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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  July 5, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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and up to eight inches of rain, i should say, today. >> number five, the man accused of pushing a woman in front of a bart train is expected in court today. he's been charged with murder for the incident on monday night. >> number six tonight, president biden sitting down with abc news anchor george stephanopoulos for his first tv interview since the debate last week. you can watch the 30 minute special at 8 p.m. right here on abc seven. >> number seven. who would have thought this cassette tapes are making a comeback? the sales spiked more than 400% from 2015 to 2023, and one company even launched a new portable cassette player. another company selling blank cassettes. so apparently gen z is really eating these up and they're snapping them up at concerts. i know, >> good morning, america. for our viewers in the west, wild players explode overnight as hurricane beryl takes a turn towards texas, and president biden fights to keep his campaign alive.
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♪ ♪ overnight, hurricane beryl roars ashore, making landfall in mexico just south of cancun as a category 2 just moments ago. now the new track. is texas next? and new wildfires explode overnight. more than a dozen burning right now. firefighters battling triple-digit temperatures on the front lines, with more than 110 million americans on alert for dangerous heat. sam is tracking it all. ♪ ♪ >> fighting to keep his campaign alive. president biden overnight vowing to stay in the race. >> i'm not going anywhere. >> what he said about getting more sleep, and avoiding events after 8:00 p.m. now more democratic lawmakers urging him to step aside, with all eyes on today's critical interview with our george stephanopoulos. what's at stake? >> breaking overnight, an earthquake in british politics. what just happened, and what it means for one of the u.s.'s key allies. >> danger in the water. a single shark attacking at
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least four people on a texas beach. >> oh, my gosh. >> and right now, the new great white warning this holiday weekend for one of the country's biggest vacation spots. >> also overnight, a truck driving into a crowded new york city park, killing at least three people. what happened? >> could you spot someone drowning in the pool? a stunning demonstration you have to see. >> four and a half minutes, still no parent noticed anything. >> right. >> does that surprise you? >> what happened next, and the number one piece of advice from the experts. >> campers to the rescue. >> they saved my life, for a fact. >> a hiker badly injured on a trail in california found by a group of teenage campers and their counselors. how they saved him, and the moment they reunited. >> it's really nice to see your face and see you smiling. >> you'll see it for the first time on "gma" this morning. >> ♪ who let the dogs out ♪
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>> and meet the newest top dogs. the history-making moment at nathan's hot dog eating contest. what she said right after. >> plus, the biggest holiday sales to relish right now, from summer gear, to clothes and appliances, and the biggest trend to watch for. >> announcer: live in times square, this is "good morning america." >> and we say good morning, america, to all of you. thanks for being with us. we hope you had a great fourth of july. and it's a very busy news morning. >> it is. we have a lot to cover here this morning. of course, all eyes on the president. president biden right now, he and the first lady hosted a fourth of july celebration at the white house last night. the president telling that crowd he is not leaving the race, and we are just hours away from his critical interview with our george stephanopoulos. >> a big interview ahead, and we are going to have more on that. but first, breaking news this morning, hurricane beryl making landfall moments ago, the track now turning towards texas.
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sam champion, of course, has the latest on this monster storm. beryl is really something. >> this is a tough storm and we have a lot of time with it left, gio. good morning, everyone. we're talking about one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. from cancun to tulum. we are watching a land falling hurricane right now as you and i are talking. this is what the video looks like out of the area right now. the only thing you're going to see if you're looking into playa del carmen, cancun, cozumel, a lot of wind, rain, flooding. but i want to show you what 6-8 feet of water will do up against the shoreline. that is wild ocean. running over any pier or shoreline right into those towns, right into those hotel zones. that's what it looks like right there. here's the storm. a couple things i want to show you out of this, there is tulum and cozumel and playa del carmen and cancun. they are all shoved in here together, and that storm is coming in right there. in the zone is exactly where we have the land falling eye wall right now. as it weakens off the yucatan
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peninsula, will it strengthen in the gulf? yes, but here is where the warm water temperature is. my problem with that is it is right up against the coast of texas, so it could be up to 8 inches of rain, flash flooding, all the way through. we will talk in great detail over the next couple of days. >> just unbelievable how strong the storm is. but you're also tracking dangerous heat, and you have breaking news on the fires in the west. >> yesterday we told you about that heat and how the fires would build. last night about a hundred acres in the fire known as the french fire in central and southern california, the also fires going on in northern california, and let me show you why. this brand-new heat wave is building into this area here. it's been here a couple days, but it's going to go on for another week. remember, we had two years before we got out of the drought in california. we had this rainfall, grew all this lush vegetation, now we are dry again and that is burning in this heat. i want to show you something that is incredible. i want to show you a record high temperature. look at las vegas at 119 degrees. that is not a daily or monthly
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record, it's the warmest vegas has ever been, if we hit that. their warmest temperature has been 117 degrees. they've gotten close to that many times. they just haven't gotten over it. now we are in the forecast with this heat wave to get 119 degrees. if this isn't making everyone go "wow," i don't know what does. >> wow. >> and dangerous heat, at that. sam, we will check back with you in just a bit. we do move now to the latest on president biden fighting to save his candidacy as he prepares to sit down in just hours with our george stephanopoulos for his first television interview since that poor debate performance. our senior white house correspondent selina wang has the latest. selina, good morning. >> hey, good morning, whit. all eyes are on the president today, and i am told that donors and allies are closely watching that interview with george as they decide whether to keep on supporting the president or not. >> overnight, the president and first lady hosting a july 4th celebration at the white house. >> four more years! four more years!
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>> the president reading remarks off a teleprompter, hitting central themes of his campaign and trying to quell panic within his own party, one week after his disastrous debate. >> we have to look at ourselves and ask a question. will we stand for freedom again? will we stand for democracy? will we stand together as americans? i believe we will, and we can. >> telling the cheering crowd he's not leaving the race. >> i'm not going anywhere. >> but the president at times stumbling through his cleanup effort, like this radio interview in philadelphia on thursday. >> by the way, i'm proud to be, as i said, the first vice president, first black woman, to serve with a black president. proud to be involved with the first black woman on the supreme court. there is so much that we can do, because together, there's nothing -- look, it's the united states of america. >> and those concerns within the democratic party are growing. >> it wasn't just one bad night,
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it was a bad night that may have locked in a really unfortunate narrative about president biden's age and fitness. >> congressman jared golden questioning biden's chances in an interview with the local station. >> i think if joe biden chooses to run, he's going to lose. >> now a third democratic lawmaker, congressman seth moulton of massachusetts, urging biden to step aside to let new leaders rise up and run against donald trump. concern over the president's fitness for office reaching a fever pitch. sources now tell abc news that, during a meeting with democratic governors at the white house earlier this week, the president said he needs to get more sleep and work fewer hours, even suggesting he should end events at 8:00 p.m. >> it wasn't a literal, 8:00, i'll be doing things to philly. it more figurative. >> california governor gavin newsom, while campaigning for biden and battleground michigan, defending the president, describing his stamina during their joint event
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in los angeles right after biden returned from his european tour last month. >> he barely slept. i was exhausted and got back to the hotel room and collapsed. he did that with a smile on his face. >> this is a make or break it moment for president biden, and donald trump is trying to take advantage of this chaos. he's calling for another debate anytime, anywhere, but of course they've already committed to a debate in september on abc news. whit? >> celina wayne, thank you let's bring in rachel scott, who's been covering the campaigns for us. good morning once again. a lot going on here as we wrap up the week. growing concerns from democrats about biden's future, many worried about their own chances of reelection. what now are they facing? there's a warning from the house minority leader for that. >> democratic leader hakeem jeffries has been very measured on this but he has been very direct to his members are voicing these concerns, and he has said, once you say it publicly, you can't go back.
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really think this through. he's getting an ear full. he is in listening mode right now but he's hearing from his colleagues that are deeply concerned, calling on the president to step aside, calling on the democratic leader to actually intervene. jeffries, i'm told, is asking his members to give the president space and time to make this decision, but i've heard from a number of democratic lawmakers who say comments like the president made during the governor's meeting are not helping and it's another reason why all eyes will be on this interview today with our very own george stephanopoulos. they want to see the president perform well. >> describing it as make or break. we are also learning about new threats from major democratic donors. >> you have one major democratic donor who is the cofounder of netflix that's already calling on the president to step aside, but more than that, we are hearing from a handful of donors saying they will not give any more money to the president's campaign until he does. that's going to be very striking for the president, because the money could simply just dry up here. in june they had their biggest fund-raising month, but one
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democratic donor did pen an op-ed saying it's time to change the picture before they have a chance of losing. >> it's incredible to see these developments over course of the last week. rachel scott, thank you so much. we appreciate it. a reminder, our george stephanopoulos is sitting down with president biden today in an exclusive one-on-one interview, the president's first television interview since that debate. the entire interview will then air tonight at 8:00 p.m. right here on abc. rebecca? >> a critical conversation, whit. okay, we turned overseas now to a seismic change in british politics. james longman is live from london with what this means for one of the u.s.'s most important allies, and what comes next. good morning, james. >> good morning, rebecca. britain is waking up to an historic election result this morning. the governing conservative party of the rishi sunak has been defeated in a monumental landslide by the labour party and its leader, keir starmer, is now the prime minister. he's meeting as we speak with
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king charles at the palace as per protocol. he will go to downing street and stand outside that famous number 10 door to speak to the british people. he is 61 years old, former public prosecutor. fair to say not seen as massively charismatic but he is a stability candidate after 14 years of conservative rule, and the story of this election is the scale of the conservative defeat. they've never seen anything like this. not since 1830, when the party was founded. some huge names in british politics have lost their seats, like former prime minister liz truss. people in this party are angry with the conservatives and angry at tory infighting, angry at the way brexit was handled, angry that public services seem to be on their knees, and angry at a spiraling cost of living. keir starmer has a massive mandate, but he's also got a massive challenge ahead. gio? >> a dramatic shift in the u.k. james, thank you so much. back here at home, we are learning more about what happened when a truck drove through a crowded park right here in new york city as many were celebrating the fourth of july, killing at least three people. abc senior investigative correspondent aaron katersky has the latest now. good morning.
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>> the suspect going too fast, jump to the curb, and then plowed into these people gathered to celebrate the fourth of july. three people are dead, including a man and woman who appeared to be related. seven people are injured including an 11-year-old boy who is now stable at the hospital. a woman was critically hurt. the driver is a 44-year-old man from new jersey driving a ford f-150. police say he sped through a stop sign and jumped the curb, crashed into the crowd. the truck was on top of people when police arrived. some folks in the crowd held the driver until police came. he's now in the hospital. police said he appeared heavily intoxicated. this happened about a week after another drunk driver crashed into a nail salon on long island, killing four there, including an off-duty cop. rebecca, her wake is today. >> just too tragic, and thinking about all those families. all right, aaron. thank you. we turn now to the economy. all eyes are on the latest jobs report out this morning, and elizabeth schulze joins us now
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with a breakdown on all of it. good morning, elizabeth. >> hey, good morning, rebecca. this jobs report reveals that, if employers are shifting into a lower gear, slowing down their brisk pace of hiring. this is slightly above expectations, and it is fewer than the 218,000 new jobs in may. the majority of those job gains last month were in government and the health care sector. it's really important to watch the unemployment rate, which did tick higher to 4.1%. still an historically strong number, but now that's the highest level since november 2021. this is a sign that employers are getting a little bit more cautious and selective. we are seeing companies prioritize prior work experience when they are looking at resumes, which is a challenge for new applicants in the workforce. if the jobs market does keep cooling, it could encourage the federal reserve to finally cut interest rates this fall. that would be much-needed relief for borrowers who are trying to
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pay off their credit card debt or take out a new car or home loan. whit? >> elizabeth schulze for us, thank you. now to the dramatic rescue of a hiker badly injured on a california trail, then saved by a group of teenage campers. we were able to reunite them for the first time, and morgan norwood is here with that story. morgan, good morning. this was a special moment. >> yes, so incredible. and such a touching moment, as well. that hiker says he remembers reaching for his bear spray after being spooked by something on that trail in the middle the night. he was found hours later slashed, bloodied, and shivering, by a group of teens. this morning he is reuniting with those campers and thanking them for coming to his rescue. >> this morning, a san jose hiker crediting a group of teenage campers and their counselors for saving his life when they found and bloodied and injured along this northern california trail. >> if someone didn't find me, i would have bled out, and they saved my life, for a fact. >> 34-year-old sashank upadhyayula still in a
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lot of pain, but now at home recovering, reuniting with those quick-thinking campers for the first time on "gma." >> i honestly could not express my gratitude to you all. you came in like angels. >> it's really nice to see your face, see you smiling. i mean, the last time i saw you, you were under a tarp. >> it's really nice to have the finality of you being all right. >> upadhyayula was on his first solo trek over the picturesque lost coast trail last week when he said he was attacked by another hiker. something spooked me around 2:00 a.m. i pulled out my bear mace and my two knives, and that's the last thing i remember. i woke back up in the water. >> a group of teenage campers and their counselors had just started a four-day backpacking trip when they say they stumbled upon him, realizing upadhyayula was still in trouble. >> it was pretty intense at the very beginning, but we all calmed down. >> we got our med kit out and began to render a wilderness
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first aid checklist of evaluating his wounds, talking to him, getting his name. >> counselors alerting officials at camp headquarters who rushed to the scene with supplies. california fire arriving at the scene about 90 minutes after that distress call, the local sheriff telling abc news the case is still under investigation. >> i was very thankful that they were there. like, all of you guys were there. it's just amazing, you know? all you guys just came out of nowhere and just saved my life. >> just in the nick of time. there's still a lot of questions about what actually happened to sashank. again, the case is still under investigation but police don't believe there's an ongoing risk to the public in that area. so glad they were there. >> good on those teens and their parents, by the way. thank you very much, morgan. coming up, a single shark attacking at least four people on a texas beach on the fourth of july. >> and a summer safety alert about drowning. would you be able to spot someone struggling in the pool? don't miss our eye-opening demonstration and what it revealed. >> plus, the july 4th sales you
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can still get right now. first let's get back to sam. good morning. >> good morning, washington, d.c. it is 78 degrees out there right now. we are in a heat advisory with a heat index up to 108, 109 today, and that heat advisory runs all the way to newark, new jersey. look at that. from the tip of florida and all the way back up into texas. these numbers, as we've been talking about, are big-time heat. there is an excessive heat warning for some parts of these areas. i want to show you a little video of a storm clearing some heat that came out of -- i think it was west louisville, kentucky. there were four tornadoes reported with this, and a cold front, it shoves all the warm air ahead of it, but the storms develop right there. i want to show you right around new york city, just north of the city in hudson valley into connecticut, by about 5:00 you'll see thunderstorms developing there. you want to watch for the potential of gusty winds and lightning and heavy rain. that's the weather around the nation. here's what you can expect this morning.
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>> and, coming up, hot dog! the newest winners of the nathan's hot dog eating contest. we'll be right back here on "gma."
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celebrations got out of hand last night. and many instances brush fires were started by fireworks in san jose. there are multiple fires around lake cunningham. one of them was at the site where the city held a sanctioned fireworks show, but it's not clear yet if those fireworks sparked the blaze. a viewer shared some video showing a hillside on fire with fireworks going off. san jose fire tells us this wasn't the only fire in town last night. a grass fire in martinez burned three acres just off of michelle drive. contra costa fire believes it was sparked by fireworks. thousands nearby watched the display and they continued to pop up above the crews as they fought the flames. they were able to stop forward progress there. meteorologist drew tuma has a quick
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inland, but the coast right now we have some fog. a live look at sutro tower. a little bit of fog across the northern part of the city right now. across the golden gate bridge. temperatures. we're currently in the 50s in the city, 60s for oakland, san mateo, san jose, 70. in our warmest spots inland brentwood right now coming in at 75 degrees. so your day planner today will focus on that coastal cloud cover early on. it's another warm to hot day. heat warnings are in effect away from the coast. the coast remains relatively cool, so heat advisories and excessive heat warnings in effect. it's our fourth day of a nine day heat wave away from the coast above 100 degrees. in our hottest cities inland, 80s and 90s around the bay shoreline, but comfortably cool along the coast. gloria. >> all right, drew, thank you so much. well, if you're streaming on the abc7 bay area app, abc seven at seven continues next for everyone else, it's gma. >> we are 100% committed, focused and determined to get our clients the best result possible. justice takes more than a fighter. you need a champion walk. a personal injury
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>> that is gorgeous. >> that is unique, special, it is couture. this is made in france. >> this is $800. >> are you kidding? it's on sale! [laughter] >> we have all been there. welcome back to "gma." that's a classic scene from "bridesmaids." that movie really nailed what it can be like to be in a wedding party. also on a flight to las vegas. >> exactly. >> "there is a colonial woman on the wing." now one bride is now charging her guests to come to her bridal shower, and we are going to tell you just how much and what people are saying about that. coming up. >> great movie and great story coming up. first, a look at the top headlines we are following right now. breaking this morning, hurricane beryl making landfall in mexico just south of cancun as a category 2 hurricane moments ago, with texas now in the new track. plus, new wildfires exploding overnight in the west as more than 110 million americans are on alert for dangerous heat. this all comes as millions take to the roads and skies this weekend to return home from the holiday.
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also right now, president biden is fighting to keep his campaign alive as he vows to stay in the race. but panic is growing in the democratic party, with all eyes on the president's critical interview with our george stephanopoulos later today. take a look at this, a spectacular eruption at italy's tallest volcano, lava shooting from mount etna sending what looked like a waterfall of molten rock down the mountain in sicily. that's quite a sight. everyone is okay. the eruption did lead to the closure of a nearby airport, though. >> and check this out, the detroit chapter of the famed tuskegee airmen honored fighter pilot as he turned 100 years old. retired air force lieutenant colonel harry t. stewart jr. flew 43 long-range bomber escort missions over central europe and was credited with downing three enemy aircraft. he's one of the last surviving members of the elite all-black military group. their story is just so incredible. >> and thank you to all of them for their service. >> absolutely, 100%.
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a lot more ahead including our must-see demonstration, how to spot someone in trouble in the pool. it's all coming up. >> an important story, gio. now we turn to the new concern about shark attacks, including in texas, where four people were injured on the fourth of july, and the great white warning in cape cod right now. trevor ault is in rockaway beach, new york, with more. good morning, trevor. >> it is beach season and it's not just people who have been out swimming in shallow waters. there have been many already this summer, instances of shark sightings, and even several instances of dangerous shark bites. we want to warn you, some of the footage in this report is quite graphic. >> this morning, wildlife officials on alert after a flurry of shark activity in multiple locations. >> oh, my gosh. >> in south texas, four people injured thursday in the waters off south padre island, at least one man taken to the hospital. this image showing rescuers surrounding the victim with an apparent shark bite to her leg.
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rayner cardenas says his son-in-law was severely bitten on the leg. >> he jumped up out of the water saying "shark, shark," and that's when adrenaline kicked in. >> cardenas carrying him to shore, saying his son-in-law is expected to be okay. the texas department of public safety capturing this footage of a shark swimming in the area around the time of the attack. the game warden saying they believe all those bites were from the same shark which escaped to open waters. meantime, in the northeast, new great white warning. multiple sightings of great white sharks off the coast of cape cod. >> the amount of sharks has definitely increased along the shore. in all my 50 years or so of fish spotting, i've never seen sharks that often. >> pilot wayne davis monitoring great whites by air, photographing this shark from up above on wednesday. according to a shark tracking app, sharktivity, a 12-foot great white killed a seal and an 8-foot shark was reported by a
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paddle boarder last week. >> white sharks feed on seals, so if you see lots of seals in the area, realize there could be a white shark targeting those seals. >> already this summer in florida there's been multiple shark sightings and at least four attacks, one latching onto the arm of this boater near jacksonville. >> once you're out the beach, use caution. don't go too deep, stay shallow, don't go in over your waist. >> here in new york, after there were so many sightings last year, the lifeguards out on the beaches are now equipped with drones so they can keep an eye out for sharks and any swimmers who might need help if they encounter one. >> trevor ault, thank you so much. we appreciate it. now to our pool safety alert. gio, you've been looking to important reminders for families this summer. >> this is a big deal. the cdc reports drowning deaths on the rise, and the signs of someone drowning can be very easy to miss. i teamed up with some professionals for an eye-opening experiment. take a look. >> it looks like any other
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summer pool party. young people splashing in the water, parents enjoying the barbecue, but somewhere in this pool, five different swimmers are about to simulate that they are drowning, and we are wondering if these moms and dads can spot them. drowning can happen in just seconds, and it's often difficult to spot. it's happening to someone in this public pool right now. can you spot it? there she is. [whistle] fortunately a lifeguard spots her and makes the rescue. but it is in residential pools, where lifeguards usually aren't present, that the majority of drownings take place. safety experts say part of the reason is distracted parents, talking on their phones, grilling, socializing, and supervising other children with no water watcher, a person with eyes on the water at all times. we've invited this group of parents to a pool party, assigning them tasks like running the grill and of course tending to their own young kids. we have also added swimmers splashing in the pool, but they are actually trained lifeguards
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and swim instructors from swim gym swim school, skilled in mimicking drowning. the parents know they are here to learn about water safety with some sort of demonstration beginning in about an hour, but since drowning often happens when you least expect it, we begin right now. with cameras rolling, i watched from a garage just next to the pool, observing some parents checking the water, but mostly they are focused on their assignments and the party. and after 30 minutes -- >> there we go, she went under. >> our swim instructor, kelly, begins simulating a drowning, struggling to keep her head above water, arms clawing for the surface. and, just liek the real thing, she barely makes a sound. our guests seem not to notice. more than a minute goes by. >> she is still struggling and nobody's looking. we are now looking at more than two and half minutes, and still nobody notices a thing. >> after more than 4 minutes, she simulates a worst-case scenario and stops moving. remember, she's a trained professional and is just acting. josh from the american red cross
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has been watching with us. >> four and a half minutes, still no parent noticed anything. does that surprise you? >> it does not. >> kelly goes back to swimming, and we cue another swimmer, and another, and another, all mimicking drowning, but nobody steps in. >> you don't realize how quickly these kinds of things can go from just a fun pool party to an incident where someone needs help. >> so now the kids get out of the water, go get some snacks, and they're going to leave someone behind. and that person is going to start drowning. >> after 30 seconds of purposeful struggling, this dad spots her. >> you all right? >> within 36 seconds, he noticed. >> it's great that he noticed. we hoped that they would notice faster. >> he said in some cases swimmers can submerge in seconds, making them even more difficult to spot. it's time to reveal our experiment. >> there were four drownings that nobody spotted. what does that make you think?
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>> my kids were on the deck, so i turned my back. that doesn't mean there weren't other kids in the pool, though. >> i think we took for granted that they all knew how to swim. >> for the man who spotted the victim, it's too close to reality. >> you were visibly shaken. why were you so nervous? >> it happened to my child. >> his daughter, valentina, survived, but he says when she was just three she began drowning in a hot tub. he was on the phone. >> i got a phone call, and i got distracted, and she was in trouble. so that brought back memories. >> water safety experts say one of the solutions is a water watcher, someone standing next to the pool free from distractions, constantly scanning the water for any signs of distress, rotating every 15 minutes to avoid losing focus. we show the parents what they missed. >> this is that moment when
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she's motionless in the water. >> this seems to be very emotional for you. >> they are all our kids. what else do you say? >> an emotional day for those parents. experts tell us the majority of pool drownings happen when there are no adults around, so that 4-side defense around the pool can really help. there are also these things called pool alarms, but the most important thing is still supervision. >> and good to rotate as parents, too. >> gio, thank you for that. up next, becky worley has the july 4th deals still dropping. hey, becky. >> whit, good morning. july 4th deals, pfft, gone, but good news, july 5th has its own deals hanging on! boom, boom! the bargains are not stopping today. i'm going to tell you why the deals keep coming, and how to time your buys to get the biggest bang for your buck. that's all coming up next. ♪ ♪ . we'll talk about it later, ok?
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what does a cat need? chewy's here. no, no, no, no. is that good? hey, wait! come back! is this normal? ask the chewy vet team. how much is too much catnip? for everything you need and everything you need to know. find it at chewy. ♪ [suspenseful music] trains. [whoosh] ♪ trains that use the power of dell ai and intel. clearing the way, [rumble] [whoosh] so you arrive exactly where you belong. (vo) wake up with delicious o's... ...and the taste of real honey for big smiles... ...little smiles... ...and good for the whole family smiles
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cheerios finish ultimate. engineered for the toughest conditions. dry burnt-on stains. old dishwashers. very hard water. finish ultimate, with cyclesync technology, helps deliver the ultimate clean. (♪) ♪ stay ahead of your child's moderate-to-severe eczema. and they can show off clearer skin and less itch with dupixent, the #1 prescribed biologic
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by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent. depend keeps you drier than ever... so you can say yes to more than ever. yes yes yes no. depend, the only thing stronger than us, is you. with bugs, the struggle-is-real. that's why you need zevo traps. zevo works 24/7 to attract and trap flying insects. for effortless protection. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly.
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>> we are back now with july 4th sales still dropping. it's not too late, and even bigger savings happening later this month. our becky worley joins us now, tracking it all with what to buy and when. becky, good morning. >> whit, good morning. it used to be in summer we had memorial day sales and labor day sales, but now i count five different sales events over the summer with prime day, early back-to-school sales, and now july 4th sales. so which deals should you jump on now, and which are worth waiting for? >> the fireworks have come and
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gone, but the fourth of july deals are hanging on. things like appliances and home goods. but the sweet spot might be summer gear. >> some of the best deals right now for fourth of july are on your seasonal items. think patio furniture, grills, and summer clothing. >> a target has t-shirts, tank tops, and swimwear 20% off. and, on outdoor furniture, walmart has this eight piece rattan sofa and coffee table set that was $689, now $389. but... >> we know amazon prime day is coming up shortly after the fourth of july, and competitor stores like walmart, target, best buy, will be having their own sales. >> walmart is already promoting discounts like this adirondack chair. it was $239, now it's $119, but next week it'll be as low as $89. and one trend to watch, financing deals. for example, on appliances. at best buy, they are offering 0% financing for 18 months on items that cost over $599.
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on mattress purchases, at purple and mattress firm, for example, they have 0% for one year all the way up to five years. even cars, like toyota and nissan, offering 0% financing on some vehicles. >> now, those 0% financing deals really dried up during the pandemic, so it's an interesting testament to the auto market rebounding that they are coming back. but i feel like one of those car ads, because i have to say all those 0% apr offers have a lot of caveats associated with them. select financing based on credit score, blah, blah, blah. you have to read the fine print about paying off the balance in full by the end of the term. so buyer or borrower beware in this case, guys. >> all right, buyer beware, but some good deals out there. thank you so much, becky. and our play of the day is next right here on "gma." ♪ ♪ because there's a right way to.
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stop! and the speed limit definitely isn't. 700 million mph. so why would you pay a rate based on. a terrible boss with a terrible haircut! save with, ooh. save with drivewise and get a rate based on you. you're in good hands with allstate what makes special k so special? all those vitamins and minerals? ah, the real almonds. or it all joining in sweet matrimony in vanilla flavored milk. yeah... i do. special k. special for a reason. skin craving next level hydration? neutrogena hydro boost water cream. a vital boost of 9x more hydration that's clinically proven to boost your skin's barrier
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for quenched, dewy skin that's full of life. neutrogena hydro boost. ( ♪ ) feel the power of osteo bi-flex®. taken every day, it's clinically shown to improve joint comfort in 7 days, with significant improvement over time. ( ♪ ) king c. gillette is an award winning lineup men's health best beard trimmer for beginners among men's journal's best beard shampoos and washes and gq's best beard conditioners for soft no-itch, facial hair. your beard is our trade these are your tools king c. gillette it's time to feed the dogs real food, not highly processed pellets. the farmer's dog is fresh food made with whole meat and veggies. it's not dry food. it's not wet food. it's just real food. it's an idea whose time has come. the virus that causes shingles is sleeping... in 99% of people over 50. it's lying dormant, waiting...
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and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. and it could wake at any time. think you're not at risk for shingles? it's time to wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention. shop the july holiday sale at sherwin-williams and transform your space with color. get 30% off paints and stains, with sale prices starting at $34.29. find your new color june 28th through july 8th. shop online or visit your neighborhood sherwin-williams store. (♪) (♪) sir... would you like a menu?
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>> back now with our play of the day and the new champions "relishing" their big wins. >> you said "champion," too! >> i know, right? well, see, now you messed up that line! our own champion, sam champion has these new champions. >> i feel like we can finally breathe a sigh of relief. it's almost over, the whole hot dog conversation. you have a little mustard right here and there's here and there's crumbs -- all right. >> [laughs] >> it's the end of a tradition. the fourth of july nathan's famous hot dog eating contest in coney island.
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now we have two brand-new hot dog eaters. they are the tops. women's side defending champ miki sudo taking home her tenth title, and winning her fourth consecutive contest. she is a good friend, and what a sweet lady. kind of a brand-new baby-ish, and married to another eater, a competitive eater. 51 hot dogs is her record. as for the men, new champ patrick bertoletti taking home the mustard belt. stuffing his face with 58 hot dogs in one of the closest races in recent years. of course joey chestnut was not there, the six-time winner. he was unable to defend his competition because he was at a different place, but he swore he was going to eat the same amount that they did in half the time, but he was one dog shy. so that's the way that goes. now we can finally put this to rest. or can we? >> never. there's never enough. [laughter] >> we'll be right back. did you find everything you needed? yes, thank you. oh, who are you tapping for today?
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dinner for my kid, i guess... no, no when you tap your mastercard, you help support stand up to cancer. so - who are you tapping for? we all have someone that comes to mind when we think of cancer. auntie gigi. my sister, she's a fighter. when you tap or order online at participating grocery stores and restaurants, mastercard will donate one cent, up to 5 million dollars, to stand up to cancer. standing up for the people we love: priceless. share who you stand up for. best food's real mayonnaise... every dollop is so rich and creamy it makes any sandwich delicious mmm. irresistible! best food's mayonnaise you are bountiful. your hair can grow 590 miles over your lifetime. it's in your nature to grow. grow thicker fuller hair with one capsule a day of advanced hair complex. nature's bounty. it's in your nature. (restaurant noise) allison! (restaurant noise)
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there's toothpaste white, and there's crest 3dwhitestrips white. whitens like a 400 dollar professional treatment. pilot: prepare for non-stop smiles. crest. looking for a reason to try the new $5 meal deal at mcdonalds? here's one, two, three, four and the price makes 5. that's everything you get with the new $5 meal deal at mcdonald's. missing out on the things you love because of asthma? get back to better breathing with fasenra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. step back out there with fasenra. ask your doctor if it's right for you. (♪) (america ferrera) yoplait is america's favorite ask your doctor if it's right strawberry yogurt. america the country, not me america.
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well, yoplait is also my favorite. but i don't talk about myself in 3rd person, normally. do i? (vo) yoplait. made with real fruit. >> i know i'm supposed to say something cute about the puppy, but we have more -- this is zorro. coming up we have a special guest in times square to tell us how to keep our best friends healthy and happy. hold my own. are you ready? >> are you ready? are you ready? let's go.
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ready? are you ready? are you ready? are you ready? let's go. >> when rideshare companies don't hold themselves accountable for injuries caused by their drivers, we will justice takes more than a fighter. you need a champion walk, a personal injury law. call 866. walk up law. >> joe biden, his first television interview since the debate tonight. the abc news exclusive joe biden, george stephanopoulos the news making exclusive tonight at eight seven central on. >> now from abc seven mornings. >> good morning. i'm gloria rodriguez, the man accused of killing a woman at the powell street bart station in san francisco earlier this week, is
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expected in court today. district attorney brooke jenkins says murder charges are being brought against the 49 year old homeless man. jenkins says the man intentionally killed 74 year old corazon dandan by pushing her into the path of an oncoming train on monday night, the man accused of killing a woman at the powell street bart station in san francisco this week is going to be in court today. and of course, we're going to go to drew now with more on your forecast. drew. >> hey there, the accused there alert is in effect today. we have our heat wave continuing inland live. look at sutro tower showing you we've got a lot of fog out there. current temperatures, we're in the 50s and 60s, close to the coast, but 70 are up there as you head inland. it's going to be a warm day today. heat advisories in effect along with excessive heat warnings. >> gloria drew, thank you so much. if you're streaming with us on the abc seven bay area app, abc seven at seven continues next for everyone else. gma. why
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>> you ignore the signs and the flashing lights. my mom is out there. that's my dad in that truck. slow down. how would you feel if that was your dad? be alert. be at work. so an alert. >> this is a real person seeking a solution to a real problem. >> hi. hi, how are you? >> welcome to the good feet store. how can i help? i have plantar fasciitis. >> my knees hurt, my hips hurt, and then she was fit with good feet. arch supports. i don't feel any pain anywhere. seriously. no pain in my knees, my hips, nothing. this is amazing. i don't want to take them off. it just feels like i'm in heaven. oh, you're a blessing in disguise. >> try them for yourself with a free arch support fitting at the good feet store, alameda county fair, it's your last chance to join the fun and celebrate. >> catch that summer feeling with delicious fair food, carnival rides, racing pigs, fmf concerts, drone shows, live horse racing, and more. don't miss out! open through sunday, july 7th. scan qr or visit alameda county fair. com. >> hey california telethon means
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big savings. telethon means great selection. telethon means six days to save during ford's 4th of july telethon. lisa 2024 ford f-150 for only 3.99 a month. it's telethon time, and these offers end july 8th. right now. get a 2023 ford explorer with 7250 bonus cash with eligible trade in only at your california ford dealer. >> whether someone is across the neighborhood, across the street, or across the room, you have the power to make them feel right at home. grits a taste of welcome. >> you never know what you're capable of until you rise to the challenge, because there's nothing better than the sweet smell of victory and trash bags. >> smells good in here. >> cool strength. that's anything but ordinary. >> when you get hurt in a car
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accident, do you know who to call? >> you call the law, brothers. everybody knows that. >> the law brothers are the number one car accident attorneys. >> everybody knows we've helped so many people over the years. we've probably even helped someone. >> you know, the call and consultation are always free, and they can come to you at your home, the hospital or wherever you are. >> everybody knows that we're the law. >> brothers, call one 802. >> two. two two. two. two. two. hello >> you're going way too fast. >> don't you see that work zone? >> seriously, that's my pop up behind those cones. how would you feel if that was your dad? be alert. be at work. zone alert. what's >> good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. overnight, hurricane beryl roars ashore, making landfall in mexico just south of cancun as a category 2 just moments ago. now the new track, is texas
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next? and new wildfires explode overnight, more than a dozen burning right now. firefighters battling triple-digit temperatures on the front lines, with more than 110 million americans on alert for dangerous heat. sam is tracking it all. >> "i don't?" it's the latest wedding debate on social media. one woman charging guests to attend her bridal shower. what would you do? >> dog days. this morning, expert advice to help your dog live healthier and longer. how much they should really be eating, and the foods they should never have. plus, "rise and brine." we are checking out the latest viral food trend that is a big dill. >> that's really good. >> the pickle sandwich that has people lining up around the block, and how to make it yourself at home. ♪ ♪ >> a taste of texas. the next stop on our "main street usa" tour is
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pearland, texas, the thriving community south of houston. checking out the small businesses serving up everything from boots to some of the best barbecue in america, as we say -- >> good morning, america! >> announcer: live in times square, this is "gma." >> aww, we have a great crowd with us, and we have a great day ahead. good morning, america. happy friday. "main street usa" is in the lone star state this morning. mireya villarreal is live with the crowd in pearland, texas, a small town with a very big heart. they are sharing their secret to the best barbecue. i love barbecue, by the way. coming up. >> can't wait for that. all eyes are also on president biden right now. he told a fourth of july crowd at the white house that he is not leaving the race, and we are just hours away from his critical interview with our george stephanopoulos. that's coming up. >> first a look at the top stories breaking at 8:00. starting with hurricane beryl
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making landfall south of cancun moments ago. the track now turning towards texas. sam champion has the latest on this monster storm. we're watching it closely. >> if you are just waking up in texas, i need texas on alert for this, and let me show you why. this is what it looks like live in cancun, this is the backside of the hurricane. we have a hurricane on land in the yucatan peninsula right now. that's one of the biggest vacation zones in the world, and i want to show you the wind coming out of quintana roo, which is that entire state, which is cancun, cozumel -- let me see if i can get this right. tulum, playa del carmen. they are all right there in a strip. this came on land a little after 7:00. some of us would say before that to the hurricane center, but we still have a category 2 storm. this storm will weaken as it moves across land. they always do right here. this is a small center. when it gets in the gulf, does it re-strengthen? the answer is going to be yes, because the water temperatures are warmer than normal. 87-degree water temperatures in that zone, so you can see the
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forecast going to a 1, and you also see it as a 1 for the tip of texas, making landfall sometime monday morning. what i want you to consider is this storm has blown out all forecasts. it has not been exactly, it's been stronger. so i want you to prepare for it just in case. look at the rainfall totals, up to 8 inches of rain. also we had another fire explode last night. this is the french fire, a good 800 acres burning there. fires in northern parts of california, as well. why is this going on? look at this heat. i want to talk about the heat in this zone, but i want you to notice that number. we talked about this at the top of the show. 119 degrees in las vegas, nevada. it has never, ever happened since we have been keeping records in that area. 117 is their top number. if we get it there, guys, by the time we get to that forecast zone on sunday, that is unbelievable territory for us. >> unbelievable. i was just in las vegas, 110 degrees. it felt so hot then, i can't even imagine. >> and dangerous. >> exactly right. >> please stay safe out there.
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sam, thank you. we turn now to the latest on president biden fighting to save his candidacy as panic grows in the democratic party. our senior white house correspondent selina wang has the latest. good morning, selina. >> hey, good morning, rebecca. all eyes are on the president today. this as i am told donors and allies are very closely watching the president's interview with george today, as they decide whether to continue supporting him as president, and further his reelection campaign or not. this is as panic within the democratic party is growing. with now three democratic lawmakers calling publicly for the president to step aside. sources are telling us that, at the white house earlier this week with democratic governors, the president said he needs to sleep more and work fewer hours, even suggesting he should end events by 8:00 p.m. but the president of course is trying to prove that he can do this job. he hosted an event at the white house for the july 4th celebration last night, telling the crowd of cheering supporters that he is staying in this race.
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but this is really a make or break it moment for the president, and you have former president donald trump taking advantage of that chaos. he's calling for another debate with the president, anytime, anywhere, but this, of course, rebecca, even though they both already committed to a debate on abc news in september. >> critical conversation ahead today. selina, thank you. and that conversation with our george stephanopoulos sitting down with the president today in an exclusive one-on-one. the president's first television interview since the debate, that entire interview airing tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern, right here on abc, gio. >> a very big show tonight. and coming up on our morning menu, the bride charging guests to come to her shower. how much, and what people are saying. >> also ahead, the parents using air tags to track their kids. what experts are saying about it, and what the age cutoff should be. >> plus, jess sims is here with the best backyard toys and games that will keep the whole family cool this summer. she is enjoying them right now, and sam is having a "pawesome"
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morning over here with zorro! >> who's got the best ears on the planet? who does? you do, zorro! you do! "gma," we are always sitting with the dogs. the best-selling author and vet, dr. karen becker, is here to tell us how to help them live long and strong. zorro -- can you see those ears? let me get out of the way. look at that! we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ back. ♪ that you ever did see... ♪ ♪ now the tree has roots that need water to grow ♪ ♪ grow jobs, grow skills ♪ ♪ make the whole world go. ♪ ♪ make the green grass grow all around all around. ♪ ♪ make the green grass grow all around. ♪ at jpmorganchase, the investments we make help make businesses happen, that make jobs happen, that make communities happen. together, we make momentum happen. ♪ can your pad flex with you without shifting?
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always flexfoam can. it's the only pad made with a flexible foam core with new and improved wings that fit securely for up to zero bunching and zero leaks. can your pad do that? see what foam can do for you. (woman) i'm so excited. i'm finally here in the city. can that? (man) ahhhhh! (woman) no, no, no, no, no! (vo) you break it. we take it. trade in any phone, in any condition and get a new iphone 15 with tons of storage, on us. only on verizon. ( ♪ ) feel the power of osteo bi-flex®. taken every day, it's clinically shown to improve joint comfort in 7 days, with significant improvement over time. ( ♪ ) did you know that if you shave, 1/3rd of what you remove is skin? (♪) new dove helps repair it. so, if you shave it? (♪) dove it new dove replenish your skin after every shave. it's target circle week!
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what week? -circle! she's saying circle week. it's the biggest sale of the season! oh, great. does that mean more savings or something? you bet your bottom derler! your bottom what? ♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight ♪ and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪
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and i'm keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i'm reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that's proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn't be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don't take wegovy® if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop wegovy® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. wegovy® may cause low blood sugar in people with diabetes, especially if you take medicines to treat diabetes. tell your provider about vision problems or changes, or if you feel your heart racing while at rest. depression or thoughts of suicide may occur. call your provider right away if you have any mental changes. common side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. with wegovy®, i'm losing weight, i'm keeping it off.
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and i'm lowering my cv risk. that's the power of we. ♪ ♪ check your cost and coverage before talking to your health care professional about wegovy®. ♪ ♪ >> raise your hand if you've been a bridesmaid. oh, just me! [laughter] well, we are back now with our
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"gma" cover story, and the bride charging her guests $300 to come to her bridal shower. it is sparking a big debate online. morgan norwood, who i'm certain has been a bridesmaid in her day, is back with the details. nice to see you again, morgan. >> good morning. that's right. and we all know weddings can be expensive, whether you're a bridesmaid or the happy couple, but requiring guests to pay to attend an event, that has got people talking. >> while brides are typically the one saying "i do," this morning, one bridesmaid is saying "i don't" to paying to attend a bridal shower. >> what was the theme, humiliation? >> it's the latest big day debate sweeping the internet and it started when one woman took to reddit to share how her cousin, the bride, sent her an invitation to the bridal shower. that invite came with a price tag of $300 for all guests. in the now viral post, she writes, "she sent me a link last week to reserve my spot at the venue.
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when i went to do it, it required me to pay $300. i asked her about it and she said everyone is paying her own way. is this a common or normal practice?" adding, "to say i'm beyond annoyed is an understatement." redditors quick to react, many telling her to decline, one writing, "paying to attend an event where a gift is also expected? no way." another saying, "you do not invite guests to an event and charge them $300. that's not how inviting guests works." >> that's gorgeous. >> it's $800. >> it's on sale! >> according to the knot, the average cost to be a bridesmaid adds up to about $2,000. roughly $1,300 for the bachelorette party, about $250 for wedding and shower gifts, $250 for hair and makeup on the big day, and about $130 for the dress. >> the cost of having a wedding, especially having the type of really huge thing that you see on instagram, a lot of people
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look for backdoor ways to do it, such as charging their guests. but just because it is not in your budget doesn't mean it is in their budget, either. >> and while wedding etiquette is constantly evolving, typically the bride's family takes on the shower. but, in recent years, especially amid the rising cost of everything, more brides have been passing on the bill to bridesmaids. >> it's really important that every bridesmaid knows they can say no to certain expenses, and it's really important for every bride to be gracious about that when that happens. >> okay, so, as you can imagine, this post is generating a lot of opinions. one writing that it felt expensive until she herself became a bride. another is saying support your friend and stop being cheap. i do want to add that the bridesmaid at the center of this debate now says she is not going to the bridal shower. >> okay, all right. >> drama. >> we are seeing a lot of this. i have one coming up in september. i will not be paying. [laughter]
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>> i'm not mr. etiquette, but throw the wedding you can afford. you know what i mean? don't ask your guests -- >> thanks, sam! >> uncle sam. [laughter] >> morgan, we appreciate it. we want to turn now to parents turning to smart devices like apple air tags to track their children who are too young for a smartphone. becky worley is back with the details on this. becky, tell me more. i'm fascinated by this. >> whit, any time new technology comes on the market, people will find new and novel and inventive ways to use it. putting an air tag on your toddler sounds crazy, but this mother of twins can totally understand how that can give a parent some much needed peace of mind. >> keeping an eye on a toddler can be challenging, so moms like brooke king are turning to apple air tags for some help. >> can you flip your wrist over for me? >> i'm always finding myself running after her quickly, so i didn't want to teach her that if
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she ran off i would just run after her, and it was okay to continue this behavior. >> her 3-year-old daughter wears the tracking device as a bracelet, mostly in crowded areas. >> it does help me feel more in control of the situation, and as a parent, my top priority is her safety. in addition to her ability to have some independence. >> and if they were to get separated, she's able to see her exact location on her phone. using air tags is easy. you just purchase one and then bring it in proximity to your phone. it automatically recognizes it and then you give it a name. this one is called "finn's backpack." so i can just throw it into his backpack, and now i know where he is. >> apple tells abc news that air tags are intended for tracking items, not people, and says to stay on top of a kid's whereabouts an apple watch is ideal because of its safety features. parenting expert ericka souter says devices like air tags are a good way to give children a slice of independence while also keeping an eye on them for
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safety. >> if you have little ones, you want to make sure they are safe. parents have a lot of safety concerns in this day and age. >> but, she says, when using these devices, you also have to factor in your child's age. >> if you have a teenager who hangs out with their friends or has a curfew, you have to eventually begin to trust them to follow the rules and be back home when they need to be back home. so, for a lot of families, the teenage years are the cut off or something like the air tag or monitoring their whereabouts. >> you can get a pack of four air tags for roughly $80. then there are other options on the market that are specifically meant for tracking children, like watches, but they usually start at about $100 and you need to pay a monthly service fee, guys. >> we did this with our kids on vacation recently, but now maybe all year-round. we'll see. [laughter] becky worley, thanks so much. appreciate it. >> okay, dad! >> dad is on it. sam, pop news, what's going on?
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>> i'm very excited about this one, whit. happy friday, everyone. let's start with some royalty. the one and only sir paul mccartney proving that age is just a state of mind, although i lost my mind once i passed 60. [laughter] earlier this week, the beatle officially marked his lucky 13th top ten chart-topping album. it's called "one hand clapping." go ahead, make the sound. and it was actually originally recorded 50 years ago with his band, wings. now, if you don't know wings, we can't be friends. >> i don't know wings. >> the album features megahits -- no way! >> baby gio! >> up until now we were friends. it is a reworked extract of the classics, plus the recordings were never released at the time it was made. now "one hand clapping" has officially hit the top ten billboard albums chart, and vinyl sales charts. he's going strong, folks. the grammy-winning superstar turned 82 years young just last month and announced that he is extending his "got back" world
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tour, extending it, playing multiple stadium shows in brazil. okay, now i understand why he's in brazil. and on top of his international stops, they'll be across south america, the u.s., the u.k., mexico, all happening this fall. >> amazing. >> fantastic. >> he's unbelievable. and more music news this morning, my spirit animal, sabrina carpenter, is really having a moment. it's not just me saying it. everybody else is, too. her run in the chart continues. her songs "espresso" and "please, please, please" actually keep dethroning each other for the top spot on the global spotify chart. one wins and the next one comes back, and i think we can officially declare "espresso" the song of the summer. it is the song of the summer. >> thanks. >> there, done, but we are not done. now sabrina is taking to instagram to celebrate more good news. posting, "and just like that,
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you guys sold out the entire short and sweet tour. espresso went number one, thank you all so much." she is such a sweetheart. and someone special decided to congratulate her in the comments. taylor swift. if you need another reason to love taylor. >> in the comments? >> writing, "summer of sabrina, may it continue forever," with an angel emoji. now, sabrina of course opened for taylor on her eras tour, so taylor supporting women artists as she always does. you heard it here, taylor has declared it, it's the summer of sabrina carpenter. now we need to "please, please, please" observe it. [laughter] finally this morning, a story of brotherly love. chris cook lives in denver, colorado, and recently told his brothers that he is very close to giving up on love. don't do it! after searching for his entire life. his twin brother, henry, and younger brother, jamie, decided this is not an option and took matters into their own hands, creating the "find chris love" campaign. they went old school with a highway billboard, created car magnets to spread the word throughout the area, and created
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online dating profiles and an entire tiktok account dedicating their search. they told us they gave themselves 30 days to find him a match. so, as sabrina would say, "please, please, please," let's get down to business. chris is 6'4". not 6'5" and not in finance, but runs half marathons and has blue eyes, by the way. he's a good-looking guy, folks. he was a ballroom dancer here in new york before moving to colorado. his brothers say he is smart and loyal and a blast to be around. he actually doesn't have any idea about this campaign that his brothers are waging. >> well, he does now! >> he didn't see the billboard? [laughter] >> so let's find him love, guys. i hope it works. i love this story. >> you could run a political campaign. >> sam is on it. >> we do have some flooding going on in the middle of the country, in our heartland. this flooding -- look at this in
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davenport, iowa. this is video, major flooding on the mississippi river. we are just short of an all-time record by the time we get to sunday. there have been weeks of rain, and it may have seemed like weeks ago, but it takes that long to get out of the smaller tributaries and into the mississippi river. now, we have got a dry day, but >> as temperatures rise across the country, "gma" contributor jess sims has the best backyard
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games and tools for the whole family to stay cool. we all want to do that, right? and you can shop for all of them on our website, hey, jess! >> how are you? >> i'm about to blow your minds. you are already doing it. these are reusable water balloons. >> how? >> get out of here! >> check this out. it's already opened up. all you do is submerge it underwater, and there are magnets, and they just close. >> wow! >> don't you do it, gio. i'm in a suit. i know what you want to do. >> throw it on the ground. >> really? just down on the ground? here i go. oh! >> you don't have to -- he's going to do all of them now. >> and they are reusable so you're not wasting the balloons. kids can play with them all day. >> this is brilliant. >> 100%. you don't need to fuss with the knot at the top. all that good stuff, on amazon. >> you are a winner with this one. and we've got more. >> we have got way more. these are floats by the first
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inflatable pool brand that has designer floats. this one, this is more about hotel luxury. >> super cute. i won't be able to get up, but i can get down. go ahead. >> do you need a mimosa? >> i do! do you have one? this is awesome, guys. this is the winner. >> this one is also pretty royal, as well. >> i enjoy it. i can't move. >> this one also doubles as outdoor furniture. >> oh, look at that! >> relaxation is over. let's go. it's time to go bowling. you get six inflatable pins and the ball right here. i did a really great job during the preview, so it's going to be hard to follow this act. >> do you want to do it? >> i can't. i'm holding my mic, so you have to. >> that was so weak! this is the hot wheels version. oh, there, that also works. for kids and adults. there's a barbie version, there's pastels, all this good stuff.
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>> okay, cool! >> these are inflatable sprinklers. obviously sprinklers are fun as is. >> that's a sprinkler? >> this is amazing. >> we are not turning them on here, but we do have a video. one of our "gma" senior producers, her daughter, august, got to play with it in the past week. >> i love this! >> she's having a blast. look at her running around the dinosaur! >> how cool is that? you get your own jurassic park. right there in your backyard. >> and since it's inflatable, you can throw it in the pool, too. >> you guys have all the fun stuff now! this is what i was so into it as a kid. what is that? >> this is a foam machine. if you don't have it, you will have fomo, or fear of missing out. it is nontoxic, hypoallergenic. >> that's awesome! this you have scored on every one of these. i would i would truly have every one of these. >> every single one. it makes
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the summer that much better. >> yeah. this is awesome. >> not just for kids. for adults too. you're a blast. >> thank you so much, jess. thanks so much. remember, go to our website to find these deals coming up. main street usa is in texas. every every single one of these awesome. >> president joe biden, his first television interview since the debate tonight, the abc news exclusive joe biden, george stephanopoulos, the newsmaking exclusive tonight at eight seven central on abc. hey, good morning america. >> good morning america. good morning america. are you ready? >> they are ready. >> covering the biggest events in the country right now. there's a lot going on here. >> you don't just see it, you feel it. i'm in. i'm in, i'm in, i'm in too.
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>> i'll be there. i am here and so happy. >> i'm in. i'm in too. >> michael forge. where ginger reed, a polite. >> so what's good to read? and we mean really good to read right now. well, that's where charlie and kate gibson can help. join us for the new podcast series. >> it is called the bookcase with kate and charlie. we will make sure you love what you read. >> listen wherever you get your podcasts. >> please, ma'am, you should want to impress me. puppies can hold my puppy. >> so this is gonna get competitive. >> i don't know how anyone's gonna top that puppy love twice the celebrities on a new season of who wants to be a millionair? >> now, from abc seven mornings. >> good morning, everyone. my name is kumasi aaron. i am from abc seven mornings, some 4th of
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july celebrations got out of hand last night. in many instances, brushfire started by fireworks in san jose. multiple fires around lake cunningham, one of them at the site where the city held a sanctioned fireworks show. it's not clear yet, though. those fireworks sparked the blaze. a viewer shared some videos showing a hillside on fire, with fireworks going off. san jose fire tells us this wasn't the only fire in town last night. meteorologist drew tuma has your accuweather forecast after the break. >> honda's are on sale now during the july 4th sales event from 249 a month. gas or hybrid gets 614 miles per tank and the battery charges as you drive with hybrids. ask anyone who owns a honda and search your local honda dealer. >> when you're hurting an accident. results matter at sweet james, our attorneys have participated in over 500 trials with a 98% winning record. we don't just win, we win the most
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there are plenty of personal injury firms, but we are one of the very few that deliver results like these. when your life has been impacted by an injury, there's only one firm to call sweet james. >> hi, i'm dan ashley of abc seven news and i am so excited about this year's aids walk san francisco. sunday, july 21st in golden gate park. it is my 30th year hosting this very special and very important event. join me to remember those we've lost and to show solidarity and support for those who are still fighting. every dollar raised helps create a future free from hiv and aids. together, let's stride toward a brighter and healthier tomorrow for the entire bay area. i'll see you there. >> during the july 4th sales event, drive a honda hybrid and get 614 miles per tank of continuous driving. cr-v hybrids 369 a month accord hybrids 379. ask anyone who owns a honda and search for a local honda dealer.
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>> hey bay area live with kelly and marcus. coming up, we'll chat with mary lou henner about her play the journals of adam and eve. that's at nine on abc seven. >> we will see you in 30 minutes. yaki with the forecast showing you a live look outside sutro tower, just the thinnest layer of fog right now. bumped up along the coastline. it's another day of intense heat inland temperatures right now. it is warm already this morning. 60s and 70s out there currently. again today we have heat advisories, excessive heat warnings in effect as our heat wave rolls on away from the coast over 100 degrees in our hottest areas inland. cooler along the coast. kumasi. >> thank you drew. we'll have another abc7 news update in about 30 minutes, but you can always find the latest on our always find the latest on our ♪ ♪ >> announcer: welcome back to "gma," live from times square. >> we are back now with our
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series, "mainstreet usa." all week long we've been visiting towns across the country where the american spirit is alive and well. this morning, mireya villareal is south of houston in pearland, texas. mireya, good morning to you. you've got quite the crowd out there. >> we do! and my job is so horrible this morning, guys. it's so horrible! as i'm out here in pearland, texas. give 'em a little -- [cheers and applause] look at this amazing crowd right behind me! this city has everything. everything from barbecue to boots. take a look. ♪ ♪ >> giant, colorful pears sprinkled around every corner. the growing city of pearland, located just south of houston, is home to a thriving community of small businesses. >> we might see fish this morning. >> and public facilities like the delores fenwick nature center. >> our entire mission is to help connect the pearland community with nature and outdoor recreation.
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>> a fun educational hub for curious minds of all ages, where visitors can interact and learn about texas wildlife. >> in here we can be loud and messy and have fun. we can grab it, feel it, smell it. maybe don't taste it, but we can do those different things to engage with nature. >> and located right off pearland's main street -- >> good morning, america! >> is the family-friendly and lively vallensons' brewing company, known for their great beverages and hospitality. >> we have a lot to offer in pearland. there's so much to do here and we are proud to be part of that. >> everybody has been amazing to us. the community here has been outstanding, and i couldn't have picked a better city. >> and for the trendiest cowboy fashion -- >> it's just a way of living. >> segura western wear has you covered. >> we treat everyone
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>> when someone walks in, you feel welcome. >> thank you so much. >> and just across the street in what used to be a school cafeteria is the acclaimed killen's barbecue. a pearland staple. >> i wanted to take my classical training and put it to use as far as barbecue and see how i could make it better. to me, you are only as good as the last person you serve. ♪ ♪ >> all right, we are here with the ronnie killen, and i have to say, i have been to your place more times than i'd like to admit. the one thing i always walk away from is everything is incredible, but the sauce is amazing. you are sharing this recipe with us today. >> yes, ma'am. >> give us the rundown. >> very easy. basically you start with a little butter and take a little onion, salt it and sweat it down. >> butter, always amazing. >> i like to put a little lemon
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juice in there to get a little acid from it. and worcestershire. then i like to put a little coca-cola. that's my secret ingredient. because it is sweet. yes, ma'am. >> only right here, texas barbecue secret ingredient. got it. >> put a little coke in there, and brown sugar. >> what else do you need next? >> as it gets incorporated, we will stir it up a little bit, mix it, and then go with ketchup. >> and -- we wait on the catch up for what reason? >> actually we are going to the mustard first. >> i want to make sure we get to the end, my favorite part, the barbecue. >> apple cider vinegar gives it a little bit -- you get all the taste, it is sweet and sour and you get all those texas flavors. >> why don't i do this while you move on over? i'm going to stir this up and
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add ketchup at the end. you have a water bottle here. why is this important? >> when you barbecue, if you have a fire or flare up or anything, this will get it out. you don't miss the meat up and when you're clicking on the smoker. >> and next is the most important part of this rundown. the meat in and of itself it i'm going to leave this here because if you get to the important stuff. we have amazing meat right there. just slice it up, i'll put it in my mouth, hopefully gracefully. and the last tip you have is to let the meat -- >> always let it rest in three or hours. when you pulled briskets and stuff, it's probably about 200 degrees. so you want to cut it at 150. >> thank you for doing this year in pearland. guys, back to you. [cheers and applause] >> we are jealous! my mouth is watering over here. >> that looked amazing. >> mireya, thank you so much. we appreciate it. coming up here, the pickle sandwich that's becoming a really big dill.
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>> all right, we are back now with "rise and brine." did you get that? brine? >> yes, got it. >> just making sure you got it! pickles are apparently the hottest trend this summer, not just in food. will ganss is here to tell us about it. will, you've got a peck of pickle puns! >> call me peter piper, gio, that's right. hopefully these puns won't be too jarring. from fashion to snacks to a sandwich people are driving hours to get, america is definitely in its pickle era.
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>> it is pickle girl summer. >> pickle number one, kosher dill. >> from unleashing your inner peter piper and packing a pickled party platter, to picking out your outfit for the day -- >> pickle girl summer. this color is fantastic. >> and the biggest dill of all, the viral pickle sandwich. >> did you know you can get a sub on a pickle? >> just take a second and look at this. that's what i needed in life. >> this is what pickle-mania is about, the pickle sandwich. >> for seven brothers gourmet in oceanside, new york, the trend has pickle people lining up around the block. >> there's two lines, one for just the pickle sandwich and one for everything else. >> we used to order one pail of pickles a week. last week we ordered 70 pails and we went through them. so we've been averaging about ten pails a day. that's like about 500 pickle sandwiches. >> for any pickle peeps who want to try the diy viral sandwich on their own -- >> you just need a decent sized
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pickle. you want to core out a decent amount of it, too, so you have room on the inside. if you want to make a pickle sandwich at home, honey turkey is probably the best cold cut to put on the pickle sandwich because it has that sweet taste, and you definitely want to put bacon on it, put the dressing on the side so it's not too messy. >> welcome to the kitchen. >> and you know i'm always "gherkin' hard" to keep up with the latest trends. >> it's so juicy. honestly, i feel like i should be wearing some sort of rain poncho for this. >> but does it beat the bread? i had to see if other people thought they were a big dill. >> i have a different opinion. >> [laughs] >> pickle girl summer! >> my top three tips for any pickle peeps wanting to make the sandwich on their own, number one, however juicy you think it's going to be, it is juicier. making it is juicy, transporting it is juicy, and biting into it is juicy. number two, the feedback from my
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friends, consider ditching the cheese. for some reason the cheese with the pickle can be kind of a weird consistency without the bread. number three, the crispier the bacon, the better. >> wow. we've got some displays set up, because pickles are not just for the relish, they're also part of condiments now. >> it's easy for me to be like, okay, pickles are trending on tiktok, but you know it's a big dill when major brands are getting involved. we have pickle hidden valley ranch, pickle heinz ketchup, and we have pickle mustard. these are all pickle flavored. >> can i try these? >> get in there. >> you are gherkin' so hard to the money. you've got to come over here. love pickle chips, but also enjoying these pickle flavored snacks. >> yes, pickle snacks are major right now. we have the tabitha brown dill popcorn, dill pickle goldfish, which i love, and we had a hard time finding the pickle doritos but we scoured every bodega in the tri-state and finally found them. >> congratulations, they are
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delicious. >> these are actually really good. >> guys, thank you. i made these this morning, fresh. >> you can do it with salad? >> this can be the centerpiece of the entire meal. if you don't want just dips or snacks, we have this dill pickle chopped salad which is also a great secondary dish. >> will, i am alarmed. someone made a dessert out of pickles? >> don't be alarmed. it's actually quite delicious. we have here cheryl's pickle cookies, which are amazing. and this is a "gma" exclusive this morning. baked by melissa, these are launching next week. we have the first taste right here. it's an exclusive collab, and we have got dill-infused -- >> that is so good. >> it is really good. i was skeptical. >> pickle girl summer? >> cheers! >> sam, what you got with the weather? >> if i can do this now! thank you very much. let's get outdoors right now and check those maps, because we have a lot of heat to talk about. i want to show you the numbers yesterday. these are yesterday's record
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high temperatures. they go across the country into the carolinas. now, we will spread this again as we go through the day today, and yes, we are showing you seattle, washington, because you're getting in the heat advisory. this will run from today all the way through monday. the reason we want to take a second to talk about it is there's the potential here for dangerous heat illness in the kind of heat that you guys are experiencing, simply because you're not used to it. look at the excessive heat watches and warnings taking over the west, and this is a look at temperatures expected for the rest of the month. that's the weather around the nation. here's what you can bringing "inside out 2" to children's hospitals. our parent company, disney, believes magic is for everyone, everywhere, and that's why the children's hospital initiative is a big priority. take a look.
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>> go for joy, copy that, over. >> "inside out 2" is breaking records at the box office. >> time to celebrate! >> and bringing joy where she's needed most. >> thanks, i try. >> disney movie moments screening the summer hit at nearly 500 children's hospitals like this one in birmingham, alabama. and joining the party, actor tony hale, voice of the character fear in "inside out 2." >> please! we really need your help! >> coming here and talking to the kids is such a gift. they are so special and fun, and they were asking such great questions. to bring the movie here to them, that's a moment i'll never forget. >> the walt disney company, with a $100 million commitment to deliver disney magic to pediatric hospitals. >> of all the causes in the world, i can't think of any one that is better than the health and well-being of children. >> recently announcing the funding of a new medicinema
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theater at great orman street hospital overseas. >> we are super jazzed to be here. where can i put my stuff? >> supporting children's hospitals here in london and around the world is something that is part of our heritage, part of our history, and part of our culture. ♪ ♪ >> so great. the family is telling us they get a touch of disney in the hospital. it's that big magic, and it makes a difference. since 2018, disney has brought stories, characters, and immersive experiences to more than 1300 children's hospitals and pediatric places of care. >> makes you very proud to be part of this organization, whit. okay, we turn now to this week's "gma" buzz pick. it is "honey" by the debut author, isabel banta, and here she is to tell us about it. >> good morning, america. i am isabel banta, and my first novel, "honey," is a coming-of-age story about a pop star in the late '90s and early 2000s.
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the media and music industry tried to tell her who she is, but she is determined to find out for herself. if you are nostalgic for '90s pop music or you've ever been a teenage girl, i hope you will bring "honey" to the beach this summer. happy reading! >> hey, both these things can be said about me! "honey" is available now, and it's been named one of the best books of the summer by "people." you can keep reading along with us on our instagram @gmabookclub. and, guys, coming up, best-selling author dr. karen becker is here to talk about her new book, "the forever dog life," sharing ways to keep
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>> we are back now on "gma" helping your dog thrive with the right diet and environment. dr. karen becker is here. she is the coauthor of the "the forever dog life," and we have a few more adorable guests here with us, from best friends, who are all up for adoption, by the way.
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dr. becker, it is so great to meet you. thank you so much for coming in. obviously your book, your first book was talking about recipes, the way to make your animals healthier and live longer. what is this next one about? >> actually, the first book was very word-heavy. 400 pages about the latest longevity science on how to help pet owners intentionally extend health span and life span. this book is all about recipes. it is full-color, how-to, step-by-step. >> recipes you want to feed your dog and things you want your dog to avoid. what are we talking about here? >> that's right. the good news is, food issues are confusing because human foods are amazing for animals. but there's a few we need to avoid. all members of the onion family, onions, leeks, and chives are a no-no, grapes and raisins, and all forms of cocoa and chocolate are no-nos. and macadamia nuts, because they can cause gi upset in dogs, we just say avoid it. other than that, all unsalted nuts, seeds, fresh fruits and
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veggies, edible parts chopped into small pieces, they are a-okay, including these groups of foods. avocados are very nourishing. you've got to remove the pit and the skin. >> i didn't realize that. mushrooms? >> every mushroom you can buy at the grocery store is amazing for your entire family. culinary and edible mushrooms have incredible health benefits, and if you cook those mushrooms, the health benefits increase. one clove of fresh garlic into a batch of dog food, amazing for flavor and health benefits, and pitted fruits like peaches and plums are also wonderful, but you're not going to feed stems, cores, rinds. you're going to feed the pieces and parts of fruits and veggies that you would feed your >> and gio has some. whole family. >> dr. becker, zorro is not too picky because he's been eyeing the treats. but a lot are picky. >> they are picky eaters, so one thing we do is try to match the protein they like, like if your dog is really into chicken, you can make a nutritionally complete and
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balanced chicken recipe and start by weaning them onto fresher and better food. also remember, when you cook homemade pleat nutritionally completefoods, th. nutritionally complete and balanced chicken recipe and start by weaning them onto fresher and better food. also remember, when you cook nutritionally complete foods and treats at home, they taste fresh so it tastes good. if you have a finicky eater, homemade treats and foods are a good option. >> you bet it is. it's important we base the number dogs and cats need off their activity level and life stage. you know how many calories, you can divide into three meals, two meals, or one meal a day. these are going to be fine eating multiple times a day, but the largest food frequency study, out of 24,000 dogs, the dog aging project discovered that feeding dogs once a day actually resulted in the best health outcomes. >> wow, okay. >> but it's not a popular study with dogs. when it comes to healthy treats, these are apple cinnamon treats. all of these are three ingredient treats. even if you hate being in the kitchen, or you're not a cook, these are pretty easy for everyone to make. apple cinnamon treats, applesauce, coconut flour,
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and cinnamon helps balance blood sugar. should we see what he thinks? what do you think? he says "thinking about it," huh? how about a turkey treat? >> he likes the turkey. he likes his protein just like me. >> low fat turkey bites. fat-free turkey, a little bit of cottage cheese, and 100% canned pumpkin or squash from the garden. >> we have to move it along for a time, but cleaning products. we worry about kids, we should worry about puppies, too. >> household chemicals are found in the blood and urine of dogs. we want to switch to nontoxic home cleaning products. we can do that easily. a great all-purpose cleaner, a little alcohol, a little bit of soap to break up biofilm, water, and dog safe essential oils. a couple drops of lemon or lavender if you wish, and a floor cleaner, as well. white vinegar and water and a little bit of olive oil for that shine. >> how about when we clean about up our puppies but we want to treat them right and keep it simple? >> a simple and easy deodorizer,
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you can use green tea, peppermint tea, apple cider vinegar, and a spritz from the neck down. a great way to freshen up puppies in between baths and grooming. >> neck down? >> neck down, never the face. >> you want them to smell good. some people's dogs don't. so pay attention to this. >> yes. logan does. >> all the babies smell good. these are all great nontoxic options and ways we can help minimize risk in the home and maximize nutrition. >> dr. becker, this is all so helpful. we appreciate it. we were talking about the foster dogs in my house, too. got to get in on some of these treats and cleaning products and everything. thank you so much. of course, "the forever dog life" is out now, and these adorable pups are available for adoption from best friends animal society. give them a forever home, please. and we will be right back. >> they are so cute. thank you. ♪
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nearby watched the display and continue to see those fireworks pop off as the crews were fighting flames. they were able to stop forward progress and kumasi. >> we have the accuweather alert for the red flag warning continuing today. the excessive heat warnings inland, as well as our heat wave rolls on our east bay hills. camera. it's clear and sunny, but we have clouds along the immediate coastline. we're in the 70s for the most part away from the coast, so another warm day is on the way. hot inland. those temperatures going above 100 inland today 80s and 90s around the bay shoreline along the coast. it will be very comfortable with temperatures mainly in the 60s. kumasi. >> thanks, drew. now it's time for live with kelly and mark. we'll be back at 11:00 for ♪ ♪ >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and mark!" [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪


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