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tv   ABC7 News 400PM  ABC  June 12, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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of basketball hall of famer jerry west at the age of 86. and you could really make the case that nobody has had a bigger overall impact on the game than jerry because as we mentioned, he was an incredible player for the lakers, later became general manager of the team. he joined the warriors when joe lacob and peter guber bought the team, and that gave golden state instant credibility, which is what they were looking for. and even though the nba never really came out and formally announced it, this is pretty obvious. the logo is a silhouette of jerry west. abc seven news reporter ryan curry with more on the life and times of the man known as the logo. >> the nba logo looks simple a red and blue backdrop with the player silhouette, a silhouette resembling one former athlete who went on to change the game for decades. >> there wasn't a better clutch player in the history of the nba other than jerry west. >> west died wednesday at the age of 86 after an accomplished playing career, he became general manager of the lakers in the mid 1980s. >> they won five nba titles and
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drew the nickname showtime to keep doing what jerry west did to never accepting second best, to never fading into the background. >> he just kept going. he just kept winning. >> in 2016, warriors owner joe lacob hired him as an adviser. dieter kurtenbach with the mercury news says that hire changed everything. >> any person who was with those warriors teams to a man, to a woman, would tell you that it was his influence that steered the warriors from being the laughing stock of the nba to becoming not just champions, but dynastic champions. >> kurtenbach also told me the warriors called themselves golden state because they wanted to increase their brand exposure throughout northern california, because the quality on the court was so bad. well, that brand exposure certainly came the moment west stepped in the building. >> you can make the argument that this is joe lacob's best decision, and i don't think that's being a prisoner of the moment. and i don't think that's being hyperbolic. in the wake of today's news, he was there when the warriors signed kevin durant, and he was also there to
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stop the warriors from trading a splash. >> brother, there's an offer for the warriors to trade klay thompson for kevin love. >> jerry west came in and put his foot down and said i'll quit if you do this. >> the warriors paid tribute to him at chase center today. >> jerry lived an incredible life. clearly one of the great figures in nba history. many think his legacy will live on for a long time in san francisco. >> ryan curry, abc seven news. >> absolutely. i was fortunate to spend some time with jerry during his stint with the warriors. he joined me and fellow hall of famer nate thurmond on one of our post game shows. these two men had so much respect for one another, and west was an intensely driven man , his resume filled with incredible accomplishments. but those that that know him or read his book as he was very open about it, he had a hard time enjoying his own success. i mean, he was a complicated man. he was beloved, but he had a strained relationship with his father, and that impacted him for the rest of his life. >> he's a very intense guy, a super intense.
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>> i watched a game with him, a couple games with him, and i was like, whoa, okay, all right, all right, tone it down. just watching. yeah, no, he was just watching. no, that's. and that's why he was so good. because he was so driven and dedicated, and he wanted everybody on the court to be as passionate about it as he was. >> all right, a los thanks for sure. >> in san francisco, the police department is attributing its latest success in combating crime to a new network of license plate reader cameras. abc seven news reporter luz pena spoke to the mayor about the city's efforts to increase safety. she's here now with what she learned. louis. >> that's right. emma. this camera network is part of san francisco's goal to have a total of 400 license plate reader cameras installed by july. the city says they're noticing the results. so far, and attributing several arrests in the last three months to these cameras. about 100 automated license plate reader cameras are live in san francisco, an sfpd says they have been critical to combat crime. >> our goal is to maximize our use of technology to fight crime more effectively and with more
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precision. >> this public safety strategy was led by mayor london breed and made possible by prop e, allowing for an increase of use of technology by the police department. >> if you're committing a crime, you're going to be caught. >> the first batch was installed three months ago. mayor breed said these cameras are helping san francisco collaborate with other cities. >> so far, we've already used what we have to make arrests in retail theft cases, as well as a rape that happened in another city. so when people in the bay area and different jurisdictions, they put out information we could type it into our license plate reader and make models of cars, whether they have license plate or not. and they will ping us the information and the different intersections and the locations with more surveillance. >> also comes pushback. one of the groups against these cameras is the electronic frontier foundation. >> alps are a form of dragnet surveillance. they record
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everyone's movements all across the city. they don't just record the movements of criminals and help stop crimes, but they're also recording everywhere. me and you go. >> they're also concerned of a possible hack. >> this creates a large repository of people's locations , which, you know, could go back for several months depending on how long sfpd decides to keep it. and it could represent some really, personal information. >> mayor breed said she's aware of the privacy concerns, but said these cameras are not being used for moving violations and they don't use facial recognition technology. >> our goal is safety. our goal is not to invade somebody's privacy. but at the end of the day, we need this type of technology and these type of tools in order to protect the public. and there are trade offs . >> san francisco's using a $17.3 million grant from the state to create this network of cameras. the remaining 300 cameras are set to be installed in the
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coming weeks. lou pena, abc seven news. all right, luce, thanks very much. >> a therapist in san jose faces charges in the sexual assault of a child. alejandro lopez nunez was a behavioral therapist with trumpet behavioral health and a part time instructional aide at forest hill elementary school. he's accused of assaulting a girl during a therapy session at her home. now we're showing his photo because investigators think there may be additional victims. >> a new legal move today involving the lawsuit against the federal women's prison in dublin, advocacy group public justice and the aclu of northern california filed a motion to unseal court records. they say the public needs to know the full extent of the sexual misconduct that happened at the federal prison. the prison closed in april after claims of widespread sexual abuse in the south bay. >> stanford's former head football coach nearly lost his home to a fast moving fire. >> so now he's teamed up with fire officials to help warn others. abc7 news south bay reporter zach fuentes has more. >> burn scarring created more
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than a week ago. still smells like smoke in this lot in los gatos. of course, our concern is that with it being this close, does it jump the driveway? tyrone willingham, the former stanford head football coach, lives just next door to it. >> my landscaper came and said, something's going on, okay? and then i run around the corner to see what he's talking about. and then as soon as you turn the corner, you see this billow of smoke and you say, that's a problem, shorty allen, who owns and lives next to the property, said contractors were working on a fence when their tools hit rebar and sparked a fire. >> the fire was moving quickly. >> luckily, we had cut the grass about ten days prior to this incident happening. >> a measure that santa clara county fire officials saved not just allen's home, but the rest of her community. >> any structures that you have, we highly recommend cutting the grass down below four inches uh- getting down to dirt if you can, make sure your shrubs, your dead
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, shrubs are taken out, basically, what we want to do is eliminate any fuel, in that area because that will help create that defensible space that we're looking for. >> though california has seen plenty of rain in the last couple of years, officials say more acres are likely to burn because there's more vegetation. >> when a fire occurs, it moves so fast that by the time the fire suppression crews get on scene, we're trying to find the edges and put it out. we're trying to stop the fire. so this is where the defensible space really helps. >> whether you live near an open space like this one that burned or have a home in the city, fire officials want everyone this year to stay proactive, willingham said this close call is a reminder to himself and hopes others also receive the message. >> regardless of what zone you're in, if you have the dry vegetation, if you add dead plants, it's highly recommended to go ahead and mitigate those and get rid of those because that will always help. >> in los gatos, zach fuentes, abc seven news. >> to the economy for a moment,
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the federal reserve is keeping interest rates steady today, for the seventh time in a row, the fed made no change. it also scaled back its forecast from three rate cuts this year to just one. that comes as new data shows inflation cooled more than expected in may. the bureau of labor statistics says prices held flat month to month for the first time since july of 2022. now, inflation is not cooling in san francisco. a recent study ranked san francisco for fourth out of 23 cities. when it comes to inflation problems, wallethub found the city's inflation rate soared 1.8% in the last two months, and 3.8% compared to this time last year. detroit dallas and honolulu are at the top of the list. >> a deadly new discovery in the fentanyl crisis, and it's happening right here in the bay area. the battle of prop 47 and the so-called poison pill, and a century old theater at the center of a downtown revival. >> i'm spencer christian. what a cool down we enjoy today from
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yesterday's extreme heat. there's more cooling on the way, and i'll have the accth forecast coming up when a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month.
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and isn't that better? ask your doctor about dupixent, the most prescribed biologic in asthma. it's not just about a renovation, though, as abc seven news reporter lena howland
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explains, the theater is also celebrating history. >> the finishing touches are being made to bring a theater nearly a century old back to life. >> literally has been years and years, but finally all come to fruition. >> sean mccauley is a bay area redevelop copper who was born and raised in brentwood. he and a partner purchased the theater back in 2019, right before they had to close it due to the pandemic. >> the delta theater for brentwood is the anchor, and it's the anchor for downtown, which is very vibrant. but without the theater operating, we feel like it's just not going to, work. >> the theater underwent an extensive four year renovation and is now reopening. >> everything is brand new. the screens, the sound system, everything. >> the grand reopening is thursday, in time to coincide with the release of pixar's inside out two nostalgia. >> that was like 30s ago. nostalgia. >> yeah, those were the days 30s
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ago. >> nostalgia. >> yeah, those were the days. >> guests at the delta theater will also feel the nostalgia, with hallways lined of old photos of brentwood shared by the contra costa historical society with people coming out of uh- covid, i think they not only expect more, but there's so much downtown pride and everything that's local to brentwood. it's great to have something that is truly unique and special. >> the new owner even decided to keep the original stage in one of the screening rooms from the 1930s. >> the theater is one of the legacies that brentwood is most proud of. >> brentwood vice mayor susanna meyer hopes the delta theater will attract people from surrounding communities. we're still recovering from the pandemic. >> we're still feeling what that felt like to be so isolated and so anything that we can do that's going to be community driven is going to be a huge success, in my opinion. >> and for a cheap day out, all wednesdays will be half price days to keep people coming in
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brentwood. lena howland abc seven news. >> and you saw the poster there for inside out, too. abc seven news anchor reggie aqui got an inside look at inside out, too. he learned how to draw the newest character, anxiety. take a look >> welcome to pixar headquarters. the creators of all of these characters, you know, like joy and sadness from inside out one. now get ready for inside out two. riley, the main character is a teenager and she has lots of anxiety. >> i'm anxiety. i'm one of riley's new emotions and we are just super jazzed to be here. where can i put my stuff? >> so my name is keiko maruyama. i am a character art director on inside out two. character art director kind of oversees the character design team. nice. well who is this? this is anxiety, giana muscles, who was a character designer from the first movie. she was kind enough to join us. and then she made this iconic anxiety. she gave anxiety, like, really big line
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and big mouth so she can have big acting and lots of hair. electric city just going through . she's always thinking tinkling. >> yeah. okay, so you're going to teach me how to draw anxiety. and i need to warn you, keiko, i am perhaps the world's worst draw. can you take on this challenge? >> yes, i can, all right, we'll see what what she looks like at the end. >> yeah, it might look really wild. >> i am just such a huge fan of yours. and now here i am meeting you face to face. >> so first run here, draw a hot dog. >> yeah, i like that. that's good. okay. yeah. >> are you gonna add a chuckle? coffee cup. >> that's a go coffee cup. okay >> is it pretty easy right. >> it is. yeah. i mean, you know, does mine look like yours? not exactly, but that's all right. >> my coffee cup. when you say coffee cup. yeah, yeah. and the coffee cup will be sitting on the tall, skinny mountain arm
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like a little volcano. >> yeah. okay. yep. perfect >> her hair, we call it like carrot top. almost like a volcano. >> like eruption. yeah. right. yeah. okay >> when she does explode, she is an anxiety. i'm a little scared of her, to be honest. i see you should be. yeah >> okay. how can i help, i can take notes, get coffee, manage your calendar, walk your dog, carry your things, watch you sleep. >> wow. you have a lot of energy . >> did you love working on this movie? >> yeah, yeah, it's exciting to see those designs, like, you know, moving on the screen. >> and soon everyone's going to know her name. yeah now she comes alive with the eyes, right? yeah. look at that. oh yeah. okay. >> you fill it in. yeah. like if you don't fill in, she's gonna look insane. more insane than she's gonna look insane no matter what. >> okay, go. just do that. >> yeah. >> my job is to protect her from the scary stuff. she can't see. i plan for the future. >> you have a one iconic piece right in the middle. like this.
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right in the middle. >> oh, iconic. funny? and then just fill out the rest of the space, okay? >> yeah. this is a piece. >> there you go. and that's how you draw anxiety. >> this is anxiety. >> yeah. look at that. this is the reggie aqui original pastel on my resumé. yeah. are you gonna put a good word in for me? >> of course i will. >> inside out three. my character is sass. >> that'll be so cute. >> i'll make sure to give credit to you, i appreciate that. >> thank you for teaching me today. >> of course. thank you for drawing with me. >> it was pretty good. it looks good. inside out two opens on friday. good job reggie. >> all right. let's see if we should be anxious about the weather forecast, spencer, give us that answer, please. >> no need to be anxious. i think we're all getting over the heat anxiety from yesterday. so the marine layer is back, bringing its cooling influence with it. here's a look at the satellite radar composite image.
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you can see that the clouds have returned to the coast, and they hung around some parts of the coastline for much of the day, producing a nice brisk onshore flow which we're enjoying right now with 30 mile per hour surface winds here in san francisco. and gusts to 22mph in san jose, 23 at hayward, 31 up at napa. so all around the bay area, we're getting this cooling breeze. and the 24 hour temperature change is a rather dramatic 24 degrees cooler right now in santa rosa than this time yesterday, 21 degrees cooler in napa, 11 degrees cooler here in san francisco, and 16 degrees cooler in oakland. so let's move along and take a look at those current temperature readings here in the city of 62, 68 in oakland, 72 in hayward, 82, in san jose, redwood city, 74 and 59 at half moon bay. and we've got clouds, low clouds building at the golden gate right now, up at santa rosa, 7277 at petaluma, napa, 68 low 80s at fairfield, concord and livermore, where yesterday we had upper 90s to around 101. and these are forecast headlines tomorrow. the cooling continues friday. temperatures bounce back up just
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a few degrees. and over father's day weekend we're looking at we will be looking at sunny, mild and breezy weather conditions now for tonight. notice the low clouds and fog will expand along the coastline and push locally across the bay, and then pull back to the coast tomorrow morning. but they'll linger there. the clouds will until about midday tomorrow, so overnight we'll have fairly comfortable conditions, with low temperatures dropping mainly into the low 50s. a little cooler up at santa rosa, with a low expected to be around 48 degrees, but we won't have any of that mild muggy overnight weather. highs tomorrow. only 58 at half moon bay, 63 here in the city around the bay shoreline, we'll be looking at mainly upper 60s to some low 70s inland areas . upper 70s generally, but a few low 80s. 81 at livermore, 82 at antioch. and as we look at the maximum temperature trend, looking ahead to friday, a few mid to upper 80s inland, i mentioned that little bounce back of the high temperatures on friday. but then look at saturday they sort of settle into a steady range low to mid
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80s for the most part in our inland areas, mid 70s around the bay shoreline. then on sunday, father's day, we're looking at the same picture as saturday pretty much. so here's the accuweather seven day forecast. let me back out of the way and you can see that a little bounce up in temperatures on friday. and then temperatures settle into a more seasonal range on saturday and sunday. happy father's day and grandfather's day. >> uh- to moi, to yourself, to y, and monday and tuesday we'll have highs near 90 inland, mid 70s around the bay shoreline. >> it's pretty much a steady pattern of seasonal weather. nothing out of the ordinary. >> it's all the father's and grandfather's. yes, yes, everything in between. thanks, spencer. >> i had to be a father to become a grandfather. >> there you go. >> there you go. okay. i'm not quite there yet. it's okay. >> yeah, in less than half an hour. it's game three of the nba finals, followed by after the game, the abc seven sports team will be joined by valkyrie's team president, jess
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everyone can build their own munchie meal. or they can just get mine. or they can get exactly what they want. or they can just get mine. or they could just get yours. jack: build your own munchie meal. ice cube: or get mine. jack: welcome to jack in the box! yeah, this week it's all about beauty essentials. here's sam champion and danny beckstrom >> hi. it's time for an all new abc secret sales with limited time savings just for you. finally a secret i'm allowed to tell people this week. >> sensational skincare. it's only while supplies last, so scan that qr code or head to abc
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secret to get shopping. what do we have? >> first, let's get started with the volo hair towel. so ditch that bulky bathroom towel and cut your drying time. danny i'm not kidding by 50. it minimizes any damage, any frizz. it's very soft cloud like. >> i couldn't believe how soft this was. it really is. so it means it's ultra absorbent as well with a snag free strap. so this towel actually stays in place. how does that feel? it feels great. pretty good. so with our deal, you can save 47% from volo. that's a good deal. all right, number seven. >> next i use this. by the way guys, you can treat yourself to the uk's best selling skincare restore and renew collection. it helps mature skin look firmer in just four weeks. >> we also have the lift and luminate, which tackles fine lines and wrinkles while improving uneven skin tone. and you use this, i do and you look fantastic, so i trust you. >> i love it, i travel with it and i would tell you, even you're young but you're never too young to start. i'm not that young, that's all i'm saying. >> i just had a birthday and i'm feeling sensitive, so i think i'll be investing this. all
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three collections are 50% off, right? all right. now we're moving to on another favorite. this is going to be doctor brand skin care. no more baggage. >> you got to love the line de puffs under eyes and brightens dark circles. >> it's like an instant eye lift in a tube. yeah, when i can afford it. yeah. >> you also get the pore refiner primer, which minimizes the appearance of pores. it absorbs oil for flawless like skin, like instagram filter for your face. so it's almost like you have the filter. you know, i don't have to filter. >> yeah, i know the one. i might dabble in that filter and 50% off on a huge assortment from right there. >> all right there from doctor brand. >> now we have rickie loves rickie and i'm always finding a way to you know get the filter look with maybe some technology behind it. and that's what rickie love rickie does professional grade led lighted mirrors beloved by celebrity. and us normal people. so that you avoid that dreaded mismatch face and neck makeup. >> yeah way too much blush. you can make that go away. the head mask has red blue and purple light to combat. fine line and wrinkles reduce inflammation and
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bolster your collagen in just 20 minutes per treatment. >> i'm dying to get one of those and they're always so expensive. so to see it on sale is amazing. and then we also have this really cool miracle led acne patch that lets you target one blemish. that's great. >> yeah, because, you know, it always comes at the worst time in the world. so now you can just target that, save 30 to 50% now. and i love this mirror i think carry that with me all the time. >> the number seven is looking good on him. you know what i mean. >> you don't even see it. poor. all right. finally transform your bathroom to a spa with soap and glory. >> the luxurious original pink scent is a fan favorite. we've been sniffing it all morning. it smells fantastic. i've never smelled anything like it. >> it's its own thing. >> cleaners, scrubs, balms, lotions, oils for face and body. we have it all and you'll save 35. >> all right, so to save on these sensational skincare finds while supplies last, scan the qr code or head now to abc secret to get shopping. >> okay, well just ahead, a new concern with fentanyl on the streets. abc seven news reporter
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liam melendez will have that story. >> the fentanyl that accumulates on little pieces of aluminum foil doesn't kill someone. >> this residue remains bioactive, just what that residue can do. >> and later here, the widening pay gap between ceos and their employees stay wit
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salonpas lidocaine flex. a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine. the job to announce the arrest of several suspects involved in home invasions and burglaries. >> abc seven news reporter anser hassan joins us live with more on sir. >> ama and dan. good afternoon, police chief mitchell is calling these arrests significant. he says they're related to a recent surge in home invasions and
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commercial burglaries and robberies. >> our community resource officers. our crime reduction team officers and our patrol officers have been working diligently to identify and apprehend individuals and groups responsible for a large number of crimes within our city. >> oakland police chief floyd mitchell says two separate groups of adults and juveniles were arrested, responsible for more than 30 burglaries from january to april. they're also suspects involved in 20 other felony crimes around the bay area. last month, two more juveniles associated with these groups were arrested. those two were involved in 20 separate robberies and burglaries, mostly in the hegenberger area, mainly targeting fast food restaurants and gas stations. police say there's no evidence that these groups are actively recruiting juveniles. >> we have not seen any evidence that these individuals either. these four or any other individuals, are being recruited in uh- traffic, as it were, to commit crimes in our community. it appears as though there are
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small groups acting in concert. i don't see or we haven't seen uh- it as a larger effort or criminal effort, a larger coordinated criminal effort in our city. >> as for the home invasions, police say one suspect targeted homes in the highland park neighborhood. the suspect would park his car blocks away and scope out homes. police say they don't know why he picked these specific homes, but say community assistance played a big part in their case. >> the good thing is we have the help from the community, the biggest thing that we've been, that have assisted us in our cases is the utilization of video surveillance cameras throughout our neighborhoods. and also the calls that we're getting from our neighbors. >> as we go out to these commercial burglaries and robberies, police say they are thankful that no one was injured because some of these suspects, some who were just 17 years old, were armed. reporting live anser hassan abc seven news. >> all right. roger, thank you. >> now to the fentanyl crisis in san francisco last year alone,
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653 overdose deaths in the city were attributed to the drug. >> but now there is new concern about how the drug is being smoked and it could lead to more deaths. abc seven building a better bay area reporter lyanne melendez is here with a startling new study. >> yeah, and we do these stories because we want to want to understand the impact that fentanyl continues to have on this city. now this study came out only after a fentanyl user told the ucsf main researcher that he does not share his drug paraphernalia because of the resin. you know, that stuff that stays on there, the greater the build up, the bigger the high and the possibility of a fatal overdose increases. this is a common scenario in san francisco's tenderloin district. sidewalks like this one, cluttered with mattresses, broken chairs, and even a sofa. >> every day we get a complaint that the kids can't walk by. >> it's one of the many issues police and city crews deal with
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every day. now there's a different concern on these streets, making sure that the fentanyl that accumulate daetz on little pieces of aluminum foil, the residue doesn't kill someone. >> this residue remains bioactive even though it looks burnt. it's the sugars that are in the filler, if you will, that's burnt. the active product remains using that foil or any smoking apparatus over and over again may increase the risk of a fatal overdose. >> this could be particularly dangerous to someone who has never tried fentanyl, or a person who has not developed a tolerance for the drug. when smoked, fentanyl acts differently than heroin, so the temperatures that people are using now to smoke fentanyl, all the heroin would be destroyed. >> but fentanyl is heat stable. it's very tough. doctor daniel cerone is a professor of addicted medicine at ucsf who, along with a team of seven researchers, spent three weeks on the streets surveying
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fentanyl users. people sharing pipes. what what is the leftover stuff? what do people do with it? how do they collect it? do they share it? do they save it for later? >> what they found was alarming. fentanyl users were keeping or collecting foils to get high off the residue. fentanyl users told researchers. there is a distinction between foil, a pipe and a bong when it comes to delivering a stronger high, so the bong being the most dangerous bong is the most dangerous. >> this is rapid, and it's a high dose. >> we found people who were willing to show us their equipment. this man uses foil to smoke fentanyl, but then switch to a pipe to exclusively smoke meth. could i ask you about this aluminum foil? how many times have you used that? you think so? >> i would say it's been used probably more than ten times. >> foil syringes and other drug paraphernalia are usually included in harm reduction kits distributed for free by a number
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of nonprofit organizations as a way to avoid sharing. it has been controversial if smoking is seen as harm reduction, then yes, we need clean paraphernalia , just like in the case of hiv, where we invented syringe exchange fable, idris told us. ironically some people out here are more concerned about the hypothetical link between aluminum foil and alzheimer's disease than overdosing. however, many of the people who live in these neighborhoods, including children, may have to worry about the litter that may be on their streets in endangering their lives, and fentanyl is such a different drug that it's the only one where users went from injecting it to smoking it. it's usually the other way around. right now, the vast majority of users smoke it, and this trend started on the west coast. ucsf researchers are concerned that it will. this trend will eventually spread throughout the rest of the country. i thought it was interesting that the young man
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said that he was more concerned about the link between alzheimer's and aluminum foil, which we've heard before. sure but i thought the doctor also said, that's interesting, that he's more concerned about that, that the than the immediate effects. >> so it's a desperate situation on the streets. >> now we move to the growing battle over an initiative to overhaul proposition 47, the law at the center of debate over the rise in retail theft and the fentanyl crisis. when it passed in 2014, it reduced certain low level crimes to misdemeanors and set a threshold of $950 or less for theft. now it's going back to the november ballot with a new measure to increase penalties. but democrats also want to add a poison pill to the amendment. it would actually repeal prop 47 if the amendment passes. republicans say democrats are just trying to confuse voters. >> today, we are concerned that the same politicians who have repeatedly rejected proposals to fix these problems are now
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playing games with your safety. >> the californians for safer communities coalition is calling on the state's attorney general to be transparent when riding the ballot. title and summary. >> all right. coming up here, a time limit on congress and joey chestnut wasting no time whatsoever. his new eating gig,
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candidates. north dakota voters have approved an initiative to amend the state's constitution. it would bar candidates who would turn 81 before their term would end. it comes as voters raise concerns about the age of the presidential candidates. president biden is 81, and former president donald trump turns 78 on friday. spencer, we'll start with you. what do you think about this? >> well, i think, you know, people people age at such different paces. some people's cognitive cognitive skills decline early and some not until much, much later. i'm thinking maybe some kind of examination to test the cognitive cognitive skills. easy for me to say of the candidates or those already in office, as opposed to just setting a hard and fast age limit. >> would you think a physical capability as well? there needs to be a bar that. >> yeah, i think people worry more about the mental thing, but yeah, physical is probably important as well. yeah. >> but you know, you know, we
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all know someone who's 85 who's a better shape than someone who's at 65. you know, look at warren buffett. >> look at his cognitive skills. that's true. yeah. >> all right. people are getting fed up with the growing wealth gap in the us, especially when it comes to ceos. according to the gallup poll, 66% of americans say companies are doing a poor job when it comes to pay disparity. a study found it would take a typical employee 196 years to make, as much as a ceo, roughly, chris, the recent, most recent study i saw was the average ceo makes about 344% more now than the average worker . i mean, we all know a ceo. he or she should make a decent living, they should make a pretty good amount of money. but that gap seems excessive. >> google's ceo applications on linkedin i didn't realize it was that much. >> you knew. you knew it was me something. but hey, look, it's the same thing with any job. if they're going to pay you that
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and you can get it, why not? but that is a huge, huge gap for sure. >> yeah, i agree spencer. you know it. it causes some dissension. it you know, especially with inflation hitting people across the country so hard. yeah, i think it exacerbates the sense that the rich are getting richer. >> yeah. yeah i don't think you can apply this across the board. but there's a greed factor in some of this, because there are so many ceos and high ranking officers and corporations and as well as board members who take these outrageous bonuses, you know, of tens of millions of dollars a year when the lowest paid employees in those companies don't get raises like that. >> i guess we wouldn't be complaining if we were the ceo. yeah >> all right. now to the future of robots. check out this robot factory in china. the x robots lab. oh, i don't like this. is focused on enhancing facial expressions and emotions. it takes two weeks to a month to produce a humanoid robot, and it costs about $207,000 each. for
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now, at least. its main purpose is for museum displays. i don't believe that at all. it's not just for museums. i want to be able to tell who's a robot and who is not. spencer >> i would have spent a little time enhancing the facial expressions and emotions of some real people. >> naming no names. >> yeah, naming no present company executives. exactly right. >> chris, you all for the robots? >> i'm definitely not going to that museum because what happens at night when everyone goes away and the doors are locked like, i want nothing to do with any of these robots. >> it is fascinating how life begins to simulate science fiction, right? >> yeah, yeah. >> too close. >> yeah, right. competitive eating. king joey chestnut will scarf down an obscene number of hot dogs. once again. he will take on his rival, takuro kobayashi, and a hot dog eating contest. ready for this on a live netflix event on labor day. just yesterday, chestnut got the boot from nathan's hot dog eating competition because he
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signed a deal with impossible foods vegan hot dog and the folks in the beef hot dog business had an issue with that. oh those pictures. >> oh gosh, that is i think that is the spencer the agony of victory. yeah exactly. i'm glad he's got he'll still be a competitive eater in some fashion. >> maybe not the traditional nathan's hot dog, but he's still in the game. >> he makes pretty good money doing this. >> yeah, not ceo money though, right? >> no, not no money. no, no, i've been doing sports for so long and every 4th of july seems like i'm working. and i've had to do the story with the hot dog. and i still have trouble every year looking at it. i'm just like, read my script and don't look at the video. it's just like it's hard for me to watch just right now is like, you just keep stuffing his face and not not thinking about it. >> yeah. it's just it's gross. >> i don't exactly relish the thought of looking. >> oh, spencer. >> you dog. okay way to put a little mustard on that discussion. >> all right, that is this
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west. the logo was 86 years old. the warriors honored west on the big screen at chase center in thrive city. we'll have more on west tonight. on after the game to baseball day game at oracle astros. giants. he's not taking score. he's painting a picture
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of the scenery. that's incredible. giants already up two one in the fourth austin slater bases loaded single to make it four one. giants add another run to make it five one. slater with six hits in four games since coming back from the injured list. logan webb seven strong innings, gave up three runs on seven hits, struck out five and he gets the win, as do the giants five three. your final a's and padres in san diego. youngsters enjoying the sun working on their tan two game in the sixth. seth brown a bunt. nobody's there. the padres shift backfired. tyler soderstrom takes full advantage, scores from second, capping a three run sixth inning for the athletics. bottom eight padres down four two, member donovan solano game tying homer to center field. the second homer of the game for the former giant known as donnie barrels and in the next inning, jackson merrill walks it off. good night. game over. drive home safely. it's back to back days with walk off wins for the padres. let's celebrate. they win five four. all right, next up, nba finals game three in dallas. celtics up
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two games to none. a breaking news that we had just in the last hour or so. no kristaps porzingis for boston because of a leg injury. so we'll see how that impacts this game. stick around for toyota after the game we will have the president of the brand new golden state valkyries in studio. jess smith will join us sports on abc seven sponsored by smart and final. the porzingis injury could have a huge impact on this series. so dallas is in a must win situation and this will certainly help them because you know porzingis is seven three. yeah a huge factor. yes. all right larry thanks. >> all right let's get to our weather. >> yeah. heat has eased spencer is back with the forecast. >> it has eased quite a bit bit. in fact the cooling that began today will continue tomorrow as we take a look at our forecast headlines here. and then on friday we'll see temperatures bounce back up a few degrees. but father's day weekend will bring a sunny, mild and breezy weather, and the temperatures will be in a rather typical seasonal range overnight. tonight we'll see the expansion of the marine layer along the
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coast and locally inland. overnight lows will be mainly in the low to mid 50s tomorrow. as i mentioned, cooler than today. even highs in the upper 50s near the coast, mid 60s to low 70s around the bay shoreline. mainly upper 70s to low 80s inland. and here's the accuweather seven day forecast. a little bit warmer on friday, up to about 90 in the warmest inland spots in over father's day weekend. a seasonal range mid to upper 80s inland, low to mid 70s around the bay. and that pattern continues into at least the first half of next week. dan and ummah. >> okay, spencer, thanks a lot. >> renewing your passport could become a lot easier. the state department started testing an online renewal program today. to use it, people must be at least 25 years old and have a valid passport. if you have plans to travel internationally soon, the state department says you should use its regular service to make your passport and make sure that your passport is renewed on time. >> well, we're talking travel. a sneak peek today at some of the new high tech touches at sfo's harvey milk terminal one alaska airlines offered a behind the scenes tour of its new location
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in terminal one. it's moving from its current spot at terminal two. alaska says its new lobby is modernized, cutting edge space. it features sfo's first automated bag drops, designed to speed up the process . the final phase of the new harvey milk terminal one opens on monday. >> don't forget you can celebrate pride with abc seven news all month long and join us for the exclusive live coverage of the 54th annual san francisco pride parade on june 30th, streaming everywhere you watch abc seven. >> all right, just ahead here. more memories of nba legend
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jeopardy! at 930 at ten, catch a special edition of abc seven news. then stay with us for abc seven news at 11. >> and we want to offer you a little bit more about the passing of three time basketball hall of famer jerry west. he was a star player for the lakers turned executive, also working for a time in the warriors front office. >> reporter rob hayes from our sister station in los angeles, shows us how west is being remembered not just by fans, but by other basketball legends. >> jerry west was literally an nba icon. his silhouette is part of the nba logo. west was an all-star in all, 14 of his nba seasons. inducted to the hall of fame three times for his roles as a player and team executive, he's known as the best general manager ever, one of the best
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players ever. >> and, you know, a lot of people can't do that, west was born and raised in west virginia and played for the mountaineers, leading them to the 1959 ncaa title game, where they lost to cal. >> he won a gold medal a year later at the olympics in rome, and was the second overall pick in the nba draft taken by the minneapolis lakers, who soon became the los angeles lakers. west made the all-star team as a rookie and quickly became known as mr. clutch, with his repeated last second heroics, he would let it go and he would just start running to the locker room five, four, three two, two hits over. >> there wasn't a better clutch player in the history of the nba other than jerry west. >> after his playing days, west went on to coach the lakers for three seasons before taking over as general manager, building what lakers fans now call the showtime dynasty, drafting magic johnson and james worthy later in his career, he brought in
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kobe bryant and shaquille o'neal . >> it turned out to be the move of the decade. >> west first entered the nba hall of fame in 1980 as a player, then again in 2010 as a member of the gold medal 1960 u.s. olympic team. in 2019, west even received the presidential medal of freedom, the nation's highest civilian honor. we also want to thank espn for pulling up all those old clips for us. we should mention that west's wife, karen, was at his side when he passed away. but again, jerry west dead at the age of 86, in downtown los angeles. rob hayes, abc, seven news and west will be enshrined for a third time later this year in the basketball hall of fame, this time as a contributor for his work as an executive and consultant. >> what a life and a career. >> yeah, well, abc seven news is streaming 24 seven. get the abc seven bay area streaming tv app and join us whenever you want, wherever you are. >> all right, that'll do it for
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this edition of abc seven news at 4:00. >> i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley. our next newscast is tonight at 10:00. we'll be back with you for that. but the nba finals game three is next. have a good time.
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♪ >> announcer: this is espn on abc. welcome to game three of the nba finals. the series shifts back to dallas. luka doncic playing through a myriad of mounting injuries. he had a 30-point triple-double in game two, but put the loss on himself,


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