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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  July 8, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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>> that's all we need. >> but, you know, it could be a good surprise. >> kit kat banana split and strawberry. yeah. no. stop! >> yeah! my taste buds will get confused. >> you're doing too much. >> drew. >> this sweater is really cute on you. >> let me tell you, the model is six two, whereas party. it is very soft by the way, and it's very lightweight. so it doesn't feel like if you wore this like a holiday party, you'd be like really hot inside. >> what size is that? >> let me look. this one's an extra large. extra large? yeah. they're both extra. >> that's extra large okay. so if you have long simian like arms like we do, then the extra large is probably for you. >> for you and never hide the face, okay? just a rule in life. >> i mean, protect it >> good morning, america. for our viewers in the west, hurricane beryl slamming into texas right now. ♪ ♪
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breaking news. the category 1 hurricane making landfall. the first hurricane to hit texas in three years. this morning, officials concerned more people did not evacuate. we are there live, and sam has the track and timing. >> president biden facing growing pressure from his own party. more top congressional democrats say he should get out of the race, after our exclusive interview with the president. >> if you could be convinced that you could not defeat donald trump, would you stand down? >> it depends. if the lord almighty comes down and tells me that, i might do that. >> on the campaign trail in battleground pennsylvania. even some allies say there are some questions that need to be answered. >> boeing pleading guilty to avoid a criminal trial stemming from two deadly crashes involving its 737 max jets. now, what the families of those killed in crashes are asking. >> the west on fire.
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the evacuation orders right now with more than a dozen wildfires burning out of control, fueled by record heat. at least 25 states on heat alert this morning. >> holiday shark encounters. >> all of the sudden i felt like my foot was just being stabbed on both sides, bottom and top. >> four people injured by the same shark in texas. we'll hear from one of the victims who was dragged out of the water. >> rising from the ashes. an inside look at notre dame cathedral as it nears completion, as paris gets ready for the olympics. >> game changer? the new study on drugs used for weight loss, and how they can help reduce the risk for certain cancers. ♪ ♪ >> and who run the court? the american tearing up wimbledon. emma navarro preparing for her first grand slam quarterfinal, and on the other court -- >> reese for a dagger! angel reese! >> rookie sensations angel reese
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and caitlin clark, doing what no one in the league has done before. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: live in times square, this is "good morning america." >> this is "good morning america," and we are following two big stories for you this morning, including the latest reaction to george's interview with president biden. >> all eyes on the house and the what they're saying about whether present but interesting in the race. we will talk to mary bruce and rachel scott in a moment. >> but we begin as breaking news, hurricane beryl slamming texas and making landfall near matagorda, texas. sam is standing by with the track and timing, but first victor oquendo starts us off in galveston. good morning, victor. >> good morning, michael. southeast texas feeling the brunt of hurricane beryl now. the rain has been coming down for hours, and the wind is definitely getting stronger. take a look at the palm trees. you can see and getting whipped
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around. this gust of wind your 70 miles per hour. landfall, hurricane beryl coming down in matagorda, texas, just south of us. we are on the so-called dirty side of the storm, the most dangerous part. the biggest concern, that the gulf of mexico behind us. 4-6 feet of storm surge possible. that is life-threatening. this morning, hurricane beryl slamming into the texas coast as a category 1 hurricane. bringing damaging storm surge, hurricane-force winds, and the threat of tornadoes. winds reaching more than 80 miles per hour, tearing through southeast texas. in sargent beach, storm surge moving in. >> oh, wow. >> overtaking the area. high winds and waves hammering vehicles. in freeport, texas, numerous power flashes as winds begin taking out power lines. this time-lapse video showing houston skyline disappearing as beryl approached.
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>> the next 24 hours are going to be rough for harris county. >> cities preparing for the storm over the weekend, distributing sandbags and boarding up windows. it's the first hurricane to hit the state in three years, and officials are saying they are concerned more people did not evacuate. beryl leaving a deadly path of destruction through the caribbean, blowing roofs off buildings in jamaica and uprooting gas stations in mexico. >> this storm has already left nine deaths in its path through the caribbean. we don't >> it's going to be a long morning along the texas gulf coast and into houston, which we know floods easily, residents being urged to stay indoors and off the streets until at least noon today. robin? >> all right, victor. please take care out there. we will bring in sam with the latest track and timing of the storm. good morning, sam. >> good morning, robin. good morning, everyone. beryl strengthens before
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landfall and i want to show you some of the video here. 80 mile-per-hour winds with a 92 mile-per-hour wind gust as this thing slams into the coast of texas at matagorda about 4:00 in the morning. even though the center of the hurricane is on shore right now, we still have an 80 mile-per-hour category 1 hurricane. it's holding strength even with the eye fully on land. in galveston we have a tornado watch, we had a couple of tornado warnings already this morning. it's going to be a real problem with the land falling storm to have the possibility of tornadoes. now i want to talk a little bit about storm surge. even though you think about storm surge as the storm moves on shore, i want to show you the wind direction. you can see the swirl. watch these winds pour on toward galveston. galveston bay, trinity bay, trinity river. this is one of the ways houston gets flooding. that water gets pushed all the way back up in here, and then you get 15 inches of rain in some parts of texas through here. it cannot drain out. this storm is going deep into the country. we will show you where all that rain goes in a minute. george? >> we return now to the race for the white house and president biden struggling to save his candidacy over the
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weekend, as senior democratic lawmakers start calling for the president to step aside. chief white house correspondent mary bruce has the story. good morning, mary. >> good morning, george. the biden campaign had hoped the president's big interview with you would quiet concerns from the party, but the number of democrats calling for the president to exit this race is growing. even some of his allies are making it clear there are still questions he needs to answer this week, warning the clock is ticking. this morning president biden defiant as ever, adamant he can survive this crisis. >> is the democratic party behind you, sir? >> yes. >> but a growing number in his party aren't so certain. sources telling abc news privately that at least four top democrats said on sunday it's time for biden to end his campaign. congressman jerry nadler, mark takano, joe morelle, and adam smith joining five other democrats who have made the same plea publicly, but sources say minority leader hakeem jeffries
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who convened sunday's call did not take a stance. with lawmakers back on the hill this week, the coming days will be critical. the president trying to restore confidence, hitting the trail hard this weekend, eager to show voters he has what it takes to beat donald trump. >> we are on the cusp of getting so much done. i really mean it. >> barnstorming battleground pennsylvania, the president shaking hands and snapping selfies, rallying his supporters and beating back concerns from fellow democrats. >> i'm about to point to the only person that's ever kicked trump's [bleep] in an election right now! >> don't let anybody talk about your age. you are a young >> but even the president's allies are blunt that his interview with george did not put concerns to rest. >> what i think the president needs to decide is, can you put those concerns aside? can he demonstrate to the american people that what
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happened on the debate stage is an aberration and that he can and will beat donald trump? >> in his first sit down after the disastrous debate performance, the president saying so far democratic leaders have urged him to stay in the race. >> if chuck schumer and hakeem jeffries and nancy pelosi say they are worried that if you stay in the race we're going to lose the house and the senate, how will you respond? >> i go into detail with them. i've spoken to all of them in detail, including jim clyburn. every one of them. they all said i should stay in the race. stay in the race. none of the people said i should leave. >> but if they do? >> well, it's like -- they're not going to do that. >> are you sure? >> well, yeah, i'm sure. look -- i mean, if the lord almighty came down and said, joe, get out of the race, i get out of the race. >> suggesting only divine intervention could force him out. >> if you could be convinced that you will not defeat donald trump, would you stand down? >> it depends on if the lord
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almighty comes down and tells me that. i might do that. >> but at the center of the campaign is the argument that trump poses an existential threat to american democracy. biden pressed on what happens if he fails to stop him. >> if you stay in and trump is elected, and everything you're warning about comes to pass, how will you feel in january? >> i will feel, as long as i gave it my all and did as good a job as i know i can do, that's what this is about. >> that answer upsetting some of the party who say this isn't about whether or not the president gives it his all, but whether he's making the right decision to run. and this week he will try to prove that he is up to the task. he'll be standing on the world stage at the nato summit here in washington and then holding a rare solo press conference on thursday. george? >> the focus now on capitol hill. let's talk to senior congressional correspondent rachel scott. let's start with that call yesterday with hakeem jeffries. this is the most senior democrats in the house. >> the top democrats on
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committees in the house. several of them were expressing concern about the president's path forward. we have four of them, at least four, who called on the president to step aside on the call. george, this is striking. we are months away from the election. democrats believe they actually have a chance of winning the majority in the house, and now they are focused on the president's path forward. this was not a rallying call where you had democratic leadership encouraging everyone to fall in line, get behind the president. this is a call where you had senior members of the democratic party questioning whether president biden can win in november. >> some foment in the senate. now his effort has been put off? >> what he was trying to do was assemble some of his meetings to get them together to discuss president biden's path forward and whether or not they would make a call together to call the president to step aside. we know that several democratic senators really want to meet with president biden face-to-face like the governors did last week. it was late, we reported, as well as other outlets, and senator warner started backing off this effort. still, george, i will say this,
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house and senate democrats will be meeting on tuesday and getting an earful from their members. >> four members matter more than anyone else. chuck schumer, hakeem jeffries, nancy pelosi, jim clyburn. >> absolutely. and all of them very measured so far. i was told on this call house democratic leader hakeem jeffries did not write support or call president biden. he allowed members to express their concerns. all of them right now are in listening mode, and taking with what they're hearing for members and going right back to the administration and the president. >> thank you both very much. overseas now, russian launching at least 40 missiles at kyiv and other cities with one of ukraine's children's hospital hit. ian pannell is tracking this for us. we know this comes as president biden is set to host a nato summit tomorrow morning. good morning to you. >> that's right, robin. good morning to you. russia has launched a massive attack with a barrage of at least 40 missiles smashing into five major cities, including, as you said, the capital, kyiv.
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the mayor there describing it as one of the worst attacks since the war began. one of the sites targeted was ukraine's main children's hospital. we've visited there many times. it gives critical care to children with cancer, leukemia, disease, and of course war wounds. rescuers are at the scene crawling through the rubble searching for survivors. it's a desperate situation. more than two dozen killed across ukraine this morning in an attack which, as you say, seems designed to send a message to president biden and other nato leaders who are going to be gathering in washington, d.c., tomorrow. michael? >> not a message we all want to see there, ian. thank you so much for that. we turn now to wildfire emergencies across the west, including a series of warnings and evacuation orders in california where firefighters are struggling to contain the massive lake fire which exploded to over 19,000 acres. kayna whitworth is in santa barbara, california, for us. good morning, kayna. >> yeah, michael, good morning to you. throughout the west, the fire behavior is being described as dangerous and erratic.
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at the beginning the flames are moving so fast they were scorching 600 acres every single hour. this fire has more than doubled in size, and prompted new evacuations last night. this morning, thousands of americans out west racing to evacuate as fast-moving flames tear through dry vegetation, toward homes and communities. >> it's scary. i know a lot of people that live around the area. hopefully everybody can stay safe and keep all their structures up. >> amid hot dry conditions, several wildfires flaring up outlast. out west. in california alone, over 150 fires started over the holiday weekend. in santa barbara county, emergency crews battling the massive lake fire. >> look at how high those claims are. that's 100 feet in the air. these claims are being pushed by that wind. you can see how high and how quickly they are going. >> so far scorching at least 19,000 acres, threatening the infamous neverland ranch.
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and in el dorado county, burning near the placerville airport. suffering from heat related injuries as the west endures record-setting temperatures. >> it's like walking into an oven. when you open an oven after 350 in your face. >> death valley hitting over 129 degrees. a park visitor dying from heat exposure. an excessive heat warning will remain in effect this area at least throughout the day today. firefighters do have some containment on this lake fire now, but they are ready for a challenging day ahead. michael? >> no doubt for that. kayna, thank you so much. we turn now to breaking news overnight. boeing pleading guilty to one criminal fraud charge in a controversial deal with the department of justice. our chief justice correspondent pierre thomas has details. good morning, pierre. >> good morning. overnight, boeing agreeing to plead guilty to fraud in a settlement with the justice department involving two deadly crashes in 2018 and 2019.
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they will pay $243 million and agree to court supervision for at least three years. in addition, an independent compliance monitor will oversee the company's production and safety protocols. doj in earlier investigations found the company was not building safe 737 max airliners and the company had misled federal regulators looking into the crashes of ethiopian air flight 302 and lion air flight 610. boeing's faced additional scrutiny after a door blew off a flight earlier this year, causing an in-flight emergency and injuring passengers. this deal is controversial because family members of those who died in those crashes do not believe the penalties are near harsh enough, and they want company executives charged, as well. doj officials say senior company officials could still face charges, robin. >> we will wait and see what happens there, pierre. thank you so much for your reporting. now to wimbledon where american emma navarro bested coco gauff in straight sets. only to move the ten highest seeded women remain in contention. lara, you're going to tell us
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the americans still in the mix? >> we were just talking about it. it was quite a show. the action has been nonstop across the pond. we are going to get right to it. we start with a big upset and big props to american emma navarro, who took down number two ranked coco gauff to advance to wimbledon quarterfinals. navarro's performance was called flawless as she attacked gauff's forehand, taking the win in two sets, 6-4 and 6-3. the former university of virginia player was ranked 55 not long ago. now she's ranked 19th and that could change again very soon. the 23-year-old also beat former major champ naomi osaka in the third round and only began her professional career in 2022. later this morning the only other remaining american woman, come on, danielle collins. she will also play for a spot in the quarterfinals. that's what we have on the women's side. >> how about for the men? >> they are kind of in the same position, robin. francis tiafoe had a tough draw playing carlos alcaraz, and
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well-fought battle, he did battle, he did not best the defending wimbledon champ, so now there are just two american men left, as well. tommy paul punching his ticket to the quarterfinals, but now he too will have to try and defeat alcaraz. and taylor fritz is still in the mix. he takes the court in just a few hours to play for a spot in the quarters against a player from germany. you can catch all the action from the round of 16 today on espn and espn2. it is getting hot in there! >> i'm glued to the tube! >> it's been a great tournament. i could see you two in it! >> we'll go back. [laughter] >> all right, you two. coming up, we have the shark attacks over the holiday weekend. we'll hear from some of the victims. >> plus, inside notre dame cathedral five years after the devastating fire. >> and the new study on drugs used for weight loss and the impact they could have when it comes to cancer. first let's go to brittany bell from wabc in for ginger.
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could morning. >> the other big story, dozens of record highs tied or broken over the weekend, including all-time record high temperatures. palm springs, 124. 120 in las vegas, and 106 degrees. things are not letting up. heat alerts continue across the southeast. more of the same out west where we have an excessive heat warning. that's what's happening across the country. your local news and weather in 30 seconds.
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to regenerative agriculture practices for better soil health. purina cares here. and here. it's target circle week. ah? -what? what week? -circle. she's saying circle week. it's the biggest sale of the season! oh great! does that mean more savings or something? you bet your bottom derler! your bottom what? strong enamel is your best defense against acid erosion and cavities. that's why i recommend the pronamel active shield because it will strengthen your enamel and create that shield around it. i'm excited for this product. i think patients are really going to like it. >> now from abc seven mornings. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui. we keep an eye on every wildfire across the state. thanks to our abc seven news data team. we're currently
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tracking 43 wildfires statewide. you can use the same interactive tool by heading to our website. it also gives you an idea of fire warnings and air quality. it's right on the front page of abc seven now let's see what traffic looks like on this monday morning. francis. >> hi, reggie. it's actually looking pretty good. here's a live shot of emeryville. headlights are moving westbound 80. no major problems. and as you make your way to the bay bridge toll plaza, the backup has decreased only to half way through the parking lot. richmond-san rafael bridge, though crowded as you're heading towards the tolls and some drive times for you. westbound 580 point richmond to san rafael. nine minutes. reggie. >> thanks, francis. meteorologist dre
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i stay straight for the next
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miles. to come on, come on. what you all want in one corner. come on, come on. >> you what you must get into an outing and go your own way. don't you? off you go. >> find your way to exceptional offers during the summer of audi sales event at your local audi dealer. >> are you ready to make junk disappear? i am so looking forward to this. >> we make junk disappear. all you have to do is point. call one 800. got junk or is it one 800? >> got junk. com >> we'll be there before you hang up the phone. i'll have your forecast on abc seven mornings. in the accu weather forecast, a live look outside our east bay hills camera. our marine layer is quite expansive this morning around the entire bay shoreline and along the coast. so we're starting out on a pretty comfortable note upper
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50s, lower 60s as we get you going on this monday. now, the heat advisories are still in effect for all areas in orange. they've actually been extended until friday. so if you're keeping count, this will make it an 11 day heat wave that started last tuesday. and today is day seven of that heat wave inland. today it's not one of our hottest days. underneath the heat way, but temperatures into the 90s in our hottest city, 70 and 80 around the bay shoreline, 60s along the coast and then we find those temperatures heating up by midweek. wednesday we're back above 100 degrees in our hottest spots. reggie, thank you, drew, for joining us on the abc seven bay area app. >> abc seven and seven continues as everybody else is watching gma >> you ignore the signs and the flashing lights. my mom is out there. that's my dad in that truck. slow down. how do you feel if that was your dad. be alert. be works on alert. >> everyone's favorite scottish
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true. >> good circle. make >> uh. what? what were you circle? >> she's saying circle week. it's the biggest sale of the season. >> oh, great. >> does that mean more savings or something? you bet your bottom dealer you bought them. >> what? block from watching the big match. >> save the day by using the bank of america customer cash rewards card. and choose to earn 3% cash back on online purchases like live streaming. >> time to press rewind with neutral gina rapid wrinkle repair. it has derm proven retinol expertly formulated to with visible results... just one week. neutrogena ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> back here on "gma." yes, that is taylor swift
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performing in amsterdam, playing "mary's song" live for the first time in 16 years with a possible nod to travis kelce. lara will be back and we will have much more in pop news. >> it wouldn't be monday without a taylor swift update. [laughter] following a lot of headlines right now. hurricane beryl made landfall in texas this morning. the highest wind gusts so far in freeport. category 1 storm bringing storm surge, torrential rainfall, and a lot more. also right now, an important week on capitol hill with lawmakers returning from the holidays. president biden faces mounting pressure from democrats to step aside in the race for the white house. some of his allies have made it clear there are still questions that need to be answered. the president remains defiant and says he will stay in the race. >> and it was a thrilling end to the british grand prix at lewis hamilton mounted a late charge to win his first major race since 2021, becoming the first formula 1 driver to win nine times on the same track. hamilton now has 104 career wins and a nice one in front of his hometown. home crowd.
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we've got a lot more ahead including the promising new study about weight loss drugs and cancer. that's coming up later in the show. but now we will turn to the rash of shark attacks over the holiday weekend, including multiple people attacked by the same shark in texas. we are hearing from one of the victims this morning, and trevor ault joins us now with the latest. good morning, trevor. >> good morning, michael. you know the beaches were packed for the fourth of july, but there were several instances of dangerous unexpected visitors encroaching into the shallow water. we had multiple shark bites in multiple states, and the summer swim season is just getting started. this morning a series of shark attacks over the fourth of july holiday has left wildlife officials on alert across the country. >> first instinct was to just yank my foot up, and i didn't look or anything. i just took off. >> at florida's new smyrna beach, conor baker says he was playing football in knee-deep water on the fourth of july when a shark bit his foot. >> all of a sudden i felt like my foot was being stabbed on both sides, bottom and top.
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>> baker rushed to the hospital, the bite tearing four of his ligaments. >> you always hear people that y a shark anything, that would never be made. it's pretty crazy that it happened. >> the next day, at the same beach, officials say a shark bit a second man floating in an inner tube and he also suffered non-life-threatening injuries. and on south padre island in south texas, officials say a single shark injured four different people fourth of july morning, capturing this footage of a shark thrashing around in the area, rescuers dragging tabitha sullivan out of the water, who told nbc she couldn't believe what happened. >> i just thought it was a big fish, so i went to kick, kick it away, and at that point is when it bit me. had i not pulled my legs up, it probably would have got my torso or something else. >> sullivent's daughter says she is in stable condition, and her father was injured, too, while fighting of off the shark. >> it stayed and just circled.
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>> shark bites in some locations have been on the rise. last year there were 36 confirmed shark attack bites in the u.s. so far this year there have been 15. these kinds of dangerous attacks are still extremely uncommon. >> in general, shark bites are very rare. but to have multiple shark bites within close proximity and time to one another is pretty much unheard of. >> and we do want to remind everyone this is not just happening in the south. even up in the northeast they have had several instances of shark sightings. in new york, the lifeguards are now armed with drones to keep an eye out, and some beaches on cape cod have been shut down because of multiple great white shark sightings. george? >> okay, trevor, thanks. now to the rebuilding of the notre dame cathedral, nearly destroyed five years ago in a fire. with the paris olympics coming next month, foreign correspondent james longman got an inside look at the restoration effort. good morning, james. >> good morning, george. so much has been completed at notre dame since i was last
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here. this is the back of the cathedral. last time i came here, i went all the way to the top of the spire, but now all that scaffolding has come down, and some 90% of this building has been completed at a cost of more than $750 million. with the summer games just 18 days away, the millions expected to visit paris will see notre dame at last starting to emerge from five painstaking years of restoration. the refurbishment of this 800-year-old symbol of french history and culture is now nearly 90% complete, showing off gleaming new stone, freshly laid tiles, and revamped paintwork. and the roof and spire, which millions around the world watched crash to the ground in the 2019 fire, now almost finished. i stood on the roof in 2021 and saw up close the gaping hole still open to the elements. when i went back this past december, the pieces were coming together. but this morning the scaffolding from the spire is nearly gone,
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and tiles now cover the timber, a sign of hope and progress. up on the roof of the cathedral here, you can see the eiffel tower in the distance over there, but this roof, when i was last here you could only see the timbers. now it's two-thirds covered. it is so close to being done. >> last time we were up there, that was just six months ago. what's changed since then? >> we have finished the work of wood to build this spire, and now we work on the roof. >> philip yost, the head of restoration, inviting abc news back to notre dame. it's a colossal project, a massive undertaking. 2,000 workers from carpenters to stonemasons to artists and metalworkers making these changes to meet the december deadline. it is no easy feat. >> can you give us an idea of how much this has cost so far? >> it has cost 700 million euros. >> the team is in the final
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stretch. notre dame will only be a spectator to the opening ceremony of the summer games, which will run just outside along the river seine. but it's own unveiling in december may be an even bigger spectacle. >> people will come to the games and they will see the spire and they will see the roof. very symbolic of the opening of the cathedral. >> now, notre dame won't be part of the opening ceremony of the olympic games, but that is happening down the river seine which runs just alongside. take a look. you can see the bleachers are already out for spectators for that opening ceremony, which is going to be truly spectacular. work on this building will not stop. they're going to keep going, some 500 workers working night and day to make sure the outside of notre dame is ready at least when the world is watching. guys? >> james, you had a pretty unique perspective. three separate trips over the last couple of years. >> yeah, george. it's been extraordinary. i remember in 2019 i was
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standing on the side of the river just there watching it burn. i've been back repeatedly since. notre dame is kind of a monument to everything human beings are capable of. now this work, seeing it time and time again, people coming together to rebuild not just a national symbol but an international symbol, it's been truly extraordinary. it's really humbling. one last little factoid for you, that money that's been donated, $750 million or so, $40 million of that came from american donations, guys. >> as he said, it is international. james, thank you so much for your continued reporting about this. appreciate you. coming up later, the new travel trend that could save you thousands on your next vacation, and next, the new study on drugs used for weight loss and the potential impact they could have when it comes to cancer. when it comes to cancer. i chose kesimpta because it works for me and my schedule. kesimpta is a once-monthly treatment for rms
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that had powerful results a reduced rate of relapses and slowed disability progression. don't take if you've had an allergic reaction to ofatumumab, life-threatening injection-related reaction to kesimpta, or have hepatitis b. tell your doctor if you've had hepatitis b as it could come back. kesimpta can cause serious side effects, including fatal infections. while no pml cases were reported in rms clinical trials, it could happen. tell your doctor if you had or plan to have vaccines, or if you are or plan to become pregnant. kesimpta may decrease certain antibodies. most common side effects are upper respiratory tract infection, headache, and injection reactions. ask your doctor about kesimpta. it's target circle week. ah? ask y-what?ctor what week? -circle. she's saying circle week. it's the biggest sale of the season! oh great! does that mean more savings or something?
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♪ ♪ >> we are back now with a major new study in cancer research. the popular drugs used for weight loss appear to be associated with the reduced risk for some cancers. our medical correspondent, dr. darien sutton, is here now with details on the study. you got to break this down for us. >> this is a large study done by the journal. they followed 1.5 million people over 15 years, all of whom living with diabetes and obesity. they compared those who use what we call these glp-1 medications.
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now, robin, this is the class of medications that the active ingredient to ozempic and wegovy belong to, and they compared it to those who used it in those who didn't. at the end of 15 years they found that those who use these medications had a significantly reduced risk of cancer, we are talking about a 10 out of 13 cancers associated with obesity. >> which cancer showed the most reduction in risk, and why do you think the risk was not reduced in all cancers? >> that's a great question, michael. when you look at the numbers, the highest rate of reduction in terms of risk in cancer included things like all, pancreatic cancer, liver cancer, all above 50%. even ovarian cancer. as to why these cancers are different, i think that applies to the complicated question of the association between obesity and cancer, and that is not completely priced out. >> is the drug getting at the cancer or is it about the weight loss? >> that's an exact point. this is an association, not necessarily cause and effect.
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you have to take a step back and understand the connection, and the main theories include hormone disruption, and also immune system dysregulation. our immune system helps us fight cancer cells. and also there is the factor of chronic inflammation. the question is, how do these medications fit into that puzzle and reduce these risks? >> it seems like we are talking about these drugs every single week. there's another breakthrough here and there. many consider them wonder drugs. but there are drawbacks to taking them. >> i don't like the term "wonder," because in medicine we have to make sure we keep a critical eye on the risks. we see these beneficial things. not just in weight loss, not just in things like reducing the risk of cancer, but also reduced risk of kidney disease. even some studies show reduced risk of anxiety as well as problems with addiction. so when you look at these studies, you have to question the benefits but also we see certain risks but don't see them
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in every single patient. so it just reminds us, when we are trying to make a decision whether or not to use these, you have to have a formal understanding of what these risks are. just like weight loss, it can be different from person to person. >> all right, doc. thank you so much for that. you're not going anywhere. dr. sutton will be back. we are going to talk about the recall on mushroom-infused chocolates and sweets and tell us what you need to know. next, caitlin clark and angel reese make wnba history. it's our play of the day. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the "help protect your privacy" store. and the "give your business a real street address" store. so while you're juggling everything else like the boss you are, we're the "extra pair of hands" store. you can count on us as the "shredding and mailboxing, anything and everything to keep you going" store. come into the ups store today. and be unstoppable. thank you. thank you for trusting us with your secret recipes and shared moments. thank you for bringing us into your homes and into your hearts for nearly 150 years.
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new heights. lara is back with the story. take us to new heights. what have you got? >> i sure will. to say that caitlin clark and angel reese have taken the league by storm is not an understatement. they have brought record crowds and tv audiences to the wnba, and they continue to prove that the hype is well-deserved. both clark and reese have now claimed spots in the record books. last night reese recording her 13th consecutive double-double. a new wnba record, besting the mark set by all-time great candace parker. so what is a double-double, you ask, sam champion? i saw a big question mark over your head. >> [laughs] >> oh, sam. >> it's when a player reaches double digits into a five categories. assists, blocks, points, rebounds, or steals, all in a single game. reese did it with 17 points and 14 rebounds in her chicago sky game against seattle.
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they ended up losing to the storm 84-71, but not for lack of trying. meanwhile, caitlin clark is also making wnba history, becoming the first rookie to score a triple-double, and you know what that means! >> yes, of course, lara. >> getting three of those. 19 points, she had 13 assists, 12 rebounds, hence the triple-double. as her indiana fever beat the new york liberty 88-78. what is more impressive is clark achieved this against the league's top-ranked team. that is no joke. so what does this record mean to clark? check out this fun moment with her teammate by her side. >> i don't know. >> she is so humble, isn't she? >> well, i don't know what to say. like, it's great. >> that's pretty cool, caitlin. >> great job, sister. >> here's the celebration in the fever locker room after the big win. she got a little less humble. she just sat there and took it. [laughter] up next for clark and reese, they both have games wednesday.
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washington mystics, and the sky face off against the atlanta dream. we'll be watching. >> it's fun to see how they've come together. slow start to begin the season. but they are playing well and it's going to be fun to see angel and caitlin on the same team in the all-star game! >> maybe a quadruple-double. >> you sports people just make up terms, don't you? >> it could happen! >> i love seeing sam's confusion. that's worth it for me. >> we'll ask tyler perry. he is here live in times square in our next hour. tyler perry. live, next hour. ur. (mom) the moment i loved our subaru outback most... was the moment they walked away from it. (daughter) mom! (mom) oh, thank goodness. and that's why our family will only drive a subaru. (vo) subaru. more iihs top safety pick plus awards than any other brand. love. it's what makes subaru, subaru.
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new bachelorette, jenn tran, is here ahead of the new season premiering tonight. your local news and weather is next. the new season and make it happen. >> a death caused by
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carelessness will never feel right, but holding the wrongdoer accountable will justice takes more than a fighter. you need a champion walk. a personal injury law visit. walk up >> good morning america is sponsored by wayfair, the destination for all things home. wayfair. every style, every home >> this is the moment. i'm gonna fall in love again. i'm gonna do it my way. this is the beginning of a new era >> now from abc seven mornings. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui. now. let's see what's happening with traffic on this monday morning. hi francis. >> hi, reggie. some good news. not much happening in traffic. here's a live shot of 680 in
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walnut creek. and it is flowing well in both directions. there are some slow drive times, though. crowded on westbound 80, highway four to the maze is 28 minutes, a little sluggish. westbound four antioch to hercules, 39 minutes. northbound 87. looking pretty good, though. 85 to the san jose airport 12 minutes. hi, dru. >> hey there. all right, francis, we're looking at san rafael. it's cloudy out there. pretty wide. expansive marine layer this morning keeping temperatures pretty comfortable. right now we're mainly in just the 50s and in the 60s. this morning the heat advisories do continue. they've actually been extended until friday. so this heat wave rolls on for the rest of the week. today not excessively hot inland but still quite warm in the 90s. we're back above 100 degrees inland starting on wednesday. the hottest day this week will be thursday, where the hottest cities approaching 108 in the afternoon. reggie. >> drew, thank you for streaming us on the abc seven bay area app. abc seven at seven continues. everybody else is watching gma. >> enjoy the fireworks and save thousands with 1.9% during the
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july 4th sales event. new honda's with 1.9 gas or hybrid hybrids get 614 miles per tank. ask anyone who owns a honda and search your local honda dealer. >> 50 years ago i prayed this prayer and it changed my life and it can change your life. you see, i was just sick and tired of being sick and tired and my life was in a mess and i just got on my knees one night and i said, god, i've sinned against you. i'm sorry. forgive me. i said, i believe jesus christ is your son, and i believe that he took my sins to the cross, and he died and shed his blood for my sins, and that he was buried and that you raised him to life. and i'd like to invite him to come into my heart right now. and i prayed that prayer. and god heard my prayer, and he forgave me. and he'll forgive you and he'll cleanse you and change your life starting today. just pray. this prayer says, say god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry. forgive me. i believe jesus is your son. i want to trust him as my savior and follow him as my lord from this day forward.
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almost no one can ask that. these are telltale signs your foundation is shifting. but it's okay. we got it. oh this is done. >> growing in this house. >> okay, cracking drywall is just one sign. your foundation is compromised, but your home can stand strong with a free inspection from bay area. underpinning for a limited time. get $500 off any repairs when you call or go online today during the july 4th sales event. drive a honda hybrid and get 614 miles per tank of continuous driving. cr-v hybrids 369 a month accord hybrids 379. ask anyone who owns a honda and search your local honda dealer. >> >> good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. hurricane beryl slamming into texas right now. the category 1 hurricane making landfall. the first hurricane to hit texas in three years.
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this morning, officials concerned more people did not evacuate. >> the urgent fda recall of mushroom-infused chocolates and sweets, with a chemical that has sent dozens to the hospital and possibly caused one death. dr. sutton has what you need to know. >> home swap. it's a hot travel trend that can save you thousands on your vacation. what you should do before you book a trip. >> tyler perry is taking over "gma." >> hallelujer! hallelujer! >> the madea mastermind is live in times square, about to make our monday, dishing on his new thriller and the new hobby that has him soaring to new heights. ♪ ♪ >> and she's ready. the bachelorette, jenn tran, is here live, as she says -- >> good morning, america! >> announcer: live in
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times square, this is "gma." >> good morning, america. jenn tran making history as the first asian american bachelorette. we are going to try to get spoilers out of her before tonight's premiere. wish us luck. >> also ahead, the chic sandals of the summer. birkenstocks! try before you buy birks and other similar sandals. >> also, nascar took over chicago. will reeve is here to break down all the action in just a little bit. >> first a look at the top stories at 8:00, hurricane beryl slamming texas making landfall near matagorda, texas. sam is here with the track and timing for us again. >> good morning. take texas and split it up the middle, the eastern half of texas is in a dangerous troublesome situation during the day today. this is what 4-6 feet of wide-open gulf looks like as it's rushing across the land. we have this onshore wind for a couple more hours, so you have this flooding issue along the coast.
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here's the eye of the storm. it made landfall four hours ago. at 8:00 in the morning it is still a category 1 hurricane. four hours after making landfall. this storm has defied all forecasts. heavy rain out of this, 2-4 inches an hour in some places, up to 15 inches total. i want to show you the curve of the storm. texarkana, little rock, paducah, louisville, thinking remnants with very heavy rain. then i want to take this all the way to philly and new york. there is a front that's going to be laying across by wednesday. this moisture gets thrown up along that front and this is 2-4 inches of rain, possible flash flooding from beryl. the b-named storm. usually a weak storm that turns out to be nothing, going to deliver all of this. george? >> we turn now to the race for the white house and president biden's efforts to save his candidacy in the face of pressure to step aside. back to our chief white house correspondent mary bruce. good morning, mary. >> good morning, george. this is a critical week for the president. despite his efforts to calm
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concerns, this morning the list of democrats calling for the president to step aside is growing, and even some of his allies are warning that the president still needs to answer some critical questions, and fast. this morning, president biden defiant as ever, adamant he can survive this crisis. >> is the democratic party behind you, sir? >> yes. >> but a growing number in his own party aren't so certain. sources telling abc news that, privately, at least four top house democrats told colleagues on a call sunday that it's time for biden to end his campaign. congressman jerry nadler, mark takano, joe morelle, and adam smith joining other democrats who have made the same plea publicly, but sources say minority leader hakeem jeffries, who convened sunday's call, did not take a stance. with lawmakers back on the hill this week, the coming days will be critical. >> hello, hello, hello. >> the president trying to restore confidence, hitting the trail hard this weekend, eager to show voters he has what it
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takes to beat donald trump. >> we are on the cusp of getting so much done. i really mean it. >> barnstorming battleground pennsylvania, shaking hands and snapping selfies, rallying his supporters and leaning on allies to beat back concerns from fellow democrats. >> i'm about to point to the only person that has ever kicked trump's [bleep] in an election right now! >> don't let anybody talk about your age. you are a young whippersnapper. >> but even the president's allies are blunt that his interview with george did not put concerns to rest. >> what i do think the president needs to decide is if he can put those concerns aside and demonstrate to the american people that what happened on the debate stage was an aberration, that he can and will beat donald trump. >> in his first sit down after that disastrous debate performance, the president saying so far democratic leaders have urged him to stay in the race. >> and if chuck schumer and
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hakeem jeffries and nancy pelosi come down and say we are worried that if you stay in the race we're going to lose the house and the senate, how will you respond? >> i go into deal with them. i'm speaking to all of them in detail, including jim clyburn. every one of them. they all say i should stay in the race. stay in the race. not one said i should leave. >> but if they do? >> well, it's like -- they're not going to do that. >> you are sure? >> well, yeah, i'm sure. look -- i mean, if the lord almighty came down and said, joe, get out of the race, i get out of the race. >> suggesting only divine intervention could force him out. >> if you could be convinced you could not beat donald trump, would you stand down? >> it depends on if the lord almighty comes down and tells me that. i might do that. >> but at the center of his campaign is the argument that trump poses an existential threat to american democracy. biden pressed on what happens if he fails to stop him.
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>> if you stay in and trump is elected, and everything you're warning about comes to pass, how will you feel in january? >> i will feel, as long as i gave it my all and i did as good a job as i know i can do, that's what this is about. >> now, the coming days could be decisive. all eyes will be on the hill as the pressure continues to grow on the president. biden will try, though, to prove his doubters wrong. he'll be standing on the world stage at the nato summit in washington this week, and holding a rare solo press conference on thursday, george. >> thanks very much. michael? >> thank you, george. now to the second annual nascar chicago street race. driver alex bowman taking on the win on a rainy course that took over the windy city. will reeve is here with more. good morning, will. >> good morning, michael. after the race, which sneaks through the streets of chicago right in historic grant park, alex bowman said it had been so long since he won a race, he had been doubting if he would ever win again. it had been 80 races over nearly 2.5 years since bowman stood atop the podium as a winner.
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in 2022, he suffered a concussion. last year he broke his back. this year, last night, as rain dumped from the sky, car spinning and crashing all race long, bowman and duard long, bowman endured. he took the checkered flag in the nascar cup series grant park 165. the race was delayed by two hours at one stage and shortened overall by that rain. moments after he secured the victory, bubba wallace veered into bowman, pasted him into the wall. perhaps that was payback for earlier in the race when bowman spun wallace out. tensions are always running higher when you drive in the rain, i guess. >> that's the reason, you've got that right. thank you. coming up in our morning menu, the recall of mushroom-infused chocolate and gummies with a chemical that has sent dozens to the hospital. dr. sutton will be back to break it down. >> also ahead, try before you buy. becky worley test drives birkenstocks and other sandals for comfort, style, and price. >> and taylor swift with a
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special message in her amsterdam concert that thrilled her fans. that's coming up in pop news. and lara has a special guest upstairs. >> i do, george. robin, we've been talking about this for a week now. we are all here because he's here! tyler perry, everybody. writer, actor, producer, director, here with his new movie. we will talk about that and so much more, right? >> yes, we are, and some footage of lara from when she was on local news. we are going to find that footage! we are going to find it! >> you are in so much trouble! that's coming up on "good morning america." [laughs] ♪ ♪ is coming up on "good morning america." [laughs] ♪ ♪ you seen my ph- ahhh! (woman) oh no! (man) woah, woah, woah! (woman) no, no, no, no, no! (woman) great. (man) ughhh. (man) dude. (vo) you break it. we take it. trade in any phone, in any condition. guaranteed. and get a new iphone 15 with tons of storage, on us. (woman) oh yeah.
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only on verizon. with bugs, the struggle-is-real. that's why you need zevo traps. zevo works 24/7 to attract and trap flying insects. for effortless protection. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly. ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪ and i'm keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i'm reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that's proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn't be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don't take wegovy® if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2,
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or if allergic to it. stop wegovy® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. wegovy® may cause low blood sugar in people with diabetes, especially if you take medicines to treat diabetes. tell your provider about vision problems or changes, or if you feel your heart racing while at rest. depression or thoughts of suicide may occur. call your provider right away if you have any mental changes. common side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. with wegovy®, i'm losing weight, i'm keeping it off. and i'm lowering my cv risk. that's the power of we. ♪ ♪ check your cost and coverage before talking to your health care professional about wegovy®. (vo) beneful knows a full life doesn't just happen. it's a choice. to take a swing. to taste all life has to offer. choose joy, choose beneful. and try incredibites,
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it's target circle week. ah? -what? what week? -circle. she's saying circle week. it's the biggest sale of the season! oh great! does that mean more savings or something? you bet your bottom derler! your bottom what? ♪ ♪ >> we're back now with our "gma" cover story. a company has recalled its popular mushroom-infused
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chocolate and gummies due to the inclusion of a chemical that is not fda approved for food, sending nearly 50 people to the hospital. dr. sutton, you're going to break this down for us, the recall? >> an important update. the product is called diamond shruumz, and it can be sold online and in vape shops, and many people apparently have it. the fda recall is associated with 48 cases in more than 24 states. more than 20 people hospitalized and one possible related death. so these products can be quite dangerous. >> so it's the presence of this chemical in the product is causing it. what kind of a can it have on you? >> this chemical is called muscimol, derived from mushrooms, and what happens if certain doses can be incredibly toxic. some of the symptoms reported from the e.r. cases include things like seizures, abnormal heart rhythms, changes in blood pressure, high and low, as well as nausea and vomiting. the problem is the dosage is not exact so people are exposed and don't know. >> many people want to try these types of products. what do you suggest to stay
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safe? >> i think it's important to remember, in cases like this especially, these supplements have little to no fda regulation. often the ingredients are not well-controlled. so you may not be aware. number one, reading the label. making sure you understand what you're eating and also having this conversation with your doctor. robin, i often have this talk with my patients. many times these supplements are associated with more than 20,000 e.r. visits each year. and many times they can interact with medications that patients already take. so making sure you're being open and honest with any medications you're taking. >> you have this conversation with your patients? >> always. the most common problem is interactions with medications patients are already taking that they're not aware of. it's important to be aware of this. >> talk to your doctor about it. thank you. you can find out more about this recall on the fda website. george? >> okay, robin, thanks. now to a way to save money on your next vacation, home swapping, where you exchange your home with someone else. elizabeth schulze tells us how it works. good morning, elizabeth. >> hey, good morning, george.
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this trend is saving some family thousands of dollars this summer. you can take that vacation without spending a single penny on where you stay. this summer it is the real world spin on the christmas classic, "the holiday." >> an exchange, what is that? >> travelers turning to a home swap to save thousands of dollars on their vacations. >> must say, your house looks idyllic. >> just what i need. >> the average nightly rate in a hotel in the u.s. this summer is $240. for a rental home, it is $182 per bedroom, per night. instead, families like single mom of two marina wanders in austin, texas, are trading homes with strangers for free. >> you get to stay semiperiphery, and it feels like you're making friends and connections as you do this. >> wanders, a professional photographer who first told her story to "the wall street journal," wanted to do a home swap during her kids' summer break. she posted in a facebook group. a dallas woman responded, offering up her house for a week
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in august, complete with its own swimming pool. >> it's almost like this will become our home for the week, and i think, if i could afford this home, i would live in a house like this. so it's lovely to get that experience right now. >> social media isn't the only way to get in on the trend. >> we have been exchanging homes for about six years. >> companies like home exchange and people like us list comes available to swap and charge an annual membership fee. they say bookings are up double digits this year. >> this is not going to be like in airbnb where it's a blank slate. there may be clothes in the closet, but that can be a positive. if you are swapping with another family with small kids who already have the apparatus, the playground, that can also alleviate a ton of stress from having to pack or buy those items. >> it is of course critical to vet the owner before you do any home swap, so be sure to ask for references. you can also cross-check the property by looking at google maps or public property
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records, and this is really important. be sure to check your own home insurance policy to make sure it would cover somebody else staying in your house, guys. >> behave, michael. >> are you all signed up for it? >> don't drink my milk! leave my milk alone and have a great time. >> all right, i'll swap! >> i would do it with you! >> take your clothes out the closet. >> [laughs] >> the look on everybody's faces was classic. [laughter] it's time now for try before you buy. becky worley tried out some classic sandals that are getting a new foothold in fashion. good morning, becky. >> michael, good morning. the throwback fashion surprise of the summer is the two-strap sandal that evokes more peace signs and grateful dead concerts than the fashion runway. but, also surprising, the new
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options you have for materials, for different fashion options, and even different price points. in this segment, where all the products are shoppable on our website, we try before you buy. >> peace sandals, hippie shoes, granola cruisers. the two-strap sandal has gone way beyond its humble beginnings. >> dude, they are so comfy! >> celebs like reese witherspoon and tracee ellis ross confirming birkenstocks and their clones are now chic. the leather and cork variety are the classics, moldable footbed and crazy comfortable. the plastic variety is lighter, waterproof, and cheaper. speaking of cheaper, there are now other versions of the shoe, so we asked olivia boyd, marketing director for a national fitness brand, and caitlin palumbo, a travel writer and photographer, to try out multiple pairs of the double-banded sandal. this version of the birkenstocks arizona sandal for $160. the cushionaire lane cork footbed sandal from amazon for just $29.99, the arizona
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waterproof eva sandal for $49.95, and another brand on amazon, also eva, those are $29.99. >> in the summer i'm always in sandals. >> i walk a lot exploring new destinations. >> first the cork and leather birkenstocks. >> i've never owned birkenstocks before, so i'm excited. >> i'm really excited to see how these shoes hold up for a day of sightseeing. >> both olivia and caitlin loving the look and the buckles, but caitlin saying they felt a little rough. >> i think i have to break them in. >> olivia excited by the fit and the feel. >> they really feel like the type of sandal that will mold to your foot and break in the more you wear them. >> next, the cushionaire lane sandal. after a day of exploring, caitlin was very impressed. >> they are so comfortable. my feet are not tired at all. >> but olivia feeling they didn't have enough support. >> now that my feet have experienced the original arizona birkenstocks, these just don't cut it. >> then the waterproof eva birkenstocks.
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olivia impressed with the bounce on her cross-country travels. >> it's a long walk from the gate to the baggage claim and they are super comfy. >> caitlin wearing them to the beach. >> they are lightweight, waterproof, and they float. they are the perfect pair of shoes to wear on the beach in the summer. >> and finally, the funkymonkey monkey eva pair, olivia trying them out at the pool. >> these are so cute and great for a pool day. i wanted to see if they would float. looks like it! >> caitlin flaunting them with her pup, ollie. >> i'm loving that i see so many girls in the sandals. >> as for their top choices, it's the leather birkenstocks for olivia -- >> i've heard there is life before and after birkenstocks, and now i understand. they are so versatile. definitely worth it. >> and for caitlin, the cushionaires. >> the footbed is so soft and padded and springy. i can wear these all day long. ♪ ♪ >> life before and after birkenstocks, right? [laughs]
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now, all of these options are broken down, pros and cons, and they are shoppable on our website. i should mention that our testers loved the plastic options, especially for the summer, but both of them thought the leather versions are the ones that they are going to turn to in their lives after birkenstocks and their competitors, guys. peace from the granola capital of the world here. >> peace and love. [laughter] >> thank you, becky. let's go to brittany bell. >> thanks, george. i want to start by showing you one of the largest fires burning in california, the lake fire in santa barbara county. only 8% contained, burning nearly 19,000 acres. the heat is not helping. we have this ridge of high pressure and heat alerts stretching from washington state all the way down to arizona. these are actual high temperatures well over 110 degrees.
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>> pop news time. >> yes, let's get to it. we are going to begin by remembering jon landau, who passed away over the weekend. he grew up in new york city, got his love of the movies from his parents, both of whom were film producers. at 29 years old he started to see major success working on hits like "honey i shrunk the kids," "home alone," "mrs. doubtfire," "speed," to name a few. landau began his partnership with james cameron when they teamed up for 1994's "true lies," and they worked on a secret project codenamed "planet ice."
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later it was revealed to be the oscar-winning blockbuster "titanic." cameron posting on the "avatar" instagram about his friend. "his legacy is not just the films he produced, but the personal example he set. he inspired all of us to be and bring out our best, every single day." oscar-winner kate winslet telling deadline, "he was the kindest and best of men, always full of smiles and gratitude." despite all of his successes, landau was most proud of his 40-year marriage to his wife, julie, and the love of their two sons, jamie and jody. they will miss him dearly, as will we. the producer was just 63 years old. too young. he will be missed. >> 40-year marriage, you don't see that in hollywood a lot. >> so talented. also in pop news this morning, it is time for our daily dose of taylor swift, everybody. it is actually our monday dose. she just wrapped her sold-out amsterdam shows. this morning swift's 11th studio album just spent its 11th week at number one on the billboard
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200 chart. "the tortured poets department" has now tied her "1989" and "fearless" albums for the longest number ones on the charts. while in amsterdam, swift decided to send a special shout out to her boyfriend, travis kelce. for the first time in 16 years she performed her 2006 single "mary's song" during a mashup, which fans realized had even more significance now than when she wrote it. take a listen. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> the number 87 she references there is of course kelce's jersey number. the number 89 is the year that you spotted kelce in the crowd during the set, appearing to get emotional, even wiping away tears during the performance. i am only reporting the news,
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george. i know i have, you just made me think about what we are going to do if someday no, someday people say that i'm going to say it. >> if someday they get engaged, we're going to do like, special courts. we're going to block. you are going to be doing special hits. >> are you thought you going another way? >> are you going another way? >> i was like, i would go back, that's okay. i thought it was going another way. george. be careful. >> they they were always oh i don't dare. you know, we were thinking love on this. >> yes. >> george would never think such a thing. gosh. all right. taylor is next to up in, uh, zurich. tomorrow you're going to zurich. we're jealous as she continues her era's european summer tour. and love is alive with taylor and travis. we are happy to report. i'm sorry. we. everybody. how about a little brad pitt to start your engine? yes monday morning. here's the brand new trailer for his new formula one racing movie shot. while the actual races were
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happening years ago, he looks great. i know that is yesterday . wow. the film is called f1 check this out. >> her car for combat. how am i right? >> that's safe. who said anything that's safe? pit stars . >> as a formula one driver returning to the racing circuit. check it out, everybody. that film will be coming out sometime soon. i will be right back. >> twice the celebrities on a new season of who wants to be a millionaire? wednesday on abc. everyone in this house is a liar . >> they will do anything to keep their family name a secret. >> what's clear? so many clues. what's to say? >> you're gonna have to find out. just like everyone else. why. now? >> from abc seven mornings. >> good morning everyone. >> i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. >> here's a look at traffic now with frances. all right. >> kumasi. there's a new crash in oakland, eastbound, 588 high street. and overturned. accident
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is blocking the three right lane. so traffic is slowing down in the eastbound direction. and i suspect because of the series crash, it's going to slow down in the westbound direction to also an earlier stall is causing a lot of slowing on southbound 680 as you make your way from dublin through the central grade, you can see some stop and go traffic there. at 16 miles an hour. but if you want to avoid all that mass transit, a great way to go. reporting, no delays . kumasi. thank you frances. >> meteorologist tom azure accuweather forecast after the break >> you ignore the signs and a flashing lights. >> my mom is out there. that's my dad in that truck. slow down. how would you feel if that was dave's company just scored the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. high five! high five... -i'm on a call. it's 5 years of reliable, gig speed internet... five years of advanced security... five years of a great rate that won't change. yep, dave's feeling it.
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zone alert. hey, bay area, live with kelly and marcus. >> coming up. we'll chat with hollywood legend faye dunaway. plus this year's bachelorette jen tran joins us. that's at nine on abc seven. >> we will see you guys very shortly. here's a live look from our south beach camera showing you a little bit of sunshine trying to break through that cloud cover across the bay shoreline and big marine layer this morning means temperatures are going to be slow to warm. 50s and 60 right now. underneath that fog. so look at the heat advisories. those will last until friday. hottest today in the 90s. kumasi thanks. >> true. we'll have another abc7 news update in about 30 minutes. news update in about 30 minutes. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: welcome back to "gma," live from times square. >> what a way to start the week. actor, director, screenwriter, producer, playwright, author,
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philanthropist! who also brought madea into our lives nearly 25 years ago. it's our dear friend! give it up for the great tyler perry! [applause] >> did you say 25 years ago? wow. time. >> i can't wait to talk about this new thriller, "divorce in the black." but ,i gotta tell you, full confession, george knows -- i was supposed to be off today. i had "off" on the schedule, then i saw you were going to be here. >> you're kidding me, robin. >> now my team is mad at me because they thought they would have a long weekend, but i'm happy. >> thank you for coming. i appreciate that. i hope it's worth it! i better say something funny! hellur! hellur! hallelujer, i'm so glad you're here! hallelujer! george is like, what is going on? [laughter] >> you have so much going on. why was it important, with all the things you had going on, to tell this story right now? >> you know, looking at the divorce rates, and i have so many friends going through things, people want to be
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together forever and life happens. but sometimes people hold on and think they can love a person past whatever their pain is and just stay in the marriage. this is about a woman who decides, you know, i've given all i can. now i've got to find my own strength. she always had it from before, but she lost it in the marriage. so these voices kept talking to me, and i just started writing it down, and here we come with this movie. >> a lot of people say the film challenges expectations. how so is that? >> i think in the sense of, you think it's going to be one thing and it's something else, but it gives her the strength. watching her take this journey of getting to strength and getting past things and getting over it, and strong enough to stand on her own, i think that's going to challenge some expectations for sure. >> let's give everyone a look. >> uh-oh. >> you see? that's your problem. you're always trying to change me, woman. that's what you're trying to do. instead of liking me the way that i am, and how i do things.
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>> i'm not trying to change you. >> than what you call it? save me? >> that's a powerful scene right there. >> meagan and cory are so good. i'm excited about it. >> cory is coming later this week. what should we ask him? >> ooh, let me think about it. i've got some good stuff. i have to think of something worth asking on "gma." >> i came in on my off day, he better come up with something! [laughter] >> let's go back to your biden questions. maybe we'll find something there. [laughter] >> can we talk about madea? >> yes, what you want to talk about? yes, hellur. >> how many years it's been. >> who knew? who knew? 25 years of this. wow. who knew, 25 years, people are still coming to see this. it's the number one movie in 2005, was a madea movie. and then just recently the last one we did was number one. after all these years, pretty amazing. >> what would she be doing in
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2024? i could see her on tiktok. i could see madea on tiktok. >> teaching people how to roll joints. [laughter] but she also knows, it's very important that you know when to leave the stage. hellur! where are we right now? what are we talking about? we are talking about madea, right? we are talking about madea. come on, george! get in here! >> i'm not saying a word! >> good, smart man. [laughter] >> we are so used to you building out these worlds of these characters and all of these of the things, but one of the fascinating things you are building now, airplanes. i'm over here trying to take a piece of paper and make one, you are actually building these airplanes. flying them yourself. what got you into that? >> i needed a hobby and i needed something i could take my mind off of -- i love working with my hands and building things and i was afraid to fly. after 9/11 i stopped flying and was only taking a bus
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everywhere. when i got into this hobby i started understanding how airplanes work and how turbulence worked, all of that helped me. when i get into a thing, i go deeper and deeper into it, and that's why i'm at this place right now building with my friends and the people that work for me there. it's pretty awesome. >> they are real planes. >> 18, 20-foot wingspans, i'm enjoying it a whole lot. but cocaine is cheaper. [laughter] it's expensive. i don't buy cocaine, but i'm saying, if you're going to have a hobby, find one that's cheaper than doing this. [laughter] but it's great. i'm loving it. >> go ahead, george. >> michael's got nothing to say. and robin regrets coming in on her day off, but we are here! >> she does not! we also love the history. you recently shared that after a million nos you are saying yes. tell us about that. >> for me, i prayed and prayed just to get to a place where i could do well in life. i just wanted to do well enough to take care of my mother. so all i needed was one yes. i got one yes from god, and
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that's all i've had, and it's taken me all of this way. a million people told me no, but that one yes, i'm still riding on. i would say to tell that to anybody. if you get that one yes, don't stop. >> mm, mm, mm. >> your monday motivation. >> that is my monday motivation. you are a good man. >> i appreciate it, thank you. >> i'm glad i said yes to coming in on my off day. >> i'm glad you did. >> "divorce in the black" will be available on prime video this thursday. coming up, the new bachelorette, jenn tran is here! thursday. thursday. but jenn tran is here next. ♪ ♪
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>> i've dated a lot of toxic men in my past. so many relationships where the guy wanted to change me. i feel like my whole life i've been chasing the wrong people. >> i don't respect you. >> he has no morals. >> it's a competition. >> i know what a wrong decision feels like, and i'm not going to do that anymore. >> no bachelorette has ever done this before. >> i'm done letting men dictate my relationships.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> welcome back. bachelorette fans, the wait is almost over! we are now just hours away from the premiere of the new season, and we have the new bachelorette. jenn tran is here, everybody! welcome to "good morning america." >> thank you so much for having me! i'm excited to be here. >> i just asked you off-camera. was it a great experience? >> it was an absolutely amazing experience, and i can't wait to watch it all back. i feel like this chapter of my life happened and i'm like, did it actually happen? tonight i get to finally see it with everybody. i'm so excited. >> well, i speak on behalf of everybody. you have said, it's an ending you didn't see coming for yourself, so it's only fair fo us to ask, are you engaged? >> ugh, come on! you know i can't talk about that! >> i have to ask the tough questions, jenn, what can i tell you? >> i get it, i get it. you know what, i will just say,
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the way everything played out in the way my story worked out, every single piece that happened needed to happen for me to get to where i am today, so i'm just so grateful and so happy about it all. so i'm very very happy with the outcome of everything. >> you are happy with the outcome, and everything that happened. were there some things that happened that were shocking even to you? >> so many. i kid you not, every day i was on the edge of my seat. i was like, what is going happen next? >> really? >> there were constantly new developments happening. >> like, stuff we won't see coming? i'm a huge fan of the franchise. i watch. >> absolutely. there were a lot of moments i myself did not see coming. but that makes for an even better story, which makes me excited to watch it all back. >> but you are actually living it. it's not just tv, it's real life. >> i live for a little bit of adrenaline. >> i thought you were going to say drama. do you like drama?
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>> a little bit. when i'm not too involved in it. >> what does your perfect man look like? >> i don't know! for me it's all really about personality, and i'm such a thoughtful person when it comes to being in a relationship, so i really was looking for someone who is thoughtful, who is emotionally intelligent, just open and ready for love. and feeling that. mature. i think in previous relationships i tended to go for guys who didn't have that openness, and i liked that chase. at this point i was like, i'm done doing that. >> you want the real deal. did the bachelors deliver? did the producers find great guys? >> they did. i was honestly so grateful to have the group of men that i did. they were so thoughtful and so caring, and truly they were just so open to everything. and i felt so lucky to be with them. >> do you guys want to see a clip? let's do it. >> how excited are you? >> i'm overwhelmed with emotions. there's so much going through my head right now. >> were you ever even thinking
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about the possibility that you'd be standing here right now as the bachelorette? >> not in a million years did i think this would happen. i have come so far to really figure out who i am and to grow into my own, and i just feel ready more than ever to meet my person. >> well, it's your time now. jenn, let the journey began. >> [squeals] >> let the journey begin! and as the first asian american making history for the franchise, how important is that to you? >> it is so important to me, honestly. i think about it every day, and i feel so honored and grateful to even be sitting here and doing this. growing up i never really saw a lot of asians in the media, and that really hindered me from believing that i could make something of myself and do some things, so for me to be here today and be the role model that i have always wanted is honestly really surreal for me. but i'm so excited to be able to inspire a generation of people. >> yeah, i think that's fantastic. really, really glad. it's wonderful to meet you.
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>> thank you so much! >> and i know you're going to be watching with your family tonight? >> with my friends tonight. my family is in boston at the moment. >> did you tell your family to buckle up? anything to cover their eyes? >> i haven't told my mom to cover her eyes yet, that she will know when to cover her ey eyes! >> we wanted to make sure that you are set up. one of our awesome teammates here has a little bag of tricks for your watch party. >> wow, this is a lot! >> a little nicholas sparks to get you in the mood. all kinds of good stuff. have fun at your watch party. we will make sure that gets home with you. >> thank you so much! >> just tell us really quickly, some good, weird entrances tonight? >> yes, i met someone's butt cheek before i actually met their face! >> what?! i didn't see that coming! >> someone said the p-word on national tv. it's crazy. >> i'm not going to ask which p-word. i loved meeting you! i'm excited to be on the journey with you. so many people will be watching.
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we hope that however it works out is the way you wanted it. >> thank you so much. >> everybody watch jenn's season of "the bachelorette," premiering tonight at 8:00 p.m. right here on abc. now we go to brittany bell. >> houston is getting the brunt of beryl this morning. you can barely make out the city in the distance because of the blinding rain and the winds gusting up to 70 miles per hour. what a mess this morning. the latest track has it moving off to the north, spreading that flooding risk across eastern texas. notice there's a significant risk for flash flooding toward texarkana and tyler, texas. 3-10 inches of rain could fall locally, up to 15 inches. even after it moves out of texas, we have flood watches across sections of oklahoma, arkansas, all the way towards indiana. it starts to weaken to a tropical depression wednesday into early t
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>> good job, brittany. now get out your countdown clock, because it's time to count down to d23. it's the ultimate disney fan event, and it's just next month in anaheim. before the tens of thousands of disney fans come together, you can actually take part in the biggest sweepstakes in disney history. we'll show you. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> d23 fantastic prizes. the ultimate disney sweepstakes, with 23 incredible items at experiences that only disney can deliver. you can be animated into an actual episode of "the simpsons," be one of the first to set sail aboard the all-new disney treasure, experience disneyland paris and the all-new frozen land, explore the galapagos islands on a "national geographic" expeditions cruise, be drawn into a marvel comic, tour the
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light storm museum and watch "avatar: the way of water," have your own disney parks inspired ice cream freezer, and many more. it's time to make your ultimate disney dreams come true. enter now at ♪ ♪ ♪ do what you want ♪ get into an audi and go your own way. find your way to exceptional offers during the summer of audi sales event at you local audi dealer. it's time to get away and cash in at cache creek casino resort. to rock and to roll.
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to go all out or go all in with four stars and rising stars. northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place to do as much... or as little as you want. make your getaway now and cache in at cache creek casino resort.
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♪ hey, come on, come on ♪ ♪ do what you want ♪ get into an audi and go your own way. find your way to exceptional offers during the summer of audi sales event at you local audi dealer. >> we are back with "the new york times" best-selling author daniel silva. his new book, "a death in cornwall," is the latest in the gabriel allon series. welcome back, great to see you. i feel like i'm the wrong person doing the interview. your wife, jamie gangel, the interviewer! >> i didn't have a microphone. >> in camera range. >> tell us about the book. >> well, as the title would suggest, it begins with a death in cornwall.
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the victim is a world-renowned professor of art history from oxford. the british police ask gabriel to help with the investigation, and he soon finds himself in the middle of a political scandal involving the election of the next british prime minister. so it's a fast-paced, exciting, fun summer read. it's part murder mystery, part art caper, part political thriller, and it deals with -- it explores how art can be used to launder money. >> whoa, okay. and the headlines are helping you along a little bit, as well. you have a british government scandal right after we have these huge snap elections. >> i want to thank rishi sunak for calling the snap election right when my book came out. it was supposed to take place in the fall. i had a sense that he was probably going to call it in the summertime, because i didn't think that he would last until the fall. so we just witnessed a historic
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wipeout of the british conservative party. and it was extraordinary. so this book was, in large degree, inspired by the chaos that has taken place inside the party in the last two years. >> and you have your main character, gabriel allon, now 24 books. what surprised you about him as you wrote this one? >> i have -- as my fans know, i sort of flipped the script a little bit. gabriel was once an intelligence officer who was also an art restorer on the side. now he's in art restorer who used to be an intelligence officer. i have just suddenly changed the way i write the books. you used the word "surprised." he surprises me on every page. i just love where the character is right now, i love the kind of books i'm writing with him right now. i just had so much fun working on this book. >> your character, ari shamron, is missing. is he going to be back?
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>> ari shamron is gabriel's mentor, he is from israeli intelligence. i think so. i'm certainly not going to let him fade from the scene. i plan one book at a time. i try not to think too far on down the road. but, no, i'm going to bring that character back in some form in the future. >> gabriel is -- art restoring is his primary job right now. >> yes. >> does a particular artist ever inspire a book for you? >> i definitely use the imagery of the particular artist, and elements of their biography, in the story. so, yeah, a big influence on me is caravaggio. i mean that on my writing, as well. i try to write, at times, the
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way he painted, so he is a huge influence on my work. >> what does that mean? >> hemingway famously talked about his influences, and he listed as his influences of his writing numerous painters. and bach was an influence on his writing. and so, you know, the power of a piece of art can influence the way you write. >> how about your process? what is your day like? >> "process" -- see, that implies something orderly. >> [laughs] >> "process." i wish i could outline a novel, but i've really never figured out how, for the simple fact that i cannot bring it to life on three-by-five note cards. i have to start writing as quickly as possible. >> in longhand? >> i write in longhand. i lie on the floor working with pencils. i like to say that i write my books sentence by sentence, and i am not exaggerating. just one sentence informs the
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next, informs the next. so that means i'm often going back and constantly revising. but i push forward -- my first draft is basically my outline, and then, with my lovely wife's help, i rewrite the book two or three more times before it gets to print. >> that is some image, lying on the floor writing in pencil. thank you for sharing that. >> it was. i write on yellow legal pad. it doesn't crash, i don't lose all my work. the pace of writing in longhand suits me. i sort of get fiddleitis when i'm sitting at a keyboard. i don't know about you. i'm sure it flows perfectly into one draft for you. but i sit there and tinker too much, and i like to write in longhand. i'm not alone. there are many writers who do. >> thank you for coming in
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traffic is backed up in both directions. because of this accident. heavy from about 35th to the scene. also as we show you right at the san mateo bridge, it is looking good. westbound toll plaza to foster city 12 minutes. despite an earlier stall. hi, drew. hi, francis. >> temperatures right now. uh, it feels quite nice out there. 50s and 60s, thanks to the marine layer this morning, but our heat advisory has been extended until friday, so we will see the rest of the week underneath some of this intense heat. today we're in the 90s in our hottest areas inland. by wednesday, we're back above 100 degrees inland. reggie drew, thank you. >> it's time now for live with kelly and mark. we see you again on the air at 11 ♪ ♪ >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and mark!"


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