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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM Repeat  ABC  June 15, 2024 1:06am-1:42am PDT

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colbert among the more than 100 comedians invited to the vatican. pope francis saying a prayer for good humor, telling the entertainers, when they make people laugh, "you make even god smile." the pontiff's fondness for comedy is no secret. he's been known to crack a joke or two himself. after speaking, francis met and chatted with each guest. that's "nightline." see you right back here monday. and thanks for staying up with us. good night, america.
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it now sticks out. it's unbelievable. i don't know what to even say. >> shock and sadness. after a confrontation at an east bay shopping center that left a security guard dead. good evening. >> i'm ama daetz, and i'm dan ashley. this happened late last night at the cvs located at fremont hub. it's a busy shopping center. now. >> there's some sort of argument between the guard and another person, and it just spiraled from there. abc seven news reporter lauren martinez went to the store, which closed for the day. the incident caught many by surprise. >> police really haven't released many details around the
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shooting. i can tell you this is a very busy shopping center. people have been coming here all day leaving candles and flowers. >> fremont hub signs advising that a subject was shot. there is a security guard that's down the investigation into what led to a deadly confrontation at this cvs in fremont is underway. >> police say around 11 thursday night, an altercation between a security guard and another individual quickly turned violent. >> and it looks like we have several employees barricaded in the pharmacy. >> the security guard was shot and killed. the other individual had several stab wounds. on friday. those in the neighborhood left flowers for the security guard, who has not been publicly identified, died. >> i don't have a way to reach the family or anything, but it it just felt like a good thing to do. >> one woman leaving flowers said she works as security at a store nearby. >> i'm actually work here at the
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hub at michael's, so we're. security has been a really big issue for the hub. we have people stealing all the time, but as employees, we know we're not allowed to do anything about it physically. >> cvs was closed friday with a note posted on it telling customers where they could pick up their medications. >> i just had surgery today and i need my prescription, so now i got to figure out where to go. >> cvs released this statement. we are cooperating with police in their investigation of an incident that occurred at our store on fremont hub. we are not able to confirm any details at this time. >> it's appalling. and it's, it's horrific. residents describe the area as generally safe, but feel like petty crime has gone up. >> low level crime has always been an issue, part of the reason they had security, but never thought something like this would happen. >> fremont police are asking anyone who may have witnessed the incident or has more information to contact them. >> my thoughts are with his family. it's unfortunate that
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people are walking around with guns and they feel they need to take it to that level. the person who was stabbed was taken to a local trauma hospital in fremont. >> lauren martinez abc seven news. >> five people were arrested in connection with this shocking smash and grab at a sunnyvale jewelry store on wednesday. 20 people broke into png jewelers. they smashed nearly every display case in 2.5 minutes. police pursued one vehicle and caught all five suspects inside. despite their attempt to ditch the car and take off on foot, the value of all that was stolen is unknown. some of the jewelry has been recovered. investigators obviously ongoing. >> that is remarkable. all right, let's turn now to the weather. and this is something we really haven't had to say in a long time. there's a red flag warning this weekend. >> meteorologist sandhya patel joins us now with a look at where that fire danger will be. the highest sandhya. >> yeah, it is going to be high ama and dan in lake county and parts of solano county. that's where the red flag warning starts. tomorrow night at 11 p.m. it runs until 8 p.m.
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sunday. northerly wind. it's a very drying wind, gusting 25 to 35 miles an hour. will drop the humidity minimum humidity 10 to 20. and you see the end result. fire danger will be in the moderate to high category across parts of the north bay, and you can see it there in the yellows and the oranges as those winds really ramp up on sunday, is what we're really concerned about is when those winds really start to go up in the afternoon and evening, and continuing into monday, i'll be back with a full look at your father's day weekend forecast. coming right up, dan. >> okay, sandy, thanks a lot. new at 11, the bart board of directors passed a new budget for the next two fiscal years, but with the transit agency forecast to run budget deficits as high as three to maybe $400 million over the coming years, not everyone is on board on the board supported it. abc seven news reporter tim johnson has been following this story for us closely. he tells us the latest on bart's fiscal problems, what the plan to fix it is, and how it could affect you at home.
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>> institutions with a vote of 9 to 2, the bart board of directors passed their new budget for the next two years, the move coming ahead of an expected fiscal cliff. since the pandemic, the transit agency has largely relied on federal and state money to keep it afloat. but that money is expected to run out around april 2026, and bart is facing the prospect of annual deficits between 300 and $400 million. >> we have a crisis on our hands . >> deborah allen is a bart board director and one of the two members to vote against the budget on thursday. allen believes the board should start planning now for the possible fiscal cliff and trim the agency's current spending as much as they can, as we've got to have a plan b right, and there still isn't one. not everyone shares allen's viewpoint, though. bevan dufty is the bart board president. he says he's proud of the budget the board passed thursday. >> we've been tightening our belt for a while now. you know, the past couple of years we've balanced our budget through state and federal support. >> dufty says he worries if bart
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starts cutting services now, it could create a so-called death spiral and harm the agency even more in the long run. he tells me the bart board has been working closely with state and federal lawmakers ahead of the impending fiscal cliff. dufty says he supports efforts by people like state senator scott wiener, who wants to fund the transit agency through increased taxes and fees. wiener hopes to put a ballot measure before voters in 2026. >> they recognize that if we start willy nilly cutting things , furloughing people, laying people off, that that is really going to deeply impact our ability to draw people back into the system. >> dufty says. bart's biggest problem remains its lack of ridership. as of may, it's only at 43% of pre-pandemic levels. a number impacted by the rise of remote and hybrid work following covid. and while dufty hopes more people will return to the office full time, allen thinks that's just not realistic. >> no one predicts that is going to happen. all predictions are that there will be just really
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nominal amounts of growth over time. >> even if voters were to approve a new tax measure, funding likely wouldn't come until 2028. in san francisco, tim johnson, abc seven news a significant step today to bring bart to silicon valley with a ceremonial groundbreaking. >> this extension will add four stations and wrap around through downtown san jose and end near the airport. most of it will be underground. the extension is a partnership between bart and valley transportation authority. vta will own the facilities, while bart will operate and maintain them. it's expected to cost $13 billion and be completed in 2037. >> today's supreme court ruling, striking down the trump era ban on bump stocks will not impact california's law against them, according to state attorney general rob bonta. the justices ruled the gun accessory does not turn a rifle into a machine gun. people who use bump stocks with semiautomatic weapons can fire rapidly, kind of like using a
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machine gun. a gunman used a bump stock when he killed 60 people at a las vegas music festival in 2017. this is a live picture from our camera at san francisco bay oakland international airport, where a flight that landed here last month is under investigation. boeing and federal agencies are trying to determine why a southwest airlines flight experienced a rare and dangerous event, called a dutch roll, during a flight from phoenix to oakland on may 25th. that's when the plane moves back and forth. the nose of the aircraft makes a figure eight. the plane was damaged, but the crew maintained control and landed safely. no one was hurt. >> all right. now to the latest in the trial for the man accused in the 2022 attack on paul pelosi, the husband of speaker emerita nancy pelosi. today, david depapes defense team rested their case with no testimony from the defendant. the judge told the jury he was not ready to give them instructions yet and sent them home for the weekend. jurors are expected to receive their instructions monday, followed by
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closing arguments before they begin their deliberations and happening tomorrow. a popular san jose park is transform ing to host a rave. san jose foos sold over 5000 tickets for the festival at discovery meadow park, with dj and producer gordo headlining. a number of other performers will be there, along with food trucks and vendors. it is set to run from 2 p.m. until nine tomorrow evening. >> wanted by police. one big hungry bear that turned into a burglar. what one homeowner says the animal stole from the freezer after busting into her house. >> is it goodbye? charles barkley, the surprise announcement made tonight by one of the warriors harshest critics and day one of the alameda county fair goes out with a bang. >> look at that. the show spectators got tonight. >> all of that's coming up. but first, here's a look at what's ahead on jimmy kimmel live! right after abc seven news at 11. jimmy, thank you dan and umma watch tonight or you're suspended indefinitely.
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>> my song is you. >> my song is you. >> i don't like it ♪ on your period, sudden gushes happen. say goodbye gush fears! thanks to always ultra thins... with rapiddry technology... that absorbs two times faster. hellooo clean and comfortable. always. fear no gush. i am obsessed with olay's retinol body wash. with olay retinol body wash, 95% of women had visibly renewed skin. it makes my skin feel so smooth and moisturized. see the difference with olay. a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet!
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switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! look at that. stealing food and rattling residents. of course, that bear climbing that fence, wandering around the sierra madre neighborhood. the bear even broke into someone's freezer, stole some chicken. police showed up and scared the bear out of that neighborhood. whoa it's huge. it did return to the woods, and nobody was hurt. the international bird rescue released over 20 healthy brown pelicans into the wild today. the birds were rescued last month, found starving and barely alive after being fed plenty of fish, they were released into the bay of sausalito. bird rescuers are still looking into why so many pelicans are starving, but they believe it may be related to climate change. >> we've got issues of warming
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water, fish not being available where they normally were. there's a number of theories being bounced around, but it really is about the pelicans being able to access the food. >> there are about 120 pelicans still in rehab. directors of the international bird rescue say fewer birds are being admitted, an encouraging sign that the starvation event is waning. >> today, kate middleton shared a new photo and an update on her health, the first since announcing her cancer diagnosis. the princess of wales said she is making good progress and is going to make a public appearance tomorrow for king charles's birthday celebration. in a statement, she wrote quote, as anyone going through chemotherapy will know, there are good days and bad days and we wish her well. a federal health care fraud indictment against a california based telehealth company could affect access to medications used to treat adhd, prosecutors allege dunne global provided easy access to ritalin and other stimulants to patients who didn't need them, and then submitted fraudulent bills to insurance companies, the cdc
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says this comes during an ongoing shortage of prescription stimulants. >> the government is stating that we saw this rapid, rapid increase of millions and millions of prescriptions, and that definitely has led to a supply issue. don't ever, ever purchase a pill on the internet from a friend on the street. it is, at this juncture, way too dangerous and one pill can kill. >> doctors are hoping regulation and legislation can keep pace with the growth of health care technology and telemedicine. >> a rare drug resistant flu variant has been detected in the u.s, a new cdc report says. at least two people in the states have been infected. the variant has two mutations that can lower the effectiveness of some antiviral treatments. so far, it's been found in 15 different countries. but experts say the threat of contagion is low, considering the variant represents only 1% of samples collected within nearly a year time frame. the flu shot can also provide protection against it. >> in the east bay, the alameda
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county fair is in full swing. today was the first day, and tonight fair goers were treated to a fireworks and drone show that was spectacular. as you can see, abc seven news reporter ryan curry went to pleasanton for some summertime fun. >> you can feel it around you and see it in the air. it's summertime in the east bay, and this is one event that really brings out that seasonal vibe. >> it's america's pastime. this screams summer in a way. >> it's on the first friday of the alameda county fair. many are enjoying themselves and reliving childhood memories. >> i was born here in a while last time, been here when i was a little kid, and yeah, when i came back here, i had a lot of good memories. i was born here in 1968, and i've been going here every year, i think, since i was born. >> already on day one, so many people have shown up and that's not stopping. as the sun goes down, more people will be showing up the day the fair ends. >> you start planning it for the next year. so when those gates open and you see the families
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come through, it's great. >> angela moore, the coo, says this year's theme is feeling like summer. to her, that means creating a space for people to make memories. >> it only gets better from day one. i mean, day one is great, but we continually improve fair each day and back again. >> for the third straight year are the nightly drone shows. for years, the alameda county fair did only fireworks. a couple nights of the week, but with these drones, it gives the public something to look forward to. each night of the fair. >> fireworks bring people out maybe once or twice when we used to do do it that way, but a drone show, if it was a hot day that we were doing fireworks, people might not come out or they might hold and come out until the evening. but every day people can make a very long day of the fair and stay through the drone show. >> so grab some fair favorites, go on a ride, or try to win a stuffed animal bigger than yourself. whatever it is, the fair is back. >> you know, just a really clean, great, pleasant place to be. >> you can definitely say it
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feels like summer in the east bay. ryan curry, abc seven news. >> pixar's newest film, inside out due, is now in theaters. the sequel opened at the metreon in san francisco. today we get to see the return of the favorite animated characters the emotions, joy, sadness, anger, fear and disgust. but they are facing some changes as riley, the human character they inhabit , is getting older. she's now 13 and grappling with four new emotions envy, embarrassment, ennui, or boredom and anxiety. fans of the original movie were keen to see more. >> i've seen inside out one and i think it's going to be great. >> the sequel has been more than five years in the making. the first, inside out took home an oscar in 2015. disney is a parent company of both pixar and abc seven. >> that looks so fun and so does this. look at this. people packed the beach alongside the santa cruz boardwalk for a movie night. there will be free movies there every friday until august.
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tonight they show the classic vampire film the lost boys. it started off with a meet and greet with two of the actors, a people laid out on blankets, camp chairs and grabbed some boardwalk treats like kettle corn and hot dogs and enjoyed the show. now that is a really fun idea that is great and the palm trees weren't swaying as much as the tree behind sandia right there. so maybe the wind wasn't too bad, but it was breezy tonight and it was indeed. >> but dan and ummah, the winds are only going to get stronger. so let's talk about what's ahead. wind and fire alert that i do want to alert you to for the upcoming weekend. heightened fire danger, dry gusty winds, decreasing humidity. any fires that develop will rapidly spread and grow. so keep this in mind. the strongest winds are expected sunday afternoon into monday morning. let's go hour by hour. you will notice tomorrow night windsor gusty along the coast. but this is kind of like what we saw today. then we head into sunday morning. they ramp up up
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to 40 miles an hour at 11 a.m. inland areas will have 25 to 35 mile an hour winds as well as you will see sunday evening. and this continues into late sunday night, close to 50 miles an hour. the winds will drop the humidity, so tomorrow night there's still pretty good humidity values. but watch what happens as we head towards sunday morning and sunday afternoon. 15% in napa by noontime 14. concord 19% in concord, santa rosa. excuse me. so when you get down into the teens like that, the concern is the fire danger. even though we don't have hot weather coming our way, this is the deep trough that's going to set the stage for some windy conditions as it deepens along the west coast. right now, ahead of it, we are seeing some high clouds passing through the region. temperatures are in the 50s to 70s. they are running higher than where they were 24 hours ago. beautiful view of san francisco from sutro tower. and i tell you what, it's going to be bright skies for father's day in the morning at 8 a.m. breezy conditions. winds
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will ramp up into the afternoon hours as you will notice, but clear and still windy. happy father's day to my dad and all the dads out there from emeryville. camera a lovely view. father's day weekend is sunny, mild to warm. tomorrow afternoon. going into sunday, winds will be ramping up and elevated fire danger with that red flag warning going up for parts of solano county and lake county as well. so tomorrow's forecast sun shining at 8:00 inland, 60 degrees coming up into the 70s by noon and 80s by 5 p.m. around the bay. it is also a bright start, upper 50s, then eventually to the mid 70s. and along the coastline you start out with some patchy fog, but mid 50s to low 60s. here's that patchy fog. temperatures in the 50s and 60s tomorrow morning. tomorrow afternoon it's sunny. it's breezy at the coast. south bay numbers 78, san jose, 83, in gilroy on the peninsula. comfortable weather 76. in redwood city, 60 half moon bay, downtown san francisco 69 degrees. it's bright in the north bay and mild 83. sonoma 79, san rafael 86. in santa
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rosa, mid 70s around oakland. hayward a beautiful inland day a day inland 88, in fairfield 85, concord 83, in livermore. the accuweather 70 forecast. sunny and breezy. tomorrow we're going to notice the winds come up on father's day. so does the fire danger. gusty start to the workweek with the fire danger elevated on the morning. after that, the winds will drop off and we'll raise those temperatures in time for juneteenth and the start of juneteenth and the start of summer, which is next thur ♪ are you tired of your hair breaking after waiting years for it to grow? meet new pantene pro-v miracles. with our highest concentration of pro-vitamins yet, infused with ingredients like biotin & collagen. strengthens hair bonds and repairs as well as the leading luxury brand without the $60 price tag. for stronger, healthier hair. ♪ if you know, you know it's pantene. ♪
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city has been transformed into a roller skating rink. today was the kickoff event, which will be followed by two more skate nights this summer. june 21st and july 26th. they're offering free 30 minute sessions and complimentary skate rentals as well. if you want to attend the next one, you can guarantee your spot with an rsvp on thrive city
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.com. >> that's fun. well known warriors antagonist charles barkley says he will retire from broadcasting after next season. he made the comment during nba tv's post game show. after tonight's nba finals game, barkley said he will not leave his current employer, tnt, and join another network. there's speculation tnt could lose its rights to the nba, and that raises questions about the future of its popular show inside the nba. the current television contract ends in 2025. >> interesting. we'll see. well we thought the nba season might end tonight, sports director larry biel is here with sports larry. >> dan i'm a luka doncic. and the mavericks were really embarrassed in game three. the way they played well, they turned the tables on the celtics in game four of the nba finals.
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the dallas mavericks were embarrassed in game three of the nba finals. looked like they were going to get swept by boston, but luka doncic looked like a completely different player in game four tonight. so how would luka respond after getting a ton of criticism for game three? dallas just came out on fire. luka and kyrie irving combined to outscore the celtics by themselves in the first half,
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3635. luka with the and one there and then moments later, it's doncic working one on one with sam hauser. mismatch fadeaway is good. mavs led by 26 at the half. third quarter more of the same. doncic to daniel gafford for the halfcourt alley oop with authority 29 points and five assists for luka. dallas won this game with their defense . derek liveli with a block down low. gafford says no to jayson tatum. dallas stays alive. one 2284 to force a game five monday in boston. yeah we know we had to get we can't lose no more, like as we always say, we're going to believe till the end. i think our energy, our energy was way higher, everybody was locked in on defensive end, and then we played with higher pace onto baseball. >> giants and angels at oracle. bob melvin laughing in the dugout, that smile would not last. the angels mickey moniak with a couple of doubles and a triple in his first three at bats. he came in hitting well under 202 run double here, four zip angels and bob is not smiling anymore in the fourth.
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zach nadeau a two run. this is a no doubt bomb into the san francisco night as the giants lose the series opener to the angels. you know what? everybody's got crazy mascot races nowadays. this is a really fast fish. top one the a's starting hot against the twins. shea lange clears high, deep. aloha means grand slam. the first of his career. ace up four. nothing in a flash, but the twins came back. they end up going to extras. the twins max kepler walks it off. good night. game over. drive home safely. six five as the a's lose their seventh in a row. second round of the us open. tiger woods shot a 73, finished seven over par, missed the cut by two shots. he's going home for the weekend. chipping went better for rory mcilroy this is a chip in for par. mcilroy a second round 72. so he's only two back of the lead. bryson dechambeau has played all the majors solidly this season. the approach here to set up a birdie at 18. bryson with a 69 one back heading to the weekend. your leader is the man from sweden, ludvig heiberg.
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one under par 69, and he leads one under par 69, and he leads by one heading to if you feel like things don't add up right now... you're not alone. rent is up, and every family outing costs an arm and a leg. well, we want to help. so when prices go up, we find new ways to go low. and now, we've lowered the price on hundreds of your favorite products. designing something beautiful is easy. designing something beautiful with great quality for a low price? that's a different story. it's why we're here. that's a promise. not a promo. (screams) bleeding gums are serious, jamie. dr. garcia? woah. they're a sign of bacterial infection. crest gum detoxify's antibacterial fluoride works below the gumline to help heal gums and stop bleeding. crest saves the day. crest. when you over do it... undo it, with the pepto that's right for you. ♪ pepto has berry fast melts ♪ ♪ cherry chewables ♪ ♪ liquicaps ♪ ♪ that make relief easy. ♪ ♪ ♪ pepto bismol. ♪
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pick your pepto. some bay area kids got quite a treat this week. they got to watch half a million baby salmon get released into the san pablo and san francisco bays on wednesday night. fascinating thing to see. this is a win win. it helps the salmon population, which has been dwindling and connects the kids to the environment. that story is one of the top things people are clicking on right now on our website. it's up for you on the top news sidebar at abc7, a reminder you can watch all our newscasts live and on demand through the abc7 bay area connected tv app. >> it's available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv and roku. download the app now so you can start streaming and a
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quick schedule reminder before we go here, you can catch game four of the stanley cup final tomorrow, starting at 5 p.m. >> florida panthers will look to clinch their first stanley cup. then on monday, we'll have game five of the nba finals, with the celtics looking to close out the mavericks. >> all right. we thank you so much for watching tonight i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley for sandyha patel. >> larry biel all of us we appreciate your time right now on jimmy kimmel. draymond green of the warriors is one of the guests tonight. happy father's day. >> yes. happy father's day to you. thank you very much. have a great weekend everyone. we'll see you next week.
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announcer: hey, bay area. it's time to share some amazing stories and feel good. we could all use some inspiration right now and you've come to the right place. this show is all about good food, good people and good living. ♪♪ on today's show, the sweeet side of bottlerock. new york bagels in san francisco? authentic mediterranean cuisine. but first, renowned chef dominique crenn shares her recipe for success. ♪♪ i want people to feel special here, and i want them to forget about the day, to forget about how many hours they've been on the internet
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looking at all those things that's happening, and just come here and relax and be you. be you and just enjoy, you know, and just have a drink next door and also listen to some music, take one of my old records, you know, vinyl, and put it and play it and whatever. just be you and just relax, you know, so... ♪♪ you are the tallest person in my kitchen. i don't know what i'm gonna do with you. [laughter] food is a connector of-- of such a beautiful lan-- it's a language, you know? you're feeding yourself with something that-- that comes from also where you come from. we all come from the planet. we are guests on the planet. the planet is--is-- is like a system, and then you can connect with people that you've never met also, so it's cool. ♪♪ people can argue, you know, uh, yeah, you know, well, it's expensive.
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it's like, well, guess what? yes, it's expensive, but i'm supporting a lot of family here and a lot of great people that work very hard, and they need to get paid for their work. you have to realize that food is not cheap. you have farmers behind it. you have people that are growing things, and they're doing the right thing, and we're doing a lot of things, but when you come here, we're giving you a beautiful experience, and everything has a purpose, everything matters. ♪♪ my dad was a politician. my mom was in finance. their family were from brittany, so farmers. so, most of the vacations, i was on my grandmother's farm working every time. never went to cooking school. studied international business and economy. bachelor in economy. i'm an artist, so i like art, also i like to tell story, and i felt a bit deflated, uh, with kind of the french bureaucracy,
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and i told my dad, it's like, i can't stay. i can't stay in france. i need to go somewhere else to be able to, uh, to breathe and to learn and to be curious, and, um, and at the time, he had a friend that was in sausalito, and this is where i started, and san francisco was my home now, so that's--that's what happened. ♪♪ i met jeremiah in 1992. just opened stars restaurant in san francisco, uh, used to be the executive chef at chez panisse. and then so i'm like, well, i'm gonna go and talk to him. like, you have, you know, there was no-- i mean, i didn't have any résumé. i-i have no training, nothing. and he took me under his wing and it was--and until today, we're still friends. it's just a beautiful relationship and friendship, you know? so, work at stars, i'd work at 2223, uh, market,


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