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tv   ABC7 News 1000PM  ABC  June 13, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! a shooting that brought out a number of police departments. new at ten. we're live at the crime scene that had neighbors hiding in their homes. >> pick a side. businesses say that's better than being in the middle when it comes to san francisco's unique valencia
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street bike lane. >> i'm meteorologist sandhya patel. fire weather concerns for the upcoming weekend as winds ramp up, i'll have the forecast coming up. >> but thankfully owners. >> and tonight, an in-depth i-team report on the church with no name. the fbi investigating a religious sect that's facing allegations involving child sex abuse. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> i locked myself in with my mom. >> he took precautions after he heard gunshots at home. good evening. >> i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley. thanks for joining us. a usually quiet peninsula neighborhood today was told to stay home in order to stay safe. >> yes, it's because of a shooting late this afternoon. it happened in san mateo. but the injured victim turned up in san carlos. >> let's go live now to abc seven news reporter tim johns at the original crime scene to sort it all out for us. tim
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>> yeah. dan. ummah, the shelter in place order that was here earlier has been lifted at this hour. and as you can see behind me, police have largely wrapped up their scene outside of the largo apartment complex. officers however, stressing to us that they are still trying to piece together exactly what happened here this evening. san mateo police tell me they first got reports of a shooting near the apartment complex around 445 this afternoon. after that shooting took place, the suspect fled into the complex. shortly after that, police say they got another call about a shooting victim in san carlos. officers were also sent down there, where they determined that that victim was the same person who was shot outside the apartment complex. police aren't yet saying how that person made it down to san carlos, but they said the victim was transported to a nearby trauma center. eventually, san mateo pd were able to locate the suspect inside one of the apartments and got the person to surrender, and they have been taken into custody. as you can imagine, neighbors are all really shaken. earlier, i spoke to one father and his son. the
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little boy, only eight years old, told me he was playing outside when everything unfolded. >> it's pretty shocking to hear. first i heard police sirens out of my backyard window and then i heard gunshots. >> three of them. i started turning off lights and closing curtains. that's smart. and i liked locked myself in with my mom. >> father of that child told me he was incredibly proud of his son for responding the way he did, but he also said he was in disbelief when his wife called him this afternoon and told him to hurry home from work early. >> it's pretty shocking to hear it's usually a quiet neighborhood, we just kind of do, you know, we just kind of live day to day, and this type of activity is really shocking. >> now, as for the motive as well as the relationship between the victim and the suspect, police tell me they are still trying to piece that together this evening as well. however, they are expected to be releasing more information come the morning. i'm live in san mateo tonight. tim johns, abc seven news. all right, tim, thanks very much. >> look at these pictures from
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oakland. now, just a gusher. crews had a challenge turning off a broken fire hydrant at castro. and second street near jack london square. this happened about 345, but it took more than 45 minutes to shut this water off. authorities don't know exactly how it happened, but they think a vehicle probably hit the hydrant lives at risk. >> that was the message from staff at an east san jose hospital as they walked with makeshift coffins to protest the closing of a trauma center in august. abc seven news south bay reporter zach fuentes has their warning. they were. and see dozens of doctors, nurses and their supporters marched with makeshift caskets for 15 minutes around regional medical center. >> they said it symbolizes the extended transport time to get trauma patients to valley medical center, the nearest trauma center. >> once rmxs closes, it can be life and death. and if valley is full, where it is going to go, going to go to stanford, which is about 33 minutes away, this every minute counts. >> thursday's march marks four months since staff say they got
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shocking news that the east san jose hospital's trauma center would be closing in august, along with reductions to heart attack and comprehensive stroke programs. staff say the area is home to many low income residents, but the impacts would be far reaching. >> residents of other areas of santa clara county san benito, santa cruz and monterey counties. residents of the surrounding counties count on regional medical center. >> the hospital said that the closure and changes are due to a decline in utilization in a statement, a spokesperson said in part the campaign against regional medical center chooses exaggeration to generate a false fear among members of the community we serve. the statement says the decision to close the trauma center affects less than 2% of patients treated daily, doctor gupta said. the impact is still major. >> even if you say one life will be lost per day, that's too much to handle. >> the hospital also said it has transition plans for its stemi and comprehensive stroke programs, and has added 20 more beds to its emergency department. the hospital staff has gotten support from santa clara county supervisor cindy
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chavez. >> we're asking the california department of health services to say no. we're asking the governor to lean in and say no, and we're asking our attorney general, rob bonta, to investigate the corrupt practices of this corporation. >> the closure and changes at regional medical center are set to happen august 12th. staff and supporters plan to get thousands of signatures on a petition to bring to governor newsom in san jose. zach fuentes, abc seven news. >> flight attendants who say they're working harder than ever post-pandemic, picketed at sfo today as part of a worldwide day of action. union flight attendants for american, alaska and united rallied outside 30 airports nationwide. they picketed to draw attention, including letting people know they don't get paid for the time passengers spend boarding planes . >> we continue to follow the story of that controversial center bike lane on valencia street in san francisco today, a meeting was held to discuss new options that could move the bike lane from the center to the side of the street. abc seven news
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reporter luz pena was there for months. >> merchants along san francisco's valencia street have been pleading for the city to remove this center bike lane. one of them is the owner of muddy waters. >> financially, definitely we're hurting and we had the place up for sale about three months ago. >> hisham has been here for 33 years. he has seen valencia street change in the last ten months since the installation of the bike lane, and he blames sfmta for removing 70 parking spots to make way for the bike lane. >> they should take it out as soon as possible. i mean, as far as and then bring back parking spaces during a digital roundtable, sfmta said they've heard multiple complaints from merchants and are ready to propose the removal of the controversial bike lane, the best option for both safety and to support the local merchants is likely a side running design. >> the next pivot will be a side running bike lane. >> one design would force cyclists to ride around restaurant parklets and closer
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to traffic. the other would have cyclists ride between the curb and the parklets. sfmta says the change will take weeks to install, and many here don't want this yet. >> we're hearing from restaurants to please not do construction during the warmer months of summer and fall, and we're hearing from the retailers to please not do construction during the holiday shopping. >> the owner of blondies bar says sfmta is now right for blaming them after they requested this change months ago. >> we don't want them to do construction during our busy season. yes, that is correct. however, they can remove the center running bike lane period. >> sustainable transportation advocate luke bornheimer says many cyclists like him also want the center bike lane gone. he's advocating for a curbside running bike lane. >> i feel uncomfortable biking in the center bike way. i also don't think anyone who's new to biking feels safer biking this bike way than they would along
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the curb. >> sfmta will present their proposal on tuesday to the board of directors. >> i don't know if we can survive for the next project in san francisco. >> luz pena, abc seven news. >> first lady jill biden is back in the bay area tonight. she arrived at moffett field a couple of hours ago. she's going to attend a fundraiser in los gatos tomorrow around lunchtime. after that, she's scheduled to head to reno for another event. president joe biden is in italy for the g7 summit, where ukraine was the focus. he met with ukrainian president volodymyr zelensky and signed a ten year bilateral security agreement. it includes intelligence sharing and military training, but no money. the g7 nations did agree to loan ukraine $50 billion financed from frozen russian assets. >> our goal is to strengthen ukraine's credible defense and deterrence capabilities for the long term. a lasting peace for ukraine must be underwritten by ukraine's own ability to defend
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itself now and to deter future aggression anytime in the future. >> the security agreement can be undone by a future president. the middle east is also on the g7's agenda. >> supreme court justices today preserved full access to the abortion pill for preston. the judges ruled that abortion opponents lack the legal right to sue over the fda's approval of that medication. the unanimous ruling means mifepristone can continue to be mailed to patients with an in-person doctor's visit. abortion rights supporters say while this case is over, the issue is far from being definitive. be resolved. >> this decision was based not on the merits, but on a lack of standing. we are not yet out of the woods. >> obviously we were disappointed. so the court ruled against the alliance for hippocratic medicine, but we weren't super surprised. that was what we expected and we're going to be back. >> so again, this ruling means it can continue to be mailed to patients without an in-person
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doctor's visit. today's decision was the first major supreme court case on reproductive rights since the court overturned roe v wade. that was in 2022, and since then, a new study says that a number of women traveling out of state for surgical abortions has really jumped today at 3 p.m. on our program called getting answers, we spoke with the organization that conducted the study, the guttmacher institute, a research group policy group supporting reproductive rights. >> and what we released today is estimates from 2023 that show about 170,000 patients had to cross state lines last year in order to access abortion care in a state where it remains legal now. people have always traveled for abortion, care for a variety of reasons, but that is a marked increase and, of course, reflects the fact that so many thousands of women live in states where abortion has been banned and have been forced to navigate what could be really substantial financial and logistical barriers to access abortion care in a state where it remains legal.
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>> watch live interviews like that every weekday at 3 p.m. on our program. getting answers next from seven on your side a new way to get more insurance coverage options to californians, especially in higher risk fire areas and coming up at 1030, i mean, what specifically do they do? >> you're scared of the world. they make it a scary place to leave the abc seven news i-team digs into decades of sexual abuse allegations against a religious sects sect known as the church with no name. >> saturday is game four of the stanley cup final. >> you watched it live here tonight, as the florida panthers took a30 series lead against the edmonton oilers. live coverage of game four starts at 5
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occurs at bovary preserve along
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sonoma highway in glen ellen. >> these are fire adapted landscapes. they need fire, and when you don't have fire on them , fuels build up and biodiversity declines. and so by bringing good fire in, we're both restoring our ecosystem. so they're healthy and we're also reducing fuel loads. so we're a resilient sonoma county. >> experts say reducing the fuel load with prescribed burns like this helps cut down the wildfire risk. >> as you know, california's wildfire risk has sent premiums skyrocketing and insurance companies fleeing the state not writing policies. seven on your side has been tracking this since last year. this week, the state insurance commission released a new proposal to help homeowners, especially in higher risk fire areas. part of that proposal, the state's first ever wildfire risk map. it shows the most at risk areas, which include marin sonoma, lake and santa cruz counties. as abc seven news reporter suzanne fawn
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explains, this new proposal may help a lot of people get their insurance back. >> my policy has been canceled. i have one more week of coverage. >> michelle green has lived in grizzly peak in the berkeley hills for the past eight years. travelers insurance has opted not to renew her home insurance. >> i was told i lost my policy because i was in a high fire danger with wood siding. >> a lot of homeowners and business owners in california have struggled to find coverage because insurance companies have stopped writing new policies. california insurance commissioner ricardo lara just announced a new proposal it would require insurers use new catastrophe modeling to write more policies for people who live in high risk fire areas. insurers would use computer programs to estimate future risks when seeking price increases. in return, the state wants larger insurance companies to cover more properties in high fire risk areas. at least 85% of properties in distressed areas, amy bach is an insurance
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consumer advocate. >> the commissioners most recent announcement is part of his sustainable insurance strategy, and he's taking a carrot and a stick approach. he's saying insurers, you can have something you want, but you've got to give something back to consumers. so the hope is that this measure will lead to less challenges for consumers, more affordable, more available options. >> critics say that the catastrophe models are based on guesses on what might happen in the future. >> we know cap models can drive premiums up, premiums are already going up. >> commissioner lara says. he's trying to move forward and bring insurers back. he issued this statement saying, quote, we are enacting a major reform that will result in insurance companies writing more policies. so if you are stuck on the fair plan because of your unique wildfire risk, there will be help for you. as for michelle green, she says she'll take any help she can get. >> i'm hopeful that maybe this
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uh- proposal that the insurance commissioner is putting forward will give us opportunities to make changes to our homes or do something so that we can actually get another policy in san francisco. >> suzanne vaughn, abc seven news. >> all right, breezy out there today. >> it was breezy, which of course only increases the fire risk this time of year. meteorologist sandhya patel is here. sandy. >> yeah. and dan, we have even stronger winds coming our way. this upcoming weekend. first, let's talk about the temperature change. it was even cooler today. highs were in the upper 50s to upper 70s, 2 to 9 degrees below average. it is eight degrees cooler right now in san jose. and look at the onshore breeze gusts to 24 at oakland, 26 in concord. it's being felt all the way out towards the livermore valley, rio vista, out towards the delta, almost 30 mile an hour winds. that's been one of the driving factors for taking those temperatures down today. as you look at live
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doppler seven, we do have some fog along the coast and low clouds and across parts of the bay shoreline. so i'm going to widen the picture here. and we're going to talk about what is happening. so this area of low pressure is kicking off to the east. but it did trigger some showers and thunderstorms in the sierra today. high pressure is going to nudge in bringing us a one day warm up. and then it's back down again for the weekend. as this area of low pressure comes in, the winds are going to pick up behind it. as we head towards sunday and monday. a lovely view from our south beach camera looking at san francisco, where it is 53 degrees. if you open up the windows, you can definitely feel that breeze. 57, in oakland and hayward, 59, in san jose. it is currently 54, in half moon bay. seeing the gray skies from our 8-80 camera as well. low 50s from santa rosa to petaluma getting that marine influence really cooling you off. 56 in napa and concord and it is 54 in livermore. it's still graduation time for novato high school tomorrow, 9:00 in the morning. it's going to be in the low 60s.
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bright skies, temperatures coming up into the 70s, also graduating san marin high school in novato as well. that's going to be in the evening. it is going to be nice and mild. sunny skies, mid 70s, slower dropping off into the 60s. congrats to all the graduates out there. fog on the golden gate bridge is what you need to watch out for overnight tonight. breezy with areas of fog tomorrow. sunny and warmer weather is expected for the afternoon and father's day into monday. certainly going to be turning windy with some fire concerns. we'll talk about that in just a moment. 11:00 tonight, 50s and 60s. so comfortable weather as we head towards tomorrow morning, even a few 40s showing up. there will be some fog around in the morning, but quickly clearing out for the afternoon. you're looking at 80s inland 50s coast side by 4 p.m. you're maxing out in the upper 80s to even possibly a low 90. your morning temperatures will be in the 40s and the 50s. there will be some areas of fog, so watch out for that. tomorrow afternoon. upper 80s to low 90s in our warmest spots, 60 coast
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side breezy here as we look ahead to the weekend. saturday night into monday evening. fire weather watch covering the sacramento valley, but also parts of solano county and lake counties. gusts 30 to 40 miles an hour, humidity levels lowering 10 to 20. and those winds ramping up. you can certainly see the trend sunday. you're looking at 40 mile an hour winds in the afternoon, possibly higher. and that's what's going to bring the fire concern, accuweather seven day forecast. it's a brief warm up tomorrow. back down for the weekend. and the fire danger is for father's day into monday. and then as we head towards next week, the winds will relax. it'll warm up for juneteenth and summer. so ama and dan, we're going to bring on summer again. don't worry. all right? >> yeah. thanks, sandhya. >> all right. from renderings to reality, the next big step for bart that will help build a better bay area. and tomorrow is the next nba finals game between the mavericks and the celtics. and it could be the last. the celtics are up three games to none. live coverage of game four
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here on abc seven starts at 5 p.m. stay with us for after the game hosted by abc seven sports director larry biel with special guest warriors guard moses moody. that's tomorrow, but
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they unveiled renovated sports courts at groesbeck hill park. today. the project converted one tennis court into four pickleball courts. they're the first to be built in east san jose. oakland's top officer got to know the neighbors today during his first coffee with a cop event. >> i am here to have a coffee and just sit down and talk. we cannot be in every place at all the time, so we rely on these relationships. so when we have incidents in our neighborhoods, we can talk. that relationship is already built. >> having that conversation from a civilian officer perspective as to what the touch points are in my actual neighborhood, was
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really helpful. >> it has been one month since mitchell became chief in oakland . he says building public trust is among his top goals, and the grand opening today of oakland's newest affordable housing development, the acts cherry hill apartments adds 55 units to a stretch of international boulevard near 94th avenue. >> the complex includes everything from studio to three bedroom apartments, even a community health center. >> the community involvement, involvement in terms of helping to define what the needs are, helping to determine what the project is, providing community support and ongoing support. i mean, these projects need to be integrated into the community, and so the partnerships are key. this development is part of a larger investment in east oakland. >> the state's smart growth council has allocated money to projects focused on holistic neighborhood change. tomorrow, vta and south bay leaders will celebrate the official start of construction on the bart extension project. they've
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planned to groundbreaking ceremony at the future santa clara station on brokaw road. that's where crews will begin boring tunnels for the bart extension. it will bring six more miles of track and four more stations to the south bay. >> coming up next, the in-depth i-team report on the church with no name. >> the fbi is now investigating your church. how do you feel about that? well i think it's i don't think it's necessary. >> you'll hear from a minister as well as former church members about worship services, living arrangements, sex abuse allegations and why all of this is coming to light now it's never too late to try something new or pick up an old pastime.
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is investigating a religious sect that's facing allegations involving child sex abuse. >> sick. i mean, i'm just broken. like i could just cry right now. the power and control. >> we couldn't believe it.
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>> there is so many more layers to this story. >> they call themselves two by twos or the church with no names. >> and there's a following here in the bay area. abc seven news i-team reporter stephanie sierra has spent weeks speaking with former members, and joins us live tonight to share their stories. stephanie. yes, ama and dan. >> we have a lot to get to tonight. you'll get an extensive look into an organization. former members say has something to hide. a so-called secret believed to have been swept under the rug for decades, haunting one generation after the next, including families right here in the bay area, 72 miles south of san francisco, in a remote, isolated location of san martin. there's allegations a dark secret is hiding within this ministry, walking in the way of god. it's a nondenominational christian religious sect that's been around for more than 100 years. >> which god that cannot lie,
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sometimes called the church with no name or the two by twos by outsiders. >> how would you describe this organization? >> they use fear and manipulation. >> this organization literally hurts my stomach when i think about it. >> they're very persuasive type of religion. >> if they didn't talk to god's true people, his chosen ones, then yes, they are going to hell. >> i mean, what specifically do they do? >> you're scared of the world. they make it a scary place to leave. >> this is where i absolutely blame the truth for all of this >> the two by twos are often referred today as the truth by its followers. according to the ministry's doctrine, this is the only way to find true salvation. >> do you think they're being truthful? >> they're not being truthful. no. >> former members say that truth has something to hide. >> are sick, secretive, sick. i mean, i'm just broken. like i
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could just cry right now. >> very harmful. >> his type was small framed brunet girls, a convicted child molester, and he'd been in our home. >> there are so many more layers to this. >> in february, the fbi announced it's investigating the ministry and seeking victim information following allegations of child sexual abuse reported across the u.s. the church generally operates inside private homes of members where worship services are held on wednesdays and sundays. it was founded by scottish evangelist william irvine in the late 1800s. historical records suggest it wasn't until the early 1900s the ministry set roots in the bay area. >> they went about in pairs. they call it two by two. >> that's where we get the name shreek drop. >> a former member and author of a historical biography on the religious sect, explains the hierarchy over sinners are at the top, considered to be church leadership. below them are the
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ministers or workers that travel in pairs of two men or two women as they evangelize and preach to members. below them are the elders and friends that make up the members of the congregation. >> the preachers were to be celibate. >> these ministers often live in members homes for a period of time before moving to the next. according to the scripture, it's considered an honor to host them. >> i do remember workers. if they stayed with us, they would sleep in like our room. >> lynette berg flanagan is a former member who lives in union city. she says her cousin, laura lee brown, pictured on the left, was sexually abused by another member at the age of nine until she was 13. >> were their parents aware of this. was there an effort to report this abuse? no why do you think that is. >> i think that they wanted to keep it a secret because i think that they believe that if you tarnish their perfect way or their perfect will or the only way, then that would look bad on
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them. >> can you walk me through what happened? >> her cousin laura lee says it's been a nightmare ever since. >> my little foot and slipper. this was in the middle of about, in the middle of the time of the three years he was molesting me. >> she shared a picture of her alleged perpetrator the night of his engagement to another woman. >> he would immediately immediately go back to sexually interacting with me whenever he could. >> how often would this happen on a week to week basis? >> it would happen about two times a week or more, laura lee says. >> for three years she didn't understand what was going on until sixth grade. >> sex ed class and i left the class and went out side and it was the first time i realized what had happened to me. >> she was 13. >> my parents were actually told at that time i was i couldn't do school. laura lee says she tried
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reporting it again four years later at age 17, but her parents still didn't believe her. so with my parents, them allowing that to happen basically they allowed it. >> my mom and dad, lynette says. >> it's a crooked culture that's been passed through generations. >> we do know that there there was some abuse of my mom's. it was from her father, and he touched her inappropriately, and she was just like. like dad, like, what are you doing? and he's like, well, i just want to see what kind of girl i raised. i want to make sure do does that . >> another former member who grew up in visalia, south of fresno, says her father was also a victim of abuse. years later, chariotry says she experienced it herself. >> my abuse started with a minister, he started grooming me when he was in our field. two
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years before the abuse started. >> at the age of 13, she says. a 28 year old worker by the name of steve rose molested her throughout the duration of his two month visit in her home. >> from my memory, it happened on a nightly basis. i mean, it was it was regular. >> if you questioned him, tried to report it, what would happen? >> you would get gaslit profusely and accused of having a bad spirit or the devil's getting into you, so how dare you question in god? >> in 1986, autry wrote a high school research paper claiming that rose repeatedly told her not to tell her parents. she says he promised her, quote, if you ever get pregnant, then i'll marry you. he said what he was doing to me was right. everyone in the church and public thought he was nice. now that same year, rose sent an apology letter to church leadership where he admitted to kissing and touching autry intimately, saying, quote, i did not intend to cover this
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up, but i did not know how to handle it other than to leave the area and beg god to forgive me. rose denied promising to marry autry and stated they didn't have sex, adding in the email this did not happen with anyone else. fast forward from 1986 to april of 2023, an email was sent to members about rose stating another allegation was made from outside of the state of minnesota. the abc seven news i-team made multiple calls to steve rose to get further comment, but we never heard back. abc's kyra phillips was able to track him down in minneapolis. here's what he had to say steve rose, kyra phillips with abc news. when we come back, we'll show you what happened with that confrontation with steve rose. decades after his apology letter, why he likely will never face criminal charges in
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allegations facing the ministry, but questions remain about accountability. let's go back to minneapolis, where abc's kyra phillips tracked down former member steve rose. steve rose, kyra phillips with abc news. i'd like to ask you about these letters that you wrote. sherry autrey's parents and also your overseer. did did you sexually did you sexually abuse sherry autry when she was 14 and you were 28? no comment. your overseer said that what you did was a felony. do you believe your church protected you from this kind of abuse, protected you from going to jail? does your church protect sexual predators? does your church protect the children? we just want to get your side of the story. we want your response to what you wrote. you wrote that you were weak in the flesh. you woke. you were weak in the flesh. that's what you wrote. you. you woke that you were. >> it was not a secret among the leadership that he had molested me.
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>> autry says six years later, rose was out of the ministry but still leading meetings in his own home. she says she was horrified. >> okay, you do grape juice instead of wine to not tempt an alcoholic, but yet you keep in meeting and put children in front of them. rose never faced criminal charges in this case, and likely never will, according to the tulare county da's office . >> prosecutors have meticulously reviewed reports and victim accounts in this case and have determined that any potential crime falls outside of california's statute of limitations. fans, we spoke with legal expert and veteran criminal defense attorney seth chazen, who specializes in sex crime cases. >> is this true? >> yes it is. unfortunately, the charges can't be filed in this case due to the running of the statute of limitations. >> so, just to be clear, do either of these cases have any criminal recourse? >> no charges were not filed
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prior to the alleged victim's 40th birthday. >> according to a well-known anti sexual violence organization, rain, only seven states have eliminated the statute of limitations for all felony sex crimes. california is not one of them, in part because certain felony sex offenses like rape still has a statute of limitations. as we understand, state lawmakers have attempted to change this. yeah ab 2295 is simply saying there will be no statute of limitations for any child sexual assault. but that bill has yet to pass. for now, the only law on the books is one that allows alleged victims who file a claim within five years or by age 40, to seek civil damages for childhood sexual assaults that occurred before this year. and both cheri autry and laura lee brown say there was a sense of fear that prevented them from reporting their alleged abuse at the time, and it was just such a
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symbolization of the power and control. >> i don't know how i went through that year. >> decades later, it's unclear who exactly to hold accountable, but we tried to reach current local leadership. representing the bay area congregation for further comment. we never heard back. that's until we located gary paul, a veteran worker based in washington state, north idaho and alaska. he was not involved in any of these cases, but we spoke with him about the broader allegations facing the ministry. he recently visited the south bay for a special meeting. these meetings only happen on rare scheduled occasions, but they're difficult to track down as the schedules aren't posted publicly and several were reportedly shut down following pressure from the federal investigation when they preached the word. after preaching this sunday service, he had gone. paul agreed to
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speak with us virtually the following week. gary i've talked with numerous former members who say they have been sexually abused by ministers who were staying in their home at the time. many of them say it went on for years. what's your response after hearing that? >> well, i never saw it. and knowing the quote, church leadership, i find that very difficult to believe. >> nonprofit advocates for the truth, an organization dedicated to helping survivors across the world, says it's received reports on more than 900 alleged perpetrators that have been identified by a hotline worldwide. the organization says there are more than 1300 alleged victims who've reached out for help since its inception in march last year. autry is the former president and co-founder. the fbi is now investigating your church. how do you feel about that? >> well, i think it's i don't think it's necessary, but
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they're doing it so that's fine. >> and you don't think it's necessary? why? >> because i don't think that there is, a cult trying to hide things. >> there are hundreds of alleged victims that have come out indicating they were abused at one point or another because the allegations were made. don't you think it's important an investigation is done to fully vet what happened? >> i suppose it would be after 57 years in the ministry. >> paul says he never dealt with a child sexual assault case nor received formal training on how to respond to such allegations until after the federal investigation began. just to be clear is that training voluntary or required now voluntary? don't you think it should be required? >> i don't think it should be required. >> would you consider this ministry to be secretive? >> no. we're definitely not. >> but some of those who grew up in it disagree. me is there a culture within this religious sect that encourages sweeping things under the rug?
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>> uncover topics are swept under the rug? >> ex-member michael day says he experienced that firsthand. he grew up in the religious sect with his cousin, john van den berg, a hayward native. >> it was shocking. he was, on a on a missionary trip when he was coming back, he was kicked out. he was molesting people, inappropriate touching of girls in the philippines and one in mexico. but they're just hearsay , i don't know. >> van den berg died in march this year, nearly a year before this email was sent out from a regional leader in the ministry reporting van den berg was the subject of several credible allegations of unacceptable sexual behavior, including a complaint of inappropriate touching of a minor which was reported to the authorities. >> i feel really bad, especially if they if they feel violated. >> day says he had 35 ministers or workers stay at his home
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growing up, and one of them, who john knew and we knew stayed in our home and was later came out as a convicted child molester. in the years that followed, day says he grew out of the faith and was displeased with what he called the hypocrisy. >> i would hear that there are no rules. we have no rules, no, there's rules galore. >> a lot of man made rules. >> there are absolutely rules, and none of them are written down. >> there's no jewelry other than a wedding ring. >> basically no makeup, tv. >> you must have long hair. you had to wear it pinned up on your head wearing very conservative clothes like really dresses and no slacks or shorts. >> what happens if you wear pants? >> you would be looked at like up and down. like, what are you wearing? like, why are you wearing pants with one woman who had to confirm that she'd thrown away all her makeup and would not wear it again?
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>> we asked paul about that. he denied any rules about makeup. >> what about wearing pants to send a service? >> i don't feel that's very womanly, but the scripture says is that a woman should not wear what pertains to a man, not womanly, to wear pants, nor go to college. >> according to laura lee brown, she says she wanted to be an attorney, but was told by the ministry that's too worldly. >> we don't think you should do that. >> hardly a religion with a strong set of rules that preaches they are destined to find the truth, or the one true way. >> but questions linger as to who's really being honest. we were told that the way is perfect, but the people are not. but some former members argue the way is far from perfect. >> there's no accountability when you go and try to talk to them about it, there's a cover. they'll just ignore you. they'll
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deny it. >> some former members believe there should be rules in place, prohibit ministers from staying in people's homes, arguing that it would protect innocent children from potentially being exposed to predatory behavior. do you agree with that? >> no. nowhere in the scripture does that support that. and in the multitude of years that i've been in it, it's never been a problem. >> how do you know it hasn't been a problem? >> it's never been a problem that i'm aware of. obviously, it could have been, but i wasn't aware of it just because you weren't aware of it. >> well, don't you see value in protecting future generations given what has already been publicly revealed? >> i think it would affect the quality of our ministry. we've always stayed in the homes of god's people, staying in a home makes you very vulnerable. it's true that the children and the family at home are vulnerable also, but that's the way that this the fellowship has been
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established. >> from your perspective, what do you think it will take to see real change from all this? well, i. >> i don't like the word change because there's a lot of things about the fellowship that cannot change. >> it doesn't stop when the abuse stops. >> they manipulate people. >> it affects the rest of your life. it'll affect your children's life. >> see, the irony is the ministry conflicts with former members. yet both are on missions to seek the truth. the question is, will it bring justice? to seek the public's help in
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identifying victims of abuse within this religious group. if you have any information that could assist this investigation or have personally been victimized by anyone affiliated with this group, go to our website, abc seven to report directly to the fbi and as you saw, worked in nightline on this investigation. you can see the full impact by nightline episode secrets of the two by two church, streaming now on hulu and later tonight on nightline. >> wow, what an impactful look, stephanie. >> yes, there's certainly a lot to follow. and we will be staying on this very closely to see what happens with the fbi investigation. >> good. okay. all right. thank you stephanie.
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record setting day on wall street while the dow was down 65 points, the nasdaq gained 59,
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closing at a record 17,667. the s&p 500 also hit a record, adding 13 to close at 5433. apple is once again the most valuable company in the united states. the cupertino company edged past microsoft, with its market cap closing today at $3.29 trillion. fueling the bounce was its announcement earlier this week of incorporating artificial intelligence into the iphone. >> all right. let's go back and touch base on the forecast once again. >> yes. sandhya patel has what's in store for us. sandhya. >> yeah. ama and dan. let's take a look at the fire weather watch that is coming up for this weekend. and it does not cover the entire bay area. it's actually lake county and parts of solano county. starting saturday at 11 p.m, running until monday at 5 p.m. this is when we're expecting some gusty winds. the humidity lowering, and that area will be dealing with heightened fire danger. now on live doppler seven, you can see the humidity levels are higher because we do have fog along the coast and parts of the bay, which is good thing from a
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fire weather perspective. for the time being. tomorrow afternoon it's a warmer day. it's a brighter one as well. low 60s to the low 90s and checking out your accuweather seven day forecast. you get that brief rebound tomorrow. enjoy it because temperatures are going to go back down for father's day weekend, and that fire danger will be coming up between sunday and monday. winds. do relax just in time for the arrival of summer on thursday and certainly will be beautiful on juneteenth. it is going to be warmer with some 60s to 90s a wide range of temperatures. >> all right. sounds great. thanks sandhya. >> and while sandhya reminds us it's not officially summer yet, a summertime staple starts tomorrow. this year there's something new norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is...
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it kicks off tomorrow in pleasanton. the dog show includes all kinds of stunts and tricks. there are also pig races and new this year a raptor show,
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not to mention fair classics like carnival rides, games, and all the delicious food. yeah, there's everything from pizza to tacos to corn dogs, along with snow cones, candy apples, funnel cakes, of course, a beer and wine lovers can enjoy several tasting fests. >> the alameda county fair runs through july 7th. it is closed every monday and tuesday. by the way, i to train our dogs to do more tricks. yeah. way behind. >> exactly. all right. well, that is it for this edition of abc seven news at ten on abc. >> seven news at 11 is coming up next. we'll go back out to the peninsula. we'll have the very latest on the shooting in san mateo and signs of life in san francisco. >> the new changes we're seeing at the mall downtown, plus, this is basically pure sand because in ukraine we have black soil from mines to vines. >> a humanitarian helping hand in the form of winemaking. we'll show you how the bay area is playing a central part that's coming up at 11. but for now, i'm dan ashley, i'm ama daetz. >> we'll see you in just a
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couple minutes. >> this is abc 724 seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland? yeah >> you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. >> we are, we are, we are, we are, we are, we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc seven bay area
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