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tv   ABC7 News 1000PM  ABC  June 12, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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your league game. this was congressional baseball. license plate readers are now in san francisco, and they're making a difference when it comes to fighting crime. >> and the marine layer is making a difference in our temperatures. i'm abc seven news meteorologist sandhya patel. i'll let you know how long this cooling trend will last. hello. i'm anxiety. where can i put my stuff? >> putting a face to a feeling. see what it takes to draw the character. anxiety for the new
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movie inside out. >> to always live abc seven news starts right now. >> our goal is safety. our goal is not to invade somebody's privacy, but at the end of the day, we need this type of technology and these type of tools in order to protect the public. >> san francisco's new license plate reader cameras are making a difference, but are they coming at a cost? good evening. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley. >> thanks for joining us. building a better bay area is about a safer bay area. and in san francisco, the police department is attributing its latest success in combating crime to a new network of license plate reader cameras. >> abc seven news reporter luz pena spoke to the mayor about the city's efforts to increase safety. >> about 100 automated license plate reader cameras are live in san francisco. an sfpd says they have been critical to combat crime. >> our goal is to maximize our use of technology to fight crime more effectively and with more precision.
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>> this public safety strategy was led by mayor london breed and made possible by prop e, allowing for an increase of use of technology by the police department. >> if you're committing a crime, you're going to be caught. >> the first batch was installed three months ago. mayor breed said these cameras are helping san francisco collaborate with other cities so far, we've already used what we have to make arrests in retail theft cases, as well as a rape that happened in another city. >> so when people in the bay area and different jurisdictions , they put out information, we could type it into our license plate reader and make models of cars, whether they have license plate or not, and they will ping us the information and the different intersections and the locations. >> with more surveillance also comes pushback. one of the groups against these cameras is the electronic frontier foundation. >> alps are a form of dragnet surveillance. they record everyone's movements all across the city. they don't just record
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the movements of criminals and help stop crimes, but they're also recording every swear me and you go. >> they're also concerned of a possible hack. >> this creates a large repository of people's locations, which, you know, could go back for several months depending on how long sfpd decides to keep it. and it could represent some really, personal information. >> mayor breed said she's aware of the privacy concerns, but said these cameras are not being used for moving violations and they don't use facial recognition technology. >> our goal is safety. our goal is not to invade somebody's privacy, but at the end of the day, we need this type of technology and these type of tools in order to protect the public. and there are trade offs. >> san francisco is using a $17.3 million grant from the state to create this network of cameras. the remaining 300 cameras are set to be installed by the end of july in san
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francisco. luz pena, abc seven news. >> for the first time tonight, the candidates hoping to be san francisco's next mayor met in a debate. it was a sold out crowd. check out the line. waiting to get into civic center. the debate was between london breed, daniel laurie, mark farrell, aaron peskin and asha safai. abc seven news reporter tim johns was there. hear what was said and who came out the winner in his live report tonight on abc seven news at 11 and new tonight, political pitches at tonight's annual congressional baseball game. >> it was met with pro-palestinian and climate protesters. u.s. capitol police say eight protesters were arrested after being tackled on the field. they are being charged with interference with a member of the u.s. capitol police. that's a federal offense more than half a dozen climate protesters also hopped the fence to the field. chants from the crowd of u-s-a drowned out the protesters. >> also new tonight at ten, a crime came to police during an attack in pinole. take a look at
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this. security cameras show the moment a man grabbed a staff member at the pinole public safety building yesterday afternoon. now she was able to break free. the man then jumped over the counter as you saw there and through the window. then chased after her down a hallway. officers responded and arrested the man. there's a different angle there. he faces several charges, including burglary, kidnaping, false imprisonment and assault. the victim was not seriously hurt. >> new developments in oakland, where police chief floyd mitchell held his first news conference today since taking the job to announce the arrest of several suspects involved in home invasions and burglaries. abc seven news reporter anser hassan. with what we know tonight about the suspects. chief mitchell is calling these arrests significant. >> he says they're related to a recent surge in home invasions and commercial burglaries and robberies. >> our community resource officers, our crime reduction team officers and our patrol officers have been working diligently to identify and apprehend individuals and groups
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responsible for a large number of crimes within our city. >> oakland police chief floyd mitchell says two separate groups of adults and juveniles were arrested, responsible for more than 30 burglaries from january to april. they're also suspects involved in 20 other felony crimes around the bay area. last month, two more juveniles associated with these groups were arrested. those two were involved in 20 separate robberies and burglaries, mostly in the hegenberger area, mainly targeting fast food restaurants and gas stations. police say there's no evidence that these groups are actively recruiting juveniles. >> we have not seen any evidence that these individuals, either these four or any other individuals, are being recruited in uh- traffic, as it were, to commit crimes in our community. it appears as though there are small groups acting in concert. i don't see or we haven't seen uh- it as a larger effort or criminal effort. uh- a larger, coordinated criminal effort in our city as for the home invasions, police say one suspect targeted homes in the
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highland park neighborhood. >> the suspect would park his car blocks away and scope out homes. police say they don't know why he picked these specific homes, but say community assistance played a big part in their case. >> the good thing is we have the help from the community, the biggest thing that we've been, that have assisted us in our cases is the utilization of video surveillance cameras throughout our neighborhoods and also so the calls that we're getting from our neighbors with regards to the commercial burglaries and robberies, police say they are thankful that no one was injured since the suspect, some of whom were 17 years old, were armed in oakland , anser hassan. >> abc seven news. >> happening tomorrow. another rally is planned at regional medical center in san jose. earlier this year, it was announced the trauma center would be closing in august, citing a decline in people using it. some in the community feel this could hurt those who are low income or uninsured. the hospital's emergency room will remain open. the closest trauma center would be santa clara valley medical center, which is
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about eight miles away. and this is a live look at san francisco international airport tonight, where tomorrow, flight attendants with united and alaska airlines are planning to hold rallies as part of a worldwide day of action. pickets are planned at more than 30 airports across the country. roughly 80,000 flight attendants are currently in contract negotiations with various airlines. first lady jill biden will arrive in the bay area tomorrow night. she has a fundraiser friday in los gatos before she's supposed to head to reno. jill biden was here just a few weeks ago for a fundraiser in marin county. >> the basketball world is mourning the loss of legendary player and executive jerry west. he died this morning at the age of 86. west was an all star in the all 14 of his nba seasons. he was part of the 1972 lakers team that won a championship and was the nba finals mvp. when the lakers lost to the boston celtics in 1969. that is still the only time that award went to a player on the losing team. west eventually became general
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manager of championship teams, with the lakers helping build the showtime dynasty, drafting magic johnson, later bringing in shaquille o'neal and kobe bryant. but bay area basketball fans will certainly remember that west joined the warriors front office and helped build the team that we know today. we dug into our abc seven news archives for a clip of the news conference when he was announced in 2011. >> i see the fans up here and i see a real opportunity to build a team up here. they are so close to having a good team and i think the best thing in the world about life is when somebody feels like you can help. >> west was with the warriors for their championships in 2015 and 17. someone who knew west well is abc seven news sports director larry beil. >> he was not only an incredible basketball player that it only scratches the surface of jerry west's legacy. he was an incredible executive and ambassador for the game and just a fountain of knowledge. i had
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the opportunity to watch a game with him and i was just, like, in awe of how he looked at the game and what he was seeing versus what i thought i knew when i was watching the tv. >> west went into basketball hall of fame as a player in 1980, and again as a member of the gold medal winning 1960 us olympic team. in 2010. he will be enshrined for a third time later this year as a contributor and another interesting part of west legacy is that his silhouette is considered to be the basis of the nba logo that you can see behind me. that's his silhouette. abc seven news reporter ryan curry has that part of the story. >> the nba logo looks simple a red and blue backdrop with the player silhouette, a silhouette resembling one former athlete who went on to change the game for decades. >> there wasn't a better clutch player in the history of the nba other than jerry west. >> west died wednesday at the age of 86 after an accomplished playing career. he became general manager of the lakers in the mid 1980s. they won five nba
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titles and drew the nickname showtime to keep doing what jerry west did to never accepting second best, to never fading into the background. >> he just kept going. he just kept winning. >> in 2011, warriors owner joe lacob hired him as an adviser. dieter kurtenbach with the mercury news says that hire changed everything. >> any person who was with those warriors teams to a man, to a woman would tell you that it was his influence that steered the warriors from being the laughingstock of the nba to becoming not just champions, but dynastic champions. >> kurtenbach also told me the warriors called themselves golden state because they wanted to increase their brand exposure throughout northern california because the quality on the court was so bad. well, that brand exposure certainly came the moment west stepped in the building. >> you can make the argument that this is joe lacob's best decision, and i don't think that's being a prisoner of the moment, and i don't think that's being hyperbolic in the wake of
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today's news, he was there when the warriors signed kevin durant and he was also there to stop the warriors from trading a splash. >> brother, there's an offer for the warriors to trade klay thompson for kevin love. >> jerry west came in and put his foot down and said i'll quit if you do this. the warriors paid tribute to him at chase center today. >> jerry lived an incredible life. clearly one of the great figures in nba history. many think his legacy will live on for a long time in san francisco. >> ryan curry, abc seven news. >> stanford's former head football coach nearly lost his home to a fast moving fire. now he's warning everyone to be proactive to protect their property also ahead. >> we are not going to have the starter home neighborhood and then the expensive neighborhood, and then the affordable housing on the on the corner by the highway. >> that's the ceo of california forever. what could be solano counties newest city? will it be th new and affordable? stay with
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on strike. workers at the restaurant on south king road are protesting alleged excessive heat and labor law violations. they say the kitchen's air conditioner is broken and the company is not repairing it. employees say temperatures in the kitchen reach 90 degrees. they also want local lawmakers to create employee training programs. >> we need some training so workers can know about their rights because it's really important for the workers to know about their rights so that that way they know how to defend themselves. >> taco bell released a statement saying the franchise owner and operator is currently looking into it and working to address the workers concerns. stanford's former head football coach nearly lost his home to a fast moving fire, and now he is teaming up with fire officials to help warn others. abc seven news south bay reporter zach fuentes has the story. >> burn scarring created more than a week ago. still smells like smoke in this lot in los gatos. of course, our concern is
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that with it being this close, does it jump the driveway? tyrone willingham, the former stanford head football coach, lives just next door to it. >> my landscaper came and said, something's going on, okay? and then i run around the corner to see what he's talking about. and then as soon as you turn the corner, you see this billow of smoke and you say, that's a problem. >> allen, who owns and lives next to the property, said contractors were working on a fence when their tools hit rebar and sparked a fire. the fire was moving quickly. >> luckily, we had cut the grass about ten days prior to this incident happening. >> a measure that santa clara county fire officials saved not just allen's home, but the rest of her community. >> any structures that you have, we highly recommend cutting the grass down below four inches uh- getting down to dirt if you can, make sure your shrubs, or your dead.
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basically what we want to do is eliminate any fuel, in that area because that will help create that defensible space that we're looking for. >> though california has seen plenty of rain in the last couple of years, officials say more acres are likely to burn because there's more vegetation. >> when a fire occurs, it moves so fast that by the time the fire suppression crews get on scene, we're trying to find the edges and put it out. we're trying to stop the fire. so this is where the defensible space really helps. >> whether you live near an open space like this one that burned or have a home in the city, fire officials want everyone this year to stay proactive, willingham said. this close call is a reminder to himself and hopes others also receive the message. >> regardless of what zone you're in. if you have the dry vegetation, if you add dead plants, it's highly recommended to go ahead and mitigate those and get rid of those because that will always help in los gatos. >> zach fuentes, abc seven news. >> all right. and you know, we're dealing with some heat during the summer because this way goes. >> it is although it did ease a
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little bit. and the question is how long will that last? meteorologist sandyha patel is here. sandy. >> i guess we're not technically in summer yet. sandhya. that's right. >> we're there. okay, on the 20th is when we'll get there. ama and dan. let's take a look at it right now from our mount tam cam, our marine influence is certainly there. feeling like summer because of the marine layer, today's temperatures were anywhere from the low 60s to the mid 80s. but places like brentwood getting up into the low 90s. the marine layer bringing cooler weather along with the sea breeze. 16 degree drop right now compared to 24 hours ago in concord. you're feeling it in livermore. 19 degrees cooler down 13. in santa rosa it is gusty right now and 31 miles an hour in napa, 30 sustained in san francisco out towards the delta. look at that. 27 to 31 miles an hour. that's going to keep this cooling trend going. you can see certainly the breezy conditions along the embarcadero from our roof camera here overnight tonight, fog and low clouds tomorrow cooling
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continues. and sunday afternoon into monday it is going to get gusty. higher fire danger. but we're not expecting offshore winds at this point. so that will at least keep the humidity up. it's just the winds are going to start to dry out further. the finer fuels, the flashier fuels, the grasses. that's what the concern is. so keep that in mind. tomorrow morning, 8:00. inland areas are sunny in the 60s, eventually 70s and 80s around the bay. partly cloudy, upper 50s warming up into the mid 60s. by noon, and low 70s into about 5:00 in the afternoon. coast side. you're going to see a lot of fog and low clouds to start the day low 50s coming up into the mid and upper 50s on live doppler seven. you can certainly see the fog and low clouds along the coastline. two things going on. this area of low pressure deepen the marine layer and brought the cooling. today, high pressure is taking a back seat. this low is going to reinforce the cooling as we head towards the next day or so from our bay bridge toll
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plaza. gray skies right now 54 degrees in the city, 59. in oakland, you're at 67. san jose, 54, in half moon bay. and from our sfo camera, visibility is still good right now. mid 50s santa rosa, petaluma 59 fairfield, low 60s concord and livermore. first thing tomorrow morning you're going to see a lot of fog, a lot more than today, 40s and 50s on those temperatures tomorrow afternoon in the south bay. a lot of sun, but really not quite as warm as it has been in days past. 75 in gilroy, 80, in san jose, on the peninsula, you're looking at 76. in redwood city, upper 50s coast side, where the fog will hang around just like it will in daly city, 63 downtown san francisco, north bay temperatures 74. in san rafael 72, napa 79 in santa rosa heading into the east bay 67, oakland 76, castro valley inland areas. you're going to be in the 70s to 80s. 81 in livermore, 79 in concord, 80 degrees for you in pleasanton. now here comes the wind. sunday in the morning it gets gusty
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along the coast. but watch those winds coming up about 50 miles an hour on the coast sunday night. and then as we head into monday, still remaining gusty. that is what's bringing the fire concern later on in the week. the accuweather seven day forecast for now, humidity stays up, temperatures are down, then they bounce back. friday. cooler as we head towards father's day weekend with that fire danger coming up sunday into monday and then next week things will quiet down once again. dan and anna. >> sorry to see that wind. yeah i mean, it's part of where we are right now. >> springtime. >> thanks, andy. >> we're in spring. yes, summer just yet. feels like summer. yes, but summer time activities kicked off today at san francisco city's civic center plaza. san francisco's public defender's office officially launched its magic summer program. 500 children pre-registered for the summer events. the program is designed to make learning fun. it exposes kids to stem art, literacy, and recreational activities, and is designed to prevent summer learning loss.
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>> we want to continue to build community amongst the youth so they're out of school, sfusd got out june 4th. we want to keep them in the spirit of learning, but also having fun at the same time. >> yeah, they go hand in hand, right? this is the 20th year for the magic summer program. >> all right. coming up next, a century old theater at the center of a downtown revival. we'll have that story and friday is the next nba finals game between the mavericks and the celtics. and it could be the last. the celtics are up three games to none. as you know, having watched tonight live coverage of game four here on abc, seven starts at 5 p.m. on friday. stay with us for after the game hosted by abc seven sports director larry biel and special guest warriors guard moses moody. that's all coming up friday, but we'll be a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business.
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in 1948, the us supreme court prohibited studios from owning theaters. the ruling was rescinded in 2020. >> part of building a better bay area is celebrating resilience. the historic delta theater in brentwood is reopening its doors for the first time in more than four years. it's not just about a renovation, though, as abc seven news reporter lena howland explains, this this theater is also celebrating history. >> the finishing touches are being made to bring a theater nearly a century old back to life. >> literally has been years and years, but finally all come to fruition. >> sean mccauley is a bay area redeveloper who was born and raised in brentwood. he and a partner purchased the theater back in 2019, right before they had to close it due to the pandemic. >> the delta theater for brentwood is the anchor, and it's the anchor for downtown, which is very vibrant but without the theater operating, we feel like it's just not going to, work.
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>> the theater underwent an extensive four year renovation and is now reopening >> everything is brand new. the screens sound system, everything. >> the grand reopening is thursday, timed to coincide with the release of pixar's inside out two nostalgia that was like 30s ago. >> nostalgia. >> yeah, those were the days. >> guests at the delta theater will also feel the nostalgia, with hallways lined of old photos of brentwood shared by the contra costa historical society. >> people coming out of uh- covid, i think they not only expect more, but there's so much downtown pride and everything that's local to brentwood. it's great to have something that is truly unique and special. >> the new owner even decided to keep the original stage in one of the screening rooms. from the 1930s, the theater is one of the legacies that brentwood is most proud of. brentwood vice mayor susanna meyer hopes the delta
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theater will attract people from surrounding communities. >> we're still recovering from the pandemic. we're still feeling what that felt like to be so isolated and so anything that we can do that's going to be community driven is going to be a huge success. in my opinion. >> and for a cheap day out, all wednesdays will be half price days to keep people coming in brentwood. lena howland abc seven news. >> coming up, a new concern when it comes to preventing overdoses in san francisco. we are digging into it as part of our commitment to building a better bay area. plus a bittersweet moment, the students from the sandy hook school sho
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future. but for some members of the newtown high school class of 2024, it is filled with a different emotion. a number of them went to sandy hook elementary school and survived one of the worst school shootings in u.s. history. >> what happened in 2012 is weighing heavily on the
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celebrations. reporter laura aguirre brings us some of their stories. we just heard popping and popping. >> a guy armed came into my classroom and started shooting. all of my friends and my teachers and my classmates. his gun had been jammed, and a friend of mine had yelled at us to run, and that's what we did. >> survivors of the mass shooting at sandy hook elementary school are high school seniors. today graduating from newtown high school in connecticut. they were first graders in 2012, when 20 of their classmates were killed, along with six faculty members. to date, it's the deadliest k through 12 school shooting in u.s. history. our memories of elementary school are weirdly like empty, like blocked out massive parts of it. still, difficult memories and emotions remain when we lined up by grade like half of our grade was missing. >> so that was really hard. >> many have found healing in the years since balancing celebration with remembrance at
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this important milestone. >> this is such a monumental day and we all can feel what we've lost and you know, the people and the friends that we're missing. >> the class of 2024 will wear green ribbons and bracelets with the message forever in our hearts. >> we all are carrying their memory through us and making sure that they're walking the stage right there with us. >> grace fisher and several fellow survivors are part of the junior newtown action alliance, sharing their experience with lawmakers in a quest to change the nation's gun laws. >> i feel like like it's my purpose to continue my life. like, in honor of them, i'm laura aguirre, reporting an update on another mass shooting at a us school. >> demolition will start tomorrow on marjory stoneman douglas high school in parkland, florida. 14 students and three staff members were killed in the shooting on valentine's day 2018. the gunman was sentenced to life without the possibility of parole. the school has sat pretty much untouched for six years. there are still students papers and dried blood in the
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classrooms. >> a suspect was arrested for firing a gun a few blocks away from san jose state university today. no one was hurt. it happened on south sixth street near east san salvador street. police were at the scene to confirm that a firearm was in fact discharged, and the incident is under investigation. >> a san jose therapist was arrested for the sexual assault of a minor. police say alejandro lopez nunez assaulted a girl with special needs on friday during a therapy session at the child's home. nunez was both a therapist with trumpet behavioral health, as well as part time instructional aide at forest hill elementary. >> sometimes as a child, they don't know what's going on. they don't know what's right or wrong, especially with a person of trust. so i think one of the hardest part is making sure that we gather all the information, the entire story and the evidence we need to put this criminal behind bars. >> now we are showing you his photo because investigators think there may be additional victims. sj pd asks anyone to
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come forward with information involving nunez in this case or similar cases. >> last year, about 80% of the overdose deaths in san francisco were attributed to fentanyl. now, there's new concern about how the drug is being used and that it could lead to even more deaths. abc seven building a better bay area reporter lyanne melendez has the details about a startling new study. >> this is a common scenario in san francisco's tenderloin district. sidewalks like this one, cluttered with mattresses, broken chairs and even a sofa. >> every day we get a complaint that the kids can't walk by. it's one of the many issues police and city crews deal with every day. >> now there's a different concern on these streets, making sure that the fentanyl that accumulates on little pieces of aluminum foil, the residue doesn't kill someone. >> this residue remains bioactive even though it looks burnt. it's the sugars that are in the filler, if you will, that's burnt. the active product
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remains using that foil or any smoking apparatus over and over again may increase the risk of a fatal overdose. >> this could be particularly dangerous to someone who has never tried fentanyl or a person who has not developed a tolerance for the drug. when smoked, fentanyl acts differently than heroin, so the temperatures that people are using now to smoke fentanyl, all the heroin would be destroyed. >> but fentanyl is heat stable? it's very tough. >> doctor daniel cerone is a professor of addicted medicine at ucsf who, along with a team of seven researchers, spent three weeks on the streets surveying fentanyl users. >> people sharing pipes. what what is the leftover stuff? what do people do with it? how do they collect it? do they share it? do they save it for later? what they found was alarming. >> fentanyl users were keeping or collecting foils to get high off the residue, fentanyl users told researchers. there is a
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distinction between foil, a pipe and a bong. when it comes to delivering a stronger high, so the bong being the most dangerous bong is the most dangerous. >> this is rapid and it's a high dose. >> we found people who were willing to show us their equipment. this man uses foil to smoke fentanyl, but then switches to a pipe to exclusively smoke meth. could i ask you about this aluminum foil? how many times have you used that? do you think so? >> i would say it's been used probably more than ten times. >> foil, syringes and other drug paraphernalia are usually included in harm reduction kits distributed for free by a number of nonprofit organizations as a way to avoid sharing. it has been controversial. >> if smoking is seen as harm reduction, then yes, we need clean paraphernalia, just like in the days of hiv where we invented syringe exchange fable, idris told us. >> ironically, some people out here are more concerned about the hypothetical link between
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aluminum foil and alzheimer's disease than overdosing. however, many of the people who live in these neighborhoods, including children, may have to worry about the litter that may be on their streets, endangering their lives. and fentanyl is such a different drug that it's the only one where users went from injecting it to smoking it. it's usually the other way around, and right now the vast majority of users smoke it. this trend started on the west coast. ucsf researchers are concerned that this trend will eventually spread throughout the rest of the country. lyanne melendez abc seven news. >> we want to make sure you know if you or someone you are close to is struggling with substance abuse issues, there is help. we've put together a list of local resources. just go to our website abc seven slash. take action. >> a global peace summit is getting some celebrity publicity thanks to a post from madonna. >> there may not be much of anything we all agree on these
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days, but i pray we can all agree that our children need to be protected. on june 15th, world leaders will gather in switzerland, world leaders will gather in switzerland on saturday to focus on an end to the war in ukraine. >> madonna expressed her support for the summit and drew attention to it. in a post on instagram, she said the meeting will also focus on the return of more than 19,000 children who were torn from their families and deported to russia. nearly 90 countries will be in attendance. moscow hasn't been invited, but says it wouldn't have attended anyway. vice president kamala harris will attend as part of the u.s. delegation. >> all right. coming up next, the transamerica pyramid. and ted, it's a combination that could be good for the city. >> and if voters approve a new city in solano county, how much are houses going to cost? we put that question directly to the ceo. hear his answer next. all right. >> it was basketball tonight. tomorrow's game three of the stanley cup final. right here on abc seven. the florida panthers have a20 series lead against the
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edmonton oilers. live coverage of game three starts at 5 p.m. it's followed by after the game hosted by abc seven news sports director larry beil. that's tomorrow, it's never too late to try something new
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host for the ted ai conference this october. the event is being billed as one of the biggest gatherings of ai companies and professionals. the event combines the familiar ted conference with a focus on the emergence and power of artificial intelligence. we've reported heavily on san francisco's effort to jump start a recovery in the downtown area, whether it be through events or filling empty buildings. there are some small signs of change going on in the office market, a report by avison young shows a decline in the number of remote job postings, which means companies are trying to bring more people back to the office. also of note, for the first time since 2022, there was an increase in job postings,
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consulting, research, accounting and recruiting companies led the way. >> the billionaire backed plan to build a new city in solano county is one step closer to reality. california forevers initiative qualified for the november ballot on our 3:00 pm program called getting answers. abc seven news reporter stephanie sierra spoke with the company's ceo about the future. >> so i have a lot to get to. but first, congratulations, you have enough signatures, but there's still a couple of steps before the initiative is actually on the ballot, right? >> yeah, absolutely. i mean, it's a it's a big and exciting milestone for us, we have been, busy at work for the last six weeks since we, submitted the signatures to the county, and we've gotten a lot done in those six weeks. we've announced 12 major employers. we've announced 1400 jobs in the building of the solar farm, we've announced a major new sports complex that we're bringing here to solano county, and so this is a great milestone to mark the last six weeks and, continue with the process. >> let's talk about traffic
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congestion. another big concern for highway 12, paired with, of course, the cost of fixing it. six months ago, you talked about expanding highway 12 and 113 and what's called the transportation guarantee. that's in your initiative. but congressman john garamendi and others are still concerned taxpayers will be picking up the tab here. is that true? >> i mean, we know that congestion is a huge issue. traffic is a huge issue in solano county. i know it personally. i live here with my wife and two little kids, and so we experience it daily, we are fortunate to have a short commute. that's not the case for most residents in solano county, and the traffic has been getting worse every year for the last 20 years. and this plan is by far the best opportunity to bring jobs to where they are needed, right here to solano county and we have announced exciting news on that front. we've committed to bring 15,000 jobs here that pay way more than the jobs that are here right now. and those jobs would be a ten, 15, 20
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minute commute for people living in fairfield and vacaville and dixon and rio vista and suisun city, and just a little bit longer for people living in benicia and vallejo. and so we would be able to take so much traffic off the i-80, and actually make the situation better here. that's why we announced 12 major employers and 1400 jobs in the in the solar farm. >> but will the company be picking up the tab here or will taxpayers be partially responsible, no. taxpayers in solano county other than the people living in the new community, would be contributing any money towards improving, the highways, we have already committed to provide right of way and to provide a significant share of the funding, which will be determined by caltrans, that money can then be combined with state and federal funds to help pay for the improvements, as well as with innovative, methods for financing the construction, that are built on the idea that we'll be able to keep many, many more jobs in california instead of sending them off to texas.
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and florida, but none of that contribution will be coming from anyone in solano county. it's really building a new economic engine here in solano county, so that solano county can start getting its fair share of transportation dollars from the state and the federal level, which historically it has not received since day one. >> a big part of your focus has been on affordable housing. what do you see as the ideal price point for a single family home in this new city? >> you know, i don't know that there's such a thing as an ideal price point. we are really committed to building deeply integrated neighborhoods, where people from all walks of life, all professions, can all live in the same neighborhood right next to each other. and so unlike many other, new developments, we are not going to have the starter home neighborhood and then the expensive neighborhood and then the affordable housing on the on the corner by the highway. we're going to have these wonderful integrated neighborhoods where people can, all live together in terms of price points. we're going to have homes starting somewhere in
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the $450,000 range in today's dollars, that's about 150 to $200,000 less than other homes in other new homes in solano county. and it will go up from there, as the size of the homes increase. and we are really committed to having the entire range. most importantly, we have a $400 million down payment assistance program in place. that program is bigger than the program that california state has. there's a state program that is $300 million for the entire state, funded by taxpayers. this is a case of a private developer making an unprecedented commitment to housing affordability and providing $400 million, all from private funds, for just solano county. 1% of the state's population. and so i am very confident that in 20 years, we're going to have tens of thousands of families in solano county who said the way that we got on the housing ladder, the way that we got into homeownership, was this california forever project. the solano plan, and it was this
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wonderful innovation in how we can bring back the california dream to working families right here. >> you can watch interviews like that one every weekday at 3 p.m. on getting answers. >> it's going to continue cooling tomorrow. what about the weekend though? see sandhya's forecast next. also ahead. hello, i'm anxiety. where can i put my stuff? >> coming face to face with anxiety for pixar's new movie inside
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a new character. anxiety. abc seven news anchor reggie aqui got an inside look at inside out two, including a drawing lesson from a character art director at pixar headquarters in emeryville . >> welcome to pixar headquarters. the creators of all of these characters, you know, like joy and sadness from inside out one. now get ready
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for inside out two. riley, the main character, is a teenager and she has lots of anxiety. >> i'm anxiety. i'm one of riley's new emotions and we are just super jazzed to be here. where can i put my stuff? >> so my name is keiko maruyama. i am a character art director on inside out two. character art director kind of oversees the character design team. nice. well, who is this? this is anxiety, giana muscles, who was a character designer from the first movie. >> she was kind enough to join us. and then she made this iconic anxiety. she gave anxiety like little big eyed and big mouth so she can have really big acting and lots of hair and greek city just going through. she's always thinking tinkling. yeah. >> okay, so you're going to teach me how to draw anxiety and i need to warn you, keiko, i am perhaps the world's worst draw. can you take on this challenge? >> yes. i can, all right, we'll see what what she looks like at
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the end. >> yeah, it might look really wild. >> i am just such a huge fan of yours. and now here i am meeting you face to face. >> so first one here. >> draw a hot dog. >> yeah, kind of like that. that's good. okay. yeah. >> are you gonna add a chuckle? coffee cup. >> that's a go coffee cup. okay. >> this is pretty easy, right? >> it is. yeah. i mean, you know, does mine look like yours? not exactly, but that's all right. >> look like coffee cup. when you say coffee cup. yeah. and the coffee cup will be sitting on the tall, skinny mountain. >> oh, look, a little volcano. yeah okay. yeah. >> perfect. her hair. we call it like carrot top. >> almost like a volcano. like eruption. yeah. right. yeah. okay. >> when she does explode, i think she is an anxiety. >> i'm a little scared of her, to be honest. >> i see you should be. yeah >> okay. how can i help, i can take notes, get coffee, manage
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your calendar, walk your dog, carry your things, watch you sleep. wow >> so you have a lot of energy. >> did you love working on this movie? >> yeah. yeah. >> it's exciting to see those designs. means, like, you know, moving on the screen, and soon everyone's going to know her name. >> yeah. >> now she comes alive with the eyes, right? >> yeah. look at that. oh, yeah. okay. you fill it in. yeah >> like if you don't fill in, she kind of look insane. so more insane than she's gonna look insane no matter what. >> okay, go just do that. yeah. >> my job is to protect her from the scary stuff she can't see. i plan for the future. >> you have a one iconic piece right in the middle. like this. right in the middle. >> oh, iconic. funny. >> and then just fill out the rest of the space. okay yeah, it's still a piece. >> there you go. >> and that's how you draw anxiety. >> this is anxiety. >> yeah, look at that. this is the reggie aqui original pastel on my résumé. are you gonna put
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a good word in for me? >> of course i will. >> inside out three. my character is sass. >> that would be so cute. i'll make sure to give credit to you. i appreciate that. >> thank you for teaching me today. >> of course. thank you for drawing with me. >> it should be good. yeah inside out two opens friday. disney's the parent company of both pixar and abc seven. all right. >> let's go back and talk about the weather. wind is coming too. >> yes. let's get to meteorologist sandhya patel for that. sandhya. >> yeah definitely was windy today and it's going to be another breezy to windy one tomorrow. dan let's take a look at live live view right now from our emeryville camera. it has been a hazy view all throughout the afternoon and evening. you can see air quality has been moderate in pockets indicated by yellows there from the east bay to parts of the north bay. that is going to change. the air quality will be good the next two days as the sea breeze really picks up and cleans out our air. beginning tomorrow on live doppler seven, we do have fog and low clouds around
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tomorrow afternoon. they hang around near the coast keeping your temperatures in the 50s, but inland areas will be in the 70s and 80s. should be nice with sunshine at least there is no extreme here for your thursday and the accuweather seven day forecast showing you the temperatures bouncing back on friday up into the low 90s. no real heat and then cooling off over the weekend. father's day going into monday is when those winds pick up and the fire danger fire concern will be coming up with it. so that's something to keep in mind, especially around this time of year. ama and dan. all right. >> thanks. thanks, sandy. well failure involving overhead equipment knocked out power this morning to about 600 p-g-and-e's customers in san francisco, including us here at abc seven. >> service was restored in about an hour and a half. it impacted customers in parts of fisherman's wharf, the embarcadero financial district and north beach. >> all right. >> coming up next, the allegations against spacex, why former employees are suing the
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500. both set closing records after new data showed inflation cooled in may. the nasdaq added 264 points for a new record close of 17,608. the s&p 500 gained 45 points, finishing above 5400 for the first time ever. however, the dow lost 35 points. the federal reserve held its benchmark interest rate steady at its current 23 year high, but the fed scaled back its forecast for rate cuts this year from 3 to 1. federal reserve chair jerome powell says the central bank doesn't yet have the confidence to cut rates, even as inflation has eased from its peak levels. >> elon musk's spacex company faces a lawsuit by some former employees. the eight employees were fired in 2022, they say. spacex treats women as sexual objects and promotes lewd sexual banter. the former workers were fired after being involved in writing an open letter criticizing musk. spacex did not immediately respond to a request
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for comment on this lawsuit. meantime, elon musk has dropped his lawsuit against openai. the suit accused the san francisco based company of violating a contract and abandoning its mission on how to develop ai technology. musk is a co-founder of openai. a hearing was scheduled for today before the lawsuit was dropped. >> that is it for this edition of abc seven news at ten. >> abc seven news at 11 is coming up next, and we're following more news, including sideshows in san francisco. >> sfpd is sharing new clues into this past weekend's stunts and the response it caused. plus i don't want them to kill this tree. >> i love this tree. this tree is my favorite. >> new at 11. an invasive insect found on the east coast. but now its eggs have been intercepted here. and experts say the entire wine industry may be at risk. we'll see you for that at 11. i'm dan ashley. >> i'm ama daetz. keep it here. >> this is abc 724 seven.
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now it's a november preview in the middle of june, san francisco supporters lining the sidewalk today for their preferred candidate for mayor and the differences in candidates were debated right on stage. good evening. >> i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley. thanks for joining us. we'll get to that in just a moment. but first we'll begin in the south bay. >> yes. after advancing in a razor thin primary election, a local candidate vying


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