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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  June 11, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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but to say that crime is down. this number unacceptable. uh- is not. it should not be the norm. >> what we're seeing is that we have the lowest numbers of crime right now for the past. what three years? >> conflicting narratives when it comes to crime numbers in the city of oakland. good evening. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley. >> thanks for joining us. governor newsom is touting a major drop in crime thanks to months of chp assistance, but the police union is painting a different picture after a deadly weekend. abc seven news reporter anser hassan dives into the data
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for a more accurate look at public safety in oakland. >> the data is in and the outlook appears good for oakland. new numbers from the city suggest since january, there's been a 33% drop in crime. but is that the whole picture? >> we should compare our number to a lengthy amount of time, not just the difference between this year and last year. we have to bring our number down to a level where our community feel that there's a sense of safety, sergeant huiwen, president of the oakland police officers association, raises an important point. >> city and state leaders are recognizing a 33% drop in overall crime while looking at year to date numbers compared to this time last year. but that includes a chp surge that began in february. looking at a larger set of data and during the past 12 months to all of 2023, overall, crime is still down, but now only by 15.8. and we're looking at the past 12 months versus the annual average for the past three years. overall, crime was down, but now just by over 1. >> what we're seeing is that we
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have the lowest numbers of crime right now for the past, what, three years? >> oakland mayor shengtao may be correct, but perhaps not by as much as the latest numbers show. for example, from january to now, opd says homicides are down 21% compared to this time last year. but when looking at the past 12 months versus all of 2023, it's only down 7.5. similar for robberies, opd estimates robberies are down 5% year to date, but when measured against the past 12 months compared to 2023, it's only down 2. >> every time we roll into the beginning of summer, we will see an increase of violent crimes across the city, an increase of scishow uh. that is just the norm for us, sergeant nguyen says. >> while the bigger picture shows a small drop in crime, there's still work to be done and he's concerned by a budget proposal to eliminate upwards of 30 opd positions due to attrition. still the mayor argues, despite the additional chp officers overall crime is trending downward. >> it's easy to say, look, this
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window broke, right? we see the glass here. it's easy to say, well, this business is closing for whatever the reason may be. >> the mayor says the chp surge is only one part of a comprehensive strategy. she adds. the ceasefire program adding more foot patrols and weekly data analysis are all playing a role in oakland, anser hassan abc seven news. >> alameda county district attorney pamela price spoke today about her office's effort to curb gun violence. d.a. price admits one of the biggest challenges locally is ghost guns. >> those of us in california have to deal with the proliferation of ghost guns. uh- manufacturers who have the ability to provide ghost, access to guns. we know that in our county, there's been a dramatic increase in the number of gun manufacturers as uh, particularly in south county. >> in response to that, alameda county has launched a pilot program for young men who are caught with a gun for the first time. that program helps them
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through a diversion workshop. >> the san francisco police department may be seeing a big cash infusion from a local billionaire, according to the san francisco chronicle, a charitable organization set up by cryptocurrency mogul chris larsen has funneled $1 million into the san francisco police community foundation. the report says the money will be shared evenly among the department's ten district stations, and will help fund programs and buy equipment officers can use. any spending must be approved by the board of supervisors and the police commission. >> san francisco is moving forward with its plan to install speed cameras throughout the city, to reduce accidents and to protect pedestrians. it received the final approval today at the board of supervisors meeting. there are at least 33 locations where cameras would be installed. they're deemed high risk corridors. they'll automatically snap a driver's picture if they're caught going at least 11 miles an hour over the posted speed limit. installation is expected to happen later this year.
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>> the san francisco board of supervisors also just approved a plan that would allow a number of city departments to solicit private donations. that means the city is one step closer to bringing pandas to san francisco zoo. abc seven news reporter lena howland is following the story and joins us live from the newsroom with why leaders say this is so important. >> lena umma officials say this was so important because they need $25 million to make it happen. and they're not going to use any taxpayer money. now, fundraising can begin, but some people feel like the zoo is just not ready to take care of these animals. another big step forward in mayor london breeds plan to bring pandas to the san francisco zoo as early as next year, less than two months after signing an agreement with chinese wildlife officials, the city just cleared the way to allow fundraising to begin. >> we're not using tax dollars. this will all be funded privately. >> supervisor joel engardio co-sponsored the resolution that will allow for city departments to solicit donations from private entities, even if they
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do business with the city. something that usually raises ethical concerns. but engardio says it's a critical next step in the process. >> what it means is that we can start the process to do the private fundraising necessary to build the enclosure, do the improvements, fix things at the zoo to make it a appropriate place for pandas. >> but not everyone is on board a spokesperson for in defense of animals and animal rights group said the zoo has been mismanaged for years and won't be able to take care of the pandas. >> really, this place is not safe for animals. it's not safe for zookeepers. it's not safe for the public. it's a financial sinkhole. >> before tuesday's board of supervisors meeting where someone even dressed up in a panda costume, she spent her morning hand delivering a petition of 7000 signatures signed by people opposing the plan. >> this panda exhibit, if it will be built, will be built on a base of corruption, san francisco mayor london breed, responding to those claims and also we are responsible for
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completing a behested payment form. >> and before we accept any of those resources, the city attorney's office will, of course, review any of the requests to ensure that we are in compliance. >> she hopes this will help strengthen tourist ties with china without having to use taxpayer dollars. >> people want to come to san francisco and they want an opportunity to have flights that are also affordable. with the limited number of flights that exist, it makes it a bit more challenging. so we definitely know that this plays into that role. >> the city's goal is to raise at least $25 million for a new enclosure and upgrades at the zoo. the mayor's office says the city and the zoo will now develop and share a fundraising timeline and continue working with chinese partners on their agreement. they'll also continue working with the san diego zoo's panda research team, who are also expecting to receive their own set of pandas live in san francisco. lena howland abc seven news okay, lena, thanks
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very much. >> happening now we're tracking the heat. here's a live look at the conditions outside. a pretty steamy. meteorologist sanjay patel has her eye on that. sandy. yeah, dan, it feels like summer has arrived a little early. >> let me show you the temperatures right now. it has hit 100 degrees in concord, 99. in brentwood, 97 in livermore, san jose. you're at 90, 82, oakland, 72 in the city and upper 90 showing up around places like santa rosa and fairfield compared to 24 hours ago. it's double digit gains in many areas like santa rosa up 21, up 15. in oakland, heat advisory remains in effect until 8 p.m. tonight. there's still a risk of heat illnesses, so this is the time when you do want to take it easy. i'll be back to let you know when you'll get some relief coming right up, umma. all right, we'll check back. >> thank you. sandhya. and we continue our team coverage of the heat in the east bay. let's get to abc seven news reporter leslie brinkley with more on how people are trying to stay comfortable out there. leslie
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>> well, plenty hot out here in dublin today. we got close to 100, i'd say. but right now i have to say it feels just the slightest bit cooler. my photographer agrees with me as we got a little breeze kind of rolling through here, but still one of those really hot summer days that stresses a lot of people out. soft serve on tap is there a better invention than this on a day? flirting with 100 degrees. happy car loads of customers lined up at meadowlark dairy in pleasanton, but last week, chaos ensued during the heat wave when there walk in freezer. this huge walk in freezer broke. >> just blew a breaker. just the compressors on the machines were just so hot. >> that's a pretty disastrous thing for a ice cream. >> always fun for ice cream. yes, a lot of ice cream everywhere. a lot of cream all over the floor. but we got it now. now we're back. >> they're slowly restocking the bars, pints and tubs that were a total loss. yum num.
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>> they're going to be days such as this. they're going to be days hotter than this. so for us we like to hydrate and make sure that our firefighters are safe. >> the contra costa county fire protection district, up staffed in april, hiring 32 new hand crew specialists and two captains, along with two dozers to be prepared for the 2024 fire season. >> we have our type one, our structural firefighter engines, and we also have our type threes and our type sixes, which are our wildland firefighting engines, and our crews go back and forth between those two. >> the training proved valuable on sunday as crews fought what started as a structural fire in a warehouse, a blaze that quickly blew up into a 55 acre grass fire. >> we got a lot of hillside with a lot of brown grass on it, so we just have to be prepared. >> their strategy for being prepared also applies to the general public. >> they hydrate all day, every day, taking electrolytes just in
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case, the when you are on a fire and thirsty, that's not the time to load up on water. >> so a good day to stay in the ac. if you can't do that, stay in the shade. and above all, hydrate. as you heard the motto for the fire department, they said, is drink early, drink often. we've been trying to do that. reporting live in dublin. i'm leslie brinkley, abc seven news. back to you. >> absolutely critical. all right, leslie, thanks so much. still ahead, reparations for black california takes another step forward. we'll tell you about the three key bills that advanced at the state capitol today. and you'll hear from the man who authored them. plus lawyers for elizabeth holmes, who's convicted of fraud, make their case in her bid for a new trial. >> details
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that shooting happened during a fight saturday evening at the oak shores day use area. 25 year old gabriel chavez is charged with the murder of 39 year old man from vallejo. three people, including chavez, were stabbed during the brawl. >> convicted theranos founder elizabeth holmes is fighting for a new trial in her fraud case. her lawyer was in court in san francisco for an appeals hearing today. holmes was not in court for the hearing. she was convicted in 2022 on four felony counts of defrauding investors in theranos, her now defunct blood testing startup. she's currently serving 11 years in prison. her attorney claims the trial judge improperly allowed a former theranos scientist to testify about how poorly the company's blood testing technology performed. >> tesla appears to be headed to trial over claims by the california dmv. the carmaker made false statements about its vehicles self-driving capabilities. tesla was seeking to get the case thrown out, but a judge denied that request
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monday. the dmv argues the company made false statements about the autopilot and full self-driving features, leading customers to believe that they are more advanced than they really are. tesla is also facing a class action lawsuit by customers who are making similar claims. >> california is now one step closer to the nation's first slavery reparations, becoming law today. three key bills passed in the state assembly's judiciary committee. they address slavery and decades of discrimination. the first bill would create an agency to oversee reparations. the second would create a fund for reparations and reparative justice, and the third would compensate families for racially motivated land taking. >> the costs of reparations will be high. let's make no joke. a joke about that. but the cost of the harms make this minuscule based on the debt and harm that that was created through slavery . >> all three bills now advanced
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to the assembly appropriations committee, then to the full assembly for a vote. >> all right. coming up here, we're continuing to track the heat across the bay area. you felt it today. here's a live look at the conditions at the beach in santa cruz. doesn't that look like a nice spot to be? we'll be back with the latest from abc7 news me
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for everyone in illinois. the middle of everything! alex padilla and laphonza butler have introduced a bill to change the united nations plaza federal building to the senator dianne feinstein federal building. the building is on the national register of historic places and is just steps away from where feinstein served as the first female mayor of san francisco. >> a major expansion project is about to break ground at ucsf benioff children's hospital, oakland. the hospital is modernizing its campus and adding a slew of state of the art facilities. the current main building will stay, and the additions will replace several older buildings that sit behind
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it. dating back to the 1920s. so they're pretty old. plans include doubling the size of the emergency department. now that's critical because the hospital is the only level one pediatric trauma center in the region. >> so it'll be seven stories. uh- will include a new neonatal intensive care unit, two new medical surgical units, and inpatient psychiatric unit, which will be the first in the region for kids here in the bay area. >> the project is a $1.6 billion investment. the hospital has signed a trade agreement with that ensures at least 30% of the construction workers hired will be local construction workers. >> all right, let's get to our weather. we saw those folks hanging out at the beach. good place to be. boy, that does seem like a nice place to be. >> a little bit of a breeze, maybe. abc seven news meteorologist sanjay patel is here. sandhya. >> yeah, and you know what, dan? >> and places like half moon bay, only 64 today. so a good way to beat the heat. indeed here's a live view from our santa cruz camera, where some
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people are doing exactly that. in the distance you can see there's some fog out there, certainly high temperatures up into the hot category for some areas. 97 in santa rosa. these are highs so far at the airport at 73 in the city, oakland, 8492 san jose livermore. you're hitting 100 degrees so far. redwood city, 93 degrees. looking at a live picture from our san rafael camera. blue skies right now, 97. whoops, sorry about that. 97 in santa rosa. still uh- napa is at 87 degrees concord. you're at 100 and fairfield 99. sunny skies from our sutro tower camera over san francisco and you will notice that some of these temperatures that are the high so far are the current numbers. hayward 86, currently san jose 90 degrees and it is 61. in half moon bay. high pressure bringing us the heat today. here is the good news. it's over all right. we're going down as we head towards tomorrow. live view from our emeryville camera. little hazy out there tomorrow. relief from the heat arrives friday.
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temperatures rebound slightly. you're going to see those 90s popping back in. and then father's day weekend. sunny and mild to warm weather is expected. so this evening, still some 90s at 620 inland. it's going to be slow cooling inland areas, but along the coast and around the bay you'll get quick relief. 8:00 in the evening 80s and 90s might be a good idea to open up the windows to get that fresh breeze coming through tomorrow morning we will see areas of fog to start the day, and then in the afternoon, it's not going to come up in terms of rapidly warming as much. so tomorrow afternoon most of you will notice the difference as we head into the evening hours. those temperatures will be more in the comfort zone. your morning numbers in the 50s and the 60s, there will be some areas of fog, but it's not going to be widespread fog. you'll see more fog coming into the picture on your thursday tomorrow afternoon. breezy and cooler 83 in san jose in the south bay, 81 santa clara on the peninsula. you're looking at a lovely day. 76 in palo alto, 68 millbrae,
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upper 50s near the coast. you're still going to have some fog hanging around downtown san francisco. 64 degrees. today's temperatures well above average. tomorrow coming down closer to where you should be 88 in santa rosa, 77 in san rafael and vallejo in the east bay, 69, berkeley, 71. in oakland, the sun will be out. it's going to be a lovely day. fremont 78 degrees inland areas. you're going to be in the low 80s to the low 90s, barely making it to that 90 degree mark in antioch and brentwood. 81, san ramon 84, concord 86. in livermore, your accuweather seven day forecast cooling begins tomorrow. it is going to continue on thursday and then a little bit of a reversal on friday. but over the weekend you will notice really comfortable weather for father's day weekend. upper 50s to low 60s, coast side, upper 80s inland and then really minor fluctuations in the temperatures going into early next week. so yeah, really beautiful. ama and dan. >> thanks, andy. >> one of the units in capitola is famed venetian court is up
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for sale. look at this. the family that's owned the bright blue apartment at the end of the complex for nearly 50 years, has placed it on the market for $5.45 million. the unit was built in 1930. it's about 1900 square feet, with five bedrooms and two baths. the owners have used it as a vacation rental, but are looking to offer it back as a single family home. >> right after the break. there's a beef over franks. why bay area native joey justice will not be competing in this year's 4th of july hot dog eating contest. stay with us. >> this is abc 724 seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland. yeah. you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. >> we are, we are, we are, we are, we are, we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc seven bay area
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a streaming tv app. just search abc seven bay area and download it. a 4th of july tradition was going to look different this year. >> bay area native joey chestnut will not compete in the nathan's hot dog eating competition. he's famously won the event 16 times, but now he's been banned because he's representing a rival hot dog brand that sells plant based hot dogs. chestnut responded, writing on ex quote, i was gutted to learn from the media that after 19 years, i'm being banned from the nathan's july 4th hot dog eating contest. i love competing in that event. i love celebrating america with my fans all over this great country on the fourth, and i have been training to defend my title. >> a big honor for forty-niners star christian mccaffrey. after landing the cover of the popular football video game franchise madden nfl 25, no niners players had been chosen until now. ea sports posted the announcement
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on x this morning. mccaffrey spoke with our sister station espn about this milestone, saying, quote, being the first 40 niners player is really humbling when you think about how many greats have played for this organization, definitely feel very fortunate. good for him. >> that's awesome. all right. we still have much more news ahead. we do. let's go to abc seven news anchor stephanie sierra for a look at what's coming up at 530. >> steph thanks dan and ummah in honor of pride month, we have a closer look into the redesign of san francisco's harvey milk plaza. the effort underway since the year 2000 is now finally getting some traction. abc seven's lyanne melendez will join us to discuss the new vision honoring the late lgbtq icon. then mountain lions, eagles and yes, some snakes. abc's evans climate and environment producer tim didion is taking us on an adventure to scope out the bay area's newest premier open space. we'll tell you where. coming up, join us for those stories and more at 530 on abc seven bay area streaming tv. dan and ummah. all
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right steph, thank you very much. >> and you can download the abc seven app or head to abc seven and join steph in two minutes. >> and if you're watching us here on tv world news tonight with david muir is next for sandhya patel. all of us, we appreciate your time. i'm dan ashley and i'm ama daetz. >> we will see you again at six. ♪ jardiance! -it's a little pill with a ♪ ♪ big story to tell. ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪
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tonight, several breaking stories as we come on the air. hunter biden guilty on all charges. tonight, two jurors now speaking to abc news. what they reveal inside the jury room. jurors split right down the middle at first. also, the stunning images coming in, the rush hour bus hijacking. and the secret recordings of supreme court justices tonight. the audio, and what it reveals. first tonight, the historic verdict. hunter biden guilty on all three counts. for illegally purchasing and possessing a gun while using drugs. inside the courtroom, the moment the verdict was read. angh


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