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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  June 13, 2024 1:41am-2:01am PDT

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noninvasive and designed to keep the skin dry and stay in place. we trust it to help her throughout the night, so we're all better rested and can enjoy the things we love together. >> order yours online at pure wick at-home .com or call (800) 511-6319. call (800) 511-6319. today on supplemental oxygen, heavy and awkward tanks can be a burden. >> now you can leave home and leave the tanks behind with inogen portable oxygen therapy that moves with you. >> with my inogen now i'm able to do the things that i've always loved. i just pressed the button here and there's my oxygen inogen systems are so small and light, you're free to leave the house without the hassles of an oxygen tank. >> i could play golf again. i could go grocery shopping. >> i'm free again with the inogen. i can handle my own oxygen. i can carry my own oxygen. i go anywhere with this. look how small it is. >> and right now you can try an
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inogen portable oxygen system for 30 days. risk free. call us right now if you qualify, we'll send you an intelligent system to use for 30 days. risk free. your insurance may even cover your new inogen system. >> if you're on oxygen, you need to be using an inogen. >> call 800 907 8840 800 907 8840. that's 800 907 8840. if you could have brat pack may not exist. >> would you? i hated the brat pack. what a disaster. >> why did we take it as an offense? >> agl. head, head head. >> hello? we're back with breaking news in a live look at a fire at an oil refinery in iraq. >> it's been burning for hours. at least ten people were hurt after flames erupted inside a warehouse containing crude oil at the plant in erbil, about 200 miles north of baghdad. and government officials are blaming the fire on a technical error. >> in mexico, the pool area at a
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private resort is closed after a deadly incident. a man from texas suffered a fatal shock while sitting in a jacuzzi with his wife. investigators are still trying to figure out exactly what happened. here's abc's matt gutman. >> this dramatic video showing the moments two americans are believed to have been electrocuted in a hot tub at a mexico resort. bystanders screaming for help as one person is seen pulled to safety amidst the chaos. on that pool deck, you can see someone else administering cpr. the sonora attorney general says it's investigating the incident, stating 43 year-old george was killed and 35 year old lisette injured as per policy, they used only the victim's first names. sources telling abc news they were a couple from el paso, texas. the tragic incident unfolding tuesday evening at the sonoran sea resort near puerto penasco. the attorney general adding that forensic analysis will be conducted to determine the origin of the electrical failure. abc news has reached
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out to the resort multiple times for comment, but has not heard back. the experts say that if you are in a pool or a hot tub and you feel any sort of electrical current, get out immediately and try to do so without touching any of the metal fixtures or ladder. matt gutman, abc news, los angeles. >> all right, matt, thank you. a middle school in massachusetts is touting a very rare achievement out of a graduate class of 454 students for 86 of them are twins. do the math here with me. that makes 23 pairs, which is about 10% of the class. now you. that's very unusual considering that only about three in every 100 births results in twins. but for the classmates themselves, twinning is no big deal. >> i have many twins in some of my classes. like i think one time i had six sets of twins in one class, six. >> wow. >> another historic graduation is possible four years from now when all 23 sets of these twins go to the same high school. wow
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>> i knew like two sets when i was growing up. like my whole life growing up and they were said i thought it was the coolest thing in the world. >> 23 sets in one school. wow. >> coming up, the medical breakthrough, the eight year old girl who has become the first child in the whole world to have a robot operate deep in her brain. >> and later, that's wild. the bear just chilling. you're watching world news now. >> attention, military personnel, families and civilians who were stationed or worked at camp lejeune from 1953 to 1987. if you or a loved one lived, worked or served at camp lejeune, call the victims justice group. now, you may be entitled to significant compensation. the us government recently passed a law allowing servicemen and women, their family members and civilian workers who lived or worked on the base at camp lejeune for at least 30 days to seek justice for injuries caused by toxic water. if you or a loved one suffered injuries associated with the toxic water at camp lejeune, including bladder,
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kidney or liver cancer, multiple myeloma, non-hodgkin's lymphoma, parkinson's disease, adult leukemia, or aplastic anemia, call the victim's justice group. now. our attorneys will fight to get you the compensation you deserve for your pain and suffering. military personnel, their families and civilian workers who served, lived or worked at camp lejeune from august 1953 to december 19th 87th may be eligible for compensation. don't wait. call our helpline now. sleep >> feel the shakes. difference is real. from the light to the dark. >> pull back. >> fall in. exhale whoa! hot. no ma'am. so chill all night on a cloud like a feather. smooth, soft. nothing better. just right. own the night. visit to get 25% off free shipping and two free pillowcases, plus a 69 guarantee. >> victims of mesothelioma and
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their families may be entitled to receive a cash award from the estimated $30 billion in asbestos trust funds, with over $50 billion awarded. we have over 30 years of experience and have successfully recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for thousands of clients, even if a family member has passed due to mesothelioma or lung cancer, you may still be entitled to a cash award. if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, call 1-800-208-0501. now >> world news now continues after this from our abc stations . >> happy kids heal faster. that's why starlight children's foundation is dedicated to improving the mental well-being of sick kids, regardless of their illness or injury. when a child is hospitalized, they are scared and lonely and stressed. being in hospital facing painful treatments takes away from the happiness of childhood. but that's where starlight comes in. at starlight, we provide
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entertainment through our gaming stations, comfort with our specially designed hospital gowns, play with our toy deliveries and distraction through our virtual reality headsets. starlight programs are what happiness is made of the things that make being a kid special. the simple power of a smile delivered to over 800 children's hospitals and medical facilities across the country, can make a lifetime of difference for sick kids. learn more at starlight. org. >> summer vacation time, people. and if you want to get the best deals on flights, get through the line security and baggage claim super fast and have a dream vacation. >> you got to see the secrets. our gma travel dream team have for you. >> we're back with the scare for family in parker, colorado. one family's 12 week old pekinese puppy was trapped behind the
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walls inside the ductwork after falling through an uncovered vent in the floor. >> it took fire rescue, sheriff's deputies, animal control and even plumbers using a stethoscope and a special camera to finally locate him, and then cut through the wall and into the duct. >> oh. got him, got him. come here, buddy. emily. come on. it's okay, it's okay. where's mom? hi. my pumpkin. >> oh, my baby. >> thank you guys. thank you guys. thank you, thank you, thank you. >> oh he's okay. that's little archie. the rescue took 3.5 hours. but as you can see, archie was reunited with his human mama and is happy. >> yes. healthy. pretty happy is an eight year old girl who's just made medical history. >> the story is so incredible. she has become the first pediatric patient in the whole world to undergo deep brain stimulation, performed by a robot. good job. a medical breakthrough in oklahoma. eight year old carly frye is now the
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first child to receive a robotic deep brain stimulation. the procedure implants electrodes into the patient's brain and treats movement disorders like parkinson's disease. robots make the procedure much safer because of the required precision. if you think about it, robots don't have a tremor and you tell the robot exactly what to do, it will do it to the submillimeter. carly was an average little girl, meeting all of her milestones up until age four, and then she got an ear infection that triggered a fever that triggered her disease. she was diagnosed with rapid onset dystonia, initially paralyzed, carly made slow progress on medications, but this surgery was a game changer. using a tablet, carly's family can now tune the electrodes in her brain, helping this little girl regain control over her body. >> we can turn it up, or we can turn it down as needed. if we feel like she's been extra tight, we can adjust it to
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however we need to move things around. >> carly went from not always being able to sit up or feed herself, to walking out of the hospital after the procedure, even using her own voice. occasionally >> she's adapted so well. i think she's going to have a great future for sure. >> how incredible is that? doctors at bethany children's health center, where carly was treated, say that they hope her procedure will then pave the way to help children around the world. game changer? >> hope so. you know, when technology advances, it's not always bad. it's not always. i definitely not always bad. help save lives. >> coming up, we'll show you. that's wild. you're watching world news now. so much, so much . >> i'm john morgan of morgan and morgan with so many mesothelae ummah lawyers on television, how do you choose the right ferm for you and your family? our goal is to get you as much as you deserve. $30 billion was set aside for mesothelioma victims like you. if you've been
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listen to our audio explanation of this. if you don't want to see these folks in port clinton, ohio had to use their leaf blower to clear away swarms of dead. oh my gosh, those are mayflies. and they had a swarm that descended. >> yeah, mayflies come out in full force in the spring and summer. >> they're attracted to any light source. the town's streetlights are usually turned off during mating season. but this one this year, someone forgot to hit the switch. >> i've never seen this in my life. this is a thing in the midwest. >> i've never seen it either. >> and i'm never going to ohio. >> well, my in-laws are from ohio and i don't know what to do now. now that i know this is there. >> yeah, anywhere there are bugs. >> count me out, guys. >> i'm sorry. i'm not coming to thanksgiving. >> this. >> i hate to tell you, andrew. we're in new york city and there are lots of bugs. >> i know your poor lantern flies. okay, next to the delicate mission down under to save the lives of 20 endangered animals. >> nearly two dozen wallabies were flown in to help bolster what's called one of the few remaining populations in australia.
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>> 12 males and eight females were given a health check and fitted with tracking collars before being set free in what we're being told is a predator free area, so they quite literally will be free to relax and roam and do other things that they want them to do. this is pretty cool. >> make more of them. yeah wallabies can hop up to six feet and 30mph. wow, that's pretty incredible. they're cute. really cute. you know what else is cute? >> some bears. but how about these bears gone wild, yes. even more wild than usual, you would say. and at last, check that bear we told you about yesterday that moved into a crawl space under one family's home in southern cal, is still there. >> oh, still hasn't left? >> but now. oh, he's so cute, though. look at that face. let's head to the other side of the country. vermont. this big guy was caught on camera. chillaxing on a hammock. yeah. why not? another was caught looking on watch. he's so. he's like, when's it my turn? he's like, get off better than us. >> also, i need a vacation. you
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look at this. and that's what i want to do. the homeowner eventually shooed them away. they could have just been holding out for some blue berry pie. >> berry. >> finally, we got to talk about a big panda making her big debut. i love pandas, yes, fubao had become somewhat of a celebrity in south korea, where she was born back in 2020, and now she's making her first public appearance since being transferred to china yesterday. >> i'm glad that after mayflies we followed up with three very cute animals. yes, we deserved that. although
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deja vu: it's live with kelly and mark. ♪♪ today from the drama sugar, amy ryan. plus a performance from the broadway smash hit play, stereophonic.


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