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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  July 4, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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tijuana, mexico. number seven many cities across the bay area are going to be lighting up the sky tonight with drone shows, and we have a full list of all the 4th of july events at abc7 and when you said fog free drew, i said, really? yeah, this july, i really couldn't believe it. fourth, i can't remember in recent history where we haven't had clouds, at least along the coast, you just get used to it. >> and people fighting for viewing. yeah, on the embarcadero. >> but because usually it's just, you know, sort of lit up clouds. yeah. you'll actually see, you'll see an actual fireworks tonight. >> okay. get a good view today. >> nice. we'll enjoy >> whit: good morning america. two major stories as we come on the air. pressure mounting on president biden as he fights to keep his campaign alive. and that massive hurricane on the move. president biden defiant as
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pressure mounts. >> i screwed up. i made a mistake. that's 90 minutes on stage. look at what i have done in 3.5 years. >> whit: what he told democratic governors in a meeting last night, as he faces new calls to step aside after his debate performance. the campaign insisting biden is staying in the race, but sources tell abc news the president has privately acknowledged the next few days will be critical for his campaign. now what new polls reveal about the face-off between biden and trump. >> rebecca: breaking news. hurricane beryl on the move after slamming jamaica. the life threatening storm surge swallowing roads. we're on the ground in the hardest hit area. >> here in montego bay, we're in the thick of it. >> rebecca: as the massive storm heads towards the gulf coast. plus the holiday scorcher. 150 million americans, from seattle to miami, under heat alerts. >> gio: wild fires in the west
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exploding overnight, ferocious flames engulfing entire homes and cars. why officials are calling it an exceptionally dangerous situation. on alert. the new concern about big 4th of july gatherings in major cities across the country, and how law enforcement is preparing. >> whit: urgent rip current warning. new alerts for beaches across the country this weekend. sam champion is here to tell you where. and the must see demo before you head to the water. the thing about the rip current is it's moving about as fast as an olympic swimmer so you're probably not gonna beat it. >> whit: why they're so hard to spot, and the first thing to do if you're caught in one. >> rebecca: one of the biggest retail mergers ever, now in the shopping bag. niemen marcus, saks fifth avenue, and how amazon is involved. ♪ living in america ♪ >> whit: what's the beef with the most famous hot dog eating contest? >> joey chestnut! >> whit: why joey chestnut was banned from the competition this year. plus how to take a bite out of
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the star spangled sales happening right now. gma is lighting up your holiday. as we celebrate the 4th of july. >> announcer: live in times square, this is "good morning america." >> rebecca: good morning america! and happy independence day. we are with you on this 4th of july. check out these fireworks. not gio and whit, but communities across the country getting a head start on their 4th of july celebrations overnight. >> gio: happy 4th to you both. we are following two major stories on this holiday. beryl on the move after slamming jamaica. sam champion, you know he's here with the latest tracking and if it could it this u.s. >> whit: we'll have more on that coming up. we begin with president biden facing new fallout from his debate performance. all eyes are on the president with these next few days critical for his campaign, as he gets ready to sit down with our george stephanopoulos tomorrow
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for his first television interview since that debate. there's so much at stake here. we want to get right to our senior white house correspondent selina wang with the latest. selina, good morning >> reporter: good morning, whit. the president is refusing to back down, but behind the scenes i'm told the president knows what a tough spot he's in and that these next few days could make all the difference. this morning president biden is defiant, refusing to step aside, even as more democrats openly call for a new nominee. >> i screwed up. i made a mistake. that's 90 minutes on stage. look what i have done in 3.5 years. >> reporter: the president meeting with democratic governors as he tries to calm anxieties after his disastrous debate. after the meeting, only three of the governors coming before cameras telling reporters the conversation was honest, focused on defeating donald trump in november and ended with one message. >> president joe biden is in it to win it, and all of us said we pledged our support to him because the stakes could not be higher.
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>> reporter: sources tell abc news that biden told a group that after the debate he received a medical checkup and is fine, but during press briefings this week, the white house claimed biden had not received any medical exams in recent days. democrats are increasingly nervous that biden will lose to trump and koflt the party control of the house and senate. the white house pushing back. >> is the president clear eyed about what it takes to stay in the race and what it would mean for him to drop out? >> the president is clear eyed and he is staying in the race. i don't have anything else beyond that. he is staying in the race. >> reporter: sources say biden and vice president harris spoke to campaign staff on wednesday, trying to reassure them to move
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forward together. the 81-year-old telling them, i'm in this race to the end and we are going to win. but doubt is spreading. second democratic lawmaker now says biden should get out of this race telling the "new york times" if he's a candidate, i'm going to support him, but i think this is an opportunity to look elsewhere. others increasingly frustrated by how biden's inner circle is shielding him. biden only speaking with top democrats in congress several days after the debate. >> he's got to show the american people that he can do this job, and he can't be wrapped in bubble right now. >> they've clearly fumbled this. >> reporter: fueling the fire, two new polls after the debate show biden falling even further behind trump. "the new york times" and "wall street journal" both revealing biden trails his republican rival by at least six points. with democrats in chaos, trump out golfing and this video that the former president put on his social account he falsely
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acclaimed biden is quitting and bashes harris. >> she's so bad. she's so pathetic. >> reporter: and, guys, the biden campaign is firing back saying that what is bad is trump's policies and his behavior. his, quote, constant lying and efforts to overturn the 2020 election. in the coming days the president wants to prove that he is up for this job by hitting the campaign trail more and doing more interviews including with our george stephanopoulos friday. i'm told the president is well aware just how critical these next few days are. whit? >> whit: thank you. let's dig deeper with rachel scott, who's been covering both campaigns for us. rachel, good morning. >> good morning. >> whit: you've been talking to democrats behind the scenes. they saw what happened on the debate stage. they said that was not good. then they heard the president had not even reached out to top democrats on capitol hill. that wasn't good either.
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at the end of the day this comes down to the american people. guess what? the polls that we have seen since that debate still show that president biden is losing to donald trump in a head to head matchup. they know the next few days are going to be critical including this interview. they want to see the president in another unscripted moment. you still have democrats on the fence. i was told senator joe manchin was going to call for the president to step aside. senior democrats talked him out of it. but if he does not perform well in this interview, i'm told by democrats we could see the number of democrats calling for him to step aside to grow. >> whit: the clock is ticking down to the democratic convention. we did see former president trump's comments in that video. how is the trump campaign responding to questions about biden's future and a possible shake-up? >> they are preparing for all scenarios. what if it's still president biden? what if it's harris? what fit's someone else? the trump allies are starting to attack vice president harris more. they're following the bouncing ball, what's happening as we're
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reporting all of this with what's going on in the democratic party. the bottom line, whit. i talked to allies and sources close to the former president. they do want to see president biden. they have built a whole campaign bashing president biden. they want to it be him on the ballot in november. >> whit: we will see what happens in the next few days. thank you very much. we appreciate it. that interview with george stephanopoulos is happening on friday, tomorrow, with president biden. biden's first television interview since the debate. the entire interview will then air tomorrow night right here on abc at 8 p.m. rebecca? >> rebecca: a critical conversation with george coming up. all right, whit. thank you. we turn now to the other major story of the morning. hurricane beryl on the move after battering the island of jamaica overnight. faith abubey is son the ground in one of the hardest hit areas. good morning, faith. >> reporter: good morning, rebecca. just come over here and take a look. it's a bit of an obstacle course trying to get around parts of the island this morning. road crews are trying as quickly
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as possible to clear the area. there are downed trees, dangling power lines. the electric company says at the height of the storm, hundreds of thousands of people were in the dark. overnight, hurricane beryl slamming jamaica. wreaking havoc across the caribbean nation as a category 4, with winds up to 140 miles per hour. knocking down power in much of kingston. here in montego bay, we're really in the thick of it. the outer bands lashing the area, rain coming in as the winds intensify. extensive damage reported across the island. >> we are trying to create singular traffic. >> reporter: cleanup crews rushing to clear roads from fallen trees. many roads submerged. so far beryl's deadly path killing at least seven people in the caribbean. jamaica's prime minister saying the island has not seen the worst of beryl yet, with nearly
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500 people placed in shelters. >> i have no control over what's coming. i just have to pray that all people of jamaica are safe. >> reporter: many americans hunkering down in hotels and vacation rentals. >> we are tired and we are hungry and we're really ready to get out of here. >> reporter: a new jersey family were vacationing in montego bay celebrating their college graduation, forced to take shelter in the hotel ballroom. >> when a hurricane is coming, it's already kind of like a scary cautionary kind of event. and to not be in our home, of all places, was already, like, uncomfortable experience for us. >> reporter: and, gio, a new curfew imposed overnight has now expired. the prime minister said at the height of the storm there were about 500 people who had to ride out the storm in shelters. this morning assessment teams will be out surveying the damage. gio?
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>> gio: it's unbelievable to see jamaica like that. faith, thank you very much for your reporting. let's bring in sam with timing of the track and where this is all going. you're also following the extreme heat. that's playing a role. >> sam: lot of stuff going on. we were shocked by beryl's growth and explosion in the warm waters of the caribbean sea. now we're losing strength on this storm as expected in the forecast. look how far it is away from jamaica. there's the cayman islands. already jamaica in much better looking skies. we watched the storm weaken as it continues to move to maybe two hits in mexico. looking somewhere near talumas. maybe a 1 here. then it will lose strength. now, the gulf waters. how warm is this? we just had a storm move through this so it's not as hot as you think it might be. it will strengthen but we could have one. we need to see where it's going to go. watch this high shift. that's the thing that's steering it. we use spaghetti models. we don't look at the individual lines. we look at kind of the idea where they all are. look at the northeastern coast of mexico.
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also south texas in play here so we want to watch it very carefully. meanwhile, that high steering this storm is also trapping the heat. so here's where we have the excessive heat warnings and watches. look all the way to washington, d.c. but a d.c. and philly are about to get into this. brand new one moves into the west. its duration is what we're going to talk about. this will be tough for the west coast, guys. >> rebecca: the longer it goes on, the more complicated it gets. okay, sam. we know you'll be back shortly to cover more of the country. we turn to the wildfire emergency right now in northern california that has forced nearly 30,000 people to evacuate, with the flames threatening thousands of homes and structures. melissa adan is on the scene with the latest. good morning, melissa. >> reporter: here in orville, several homes destroyed. you can see this one here. this car burned out. this was a garage. the homeowner telling us this was a three bedroom home, totally gone. he lived here for more than 50 years. it is now gone. all of this really just high lighting how
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dramatic california's fire season has been with more than 18 times acres burned this year more than last year. this morning california in a state of emergency. 28,000 under evacuation orders. the thompson wildfire raging just north of sacramento. >> yeah. it's a devastating feeling. >> actually had the sheriffs and chp going on the road on their little microphone saying evac now, fire's hit the road. >> reporter: the fast moving fire engulfing homes, levelling entire properties. more than 1,400 firefighters working around the clock, tackling the ferocious flames. 17% containment. complicating the response, deadly record breaking heat, taking the life of one man in san jose, with temperatures expected to reach the triple digits. the national weather service warning residents of the
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exceptionally dangerous situation. add to that dry winds whipping up to 30 miles an hour. the dangerous wind flaming the fires. >> it's going to be a tough fire fight. >> reporter: cal fire saying eight of their own are injured, some heat related. helicopters, trucks and dozers dispatched across tight knit orville. residents anxiously waiting to see what's left of their homes. >> we just bought our house. fingers are crossed that everything will be there when this is over. >> reporter: a difficult situation for so many, and this hot weather continuing with highs in the 110s expected. and, whit, city officials canceling tonight's fireworks show here in the community amid this serious fire danger. whit? >> whit: the fire season just getting under way here. all right, melissa, thank you. now 4th of july security.
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police this morning on high alert and beefing up staffing at large celebrations across the country, including the big fireworks display here in new york. abc's senior investigative correspondent aaron katersky joins us with more. aaron, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, whit. those fireworks will launch from right here at the hudson river. while millions gawk, police officers, thousands of them in uniform and under cover, will be watching them. drones will hover over the crowd, and police boats will patrol the water. the country's facing what law enforcement officials call a complicated threat environment caused by a surge in hate crimes, heightened emotion from two wars abroad and the political climate at home. intelligence bulletins obtained by abc news detailed serious concerns not only about the new york fireworks, but about independence day celebrations in san francisco and in las vegas. a leading concern is that some lone offender is going to turn to violence without warning. but there's no indication of an organized plot, and as the major
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here says, gio, the whole city's going to be enjoying 4th of july. >> gio: let's hope it stays that way with the celebration. aaron, thank you very much. now record holiday travel. if you're hitting the road this morning, you're in luck because it should be pretty quiet. but when it's time to go back home, things are expected to get very busy. victor oquendo is following it all at miami international airport. good morning, victor. >> reporter: good morning, gio. one of the top destinations this 4th of july weekend. while today will be a little quieter, tsa is bracing for a record crush of travellers in the days ahead. aaa projecting more than 70 million people are on the move this holiday the most ever. while there are about 30,000 planes in the skies today, that number jumps to 46,000 tomorrow as travel ramps back up. sunday will be the big day to head back home. you can take a look at the new numbers from the tsa showing how many people they expect to screen. so here's some tips for those taking to the skies. get to the airport early, carry
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on your luggage, if you can. it will help you avoid those lines. check your flight status and, of course, keep an eye on the weather. gio? >> gio: always keep an eye on the weather. victor, thank you very much. coming up on gma, before you head to the beach for the holiday, how to survive rip current dangers. don't miss this must see demonstration coming up. >> whit: also ahead, we are breaking down the biggest 4th of july sales happening right now. >> rebecca: and the headline heating up the food world. why joey chestnut was forced out of this year's hot dog eating contest. this is a big investigation we've got coming up, sam. >> sam: it's important. i love that part. >> rebecca: i didn't unseat him. >> sam: everyone is talking about grilling, also fireworks. afternoon storms in washington, baltimore, philly. but it is night time storms very close to new york city. millions of people will be watching the fire work. those storms are right around 10:00 so keep an eye on those storms. here's what you expect this morning.
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>> sam: coming up, there are some particular areas in the country that are more likely to have some rip currents. we will point some of those out
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girls' day out is a good day out. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. dad i got a huge barbeque wing stain. this bottle says i need to pretreat. that stuff has way more water. a little bit of tide goes a long way, so you can save your shirt and maybe even a little money. moat the... library.s right... for a better clean with less... it's got to be tide. today is just the third day in a nine day heat wave. san jose is
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now recording its first heat related death, the first that we've heard of in the bay area. the city of antioch is canceling its 4th of july parade today because of the weather. it's usually held right in the middle of the day. it is expected to reach 104 there today. triple digit temperatures and power outages can be a dangerous combination. pg and e is standing by with extra resources. the utility says there were no public safety power shut offs set for today. meteorologist drew tuma has a quick look at
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walk san francisco has raised vital funds for organizations across the bay area, and we are still fighting a future free from the stigmas and effects of
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hiv and aids. starts with you. don't let history repeat itself. by registering today, you take steps towards a better tomorrow. join us sunday, july 21st in golden gate park. to register, visit sforza dot net. >> is that your new nissan rogue? yeah. >> crazy story. so this morning i'm at the nissan thrill of summer sales event, taking a test drive when dave is like these cars are going fast. i knew i had to have that rogue nissan offers six vehicles starting under $30,000. >> get weekend ready with me. i'll have your forecast on abc seven mornings. the accuweather update we're in store for a hot 4th of july. you're looking at current temperatures right now, uh- 60s, 70s out there. currently we have heat advisories and excessive heat warnings remaining through next wednesday. so if you're keeping count, today would be day three of a nine day heat wave. highs
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today it is going to be hot inland again with those excessive heat warnings. we'll have those temperatures well above 100 degrees 80s and 90s around the bay shoreline. the coast place to beat the heat again with temperatures in the 60s and 70s. your fireworks forecast. we are fog free this evening. clear skies. those are your 9 p.m. temperatures on your screen. it will be warm this evening. red flag warnings do continue through saturday. have to be cautious this evening with those fireworks. we have the increased risk of fire danger. kumasi. >> thank you drew. we'll have another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes. you can always find the latest though on our news app and at abc seven the news continues now a good morning america >> when rideshare companies don't hold themselves accountable for injuries caused by their drivers, we will justice takes more than a fighter. you need a champion walk, a personal injury law. call 866. walk up law. >> i know a man who's one proud
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focused, and determined to get our clients the best result possible. justice takes more than a fighter. you need a champion walk, a personal injury law call 866. walk up law. i'm so excited. >> i'm finally here in the city. what are. >> have you seen my phone whoa. >> give me. no no no no no no no hurry. >> oh, no. >> you break it. we take it. trade in any phone in any condition. gauaranteed. and get a new iphone 15 with tons of storage on us. >> oh, yeah. >> only on verizon. >> looking for a reason to try the new $5 meal deal at mcdonald's. here's one, two, three, four. and the price makes five. that's everything you get with the new $5 meal deal at mcdonald's. >> if you're only using facial
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moisturizer in the morning, did you know the best time for a skin renewal is at night? olay retinol 24 renews millions of surface skin cells while you sleep. wake up to smoother, younger looking skin with olay retinol 24, one of summer's greatest hits is macy's july 4th sale. >> time to upgrade your mattress with our lowest prices of the summer. get up to 60% off sealy and more. plus get a gift card up to $300 with your luxury mattress. purchase through sunday at macy's. feeding a high quality dog food doesn't have to cost a whole lot for about a dollar a day, you can give your dog the blue buffalo food they deserve real meat. first, ♪ we're an american band we're an american band ♪ >> rebecca: oh, my goodness. welcome back to gma. there is no place like home. click your heels together.
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when it comes to celebrating the usa. check out this house in michigan. it's lighting up their 4th of july celebrations. the owner says it is made of 25,000 pixels, two mega trees and four water fountains. four water fountains. >> gio: that's unbelievable. >> rebecca: not three, four. so proud. >> whit: taught me everything i know about exterior illumination. [ laughter ] all right. we've got a lot to get to including president biden defiant as more democrats openly call for a new nominee. biden met with democratic governors last night to try and calm anxieties after his debate performance. our george stephanopoulos is sitting down with the president tomorrow for his first television interview since that debate. the entire interview will then air tomorrow night at 8 p.m. also right now hurricane beryl on the move after slamming jamaica overnight. the life threatening storm surge swallowed entire roads and knocked out power for most of the capital. now the storm is heading for the
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gulf coast and could bring life threatening rip currents. breaking this morning hezbollah launched more than 200 rockets into israel overnight in retaliation for a strike that killed one of its senior commanders, as fears grow that a full scale war could break out between the two sides. >> gio: plus check this out. the seattle cracken have hired jessica campbell to be an assistant coach, making her the first female coach in nhl history. she is no stranger to making history. she was the first ever woman to be an assistant coach in hockey's minor league. campbell posting on instagram, look at this. to the young girls who need to hear it, you can and you will. >> rebecca: yes, you will. >> gio: what a great message. huh? we've got a lot more ahead, including the best 4th of july sales happening right now. that is all coming up. we are going to begin with the new rip current risk at beaches across the country as so many head to the water. hurricane beryl is sparking rip current concerns from texas to florida. sam, of course, is tracking where those alerts are. we're gonna talk to you in just a moment, sam.
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first, matt gutman shows you what to do if you get caught in a rip current. look at this. >> reporter: i'm with the huntington beach fire department in search of what triggers more water rescues than any other shore line hazard. rip currents. powerful enough to pull a champion swimmer out to see. and from the sky, they can look almost other worldly. that's foam and churned up sand being sucked out to the ocean. rips can be deceiving. from an elevated spot on the beach, noah experts advise also looking for this. dark flat areas where the waves aren't breaking. >> those might look safe to swim in because that is what looks most calm. but that's actually the presence of a rip current. >> reporter: they're not always this obvious so don't just rely on your eyes. >> just talk to the life guard and they'll point them out. they'll point all the dangers and where's a safe spot to swim. >> reporter: and if you're caught in one, it's critical to know what to do, and hope there's a life guard nearby. >> come on.
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>> i can't! >> reporter: aaron johns and her dad nearly died in a rip current in nantucket in 2015. it was all captured by a selfie stick wrapped around erin's risk. >> i used all my energy and i could not swim against that current. i didn't know what to do. >> reporter: even garrett, former marine, collapsing on the beach after being rescued. he was exhausted and just seconds from the unthinkable. >> i had no energy, no life left in me. it was the most terrifying experience i ever experienced. >> reporter: but 15-year-old matthew coker wasn't as lucky. he drown in a rip current in lake michigan while swimming with friends. >> matt was a good swimmer. we are more pool people. we don't go to the beach that often. >> they were knee deep. matt didn't know anything about rip flag warnings, rip currents. we need to understand that even though you need to know how to swim, you could still become a drowning victim. >> reporter: with that in mind, back in huntington beach, i jumped in. one of the most common mistakes
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is trying to swim right back to shore by swimming against the current. the thing with the rip current is it's moving about as fast as an olympic swimmer. unless you're michael phelps, you're probably not gonna beat it. >> you're swimming against a treadmill. you're probably not even making progress. you're probably going backwards. >> reporter: the waves are crashing over your head. they start to exhaust you. and that's when it's harder to stay above water. instead, experts say the first thing to do is flip and float. this will help keep you calm. it's critical, since they say the first stage of drowning is panic. take a breath. this is when you have to time capacity to start thinking about your next move. the next move, swimming parallel to shore, following the direction of the coast line until you feel that grip stop pulling, or in my case, when you're out of that brown foamy water. then swimming at an angle back to shore.
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if you can't get out, it may mean you're caught in a rotating current like this. in that case, just flip, float and signal for help. rip currents will take you out. they're not gonna take you back. you're gonna be okay if you just float. for "good morning america" matt gutman, huntington beach, california. >> gio: it's just so important to stay calm and swim parallel to shore to get out of it. let's bring sam back in. we know those rip currents. you're following where they are. >> sam: the flip and float thing i really, really like because it gets your head out of the water. it's so calming. it really is. it lets you make all the other decisions. heat's going to drive a lot of people to the water, not only on the gulf coast, but on the east coast as well. you know the same thing that's going on right now, that's driving beryl, this big area of high pressure. as beryl moves into the gulf, that means when water's rushing to the shoreline, it's also rushing away from the shoreline. that means life threatening rip
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currents from the texas coast, well through new orleans, all the way through that florida coast line. usually the gulf coast has very calm water and we say it's great for kids. i just want you to watch it. on the eastern seaboard you can see that we've got moderate high and low areas. this is why, when you're vacationing, i don't like you swimming at a beach that doesn't have a life guard, that is a strange beach to you. please find a life guard. treat them like your concierge to the beach. walk up to them and ask them, where's the rip current? how's the water? has there been any sea life, marine life in the water today? they'll tell you, guide you where to go. it's one of the reasons i say, if you're vacationing someplace, make sure you have a life guard. talk to them. >> rebecca: shout out to the life guards on this july 4th. sam, great advice. appreciate it. we turn now to the megamerger between two of the biggest luxury retailers in the world. elizabeth schulze has the latest, and also how amazon is getting involved. good morning, elizabeth. >> reporter: good morning, rebecca. happy 4th. this really would be a
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megamerger in the world of retail. "wall street journal" reporting the parent company of saks fifth avenue will buy its rifle luxury retailer nieman marcus in a deal $2.7 billion. this would create a new company called saks global. unexpected partner in this deal will be none other than the online retail titan amazon, which would reportedly be a minority owner in the new company and would provide tech and logistic support. it's not clear if any products would be sold through amazon. the companies aren't yet commenting to us on this merge. both nieman and saks have been battling slow sales. lot of shoppers are choosing to buy directly from high end brands online instead of going to department stores. earlier this year we saw macy's announced it would cut jobs and shut down 150 of its store locations to adapt to the changing market space online and to underscore that shift, if you look at overall sales in the u.s., department store sales are down 2% while online sales
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are up 7%. rebecca? >> rebecca: it is a completely different world out there. now you have amazon involved in this as well. elizabeth, thank you so much for that. and coming up next, we're still shopping. morgan norwood is here with the biggest 4th of july sales. what are you seeing, morgan? >> we're talking about two of my favorite things, barbecue and beauty. we'll tell you all about the big beauty items. and if you need to update your summer skin care routine, i got you. we're talking holiday sales coming up next. update your holiday skincare routine i've got you coming up next treating both symptoms and inflammation with rescue is supported by asthma experts. finally, there's a modern way to treat symptoms and asthma attacks. airsupra is the first ever dual-action rescue inhaler that treats your asthma symptoms and helps prevent attacks.
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airsupra is the only rescue fda-approved to do both. airsupra is an as-needed rescue inhaler and should not be used as a maintenance treatment for asthma. get medical help right away if your breathing does not improve, continues to worsen, or for serious allergic reactions. using airsupra more than prescribed could be life threatening. serious side effects include heart problems, increased risk of thrush or infections. welcome to the modern age of dual-action asthma rescue. ask your doctor if airsupra is right for you. at tj maxx, you can afford to turn your closet into a place of endless expression. with the quality, styles, and prices you love. ♪
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nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid before it begins. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium.
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>> whit: we are back with independence day sales and some of the biggest deals dropping this morning. morgan norwood is here with all the details and where you can get them. >> yes. we are talking star spangled savings. retailers are rolling out some of their hottest sales. if you're looking to create that perfect summer backyard retreat you will find plenty of deals. check out this patio set. 70% at home depot. just $149. if you're grilling for the 4th, invite, please. i'm from north carolina. i love barbecue. lowe's has a table top griddle. ge with an indoor smoker on sale for $799. say you're looking to update that wardrobe, apparel at kohl's is on sale. save $15 when you save $75. that's plus an additional 20% off. nothing pulls together a summer fit like a new lip stick. ulta has 45% off hair, skin care
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and other beauty products. whit. >> whit: writing down the indoor smoker. looking for that. all right. what do we do if what we're looking for is not on sale this weekend? >> i was just talking to sam champion about this. he asked the same question. don't worry. wait it out. amazon prime day is coming up later this month. retailers like wal-mart, target, will run their competing sales. it's best to shop around, guys. >> rebecca: we will not forget your invite to our barbecue if we have one, morgan. >> gio: she said barbecue and beauty. those are favorite things. >> i'll bring the paper plates. >> gio: thank you, morgan. coming up later, are the buy now pay later programs really good for your wallet? and the way to avoid phantom debt. and what's the beef? with this year's hot dog eating contest. you're watching gma on this 4th
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of july. fourth of july. e kesimpta because it works for me and my schedule. kesimpta is a once-monthly treatment for rms that had powerful results a reduced rate of relapses and slowed disability progression. don't take if you've had an allergic reaction to ofatumumab, life-threatening injection-related reaction to kesimpta, or have hepatitis b. tell your doctor if you've had hepatitis b as it could come back. kesimpta can cause serious side effects, including fatal infections. while no pml cases were reported in rms clinical trials, it could happen. tell your doctor if you had or plan to have vaccines, or if you are or plan to become pregnant. kesimpta may decrease certain antibodies. most common side effects are upper respiratory tract infection, headache, and injection reactions. ask your doctor about kesimpta.
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finish your business degree faster and for less without starting from scratch. whether you're in school or picking up where you left off, university of phoenix will help you get every eligible transfer credit you deserve. transfer your credits and finish what you started. did you know that if you shave, 1/3rd of what you remove is skin? (♪) new dove helps repair it. so, if you shave it? (♪) dove it new dove replenish your skin after every shave. [crowd noises] smiling first can help someone find the courage to do the same. ♪
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(♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪)
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>> rebecca: we are back now with the beef over the nathan's hot dog eating contest. this 4th of july tradition will look a little different this year without 16-time champion joey chestnut. he's done it 16 times. trevor ault has the story. trevor, you go deep ton meat. tell us, what's up? >> i don't know about that, rebecca. but the mustard is spicy this year. i will give you that much. joey chestnut is the michael
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jordan of eating hot dogs. today he will be eating a lot of hot dogs but it will not be at the famous nathan's eating contest because of a bitter fight over one of his sponsorships. >> three, two, one, begin! >> reporter: it's one of the most american traditions. today challengers going head to head for the annual nathan's hot dog eating contest in coney island. but this year one of the tradition's most famous ingredients is missing. >> your new champion of the world, joey chestnut! >> reporter: the legendary joey chestnut will not be participating. the 16-time champion banned by event organizers major league eating because he's partnered with impossible foods, a separate company that makes vegan hot dogs. >> put down your hot dogs! >> reporter: so instead, chestnut will be having his own 4th of july event 2,000 miles away in texas, trying to eat more hot dogs in five minutes than the nathan's competitors eat in ten.
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he's also planning a special netflix event for labor day. a one on one matchup against his most famous competitor. >> joey chestnut is the mozart, the babe ruth of beef, pablo picasso of conspicuous consumption. so without him there, lot roff people are asking, what is nathan's without joey chestnut? what is joey chestnut without nathan's? >> reporter: this is not the first hot dog drama. back in 2010, kobiyashi was banned because of a contract dispute. he still showed up anyway. he was whisked up to the stage at one point at the end and then he was arrested. the coverage of the women's competition begins 10:45 a.m. eastern, espn3. the world record 76 hot dogs in ten minutes. does anyone other than rebecca want to add anything? [ laughter ] >> sam: it's a love story.
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nikki sudo and nick weary are married and they have a gorgeous baby. so in this competition there's a very interesting love story. >> whit: layers to the hot dog eating contest. still a lot to unravel. >> rebecca: you're the pablo picasso of gma this morning. thank you so much. we appreciate it. coming up we are celebrating main street usa in haddonfield, new jersey. wait til you hear about their unlikely discovery when we come back. back. we stood on some pretty broad shoulders to get to where we are at today. on ancestry i was able to actually put together our family tree. each person is a glass worker. that's why we do what we do. we can't help it. the glass blowing - that's a part of our dna. it's in my blood, it's in my history. it's my job to make sure that this shop makes it to the next generation.
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feeling ughh from a backed up gut? ughh. miralax works naturally with the water in your body to help you go. free your gut and your mood will follow. for 8 grams of fiber, try mirafiber gummies. did you find everything you needed? yes, thank you. oh, who are you tapping for today? dinner for my kid, i guess... no, no when you tap your mastercard, you help support stand up to cancer. so - who are you tapping for? we all have someone that comes to mind when we think of cancer. auntie gigi. my sister, she's a fighter. when you tap or order online at participating grocery stores and restaurants, mastercard will donate one cent, up to 5 million dollars, to stand up to cancer. standing up for the people we love: priceless. share who you stand up for. looking for a smarter way to mop? try the swiffer powermop. ♪ an all-in-one cleaning tool, with a 360-degree swivel head that goes places a regular mop just can't. ♪ mop smarter with the swiffer powermop.
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(♪) this is a hot flash. this is a hot flash. but this is a not flash. for moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms due to menopause... ...veozah is the first and only prescription treatment that directly blocks a source of hot flashes and night sweats. with 100% hormone-free veozah... can have fewer hot flashes... ...and more not flashes. veozah reduces the number and severity of hot flashes day and night. don't use veozah if you have cirrhosis, severe kidney problems, kidney failure, or take cyp1a2 inhibitors. increased liver blood test values may occur. your doctor will check them before and during treatment. most common side effects include stomach pain, diarrhea, difficulty sleeping, and back pain. ask your doctor about hormone-free veozah... ...and enjoy more not flashes. you could save on veozah. visit to learn more.
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it's target circle week! visit what week? -circle! she's saying circle week. it's the biggest sale of the season! oh, great. does that mean more savings or something? you bet your bottom derler! your bottom what? wanna know a secret? more than just my armpits stink. facts. that's why i use secret whole body deodorant for clinically proven odor protection everywhere. so i smell great all day, all hike, and all night. secret whole body deodorant. looking for a reason to try the new $5 meal deal at mcdonalds? here's one, two, three, four and the price makes 5. that's everything you get with the new $5 meal deal at mcdonald's. >> sam: we're glad you're back with us. could those popular weight loss drugs cause you to lose muscle weight? also ahead a special 4th of july binge this. all the must see movies before the sequels hit the box office. your local news is coming up now.
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rock casino, just 20 minutes north of santa rosa. >> during the july 4th sales event, drive a honda hybrid and get 614 miles per tank of
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continuous driving. cr-v hybrids 369 a month accord hybrids 379. ask anyone who owns a honda and search your local honda dealer. >> abc's david muir, the most watched newscast in america. more americans watch world news tonight with david muir than any other newscast >> man, you should want to impress me. poppy can hold the poppy. >> this is gonna get competitive. >> i don't know how anyone's gonna top that puppy love from abc seven mornings. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. and here is drew with this hot holiday forecast. yeah. >> hey there kumasi. we'll go to santa cruz where even at this early morning hour, folks are getting their seats on the beach to keep it cool. and with that sunshine overhead, it will be a
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lovely day. temperatures right now, it is mild again. seconds for a lot of us already this morning. 72, in oakland. good morning. so taking a look at the heat alerts, we have heat advisories and excessive heat warnings. in effect, this will last until next wednesday. so we're keeping count. this is day three of a nine day heat wave. highs today it's excessively hot inland again. we'll have temperatures above 100 degrees around the bay shoreline. for most of us we're in the 80s and 90s keeping it nice and comfy along the coast. for the fireworks forecast this evening, we have fog free skies at 9 p.m, quite mild looking nice and that red flag warning does continue for high fire danger through saturday. kumasi. >> thanks, drew. we'll have another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes. you can always find the latest on our news app and at abc seven the news continues now with good morning america. >> anaheim is a world class vacation destination located in the heart of southern california. there's so much to
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do and see. watch for your chance to win a vacation package to experience anaheim for yourself. saturday at 955 on abc. >> seven more moments are made at home, so why not enjoy them with new flooring and countertops from the floor? store bay area flooring authority. >> our 4th of july sale ends monday. save 25% off everything in the store and pay no interest for 18 months. >> why always the couch? does he need to go to puppy school? get his little puppy diploma? how much have i been spending on this little guy? >> when your questions about life turned into questions about money, there's erica, the virtual financial assistant to help you spend, save, and plan smarter. only from bank of america. what would you like the power to do? >> one of summer's greatest hits is macy's july 4th sale. save on
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shorts, tees and swim from your favorite brands. it's a lovely way to celebrate the holiday >> whether someone is across the neighborhood, across the street or across the room, you have the power to make them feel right at home. ritz a taste of >> i've been hit by a semi truck on the freeway, and i was going 60 miles an hour when i knew i had an injury. i was nervous about dealing with the insurance companies without the resources of jacoby and meyers, i wouldn't be to the place i am today. thank you, jacoby and meyers. >> over the past 37 years, aids walk san francisco has raised vital funds for organizations across the bay area, and we are still fighting a future free from the stigmas and effects of hiv and aids. starts with you. don't let history repeat itself. by registering today, you take steps towards a better tomorrow. join us sunday, july 21st in
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golden gate park. to register, visit sf dot net. >> shop the best summer mattress deals during the 4th of july event at the living spaces. sleep center. save up to 500 on tempur-pedic breeze mattresses and save up to 700 on purple adjustable mattress sets. you can even get the revived gel bliss queen mattress for just 4.95 plus pay no interest for 24 months on select purchases with your good credit and enjoy free shipping as soon as next day. don't miss the 4th of july event only at the living spaces sleep center. >> living spaces tv's biggest morning >> whit: good morning america. it's 8 a.m. breaking news. hurricane beryl on the move after slamming jamaica. the life threatening storm surge swallowing roads, as the massive storm heads towards the gulf
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coast. plus, the holiday scorcher. 150 million americans from seattle to miami under heat alerts. >> rebecca: buy now, pay later. is the popular payment plan really good for your wallet in the long run? benefits and the three steps to avoid phantom debt. >> whit: weight loss revolution. could those popular weight loss drugs make you lose muscle mass? what doctors are saying, and how to protect your body. >> gio: no broken hearts here. travis kelce revealing all the behind the scenes details of his surprise eras tour performance with girlfriend taylor swift. including his golden rule on stage. will he do it again? ♪ put my hands up they're playing my >> whit: plus, we're celebrating 4th of july. main street usa is headed to new jersey. wait until you hear about their dyno-mite discovery.
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as we say -- >> good morning america! day off, other than main street usa. we are live in haddonfield, new jersey, this morning. wait until you hear about the hidden history of that town. plus we're cooking up some 4th of july favorites with items you probably have in your pantry. that's some good news. >> rebecca: look at those cuties out there. we love it. also ahead, the new rise in mortgage rates. what home buyers should know, and the one thing you can do right now to improve your chances of a lower rate. >> whit: all that coming up. first a look at top stories breaking at 8 starting with deadly hurricane beryl on the move after slamming jamaica. sam champion is with the latest. also the extreme heat on the way for millions. >> sam: good morning everyone.
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there has never been a b storm, number two named hurricane like beryl. never ever ever. first to be a cat 4. first to be a cat 5. first with rapid intensification this early in the season. grenada, where it hit, just coming off a 5. this is a little small chain of island. one of those islands had 98% of destruction. then it passed about 120 miles of jamaica. a sail drone is out there to catch these 27-foot waves. just look at the water, as rough as it is there. then we move across to jamaica. jamaica spent a day and a night under a cat 4 hurricane. there's a lot of damage from kingston to the south shore which came within this close to the eye of the storm. now here's the storm trying to find an eye again south of cayman islands. the forecast is for it to continue to weaken. let me tell you, it's still a 3. so this could be a 2 or 1 by the time it gets south of talume
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friday morning. it is likely to lose some strength. they all do when they move across the yucatan. is this a 1 or 2? is it somewhere near brownsville, texas? there's a lot to watch for this storm. two areas of extreme heat. one along the gulf coast. this will spread to the east coast. then the record setting heat that rebuilds in the west again. gio? >> gio: you are following it all. thank you. now president biden facing new fallout from his debate performance. all eyes are on the president with these next few days very critical for his campaign. let's get right back out to our senior white house correspondent selina wang with the latest. selina, good morning. >> reporter: hey, gio, good morning to you. the president is refusing to back down. and this morning the president saying he had a bad debate, but that does not erase the work he's done over the last 3 1/2 years. you do have the president in damage control mode, meeting with democratic governors and his campaign staff, trying to calm those nerves. the president said he had a cold during the debate.
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the white house now telling us after first denying it, that in the days after the debate, the president did see his doctor and that he was recovering well. the president is making very clear that he is staying in this race. sources tell us behind the scenes he privately told one ally he's, quote, keeping an open mind about the path forward. democrats are getting more worried that biden will not only lose to trump but could cost the party control of the house and senate. fueling anxieties are these fresh polls out that show trump's lead widening over biden. you have both "new york times" and "wall street journal" polls showing trump ahead of biden by at least six points. the president wants to prove he can do this job. he's doing more interviews, including with george stephanopoulos tomorrow. i am told the president is well aware how critical these next few days are. gio? >> gio: critical indeed. as you noticed our george stephanopoulos is sitting down with president biden tomorrow
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for his first television interview since the debate. the entire interview will air in a primetime special tomorrow night at 8 p.m. rebecca? >> rebecca: all right, gio. thank you. now the latest on mortgage rates. they're on the rise. elizabeth schulze is in washington with those details. nice to see you. >> reporter: good morning, rebecca. this is disappointing for home buyers who have been watching mortgage rates steadily drop over the past four weeks. average rate on a 30-year fixed up to 6.95%. that means your monthly payment on that typical $400,000 home is going to be $427 more now than it would have been two years ago when we saw rates closer to 5%. the big factor here is the federal reserve which, for now, is holding off on cutting interest rates. but there is positive news for anyone who is trying to buy a home or refinance on their current mortgage. freddie mac said it does still expect rates to moderately decrease in the second half of the year.
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until then there's one thing you can do to try to increase your chances of a lower mortgage rate. that is boost your credit score. look at your credit report. look for anything that's inaccurate and dispute those bills that are wrong. a small bump in your credit can make a big difference when you're trying to buy a house. guys? >> rebecca: do the things that are within your power. just like the stock market, really tough to time that mortgage market. elizabeth, thank you. coming up in our gma morning menu, a reality check on those buy now pay later programs. >> gio: could those popular weight loss drugs cause you to lose muscle mass? what doctors are saying? >> whit: plus the eras tour travis way. what he's saying about surprising taylor swift on stage in london. and the troubled duo out of our wildest dreams, sam and will ganss. [ laughter ] they are both here. hey, guys. >> sam: are we the drama? i can't believe it. will's been shopping for the 4th of july and finding some incredible sales. >> exclusive just for gma viewers. that's coming up right here on gma.
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>> sam: why is my flag smaller? >> don't worry about it. don't ask any questions. flake ? flake ? >> stop asking questions. ouncer] introducing allison's plaque psoriasis. she thinks her flaky, gray patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. over here! otezla can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for over a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. ♪ [announcer] with clearer skin girls' day out is a good day out.
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live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with all the money i saved i thought i'd buy stilts. being so tall definitely has its advantages. oh whoa. here you go, kiddo. thanks. hi honey ready to go? yup. there it is, there it is... we go. i guess it also has some disadvantages. yes it does. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty, liberty.♪ ( ♪ ) feel the power of osteo bi-flex®. taken every day, it's clinically shown to improve joint comfort in 7 days,
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with significant improvement over time. ( ♪ ) with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles to help me out. splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive. oh tina! wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse. glenn close?! with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be. that's my line! booking.yeah
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(♪) you really think you can get me to like dark chocolate? without a doubt. won't it taste bitter? not this dark chocolate. (♪) now what? we wait. (♪) i can't... (♪) mmmm... it's delicious! mhmm. i told you it wasn't bitter. [laughter] from the lindt master chocolatier. discover excellence. expect delicious.
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>> rebecca: we are back now with our gma cover story. our money smart series and the growing popularity of buy now pay later programs. how it stacks up versus playing with a credit card? here's what you need to know. >> how am i supposed to pay for all of this? >> rebecca: it's almost as old as shopping itself. buy now pay later, or bnpl, previously reserved to big ticket purchases. now it can be used for nearly anything.
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many companies offer interest rate-free payment options without a credit check. it's an option single mom lori rogo doesn't hesitate to use. >> i love how the payments are split. usually into four payments. i like that it's automatically debted. i like the way companies keep up with the consumer. >> reporter: she's the practice manager for a pennsylvania plastic surgeon's office, where they've offered payment plans for almost two decades, which made her comfortable to use it personally. >> i try to use it 100% of the time on larger purchase and try to remove the credit cards completely. >> reporter: about one-fifth of americans have used buy now pay later in the last year. this year bnpl transactions are expected to reach $334 billion. money that isn't reported to credit agencies that's been called phantom debt. >> there is potentially a gap insofar as how many people are taking on this and how ballooned the debt problem is. for sure the plans are contributing to the growing debt
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problem in our country. >> reporter: financial expert faruse cautions people to tread carefully especially if you're trying to build credit. >> you have to know the rules. you have to understand what the fees maybe associated late payment. if you are perfect and you paid it off in full in four installments, you did everything right. that's not going to help you build credit. >> reporter: but if you do opt in to bnpl, consumers should follow lori's lead, by opting into auto pay, staying within your budget and reading the fine print. >> i do find it easier to keep track of what i'm spending. just makes the process so much more simpler. >> rebecca: but always, like all financial products, read that fine print. if it's going to incentivize you to spend money that you don't have or don't need to spend, pull back. think about the psychology. it is trying to help you buy, but you have to do it in a smart
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way. fun fact, guys. oldest buy now pay later, it was 1840. it was for a singer sewing machine. they offered $1 down, $1 a week. i don't know if any of you had a singer sewing machine. my grandma did. so maybe all of grandmas ended up getting that with their buy now pay later back in the day. fun fact. >> gio: that's great. very helpful, rebecca. thank you very much for that story. now our series weight loss revolution. this morning we are looking at the impact of drugs like ozempic and wegovy on muscle mass loss. becky worley has the story. >> i have struggled with my weight basically all of my adult life. i have lost and gained many times over. pretty sure i have tried every diet there is. >> reporter: tiffany from boise idaho said she started taking compounded semaglutide. while not a new fda concern,
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some doctors have told their patients to be mindful of losing muscle mass. >> her goal is to make sure that it's body fat that's being lost and not just lean body mass. >> reporter: lean body mass includes bones, organs, water and muscle mass. multiple studies of traditional weight loss methods like diet and exercise show 20% to 30% of total weight loss is typically lean mass. but in a study of people that took semagutide for 15 months the loss of lean mass accounted for up to 40% of total weight loss. >> we know that it can be substantial because so much weigh is loss. so it's important to protect against the loss roff muscle. >> reporter: novo nordisk points to the fact people who lose these drugs still lose more fat than muscle and they tell abc news its studies look at lean body mass and not specifically muscle mass. they add they work closely with the fda to continuously monitor the safety profile of their medicines because safety is a top priority. and eli lily, maker of monjauro
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said a reduction of lean mass was reported at similar rate as seen with obesity. to protect against muscle loss, tiffany exercised with weight lifting and ate more lean protein. studies have shown those two actions help preserve muscle. tiffany also got body mass scans that showed she was losing fat and gaining muscle even on weeks when the scale didn't show any weight loss. that's because lean muscle and fat have such different densities. this is a representation of 5 pounds of lean muscle and this 5 pounds of fat. you can see there's a big difference. companies like bodyspec, that provide body composition scans are trying to bring the price down with mobile vans and retail location like this one i tried in san francisco. >> the machine will generate a report giving you your body fat percentage, lean tissue quantity, bone mineral content,
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resting metabolic rate. >> reporter: some doctors recommend them saying they can help make those who have access more aware about muscle loss and gain. for "good morning america" becky worley, oakland, california. >> gio: thank you for that. that was a fascinating story. all right. time for some pop news. sam, what you got? >> sam: i can't promise you weight loss, but we do have good news for the box office. let's start with some super news. the buzz is high for the third installment in ryan reynolds -- this is like the bad boy of super heroes, the deadpool franchise. right? according to reports, it's set to make records. multiple tracking services saying three weeks out from the film's release, deadpool and wolverine is poised to make over -- get this number -- $160 million in ticket sales for its opening weekend alone. and reynolds and hugh jackman just kicked off their press tour in shanghai earlier this week. if this all works out, it will mark the best movie launch of 2024, even beating "inside out 2" opening weekend.
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$160 million would also set a record for the best ever opening weekend for an r-rated movie. deadpool and wolverine hits theaters july 26th. and now, guys, travis kelce is opening up about his making the eras tour debut. hey, in case you missed it or you were living under a rock, you saw the images. he looks great in a tie and tails. during taylor swift's tour stop at wembley stadium, mr. kelce surprised the audience when he got on stage. obviously, fans lost their minds. so did we for weeks because it has been on my feed since then. >> rebecca: yep. >> sam: there's that white tie and sails look. kelce is opening up about his new heights podcast about how that moment really came to be. he said he first suggested it as a joke to taylor. check it out.
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>> she started laughing. she was like, would you seriously be up for, like, doing something like that? i have seen the show enough, might as well put me to work here. and sure enough, she found the perfect, perfect part of the show for me to come in. the golden rule was do not drop taylor. >> no fumbles. [ laughter ] >> gio: i love that moment. >> sam: travis went on to tell his brother jason that he was surprised at how jarring the experience actually was with the crowd screaming, right? the sheer magnitude of the stage itself. you would think he would be used to that because he gets crowds screaming. he said he didn't disappoint taylor and that was all that mattered to him. i love those two. as to any future stage surprises, he left the door open for another appearance. meanwhile swift hits the stage tonight in amsterdam kicking off a whole weekend of performances in the netherlands. >> whit: in his head he was just thinking, don't fumble, don't fumble. [ laughter ] don't fumble.
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>> sam: she's not giving him any support because she's friending to be passed out so it really is on him. >> whit: he got her into the end zone. >> sam: time to spice up your life, while i tell you what i want, what i really want. [ laughter ] throw back thursday, victoria and david beckham got married exactly 25 years ago. if anyone remembers the reception, they made a statement, bold color choice. they got rid of the white from the wedding and wore matching purple. now the duo took the internet by storm celebrating the anniversary but wearing not a copy, the exact same outfits. posh and becks posting photos on instagram with the caption, look what we found. victoria adding, yep, we still got it. can't believe it's been 25 years. and they still fit. and in this industry, if that love still fits after 25 years, that's a big thing. we also have to talk about heat and storms. we're going to get right into the middle of the country.
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oklahoma city. we have some flooding in and around kind of the middle of the country, but it's likely we'll pick up some big storms that will add to that flooding. look at the flooding and heavy rain along the mississippi basin. this is where the storms will likely turn severe in the areas flashing in yellow. damaging winds, large hail, tornados. remember we've got fireworks so pay attention. lot of people will be out. to that zone for storms. also the one that goes from washington all the way to new york. most of the country is dry but those are the two areas where we could have issues with storms for your holiday. that's a look at the weather around the nat
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>> sam: i just lost a pound. [ laughter ] so you can use it to lose weight. >> whit: sam does it all this morning. all right. welcome back to gma. we are moving on to our main street usa, celebrating communities across the country that embody the american spirit. and this morning john paul from wpvi, our powerhouse in haddonfield, new jersey. well, powerhouse in philly but he's in haddonfield. john, good morning. what's going on? >> reporter: whit, good morning. philly's just across the river. not too far away. i want to tell you all about haddonfield. we've got a great group of people. [ applause ] the police chief. my family even showed up here. there's so many people i want to introduce you to. this is a quintessential american city. first i want to show you what makes haddonfield so special. kings highway in haddonfield,
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new jersey, is stitched with historical land marks and an unlikely prehistoric discovery, the hadrosaurus. it is how the town was founded that's influenced today's bulling main street, elizabeth elizabeth haddonfield. >> in 1701, elizabeth haddonfield traveled here as a 21-year-old woman representing her father to stake claim on the property he purchased. we were founded by an incredibly strong young woman. >> reporter: for michelle, owner of a gender neutral toy store, her business was essential in reviving part of main street. >> it is a block that needed vibransy. it is great to see the businesses supporting one another and working together. >> reporter: across the shop, chef melissa crandley set out to launch mecha's chocolates to fold in small town charm with every bite. >> i could see the interaction
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of the customers and the business. >> reporter: a few blocks down, hook, leaving her corporate job to go into business for herself in 2012. >> the shop's small mentality is really the crux of why we have businesses here in haddonfield. >> reporter: and every summer the town gathers for their biggest celebration of the year. their 4th of july parade. >> 4th of july is really a beautiful day in haddonfield because it's so much about celebrating our nation's history, our state's history. it's something that brings joy to a lot of people. here in haddonfield, including the town crier from the historical society, the original news reporter right there, but also some of the people you just met in that piece there. we've got melissa from miach's chocolate.
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and here's the best part, guys. she sent some chocolate back to the studio in new york. you guys trust. tell me a little bit about the chocolate. yeah, we got about it. >> yeah. so we make this right in haddonfield. locally made small batches. all done by hand. all salted caramel. >> yep. all right. this is salted caramel. all right, i'm gonna try this out also. oh, wo. it's fantastic. also, tell these toys we just featured, you tell me what makes main street so special here. >> haddonfield is just that picturesque, unique american town that is really supportive. and we love it here. >> you can tell it's so supportive. all these people here, one more place i want to stop by. this is sparrows. they also send some treats for you guys in the studio. what's your favorite one? >> oh well, we have all of our great popcorns, but really excited about our grab and go gluten free bakery items. my favorite is the toaster pastry. >> and tell me a little bit about this. it looks like a food truck at the turn of the century. >> it absolutely is. >> the original food truck. it's from 1906 and this wagon has actually always popped popcorn. and we're really proud to keep that tradition alive.
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>> and you guys can try that out. all right, let's wrap things up here with the haddonfield high school marching band. they've got a special song for us. play it for us. >> john, thank you so much. we appreciate it. and thanks to everybody who came out there. we'll be right back here on gma in just a moment. >> this is the moment i'm gonna fall in love. >> and we're gonna do it my way. let's have a good time tuesday. >> it's an all new season of celebrity family feud team meghan. we made it to family feud and a special look back at decades of laughs. >> that's different. >> it all starts tuesday, eight seven central on abc. now from abc seven mornings. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc. seven mornings in san francisco's west portal neighborhood. the da announced charges against the driver who hit and killed a family of four.
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prosecutors say the 78 year old driver was going somewhere between 65 to 72 miles an hour when she hit the family waiting at the bus stop in march. the speed limit there is only 25 miles an hour. the supervisor for the district said. traffic changes are still needed at that intersection. meteorologist tuma has your accuweather forecast. when we come back. >> when you're hurt in an accident, results matter at sweet james, our attorneys have participated in over 500 trials with a 98% winning record. we don't just win, we win the most there are plenty of personal injury firms, but we are one of the very few that deliver results like these. when your life has been impacted by an injury, there's only one firm to call sweet james. >> shop the season's best deals during the living spaces 4th of july event. get comfy on sofas for unwinding. serve in style with dining sets for
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entertaining. rest easy on queen beds for relaxing and refresh the backyard with outdoor furniture for less. plus pay no interest for 24 months on select purchases with your good credit and enjoy free shipping as soon as next day. let the fun and fireworks begin and shop the 4th of july event only at living spaces. >> living spaces in the grand tapestry of california. >> four ecosystems weave curious connections, connections in the forest like bears feeding redwood trees with salmon. >> and on the coast, we're underwater. forests support thousands of species. >> species in the desert survive the heat of day, and thrive at night. >> bobcats navigate around the city just like us. >> see how it all weaves together at california state of nature? >> a new exhibit at the california academy of sciences. >> hey, bay area live with kelly and marcus. >> coming up, it's our 4th of july family party with caroline, ray and five for fighting
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reform. >> that's at nine on abc seven. >> we will see you shortly. looking at temperatures this morning, it is warm again. a lot of us in the 70s, close to 80 degrees and our warmest spots right now. heat advisories, excessive heat warnings continue today. this will last until next wednesday. so we're at day three of a nine day heat wave. highs today, excessively hot inland once again going above 100 degrees 80s and 90s around the bay shoreline, the coast, the place to be to beat the heat with cooler temperatures, a red flag warning is in effect. clear skies for the fireworks and warm temperatures tonight. reggie thanks for we have another abc7 news update in about 30 minutes. >> you can can always catch always catch un our news app and app and abc seven the news us. i figured out the secret. bigger the holiday, bigger the sales. some of the best 4th of july sales are out there with incredible deals.
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the qr code we're going to put up for you will get you right to those deals. will ganss is here to break down the deals. what's going on? >> good morning. good morning. yeah. let's start with a good night sleep after four years on the overnight nothing is more important than a good night sleep. >> sam: i agree. i agree. >> so let's begin with the mattress. saatva has a sale buy more save more. plus a special deal for gma viewer. $450 off any mattress purchase of $1,500 or more. products of note. award winning hybrid innerspring. these are made in one of nine factories across the united states. >> sam: what's a good mattress without the topper? some people like different firmness, different feel. so do we have good toppers? >> we've got toppers for whatever feel is good for you, yes. this is where temper comes in. they have a special for 4th of july weekend. 40% off with the promo code
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toppers 40. what better way to complement a mattress with a great mattress topper. the cloud topper has 2 inches, while topper adapt has one more inch. the cloud topper $155.40, adapt topper $251.40. cherry on top of a great night sleep, you can snag temper pillows. two for 119 bucks. >> sam: been shopping for that lately and that's a good deal. i'm not going to let you get away from the bedroom without talking about the sheets and what goes on top of all of this. >> that's right. cozy earth, this is where they come in. offering an exclusive 30% off with the code abc news. their best seller bamboo sheet set. comes in more than a dozen color. queen set runs $267. what i love about these sheets, goes from bamboo which feels so good. temperature regulating. cooler in the summer, warmer in the winter. from bed to shower we've got to talk bath towels.
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so soft. >> sam: oh, i need some. >> dries you off quickly and efficiently. >> sam: that's good news. even we can't spend all day sleeping though i could probably try. we need to get outside. let's talk about the outdoor. >> rei has some incredible deals. 40% off. if you want to take advantage, act fast. put the coffee cup down, start online shopping. you can plan a camping trip in one stop. that includes the big agnes copper spur tent with an award winning design that offers drizzle and sun protection. runs for about $318, which for an entire tent set is pretty great. popular stylish item trailmade rain jacket both men's and women's on sale today for 35 bucks. they come in a variety of colors. they're great if you get stuck in the rain exploring or if you're running errands and want to look chic while doing it. >> sam: the right workout wear and jacket and you're all set. what about deals around the house? >> wayfair has deals 70% off. they are known for bake ware that's sturdy and stylish.
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this is only $49.95 with this sale. you can use those baking dishes to serve guests on your patio in some gorgeous adirondack chairs. two with a side table $667. >> sam: that, to me, is the perfect shape because you can really tilt back. >> oh, yeah. >> sam: you want unbelievable deals on clothing as well. >> this takes me back to my childhood, everyone decked out in their old navy finest. as low as $2. >> sam: what? >> you need a t-shirt? how about five? this crew neck pack is only $26. that comes out to more than 5 bucks per t-shirt. perfect for being active, stylish or both. the cami athletic dress only 20 bucks. deals for $2 check out those flip flops. >> sam: those are nice. >> member of their rewards program, shipping is free. >> sam: absolutely fantastic. i do like the flip flops. i have been shopping this whole
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time. some incredible bargains. thank you, will. coming up get ready for fireworks. we've got a 4th of july special edition of binge this. it is all about having to see the movies, will, before all the sequels come out. we'll tell you what to binge.
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>> whit: we are back with -- >> rebecca: oh! >> whit: air horn. we brought that just for you. we've got a special summer
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spectacular 4th of july edition of binge this. we are breaking down the best in entertainment for you this holiday weekend. you ready to roll? >> rebecca: absolutely. >> whit: yeah. >> rebecca: movie critics are calling this summer of the sequel. "inside out 2" i just saw and loved it. you're going to take us back further. >> whit: before you go forward you have to go back in time. that's what it's all about. "inside 2" loved it, saw it with my daughters. you got to go back and watch the originals of your favorite movies to prepare yourself to see the sequels. "inside out 2" has already crossed the billion dollar mark at the box office making it the fastest animated movie in history to achieve that feat. if you haven't seen it yet, go watch 2015's "inside out" on disney+ to help remember all those emotions before the new ones come into the picture like anxiety and envy. i have a middle schooler myself. really close to home.
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all right. then, as sam told us earlier, later this month ryan reynolds and hugh jackman are teaming up for the third installment of the "deadpool" franchise. if you need a refresher, will smith will have you covered with "bad boys 4" with ride or die which nearly crossed the billion dollar mark. three decades ago. can you believe it? first three movies are all streaming on hulu right now. >> sam: nobody likes people more than whit johnson. >> gio: what about the small screen? lot going on. what are you watching there? >> whit: absolutely. we are cooking with fire. i know rebecca jarvis is, too. >> rebecca: i love it. >> whit: "the bear" is heating up. one of your favorite shows. season 3 debuted on hulu. fans are loving watching carmy and his team open up their new restaurant. "the bear" just set a hulu record as the most watched season premiere for any scripted
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series. one that i have also had a lot of fun watching here, guys, with my daughters. try going to a galaxy far far away. star wars the acolyte. this takes fans 100 years after luke skywalker faced off against darth vader. it's got crime. it's got jedi. it's got the force. even some easter eggs, recurring character. another episode drops tonight on disney+. for anyone looking for a throw back, look no further than brats. the brat pack documentary by andrew mccarthy. that's streaming now on hulu and still getting a ton of attention. >> sam: everyone is still watching that. whit, you're my captain of the grill. i know you're excited for this one for all the grill master. >> whit: to help me out we have a special message from our friend michael symon. check this out. >> good morning, gma. michael symon here. one of my favorite summer cookbooks playing with fire. all your fun stuff on the grill, in the smoker, sometimes even in the fire place. you're going to enjoy it because
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it is outside. happy 4th. >> rebecca: happy 4th. >> whit: his book "playing with fire" is available everywhere now just in time for your back yard barbecues this weekend. sam, gotta have the play list in order. >> sam: already cranking on the roof top terrace. summer of girl pop. sabrina carpenter has got the song of the summer. this follows up expresso but then came please, please, please. it's number one. i wake up singing it at night. billboard global charts, as she gears up to release her sixth studio album short and sweet. h-o-t-t-o, gio. with hundreds of millions of streams on spotify thanks to her album rise and fall of a midwestern princess and pony club came out four years ago but we're putting it on our play list for the perfect 80s inspired pop summer sound.
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i was in the '80s as an adult. [ laughter ] >> whit: something about you waking up in the middle of the night singing please please please. better talk to your therapist about that one. we've talked about the movies, shows. gio, what about a good summer beach read? >> gio: the gma book club for july is fantastic. it's called "the love of my after life" by kirstie greenwood. the premise is so great. bringing new life to rom coms. tells the story of a deceased woman who meets mr. right in the after life waiting room but gets chance to find him back on earth. so cool. if you're looking for a chill to beat the heat "god of the woods" by liz moore, about a teenage girl who goes missing from summer camp. she's not the first kid in her family to disappear. you can shop these two great reads on our website. >> whit: great stuff. next what you need to binge for this holiday weekend. sam, what about the weather?
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>> sam: i'm still recovering from the fact that the after life has a waiting room. talk about the heat and humidity and even some storms rolling across the country. seaside heights, new jersey, where already the heat is building for the day today. fireworks start around 9 p.m. at night. lot of people will be going to the shore. water temperatures are little warmer than normal in a lot of locations. really only california is cooler than normal in some locations and extreme parts of the northeast. even the jersey shore is milder by just a couple degree. here's our list of 4th of july cities. we shall read them together. i haven't seen them yet. liberty texas independence,
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>> gio: i just love this next segment. our kid creator series and one 6-year-old who is not only making lemonade out of lemons, but she's growing her sweet business and making a difference. a story we saw thanks to koco in oklahoma city. take a look. for the past three summers, sue anne has been serving up a cup of sunshine to beat the heat. >> we own a business. she comes to work with us every day. lemonade stand will be in the corner. sometimes we put it in the shop. nobody ever leaves without a glass of lemonade. >> reporter: the 6-year-old's booming business all started when she was given this lemonade stand. >> we painted it. what color did we paint it? >> yellow and blew. >> reporter: her recipe is simple but comes with a twist. >> my mom bought the ice and we eye the lemonade powder and put them in water and we put a little lemonjuice in it and we stir it with love. >> love, that's your secret, isn't it?
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now everybody's going to know. >> reporter: a few days ago this kid creator decided it was time to expand. >> she said, mom, i would like you to move on to my lemonade stand so i can sell hot dogs and maybe pizza. oh, and i need you to call christy at the chamber so that i can have a ribbon cutting ceremony. >> reporter: after sue anne's $10 payment to become a member of the chamber of commerce, christy delivered. >> her mom encouraged her to pay her dues. she did, with her own money. and here we are today. >> reporter: now sue anne said she's using her profits to pay it forward. >> i'm going to buy puppy toys and dog toys and toys for kids in need. >> reporter: making this $1 cup -- >> good morning america. >> reporter: -- a worth while investment. >> gio: how cute is she?
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mom regina said if your child has an entrepreneurial spirit, nurture it and love it. next right here best selling cookbook author carleigh bodrug is here. fabulous 4th of july recipes coming up. stick around. hey, carleigh.
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>> rebecca: sam is already eating. we are back with easy last minute 4th of july recipes that you can make with what's in your pantry and helping us out is carleigh bodrug who has more than 11 million followers on line and a best selling cookbook. so nice to see you. >> i'm so excited to be here. >> rebecca: we've got our resident taste testers over there, gio and whit. already enjoying themselves. >> whit: already going in. >> rebecca: we're going to start with a veggie burger.
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>> we're making some veggie burgers. the best thing about this, you can use just about anything. we're going to start with black beans, rice. >> rebecca: we're putting them in the blender. >> food processor. the big key about veggie burgers is you don't want to overmix them. we're going to just give them a quick pulse. >> sam: great texture. okay. >> often times they become too mushy. we've got chipotle peppers in here. you're feeling a little kick there. makes them so delicious. got paprika, garlic. also great binder. this is a healthy veggie burger. you can use chick peas, kidney beans, whatever you want. we've got black beans today. we will give that a little pulse. >> rebecca: people put different things in veggie burgers. you're not putting all the carrots and corn in those types there. >> we're keeping it really basic with some black beans. that makes a nice veggie burger. i always say to keep it thin. people do a thick patty and it can be mushy. >> rebecca: keep it thin. >> sam: tech texture is so good
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on this. if i use the other beans will it be the safe? >> you can even dry your beans with a clean cloth. that will make the texture beautiful. we're going to chop our burgers and give them a try. i love to use a vegan chipotle mayo mix. you can mix it up with sprouts for fun. >> rebecca: i'm going dijon on mine. >> sam: i am honestly surprised at how delicious this is. the flavors are -- this fills my burger satisfaction. >> makes it so delicious with that chipotle pepper. even toppings, i love to use jalapenos if you're a spicy fan. >> sam: gentlemen, how's the burger going? >> whit: filling, delicious, simple, but lovely. >> gio: takes like a burger. really does. >> rebecca: you brought us a cocktail, or drink. something to consume beside that burger. >> this is so much fun.
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we are making jam jar cocktails. if you're somebody who has one to two table spoons left of jam in a jar, or add it to a jar. >> sam: every jar. >> we're making jam jar cocktails. you're going to add -- >> sam: you trust me here? >> oh, yeah. grape fruit juice first. >> gio: that's delicious. >> it's good. this is a nonalcoholic spirit. we're going to add little bit of that. yeah. and a little bit of lime juice. and then you're going to put your lid on. make sure it's fastened really nicely. you don't want a mess on live tv. >> rebecca: this is before. >> give it a shake! whoo! >> whit: there we go! >> rebecca: what's key is you do that before you put the seltzer in it. >> we just add sparkling water.
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it makes for just an amazing cocktail. >> rebecca: cheers. cheer, sam. >> sam: do hers. mine isn't going to taste as good. the fun thing is you might not think that you'd enjoy a mock tail. i do. it's the action of holding something cold in conversation that works out. yep, absolutely. >> rebecca: cheers. you also brought dessert which i got so excited when i saw cobbler on the menu. >> we have a red, white and blue cobbler. you can use frozen berries in your freezer. you can use peaches, apples, whatever you want. the great thing about this, we top it with these amazing corn meal dumplings. we're just going to spoon some ice cream on top and give it a taste. it's so delicious. >> gio: this is unbelievable. >> so glad you like it. >> gio: this is the winner. >> rebecca: my mouth is full. >> sam: i know i'm supposed to help you, rebecca, but i'm eating. >> rebecca: literally everyone
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is enjoying the food. thank you, carleigh. >> sam: you can get the recipes online and plant u scrappy cooking is out now. >> rebecca: we'll be right back! so good. >> thank you.
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>> his first television interview since the debate friday night. the abc news exclusive joe biden, george stephanopoulos the news making
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exclusive friday night at eight seven central on abc. hey, cheers, everybody. >> big thanks to john paul and the team and haddonfield, new jersey. sam, put it together over there. it's really good. >> gwen. >> thank you so much, everyone, for watching. have a great, happy, safe. >> cheers. happy fourth. >> more americans choose abc news america's number one news source. tyler perry. he's not one to hold back on just about anything. and now, this monday morning, he's live on gma. >> are you ready to go? it's tyler perry live monday on good morning america. >> hey good morning america. good morning america. >> good morning america. you don't just see it you feel it. >> i'm in i'm in i'm in too.
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>> i am, i'm in, i'm in too. >> i'll be here. let's go. come on, come on, come on, come on. >> bessemer castle has won one. you see? can dress >> season premiere thursday, july 18th on abc. why do you do it? >> you ignore the signs and the flashing lights. my mom is out there. that's my dad. in that truck. slow down. how do you feel? if that was your dad? be alert. be works on alert. >> i got her in a car accident. why should i call the law brothers? because when you're hurt, you need money. >> and my brother and i, we don't take tiny checks. we get big money for our clients. we got a client who had bad facial scarring, $400,000. another client of ours was hit by a car and broke their leg. we got them a big check for $700,000. >> don't take a tiny check for your car wreck. call the law,
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brothers. >> call one (800)■!a222-2222 or visit law brothers .com. >> restaurants are brutal, and their specific pick, but i know how to do it. higher, faster >> please change menu every day. >> it's not perfect. it doesn't go out. >> why are you doing this? we're gonna get a start f is the bare all episodes now streaming only on hulu. >> shop the season's best deals during the living spaces 4th of july event. get comfy on sofas for unwinding. serve in style with dining sets for entertaining. rest easy on queen beds for relaxing and refresh the backyard with outdoor furniture for less fuss. pay no interest for 24 months on select purchases with your good credit and enjoy free shipping as soon as next day. let the fun and fireworks begin and shop the 4th
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of july event only at living spaces. living spaces. >> your emblem of devotion have you engaged. ring custom made by the jewelry exchange. choose a one carat lab grown diamond for 599 or a natural gift for 1990 18. k mounts are for 99 thousands of choices. always the best deal. the jewelry exchange, redwood city. hello >> you're going way too fast. >> don't you see that work zone? seriously that's my pop up behind those cones. >> how would you feel if that was your dad? be alert. be work zone alert. now mornings. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc. seven mornings. drew. how is that forecast today? yeah, here we go. reggie. >> it's going to get another hot afternoon in the act with the forecast. >> you're looking at temperatures right now 70s and 80s out there this morning at 9 a.m. of a hot afternoon on the way. so excessive heat warnings
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remain in effect. heat advisories around the bay shoreline. you will find this lasting until next wednesday. so day three today of a nine day heat wave. highs today well above 100 degrees inland. once again, with that excessive heat warning 80s and 90s around the bay shoreline, the coast staying comfortable in the 60s and 70s. if you're head to the beach, it will be a nice beach day for the fireworks forecast. we are completely fog free this evening, even along the coast. there's your 9 p.m. temperatures, a red flag warning remains in effect for high fire danger through saturday. reggie, do you know how rare fog free fireworks are around here? >> thanks to your time now for >> it's the fourth of july celebration. get excited. fourth of july family party with callie and mark. get ready -- joe


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