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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  June 25, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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safer holiday by getting illegal fireworks off the streets. from abc seven live. breaking news and that breaking news. >> the battle against two brush fires burning right now in the bay area, here is the scene from sky seven of one burning in fremont. this three alarm fire is spreading near train tracks across from a business complex, and just about a half hour ago, we saw the flames jump the tracks and ignite palm trees. there are also overhead power lines as you see above those flames. this is burning in marshland in the area of eureka drive and stevenson boulevard. a second brush fire erupted about an hour ago in sonoma county. cal fire and local fire crews are battling the flames near cloverdale, off the east side of geysers road near preston drive. you can see all the smoke in this time lapse video. the fire is approximately six acres at this point, cal fire tells us forward progress has been stopped. so some good news there in sonoma county. >> and now to our top story
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tonight inside of oakland city hall. the focus isn't on the mayor dealing with the fbi raid last week, but a town with an historic budget deficit and just days left to figure it all out. thanks for joining us. i'm julian glover and i'm ama daetz. >> the recent federal raids in oakland have a lot of people distracted. last thursday, the fbi raided mayor sheng tao's home in oakland federal agents also went to three other locations associated with california waste solutions and its owners. the loooooong family. >> tonight, the abc seven news i-team has new information about that investigation with a look back at how it ties into the november 2022 election that put shengtao into office. >> but first, let's look forward. july 1st is the deadline for oakland to pass a balanced budget. without it, the city could face future bankruptcy. >> let's get to abc seven news reporter anser hassan, who joins us live in oakland unter. >> julian. ama. good evening. oakland city council is set to begin budget discussions tomorrow and early on, noel gayo oakland city council member,
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with the stark warning saying that if city council doesn't get this budget right, oakland could be bankrupt as early as next year. the budget right now we're at i mean, oakland city council president nikki fortunato bass wouldn't answer questions about the budget following a finance meeting one day before budget talks are set to begin. >> freedom. balance. today, we're going to go bankrupt. >> oakland city council member noel gayo says the city is facing a historic deficit, which oakland mayor shengtao estimates at close to $200 million for this year and next year. with less than a week left to pass the budget, gallo says one of the biggest challenges is the accuracy of the data. >> it's the actual numbers that i have available. the numbers keep changing from one meeting to another uh- and at the same time, how much money will the city be able to generate tax wise, almost 80% of oakland's revenue comes from taxes, property tax, a huge portion of that. >> the city says property tax has grown steadily around 8.5%
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for the past few years. however, a may 2024 report noted with the current macro environment, the federal reserve's efforts to fight inflation with rising interest is shifting the growth pattern to stable and is teetering into declining, gayo says. cuts are inevitable, but the reality is, is if i make reductions, where do i reduce the budget? >> what positions do i eliminate or reduce? and certainly the public, my neighbors say they want public service where the public safety to increase. >> brooke levin with the oakland parks and recreation foundation spoke at the finance meeting. she says measure q passed to fund parks and tackle homelessness with $500 million over the next 20 years. she says this budget shifts a lot of the new expenses from the general fund into measure. >> q we have a letter to the council with a list of questions, which was dated june 5th, and we have not gotten answers yet to those questions. so we don't know which category they have put these new expenses into. >> i will remain focused on supporting the city council as they vote to pass a balanced
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budget. this week we will complete the transaction for the sale of the coliseum property to the african american sports entertainment group. >> that commitment from mayor tao, who's involved in a current fbi investigation into possible campaign finance irregularities, may prove important. critics argue a big part of balancing this current budget hinges on that sale. the african american sports and entertainment group's ray babbitt says despite the turmoil tao is experiencing, they remain committed. >> we're from oakland, so we're used to navigating, difficulties and changes, but ultimately, at the end of the day, we love our city, we love our community, and we're really excited about this project. >> oakland city council has a special budget meeting tomorrow at 130 to look at the budget deficit. the sale of the coliseum will be on the agenda and then on friday, a full session meeting to begin the discussion on the budget reporting live anser hassan abc seven news. >> unser thank you so much. and
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just hours ago, mayor tao emailed her supporters to reiterate her commitment to passing a balanced budget and completing the sale of the coliseum property. she also included a link to her speech yesterday. we have that available on abc seven today on getting answers at 3 p.m, abc seven news anchor kristen sze asked abc seven news insider phil matier why it appears mayor tao's political allies and supporters are not backing her up right now. >> here's what phil had to say. >> you know i can't answer that because have any at all is such a definitive it's such a wide ranging scope. >> but i would say that, for example, at yesterday's news conference, with the exception of her chief of staff, there were not you did not see other city council members there. you didn't see other city electeds around her. this is the mayor is on her own on this and which is which is, you know, sort of understandable because this is what's going on is a bit outside , outside the realm of day to day operations of the city. this is something on her, even though
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it involves possibly a business that's doing business with the city of oakland. but then that business has been giving campaign contributions to all the politicians. that is true. >> that is true. >> the mayor's chief of communications tells abc seven news today that he resigned his position in the wake of that fbi raid on the mayor's house. francis amore had been in the position for nine months. shengtao won the oakland mayor's race back in november of 2022. it was a close, won only by 677 votes, and in light of the fbi raid on her home last week, the abc seven news i-team has learned that the former oakland council member who came in second, lauren taylor, is preparing his campaign staff to take another run at the office. and dan noyes is here with that story that's new. at six. >> dan well, juliet, an ama i contacted lauren taylor to ask about a controversial flier mailed to oakland homes in the days just before the vote. i've learned that flier has connections to mayor shengtao and andy duong, whose home was also raided by federal agents
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going into the election for mayor of oakland. former council member lauren taylor felt strong. he was polling well and had the endorsements of the oakland, san francisco and san jose mayors at the time. then he went for a ride on the ranked choice voting roller coaster. at one point, he was up by 3587 votes, but after ten rounds, he wound up losing by just 677 out of about 125,000 votes cast. >> when you have a margin of 677 votes in an election, every uh- small input change, etc. can have a huge impact on the outcome. >> taylor believes that a series of negative fliers, 168,000 of them mailed to homes just days before the vote, cost him the election, darkening my skin color and making my eyes red like caricatures. >> similar to the willie horton uh- type of, advertisements,
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it's going to have an effect. >> bush and dukakis on crime. taylor is talking about this television ad that had a major impact on the 1988 presidential campaign. george h.w. bush against massachusetts governor michael dukakis. he allowed first degree murderers to have weekend passes from prison. one was willie horton, who murdered a boy in a robbery, stabbing him 19 times in public real estate agent and political activist mario juarez always said that he paid for the fliers. and this anti lauren taylor website. but mayor shang tao's former chief of staff tells me she watched juarez approach tao and andy duong at this campaign event in october 2022, asking for more money for the fliers. >> and that was the first time i ever saw mario, and i was like, what is he doing here? and he straight up said he needed $25,000 to finish that mail piece. and i walked away because i knew that they shouldn't even be dealing with that or talking about that type of stuff. >> webb tells me that andy
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duong, whose family owns california waste solutions, indicated he would take care of it and that he had already paid $50,000 for the project that violates spending limits, doesn't it? >> transparency laws, spending limits and others. >> since 2019, andy duong has been under investigation by the oakland public ethics commission , accused of using straw donors to funnel contributions to shengtao and other politicians to. wong's home was raided by the fbi on the same day as mayor tao's house. still no official details on that investigation. >> frankly, there's a lot of impropriety happening within government, within politics, but it's also disheartening to know that there is this much uh- built up in order to keep me, in order to keep my supporters, in order to keep oakland from getting better leadership. >> mario juarez also faces a felony charge for bouncing three checks to pay the postage on
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those fliers. his attorney tells me. maybe a mismanagement of funds by his accountants, but no fraud, he added. i have no information that i can provide to you about his relationship with the duong family, but when the time is right, the truth about the pending charges and the nasty state of politics in oakland will come out as far as business wise, i would say that we did a good job. samari johnson runs butterfly direct marketing that printed all those fliers. he says he didn't pay attention to their message, and that the $60,000 he lost in those bounced checks has been a serious blow to his business. >> we want to get paid back, and we're not going to stop until we do, at some point, the truth has to come to light and we're going to keep fighting until it does. at some point, we find out who the liars are. >> i contacted andy duong's office for comment and sent the fliers when they asked, but have not heard back. in terms of the fbi investigation, it looks like we should all settle in for the
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long haul. a source at the justice department tells me that he has no basis to believe there will be any comment anytime soon on last week's activities, so it's going to be a while. >> yeah, the whole thing just blew up. and then we keep getting new information and like i said, it's going to be a while. >> yeah, exactly. >> any word from lauren taylor as to if he might run for mayor again in the city of oakland? >> oh, he will. i mean, he's gearing up. i mean, he told me this week that he's he's getting his staff back. he definitely will run when the chance does present itself. so he's there, sees an opportunity. exactly. i appreciate it. >> thank you. did you want to stick with abc seven news to learn the latest about the fbi investigation and its impact on mayor shengtao and the city of oakland. we will continue to update abc seven and the abc seven bay area app. >> coming up next, only on abc seven news, the violent history we've uncovered about the dog that bit a child walking down a san francisco sidewalk and an all day traffic disaster because of a garbage truck that caught fire. >> all lanes closed on 680. why?
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everyone had to stay far away. >> i'm spencer christian. looking at clouds and showers and lightning strikes today. but that pattern will change tomorrow. i'll have the accuweather forecast round one of the nba draft is live here on abc seven tomorrow. >> coverage starts at 5 p.m. and stick sometimes i'm on my feet for over 16 hours a day. they get real cracked, dry, it's not good. i depend on healthy feet. it's america's #1 selling foot cream for guaranteed relief. if it works for these feet it'll work for yours. also available in o'keeffe's working hands.
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it's your time to cash in. so don't just play. easy prep. easy cook. easy clean. stay... at northern california's premier casino resort. book your getaway now at more than nine hours ago, has been towed away now, but is still messing up the commute in the east bay. compressed natural gas used by the truck's hydraulic system fueled those flames. firefighters had to let that gas burn off before they could approach all northbound
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lanes, plus three southbound lanes were temporarily closed by the highway 242 junction so first responders could deal with that fire. all lanes were reopened a couple of hours ago, but the delays are lingering. this evening. >> now to a story you will only see right here on abc seven news. it's an update to an incident we've been following for the last month about a dog that bit a three year old child in san francisco. turns out the dog was involved in another biting incident a year ago. abc seven news reporter luz pena went to talk to the people in charge of investigating dog bites to get answers about why something just wasn't done sooner. >> may 13th, 2023 an eight year old dog named ajax slipped out of his apartment while his owner was taking out the garbage. seconds later, he was attacked by another dog. >> i heard him screaming and from downstairs and ran to the lobby. >> after the incident, ajax owner joey de haven fillled a dog bite report describing the dog that attacked ajax as max, a
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white husky. ajax suffered multiple punctured wounds to on top of his neck and two on the bottom. the doctor said that ajax was lucky that he weighs too much and max couldn't actually pick him up and shake him to break his neck. that report was the last time joey heard about max, until a year after ajax was bitten. another attack involving max, this time surveillance video captured max running towards a three year old boy and biting him, sending the child to the hospital and requiring five stitches all in a sudden appeared out of nowhere, charged towards him, chased him and pinned him down and beat him really viciously. now joey questions, whatever happened to the report he filed against this dog in 2023? >> it didn't have to happen. >> we went to san francisco's animal care and control. they say the majority of dog bites are not investigated. only when people file a vicious and dangerous dog report, there's a
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hearing. joey only filed a bite report, not a vicious and dangerous dog report. if someone files a bite report and they don't file a vicious and dangerous dog report, what happens? >> nothing happens. they filed their report. it's done, donahue said. >> there are anywhere between 600 to 800 dog bites a year reported in san francisco, and only about 100 hearings a year. do you think san franciscans know that filing a bite report is not enough to actually have sfpd investigate that attack? >> i think it should be clear, because there on the website we talked to max's owners on the phone. >> they confirmed both incidents. the child's nanny said they didn't leave any contact info, but max's owners tell us they tried, but think there was miscommunication because they don't speak english . they did confirm there's a hearing scheduled for july eighth over the latest attack. sfpd said this investigation is of high priority due to the
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seriousness of the case in san francisco. luz pena, abc seven news we're staying on top of that story. >> certainly. so nice day outside so far today. yeah except for those lightning strikes. >> hopefully, spencer, that threat is diminishing. >> it is diminishing considerably as we get into the evening hours. the atmosphere, which had been very unstable, is becoming more stable right now. here's a look at our satellite radar composite image. we had a few lightning strikes here early in the day, but far more occurred over in the sierra, and there are still lightning strikes up and down the sierra right now. but that surge of subtropical moisture, which is still trickling through the north bay, is what contributed to, along with the sun's heating. of course, the instability in the atmosphere here in the bay area. but as you can see, that surge is getting lighter and lighter right now. the winds are getting stronger and stronger. we've got surface wind speeds now up to almost 30mph in the windiest locations, like san francisco and over at rio vista. so it's breezy all around the region, and the 24 hour temperature change shows most locations several degrees cooler than at this time
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yesterday. nine degrees cooler in novato, five degrees cooler in oakland over travis uh- fairfield six degrees cooler. but the exception to that rule is san carlos, which is 11 degrees warmer than it was at this time yesterday. thus, the focus on bay area microclimates. right now, we're looking at the view from emeryville at a mixed sky, lots of blue, but some some uh- clouds up there as well. i almost said showers with the showers have ended 62 degrees right now here in the city. oakland 6877. in hayward we have 82 at san jose, 87 at redwood city, at 58 at half moon bay, at the golden gate, we see the clouds getting lower and lower. it's 77 degrees up north at santa rosa right now. petaluma 6675 at napa, 85, fairfield, 90 at concord and 88 at livermore. these three locations have been the warmest in the bay area all throughout the afternoon and now into the evening. and these are our forecast headlines for the remainder of this week. we expect mainly bright afternoon skies with a mild range of temperatures this weekend. sunny and mild and nice weather for sunday. sunday's uh- sf pride
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parade early next week. it will be heating up once again near the bay and in our inland areas. as a matter of fact, now the clicker is working and as a matter of fact, we might even see some triple digits in our inland areas early next week. but for tonight, just a few passing clouds, they'll become fewer and fewer as we get later into the overnight hours and into the early morning hours tomorrow. and then by afternoon we'll see mainly sunny skies across the entire region. overnight, low temperatures will be generally in the mid or mid to upper 50s, closer to the coast, a little bit cooler with lows in the low 50s. half moon bay and here in san francisco tomorrow's highs under sunny afternoon skies about 58 at half moon bay. 64 here in san francisco around the bay shoreline. look for mainly low to mid 70s inland areas. tomorrow will heat up to upper 80s. very few locations are likely to hit or exceed 90 degrees tomorrow. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. the pattern that we're going into now will continue through the weekend. uh- inland areas will warm up to maybe upper 80s to about 90 degrees going into
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the weekend, right around the bay shoreline. we'll see a mid 70s and again on sunday. sf pride parade will take place under mainly sunny skies. it will be mild to warm even here in san francisco on sunday, but the real warmth kicks in early next week. the first and second days of july, when inland highs get into the upper 90s to around 100 degrees. so there's some more. summer sizzle is coming our way. >> okay. appreciate it. >> well, today we heard governor newsom deliver his state of the state speech, but some say it's about more
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through tough times. london breed led us through the pandemic, declaring an emergency before anyone else, saving thousands of lives. from growing up in the western addition housing projects to becoming mayor, london has never given up on the city that raised her. london is getting people off the streets and into care. london never gave up on me. i found a home, and my life is on the right track. london made it super easy for me to open my small business, by cutting city fees. and she's reinventing downtown to make our city vibrant again. she's building 82,000 new homes and helping first time homebuyers, just like us. and london's hiring hundreds of police officers, and arresting drug dealers. san francisco has been through difficult times,
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the governor called people who bashed california delusional. >> abc seven news reporter suzanne phan has more on what the governor said in his insight on what he may have been trying to accomplish there. >> reporter this year, we face another extraordinary moment in history for california, for the country and the world. >> governor gavin newsom's state of the state addressed some of his biggest wins. it also seemed to address those closely watching california, cal state east bay professor nolan higdon explains. he also positioned himself as someone who was appealing to a national audience by defending california, defending his record and kind of giving a almost bullet point announcement of where he stands in comparison to the competitors, which are the republican party. >> this seemed like an
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individual who's positioning themselves for a presidential run. >> the governor tackled california bashers and championed the progressive state. >> our values and our way of life are the antidote to the poisonous populism of the right and the fear and anxiety that so many people are feeling today. >> the fact that he's referencing those california bashers outside of the state implies to me that he's looking at those folks as potential voters. >> newsom talked about issues california tackled successfully abortion, climate action and gun safety. higdon says the issues that stood out fentanyl and crime and homelessness. >> poll after poll shows they're high on people's agenda. he tied the fentanyl issue to immigration and border security, which polls show increasingly, americans in general, not just californians, are concerned with. so i think in a lot of ways he was playing smart politics. >> the gop offered this response. >> this is a person that's kind of unhinged and not willing to take responsibility for being the top leader of this state
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not talking about the state of the state. did you hear anything really about the state of the state? let me tell you what the state of the state is right now. it's a husband and wife sitting around that kitchen table, head in hands, trying to figure out how to pay the bills. >> communication experts say newsom got his message across, appealing to his donors, his base and attempting to connect with viewers countrywide in san francisco, suzanne phan abc seven news. >> the first presidential debate between former president donald trump and president joe biden is set for thursday. it's hosted by cnn, which you can watch it live right here on abc seven. abc's coverage for the race for the white house begins live at 5 p.m. on thursday. >> how can we build a better bay area in the middle of noise like that? next, the effort to crack down on illegal
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in the last couple of weeks,
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those illegal fireworks being set off all across the bay area. it can be annoying and actually impact the health of some people and make your pets really anxious too. so how do we build a better bay area and get a legal fireworks off the streets? >> that is a question abc seven news reporter lyanne melendez looked into san francisco's civil grand jury recommendation for some answers. yeah, i'm glad that they did this report. >> and you ask anybody in san francisco and other places and many people will say this was really needed. so the title of the civil grand jury's report is dimming the spark of illegal fireworks in san francisco. now they are recommending the creation of a task force to prevent the use of illegal fireworks, as well as educating residents right about the many dangers that come with these often huge displays. what once was a crowd pleasing event on the 4th of july has turned into several unsettling nights of booming explosions. take san francisco's mission district. so tell me how bad the situation is
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here in the mission. oh, to me, it's like a war zone. >> they have these ones that shoot up about 20 or 30 of them. one of them got about three feet from my face. people out here until two, 3:00 in the morning, according to the findings of a san francisco civil grand jury report. >> in the past six years, the number of 9-1-1 dispatched fireworks calls have continued to increase dramatically in june and july, the bay view the mission and the tenderloin districts have had a significant number of calls to the 911 call center. also in the past six years, segovia added. there is little police enforcement. >> they just drive by. they stop and the people clear back and as soon as they go by, they start all over again. >> police seem to take a soft approach when cracking down on the sale of illegal fireworks. here's what they told us when we asked to ride along with officers during a raid. at this time, we are not scheduling this
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due to staffing limitations. the grand jury report also highlights the effects these illegal fireworks have on members of the community. people living with alzheimer's. >> they might not recognize it as a firework that they know from their childhood, but they may think that it could be something like gunshots or other sort of noise that could be very upsetting to them. >> it can also be a struggle for some veterans, because fireworks often mimic many of the sounds of war. >> the weeks leading up to and the weeks after. it's a nail biting time. i have some friends that 4th of july is hard for them. they have some combat experience and it brings up bad memories. >> my name is bruce engel and this is my dog, jack russell terrier, betty sue. >> pets like betty sue are also affected completely terrified when they get really bad. >> she. i have to drug her and she even when she's so sedated that she can't even stand up and
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walk. she's still shaking. she's hyperventilating. you know it breaks my heart every time i see her like that. >> then there are the physical impacts of illegal fireworks. the number of emergency room visits goes up when the fireworks come out. earlier this year, a teenager was killed after being hit in the head by an illegal firework on treasure island during the new year's celebration. in a dense urban area like san francisco, a fire can quickly spread from building to building. during the weeks leading to the 4th of july, the fire department works with homeowners to clear their properties of high grasses. this reduces the possibility of fires starting from a stray firework. the fire department also brings out special equipment. on the night of july 4th, we put these mini pumpers out in different areas and they're out and about. >> they're actually kind of looking for fires. >> we met up with a crew at mclaren park to give us a tutorial on how to handle a brush fire or assist in small neighborhood fires. all right. we're ready to go.
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>> it's going to be smoky. it's going to be hot. we don't know what we're going to be dealing with. >> here we go. open it all the way. >> open this part all the way. okay. >> and there we were, learning the basics of what it takes to quickly put out a fire in unpredictable areas. while the technology has improved, the message is the same. >> no fireworks are allowed here in san francisco whatsoever. not even sparklers. stay away from them. enjoy them from afar. >> despite all the reasons to not shoot off fireworks, people continue to break the law. the grand jury recommended that san francisco create a working group led by the department of emergency management, to assist police in finding ways to prevent the use of illegal fireworks. other city departments are also required to weigh in, but don't expect much to be different. this year. the working group should be in place by october 1st. so just a reminder, there is a $1,000 fine
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for having them or setting them off. now i hear people say that if this happened only on the 4th of july, they would maybe, perhaps be okay with it. more tolerant. the problem is that for the past several years, they start setting them off in mid june, and it goes after the 4th of july. >> right? it just keeps going. >> right. i was just going to say that i mean they have like this stash and they're like, well we got to get rid of it. so let's do it on the fifth. on the sixth and the rest of the week. >> i didn't even give you to the fifth. if you get it all. but no, we know that's not the case. >> it continues. >> oh my gosh. >> all right. thank you liane. sure >> well, tonight we have some new information on last week's mass shooting at lake merritt in oakland. that shooting happened as juneteenth celebrations were winding down. today. police said there are 14 victims, not 15, as we were previously told. they counted a victim from a different shooting that night. in that total. alameda county district attorney pamela price addressed the investigation this afternoon. >> there were multiple shooters and, incidents that appear to
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have spiraled out of control. unfortunately, i have learned that no one is currently charged at this time. the investigation is proceeding. our office has been reviewing some evidence so far. >> we know of at least one arrest that's been made. it was for assaulting a police officer. >> happening now. the san francisco unified school board is discussing how it will decide which schools to close without cutting costs. the district faces an estimated $420 million deficit over the next two years. in addition, enrollment is declining. the board is scheduled to submit a list of the proposed campus closures by september. a vote could happen in december. >> the group that installed lights on the bay bridge is putting on a colorful light show just in time for pride weekend. illuminate will project 20 multicolored lasers over the entire four mile stretch of market street. they are referring to this as the largest pride flag in the world. it
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certainly looks like it. the lasers will be turned on friday night and will stay up for three nights. a lighting ceremony is planned for friday evening in front of the ferry building and of course, abc seven is the official station for the san francisco pride parade. our coverage kicks off sunday at 10 a.m. the parade steps off at 1030. you can see it wherever you watch abc seven. >> i love those lights. they're beautiful. well coming up next, the critical funding the south bay is relying on in order to build a bart extension. what will happen if the money doesn't come through? >> plus, a reporter called me up and said something strange is going on in china. have you heard about it? >> yeah. you know that voice? the doctor is in here from doctor anthony fauci during his visit to the
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as some stocks rebounded after three days of losses, it wasn't a good day for the dow jones. it dropped nearly 300 points, but the nasdaq rose almost 221. alphabet meta and apple all had gains. the s&p 500 was up 21, leading the rebound in tech stocks. nvidia shares went up nearly 7. the ai chip designer has lost 13% of its value in the
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last week, after becoming the world's most valuable listed company. analysts say the drop was likely a correction plus investors cashing in nearly $5 billion in gains in the south bay. >> there is growing concern over the phase two of vta's bart silicon valley project as it still waits for critical federal funding. it's the largest single public infrastructure project in santa clara county, and some are worried delays will not just impact future passengers, but also thousands of jobs. to abc7 news, south bay reporter zach fuentes has a closer look as a part of our focus on efforts to build a better bay area. reporter 30 321 ground was broken more than two weeks ago, officially kicking off construction on the long awaited bart extension in santa clara county. >> the project brings four more stations to the south bay, including downtown san jose. >> we went forward with the groundbreaking for the tunnel boring machine because we're anticipating a partnership with the federal government that partnership would be $6.2
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billion in federal funding, or 49.4% of the project's cost. >> vta will own the facilities, and bart will operate and maintain it. the county of santa clara, vta and the residents here have both raised local money and gotten matches to bring us to over $6 billion. >> we're bringing to the project locally, and we need the federal government to do their part to make sure that these shovel ready jobs keep moving while we get this project built. >> local labor unions say thousands of workers are ready to take on those jobs. >> let me just tell you that without this funding, this project may be delayed. and delay means possible cancellation because every year cost escalation with construction would just add more cost to this project. and so if this project doesn't get the funding now, that means those 75,000 jobs that we talked about are possibly off the table entirely. >> the vta project is competing with other transportation projects in the country for the federal funding. the project had already seen delays and the
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costs go up. all of this as bart expects to run out of $1.9 billion in federal and state assistance by april of 2026. still, chavez said the project is worth the federal government's investment because of the local investment. like the unions representing workers, chavez said she's also concerned about what happens if the federal government does not grant the funding. >> we can't go back and tax our our folks again. they've given an awful lot. so we're really limited and where we can get funds. >> chavez said the federal government will let vta know sometime in the next 20 days as to what the recommended contribution will be in santa clara county. zack fuentes, abc seven news. >> coming up next, a look ahead at this week's forecast. will sunny days stay with us all the way through and cash in at cache creek casino resort. to rock and to roll. to go all out or go all in with four stars and rising stars.
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protesters outside of dominican university, where doctor anthony fauci is set to speak at 7 p.m. the protesters believe fauci's response to the covid 19 pandemic put lives at risk. fauci left the federal government in 2022 after five decades of service, and is currently on a book tour promoting his memoir. and earlier today, doctor fauci was
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in san francisco for an event at mayonnaise in the mission district. abc seven news reporter ryan curry was there, too. it feels like yesterday, but over four years have now passed since the covid 19 pandemic. >> first arrived in the united states. doctor anthony fauci remembers how fast it escalated. >> the 1st of january of 2020, when a reporter called me up and said, something strange is going on in china, have you heard about it? and then all of a sudden, the phone started to ring, and cdc and hhs and everybody on the phone, the former head of the institute of infectious diseases is here in san francisco promoting his new book, on call. >> doctor fauci has spent decades advising national leaders on how to contain outbreaks, including the hiv aids epidemic. he remembers the moment he learned about it. >> a memoir landed on my desk from the cdc, which was a case of five. curiously, all otherwise previously healthy young gay men from l.a. with a very strange pneumonia,
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pneumocystis pneumonia. >> for those at the event, seeing him was about honoring his years of service is to me, he did a good job, you know, and i thank him for his service. >> you know, and i really appreciate what he did, you know, to get this country back in order again, especially honoring him during pride month for his work on hiv. >> you know, as a child, you learned about the aids crisis. you know, his impact in reading more about him, of what he's been able to bring to that community. >> doctor fauci even says the work scientists did on hiv led to the development of the covid vaccine. >> the team that was working on an hiv vaccine were the ones that developed the critical immunogen for the success of the covid vaccine. >> doctor fauci worked under seven presidents to fight some of the deadliest diseases. a career he says he will forever be thankful for. in san francisco. ryan curry, abc seven news. >> better weather conditions are helping crews as they battle a wildfire in butte county. the apache fire is threatening the
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community of palermo south of oroville. flames are triggering evacuation orders about 700 acres have burned. containment is up to 25, but at least two structures have burned and one firefighter was hurt. the cause is under investigation. you can track the fires burning across the state with our abc seven news. wildfire tracker. click on the fire icon to learn the latest on each fire, including acres burned and containment. you can find it on abc seven map. >> hopefully at a low fire danger risk as we head into the evening here. >> yes, spencer christian is here with the latest. spencer. >> it is getting lower and julian, as we go into the evening hours, you know, we had those lightning strikes earlier today and you can see on the satellite radar composite image, those strikes having diminished or ended basically here in the bay area still pretty active over in the sierra where there's still a lot of atmospheric instability. so here for here tonight, we'll see a few clouds lingering during the overnight hours into the early morning. overnight low temperatures will be mainly in the mid to upper 50s, and skies will get clearer as sunrise approaches. now in the afternoon hours tomorrow, look for bright sunny skies just
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about everywhere. highs ranging from upper 50s at the coast to low and mid 70s around the bay shoreline to mid and upper 80s inland. and here's the accuweather seven day forecast. as you can see, a pretty steady and mild pattern going into the weekend. inland highs in the upper 80s to about 90 leading into sunday's pride parade here in san francisco, which will take place under sunny skies and mild conditions. but july starts monday in july, july 1st and second monday and tuesday. we expect a big warm up in our inland areas, with high temperatures reaching into the mid to upper 90s to about 100 degrees. wow >> july says hello. >> i'm here. it does. yeah, that's true. which is spencer. yeah. >> checking in now with sports director larry beil. yeah. >> we're not sure how much longer klay thompson is going to be here as he played his last game really for the warriors. on the eve of the nba draft. is there a deal that
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through tough times. london breed led us through the pandemic, declaring an emergency before anyone else, saving thousands of lives. from growing up in the western addition housing projects to becoming mayor, london has never given up on the city that raised her. london is getting people off the streets and into care. london never gave up on me. i found a home, and my life is on the right track. london made it super easy for me to open my small business, by cutting city fees. and she's reinventing downtown to make our city vibrant again. she's building 82,000 new homes and helping first time homebuyers, just like us. and london's hiring hundreds of police officers,
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and arresting drug dealers. san francisco has been through difficult times, but our hard work is paying off. working together, we're building a better future for the city we all love. ad paid for by re-elect mayor london breed 2024. financial disclosures are available at
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remember, first round pick. what they do have is a gigantic luxury tax bill. and that might prevent klay thompson from remaining with this team. claimed $43 million last year. he's not a $40 million player right now. reportedly turned down a two year $48 million offer before last season. and it seems like the market for klay is going down now. klay was a key part of the warriors for titles. but you cannot pay older players for past performance and expect to remain competitive, coach steve kerr told jim rome he wants klay on the roster. >> what i do know is that klay has been such an integral part of everything around here. obviously, you know, multi time champion. but, even more than that, just someone who has such a great connection with the bay area with, with the franchise, with his teammates. and so we
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want klay back desperately. i want him back desperately, and you know we will have our conversations and he's got to make whatever decision he makes. but yeah we really want him back. he's he's klay thompson. >> you can watch the nba the draft again after the draft tomorrow. here on abc seven right around 8 p.m. now the win one for willis snapping a five game losing streak in walk off fashion after holding a pregame ceremony in mesa's honor. fittingly, the game took place on the 24th at 24 willie mays plaza. now back from that is mays life over the shoulder catch that wowed the crowd. >> the giants rallied for three runs in the bottom of the ninth to score two runs, and sac flies and the game winner on a wilmer flores bases loaded walk off walk. >> and they win it for willie five four. >> well, we all got to wear
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number 24. so that's pretty cool. and it's all the stuff pregame you know certainly gets your attention. we've been thinking about this all week and finally win a game. >> you know for him we had to win this game for willie. we dropped the ball when we were in birmingham. so, you know, we really wanted to win that game for him. so to be able to do that against a good, you know, a really good pitcher on the mound and come back and win that game was it felt felt really good. you know we've been scuffling a little bit. we needed that. but you know to do it for willie. you know that was amazing. >> giants playing the cubs again tonight. the florida panthers hoisted lord stanley's cup last night. it was an epic game seven here on abc seven. but it's the adventures of the cup. after a full night of partying that really get entertaining. so this is such a great contrast every year they send this guy around with the cup. he's got to wear white gloves just to even touch it. and then he hands it off to the winners and suddenly it's no holds barred. the stanley cup was at a florida bar today. panthers players drinking beer,
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pouring beer on fans from the cup. the cup. they take it into the atlantic ocean, which may be a first. no white gloves to be seen anywhere. sports on abc seven, sponsored by smart and final. if that cup could talk, there would be quite a podcast. if i could talk and actually have a working microphone. give that back. yeah, give it back. yeah no, these are all right. >> let's you there. you get a mic you get a mic okay. >> all right i need a mic. do i have time to say that tonight on abc seven musicians. jelly roll. okay. we're going to say goodbye . we will see you at 11. it'll be all worked out. it'll be great. >> this is abc 724 seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi's stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland. yeah. >> you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. >> we are, we are, we are, we are, we are, we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the
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news that matters to you. download our abc seven bay area streaming app. join us and start it's never too late to try something new or pick up an old pastime.
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a teacher from chicago, illinois... and our returning champion, a graduate student from birmingham, michigan... whose 4-day cash winnings total... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!"--ken jennings. [cheers and applause] thank you, johnny. welcome to "jeopardy!" our 4-game champion, drew basile, kicked off the week with an impressive runaway win yesterday, picking up 33 correct responses along the way. that's the most we've seen in a single game from any contestant all season long. a win today would guarantee drew a spot in the tournament of champions. but staci and alan are here today hoping to put a stop to that plan. i wish all three of you the very best of luck, and what's more, i'd like to show you your categories in the jeopardy! round. first up, we have some... then a little bit of... we have...


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