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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  July 5, 2024 11:00pm-11:36pm PDT

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>> deborah: i'm deborah roberts. from all of us here at "20/20" and abc news, good night. the lord almighty, comes down and tells me that i might do that in an exclusive interview with abc news anchor george stephanopoulos. >> president joe biden remained defiant, rejecting calls for him
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to drop out of the race. good evening. thanks so much for joining us here at 11. i'm julian glover and i'm ama daetz tonight with the future of president biden's reelection campaign possibly at stake, he fielded some tough questions from abc's george stephanopoulos. and this was his first major interview since last week's debate. and he dismissed concerns about his candidacy. we begin our coverage tonight with abc's jacqueline lee in his first televised sit down interview since the disastrous presidential debate. >> president biden telling abc's george stephanopoulos he's not going anywhere ahead of the november election. >> i don't think anybody is more qualified to be president or win this race than me. >> president biden acknowledging he had a terrible night on the debate. >> but your friend nancy pelosi actually framed the question that i think is on the minds of millions of americans. was this a bad episode or the sign of a more serious condition? >> it was a bad episode. uh- no indicator of any serious condition. i was exhausted, i didn't listen to my instincts in terms of preparing and a bad
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night. >> the president also questioned on concerns about his mental fitness. >> do you have the mental and physical capacity to do it for another four years? >> i believe i wouldn't be running if i didn't think i did. look i'm running again because i think i understand best what has to be done to take this nation to a completely new, new level. we're on our way. we're on our way. and look, the decision recently made by the supreme court on immunity, you know, the next president of the united states is not just about whether he or she knows what they're doing. >> the president also rejecting the idea of taking a cognitive test and releasing the results. >> look, i have a cognitive test every single day, every day i have that test. everything i do, you know, not only am i campaigning, but i'm running the world. and that's not how it sounds like hyperbole. but we are the essential nation in the world. >> the president also rejecting
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poll numbers showing him trailing former president donald trump, saying he can beat his rival again. jacqueline lee abc news, los angeles. >> reaction is already starting to pour in following the president's sit down interview. while some of it has been more positive than following his debate performance last week, others say they still have concerns. abc seven news reporter tim johns has been talking with several political leaders and analysts for us this evening, and he joins us live with their take. tim. >> yeah. ama, as one political analyst said to me today, the president's main goal this evening should have been to stop the bleeding. and while everyone i spoke with said they think the president performed better tonight than he did on the debate stage against donald trump, not all of them were convinced biden has done enough. all that work and an exclusive abc news sit down. president biden talking with george stephanopoulos during the interview. the president trying to calm fears that have arisen over his ability to run another campaign following the interview, it was clear the president hadn't convinced everyone. on friday evening, illinois congressman mike
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quigley joining a growing number of democrats calling on biden to exit the race, saying it's about pragmatic politics. >> i'm not the one that needs convincing. it's uh- the american public and obviously they're going the opposite direction in polling. >> not everyone is as skeptical as quigley, though. i caught up with former san francisco mayor willie brown and showed him clips from the interview to get his reaction. >> based on what you just showed me, i see nothing wrong with any of his answers or his responses, brown says. >> while he thinks the president is capable of doing the job, the decision to stay in the race is not an easy one. over the past week, speculation has grown over who might replace biden if he were to drop out two of the most mentioned names being california governor gavin newsom and vice president kamala harris, both of whom brown has mentored and knows personally. >> either of them, in my opinio, would be capable of arousing the interest from democrats who would then make up the vote that
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would defeat trump if the president were to pull out of the race. >> whoever replaces him would still have their own set of challenges. according to experts. >> i'm not so sure it's that easy, really. i think in the short run, yeah, there are going to be advantages to a fresh face and a media blitz around some new candidate. but remember, this is still a significantly lengthy race. >> lanhee chen is a political advisor and fellow at stanford's hoover institution. he says while biden has vowed to stay in the race, his decision may ultimately be influenced by high profile democratic donors, several of whom have announced they've paused financial contributions in recent days without the resources to run a competitive campaign, it's going to be very difficult for the president and for democrats down ticket now, multiple sources tell abc news. house minority leader hakeem jeffries has planned a virtual meeting with other top democrats on sunday. president biden is expected to be the focus of that meeting. live in the studio tonight. tim johns, abc seven news. >> all right. thanks. so much,
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jim uh. abc news also offered former president donald trump a one on one interview, but he declined. jason miller, who is a senior adviser to the trump campaign, had this response to biden's event today. in a newsmax interview, he said in part, we saw the speech earlier today. those clips are bad. and now these additional clips from abc are even worse. i don't understand what joe biden's team is doing. clearly, his weakness is speaking. you can see the full interview with joe biden again. our president on sunday at 8 a.m. on this week with george stephanopoulos. portions will also be airing on good morning america starting tomorrow morning. >> all right. we are going to turn now to the weather. and parts of the bay area are in for another hot day tomorrow. >> the stretch of this heat wave just continues to lag on. meteorologist sandyha patel here with a look at the temperatures and the warnings out there. sandhya. >> that's right. julian and ama, we're going into day five of this heat wave tomorrow for our inland areas. it was certainly a scorcher. today, 107 degrees in livermore, 106 in fairfield, 103
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in concord, 82 in downtown oakland. that was a new record for today, even though it doesn't seem that warm. 94 in san jose, 95, santa rosa, 71 degrees in san francisco. look at half moon bay sitting pretty at 65 degrees. all right, inland areas will be baking once again. excessive heat warning in effect until wednesday night. next week, 11 p.m. bay shoreline under a heat advisory until that same time period as those temperatures will soar well above average once again. so here's a look at your high temperatures tomorrow in the mid one hundreds inland, right around the bay shoreline, places like fremont, 90 degrees 95 san jose, san rafael, 81. in oaklan, 72. in the city. in addition to the heat, we've got the fire danger for our higher terrain. so red flag warnings, north and east bay hills and santa cruz mountains until 9 p.m. tomorrow night. the fuels are critically dry. you combine that with even a little bit of gusty wind,
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humidity down to 16, and that means we are still facing critical fire weather conditions. i'll be back to let you know when we'll leave. will arrive and believe it or not, it's coming. >> ama. all right, we're going to hold you to it all right. thank you. sandhya, the san jose fire department says it was inundated with hundreds of calls on the 4th of july, among them multiple fires near lake cunningham, which held a city sanctioned fireworks show. abc seven news south bay reporter lauren martinez spoke to a longtime advocate who works to stop illegal fireworks. she says it's time for a change. >> 4th of july celebrations turned fiery across san jose, near the city's sanctioned show at lake cunningham. fires did break out on friday. you could see small, charred patches of grass. it's not clear yet if those fireworks are what caused the fire. >> it's bombs people are setting off bombs because it's fun.
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>> for years, suzanne maroney has been advocating to stop illegal fireworks in the city and even city run events. maroney says they send the wrong message. >> you model the behavior you want, and if you're going to explode, things to celebrate, so are other people. >> before the fourth, the area city council member told us combating illegal fireworks was their goal with the lake cunningham show by creating a hub and a safe place for people to come and enjoy fireworks, that's my hope that we will deter any illegal activities from happening. cal fire santa clara unit helped the san jose fire department respond to two fires. on the fourth. we spoke with a fire captain with sfpd at an incident. they were responding to on friday afternoon at the goodwill silicon valley. the last 24 hours have been incredibly busy, and we are very grateful to our neighbors. >> all of the surrounding agencies have sent us help. >> when we asked for it, the san jose fire department said between june 1st to july 4th,
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659 online reports and 311 calls were made about fireworks. there were 52 calls to sfpd and 21 citations were issued. all three of these totals were less than last year. >> it's a waste of resources because it causes all the pollution that we're giving all this lip service. so let's have more bicycle lanes, let's do this. let's cut down on driving and then let's go explode things and fill the air with pollutant. >> moroney hopes the city will switch to using drones for future fourth celebrations. if we have a fireworks show, then everybody will have a place to go when they won't want to set them off. >> here at home, i have never seen that working in san jose. >> lauren martinez, abc seven news. >> the sky was lit up in contra costa county with illegal fireworks last night. fire investigators tell us fires linked to illegal fireworks will be looked into as soon as possible. anthony hamilton says he and his family they are lucky
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to be alive. he says they only had minutes to get out of his home as a wildfire raced up the hill near their house in antioch. it was likely started by illegal fireworks being shot off in the shopping plaza below. >> this is our house on the hillside. it's going up the hil. we're about to get burnt out. our home. me and my son. >> the two acre fire that burned near hamilton's house was the biggest in that area, but it's just one of many. the fire protection district's investigation unit is looking into. more than 1000 calls came into their fire department last night. the penalty for arson in antioch includes a $10,000 fine and a possible prison sentence. >> organizers say a record number of volunteers took part in post 4th of july holiday beach cleanup events at lake tahoe, and this morning, nearly 800 people combed the shores and trails for trash as part of the 11th annual keep tahoe red, white and blue didn't take long for volunteers to clean up more than half a dozen beaches, including zephyr cove and
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scholls. more than 1,800 pounds of trash was removed, not even a quarter of the amount that volunteers removed last year. >> more news coming your way tonight at 11, including this video that shows dozens of people ransacking an oakland gas station. you'll hear from the frustrated owner, and we're following the fbi's raid on oakland mayor sheng tao's home. >> what some members of the city staff are being told to do. >> bart's efforts to stop fare jumpers is expanding the stations, getting new gates. >> first, a look at what's coming up tonight on jimmy kimmel live! right after abc seven news at 11. >> jimmy, watch tonight or i'm never coming back. every time you're here, i'm like, wow, the crowds really fired up to see me. and then i realized, oh, no, they're actually here to see you. yeah
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evening. crews worked overnight to protect the nearby town. containment has improved to 20. some evacuation orders in mariposa county have been lifted. highway 140 has reopened, restoring access to a major route into the national park. the cause is still under investigation. in butte county, near oroville, all evacuation orders have been lifted for the thompson fire. it's 55% contained. nearly 3800 acres have burned since tuesday morning. the fire has destroyed 25 structures. officials say three firefighters have suffered heat related injuries. >> in oakland, gas station manager whose business was looted overnight, is questioning the response time by police. it happened at the 76 station on hegenberger road near interstate 880, just up the street from the airport around 430 this morning, a crowd broke in, started ransacking the place. station manager sam maday counted dozens
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of people taking whatever they could, he tells us some of them were upset he was not letting them inside, only allowing window service, which is normal for that time of the night. he's estimating $100,000 in damage and theft. >> shelves were ripped apart all the grocery items were torn or stepped on or vandalized. they broke the refrigerators. they robbed our atm, tore the atm apart, took everything in it. they tried to get the safe, but it was more secure than anything else so they could get through that. basically every single thing, even the tv, the business owner said oakland police did not send an officer right away when he called in a statement tonight, police said the crime was reported as having no suspects on scene, which means an officer was not called to the crime immediately. >> opd tells us an officer eventually responded and they are reviewing evidence. there have been a string of issues in the hegenberger area. on wednesday, there was a shooting
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reported at a chevron gas station. and of course, this is the same area where an in-n-out burger closed in march. blaming crime. >> new details about a story we've been following for weeks. the fbi raid of the home of oakland mayor shengtao, as well as the homes of california waste solutions ceo and his son. the chronicle reports oakland city attorney sent an email ordering some staff to preserve all documents related to the mayor's partner, andre jones. the email said it was related to a federal grand jury subpoena. jones lives with mayor tao in the home raided by the fbi. the mayor has said she is innocent of any crime implied by the search. happening tomorrow. a warning from police ahead of the event, known as the dolores park hill bomb. it's an unpermitted event. dozens gathered a skateboard down the hill at high speeds. last year, police and skateboarders clashed, resulting in more than 100 arrests, many of them teenagers. this year. sfpd is giving the group a heads up. don't show up or you could get arrested again. >> if they are committing crimes, they may be arrested and
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they likely will be arrested or cited. >> i feel like the reason they don't like the hill bomb is because of the people that get hurt and like all the injuries and stuff that happen. so they just make it a little safer. >> residents are divided, some welcome the police trying to get ahead of the situation, but others don't think closing the street will stop the skateboarders and wish there could be a collaborative event done safely. >> we now know which bart stations will be next to get new faregates civic center will be first in line, followed by fruitvale, then 24th street and richmond. eight more stations are scheduled to swap out their old gates starting this year. they include sfo, powell, antioch and coliseum. the new faregates are taller and harder to get through without paying. bart estimates that fare evasion cost them more than $15 million each year. after several weeks of closure, the skystar wheel has reopened at fisherman's wharf. crews had to take it down to do work on it to fulfill requirements for a permit extension from the port of san francisco, with a more permanent
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foundation completed, you can expect to see it stay put for another year and a half. >> we had to disassemble the entire wheel and move it 15ft to the west. >> i'd heard that it had gone downhill and that things weren't quite as same, but all the places we've been have looked great. >> it looks very clean to me. people are very nice. i think it's a great place to come visit. >> tourism groups tell us foot traffic has increased at the pier. it's good news for local businesses dependent on tourism. those business owners say they're also seeing the difference. >> today was the fifth annual out of the fair lgbtq pride festival, the marin county fairgrounds. there were free carnival rides, art exhibits, music and family friendly games. people just gathered for the nightly fireworks show. you still have the chance to visit the fair this weekend from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. tickets are $25. all marin transit bus lines to the fair will be free. all right, but if you're eating ice cream, i think it's still going to melt pretty quickly. exactly.
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>> it's a good idea, though, right? if you're trying to cool down. we check back in now with sandhya. >> yeah. if you're going to the fair or to julian and ama, it's going to be a warm one. so the ice cream will be melting. let's talk about this heat wave for our inland areas. it continues this weekend. it's dangerous heat inland. stay hydrated, find some shade or a see if you can and wear lightweight clothes. here's a look at the reason why we're going to continue to see this hot weather. it's this area of high pressure parked right overhead. so we will notice that inland areas saw once again it will be a scorcher. the heat risk tomorrow for inland communities shaded in red and purple. the extreme inland areas will be in the major to extreme category in terms of heat risk. so definitely take it easy out there along the coast. it's going to be comfortable as you look from our mount tam cam, you can see why the fog is sitting right near the coast. as you look at live doppler seven. you can see it there, but unfortunately it is pretty thick, three quarters of a mile visibility in half moon bay. watch out, the fog is going to
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be dense. it has been already tonight along parts of the coast. right now the temperatures are varying quite a bit from the 50s. right here in san francisco to the 80s, well inland, retaining some of that heat from our exploratorium camera. seeing some gray skies in the city. heat wave continues inland into next week. red flag warning through tomorrow night and it is going to remain comfy at the coast with a mix of fog and sun this weekend. tomorrow's forecast in the morning. inland areas starting off in the 70s, bright and sunny by noontime. you're already in the 90s and then triple digits by 5 p.m. around the bay. you begin with some patchy fog, low 60s climbing to the 70s and then eventually the 80s, and along the coastline. this is where you start off with the fog, and it pretty much plays tag with the coastline. so sun fog mix mid 60s at noontime and holding about there at 5 p.m. from our santa cruz camera. it is certainly a quiet one out near the coastline. if you want to escape the heat and head to the
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beaches, uv index will be very high tomorrow with breezy afternoon mix of sun and fog. definitely lather on the sunscreen. stinson beach 70 degrees tomorrow 83, in santa cruz. so should be a nice looking forecast, at least if you don't like the hot weather. 70s inland 50s coast side to start the day tomorrow afternoon. it's day five of the heat wave inland 105 in the south bay in morgan hill, 95 in san jose, 102 in los gatos, 92. on the peninsula in redwood city, 66 half moon bay, downtown san francisco 72 degrees in the north bay. you will notice those triple digits from sonoma to calistoga. 95, san rafael 99, in santa rosa, heading into the east bay. low 80s oakland berkeley 84, hayward 91. in castro valley and inland areas will be sizzling. 106 in livermore, 105 in concord, 103 in walnut creek. accuweather seven day forecast tomorrow is the hottest of the next seven days. after that, heat eases,
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especially sunday, down to 100. look at early next week. i think you guys will be relieved to hear you're down into the low 90s by tuesday. unfortunately one day heat up comes on wednesday. back up into the upper 90s, but then falling again. so should be an improvement. at least a slow improvement one day isn't as bad as what we've had. >> exactly, absolutely. we'll take it. thanks, sandhya. >> we'll ♪ do what you want ♪ get into an audi and go your own way. find your way to exceptional offers during the summer of audi sales event at you local audi dealer. ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪
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still impressive. new set based on the hit movie jaws and includes the famous boat along with the massive great white shark ready to chomp away. >> gonna need a bigger lego boat. lego also included the main characters police chief martin brody, marine biologist matt hooper, and fisherman sam quint. lego jaws will be available next month for $150. >> coming up on 50 years since jaws came out, right? well, a busy night of baseball. both the giants and the a's in action. >> and we hear from the newest warrior for the first time at. chris alvarez is here with sports. chris. >> hi, julian. and i'm coming up in sports. the giants start fast. but was it enough to hold off a late cleveland rally? plus, buddy to the bay, the newest warrior buddy hield speaking for the first time since the sign and tra
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playing nba basketball, he's going to be in a dallas
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mavericks uniform today. the splash brother four time champion, future hall of famer said goodbye to the bay, sharing a post on instagram in part saying from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for the best times of my life. it was an honor to put on that dubs jersey from day one. my family and i would like to thank all the amazing people who work tirelessly to make the warriors organization world class. don't be sad, it's over. be happy it happened until we meet again. sea captain out to try and replace klay scoring the warriors added buddy hield in a sign and trade with the 76 ers this week. he's a 40% career three point shooter currently playing for the bahamas in the fiba olympic qualifying tournament. but he recently spoke with basket news and described his feeling on playing in the bay. go there and then go to city that uh- let them know that i'm, a kid that loves playing, >> i want to go there and win, you know, and try to get them back on the top and help wherever i can do to help me get back on top. >> and, it's fun, man, >> basketball. they made the game so easy over there. so hopefully, being with steph, i
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can be able to watch him and learn from him. >> and, and just learn from all the guys, the key guys like draymond wiggins to and be on a championship caliber team. >> the us olympic basketball team is preparing for training camp in las vegas. they're getting ready for the 2024 summer olympics. stephen curry was the first to report. this is video from earlier in the season when he got his team usa jersey. this is curry's first team usa action since the 2014 fiba world cup. giants open a three game series in cleveland and matt chapman showing everyone why he's one of the best on the hot corner. what a play. the giants scored three in the first, capped by michael conforto's two rbi double to the gap in right center. three. nothing in a flash, but camille duvall, who turned 27 yesterday, got the save in atlanta in trouble in cleveland on friday night, two on no outs. strikes out. jose ramirez got one out, but still a threat. but very next pitch. how about a game ending 463 double play. crisis averted. ball game. giants win four two. duvall his 17th save of the year. a's host
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the orioles on jerry garcia night a's fans getting groovy. bottom eight oakland down three one. shea langeliers grooves this baseball out of the ballpark 412ft to center, 16th of the year. it's a32 game in the eighth tying run at third. brant rooker grounds out to end the threat, and the a's lose the game three two. sports on abc seven. sponsored
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available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv. do not forget roku. download the app now so you can start streaming. thank you so much for watching. >> i'm ama daetz and i'm julian glover right now on jimmy kimmel. you got zac efron. >> have a great night. and a wonderful weekend. take care. >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- zac efron. congresswoman jasmine crockett. and music from gracie abrams. with cleto and the cletones.


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