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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  July 10, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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change for police pursuits? voters already gave the green light. >> always live. abc seven news starts right now. >> is it bicyclist versus businesses in san francisco? some shop owners say they've seen the city cycle through these changes before, and they don't want it to happen in their neighborhood. thanks so much for being with us. i'm julian glover and i'm dan ashley. >> san francisco wants to invest in ways to support people on bikes, scooters and boards. in fact, the city is spending years studying the best ways to do that. >> but san francisco's vision for a citywide bicycle network is raising concern for a group of residents and business owners. abc seven news reporter luz pena went to north beach, where the city's transportation agency presented their plan. luiz is here with their concerns loose. >> yeah, what i kept hearing from residents and merchants is that they don't want north beach to face the same issues. merchants on valencia street in the mission district have faced because of a center bike lane. sfmta is still in the early
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stages of a city wide plan, but many in north beach are saying these plans are concerning. san francisco is getting closer to finalizing a citywide bicycle network. ideas about how that network would work are creating concern among north beach residents and merchants. >> i'm not anti bike, but this particular high density area, i see it as, as a as a difficulty to restrict traffic flow. >> sfmta presented three scenarios to a packed room of north beach residents and business owners. kimberly pendleton said many were left confused. she ended up writing this letter to sfmta right after that meeting. >> we're asking questions that were not answered to understand the citywide plan and what could potentially change in north beach, we met christine osorio, sfmta's project manager for the biking and rolling plan, is a community driven initiative to build a long range citywide biking and rolling network. >> osorio broke down the three
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scenarios they're considering for north beach scenario a really presents a highly protected network. >> these are bike lanes that are protected with permanent barriers, and some of the trade offs with a network like that is that there's a lot of parking removal. >> removing parking to make way for a bicycle network is not what many merchants want here. if they remove parking, that's going to be a serious issue, osorio said. scenario b would include minimal parking removal, where we bring forward painted lanes. >> this is less safe for people biking and rolling, but we are proposing traffic calming. >> scenario c would not include a bike lane at all. >> this is our school zones. this is where we put together more shared roadways here in these plans made some merchants think of valencia street, an area in the city where merchants blame sfmta's center bike lane for killing their businesses after parking spots were removed, sfmta said they learned from the valencia project. >> valencia was a really complex project and there were really
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complex needs, so we have responded accordingly with this. this is more of a planning effort. it's more long term. >> despite this, merchants here want more clarity. >> we do not want columbus avenue turned into another valencia street. >> sfmta said the north beach plan won't include changes to columbus avenue. for now, the plan is to continue having community meetings to hear from residents and merchants. the team behind the network is hoping to have a set proposal by early next year. luz pena, abc seven news. >> it's a very involved and complicated process to sort this out. luz, let's talk a little bit more about where else sfmta is planning to make changes for a bicycle network. >> well, don, their plan is to make changes throughout san francisco to create a bicycle network. this week they presented their scenarios for north beach. so there are still ten more districts to go. and tonight sfmta is holding another community meeting. but this time in noe valley. >> okay, luce, thanks. >> at least 18 deaths since the start of this month in santa
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clara county are being linked to this intense heat. we've been dealing with. eight of those deaths were among people over the age of 65. most were found in their homes. but at least two were unhoused. charitable organizations have responded by handing out water and food to people experiencing homelessnes, including those living in motor homes with no air conditioning. >> but people are just in a state right now. they're hungry, they're extremely thirsty, and they're in a point where they can't just go and help themselves. it needs to come to them. they are just so depleted and really on the edge right now. >> the coroner says the cases are still being investigated in the exact number could change over the next few weeks. meanwhile, santa clara county is keeping its 20 cooling centers open for several more days, and this is the first day of the second heat wave to hit the bay area this month. >> it's intense, and along with the high temperatures, we're also dealing with a spare the air alert meteorologist sandhya patel is here. sandhya? yeah. >> dan and julian, we're just
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getting started with this heat wave. so let's talk about the hot spots for today. got up to 105 degrees in livermore. 103 in fairfield. you'll notice ukiah 109 degrees. obviously, it was nowhere near hot along the coastline where the marine influence kept your temperatures in the 60s, only 62.5 moon bay still holding the heat inland. triple digits. brentwood danville. excessive heat warnings for inland areas until friday night at 8 p.m, you will notice the area shaded in orange is under a heat advisory until friday night as well, so the heat risk is still there. major for inland areas tomorrow. isolated spots will go into the extreme category, shaded in purple there. so definitely watch out for that. let's go hour by hour and talk about the temperatures. it's going to drop off into the 90s at 7 p.m, but that's still pretty warm. you'll notice at 9 p.m. 80s and 90s the coast is cooling rapidly. it didn't really get that warm, so it was okay. spare the air alert is up right now. it is going to
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continue through tomorrow as the air quality will remain poor in the inland east bay and the santa clara valley. moderate for the rest of the bay area. i'll be back to let you know when this heat is going to peak, and when you'll finally get a break from it. coming up, julian. >> we'll see you soon. thank you. sandy, we're seeing firsthand the dangers of illegal fireworks. a man is in the hospital at santa clara valley medical center with burns after he was hit by a large firework on the 4th of july. his legs are wrapped because of the severity of his injuries, and there is a large wound on his arm. he showed it to us today. the victim, who wants to remain anonymous, says he was in the alviso area with his wife. he described what happened next. >> we were on the ground and one of my friend, she was very injured, so we had to carry her away right there where they were. keep firing the fireworks. at the same time. they didn't stop for a minute. and then when we asked to call 911, they say, no, no, we don't call 911 here.
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so >> well, this is some of the video of the illegal fireworks. look at this. a doctor with the medical center said this is one of the worst years for injuries that he can remember, >> this is a story we've been following since last week in oakland gas station. that was ransacked. you've likely seen the video from the early hours of july the 5th. dozens of people inside the station on hegenberger road grabbing stuff today, the police chief, along with city council member trevor reed, met with the station's manager. he was frustrated with how police responded that night. >> as a business owner, he should not have to go through what we saw on the video here and we're going to do everything to help him in the future to keep this from happening again. >> he he ensured us that things will change, you know, but there is i'm not going to say there's things that we could correct from our end. you know, the way we respond to a crime. you know, how we talk to the police department to make it a priority? >> lane is not here. >> the police chief says he's going to look into how the
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hegenberger corridor is staffed and changes that can be made. an arraignment has been delayed again for a man charged with murder for shoving a woman into an oncoming bart train last wee. it's been rescheduled every weekday since last friday. the judge is waiting for a mental health evaluation on the 49 year old suspect. he's accused of pushing 74 year old corazon dandan in front of a train at the powell street bart station. she hit her head on the train and sadly died. >> happening right now. the san francisco police commission is meeting to decide how to push forward proposition e. it would not only give police more freedom to chase suspects, but also cut down on paperwork so officers could spend more time on patrol. abc seven news reporter suzanne ford explains this police chase in may started in san francisco's tenderloin and wound its way through north beach before ending on the embarcadero. >> along the way, a 14 year old girl was injured, hit by the suspect's car while trying to cross near francisco middle school. but police say without
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their action, others could have been hurt. chases like this back in the spotlight this wednesday night, as the san francisco police commission reviews prop e passed by voters in march, it gives voters more latitude when it comes to car chases. the measure was put on the ballot by mayor london breed 100. >> people want to make sure that we're putting public safety first, and when we have the lowest capture rate and the highest injury rate in these high speed chases would be very careful about how it's implemented. >> kevin benedicto is a san francisco police commissioner who originally opposed prop e. we worked closely with the department to expand the circumstances as property requires, but tried to make sure that there are still as many safeguards, as many, protections and steps that we can as possible. the san francisco police commission will discuss seven amended policies in prop e. they will allow police to initiate a pursuit if they believe the suspect is involved in a felony or a violent misdemeanor. prop e also allows officers to use drones in chase.
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the measure also permits officers to cut back on paperwork so they can return to the field sooner. >> all those can make them more efficient and can protect san franciscans. >> frank noto is with stop crime action, a victim rights organization involved in curbing crime in san francisco. he says while officers will not chase after suspects if the circumstances are too dangerous, prop e will give them more ability to do their job. >> this will reduce drug dealing. it will reduce serious crimes, it will reduce car break ins, and it will save lives. >> san francisco's police union released this statement saying, quote, the people of san francisco spoke clearly in support of giving our officers the innovative tools to solve crime efficiently and prioritizing our time in the community to deter crime before it happens. these policies make san francisco safer, period. if the amended policies are approved, the police commission will send them to the union. there's an october deadline for final approval in san francisco, suzanne phan abc seven news.
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>> imagine living next to that noise when neighbors complain to abc seven news. we went out there with a decibel meter to find out just what they're dealing with and what they can do about it. >> wine produced in california is coveted all around the world. so why is a major portion of this year's grape harvest going to waste
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get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. but one station in san francisco appears to be a problem because of the noise. abc seven news reporter stephanie sierra has
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the story. >> imagine waking up, going to sleep, or working from home to this noise all day, every day. that's the reality for residents living on clara street in san francisco's soma district. after this ev cooling fan was installed. evs are the future, but is this fair to residents? wilma parker de pavlov is an oil painter. when she creates her masterpieces, all she asks for is peace and quiet. >> as i was explaining no rock bands, i never dreamed that a fan could upset us all. >> and it's not just any fan. electrify america, an electric vehicle charging company, opened a station across the street from her home. with it came giant fans used to cool the ev equipment. >> we didn't know what it was until it started spinning and we started hearing this really loud, hum. so our reaction was really negative. like, we hope this is temporary.
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>> neighbors say it's been there around 6 to 9 months now, making it hard to work or even sleep. we're testing the decibel rating right outside your apartment, and it says it's 70. >> yes, it's crazy to put that in perspective, according to san francisco's noise and sound code, anything over 50 to 60db is past the acceptable noise limit outside a residential property. >> that's assuming ambient noise is at a certain level. >> it's like 24 over seven and stuff. >> we checked all areas inside wilma's house and found the decibel reading was over the required limit on each floor, and room of her home, reaching decibels in the high 50s to the high 60s. electrify america sent us the following statement, saying, while our charging station meets all the city permit requirements, we have tried several options to mitigate the complaint of one resident regarding fan noise. >> electrify america told us they had fixed the problem. they
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had not. they didn't even attempt to fix the problem. they just let two days pass and turned it back on, electrify america added they're exploring an option of relocating the fan exhaust, but that requires a new permit and review. >> are you considering moving? >> oh, i'm actually considering. after my leasing, it's a permanent thing that is going 24 over seven. >> that is driving everybody crazy. >> stephanie sierra, abc seven news. >> a new report is casting doubt on food safety inspections in berkeley. the report by the city auditor found 45% of berkeley food facilities were not inspected last year, and only 26% of reports of people getting sick from restaurant food were investigated within the target of one day. the report cites understaffing among berkeley food inspectors as the main problem. food inspections were much better in alameda county, where 97% of food facilities were inspected at least one time last year. five bay area
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restaurants have been added to the michelin guide's california selection. they are multi amici in healdsburg, burdell, which is in oakland and three san francisco restaurants also made the list as salinas tia and had 11. these restaurants joined the selection as recommended and they could earn bib gourmand or star wars at the michelin guide ceremony. it's happening next month at the ritz carlton down in half moon bay. >> well, with good food comes good wine, but in this case, it's too much of a good thing for wine grape growers in california. they've had a glut of grapes earlier today on abc seven's program getting answers. at 3 p.m, kyle collins, the manager of operations for allied grape growers, talked about what is a problem. >> we are in the midst of a historic global wine glut across the world. we see wine demand and case good sales declining as part of a broader decline in alcohol consumption. but in the state of california specifically, we are in an oversupply position in terms of just vineyards in the ground. we
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have more vineyards in the ground than the market can carry at the moment. and so the degree to which that is still somewhat to be seen. but it is an issue and it is one that is being addressed and has been over the last few months, unusual problem for wine growers in napa and around the world. >> 97 degrees. right now in gilroy, this heat wave continues to bake the bay area and it's not over. >> meteorologist sandhya patel is here. sandy. >> yeah, dan and julian. but did you notice that 57.5 moon bay. yeah it's kind of cool there with the fog lingering. let me show you where it's not cool. double digit gains around many of our inland areas up 13 degrees in napa. 20 degrees warmer in livermore, right now compared to 24 hours ago, up ten in san jose. so we're certainly noticing the heat building. and it's only going to get hotter tomorrow with this heat wave in our inland communities especially. and around the bay. so here are some heat safety
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tips for this week. drink plenty of fluids. wear lightweight clothing. definitely take breaks in the shade, especially if you're going to be working outside or kids have summer camps. no signs of heat illnesses and certainly find ac if you can never leave people and pets inside vehicles. here's why it warmed up today. high pressure starting to rebuild and it's going to bring in even hotter weather for our inland communities as it gets closer to us tomorrow for the time being. from our emeryville camera, you can see a shallow marine layer over san francisco. it is 64 degrees here in the city, 74 in oakland you get out towards san jose, 86 and in redwood city it is 79 degrees. blue skies from our san rafael camera. nice breeze going through 90 in santa rosa right now. 79 in petaluma you're in the triple digits. still in fairfield, but upper 90s concord and livermore. some of our hot spots. sutro tower camera showing you that real shallow fog layer right over san francisco tomorrow. hotter day inland coastal areas will remain
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mild and mainly sunny thanks to the marine influence, and your weekend forecast does feature breezier conditions. certainly, relief from the heat will arrive, so if you don't like this weather, just hang in there. one thing i do want to show you is the smoke forecast. this is for the upper parts of the atmosphere. the wind flow is going to draw some of the smoke up from the southern california wildfires into our area. this evening you'll see maybe a little layer of haze tomorrow morning. it will be heavier. but right now the concern is not for the smoke to reach the surface, but to remain in the upper parts of the atmosphere as we go. hour by hour. i want to show you the temperatures this evening. still pretty hot inland at 720 in the 90s, 50s coast side with the fog sitting there, you will notice those temperatures are slow to come down in our inland valleys. but tomorrow morning the biggest difference is going to be unlike this morning, we're not going to see widespread fog and low clouds. that marine layer is getting compressed. so we're going to see it mainly confined to the coast and right around the bay shoreline. the valleys
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will start out clear and it will quickly warm. by 1:00. you're already in the triple digits inland, getting up to 102. in san ramon. by the time we head into 4:00. i'll show you where those temperatures will ultimately end up in the evening. it will remain hot, so your morning numbers will range from the 50s to the 70s. once again, fog mainly confined to the coast and around the bay. tomorrow afternoon in the south bay 105. in los gatos, 99. in san jose, on the peninsula. you're looking at upper 80s around san mateo. 95, redwood city 66.5 moon bay, downtown san francisco 77 degrees in the north bay, 102 degrees in santa rosa, 99 in san rafael. but you get up towards ukiah and you're in that dangerous 110 degree reading, 85, in the east bay in oakland, 96 castro valley. head inland. it's up to 108. in livermore, 107 in concord. your accuweather seven day forecast. the heat really starts to back off on friday, but still triple
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digits. and then for the weekend we'll bring you down closer to average, especially sunday. low 90s inland, low 60s coast keeping you in that kind of range as we head into next week. so julian and dan, it will be a nice change of pace by the weekend for sure. >> thanks, andy. >> appreciate it. still to come hear why microsoft is giving up its seat on the
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continue to climb with new record highs, the dow jones was up more than 429 points. the nasdaq jumping more than 218 points, hitting an all time high during trading and the s&p 500 gained 56 points, closing above 5600 for the first time ever. microsoft has given up its open air board seat as us and eu regulators take a closer look at possible antitrust issues. the tech company took a non-voting observer position on open ai's board in november of last year. the seat meant it could attend openai's board meetings and get confidential information. microsoft says its participation is no longer needed because the chatgpt maker has improved its governance. >> samsung has unveiled its new, slimmer, lighter foldable phones with ai technology. the galaxy z
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fold six opens up like a book to form a tablet. it comes with a $1,900 price tag that's $100 more than last year. samsung also unveiled the galaxy z flip six, which has a clamshell shape. that phone starts at $1,100. also up 100 bucks from last year, and we continue to follow the telco's recovery from a recent ransomware attack. the credit union posted an update on its website, telling customers it is now processing about half of the transactions received since the hack happened. however still unclear when customers will be able to access their accounts. cybersecurity specialists say the credit union systems are once again safe and secure. the telco is promising to reimburse affected customers for late fees, atm fees and overdraft fees incurred during the attack. >> it is looking more and more like it is going to be an uphill battle for president biden to stay in the race for reelection.
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>> it's up to the president to decide if he is going to run. >> i am deeply concerned about joe biden winning this november. >> next, we're joined live by abc seven news insider phil matier to talk about the odds
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growing. this morning, san francisco representatives speaker emerita nancy pelosi said in an interview on msnbc. the president should continue to consider if he should stay in the back him no matter what he decides. >> it's up to the president side. if he is going to run. we're all encouraging him to make that decision because time is running short. >> one of the biggest democratic fundraisers in hollywood is urging biden to step down. in an op ed in today's new york times, actor and director george clooney said bluntly that democrats, quote, are not going to win in november with this president. clooney says the biden he saw at a fundraiser
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three weeks ago was not the biden of 2010, or even 2020, but was, quote, the same man we all witnessed at the debate. meantime, governor gavin newsom today continued his unwavering support for the president while at a wildfire preparedness event. >> the governor focused on the importance of the upcoming election. >> everything about this campaign will impact this state disproportionately. we were involved in 122 lawsuits with the trump administration. don't you guys remember that? the chaos, the fear, the anxiety, how he played politics, politics in what he referred to at the time as pleasure california? he was serious. he said, we need to rake the forest. daylight and darkness. this is a profound and consequential moment. this is all in moment for all of us. >> meanwhile, president biden spent today in the spotlight on the global stage. he opened the first working session of the nato summit in washington, d.c.
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nato leaders today made a pledge aiming to accelerate production of defense weapons. biden spoke in support of that commitment, saying it is needed to keep pace with russia's manufacturing of military supplies. >> this new pledge sends an unmistakable message to the world that every nato member is committed to doing their part to keep the alliance strong. we can and will defend every inch of nato territory and will do it together. >> biden announced plans to supply new air defenses to ukraine, sending f-16 fighter jets there as that nation's war with russia wages on. >> and joining us now is abc seven news insider phil matier. and phil, for the first time, a democratic senator, peter welch from vermont, says biden should leave the race. in fact, in an op ed today published in the washington post, senator welch writes, quote, he needs to reassess whether he is the best candidate to do so. in my view, he is not for the good of the country. i'm calling on
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president biden to withdraw from the race. nine house democrats have publicly called on biden to step aside. so when does this reach a tipping point? the drumbeat is growing louder. it is, but we're still in a small group of people that are making the noise. >> all right, let's be honest about it. nine democratic congressional people out of 400 congressional people. but they're grabbing a lot of headlines. exactly. that's part of it, because it is news right now and the media is on this story. and if there's anything we really like, it is a ticking clock with a countdown that this is going to be it. and right now, most of the insiders i talked to in california say that this week is pivotal because next we move on and the republicans have their convention. and then the democrats have this. so there's a window that is closing. it's interesting to note that as this is going on, how many key players are from the bay area and from california? speaker emeritus nancy pelosi was the first to crack open the door in a big way by saying he should make up his mind and assess his candidacy. the mere fact that she said that as opposed to we're with you, let's go was was
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a pretty big statement. second person we have up is adam schiff, who is a congressional representative, soon to be probably our senator in washington. he said that if biden can't win overwhelmingly, he should think about getting out. okay, on the other end of that, we have governor gavin newsom, who we just watched, who is basically a surrogate for the biden administration, and he is out there pounding and pounding, although he planned that trip before the debate. okay, let's get that. and then we have also alex padilla, our senator, saying he's behind biden all the way. and then the next person on the stage is vice president kamala harris from the bay area, san francisco and oakland, who if biden steps aside, would be likely the person to go in a lot of california connections on this as it goes forward? >> certainly so. but let's take a few steps back and talk about governor gavin newsom. he has been on the campaign trail campaigning for president biden, serving kind of as surrogate in chief, if you will. how is he
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playing this? and, of course, biden or newsom is always thinking about his own political future. so what does this spell for him? >> uh. okay so basically i said he signed on to do the tour of michigan and new hampshire before the debate, and the idea was to go out there and trounce on to trump, say he's a liar and he's a liar, and he's a liar. well, the script, the situation changed, but the script stayed the same. so that's what he did. he's being the good soldier. he doesn't necessarily want to run this time. he's not going to challenge kamala harris. if biden steps aside and make it for there. his pupils to their calculus. this is not his year. go out there and be a good trooper. that is the equation for him and just stay in the public eye and in the conversation for later. exactly what is it going to take? >> because this is really becoming a crisis for the president. what is it going to take to turn this around for joe biden? >> well, that's it's interesting because politically speaking, we have this you have this certain amount of time and then everybody is supposed to get behind the president. that is because right now it is all
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being viewed through the optics of the november election. what's it going to take to keep trump out of office? that's all the democrats are referring to. they're talking about his candidacy. can you win? can you win? can you win? what we're not here to govern, though, is not what we're not hearing. right. you asked the same representatives. do you think, given the trajectory that the president is on, is he good for another four? i'm not sure you would be getting. >> i think they're willing to kick that can down the road. >> exactly. and that's what they're that's the decision they're going to have to make. does it become about governance or does it become just what's the best shot for taking for keeping donald, donald trump out of the white house and also at the same time inspiring enough people to go to the polls in the congressional and senate races so that if trump wins, there's some kind of backstop. but all of this is going on, and politicians do not like getting out in front of things, especially if it's not going to be a winner. so they have a choice of either being the leading person to say, be in the front line of saying, president
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biden, you got to go, or being the people that are caught in three months or four months saying, well, you said he shouldn't be president, so how can you back him now? >> yeah, well, it's all utterly fascinating. >> thanks, phil. >> it's more than fascinating. it's the future of our country, no question. >> yeah. >> thanks, phil, very much. appreciate it. >> well, coming up next here on abc seven news at six from your bathroom to the bay. it's a journey you might not want to think about, but water experts are thinking about it. and making multi-billion dollar changes to keep our bay water clean for decades to come. >> and coming up next, a story that's only on abc seven news. a homeowner frustrated by one pest in his yard now has a whole lot more to deal with, and state rules are getting in the
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bradycardia and tachycardia. check your heart with the most advanced personal ekg outside the hospital. get yours at or amazon. (♪) infestation of voles in his backyard. he's tried just about everything to remove him, but a recent law prevents him from using any poison. he spoke with abc seven news reporter ryan curry about why he's now asking the city for help. reporter it's pristine. it's beautiful. >> cheers. >> it's even tranquil. >> steve biro and his wife love to spend time in their backyard.
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they built it themselves. >> we've lived on this property for about 27 years. built it from the top down or bottom up. >> but most of their time spent outside recently involves this fishing dead voles out of the pool. it's a problem that began back in the spring on an average day i take out of my pool anywhere between 6 to 9 voles every single day. voles are small rodents, similar to rats or hamsters. there are so many voles, it's at the point where they are attracting predators. here is a herring eating one of the voles. raccoons come to go for a swim and grab a late night snack. >> we have, hawks coming through. we have i can go, the list can go on. >> he hears the animals scattering through the bushes and sees evidence of them destroying their plants. >> i'm catching on average, 7 or 8 every day. >> neighbor jim konzen deals with the same problem. >> unfortunately, at the hardware store, they know me by my first name. they said, have you come in to get some more
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traps today? i said, yeah, well, of course i have to. >> all they can do is trap them. any poison that could kill them has been outlawed by the state over fears it could poison other animals. biro did get some help from alameda county vector control. who told him the city of pleasanton should step in. >> contacted the city three different times, tried to contact the eod, the engineer on duty to try and see if we can get some answers to anything. and no phone calls, no response. >> although the burrows have not heard back yet from pleasanton, they did get back to us wednesday afternoon. they said voles are a native species prone to having a rapid population increase. they are not considering adding any traps, but they might consider adding owl boxes because they say owls feed on voles in the east bay. ryan curry, abc seven news. >> san francisco is about to become cleaner, but the improvement will come with a price tag, one you may eventually notice on your monthly water and sewer bill. engineers and environmental
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advocates say the investment will be worth it, however. abc seven news weather anchor spencer christian has the story. >> when destructive algae blooms kill fish and other wildlife in san francisco bay, few of us might realize we're contributing to the problem. at least our bathrooms are. but that link from bay area homes to the bay is about to get an upgrade. newly announced regulations will affect roughly three dozen wastewater treatment plants that circle the bay. the goal, in part, is to limit the release of algae feeding byproducts like nitrogen. eileen white directs the state water board for the san francisco bay region, and so the purpose of this permit is to reduce the nutrient load of san francisco bay. >> so as we have more harmful algal blooms in the future with climate change, they won't be able to propagate across the bay like we saw in 2022, resulting in massive fish kills. >> the price tag is expected to be in the neighborhood of $11 billion. >> i would say it's probably the
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biggest decision our board will have ever made. it's the most consequential decision because there's so much at stake here, and it's probably the biggest decision since the clean water act was enacted in the 1970s. >> but some treatment plants have already begun construction. we recently toured palo alto's facility, which is in the middle of an infrastructure buildout, assistant director karen north says the work includes nearly $200 million in upgrades to filter out nutrients. >> so i think for infrastructure improvements, we're probably right in the middle in terms of nutrient reduction projects. we're closer to more on the leading edge, and that's because we looked at aging infrastructure and it made sense to upgrade earlier for nutrient reduction. >> the upgrades could also include environmental innovations like horizontal levees that could help purify wastewater and help protect the treatment plants from predicted sea level rise. and while the overall investment is significant, backers believe the
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upgrades will help ensure the health of san francisco bay for future generations. >> and we've always been forward thinking and try and look at things holistically, so we don't want to just look at one problem and solve that problem. we want to see is it going to cause any other benefit because we all we're always looking for multi-benefit projects in san francisco. >> spencer christian, abc seven news. >> now there are several plans being floated for phased rate increases that could affect thousands of bay area customers. maybe you. but agency heads say the amounts could vary significantly from district to district based in part on the work that's already been done. >> a new heat wave is hitting the bay area. it's backed like it never left. up next, an updated look at the timeline and how long before temperatures return to something more average around here and stuck in space, astronauts who launched on a boeing starliner a month ago for a week long trip to the es, still can't come home to earth
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among the astronauts waiting to come home. astronauts sunita
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williams and barry wilmore arrived at the space station on june the sixth. they were supposed to return a week later, but mechanical problems with the boeing starliner have left them stranded for a month now. >> so i have confidence shefs confidence. we're here on the space station with our safe haven of starliner. >> no return date has been set as engineers troubleshoot problems with the starliner. nasa says there are plenty of supplies in orbit to keep the astronauts well stocked, well fed and safe. but it is quite a dilemma. yeah. certainly. >> so. turning our attention back to the forecast now finally cooling off as we progress into the evening. checking back in now with sandhya. yeah. >> and dan and julian. we are going to notice those temperatures rising quickly tomorrow away from the coast. you can see on live doppler seven why the coast is remaining comfortable. we do have some fog right near the coastline. tomorrow afternoon you're going to see a mix of sun and fog and half moon bay, 66 degrees 77, in downtown san francisco. our summer microclimates clearly
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showing up. 85 in oakland. but 106 in walnut creek and 107 in antioch. so day two of the heat wave. and it will coincide with the hottest weather of the week, 108 degrees in livermore, getting you up to about 99. in san jose friday, the heat starts to back off. it's still going to be in the triple digits inland, but by saturday you're down to the 90s, and by sunday you're feeling that relief as the sea breeze comes in. the marine layer is very well established for your weekend and beyond. the accuweather seven day forecast. two more days of this heat wave for inland areas before the temperatures come down into comfortable territory. julian and diane, we've been waiting. i know, and you'll get it this weekend. >> appreciate it sandy. thank you. >> sports director larry beil is here. hard to believe we're ready to play football in this heat. >> i was going to say, could you imagine being in full equipment and helmet and pads and all that? not quite there. not quite there yet. but the niners open training camp in less than two weeks. and the big question is,
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is brandon aiyuk actually going to be there? tight end george kittle with his own thoughts on how the niners it's piled high with tender beef that's slow cooked and smothered in tangy memphis style barbecue sauce. it's no fuss, no muss. just tons of flavor. the best barbecue beef is only a togo's. try one today.
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absorbine pro. fellow warriors brandon podemski and trace jackson davis. those two players coming off terrific
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rookie seasons will be in action tonight at chase center and abc seven's chris alvarez joining us live at chase with the summer league warriors chris. >> yeah larry tipoff just about ten minutes away between the warriors and kings. trace jackson davis brandon, as you mentioned both are here. both are going to be in the starting lineup. what an amazing experience that had to be in las vegas playing for the us select team. they're here on the floor i saw brandon go through his warmups in a valkyrie shirt. nonetheless, brandon coming off a first team all rookie season, you see them at practice. that warrior video via the warriors trace was one vote short of making an all rookie team. i mean, these guys had great seasons last year and with the departure of klay thompson, the roster shakeup, both guys are going to be counted upon heavily during their sophomore campaign. coach kerr, like what you saw from those guys in that us select team this week. >> they've been fantastic. they did exactly what we had hoped. uh- challenged us, we're physical, ran a lot of the stuff that the european teams will
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run. they really couldn't have worked out any better in terms of the select team helping us prepare for, for what's ahead >> so those guys will be in action tonight. we'll have the highlights and some post game reaction at 11. and then after this it's off to las vegas for the las vegas part of the summer league. larry for gauaranteed games. the first one saturday night it'll be on espn two. send it back to you. >> all right. thank you chris. enjoy the game, we're less than two weeks away from training camp for the 40 niners. starting up the defending nfc champions open the regular season monday, september 9th against the jets. and aaron rodgers, right here on abc seven. now george kittle was on the rich eisen show today. he talked a little bit about brandon iu's contract situation. brandon wants more money now. the niners generally finalize these big contracts. just before the start of training camp. and based on a bunch of previous deals, including his own, kittle thinks aiyuk will be back. >> i didn't get signed till like the second week of training camp. deebo was pretty late,
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bosa was late to. bosa was the first week of the season. i was like, that's just how business is done out there and like i'm not in the meetings like i have no idea, right? i actually go out of my way to not talk to anybody going through contract negotiations. so when people ask me questions, i'm like, i have absolutely no idea. but like, i'm not concerned about it. aiyuk's a phenomenal football player who's a big part of our offense, and he's like one of the most complete receivers that i've ever played with. so i'm going to assume that he's going to be on our team. but by the time the season starts, i like kittle. >> i know nothing in the world of big time soccer. if you lose, you usually get fired and that explains why team usa is looking for a new head coach. gregg berhalter has been let go after the u.s. bombed out of the copa america tournament. this was berhalter's second stint as coach of team usa sports on abc seven, sponsored by smart and final. i've got some numbers here that are kind of astounding, actually regarding the soccer. so there's approximately 333 million people in the united states. we lost to
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uruguay. uruguay has just over 3 million people. we have 330 million citizen advantage. and we're losing. and we just can't get it no matter what we do. it's just years and years and years. soon we're going to it just doesn't happen. it's really and there's youth soccer is so popular. it just doesn't carry over. it doesn't carry over for some reason. all right. thanks, larry. yeah. coming up tonight on abc seven at eight. >> it's who wants to be a millionaire followed by claim to fame. then at ten, watch shark tank. then you'll want to stick with us for abc seven news at 11. that'll do it for this edition of abc seven news. >> i'm julian glover and i'm dan ashley for sandyha patel, larry beil, all of us here. we appreciate your time. have a great evening. join us again for abc seven news at 11.
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♪♪ from the alex trebek stage at sony picture studios... this is "jeopardy"! [applause] let's meet today's contestants. an entrepreneur from madison, mississippi... a fundraiser from orlando, florida... and our returning champion, a customer support team lead from burbank, california... ...whose five-day cash winnings total
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$120,187. and now here is the host of "jeopardy!"-- ken jennings. thank you, johnny. welcome to "jeopardy!" on yesterday's show, our champion, isaac hirsch, punched his ticket into the next tournament of champions. he is now the sixth official qualifier in what is already shaping up to be an impressive field. speaking of sixes, will he make it six wins today? or will alex or larry be celebrating their first win in the very near future? let's start finding out. good luck, gentlemen. here are your categories in the jeopardy! round. we begin with, uh-oh, some... then we have... followed by... and... isaac, you start us off. rough times in the city, $600.


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