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tv   America This Morning  ABC  June 12, 2024 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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this morning. america this morning, president biden's son, hunter is convicted on all counts at his federal gun trial. now, we hear from the jurors what they're revealing about how they reached their verdict, even though they were initially split 6 to 6. what they say was never discussed during deliberations. >> a scene from a hollywood movie playing out in a major city, a public bus high during rush hour, the driver crashing into cars, the drama unfolding
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on live tv. what we are learning about the suspect, new concerns about security on the southern border. >> eight people with alleged ties to isis are arrested in multiple cities after illegally entering the u.s. what a new investigation reveals about the migrant vetting process pamela smart with the new message from prison how the former school teacher who persuaded her teenage lover to kill her husband, is now hoping to get out of prison. quicksand survivor you're probably ten feet from the sand dunes and i just dropped into the ground a woman who sank waist deep into quicksand at a popular beach describes the terrifying moments and how she made it out. competitor of eating champ joey chestnut is banned from the july fourth hot dog eating contest. >> what's behind this escalating beef? >> and with consumers fed up with high prices, how starbucks is now entering the value meal wars from abc news. >> this is america this morning.
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>> good wednesday morning everyone i'm andrew dymburt. >> good morning to you i'm rhiannon ally. we want to begin with the hunter biden guilty verdict. the president's son convicted on felony gun charges. >> we are now hearing from members of the jury describing how they reached their verdict. some of the details may surprise you. here's abc's lionel moise this morning. >> new insight into the historic verdict that made hunter biden the first child of a sitting president to be convicted of a felony. a jury, after three hours of deliberation, finding him guilty on all three counts for lying about his drug use on a federal form in 2018, when he bought a gun, jurors say initially, they were split on whether biden was guilty. >> believe it or not, it was a split vote six six, six six. that is the first vote that was first set, but then jurors say they focused on the fact that biden knew he was an addict when he filled out the background check and they say one piece of
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evidence was critical. >> a text message from hunter biden the day after he bought the gun, saying he was waiting for a dealer named mookie. >> if you're not here, right, this is something that sticks with you for the rest of your life. >> jurors say they worked well together and never discussed politics. they say biden being the son of the president did not sway them. >> i'm thinking that he did a bad thing, and actions have consequences. >> after the verdict, another juror questioned if the trial was even necessary. in my opinion, this was a waste of taxpayers dollars. >> i think they should. they could have just fingered hunter biden, left the court with his wife and mother. >> the first lady by his side, and was later seen embracing his father in delaware. in a statement, he said he's grateful for the support, saying recovery is possible by the grace of god and i am blessed to experience that gift one day at a time. former president trump, recently convicted himself, has claimed the justice system is rigged in president biden's favor. trump's
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allies, including house speaker mike johnson, say yesterday's verdict against the president's son does not undercut their claims about a two tier system of justice. >> every case is different, and clearly the evidence was overwhelming here. i don't think that's the case in the trump trials and all the charges that have been brought against him have been obviously brought for political purposes. hunter biden is a separate instance. >> the trump campaign reacted to the biden verdict by calling it a distraction from what the campaign claims are. the real crimes of the biden crime family. hunter biden could face up to 25 years in prison, but legal experts say being a first time offender prison time is unlikely. he. >> it's going to be interesting to see whether the special counsel, even asks for any prison time. >> when you listen to his press conference today and you read between the lines, it sounded like he may not even ask for prison time. >> and hunter biden's legal troubles are far from over. he is set to go on trial in
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california in september, charged with failing to pay more than $1 million in taxes. and if convicted, experts say he's more likely to face prison time. in that case. rhiannon. andrew, we'll see what happens. >> lionel. thank you for that. now to a scene straight out of a hollywood movie. a bus during rush hour, the driver crashing into cars, all of it playing out late yesterday in atlanta. the first calls came in around 4:30 p.m, have shots fired and shots fired. >> person shooting on the bus. >> passengers reporting a gunman on a county bus in atlanta holding hostages. officers arrive, but then the suspect orders the bus driver at gunpoint to start driving a bus that is just barreling down the road. a chase ensues across multiple counties. what is happening? the bus carrying 17 passengers plows into several cars, the driver trying to maneuver through heavy traffic,
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displaying this emergency message on the digital screen, a gunman with a gun to the head of a bus driver saying, don't stop this bus or else worse will happen. >> this is the type of thing that obviously no one is. i mean, it seems like the movies police finally used a spike strip to bring the chase to an end, arresting 39 year old joseph greer, a convicted felon with nine prior arrests. >> passengers safely getting off the bus. but one passenger, who was wounded later died at the hospital. >> one individual has died of injuries, which we believe to be a gunshot wound a short time before the bus hijacking, an unrelated shooting rampage nearby at a downtown food court, police say a man shot one victim after an argument, then shot two bystanders before an off duty police officer took him down. >> had he not been there, things could have gotten worse. >> the suspect in this case, also a convicted felon with 11
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prior arrests. the mayor highlighting the troubled past of both the food court and bus hijacking suspects. >> guns are in the hands of folks that shouldn't have them. a person that's been arrested 11 times, a felon, and another 19 times. this is a problem. >> the mayor suggested mental health may have played a role in both cases, the three victims from the food court are expected to survive. >> for teachers from a college in iowa are recovering after being stabbed during a visit to china, disturbing video shows the victims lying on the ground in a park in northeast china. the teachers from cornell college were part of an exchange program. a 55 year old man was arrested at the scene. one victim described the attack to iowa public radio. >> i turned around to see a man, brandishing a knife at me. i didn't immediately realize that that was what was happening. i thought that my coworkers had been pushed. and then i looked down at my shoulder and realized, oh, no, i'm bleeding. i've been stabbed. >> police say the suspect lashed out after bumping into one of
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the teachers in the park. >> new concerns about security at the southern border. sources say migrants with alleged ties to isis have been detained in major u.s. cities after crossing the border illegally. abc's christiane cordero has details on that. christiane. good morning. >> rhiannon. good morning. the eight migrants have now been detained in multiple cities for their alleged ties to isis. as a new report raises serious questions about security on the border. this morning, eight migrants who entered the u.s. illegally through the southern border are in custody for their alleged ties to terrorism. the individuals detained in new york, los angeles and philadelphia are from tajikistan. they were vetted when entering the u.s, but sources say authorities later uncovered information raising suspicion about their possible affiliations with isis. the fbi previously warned about this vulnerability at the border. >> there is a particular network where some of the overseas facilitators of the smuggling network have isis ties that we're very concerned about. >> and now the homeland security department's inspector general is raising concerns about the
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vetting process for migrants entering the u.s. after analyzing asylum applications over a six year period up until last year, the inspector general concluded the technology, procedures and coordination were not fully effective when screening non-citizens and some asylum seekers finding more than 20,000 people allowed into the u.s. ended up being flagged during a later security check, and more than 600 were found to represent potential national security concerns. as for those eight people with alleged ties to isis, sources say there's not enough evidence for charges, but all eight are likely to be deported. andrew >> christiane. thank you. a federal judge has blocked florida's law that restricts gender affirming care for minors. the judge ruled florida's ban on puberty blockers and hormone therapy is unconstitutional, saying, quote, transgender opponents are free to hold their beliefs, but they are not free to discriminate. governor ron desantis says the law is aimed at protecting kids from, quote, permanent, life altering damage. he's vowing to
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appeal the ruling. >> a new study confirms what many people already know the cost of owning and maintaining a home has skyrocketed. the study looked at everything from insurance to home repairs, even cable tv bills, and found costs are up 26% since the pandemic. well, today, the government will release a new report on inflation that could influence whether or not the federal reserve cuts interests rates. >> time now for your wednesday weather. well, expect flooded streets across south florida today as heavy rain continues. more than eight inches of rain fell in just three hours near sarasota yesterday, and there's plenty more on the way. up to 20in are possible in some areas. this week. meanwhile, heat is building farther north. atlanta and raleigh could see record highs in the 90s. by friday. philly and new york also around 90. checking today's high temperatures elsewhere. 90s from the northern plains down to the gulf 103 in south texas. coming up, the area of the south known
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as cancer alley may be more dangerous than first thought. >> also ahead, a deer comes crashing through the city bus. how the driver reacted and pamela smart, the former school teacher who persuaded her teenage lover to kill her husband decades ago, has you're not alone. rent is up, and every family outing costs an arm and a leg. well, we want to help. so when prices go up, we find new ways to go low.
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chef with iowa debris on gma a scary scene on this city bus in rhode island a deer smashing through the windshield. >> three people were injured as glass fruit flew everywhere. the bus driver is being praised for staying so calm under pressure. the deer did not survive. >> well, a new study in louisiana's so-called cancer alley shows levels of toxic gas in the air are significantly higher than previously thought. cancer alley stretches between new orleans and baton rouge, and
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it is lined with chemical plants and refineries, research has found levels of ethylene oxide there to be 1000 times higher than what's considered safe. that chemical is primarily used in plastic production. the chemical industry disputes the findings, saying levels have sharply decreased in the last decade. >> now to pamela smart, the former teacher serving life behind bars for directing her teen lover to kill her husband, decades ago, she says she's accepting responsibility as she makes a new bid to get out of prison this morning, for the first time, pamela smart has accepted responsibility for her husband's murder, 34 years after persuading a teenager to shoot him. >> i found myself responsible for something i desperately didn't want to be responsible for it. my husband's murder. >> smart was a 22 year old teacher in new hampshire back in 1990, when she began an affair with a 15 year old student, billy flynn. he would later kill smart's husband, greg, who was on his knees when he was shot in
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the head. flynn pleaded guilty to second degree murder, but smart, who was accused of recruiting flynn for the killing, was charged with being an accomplice to first degree murder. >> if this story were a made for tv movie and it surely will be, you might not believe it. >> her trial became a media circus, inspiring the hollywood movie to die for. >> do we have to get, permission slips from our parents for this? >> no, no, that wouldn't be necessary. smart denied knowledge of the murder plot, but a jury didn't buy it. >> she was convicted and sentenced to life without parole. but now, in a new video, smart admits that she previously deflected blame for gregory's murder, and she's now asking new hampshire's governor to reduce her sentence. >> i had to acknowledge for the first time in my own, you know, mind and my own heart how responsible i was. >> greg smart's family says they're not convinced by the new video, noting she never mentioned greg by name. they want her to remain in prison, saying she hasn't paid the price . >> if she would just admit it, i
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would be okay. i can't speak for my whole family. i mean, i know greg's brothers are still horrified by this, and until she admits that she planned it and she's guilty of it and she should stay in jail if she doesn't say that the governor's office says smart will be given the same opportunity as anyone requesting a reduced sentence. >> it did not elaborate on a timeline coming up. >> one truck drivers close call with the passing train also ahead. uplehe uninvited bear living at home, and he won't home, and he won't leave missing out on the things you love because of asthma? get back to better breathing with fasenra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. step back out there with fasenra. ask your doctor if it's right for you. (♪)
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wanna know a secret? more than just my armpits stink. that's why i use secret whole body deodorant... everywhere. 4 out of 5 gynecologists would recommend whole body deodorant, which gives you 72 hour odor protection from your pits to your- (sfx: deoderant being sprayed) secret whole body deodorant. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) it's derm's day off, but neutrogena ultra sheer sunscreen is still on the clock. vital sun protection goes six layers deep blocking 97% of burning uv rays. it's light, but it's working hard. unlike me. neutrogena ultra sheer sunscreen. (♪) these new menu items at panera are perfect tens. they're also each under $10. more new sandwiches and salads, more in every bite, and more new options under $10. come taste the new era at panera and get a $0 delivery fee for a limited time.
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the new era at panera and get a $0 delivery fee for a limited time. >> ooh, a last second escape caught on camera near atlanta. a tractor trailer driver got out of his rig seconds before a freight train slammed into the truck. look at this video. wow someone in a car behind him warned the driver he was in danger and luckily no one was hurt. >> a woman who fell waist deep into quicksand is describing her terrifying ordeal. jamie acourt says she was walking on a beach in maine with her husband when she suddenly found herself trapped in sand. her husband was finally able to pull her out. >> i was just covered in mud and we turned around and looked back and there was no hole. and so it was one of those moments where it's like, did that really happen? >> park rangers say the hidden pits are the result of super saturated sand. they say people who encounter quicksand should stay calm and lean forward or backward to disperse their weight. finally some good advice now to california and the bear
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who's friendly or not? >> who's a little too close for one family's comfort. a family in southern california is describing what it's like to have a large and unwanted guest at their house. >> we definitely have heard him going through the trash. and then last night he got into the trash and was dragging it under the house. >> jamie tate says a bear broke into the crawl space under their home in monrovia more than a week ago, and it's been living there ever since. >> the homeowner is pretty frustrated with love for the bear to leave, but he's not going to do anything to antagonize the bear and we're not either. >> tate says the bears, already tagged by wildlife officials, but police won't do anything because the bear has yet to pose any danger to people. >> he's a pet. kate thurman lives nearby and says the bear is known as samson, a big, lovable furball who's been in the neighborhood for years. he'll get in my trash if i have any chicken bones, he'll get them. a lot of these people might be afraid of him, but he's harmless. >> but tate isn't so sure. he's
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a bit worried, especially since he and his wife are expecting a baby soon. >> i'm about to have a baby, and knowing that there's a bear under the bedroom where you're going to be putting the child, i'd be worried too. >> tate plans to set up a camera, and then he's going to board up the crawl space. the next time samson leaves. all right, coming up. >> the profession where women are far better than men because of their physical toughness. >> plus, why joey chestnut is now banned from the july 4th hot ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight
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major league eating spoke to abc news about the rule that says competitors cannot endorse any hot dog that's not nathan's. >> we learned just a couple of days ago. then we asked, we hope that this is not true or that you would reconsider. and we were told that there's no interest, to reconsider. so we have to move on. >> joey chestnut says he learned from the media about the ruling. next, the new study, finding women are better suited to be astronauts than men. >> that's because their bodies adapt to space travel better. according to researchers. it's because women's bodies are designed to handle childbirth. they're able to tolerate a large change in fluid dynamics, which helps the body recover from space travel. next, with consumers fed up and paying high prices nearly everywhere, starbucks is getting into the value menu wars. >> it's announced a new pairings menu, including a drink and a croissant for five bucks, or a drink in a breakfast sandwich for six bucks. starbucks follows mcdonald's and other chains
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offering promotions to win back customers. next, a real life spider-man moment a man described as the polish spider-man tried to climb up the outside of the 30 story building in argentina without using any ropes. he was arrested before reaching the top, and finally one kid having fun during the stanley cup final. >> why not check out this kid >> why not check out this kid phot i'm a rusty old boat hitch, and i am barely hanging on... ha ha ha. and while we're still miles from the lake, i'm gonna launch this boat right here. see ya. [rusty creak sounds] ahoy! [traffic noises] so get allstate, save money on auto insurance and be protected from mayhem. yeah, like me. ♪ [♪] if you're only using facial moisturizer in the morning, yeah, like me. did you know, the best time for skin renewal is at night? olay retinol24 renews millions of surface skin cells while you sleep.
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wake up to smoother, younger-looking skin with olay retinol24. (vo) when it comes to nature valley, which camp are you in? two bars in one pack? or two cravings packed into one bar? (dad) sweet. (daughter) and salty! (vo) nature valley sweet & salty bars, in delicious flavors like dark chocolate, peanut, and almond. dupixent helps people with asthma breathe better in as little as 2 weeks. and when you can breathe better, what isn't better? this is better. this is better. that's better. and that. even this. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. it works with your asthma medicine to help improve lung function. that's pretty good! dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's proven to help prevent asthma attacks. it can reduce or even eliminate oral steroids. and doesn't that make things better? dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. tell your doctor right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath,
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we have to follow through on the investments we've outlined in this budget. >> a shift in priorities in the south bay. now a five san jose city leaders approving a readjust budget, focusing on addressing homelessness. >> we are not like criminals or something like that. >> a plea from families in san francisco to keep their rv homes where they are. the repaving projects that could soon force them to relocate. >> another step forward in the effort to bring pandas to the san francisco zoo. the issue now becoming a point of contention between mayor london breed and those looking to replace her. in november. good morning to you. it's wednesday, june 12th. >> start the checkf


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