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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  June 19, 2024 11:35pm-12:37am PDT

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seven bay area connected tv app. it's available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv and of course, roku. download the app now and start streaming. all right, that is our report for sandhya patel larry beil i'm dan ashley, we appreciate your time right now. and jimmy kimmel dakota >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- dakota johnson, jack quaid, and music from maya hawke. with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel!
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome. welcome, welcome, welcome. guillermo. hi, everybody. very nice. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thank you for joining us on our newest federal holiday. today is juneteenth. [ cheers and applause ] that's right. as it's called on fox news, it's wednesday. [ laughter ] juneteenth commemorates the end of slavery in america. president biden made it a federal holiday in 2021, which means a lot of people had the day off from work today. which i think raises an interesting question. should white people get the day off? [ laughter ] for juneteenth? we should have to work, right? i mean -- guillermo, what do you think? you're -- i think you could make a good decision on this.
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>> guillermo: yeah, you should, yeah. >> jimmy: we should? [ laughter ] >> guillermo: yeah, sure. i don't know. [ laughter ] that's a tough question. i don't know. >> jimmy: i know, that's why i asked you. >> guillermo: yeah, okay. >> jimmy: you're very solomon-like usually. >> guillermo: yeah, but i'm mexican, so i'm not sure. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: president biden today, wrote "today, on juneteenth, we celebrate all that is possible when we march forward together." trump posted all the usual angry garbage. made no mention of the holiday, but he doesn't need to. because as we all know, he has done more for black americans than almost anyone. >> there's nobody that has done more for the black community than president trump. a lot of people agree, i have done more for the african american community than any president with the exception of abraham lincoln. the black people are so much on my side now, because they see what's happening to me happens to them. african americans for trump, call it whatever the hell you want. you see, black people walking around with my mugshot. i love the black community, and
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i've done more for the black community than any other president. i'm being indicted for you, the black population. i love these guys. look at these guys. blacks for trump, i love you. black people really like trump. look at my african american over here. i've done more for the black community than any president since abraham lincoln. i say it. nobody can dispute it. >> jimmy: thank you. [ laughter ] harriet schlubman for those thoughts on this holiday. we got more details about the state of trump's big beautiful brain from the author of the new book about "the apprentice." ramin setuda says he interviewed trump on six separate occasions, and that, even though they spoke at length about his old tv show, trump had trouble remembering who he was. >> in may he wasn't doing a lot of interviews. the endsummer, there was a blank expression on his face. i asked, "do you remember when
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we spoke yesterday?" he said, "i have no memory of that." we had to start from scratch. the interview started from square one. he started telling me the same exact stories that i heard in our first interview. >> jimmy: i don't know about that, it's not like him to repeat himself. [ laughter ] trump, of course, denied this. vehemently. his spokesperson called the writer "a nobody and a loser." which i guess is why he took time to do interviews with him. one with the nobody, one with the loser. [ laughter ] person, woman, man, camera. it's all there. and not only did fat albert einstein repeat himself -- [ laughter ] he also made a claim that indicates that lying and dementia might be starting to team up. >> he confidently declared joan rivers voted for him when he ran for president. joan rivers died in 2014, she would not have been able to vote for donald trump. >> jimmy: so he's right, dead people are voting! [ laughter ] [ applause ] with her ouija board, i don't know. trump also seemed a bit confused about the fact that he
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wasn't actually the president anymore. >> he also seemed to think he still had some foreign policy powers. there was one day he told me he needed to go upstairs to deal with afghanistan, even though he clearly didn't. [ laughter ] >> he told you that while you were interviewing him at trump tower? he told you he needed to go upstairs to deal with afghanistan? >> with the quote, the afghanistan is how he referred to it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: not "a" afghanistan, "the" afghanistan. that's got to be his code word for the toilet, right? [ laughter ] i gotta make the afghanistan! it's very scary to think that the guy who was telling us to inject bleach into our veins is just now deteriorating mentally. [ laughter ] that would mean that when he was drawing in sharpie on weather maps, he was fine. [ laughter ] but there is a team of loyal henchmen who are very eager to do lord tax evader's bidding. one of them is a gollum-like goblin named stephen miller. listen to the way stephen miller speaks. >> what's so crude husband about
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democ democrats attacking trump as some kind of threat to democracy is that president trump is literally running to save democracy. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he's like a lethargic lex luthor. [ laughter ] listen to the way he says the words joe biden. >> joe biden's unleashed. joe biden's regime. joe biden's supporters. joe biden has sent the message. joe biden belongs in prison. joe biden is responsible for are. joe biden. joe biden. joe biden is a weak man. >> jimmy: what is that accent? he's from l.a. he's not from macon. [ laughter ] he grew up in santa monica. "joe biden." and he's not the only one. the other sniveling maga turd who has a weird twist on the president's name is don jr. >> check this out. joe biden. joe biden. joe biden. joe biden. joe biden. joe biden. joe biden. joe biden. joe biden. joe biden. joe biden secretly flying. joe biden. joe biden. joe biden. joe biden. joe biden.
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joe biden. joe biden. uh -- joe biden. joe biden. joe biden. joe biden. joe biden. joe biden. joe biden. joe biden. joe biden. joe biden. joe biden. joe biden. joe biden. joe biden. joe biden. joe biden. joe biden. joe biden. joe biden. joe biden. gene. joe biden. joe biden has dementia. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's right. he's the one with the dementia, that's right. [ applause ] it's like he got bitten by a radioactive morning zoo. [ laughter ] joe biden. joe biden. joe biden. here in l.a., school is out for the summer but there are some big changes on the way for next year. the l.a. school board voted to ban cell phones during the school day. students were allowed to bring their phones to class. they were not supposed to use them in class but they did anyway. teachers were having a very hard time policing that, so now there will be no phones at all. a new report from the pew center found that, "research indicates that limiting cell phone usage
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and social media access during the school day increases academic performance and has positive effects on student mental health." did we really need research to figure that out? [ laughter ] you know, when i was a kid, we never brought phones to school. [ laughter ] the cords weren't long enough. it was impossible. [ laughter ] the other big story around here today is that the california state fair is going to allow cannabis, marijuana, to be sold and consumed on the state fairgrounds. [ cheers and applause ] which means we're going to need more funnel cake. ours will be the first state fair to allow this. and no one will ever win a carnival game again. [ laughter ] it's very exciting news for stoners, and to celebrate, it's time to play a round of our beloved guessing game, "who's high?" [ cheers and applause ] that's right. our announcer, lou, is in front of our theater. hi, lou. >> >>. >> lou: hi, jimmy.
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>> jimmy: what's the smell like out there? >> lou: classic exhaust fumes and a little bit of sweet, sticky weed. >> jimmy: the two men holding the pole that seems to be supporting nothing behind you, what is going on there? >> lou: it's juneteenth, jimmy, and i want to be in the shade. [ laughter ] i can just ask people to do whatever i want. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: seems like the least we can do for lou. lou, do you want to go home? because i can send guillermo out there. >> lou: yeah, honestly, guillermo, get your ass out here. >> guillermo: should i go? >> jimmy: come on, lou's supposed to be off. here's the way this goes. one of the three people we are looking at is high. the other two are not. my job is to figure out which member of this trio is baked. okay? let's meet them now. first, caroline. hi, there. where are you from? >> hi, jimmy. i'm from mississippi. >> jimmy: what part of mississippi? >> hattiesburg. >> jimmy: are you here on vacation? >> no, i live here now you live here now. >> i'm a cosmetologist.
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i do hair. >> jimmy: very good. now let's meet our number two pedestrian, who is -- oh, boy. all right. [ laughter ] i'm going to guess that's denys? >> that's right. >> jimmy: were your parents high? [ laughter ] >> ask them. >> jimmy: denys, why do you still it like that? >> so -- >> jimmy: because it says "denies." [ laughter ] >> i was born in ukraine, so that's how they translated it when i got to switzerland. i was raised in switzerland. >> jimmy: you are here visiting us right now? >> yeah. i'm building my cannabis brand at the moment. [ laughter ] traveling around the world for that. >> jimmy: oh, well, okay. [ applause ] well, that's a clue. denys, did they explain you're supposed to not reveal whether you're the one? >> they explained to me, of course. >> jimmy: okay, they did. [ laughter ] all right, this could be a trick. sometimes they try to do that. all right, and finally we have
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terry. where are you from, terri? >> i'm from chicago. >> jimmy: what do you do fork wor? >> i'm a contrary. >> jimmy: do you have a drug policy there? >> oh, yes. but i can't say i pass it all the time. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: okay, all right. [ cheers and applause ] all right, so let's start with caroline. let's get real close to caroline's face, if we could. all right. caroline -- well, you're doing a good job with the cosmetologist, caroline. everything looks great. caroline doesn't look high to me. all right. okay, let's take another look at denys. denys? [ laughter ] we'll reveal that he is trying to launch a cannabis brand. is cannabis legal in switzerland? >> not yet. >> jimmy: oh, okay. and finally, we have terri who -- [ laughter ] you know what? i'm going to go with the outlear here. terri, are you high? >> no, i'm not.
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>> jimmy: oh, you're not. so i'm wrong, then? >> i'm sorry, yes. >> jimmy: oh. okay. well, one of the two -- okay. well, gosh, it seems so obvious. i'm going to be so mad at everybody if it's denys. are you hi? >> no, i'm not. >> jimmy: you're not? [ audience moaning ] kaerl line, did you use eyedrops? because those are not allowed. >> no, i'm just really skilled at it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, wow. well, congratulations. [ applause ] you really did -- all right, lou. where's guillermo? >> lou: he's watching me work right now what is he's doing. >> jimmy: what happened? guillermo's got like a 400-foot walk to you. did he go home too? [ laughter ] all right. lou, what have you got there? >> there he is. >> lou: frosting. >> jimmy: frosting for everyone, all right. there you go enjoy. [ cheers and applause ] terri, you enjoy. thank you. all right. play another round? all right. let's get three more contestants out there.
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okay. there -- all right, great, all right. lou, what -- who's our first contestant, lou? i'm going to let you pronounce that name. >> lou: uh -- >> chew-oh. >> jimmy: where are you from? >> inland empire. >> jimmy: you're from the inland empire. okay, lou tagged out. guillermo? [ laughter ] guillermo, you have to talk into the microphone, yeah. >> guillermo: lou took a break, jimmy. >> jimmy: yeah, lou took a break, i noticed that, right. chuo, you're from the inland empire. you do what? >> musician and meuser teacher. >> jimmy: what grade do you teach? >> kinder to 12th. >> jimmy: any kid that shows up? >> yeah, basically. >> jimmy: are you high when you're teaching ever? >> no, never. that's against the rules, man. >> jimmy: yeah, right, sure, of course. do you smoke at all? >> maybe? >> jimmy: okay, all right.
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[ laughter ] i think your head may have given something away. marina, where are you from? >> i'm from sacramento. >> jimmy: what do you do for work? >> i'm a dance teacher and choreographer. >> jimmy: do you teach children? >> i do. kindergarten to 12th grade. >> jimmy: that's a lawyer with a dog just passed by. sorry, i'm easily distracted. you are also a teacher, and do you ever teach under the influence? >> no, it's against the rule sgs it's against the rules, and we would not want to break the rules. >> no. >> jimmy: finally, we have edwin. >> what's up, jimmy? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what's happening, edwin? now, edwin, you're kind of cheating by wearing glasses. we really do need to see your eyes for this to work. okay, all right, edwin. [ laughter ] all right, edwin's -- edwin, what do you do for work? >> i'm a singer. >> jimmy: you're a singer. why is there yellow stuff on your nose? is that from those glasses? >> probably so. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: are they freshly painted?
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what happened? >> freshly painted glasses. and i didn't see myself in the mirror before i came out here. >> jimmy: well, you're making this really easy, edwin. >> dead give-away. >> jimmy: although maybe i'm -- it's got to be -- okay. let's do another closeup. let's start with chuo. please remove your glasses. okay, well -- i don't know. chuo could also be -- it's like staring into the window of a dispensary right now. [ laughter ] all right, marina? marina, let's have a look at marina. who does your brows? >> i do them myself. >> jimmy: oh, all right. i don't think marina's high. all right. and finally, we've got edwin. [ laughter ] edwin's really trying to keep it together. [ laughter ] all right. well, i'm going to -- you know what? i'm going to go with edwin. edwin, are you high? >> yes, jimmy. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: yes, you are.
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guillermo what do we have for edwin and marina and chuo? what is that? >> guillermo: it's a bubble machine. >> jimmy: bubble machine? >> bubble blowers. >> jimmy: bubble blowers, all right. we'll have someone's court you home, edwin, don't worry. [ cheers and applause ] and that is "who's high?" all right, we've got a good show tonight. jack quaid is here, we've got music from maya hawke and we'll be right back with dakota johnson.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hi, everyone. welcome back to the show. tonight, from "the boys" jack quaid is with us. then later, her album is called "chaos angel," music from maya hawke. [ cheers and applause ]
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tomorrow night our guests will be zac efron and congresswoman jasmine crockett with music from gracie abrams, so please join us for that. our first guest tonight is a movie star who has not one but two western states named after her. her new movie, alongside sean penn, is called "daddio." it opens in theaters june 28th. please welcome dakota johnson. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: how are you? >> i'm great. >> jimmy: it's good to see you all increased. you're my next-door neighbor. >> it's really good to see you. >> jimmy: i don't see you much, though? >> i don't really live there. >> jimmy: right. we don't hear -- you're the ideal neighbor in that there's no noise, there's no nonsense, nothing. >> well, it's actually -- i'm glad i was going to see you
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today, because i've been meaning to tell you that i -- started -- this sounds like this is a sisterup. but i actually meant to tell you that i -- that i started construction on the house today. >> jimmy: oh, you are? [ laughter ] >> yeah. >> jimmy: today? >> today. >> jimmy: oh. okay. >> it's not my fault, though. a tree fell on my house. >> jimmy: it did? >> yes, in those crazy storms. a huge eucalyptus tree. >> jimmy: hold on a second, didn't i send you an email telling you to cut down your tree because it's going to fall on your house? >> no. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yes. >> no. >> jimmy: yes, i did. >> no, you didn't. >> jimmy: the widowmaker tree that can kill people? >> that's the one that could fall on your house. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, well -- >> no -- >> jimmy: and look what happened. that's all right. you know what -- >> there was a tree. >> jimmy: you want to know my thoughts on construction? people who get mad at their neighbors for doing construction, how do you think your house got there? right? >> exactly. >> jimmy: exactly.
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so we can deal with it. i'm a heavy sleeper anyway. [ laughter ] how are you doing? everything's good otherwise? >> yeah, i'm good. >> jimmy: do you know -- do you feel like you're good at detecting whether or not people are high? >> i'm -- i'm well versed in that. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you are. would you like to -- >> i'm a skilled detective. yes. >> jimmy: -- give it a try? >> yes. >> jimmy: guillermo's still out there. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] dakota, i don't know if you saw the monologue. what we have to figure out is which of these three people is high. one of them is high. now, it's not -- the rules are pretty strict. it's not like they were all three high. one is high. they're all wearing sunglasses, which is problematic. but we're going to get rid of those sunglasses. and you can question them. starting with christina, go ahead, ask whatever questions that you like. hi, christina. >> hi. >> hi, christina. >> hi, dakota.
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>> i'm wondering if you can give me directions to santa monica? >> i cannot. [ laughter ] i'm not from here. >> jimmy: where are you from, christina? >> i am from austin, texas. >> me, too, i was born there. >> oh, great! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: christina's pretty glassy, i'm going to say that. let's zoom all the way in on christina. oh, boy. >> i don't think so. >> jimmy: do you know willie nelson there in austin? >> of course. my best friend. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: okay. so that's a little christina. now we have manuel. hello, manuel. >> hello. >> jimmy: manuel's got a great look. you look like you should be in a commercial, a beer commercial, or like selling some kind of rolling papers. [ laughter ] >> thank you. i could be the third most interesting man in the world. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i was thinking second, but yeah.
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manuel, would you mind taking your glasses off? >> sure. >> jimmy: okay, all right. any questions you'd like to ask of manuel? >> manuel -- >> hi, dakota. >> hi. who would win in a fight, dakota johnson or dakota fanning? [ laughter ] >> both dakotas would win. >> that's not the answer. [ laughter ] >> it's what i'm sticking to. >> jimmy: all right, manuel, very diplomatible. and finally we have would you mind taking your glasses off so we can look into your soul? >> okay. hi. >> jimmy: where are you from, carrie? >> i'm from green valley lake between arrowhead and big bear. >> jimmy: okay. live live. >> right on. >> no one knows it's a lake. my friend says it's a pond, okay? it's a little lake -- >> you live in a pond? >> no, i don't live in a pond. i live in a little red cabin. it's very cute. >> that sounds lovely. >> jimmy: it also sounds like we
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could easily find it now. [ laughter ] >> yeah. >> jimmy: you may have revealed too much, carrie. >> oh, my. >> jimmy: so carrie, do you have family up there? are you by yourself? >> i have -- i have a great big family, so it's wonderful. >> jimmy: locks on the doors? [ laughter ] >> yes. and i have an adorable dog, sno snoopy, that takes care of me. >> jimmy: named off snoopy from charlie brown or the pot-smoking rapper? [ laughter ] >> actually, the dog, he looks like snoopy. it's very cute. >> jimmy: okay, all right. do you have any feelings one way or the other, dakota? i have a feeling. >> i feel like carrie might enjoy the weed. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you feel like carrie -- i feel like it is contestant number one, christina, who really looks like she's just barely keeping it together. [ laughter ] >> no, jimmy, i am not high.
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>> jimmy: you're not. have you been crying? >> no, this is just -- it drives me. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: all right. let's -- maybe you're right on carrie. carrie, are you high? >> no. >> jimmy: holy cow, manuel, you son of a gun. [ cheers and applause ] this whole time. of course. he comes out looking like the zig-zag guy, of course he's not the one, tools too obvious. all right. neither one of us are good at this. thank you for playing. guille guillermo, you have a gift for them? >> guillermo: yes, jimmy. funyuns. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we're going to take a break. dakota johnson is here. the movie is called "dadio." we'll be right back. >> lou: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you
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12:05 am
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what you go for work? >> programmer. >> computer? >> computers. >> no [ bleep ]. >> no [ bleep ]. >> like ones and zeros and that [ bleep ]? >> like ones and zeros and that [ bleep ]. you thought i was going to say something more girlie, didn't you? >> yeah. >> yeah. >> yeah, i thought -- yeah. wedding planner. fashion. >> fashion, hm.
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not as many women code, i'll give you that. >> yeah, you drew a line in the sand. lifted your leg and left your mark. >> i don't mind squatting. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that is dakota johnson and sean penn in "daddio." a part of your dress just came unhooked. are you all right? should i get some scotch tape? >> it just fell off. >> jimmy: it seems to be hanging in there are. oh -- all right, well -- >> i'll just hold it. >> jimmy: okay, all right, just hold it, it won't be very long. by the way way, you guys did a great job in this movie. >> thanks. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: for those who haven't seen it, which is everybody so far, it's just the two of you in a cab. in a cab ride, the whole time having a conversation. >> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah. yeah, no, just -- hold the important part. there you go. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> the movie is really good. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: the movie is really good.
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and there's a scene in the movie i want to ask you about, if you don't mind. throughout the film, you are texting, your character is texting with her boyfriend, right? >> yes. >> jimmy: and then he sends a photograph of his penis? >> yes. a [ bleep ] pic. >> jimmy: a [ bleep ] pic as it's called. >> if you will. >> jimmy: if you will. and i think we will. [ laughter ] so, you get this. and we can see it in the movie. it's not suggestive. it's right there. it's there. where did it come from? [ laughter ] >> so -- so there is this sort of, like, ominous third character in the movie that is -- you never see him, you never really meet him, and my character is texting with him the whole time. he sends this [ bleep ] pic. when we were casting the [ bleep ] pic, casting the [ bleep ], there's not really a
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back stock of penis photos, like, that are usable in movies. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: wait a minute. i know where you can find a very big backstock of them. [ laughter ] >> in your phone? >> jimmy: yes. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] well, now that you mention it. >> well, not ones that you can use in a film, you know. that you'd have to have it signed off on. >> jimmy: really? lawyers would go that far, that somebody would go, "wait a minute, that's mine." >> totally. >> jimmy: and sue you? >> totally. so our amazing props master, diana burton, who's like a woman in her 60s, had a group of her male friends just anonymously send in -- [ laughter ] photos to her. then we sat around, the four of us -- me and my producing partner, roe, our director, christie, four women. "this one's nice." "that one's not great." we really studied them. [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: how many choice did you get? >> we got like 15. >> jimmy: wow, that's amazing. >> and it became -- sorry, geez. it became -- it became a down -- between two. >> jimmy: oh there were two. then did america vote? [ laughter ] how did it work? this could be a great show. [ laughter ] >> i felt like, from the character's point of view, i felt like -- because this guy is such a douchebag in his texts -- >> jimmy: he is, yeah. >> that, like, girlie is so special. so there has to be something impressive about him. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: interesting. >> you know. >> jimmy: did you tell the number two guy that his -- he was too small to be considered? [ laughter ] >> we didn't tell -- i think we just let the final person know. >> jimmy: does this person now get a credit in the film at the end? >> i forgot to ask that question. >> jimmy: well, i'm going to have to go back through and look at it. it seems like it maybe might be
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more -- >> "impressive [ bleep ] pic." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, it would be great if his name was dick. dick [ bleep ]. >> yeah, photograph [ bleep ] pic. >> jimmy: will he get paid for that? >> i think he got paid. >> jimmy: wow. >> i should -- i should have -- i should be a better producer in this department. >> jimmy: sometimes it's better not to know. >> everyone gets paid for their work. >> jimmy: well, you guys did a great job. >> on my movies. >> jimmy: it is -- you know, the guy -- you, sean, the penis, guy, all great. [ laughter ] >> thanks. >> you're welcome. >> you don't know who he is. nobody knows who penis guy is. >> jimmy: oh, wow. well, if you find him, bring him back, okay? >> okay. >> jimmy: bring him over to the house. [ laughter ] >> i will. >> jimmy: dakota johnson, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] the movie is called "daddio." it opens in theaters june 28th. we'll be back with jack quaid!
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f. yep, there's plenty of space. i've even got an extra seat. wait! no, no, no, no, no. [ gasps ] [ indistinct chatter ] [ sigh ] let's just wait them out. the volkswagen atlas with three rows of seating for seven. everyone wants a ride. [ snoring ] ok, get in. [ speaking minionese ] yippee! and see "despicable me 4" in theaters july 3rd. rated pg. ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪
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for quenched, dewy skin that's full of life. - design a training program. - guys, let's do some trivia. - oh yes, let's do it. - i'm gonna win. - how should i plant this if my garden doesn't receive direct sunlight? hmm. - i was right! - good job. - next question. - it starts with an empty prompt, and the most advanced ai at your fingertips. (bright music) finish ultimate. engineered for the toughest conditions. dry burnt-on stains. old dishwashers. very hard water. finish ultimate, with cyclesync technology, helps deliver the ultimate clean. (♪)
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♪ >> lou: it's time to play "where's bonnie?" bonnie, our weirdly flexible friend is somewhere in this garage. take a look around. you see her anywhere? >> i was in the drum. >> lou: ah, she was in the drum.
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>> jimmy: hi, welcome back. music from maya hawke is on the way. our next guest you know as hughie in the not-your-usual superhero series "the boys." season 4 is on prime video now. please welcome jack quaid. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> hi, everybody, hello. thanks for having me back. >> jimmy: it's great to have you back. >> i just listened to dakota's story about casting the [ bleep ] pic. we had to do the same thing on "the boys" but with a butthome. [ laughter ] it's an entire industry, a subindustry. hollywood is magical. >> jimmy: did matt damon say yes? [ laughter ] [ rim shot ] >> it was between his and another butthole. >> jimmy: speaking of matt damon, the last time i saw you,
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youon stage at the oscars. >> yes. >> jimmy: when "oppenheimer" won best picture. you were in the movie. [ cheers and applause ] that seemed like it would be a fun experience. >> a great experience of 10 out of 10, would recommend to a friend in my opinioned jen, it was great. [ laughter ] guillermo was there. you gave us all tequila, man, thanks for that. >> guillermo: exactly, that's what i do. [ applause ] >> that was the best. >> guillermo: yeah. >> jimmy: like santa claus of tequila. >> he is the santa claus of tequila, that's what i've always said. no, it was great. i was having a panic attack for the entire ceremony. >> jimmy: were you really? why? >> i was, because -- so i'm in "oppenheimer." i have a small part. i mostly play the bongos. i'm bongo man. last time i told you in "the hunger games" i'm the woo line, i have one line, it's "woo." in "oppenheimer" i'm the bongo man. i get a call, if it bins west
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picture, i get to go on stage. that category is last. i have anxiety, i overthink constantly. i had so much time, what if we got the wrong intel? what if i'm not supposed to go up there? what if it's supposed to be christopher nolan, emma thomas? what i didn't want to happen is it would be chris, emma, bongo man. [ laughter ] that can't happen. i can't third wheel their oscar acceptance speech. >> jimmy: that would be great. >> it would have been great. i'm just there -- [ laughter ] just air-bongoing. that didn't happen. >> jimmy: that's good. that's probably for the best. >> so nervous. everyone started getting up. i was like, thank god. we're up there. florence pugh is in front of me. great, no one's paying attention to me at all, this is wonderful. then we leave. and you're wrapping up the show which you hosted beautifully, by the way. >> jimmy: thank you, i appreciate that. [ cheers and applause ] >> you're wrapping up the show. and they usher us to leave. and then i start realizing, i'm the only one leaving. i'm the only one who listened to
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the nice lady saying, "okay, time to go now." i can see in front of me there's a hallway, there's this whole line of photographers. i'm like, oh, no, this is the moment where they take a photo of you with your oscar. i don't have an oscar, i'm bongo man. [ laughter ] i turn to go the other way, i see chris and emma coming over to get their pictures taken with their oscars. no, it's chris, emma, bongo man this can't happen. >> jimmy: this is the scenario you fear ed. >> this is the scenario, it really was. "hey, congratulations." i turned to a random camera "i just play the bongos, how do i get out of here?" [ laughter ] i wind up in the oscars catacombs. like, i'm just -- it's a magical evening but i was just lost. >> jimmy: you can get lost back there. >> you really can. i wound up -- i had some rubies by the end. [ laughter ] i had to fight a dragon, a whole thing, it was nuts. >> jimmy: you made it out okay. >> i did okay. >> jimmy: when you're primarily playing the bongos, that's not all you did in the movie.
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>> sure, but you know. >> jimmy: do you have a lot of down time on the set? are you there for a long time? >> yeah, i -- you're there, you're on set, you're also just in new mexico. like, i had a day off, quhfls great. i went into santa fe. and i was like, whatever, i'll have a marguerite tax i'll enjoy my time. but it's the high desert, so there's a lot of altitude. so i was drunk off of one margarita immediately. and then i'm just walking through santa fe, just walking it off. then i get a call from our first a.d. saying, "hey, you know that scene that you shot yesterday? chris wants to reshoot that scene, this time with snow." because he has that power. and i'm like, oh no. he's like, "loose can you be here?" i'm like, "immediately i can be there." i drank all the water in santa fe. there's a drought there now because of me. they picked me up in a passenger van. so if you look really closely at this one scene in "oppenheimer" where he's debuting his iconic
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hat for the first time and walking through town, there's one blurry blob that's still buzzed off of one margarita. >> jimmy: you had to trek it back all the way back for that, huh? >> it was one of those things where you were just -- if you just hung out, chances are he'd be like, "you, just get in." that's what i loved about it. it was so cool. >> jimmy: that is surprising. you hear here's so meticulous. >> so meticulous. >> jimmy: and yet loose. >> and yet loose. he's very funny. there was this one day on set where it wasn't a bongo vooen, surprise, surprise. but i was there with all these different cast members. he stops everything cold, looks at me, and just goes, "i saw the footage from the bong goes, you really impress me." [ laughter ] and i didn't know what to do with that. i never in my wildest dreams did i think i'd get a bongo compliment from chris nolan. >> jimmy: no one gets that, really. >> a bongo-pliment. i feel great. >> jimmy: you should feel great.
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the last time you were here was right before "the boys" premiered. right at the beginning. now you've got four seasons, you're about to go your fifth and final season of the show. [ cheers and applause ] the show is a really, really good show. >> thanks, man. >> jimmy: did you imagine it would turn out to be this kind of iconic television show? >> no, you just mope for the best. last time i was here, i remember every time i did press in the beginning, i had to explain what the show was. and it was so hard to explain it. there's so much going on. now i'm just so happy that i don't have to pitch it, because i would -- i would be so bad at elevator pitching. if i just described that one scene in the beginning with huey and a-train and huey's girlfriend betting killed, people got it immediately. >> jimmy: i feel like you could just explain it by saying, it's like if superheroes happened in real life. >> yeah, but -- >> jimmy: it feels real. >> but they're bad secretly, but i don't have superpowers, i work in an electronics store. there was so much. i shouldn't have put myself into the equation. >> jimmy: you know what, your superpower is you're a great
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bongo player. >> yeah. >> jimmy: don't ever forget that. >> watch out for sewn five. >> jimmy: bongoman. >> bongoman's coming in. >> jimmy: jack quaid, everybody. season 4 of "the boys" is on prime video now. thank you, jack. we'll be back with maya hawke.
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>> jimmy: all right, well, thanks to dakota johnson and jack quaid. apologies to matt damon. we did run out of time for him. "nightline," is next but first, her album "chaos angel" is out now. here with the song "big idea," maya hawke! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ i love tv sitcoms and soap operas ♪ ♪ cliff-hanger re-run courtroom dramas ♪ ♪ all intelligence is artificial ♪
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♪ we're just making love on a ballistic missile ♪ ♪ don't let them tell you how to feel ♪ ♪ you don't believe in the big idea ♪ ♪ hey what's the big idea you can make plans for the aftermath ♪ ♪ or try to make your favorite person laugh ♪ ♪ you know exactly where you're going ♪ ♪ your to-do list is an epic poem ♪ ♪ don't let them tell you how to feel ♪ ♪ you don't believe in the big idea ♪ ♪ hey what's the big idea hey what's the big idea ♪
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♪ i brought poppy seeds to a gun fight ♪ ♪ i put a match to an electric tea light ♪ ♪ i feel your heart beating in your hair ♪ ♪ drinking fresh milk at the county fair ♪ ♪ now everything else at the moment ♪ ♪ is just slowly stealing focus ♪ ♪ and i open like a lotus enlightened and completely hopeless ♪ ♪ don't let them tell you how to feel ♪
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♪ you don't believe in the big idea ♪ ♪ don't let them tell you how to feel ♪ ♪ you don't believe in the big idea ♪ ♪ hey what's the big idea hey what's the big idea ♪ ♪ i got a big idea i got a big idea ♪ ♪ i got a big idea i got a big idea ♪ ♪ i saw the best parts of my generation ♪ ♪ i got a big idea dismantled the system ♪ ♪ only to replace it huddled 'round burnin'
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while looking for love ♪ ♪ i believe in one god that nobody should trust ♪ >> byr are lean towards trump. >> yes i am. i believe in what president biden is trying to accomplish, and i will be standing with him. >> we're on the ground in three battleground states. show of hands. if this will be


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