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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  July 2, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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live growing tensions between san francisco skaters, police and other community members. now at five. why? some are calling for the annual dolores hill bomb to be stopped just days before it's supposed to return. >> more arrests after a sideshow in the south bay turned violent, police revealing how they used social media to track down those involved. the warning for other people this morning. >> an important day for oakland city council. the approval of the city's budget, and a decision on the mayor's recall election both on the agenda and a live look outside this morning
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as you wake up. >> a triple threat moving in dangerous temperatures, high fire danger, air conditions, getting worse across the bay area. >> good morning to you. it's tuesday, july 2nd. >> andrew has been telling us the heat wave is here and it's going to be here for a few days. >> yeah. and in fact, they extended these watches and warnings in effect now through the entire weekend. so this is the beginning of what will likely be at least a six day heat wave across the region this morning we have a live look from sutro tower. we have clear skies out there, a little bit of patchy cloud cover around half moon bay, but that is about it. look at some of these current temperatures right now. this is not a mistake. vacaville right now closing at 90 degrees this morning near 80 in brentwood. so it is certainly very warm already in areas away from the coast. we're mainly in the 50s and 60s right now around the bay shoreline. so here we go. those excessive heat warnings will be in effect starting at 11 a.m. today for very good reason. inland today it is excessively hot. we can't understate how dangerous this heat will be because it's several days of these triple digit temperatures
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going well above 100 degrees later on this afternoon. inland, it is going to be very hot around the bay shoreline. it is going to be hot as well. we have a lot of sunshine. we're going into the 90s around the bay shoreline. even along the coast it will be warm, but this is the place to go if you really want to beat the heat. we'll have those daytime highs in the upper 60s and lower 70s. so we have the excessive heat warning, the heat advisories. in effect this will last until sunday evening. we'll take a closer look at today's temperatures coming up in a few minutes. let's check in with frank and see how the drive times are going. >> all right drew, good morning everyone. we're off to a really good start this tuesday morning. it's quiet on the roads right now. no major accidents or troubles reported. live shot of the golden gate bridge. don't even see any cars across the span. traffic will probably be light this week for the 4th of july holiday. and as we look at the drive time, traffic, maps, it's green everywhere except for that westbound 205 and 580 ride to the altamont pass out of tracy. for all the early birds this morning and moves pretty quickly. but once you connect,
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you see traffic slowing down to 16mph on 580. so the drive time from tracy to dublin right now is 41 minutes. but it's green on southbound 680 as you make your way from dublin down to fremont and also northbound 85 101 to cupertino is 16 minutes. reggie. thanks, francis. >> we know the high fire danger is on a lot of your minds. if you live in the east bay hills, especially after last night when a fire burned along grizzly pig boulevard near the berkeley oakland orinda border, people started seeing flames around 930. it's not clear what sparked the flames. crews say they received an initial call of illegal fireworks going off in the area, and an abc seven news crew did see what appeared to be a box of fireworks on the side of the road. fire officials say no one was hurt and no structures were damaged. crews were able to keep the fire to about two acres. now that high fire danger and dangerous heat have prompted east bay regional parks to close some areas for the rest of the week. more than two dozen parks are off limits,
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including the trails at tilden park. anthony chabot regional park and round valley regional preserve. they'll be closed until at least friday morning. park officials say swim facilities and shoreline regional parks will remain open, with the heat taking over. >> the bay area. doctors are warning everyone to be careful. abc seven news reporter lena howland joining us live in the east bay with some ways that we can all stay safe and especially with people looking for places to stay cool over these next few days. >> kumasi good morning. that's right. we are at the wave in dublin and this water park is just one of many places where folks will be looking to beat the heat and cool off during this heat wave. now, keep in mind, temperatures here in the east bay are forecasted to be above 110 degrees this week, making it the hottest weather in a couple of years. it's weather that is especially dangerous for anyone working outside like victor davila. we spoke with him while he was out with his little
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brother. he works part time detailing cars and does most of that work outside. >> i pretty much do it outside almost every other day, so i'm a little scared. i'm a little scared on that end. but we'll see, we'll see. we'll start sweating and definitely stay hydrated. >> even young, healthy people that are going out for hikes and spending time out of the heat can really be impacted by this. if they don't prepare. >> doctors are warning people to be careful during the heat wave, cramping, excessive sweating and dizziness are all warning signs. the heat is taking its toll, so their advice drink plenty of water. be sure to find some shade and stay inside when you can. live in dublin lena howland abc seven news. >> thank you lena. new this morning the biden administration is expected to propose new regulations today to protect millions of workers exposed to dangerous heat on the job. they include farm workers, delivery
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construction workers, landscapers and kitchen cooks. if this is finalized, the measure would protect an estimated 36 million u.s. workers from injuries related to heat exposure on the job, establishing the first major federal safety standard of its kind. it would require employers to take action once temperatures reached 80 degrees by giving workers access to drinking water, break areas where they can cool off and rest breaks when needed. keep the abc seven, bay area apps and abc seven handy throughout this heat wave, so you can stay up to date on the latest forecasts. you have access to the same live doppler seven tools drew in the weather team are using, and we have a list of cooling centers that are open across the bay area. we'll send those alerts right to your phone if there are any important updates. >> the oakland city council is tackling two big issues today. they're expected to vote on a budget and decide whether to place a recall of mayor shengtao on the november ballot. they're expected to approve that recall resolution. organizers started this process months ago over
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crime and economic concerns in oakland. last month, the city clerk said. recall organizers had gathered enough signatures. two days after the clerk's announcement, the fbi raided mayor tao's home as part of a broader investigation. the mayor says she has done nothing wrong. the oakland city council will also vote on its budget. they'll have to decide between two versions one which factors in the sale of the coliseum, which has not been finalized yet, and another that calls for major cuts. supporters of the plan that includes the stadium sale say they are confident in the deal, and they are open to including contingency plans if that sale doesn't go through. but others in the city council are calling that plan fiscally irresponsible. >> san jose police have made six more arrests in connection with a violent sideshow incident that hurt an officer. one driver is charged with hitting a spectator at this sideshow. back on june 15th. according to police, an officer tried to help the injured person, but other spectators swarmed his patrol car, leaving that officer hurt.
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>> if you attack a san jose police officer attempting to help an injured person so you can become famous on tiktok, it's possible you may escape consequences for hours or days, but be assured we will find you. we will arrest you. >> police believe they've arrested everyone who damaged the car and attacked the officer this morning. >> some neighbors near dolores park in san francisco are calling on the city and police to put an end to the annual event known as the dolores hill bomb. this is when skateboarders zoomed down one of the steepest hills in the city. the unsanctioned event has been happening for a decade, and it's set to happen again this weekend. police are hoping to avoid a repeat of last year, when that event ended in one of the largest mass arrests in the city's history. as abc seven news reporter tim john shows us, there's already tension between skaters, community members and police. >> dozens came out monday night for a special community meeting hosted by the san francisco
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police department. the meeting, which got heated at times, was called in advance of the dolores park hill bomb on saturday, an annual skating event that normally draws hundreds. but after years of frustration for neighbors and the arrest of almost 100 people, many of them teenagers last year, some in the area are calling for the police to put an end to the unsanctioned event. >> people running through the park throwing bottles and throwing other items, jumping on the street car, stopping it, spray painting it. >> caroline kennedy was one of many neighbors who spoke monday night. she believes the city should stop the event. this week until it can find a way to have it safely. who shows up to an event that's supposed to be fun and peaceful with what the police found when they confiscated things from people they arrested knives, guns, you know, spray, pepper spray, pepper. many in the skater community, however, want the event to continue. they say it's a minority of people who are actually causing trouble. >> i think when you make a space safe and welcoming, crime is less likely to happen. crime is a symptom of broader social
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unrest. >> erin breit war is a skating advocate. he says he's been trying to work with city officials on the event for months, but has gotten nowhere. witwer tells us it's frustrating that the city is having this community outreach event now, merely days before the hill bomb is set to happen. >> i have not seen evidence that we are engaging in that comprehensive set of questions tonight or prior. the city has had plenty of notice and opportunity to conduct outreach no matter what happens this year, police say they'll be ready in case things get out of control. >> and chief scott says they won't hesitate to make arrests for illegal activity. but with no formal organizers and planning for hill bomb, what happened saturday is anyone's guess. >> i would encourage people not to show up while we sit down and try to figure this out, you know , these things pop up online, and then all of a sudden we have to respond to them. >> the city is also still dealing with last year's hill bomb. it's currently facing pending litigation over the arrest in san francisco. tim johns abc seven news 5-10 this
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morning. >> and we're getting prepared for a very hot afternoon as excessive heat warnings are in effect today through the weekend. a live look from our bay bridge toll plaza. we have clear skies out there. as we get you going this morning, you will notice temperatures warm very quickly over the next couple of hours. the full sunshine, high pressure in control, those temperatures will get warm and then hot this afternoon. current temperatures right now near 80 in brentwood, 60s for oakland san jose 76 right now los gatos. the city right now 57 degrees in the north bay. it is mild out there 60 in santa rosa, but 79 in cloverdale. we're at 62 in vallejo. so watch temperatures really take off by 10 a.m. we're already seeing our warmest areas into the 90s. it feels quite warm around the bay shoreline in the 70s and in the 80s. by lunchtime, we do expect to see 100 degree readings and our hottest areas. then later on this afternoon we could see some areas hit 110 for areas inland. this will likely be the hottest weather we have seen in about
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two years. you have to go back to 2020 2nd september. that month is when we saw equally warm temperatures, so it has been quite some time since it's been this warm. so look at highs today. you really want to take it easy. 91 in oakland today, 98 in san jose we're going to 83 in the city. and then you just have that dangerous heat 106 in santa rosa, 109 in concord, 108 in livermore. the coast is where you need to go to beat the heat. so looking at the beach forecast, it will feel nice, relatively speaking. some limited morning clouds out there, warm sunshine. we'll keep those temperatures in the 70s and 80. your ocean temperature, by the way, at 56 degrees, guys. >> thanks, jerry. we're now hearing from the owners of a dog that attacked a child walking down a street in san francisco. they explained why they weren't able to exchange contact information after the attack. >> and it is the beginning of the month. bills are due, but some customers of a bay area bank sitting in limbo. the cybersecurity incident driving long lines at the atm, the end of an era for a well-known north bay hotel. >> as crowds packed the beaches
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along the russian river, a beloved lgbtq resort is pr ♪ hey, come on, come on ♪ ♪ do what you want ♪ ♪ what could go wrong? ♪ ♪ come on, come on, come on ♪ ♪ come on ♪ ♪ do what you want ♪ get into an audi and go your own way. ♪ do what you want, yeah ♪ ♪ come on ♪ find your way to exceptional offers during the summer of audi sales event at your local audi dealer.
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you not to have access to the money in our bank accounts. >> that's exactly what's happening to many customers at patelco bank right now. the dublin based bank was hit by a ransomware attack over the weekend, and it still isn't fully back up and running. >> seven on your side has been digging into the issue, and as abc seven news reporter j.r stone explains, getting service back up and running is not a quick process. >> patelco credit union bank members walking out and left wondering when they'll be able to access all of their funds. the bank was the victim of a ransomware attack, according to a representative. >> i'm scared. i'm afraid it's going to go belly up. >> i haven't had access to any of my accounts within batelco. >> a bank spokesperson says they are working with a third party cybersecurity forensic firm, saying, please know that our team and third party partners are working around the clock to
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get back up and running monday. this patelco credit union location in san francisco was only allowing folks to take out $500, you know, as rent day. >> today we have to pay a rent, right? and this is only for $500. where the hell do you get a place for $500 in the city? yeah you know, it's not enough. >> patelco says they experienced the ransomware attack on saturday, two days later, and some of the day to day systems are still shut down in the end, the insurance companies will pick up the tab and the dumbest criminal today is the one that walks into a bank with a gun to rob the bank. >> you're not going to get anything. the smart ones are the ones that are doing this because they know there'll be an insurance payout. >> that's tony colson. he's the cybersecurity center director at cal state san bernardino. >> ransomware, you know, is meant to also panic the public to a certain degree. oh my
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goodness, i can't get a hold of something. and then the pressure mounts and next thing you know, someone is forced into paying the ransom. >> colson is not surprised that customers have been waiting to bank for at least two days. he says, before a bank like patelco goes back online, they want to make sure everything is as it was and will stay that way going forward, as if we'll continue to see this type of attack on banks in this country. >> we have about a 500,000 person deficit in cybersecurity, and until we can fill those jobs , we're going to be putting up with these types of attacks frequently. >> j.r stone, abc seven news. >> we're hearing from the owners of a dog that attacked a three year old boy in san francisco. you may remember this. we've been following the story for a few weeks now. surveillance video shows the attack back in may. the boy was with his nanny. the nanny told the child's parents that the dog's owner did not leave their information. the dog. the dog's owners say, says
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that there was a language barrier. >> and i told her i didn't know what to do in that moment. >> no se inglés puedo traducir. >> and i told her i don't speak english, but i can translate with my phone. >> yeah, it's okay. >> and all she said to me is it's okay. >> this was not the dog's first attack in our investigation. we found max attacked a neighbor's dog a year earlier. that neighbor fillled a dog bite report. animal care and control says they didn't take action since he didn't file a vicious and dangerous dog report. there is now a hearing scheduled for this latest case. next week. >> the range of options are anywhere from nothing to declaring the vicious. the dog vicious and dangerous and requiring humane euthanasia. >> el perro si lo quieren sacrificar. >> if they want to take our dog and they want to euthanize him, we're okay with that. if they want to take him, he can go on.
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>> espero q q el este been with all my heart. >> i hope the baby is okay. >> the couple was cited for not leaving their contact info at the scene. on average, the fine can cost $91. >> three coyotes have been shot and killed after a little girl was attacked at the san francisco botanical garden. it happened friday morning. the garden was immediately closed. the five year old girl is okay over the weekend, officers tracked down and shot three coyotes in that area. >> that's crazy to think that there's coyotes in the city. it's kind of, you know, usually seeing them out in the desert, but to see them in the city and hearing that they're running around, that's kind of crazy. >> we're surrounded by a city filled with concrete. and somehow, you know, nature finds a way and they find these little oasises in the middle of the city. and yeah, it's crazy. >> i mean, is it crazy or is it pretty common? i feel like coyotes are all over the place, but okay, well, authorities tested the dna of the animals
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that were shot, and they say one of them was a match to the bite wound in the north bay in the marin county fair begins tomorrow. the five day, five day event at the fairgrounds in san rafael will be packed with art rides, fair food and fireworks. musical performances include envogue, los lonely boys and ziggy marley. this year's theme is make a splash. some of that unique fare, only fun, is captured in the fair's promotional poster, including pig races. ooh i don't know why a juggler is surfing, nor do i know why a cow is in the water, i assume those things won't be happening, but if they are, call me. >> but first take some video and then call me back. >> they're just trying to beat the heat. you know? make a splash. sure. >> yeah, yeah. >> everyone degrees. everyone in pigs, cows, people. >> jugglers. everybody. >> come on, get in that water. stay cool. i mean, we can't emphasize enough how long this is going to last and how you need to take it easy because he is such a cumulative effect.
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maybe day one and two. you feel okay. day three and four, maybe you start feeling it. and then day five and six, it's really hard for your body to start regulating. so you want to stay hydrated, find ways to stay cool. we'll show you some tips in one second. live view from mount tam. it's beautiful this morning. here we go inland. we are warming up very quickly. excessive heat warnings will be in effect well into the 90s. by lunchtime, there's that dangerous triple digit heat and we're staying in the triple digits each afternoon. well, through the upcoming weekend. so this heat is sticking around. it is warm to hot around the bay shoreline. we're going into the 90s for daytime highs and then it's the coast. this is the place you want to go for that natural ac. the immediate coastline is warm but relatively comfortable compared to all other areas, so highs in the microclimates. the heat wave begins well into the 90s, if not exceeding 100 degrees in the south bay today, 103 in los gatos, 98 in san jose, 95 in sunnyvale, along the peninsula, it is hot. 97 redwood city, 91 mountain view, but the coast is comfy. in the 70s it is warm across san francisco. today, downtown we'll go to 83 degrees.
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even the coast is going to feel warm, dangerously hot in the north bay. unfortunately, we are going to see these temperatures repeat themselves through the weekend. 108 in cloverdale, 106 in santa rosa, 104 in sonoma, 102 degrees in napa. that is just excessive heat on your body. 91 in oakland today. it is hot in the east bay, 95 in fremont, 97 castro valley and inland. this air some of the hottest weather we have seen in nearly two years. 108 in walnut creek, 110 in brentwood. 106 in pleasanton. it is going to be warm overnight tonight. our warmest areas staying in the 60s and 70s. but if you can open up those windows tonight, try and get some cooler air in here. if you don't have ac, because tomorrow we'll just do it all again. another hot day on the way. so just a quick look at some of these tips. if you don't have ac, which could be a lot of us underneath this hot weather, open the windows at night but keep them closed in the morning to keep the heat out. stay hydrated and avoid those outdoor times. 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. that is
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the hottest part of the day. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. our heat wave begins and it is lasting through the weekend. the early call for fireworks on thursday we will have clear skies, but it will be warm. >> guys, i still can't believe clear skies that almost never happens here. so that's amazing. coming up, the seven things to know this morning. >> dub nation saying so long to the splash brothers. what we know about klay
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hey! i'll give you $574 if you switch. for gerald? well, okay. so, what about $574 for switching your home insurance to allstate? oh, i try not to think about home insurance. too complicated. actually, allstate can handle the switching for you. —just call 'em. —it's that easy to save? yup. and you get allstate. huh, well that's a step up. goodbye, gerald. oh... check allstate first and you could save hundreds. you're in good hands with allstate. (♪) to stay on top of my game, i need to keep up my energy. clif bar is purposefully crafted with 10 grams of protein and organic oats. because the more good you put in, the more great you get out. clif. the most important ingredient is you. did you know that if you shave, 1/3rd of what you remove is skin? (♪) new dove helps repair it. so, if you shave it?
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(♪) dove it new dove replenish your skin after every shave. one are dangerous. heat wave begins today. this is going to last at least six days. excessive heat warnings are in effect lasting through sunday afternoon. highs today away from the coast. this is some of the hottest weather we have seen in nearly two years. you want to find ways to stay cool, stay hydrated, to beat the heat. >> number two, this fire burning that burned along grizzly peak boulevard in the oakland berkeley hills last night was quickly contained. the cause is being investigated, but fire crews received a report of illegal fireworks going off in that area. >> number three, many east bay regional parks will be closed today because of the heat and fire danger. swimming facilities will stay open so you can beat the hot temperatures. >> number four is cities across the bay area also making cool
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spaces available for you to get relief if you need it. we have a list of the cooling centers and their hours on the front page of abc7 number five, a live look outside worsening air quality has prompted a spare the air day today. >> it's a good day to work from home if you can, and leave your car parked. >> and number six traffic is starting to get a little more crowded on that westbound 80 stretch through emeryville. the drive time from highway four is 32 minutes. a new crash just reported heading to sunol. westbound 84 at vallecitos, blocking a lane number seven. >> spotify is testing an emergency alert system for things like crashes and disruption to important services. it's not clear if or when the system is going to be available for all users. klay thompson leaving the golden state warriors espn is reporting that thompson has signed a three year deal with the dallas mavericks, and it's worth $50 million. klay spent his entire career as a warrior 13 seasons,
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helping the team win four championships. this deal is part of a multi-team sign and trade agreement, and we will have more on the specifics and how klay is being remembered by the warriors coming up later in the show. there is a new city in california this morning, and it's just outside the bay area coming up at 530. the swearing in of the first mayor of the state's 483rd city, mountain house. >> here's a. this is abc 724 over seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi's stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland. >> yeah, you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. we are, we are, we are, we are we are, we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc seven bay area streaming app. join us and start watching
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live now at 530. limited power shutoffs now underway and some fire prone areas just as dangerous heat arrives today. drew is tracking the areas where the temperatures will be the hottest, and where you might be able to get some relief. >> i'm abc's em nguyen in washington. the supreme court ruled in favor of former president donald trump's claim of presidential immunity. what this means for the multiple criminal cases that he faces now coming up. >> and another incident of violent turbulence during a flight. dozens of passengers tossed and injured. this video showing the damage left behind. good morning everybody. it's tuesday, july 2nd. >> gets all that. but first to check on that weather with drew. yeah. >> good morning. we're getting you prepared for day one of our heat wave. and this heat wave will last through the weekend. so several days of excessive heat. you look at our daytime highs versus our typical
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averages this time of the year, we're more than 20 degrees above average in our hottest areas. places like livermore, san jose, santa rosa, concord. these are some of the hottest temperatures we have seen in about two years. you have to go back to september of 2022 to find equally warm temperatures. so it's been quite some time since we've been dealing with heat like this. and it's mild out there already this morning. look at vacaville close to 90 degrees right now, near 80 in brentwood around the bay shoreline. we're in the 50s and in the 60s. so inland today that excessive heat warning is in effect for good reason. we're going to warm very quickly. highs exceeding 105 in our hottest spots today away from the coast around the bay shoreline. it is going to be warm. you can see lots of sunshine, highs in the 90s today. so heat advisories are in effect there. along the coast it will be mild, but certainly this is the place if you want that natural ac to beat the heat. highs in the upper 60s to the lower 70s. let's check in with frances and see how those drive times are doing.
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>> all right drew, we're starting to see a couple slow spots in the usual areas like highway four, westbound 580, but there is a new injury crash for folks heading towards the sunol area. it's on vallecitos road or westbound 84 approaching 680. an injury accident is blocking lanes or traffic is backing up and slowing down to 12mph. it's near little valley and we'll keep you posted on this to see how much traffic backs up this morning. but those other slow drive times. westbound 580 tracy to dublin 43 minutes and also southbound 101. had some slow and go. no major trouble though in the north bay. san rafael to san francisco. 17 minutes, but westbound four you'll find brake lights. antioch to concord 23 minutes. as we take you outside, though, it's looking good on 680 in walnut creek. that's southbound traffic on the right hand side, flowing well towards highway 24 and in the south bay. no problems at 280 and highway 17. headlights are northbound to 80 and highway 17 across. your screen is quiet right now, but you know, folks will be heading to the beach with that hot forecast. >> reggie kumasi thank you.
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francis. developing news on a fast moving wildfire that's prompting evacuations outside fresno. the basin fire is burning in the sierra national forest, threatening a camp where p-g-and-e's workers live. this fire started last wednesday, and it's burned more than 13,000 acres. firefighters say the flames are burning throughout through through dense and very dry grass, and containment is at 17. of course, we know firefighters are on alert this week with that combination of hot weather and then the 4th of july holiday and the fireworks that often come along with that. in addition to the usual tools, the alameda county fire department is boosting its staffing and rolling out new plans, including a newly formed hand crew and volunteers on call. >> one of the uh- best assets and a fighting chance. we have is a bulldozer able to eliminate fuels and put a perimeter in. alameda county fire department has three dozers staffing two of them, and will be up staffing for this red flag warning event. and through the 4th of july, safe and sane fireworks are
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allowed in newark, union city and dublin. >> it's up to individuals to use them responsibly. where permitted. parents will be held liable for any damage kids cause. >> p-g-and-e's warned about the possibility of limited power shut offs due to fire risk earlier this week. overnight they started and this is the outage map. now the purple triangles are the areas where the power is turned off. you can see they are in small areas of napa, sonoma and solano counties. pg and e does this to reduce the risk of their equipment starting a fire. the heat could also stress transformers pg and e is installing portable transformers in areas with the most intense heat, and replacing dozens more that can handle higher loads. >> when we have this 24 hour extreme heat, our equipment, specifically our transformers, don't have an opportunity to cool down, and that can create stress in our equipment, which can lead to heat related power outages. >> cal iso, which monitors the state's power grid, says power
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supplies are adequate for now, but it's keeping an eye on the grid for potential impacts. and if you're headed to beaches across the bay area to beat the heat this week, chances are you're not going to be alone. the california highway patrol says people can expect heavy traffic as they make their way to the coast. the agency advises for drivers to have patience. roadway traffic, along with limited parking at some of our local beaches, can make for a difficult experience. preparing for a long drive this week, officials say you should check your vehicle's coolant levels and make sure the air conditioner is working properly before you head out with the heat expected to last this long and few chances to cool off overnight, this week could really take a toll on our bodies. >> abc seven news reporter lena howland live in the east bay with some ways that we can stay cool and safe, lena. >> hey, kumasi, good morning to you. we are at the wave in dublin, where this is expected to be one of the more busy places in the east bay. as folks look for a bit of relief from this heat. now they don't open
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until 11:00 this morning. but the good news is the city does have a splash pad set up right out front here in emerald glen park. now, keep in mind temperatures are expected to be above 110 degrees in parts of the east bay. this week. doctors are urging people to be careful during this heat wave. heat exhaustion can come on quickly in weather like this. symptoms include heavy sweating, cold, pale and clammy skin, a fast but weak pulse, nausea or vomiting, cramps or headaches, and dizziness. it can be treated by getting to a cool place. loosen clothing, take a cool bath, sip water and if your symptoms last longer than one hour, get medical help when it comes to heat stroke, the warning signs get much more serious. >> people will actually get very confused. they might start vomiting and they might paradoxically go from looking sort of red and flush to looking cool and clammy and even pale. and that's when, as a physician, i'm really concerned that they are entering a very dangerous stage of heat stroke.
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>> doctors recommend drinking plenty of water, find shade or stay inside. they say you can even prepare your home now by closing all windows and doors and shutting blinds. that will help to keep the heat out and keep the cooler air in. live in dublin. lena howland abc seven news. >> thank you. lena from a timeline of the temperatures to power outage warnings, we are putting all of this week's weather stories in one place. abc seven and make sure you bookmark it now so it will be easy to find all of our updated stories are going to be posted there. now if you're using our app, there's a weather section. it's easy to find as well. one of the first things you'll see when you open the bay area app abc seven bay area app. you can use it and find it wherever you stream. >> this morning, prosecutors are trying to determine what comes next in the case against former president donald trump. as you know, yesterday, the supreme court ruled trump and all presidents have broad immunity from prosecution. abc news
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reporter emma wynn has more on how president biden is responding to the court's decision. >> this morning, donald trump taking a victory lap after the us supreme court ruled presidents have broad immunity from prosecution both during and after leaving office. the decision upends special counsel jack smith's january 6th case against trump. >> the court, in a rather complicated way, carved out various levels of immunity that a president might enjoy. those levels, chief justice john roberts wrote, include the president's commander in chief, powers pardon power, hiring and firing federal officials, and more. >> roberts went further, saying he is entitled to presumptive immunity and that in dividing official from unofficial conduct, courts may not inquire into the president's motives. >> in other words, it's going to be very challenging for jack smith to win the argument that everything alleged in the indictment is an unofficial act.
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>> justice sonia sotomayor, delivering a blistering dissent, writing the decision reshapes the institution of the presidency, puts the president above the law. citing the new decision. trump has moved to also overturn his recent hush money conviction in new york, despite the case being centered around business records allegedly falsified. while trump was still a candidate in 2016, president biden condemned the conservative 6 to 3 majority decision and vowed not to abuse the redefined powers granted to his position, but asked voters if they believe trump will do the same if reelected. >> the american people must decide they want to entrust the president once again the presidency to donald trump. now knowing he'll be even more emboldened to do whatever he pleases, whenever he wants to do it. >> in his hush money case, trump's lawyers are now asking the judge to allow them to challenge the verdict, which, if allowed, would delay trump's sentencing set for next week.
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and when abc news, washington. >> more democrats are voicing concerns about president biden's future as the party's nominee after his debate performance last week, somewhat reassurances that the biden campaign is being forthcoming about his mental acuity. >> while the debate performance was rough, it was a very bad night for the president, but he is still the candidate. only he can make decisions about his future candidacy. >> the campaign is trying to shut down any talk of the president dropping out, saying that would lead to, quote, chaos . it's also sharing internal poll numbers with donors claiming his favorability ratings in battleground states did not change after the debate. hunter biden has filed a lawsuit against fox news and its parent company, accusing the network of unlawfully publishing explicit images of him in a streaming series. the miniseries features a mock trial of hunter biden on charges he has not faced. the
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lawsuit claims distributing those images without his consent violated new york's revenge law. fox has not commented on the lawsuit. >> supporting a family can be challenging, but san francisco residents have a new resource center where they can get help making sure that there are parenting classes, access to resources, help with housing, help with childcare, access. >> wow. >> that was san francisco mayor london breed speaking before the grand opening. grand opening, i should say of re optima ■family resource center. the organization has been offering family services in solano county, including diapers, baby formula, computer access and financial literacy for parents. this new location is now in chinatown, with a grant from san francisco's storefront program, which aims to revitalize neighborhoods. >> coming up, oakland police go fishing in the estuary, not after fish. so first, a check on the forecast with drew.
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>> we are highlighting the heat because today is day one of what will likely be at least a six day heat wave. one of the big updates overnight, our heat advisory and excessive heat warnings have now been extended through sunday evening, so we are going to see this heat repeat day after day through the entire weekend. now excessive heat warnings. that's the highest threat when it comes to hot temperatures. and that does encompass a huge portion of the bay area. and that is for temperatures that are well above 100 degrees. and for some of us, the hottest air we have seen in about two years. so for a lot of us, we're talking about going to the coast to beat a lot of this heat. here's the coastal forecast. it will be warm 70s and 80s, but a lot cooler than our inland areas have a little bit of cloud cover out there this morning, but we'll have sunshine this afternoon. your ocean water temperatures at 56 degrees. so here's future weather. just watch how these temperatures take off over the next several hours. heading into lunchtime, you can clearly see we're already hitting about 100 degrees inland, 80s and 90s
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around the bay shoreline, and some of these temperatures are really just pretty mind blowing for july. i know it's summer, but typically some of our hottest weather wait until september or october. 110 in concord is so hot. that is why we have that excessive heat warning in effect 90s for oakland, upper 90s in san jose. the city will be in the 80s today, so a high of 83 in the city today, 91 in oakland, 98 in san jose, 106 in santa rosa with the heat warnings, 109 in concord, 110 in fairfield. so please take it easy out there. the heat risk today, major two extreme with the worst in our area's inland closing in on 110. this temperature forecast will last hot through the weekend
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toll plaza. so we're going to start to see a backup grow right now. not too bad at the tolls.
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it's just slow to the metering lights. highway four, drive time to san francisco, 37 minutes. there's also an accident heading to the maze. a new one just reported westbound 580 approaching interstate 80. so right now it's not slowing much. and it is slow, though, as you're headed to sunol because of an injury crash westbound 84 near little valley, approaching 680. traffic moving at 14mph. right now. kumasi >> thank you friends. it's time now is 545. california now has a new city and it's just outside of the bay area. mountain house has been an unincorporated community for years. it's just beyond the altamont pass off the 580, off 580 near tracy. yesterday, it officially became the state's 483rd city with the swearing in of its own city council voters overwhelmingly elected to incorporate mountain house in march. it's the first new city in california since 2011. >> i'm just very thankful for all the help that we've had over the years and i'm looking
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forward to continuing the growth of mountain house. >> the newly minted city will begin its legacy by hosting independence day celebrations on thursday, including a parade, then a city commemoration ceremony. our work in building a better bay area means not shying away from the big challenges we face. it's why we focus on sharing meaningful breakthroughs . here at abc7 this morning, we are going to the east bay. sky seven was flying overhead to catch a cleanup happening at the oakland estuary. 17 abandoned boats were hauled away in the area of union point park. they've been sitting and clogging the waterway between the alameda and oakland mainland . oakland police teams loaded them and they took them away to be disposed. >> one of the last remaining lgbtq resorts on the russian river may soon be changing hands. the iconic r three resort hotel is on the market for more than $4.5 million. realtor stu gary showed us his newest listing, the r three hotel is one of the few lgbtq resorts
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left in guerneville. the large pool and sundeck are the centerpiece of the 10,000 square foot property. it has hosted. the legendary lazy bear weekend since 1996. there are nearly two dozen rooms and a full service restaurant and bar. >> in my heart, i believe that there is someone or some ones out there that probably have been here many, many, many times and will continue the legacy of this property. >> the former owner wants proceeds of the sale to benefit aids, hiv charities. in today's gma first look, actor jamie foxx is revealing new details about what led to his medical emergency last year. here's abc news reporter ike ejiochi in this morning's gma first look. >> jamie foxx is sharing more details about his medical emergency that landed him in the hospital last year, april 11th last year. >> bad headache. that's my boy for having gone for 20 days.
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don't remember anything. >> the academy award winning actor and comedian speaking to a group of fans in phoenix, arizona, over the weekend. >> so they told me, i'm in atlanta. they told me my sister, my daughter took me to the first doctor. in the first show, next doctor said some going on up there. i won't say it on camera. >> it seems like jamie is kind of still trying to process exactly what happened to him. >> so what's next for jamie foxx as he opens up about his health complication? we'll have much more coming up at 7 a.m. with your gma first look. i'm mike ejiochi, abc news, new york. >> transition. let's talk help because it's really important. >> listen to your body this week. take it for somebody who had heat exhaustion underneath some of these warm temperatures before. you really want to just take it easy out there the next couple of days. drink plenty of water, stay hydrated, find ways to stay cool because we are
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going to see several days of these very warm temperatures live. look from our east bay hills camera. let's talk about our high temperatures today. our heat wave gets underway here. today's day one of likely a six day heat wave. so well into the 90s. today in the south bay, 98 in san jose, 96 in cupertino. but 102 in morgan hill, los gatos. even hotter than that coming in at 103. now along the peninsula, we're at 90 menlo park, 97, in redwood city, quite warm in san mateo at 88 mild. but you'll get that cool relief along the coast. 74 half moon bay in pacifica. it is warm across the city today, 70s and 80s, with full sunshine as we see. very warm temperatures in the north bay. it is going to be dangerously hot. excessive heat warnings will be in effect 109. in ukiah, 106 in santa rosa, 100in san rafael, 104 in sonoma. it is warm to hot in the east bay today, 90 in berkeley, 91. in oakland we'll go to 95 fremont, castro valley up to 97 and inland. these temperatures you see on your screen some of the hottest weather in about two years. you have to go back to
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september of 2022 to find heat this high 109 in concord, 108 in walnut creek, hitting about 110 in brentwood. now, overnight tonight we will stay mild. will be in the 50s coast side, but 60s and 70s inland. so it will remain pretty warm overnight tonight. and that will set the stage for another hot day here tomorrow. future tracker temperatures by wednesday it is still scorching hot temperatures. 110 111 in some spots by thursday. for the fourth, it will still be rather warm. warnings are still in effect, and for the fireworks forecast in the evening on the fourth, we will have clear skies. and it's weird to say that usually we're fighting some fog this time of the year, but we will have clear skies in the evening with warm temperatures. here's the accuweather seven day forecast for the next seven days for you. this heat wave starts today. dangerously hot here midweek, with that heat persisting through the fourth even through the weekend. we'll keep those temperatures elevated as heat warnings do. continue. guys drew thank you. >> new at six the latest fast food restaurant to lower prices
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to entice customers to come back first though a great elephant migration happening across the u.s. but it isn't exactly what it sounds like. >> the meaning behind the traveling art installation and when it
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turbulence on an air europa flight that was going from madrid to uruguay. yesterday, passengers were tossed everywhere. look at this. one person ended up above the overhead luggage bin. at least 40 people were hurt. ten had to be taken to hospitals after the flight was diverted to brazil. there were 325 passengers on this boeing 787 at the time. passengers who are okay were moved to another plane to continue their trip. taking a live look at our okay camera
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right now, a new airline is taking flight from the east bay to mexico. there was a big party and a ribbon cutting at san francisco bay oakland international airport yesterday to celebrate the airline is called viva aerobus. they're offering direct service between oakland and monterey, mexico. >> mexican. they have the opportunity to more to visit it, more people, the family and do business. >> the flights happened twice a week, mondays and fridays on the east coast. >> international leaders will be descending on our nation's capital next week for the three day north atlantic treaty organization summit, better known as the nato summit. this will be the first time the conference has been held in washington, dc since 1999. streets, along with sidewalks and other areas in the city are going to be closed. it will be similar to what we saw in san francisco with last year's apec summit. officials say they've been preparing for months now, and they expect to see some protests during the event. >> we are always prepared. we have a civil disturbance unit who will be prepared and on
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standby. but we also have, other partners here in the regional area that will also support us in that space. >> as for any potential threats, authorities say there haven't been any credible ones made to the summit and they are monitoring the situation. >> a herd of elephants making its way to southern california next summer. we're talking about what organizers are calling the great elephant migration exhibit. 100 elephant sculptures were unveiled yesterday in rhode island. the pachyderms were built by the coexistence collective. it's a group of 200 indigenous artists in india. the goal is to raise money to promote worldwide conservation efforts. >> unless people are connected to and admire nature, there's no way that human beings will continue to want to save nature. >> the project is ten years in the making, with the largest elephant taking about three months to complete. and for reference, these elephants are about 8.5ft tall, and they weigh up to 700 pounds. the exhibit makes a stop in l.a. sometime in july of next year. the oldest
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zoo in the nation just marked a major milestone. the philadelphia zoo just celebrated its 150th anniversary yesterday. the zoo first opened its gates on july 1st, 1874. visitors are able to enjoy a $1.50 hot dogs all day long now, in comparison to san francisco zoo and oakland zoo, are 95 and 102 years old. >> new at six, the bay area city becoming the first in the region to offer free public transit for everyone and the business closing up shop in union square but opening a new location in soma. then the international sporting event that could cause some traffic headaches today if you live in the south bay. >> and i'm meteorologist drew tuma. we are tracking our heat wave beginning today, which will last at least six days through the upcoming weekend. a live look from the exploratorium camera. the sun is on its way up. it is mild out there this morning. those heat warnings in effect this afternoon. for good reason. look at those temperatures. a close look at highs today for areas away from
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the coast. this is some of the hottest weather we have seen in nearly two years. so stay cool out there. stay a victory that is there for the taking. grab it. now that was a great halftime speech. let's go win. [jim valvano] don't give up. don't ever give up®
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abc seven mornings live now at six. >> get ready for a bay area heat wave. some areas will be seeing well above triple digit temperatures. drew is telling us if any of our cities will be breaking heat records today,
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then increased heat


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