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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  July 10, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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. there's not enough money in my account for these. i'm gonna get charged. two things i just can't deal with. overdraft charges. and garden gnomes. but your bmo smart advantage checking account gives you an extra day to avoid an overdraft fee. nice to see a bank cutting people some slack. mistakes happen. and we give you time to correct them. so, you don't like gnomes huh? what about that one? that one i like. a lot. ♪ bmo ♪ starts right now. >> because a new drug dealing that will reduce serious crimes, it will reduce car break ins and it will save lives. >> are ringing endorsement for
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proposition e, the voter approved measure to expand police powers in san francisco. it would allow police chases for any felony, including drug sales or burglary. but opponents fear it carries a real risk right along with it. good evening. thank you for joining us. >> i'm dan ashley and i'm julian glover. the san francisco police commission is meeting right now to decide how to push forward proposition e. >> yeah, it would not only give police more freedom to chase suspects, but part of the goal is to cut down on paperwork so officers could spend more time in the field. >> abc seven news reporter suzanne ford explains how it works. >> this police chase in may started in san francisco's tenderloin and wound its way through north beach before ending on the embarcadero. along the way, a 14 year old girl was injured, hit by the suspect's car while trying to cross near francisco middle school, but police say without their action, others could have been hurt. chases like this back in the spotlight this wednesday night, as the san francisco police commission reviews prop e passed by voters in march, it gives
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voters more latitude when it comes to car chases. the measure was put on the ballot by mayor london breed, 100. >> people want to make sure that we're putting public safety first, and when we have the lowest capture rate and the highest injury rate in these high speed chases would be very careful about how it's implemented. >> kevin benedicto is a san francisco police commissioner who originally opposed prop e. >> we worked closely with the department to expand the circumstances as property requires, but tried to make sure that there are still as many safeguards as many, protections and steps that we can as possible. >> the san francisco police commission will discuss seven amended policies and prop e, they will allow police to initiate a pursuit if they believe the suspect is involved in a felony or a violent misdemeanor. prop e also allows officers to use drones in chase. the measure also permits officers to cut back on paperwork so they can return to the field sooner. >> all those can make them more efficient and can protect san franciscans. >> frank noto is with stop crime
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action, a victim rights organization involved in curbing crime in san francisco. he says while officers will not chase after suspects if the circumstances are too dangerous, prop e will give them more ability to do their job. >> this will reduce drug dealing, it will reduce serious crimes. it will reduce car break ins, and it will save lives. >> san francisco's police union released this statement saying, quote, the people of san francisco spoke clearly in support of giving our officers the innovative tools to solve crime efficiently and prioritizing our time in the community to deter crime before it happens. these policies make san francisco safer, period. if the amended policies are approved, the police commission will send them to the union. there's an october deadline for final approval in san francisco, suzanne phan abc seven news. >> new at five oakland's police chief just met with the manager of a gas station that was ransacked on the 4th of july. you've probably seen the video of dozens of people swarming the 76 off hegenberger road. the owner complained about the
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police response. the two men spoke after their meeting. >> as a business owner, he should not have to go through what we saw on the video here and we're going to do everything to help him in the future to keep this from happening again. >> he he ensured us that things will change, you know, but there is i'm not going to say there is things that we could correct from our end. you know, the way we respond to a crime, you know, how we talk to the police department to make it a priority? >> leon is not here. >> city council member trevor reed was also there for the meeting. one thing the chief discussed was changing how police are staffed in the hegenberger corridor here at abc seven news. >> as part of our work in building a better bay area, focuses on uplifting issues of public safety. that's why we're looking into a new analysis that is questioning the accuracy of oakland's reported crime drop, saying it may not be as significant as what the police department is reporting. according to the san francisco chronicle and oakland report, the police department's data was
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based on incomplete statistics from last year. the 33% drop in overall crime may actually be closer to 20. that may be due to a delay in residents reporting crimes like burglaries and auto theft. in a statement, the oakland police department says its weekly crime reports are up to date and accurate for crimes involving immediate danger and loss of life when it comes to public safety. where you live, check out the abc seven neighborhood safety tracker. see crime stats and trends for oakland, san francisco and san jose. you can find that on our website, abc seven >> also new at five bart. police say they helped rescue a girl from a suspected kidnaper last night. the incident happened at the powell street station at around 8 p.m. we're told officers received a call that a teenage girl was taken from the station and then forced into a vehicle by a man they checked surveillance video and it confirmed what witnesses had told them. this video, taken by an abc seven viewer, shows san francisco police arresting the
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37 year old suspect. we're told this is at about three in the morning. the person who took the video says the intersection is mcallister and larkin, which is right across from civic center plaza. we got an update from bart police this afternoon about the investigation. >> there may be a potential relationship between the suspect and the victim. this doesn't appear to have been a random crime, and the person was not. our victim was not actually riding bart at the time of the incident. they had arrived in the area in a vehicle. >> the girl was found this morning and was reunited with her family. >> let's talk about some weather now. here we go again. another heat wave kicked in for the bay area. we're taking a live look outside. a little seagull there. we know that dangerous heat is back once again and that is prompting another spare the air alert day. here to break it all down is abc seven news meteorologist sandhya patel. >> yeah, julian, we've got the hot and then the not so hot. so let me show you those
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temperatures. livermore 104 degrees right now. >> but you will notice in half moon bay it's only 61 kind of what we expected. 89 in san jose, 76 in oakland. looking to our north, 102 degrees in fairfield right now, 93 in santa rosa, excessive heat warnings are still going for our inland areas until friday night, and heat advisories for all areas shaded in orange excludes the coast. in the city, there's still an increased risk of heat related illnesses. we're talking a major risk for tomorrow in our inland areas, and isolated spots will be in the extreme category, so stay hydrated and definitely try to find shade or ac. as you look at the high temperatures for tomorrow, it's only getting hotter. livermore 108 degrees along with fairfield 99, in san jose 85, oakland 99, san rafael 102. in santa rosa. getting you up to 77. in the city, 66 in san francisco. that spare the air alert is up right now, and it has been extended through tomorrow as the air quality continues to suffer, we're
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looking at moderate to poor air quality. i'll be back to let you know when we'll get some relief from this heat. dan. julian okay. >> sandia. thank you. >> in the south bay, there have been at least 14 heat related deaths in santa clara county, and that number could potentially rise. >> abc seven news reporter lena howland looks at what the county and volunteers are doing to try to protect the south bay's most vulnerable population. >> volunteers are handing out water to the people who need it most. as the heat returns to parts of the bay area trying to hand out more water, the bay area is now in its second heat wave of the month. the first sending temperatures soaring over the 4th of july holiday, contributing to at least 14 deaths. in santa clara county. and the county medical examiner's office says that number could grow with more deaths overnight still under investigation. in a statement on the deaths, they confirmed two individuals were unhoused and one individual was enrolled in a transitional housing program. >> i could see them, you know, having a lot of death involved in that because it's just body
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can't withstand the temperatures and these cars and vans, you know, and there's going to be people who just don't make it through this. >> sean cartwright is an advocate with the unhoused response group. she says of the 14 people who died, at least six were older than 50. >> but people are just in a state right now. they're hungry. they're extremely thirsty, and they're in a point where they can't just go and help themselves. it needs to come to them. they are just so depleted and really on the edge right now. >> as the heat continues, the county's office of emergency management is keeping more than 20 cooling centers open, some with extended hours. the vta is providing free rides to the centers through friday if they need to have a safe space to go to get out of the hot weather and find water, you know, charge up their devices that is available to them. their office of supportive housing was also out doing outreach and handing out water to encampments on wednesday. for the meantime, they're encouraging everyone to check in on loved ones that
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don't have ac, making sure that they have enough water, that they have enough food, that their ac is working, and if they don't have ac, if they can be transported to a cooling center in san jose, lena howland abc seven news. >> a pest problem is frustrating. one east bay homeowner and his attempt to get rid of them has turned into a battle over the rules at story. only on seven plus, these guys in the street, they have no idea what they are doing. >> a man burned by illegal fireworks demonstrates firsthand why they are so dangerous. >> his story is next on
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center with burns after he was hit by a large firework on the 4th of july. his legs are wrapped because of the severity
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of his injuries, and there is a large wound on his arm. the victim, who wants to remain anonymous, says he was in the alviso area with his wife when he saw the fireworks. >> we saw that they were working on pretty big things, right? so we started to go on the side to pass it and just just walk away, right. and then in a in one second, that was it. you know, we were on the floor burn. i just i just looked at my wife. her skin was falling from her legs. >> just terrible. this is some of the video of those illegal fireworks. the victim says when they asked to call 911 people, them told them, quote, we don't do that around here. >> patelco says it has stabilized its network more than a week after a ransomware attac, but it's still uncertain when customers will be able to access their accounts again. the credit union posted an update on its website telling customers it is now processing about half of the transactions received since that
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hack occurred. cybersecurity specialists say the credit union systems are once again safe and secure. patelco is promising to reimburse affected customers for late fees, atm fees and overdraft fees incurred during that attack. >> all right, now to a story. you'll see only on seven. a pleasanton man has an infestation of voles in his backyard. he's tried to remove them, but recent law prevents him from using any poison. he spoke with abc seven news reporter ryan curry about why he is now asking the city for help. >> it's pristine. >> it's beautiful. >> cheers. >> it's even tranquil. steve biro and his wife love to spend time in their backyard. they built it themselves. >> we've lived on this property for about 27 years, built it from the top down or bottom up, but most of their time spent outside recently involves this fishing dead voles out of the pool. >> it's a problem that began back in the spring on an average day i take out of my pool
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anywhere between 6 to 9 voles every single day. voles are small rodents, similar to rats or hamsters. there are so many voles, it's at the point where they are attracting predators. here is a herring eating one of the voles. raccoons come to go for a swim and grab a late night snack. >> we have, hawks coming through. we have i can go, the list can go on. >> he hears the animals scattering through the bushes and sees evidence of them destroying their plants. >> i'm catching, on average, 7 or 8 every day. >> neighbor jim konzen deals with the same problem. >> unfortunately, at the hardware store, they know me by my first name. they said, if you come in to get some more traps today, i said, yeah, well, of course i have to. >> all they can do is trap them. any poison that could kill them has been outlawed by the state over fears it could poison other animals. biro did get some help from alameda county vector control. who told him the city of pleasanton should step in. >> contacted the city three different times. uh- tried to
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contact the eod, the engineer on duty to try and see if we can get some answers to anything and no phone calls, no response. >> although the burrows have not heard back yet from pleasanton, they did get back to us wednesday afternoon. they said. voles are a native species prone to having a rapid population increase. they are not considering adding any traps, but they might consider adding owl boxes because they say owls feed on voles in the east bay. ryan curry abc seven news. >> change is coming that's designed to help clean up san francisco bay. the upgrade on the way that could also lower your monthly bills. that story is
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say no one has been attacked at any of pacifica's beaches, but of course, the sightings get
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everyone's attention. >> yeah, well, here at abc seven, part of our mission is to help build a better bay area, and that includes bringing you stories about changes in our climate and environment. san francisco bay is about to become cleaner, but the improvement will come with a price tag. yeah it's one you may eventually notice on your monthly water and sewer bill. >> but still, engineers and environmental advocates insist the investment will be worth it. >> abc seven spencer christian has the details. >> when destructive algae blooms kill fish and other wildlife in san francisco bay, few of us might realize we're contributing to the problem. at least our bathrooms are. but that link from bay area homes to the bay is about to get an upgrade. newly announced regulations will affect roughly three dozen wastewater treatment plants that circle the bay. the goal, in part, is to limit the release of algae feeding byproducts like nitrogen. eileen white directs the state water board for the san francisco bay region, and so
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the purpose of this permit is to reduce the nutrient load of san francisco bay. >> so as we have more harmful algae blooms in the future with climate change, they won't be able to propagate across the bay like we saw in 2022, resulting in massive fish kills. >> the price tag is expected to be in the neighborhood of $11 billion. >> i would say it's probably the biggest decision our board will have ever made. it's the most consequential decision because there's so much at stake here, and it's probably the biggest decision since the clean water act was enacted in the 1970s. >> but some treatment plants have already begun construction. we recently toured palo alto's facility, which is in the middle of an infrastructure build out, assistant director karen north says. the work includes nearly $200 million in upgrades to filter out nutrients. >> so i think for infrastructure improvements, we're probably right in the middle in terms of nutrient reduction projects. we're closer to more on the leading edge, and that's because
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we looked at aging infrastructure and it made sense to upgrade earlier for nutrient reduction. >> the upgrades could also include environmental innovations like horizontal levees that could help purify wastewater and help protect the treatment plants from predicted sea level rise. and while the overall investment is significant, backers believe the upgrades will help ensure the health of san francisco bay for future generations. >> and we've always been forward thinking and try and look at things holistically, so we don't want to just look at one problem and solve that problem. we want to see is it going to cause any other benefit because we all we're always looking for multi-benefit projects in san francisco. >> spencer christian, abc seven news. >> there are several plans being floated for phased rate increases that could affect thousands of bay area customers, but agency heads say the amounts could vary significantly from district to district, based in part on the work that's already been done. >> all right, let's turn now to
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the weather and the heat. >> it's back once again. that brief reprieve was nice, but sandhya patel is here to tell us that we're baking outside once again. >> sandhya. yeah, it definitely has been in the triple digits inland. julian and dan, today we have two more days of this and then we'll get a break. i want to show you live pictures from our tower cameras right now we have a combination of sun and even some fog from our mount tam cam. but notice that haze in the air. this is why the spare the air alert is in effect today. it continues tomorrow as well. look at the temperature change. double digit gains in many areas up 20 degrees in livermore, 18 degrees warmer in santa rosa, 11 degrees san jose, a little bit in san francisco and oakland. certainly the fog playing a role in holding the coastal temperatures down. but here's what's bringing the heat high pressure is rebuilding. and as it continues to push in towards us, we're going to notice those temperatures coming up even more right now on live doppler seven. we still have some fog lingering right near the coast, but away
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from the coast. temperatures up into the 100 104 right now in livermore, it is 93. in santa rosa, 89 in san jose, 66 in the city and 76 degrees in oakland. looking from our exploratorium camera, we do have blue skies right now. tomorrow it's going to be a hotter day. inland coastal areas will be mild and mainly sunny tomorrow afternoon, and for the weekend we are looking at relief from the heat arriving as the sea breeze picks up and the marine layer also starts to reform and deepen. so let's talk about our smoke forecast here. there are fires burning up and down the state of california, but the wind flow in the upper layers of the atmosphere were transport. some of that smoke from the southern california fires into our area tonight and tomorrow as well. in the morning you will notice a little bit of haze and smoke. this continues well into the evening. right now it's not expected to reach the surface, but if you do smell or see smoke, keep that in mind. you'll want to close your windows and doors if you can safely and
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avoid exposure. going hour by hour. triple digits inland at six 2060s coast side, dropping to the 80s and 90s by 915 away from the beaches. and then tomorrow morning, the fog will be pretty limited. not like this morning where everyone woke up to gray skies or most areas. tomorrow afternoon, though, quickly warming into the one hundreds again. and by 415 you're already up around 107 degrees in some of our hottest inland valleys. your morning temperatures 50s all the way to the 70s. and tomorrow afternoon it is hotter inland, mild at the coast, 103 degrees in gilroy, 99 in san jose, 96. santa clara on the peninsula, 95 in redwood city, 70 degrees in pacifica, downtown san francisco, 77 degrees north bay. temperatures 102. in santa rosa, 99, in san rafael, 110 in ukiah in the east bay 85. oakland 96 castro valley. dangerous heat inland 107. in concord 108 in livermore. your accuweather
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seven day forecast. that's when the heat peaks tomorrow. after that, it starts to ease. on friday, and by the weekend it's going to be a nice change of pace when you're dropping closer to average 90s inland, 60s, coast side. dan and julian will
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slated to be added to the olympic roster in 2028. and now there is an opportunity coming soon for local high school students to learn the ins and outs of the game. some of the best coaches in the bay area will be a part of the ignite the bay girls flag football camp later this month. organizers say the camp was created after a search for coaches exposed another need experience. >> we were reaching out to high school girls about coaching flag football for younger kids, but what we kept hearing was, but i actually haven't played this sport, so i want to know how to play it before i'm open to coaching it. >> the camp will take place july 22nd through the 26th at sacred heart prep school in atherton. several of the 40 niners coaches
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will be there to help train the campers, so it's a great opportunity. you can sign up at the website women's coaching alliance dot org. that's pretty cool. >> it should be a lot of fun. we have much more news ahead here at 530 on abc seven bay area streaming tv. >> and if you're watching us here on tv world news tonight with david muir is next for sandhya patel and all of us here. we appreciate your time. >> i'm dan and i'm julian glover. i'll see you on the stream in just two minutes. join me there. see you
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and research on pain relief, my recommendation is simple: every home should have salonpas. powerful yet non-addictive. targeted and long-lasting. i recommend salonpas. it's good medicine. ♪ hisamitsu ♪ ok, 500 deluxe garden gnomes. wow.
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i only meant to order five. there's not enough money in my account for these. i'm gonna get charged. two things i just can't deal with. overdraft charges. and garden gnomes. but your bmo smart advantage checking account gives you an extra day to avoid an overdraft fee. nice to see a bank cutting people some slack. mistakes happen. and we give you time to correct them. so, you don't like gnomes huh? what about that one? that one i like. a lot. ♪ bmo ♪ >> david: tonight, breaking news as we come on the air. the tornadoes touching down here in the northeast. tornado watches and warnings across multiple states, right now through midnight. also, in new york city, the nypd recruit dying. authorities pointing to excessive heat. also tonight, the breaking news involving president biden. what former house speaker nancy pelosi said today that immediately sent shockwaves through washington. and now, george clooney's plea to the president tonight. first, multiple tornadoes in


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