doesn't leave behind irritating residues. and it's gentle on her skin. tide free and gentle liquid is epa safer choice certified. it's gotta be tide. can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge.
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♪ thanks for joining us. tonight, hot temperatures and summer sunshine pulling beachgoers to the shoreline, but many beach towns this year are bracing for the dangerous type of visitor. authorities preparing for the possibility of shark attacks. and some areas are already seeing the horror firsthand. here is abc's faith abubey.
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>> reporter: lightning seemed to strike twice in the sunshine state over the weekend. >> oh, my gosh, look at that! >> reporter: extremely rare back-to-back shark attacks on separate beaches sending two people to the hospital in critical condition. the first happening friday on water sound beach along florida's panhandle. a 45-year-old, elizabeth foley bitten by a shark. authorities say her arm had to be amputated. and less than two hours later, another shark bite four miles away on seacrest beach. first responders say two teenagers were attacked, one of them airlifted to the hospital in critical condition, undergoing multiple extensive surgeries. the incidents forcing authorities to temporarily close a 26-mile stretch of beaches in walton county. >> these types of incidents, they're highly unusual. and it's extremely unusual for two to happen in the same afternoon within four miles of each other. >> reporter: now new questions about whether any of the weekend
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incidents could have been prevented. this video showing a shark close to shore just moments after the first attack. the florida incident just the latest as the busy summer vacation season gets under way. just over a week ago in texas, 19-year-old damiana humphries says she freed herself by punching a shark that bit her hand. >> i severed four tendons, and then i basically had a big hole on the top of my hand that they had to sew together. >> reporter: authorities across the country stepping up patrols on popular beaches this summer, aided by drones. >> it is very common for people to be around sharks without actually knowing it. we certainly don't want to scare any of our visitors from going into the water, but it is natural for those animals to be in this area. >> reporter: back on the beach in walton county, summer is still in full swing, but off to an uneasy start. >> we'll still get in the water. we're just a little bit more cautious. my son is the main one who spends time in the water. so just keep him close.
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>> juju: our thanks to faith. we turn now to hunter biden. an explosive day in a delaware court. he son trial facing gun charges. the jury now deliberating on the fate of the president's son. their decision will undoubtedly affect the trajectory of hunter's life, but could it also impact the upcoming presidential election. here is abc's senior national correspondent terry moran. >> reporter: tonight, members of the presidential family packed into a courtroom to show support for hunter biden as a jury deliberates his fate in his federal criminal case in delaware. >> the room was literally overflowing with bidens. at one point security had to make room for additional members of the biden family. the first lady, who happens to be the defendant's mother, sisters, cousins, throughout this trial, a family affair. >> reporter: except for the president, the bidens have been in and out of court for the last two weeks as hunter biden faced three felony charges tied to the purchase of a colt revolver while allegedly using narcotics
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in october 2018. he is accused of making two false statements and filling out the paperwork to purchase the gun, certifying he was not using or addicted to any controlled substance during the time when prosecutors claim he was addicted to crack cocaine. >> we've literally never seen anything like this. during a president's time in office, to have his own child standing trial in federal court, in wilmington, delaware, the seat of power of the biden family for so many decades, all of it happening right after the unprecedented conviction of a former president, this summer of trials has provided just first after first after first. >> reporter: in france last week, president biden told abc's david muir he would not pardon his son if he was found guilty. >> will you accept the jury's outcome, their verdict no matter what it is? >> yes. >> and have you ruled out a pardon for your son? >> yes. >> reporter: if convicted, hunter biden could face up to 25 years in prison, though expert says he would most likely not serve any time. >> for a first-time offender
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without any criminal record and without any victims in this case, much more likely we're talking about a probation record ball. conviction is a conviction. it's a serious thing. >> reporter: for years the president's son has been open about his fight with drug addiction. >> have i made mistakes my life and wasted opportunities and privileges i was afforded. for that, i am responsible. >> reporter: for the last several years, hunter has been in the headlines for various scandals, ranging from paternity claims and child support to testifying about his father in a closed door gop impeachment inquiry. >> are you planning to testify publicly as well? >> reporter: in his own trial, the 54-year-old never took the witness stand, but his words were used in court nonetheless. prosecutor leah wise pulling excerpts for his memoir "beautiful things" where he admitted himself he was using drugs. playing snippets like -- >> i wandered into the hotel
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nightclub and drank some more. mont carly offers for >> this a portrait prosecutors paint odd of a particular period in the life of a self admitted addict. it was gripping but somewhat sad moment to see all of this exposed as publicly as it was. >> reporter: an expert witness for the government testified that the brown leather pouch that contained hunter's gun tested positive for cocaine. the prosecution calling ex-girlfriend hallie biden, once married to hunter's deceased brother beau. she recounted that she found the gun 11 days after it was purchased while cleaning out hunter's truck, along with remnants of crack cocaine and other drug paraphernalia. i panicked. i wanted to get rid of them, fearing he may commit suicide. >> reporter: prosecutors then played this video for the jury, showing hallie at a local supermarket, tossing hunter's gun away. just 20 minutes later, a local man retrieves it while looking for recyclables, bringing it home and later turning it over
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to police. >> this never becomes a case at all if not for the discarding of the gun. it's easy to imagine this never comes to the attention of prosecutors at all. >> reporter: the day after hunter purchased the gun, he texted hallie that he was waiting for a drug dealer, which he testified meant he was buying crack cocaine. the prosecution called hunter's ex-wife kathleen buehl to the stand. the twoer were married until 2017. she testified she first learned of his crack addiction in 2015 saying i found a crack pipe in a side tray on the porch of our home. they put his former girlfriend and exotic dancer he met at a strip club in new york. she testified she saw hunter smoking crack three weeks before he bought the.38 special revolver and said he would smoke every 20 minutes or so. but on cross-examination, she admitted she lost contact with hunter delays later, and had no idea what hunter was doing at the time he applied to purchase
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the gun. the defense argued hunter was abusing alcohol at that time, not drugs, and that the form he had to fill out is confusing. so their client did not knowingly lie. the defense argument is basically that no one can know whether hunter biden was at that moment actually addicted to drugs. and that the actual definition of what addiction is something that is somewhat malleable. >> reporter: the defense called family members like hunter's daughter naomi to the stand. she said her dad seemed great. he seemed hopeful when she saw him the week after he bought the gun. but on prosecution, lea wise confronted naomi with text messages she sent to her dad with six days after he bought the gun. "i'm really sorry, dad. i can't take this. i just miss you so much. i want to hang out with you." hunter texted back "i'm sorry i've been so unreachable. it's not fair to you." really extraordinary to have prosecutors trying to use their own daughter against them. a and the fact that prosecutors tried to use so many people with the last name biden to provide
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testimony against hunter biden just added to the extraordinary nature of this trial. >> reporter: the biden family has faced many tragedies. in 1972 when he was just 2 years old, hunter's mother niella and sister naomi died in a car crash. >> the wife of u.s. senator-elect joseph biden of delaware was killed today in a two-car crash. a young girl also died in the accident. >> reporter: his brother beau and he survived the accident. and in 2015, beau, the former attorney general of delaware tragically died of brain cancer at 46. >> the worst thing that could have ever happened to me happened when beau died. i got up, and i'm standing here, i'm living my life. and i'm doing it in a way that i want to make my kids proud. i want to make my family proud. >> reporter: today, hunter is married to south african filmmaker melissa cohen biden. they wed less than a week after meeting. melissa by his side throughout the entire trial in delaware.
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hunter biden is also facing a trial set for september on felony charges alleging he failed to pay at least $1.4 million in taxes. >> it certainly isn't good to your son on trial like this. this is ugly. it kind of muddies the water politically. but in terms of what this is about, hunter biden is not running for office. his dad is. and his dad really was not part of the extraordinary family drama that played out in court over the last couple of weeks. >> juju: our thanks to terry. when we return, the cinderella story of the girls who pushed their way into a boys soccer league and turned it upside down. i prep without pills. with apretude, a prescription medicine used to reduce the risk of hiv without daily prep pills. with one shot every other month, just 6 times a year. in studies, apretude was proven superior to a daily prep pill in reducing the risk of hiv. you must be hiv negative, to receive apretude and get tested before each injection. if you think you were exposed to hiv or have flu-like symptoms, tell your doctor right away.
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12:55 am
welcome back. the queen's park ladies. it's an unlikely name for a soccer team of 12-year-old girls, but their story is even more incredible. their path into a league where they didn't quite fit in, but then bit by bit, game by game, and lesson by lesson, they climbed their way all the way to the top. here is abc's maggie rulli. were you surprised when you went undefeated? >> no. ♪ >> reporter: nicknamed the invinc invincibles, this team is giving a whole new meaning to playing like a girl. >> the boys underestimated us because we were girls. so it felt good to prove them wrong. >> reporter: along the southern coast of england in a little town called bournemouth, the queens park ladies are making international headlines. >> celebrate after etching their names in football history, we're very excited to welcome the
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invincibles. we have the queen park ladies! >> come on, ladies! >> reporter: after joining the under 12 league made up of all boys teams, they went on to not just win the league, they went undefeated. what was it like going undefeated? >> it was like they always were a little cocky. so oh, i'm going to do a couple of step-overs, try like skill you. but when you see us beating them like 5, 6-0, they were crying to their mums and dads. you shouldn't have underestimated us. >> reporter: after their decisive victory, after victory, it will be hard to ever underestimate these girls again. but their cinderella story almost didn't happen. the team's manager tobey green says that at first many thought it was bad idea. do you think it's better for boys and girls to mix and play sports together before puberty? >> we know that once the boys
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get to the teenaged years, they get bigger, more powerful, faster, stronger, and yes, there can be a gap. i think up until that stage, it's about opportunity, application, and yeah, just getting out there and doing it. >> reporter: we met up at home with tobey and his daughter olivia, who is a captain on the invincibles. what did you think when your dad said here's the plan. you're going play soccer, but you're going play against boys? >> i didn't think much of it, because i've always played against the boys. and i thought we could do it. every single game, we just went in positively, and if we went a goal down, we didn't get our heads down. we kept encouraging each other. >> check out your room. >> reporter: olivia takes us upstairs where she shows us her bag filled with many, many trophies. oh, there is a loft trophies and medals in there. do you feel like people underestimated you and your teammates? >> yeah. >> reporter: yeah? how so? >> well, some of the boys are laughing when they first played
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us and thought they were going to win by quite a lot. but we won. everybody surprised. and it felt good to show them we can be as good as them. >> yeah. >> reporter: before playing soccer, olivia was shy and barely able to speak. how do you think you've changed in the last six seasons? >> when i first started, i wasn't as confident. but now i'm definitely more confident because of all our relationships with each other, and just playing boosted my confidence. >> reporter: what it is about soccer, about football that boosts your confidence? >> i think just playing because it just makes me feel proud of how far i've come. it makes me more confident. >> reporter: today is game day for the green family. their mom haley tells us watching her daughters get ready to take the field is a modern-daydream. how do you think sports for women have changed from when you
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work to your daughters now? >> it's such a massive difference. i say to the girls how lucky they are. when i was at school, i would have about five minutes in a boys match, and it would be like five-minute pitch at the end of the game. and that's why my passion now is to encourage more people and help the girls as well in their football. >> reporter: fed and ready, there is just one more thing left for olivia to do. the invincibles are matching off against a team they beat twice before. >> stretch. >> reporter: on the sidelines, it's all busy. >> so let's get out there, and let's try and win. >> yeah. >> reporter: and on the field, it's all action. ♪ right from kickoff, the girls dominate, quickly making the score 2-0. have you learned anything from them? >> yeah, i think they work really well as a team. and their passes are spot-on every single time.
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>> reporter: do you think the girls seem like a worthy opponent? >> yeah, very good. they're the best in the league, easily. >> reporter: the girls making tight defensive plays, strategically guarding their territory. even as their winning season comes to a close, the girls have gained so much more than just another trophy. >> i think her confidence outside of school, it's helped her massively. >> reporter: what about your girls? >> yeah, they love it. i think it's great for their confidence. they made so many different friendship groups that they wouldn't have had otherwise. they really trust each other. and that. coulds really across in the game. the last two weeks have been unbelievable. >> reporter: and while we were chatting -- >> i made you miss a goal. i made you miss a goal. i'm sorry. >> reporter: another goal. the girls bring home the w, a
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decisive 3-0. how do you feel after the win? >> amazing! >> invincibles! [ cheering ] >> juju: our thanks to maggie. when we return, courteney cox with the boss take on the latest tiktok mom challenge. camilla tried the new scent of gain relax flings and it changed everything. (♪) (silence) (♪) (♪) hey dave, don't knock it till you smell it. try the new luxurious scent of gain relax flings. try new gain relax scent beads too... for twice the vibes . can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?)
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and finally tonight, the year is 2024, or is it 1984? courteney cox isn't too cool to relive those glory days. the former "friends" star taking the tiktok mom challenge, asking my mom how she danced in the '80s, leave for the springsteen track that rocketed her on to every teen's mtv screen in 1984. cox had been cast in the video for looking like a boss fan who couldn't believe her good luck to dance with her hero.


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