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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  June 20, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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i heard uh- a male voice yelling to open the door, open the door! and then they also said something. we have a federal warrant. come out with your hands up.
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>> early morning fbi raids in at least four locations in oakland, including the home of mayor sheng tao. the other three locations are linked family members of california waste solutions, the city's contracted recycling company. good evening. thank you for joining us. i'm dan ashley and i'm ama daetz. >> tonight we have abc seven news team coverage of these fbi raids. >> yeah, you can see that live picture in the middle outside of mayor tao's home. we'll show that to you shortly. >> reporter anser hassan is at one of the other locations where fbi agents raided this morning. >> yeah, cornell bernard will join us live from city hall. let's begin with abc seven news i-team reporter dan noyes, who's been digging into the court documents today. >> dan. >> well, dan and ummah, the fbi has been quiet. they confirmed only that they carried out, quote, a court authorized law enforcement activity at the mayor's home. but that was not the only stop for agents today, more than a dozen fbi agents emerged from oakland mayor sheng tao's house after four hours. inside, they carried boxes,
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plastic tubs and trash bags and left without comment. witnesses heard a ruckus before 6 a.m. today. >> about 6:00 this morning, i heard a male voice yelling to open the door. open the door! >> nina medina happened to be staying in the neighborhood with friends. she's president of the national latino peace officers association here for a meeting with the new oakland police chief. >> the federal government doesn't force or obtain warrants into one's residence without probable cause. and when it rises, in my experience, to the level of the federal government, you're talking about some significant, issues. >> once the fbi left, i went to tao's door to check reports that had been kicked in or rammed through. there was no damage to the door sill. later, mayor tao's partner and father of her two children, andre jones, emerged with a bag and refused to comment before he left. law enforcement sources tell me this is a public corruption case with the fbi, irs and us postal
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service working together. agents hit several locations, including the offices of california waste solutions. we spotted irs investigators there. the company was started by david and victor duong, who were under investigation by the public ethics commission for funneling money through straw donors to council members. a story first reported by oaklandside in 2020. shang tao allegedly received some of that money. she also traveled with the duong brothers, who funded the trade mission to vietnam last summer. all this in a week, with her recall being approved for a vote. >> oakland is in crisis. the mayor's office is in crisis. >> sam singer has guided political campaigns and corporations through various types of crisis. he says the future does not look bright in the last 24 hours, 40,000 voters turned in signatures to have the mayor recalled. >> this morning, she wakes up and the fbi is knocking her door down. i don't see how she overcomes this. it's likely that she will wind up having to resign.
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>> we reached out to the mayor's office and have not received any sort of comment. she canceled an appearance at a news conference this morning. it will be interesting to see when and how she makes her first appearance in public. facing this investigation. >> dan ummah boy, it certainly well, it all hit today like a bombshell. >> yeah, it did all of a sudden. yeah, right. >> thanks, dan. >> all right. we continue our team coverage now with abc seven news reporter anser hassan who joins us live from the oakland hills, where another home was raided today by federal agents. answer >> good evening. us postal inspectors just wrapped up their investigation here at david dwan's house. he's ceo of cal waste solutions. let's show you video from about 20 minutes ago. you can see us postal police carrying out about 10 to 15 boxes and three computers, ending an almost ten hour investigation. when asked, officials would not comment on the content of the boxes or what they found, but we do know that postal inspectors investigate mail fraud and financial fraud. the fbi's investigation began
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early this morning at this home in a quiet neighborhood in the oakland hills. >> i started hearing, uh, this is the fbi. open up. come out with your hands up. >> this neighbor who didn't want to be identified, says she heard fbi agents saying they were delivering a federal warrant. >> they also said something. we haveto be identified, says she d fbi agents saying they were delivering a federal warrant. >> they also said something. we have a federal warrant. come out with your hands up. >> the house belongs to andy duong, who's listed as director of california waste solutions, a recycling company that serves the east bay and south bay around 11 a.m, the fbi inspected a mercedes benz registered to duong, parked outside of the house. 20 minutes later, an unidentified couple was seen leaving in that suv. meanwhile, u.s. postal inspectors were collecting evidence at a nearby house that belongs to david
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wong. andy's father, david, is listed as callaways solutions ceo. postal investigators do investigate financial fraud. >> anyone who's been around oakland politics for a while knows about the duong family. they're very involved. they're prolific donators to candidates who run for council, who run for mayor, alameda county officials as well. justin burton served in former oakland mayor libby schaaf s office and worked with then city council member sheng tao. >> he's concerned about a business trip that he says the duong family paid for. that trip took mayor tao to explore business opportunities in vietnam. he thinks that may have been a political risk. i think the people who are impacted most by today's news are oakland's residents. >> they need to know that their mayor is not at the center of a federal public corruption scandal. and if she is part of this investigation and we don't know all the facts right now, she needs to let her residents know that she's not going to be
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distracted. and this is a matter amongst the attorneys. >> officials say no one has been home all day. no arrests have been made. but this is still very early in this investigation . officials say we'll probably have an update in the coming days. reporting live anser hassan abc seven news. >> unser. thank you so much. >> right now, let's go to abc seven news reporter cornell bernard, who is live at oakland city hall. cornell >> yeah, dan and i'm a today's dramatic events appeared to have taken oakland city hall by surprise. now we have learned that oakland city council members are meeting right now behind closed doors. we don't know if it's in regard to today's raid by federal agents. but one thing is clear. next steps by city leaders are unclear. >> andre, do you have anything to say? >> mayor shang tao's partner, andre jones, had nothing to say as he left oakland city hall thursday following a raid by federal agents at the oakland home they share and other
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locations, the news sending shockwaves through the halls of oakland city hall, where we were told the mayor's office was temporarily closed for the day. the doors to mayor tao's office were locked. city council members could not be reached for comment. vice mayor rebecca kaplan addressing the rumor her home was also raided, posting on x. nope, not true. the campaign to recall mayor tao is demanding that she resign immediately due to the fbi raid. in a statement, the campaign said while the fbi raid does not prove her guilt in the ongoing investigation, we already have multiple smoking guns, indicating tao's lack of fitness for public office. oakland chinatown community leader carl chan is upset to hear about the fbi raid, and worries it pulls focus from more pressing issues facing the city. >> i always suggesting and telling, you know, many elected officials when you are serving as a public servant, you have to be very, extremely careful how you are dealing with, the public trust and especially, making
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sure that your family members will not be directly, beneficially benefited. and, because of your position or within your own power. >> now, again, we have reached out several times to mayor tao, but no word from the mayor or her staff today, councilmember carroll fife texted me a short time ago saying regarding the raid, it's the most sensational out of the blue gut punch i've ever experienced. insane, she says. we're live in city hall in oakland. cornell, bernard, abc seven news, cornell. >> thank you so much. and we were first to report about today's raids, and we will stay on top of this story. stay with abc seven news to learn the latest about what's happening with the mayor and how it will affect the city of oakland. we'll have updates on abc seven and on the abc seven bay area app. >> 16 victims were transported and treated at local hospitals,
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15 for gunshot wounds and one for injuries sustained in the assault. >> coming up here, a juneteenth celebration in oakland ends in a mass shooting. you're ing to hear more from police chief lloyd mitchell when abc seven news of dry age-related macular degeneration, can irreversibly damage your vision. it can progress faster than you think. when ga threatens your eyes, take a stand. slow ga with syfovre. syfovre is an eye injection that was proven
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history happened on grand avenue between bellevue and euclid, near lake merritt, as a juneteenth celebration was wrapping up. at least 15 people were hurt. abc seven news reporter luz pena questioned the police chief about their response. >> in a matter of minutes, a juneteenth celebration turned chaotic at oakland's lake merritt, with at least 15 people shot this video from an anonymous source captured hundreds of people running to take cover. >> we have everything from minor gunshot or flesh wounds to loss of fingers to some
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individuals still being in critical condition. >> oakland police chief floyd mitchell sideshow and fights that broke out after a group climbed over the roof moving vehicle. >> fortunately, thes fights escalated into multiple people discharging firearms, with more than 50 shell casings being recovered at that location. >> we found several bullet holes on a car that was parked on grand avenue. this businessownef police presence in the area before the violence, and as everything that took place last night and got out of control, there was one police car right there at the corneof euclid and grand.
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