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tv   Nightline  ABC  July 12, 2024 12:37am-1:06am PDT

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>> this is nightline. tonight. biden speaks. >> look, i got more work to do. we got more work to finish. >> all eyes on the president as he addresses the press. >> now, the future of american policy is up to the american people. this is much more than the political question. it's more than that. it's a national security issue. >> the president mistakenly calling his running mate by his political rivals name. >> i wouldn't have picked vice president trump to be vice president, but i think she was not qualified to be president from the halls of congress to the hollywood hills, growing calls for him to step aside. >> all the while, biden standing firm. >> i believe i'm the best
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qualified to govern, and i think i'm the best qualified to win. >> but will the pressure only continue to build? plus a devilish new role for vanessa williams? good morning. the ugly betty star and trailblazer was that monochromatic blur betty suarez from beauty queen to the big screen and everything in between. now set to bump up her mean as the devil wears prada, miranda priestly i channel miranda through the dialog in a production with music by elton john. >> it's wonderful to make him smile what she says she stopped waiting for. >> and the notable winners at this year's espy awards. >> nightline will be right back >> i thought i was sleeping okay, but i was waking up so tired. then i tried new sequel sleep nasal strips. there are four point lift design opens my nose for maximum airflow, so i breathe better and we both sleep better and stay married. better days start with sequel.
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>> nights can support your brain health. >> mary. janet. hey edie. >> no! >> frasier. frank frank. >> fred, how are you? >> fred? support up to seven br
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you >> thanks for joining us. president joe biden at the podium tonight. taking questions without a script or teleprompter from a room full of journalists in a high stakes news conference aimed at quieting the growing calls for him to withdraw from the race, did he succeed? abc's chief white house correspondent, mary bruce, was in that room. mary. well, juju, the white house and the president's campaign feel that this was a solid performance from president biden, that he showed that he can handle these unscripted moments, that he showed he has a deep knowledge on a range of issues, certainly on foreign policy. >> one white house source telling me he knocked it out of the park. but juju, it is not
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clear if that is going to be enough. the president tonight also continued to dig in, dismissing that growing chorus of criticism and defections that we are seeing on capitol hill, adamant that he is in this race, that he isn't going anywhere. he is dismissing the fact that despite he says his decision is final, many on capitol hill clearly are not ready to turn the page on this. the white house tells me, though they are clear eyed, that this is going to take a lot of work that we may even see more defections going forward. but the president tonight saying he is the best person for the job, he just has to keep doing what he's doing. juju. >> mary bruce, thank you. the president's address tonight, seen as an opportunity to reassure supporters after a rocky last couple of weeks. tonight's press conference, his first in eight months. a make or break moment for biden, who's been hoping to win back confidence in his reelection campaign during this week's nato conference in dc. >> the future of american policy is up to the american people. this is much more than a political question. it's more than that. it's a national security issue. >> the democrats i was texting with during the press conference
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thought his performance tonight was actually better than they expected, but they also didn't think that it would stem the bleeding in the democratic part. >> president biden mistakenly calling his running mate by his political rivals name. look, i wouldn't have picked vice president trump to be vice president, but i think she was not qualified to be president. the incident, just hours after he introduced ukrainian president volodymyr zelensky as putin. >> ladies and gentlemen, president putin, president putin, you got beat. president putin, president zelensky, i'm so focused on beating putin. we got to worry about it anyway. mr. president, this all comes two weeks after the first presidential debate on cnn, where questions were raised about president biden's fitness to run and serve four more years, and during which former president trump lied more than a dozen times. the with the covid excuse me with, dealing with
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everything we have to do with, look, if we medicare, let's be clear here, donald trump didn't have a great performance during the debate. >> he lied dozens of dozens of times. but the big headline from that debate had nothing to do with donald trump. it was all about joe biden's performance. people were shocked by what they saw. >> after the debate, the president said he had a cold and was coming off weeks of travel. i just got to just pace myself a little more, pace myself. >> and the next debate, i'm not going to be traveling into 15 time zones a week before anyway. that's what it was about tonight. explaining further, i love my staff, but they add things, add things all the time. the very end. i'm catching hell from my wife. >> biden's self-confidence strong when abc's george stephanopoulos questioned him last week about his ability to
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run the country, he did not waver. >> i convinced myself of two things. i'm the most qualified person to beat him, and i know how to get things done. >> some of his democratic colleagues continuing to express doubt. >> some of my concerns are laid, some others have been deepened. >> if things stay as they are, it's likely that donald trump will win the election and we will lose the senate and we'll lose the house. >> out of the 213 democrats in congress, at least 16 representatives and at least one senator have called for him to step aside. in a new abc news washington post, ipsos poll, 85% of americans say biden, at 81, is too old for a second term, 60% say the same thing about trump, who's 78, and two thirds of americans, including a majority of his own supporters, believe biden needs to step aside. former speaker nancy pelosi on msnbc, a longtime supporter of the president, leaving the door open as long as the president has the president,
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it's up to the president to decide if he is going to run. >> we're all encouraging him to make that decision because time is running short. >> and so with that one interview, pelosi was able to sort of create and change the momentum we were actually seeing on capitol hill at a time when it looked like joe biden was figuring out a path to keep his position and stay in the race, she sort of upended everything and consequently, ever since then, we've seen members start to come out and say, it's time for him to go. >> are you concerned whether or not he can win in november? i think he can. do you believe he should run for reelection? i'm not. >> i'm not speaking english to you. >> oh, i'm not going to be making any statements about any of that right now in the hallway on wednesday, hollywood icon and big time democratic fundraiser george clooney calling on biden
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to step down in an op ed in the new york times, writing, but the one battle he cannot win is the fight against time. >> none of us can. is it fair to point these things out? it has to be. this is about age, nothing more. we are not going to win in november with this president. >> so initially people might actually roll their eyes at this op ed, write george clooney coming out and doing this is actually really important for a number of reasons. number one, he gives a lot of money to democrats, but also clooney has a very close relationship with barack obama. the two of them are very steadfast friends, and it turns out that clooney actually reached out to obama and told him he was going to write this op ed. here was obama with an opportunity to actually stop this op ed from going forward. he chose not to. and so that was extremely significant in terms of signaling where party leaders are right now in their thinking of joe biden's future. >> abc news confirming biden's own campaign team is polling
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vice president harris against trump. the vp was at a campaign event today in north carolina promoting her boss. >> one thing we know about our president, joe biden, is that he is a fighter. >> what's interesting that harris is polling better than biden against trump because for a long time, many democrats in the party actually dismissed her as somebody who wasn't quite ready for the spotlight. now, all of a sudden, people are looking at harris as somebody who can bail the party out. if joe biden were to step aside, could she be the one to beat donald trump? harris is just one option to replace biden atop the ticket. people like gavin newsom in california and gretchen whitmer in michigan. these are people that a lot of folks have been eyeing as a potential presidential candidate at some point. >> former president donald trump has remained largely out of sight. but insisting that whoever he runs against, he will defeat. >> we are going to beat any one of them in thundering
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landslides, and this november is going to be amazing. >> biden tonight standing firm that he is still the best candidate to face trump. i believe i'm the best qualified to govern and i think i'm the best qualified to win. and abc's senior congressional correspondent rachel scott has been talking to lawmakers on capitol hill into the night. rachel juju as one democrat put it to me tonight, this eased concerns about president biden. >> but it has not erased them. i heard from a number of democrats who said that they groaned and even cringed when the president confused his own vice president. for donald trump. other democrats did note that the president appeared to look strong on the world stage tonight, talking about foreign policy and national security issues. but almost every single democrat that i heard from says that they cannot believe that they are in this position. just four months out from election day, the president of the united states, their democratic nominee on the world stage, taking questions about his age and mental fitness. we know that over a dozen democrats have
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already called for him to step aside. and even after this press conference, a handful more coming out, calling him to step aside. two. juju. >> rachel scott, thank you. and of course, stay with abc news as we continue to follow the latest on president biden and the presidential race. coming up, vanessa williams, she was the hated boss in ugly betty. and now taking on a role of another famous boss, the iconic miranda priestly from the devil wears prada. >> with purina one true instinct, her true instincts really came alive from day one. it's the high protein nutrition she instinctively craves. it's making a real difference, supporting healthy energy and strong muscles. purina one true instinct is the food she was born to eat, helping her live the life she was born to live. >> purina one true instinct a difference from day one. >> looking for a smarter way to
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>> and now to a star who has truly done it all. vanessa williams rocketed to fame 40
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years ago as the first black miss america. she followed up as a multi-hyphenate singer, dance, author, producer and actress of stage and screen. she's prepping now for a return to the stage in a queen of mean role made famous by meryl streep. here's abc's deborah roberts the right stuff. >> vanessa williams has always had the right stuff. a passion for. in the spotlight for decades. you're going to save the best for last. the grammy nominated saved the best for last singer also standing out in tv roles. >> love your perfume claire musky. >> it's like ugly betty. her knack for being so good at being so bad now landing her one of the biggest and most devilish roles of her career. all right, everyone, gird your loins. meet the new miranda priestley. yes, vanessa's slipping into the stilettos of the fashion maven
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from the devil wears prada on stage. so, miranda. where do you even begin to channel miranda priestly? >> well, i channel miranda through the dialog. a lot of the dialog is actually taken from the actual film. so what you'll hear me do on stage is the dialog that people know and love and have memorized. >> okay, i see you think this has nothing to do with you. you go to your closet and you select. you select. >> i don't know, that lumpy blue sweater that you're trying to tell the world that you care what people think about you, but what you don't know is that that blue is not just blue. it's not turquoise, it's not lapis. it's actually cerulean. >> so will you have a lot of. that's all. >> oh, yes. the first number that i do is called the house of miranda. and the very last words that i sing is that's all, that's all. and i walk off. so you'll understand from the very
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beginning i talk about, you know, my first lines were emily, emily. and the audience will know, oh, my god, she's coming. >> the production is set to run in london this fall, with a rumored sequel to the 2006 movie also in the works. why a musical? why do you think that is? the way to bring this forward? >> well, the it's a perfect movie. devil wears prada is a perfect movie, and that's why it has legs and stands the test of time. this is yet another step to take something that is perfect and bring it into another genre and make it spectacular. you know you've got lines that people know. tell simona, don't approve the girl she sent me for the shoot. i asked for thin and pert, not plump and tired. have the driver drop me off tonight at nine on the dock and pick me up at 915, or else he's fired. call the caterers and tell them no, no, no, no for the 40th time. no, i don't want custard. no, i don't want cream. i want coulis with fresh squeezed lime. so you've
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taken something that people know that she's going to be giving orders and taking and adding music to it. and having everybody saying, this is the house of miranda. so again, it's layers. it's layers. it's going to make it bigger and better. >> you get to work with elton john on this show. >> i do. >> what is that like? >> it is incredible. i mean, i grew up with elton john, like we all did. so as the pop star, as the icon, and then just to, have him write new music and have him listen to my voice and what i'm doing with it and be inspired, like, i've got something that we can do, let's do this. so it's wonderful to make him smile and to make him feel good and happy. i mean, you know, these are icons. >> everybody loves the fashion from the devil wears prada. and of course, miranda is iconic with her slinky, her coats and her purses on the desk. >> and i guarantee you, there will be coats being thrown and
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bags being placed on the desks. you're going to see fashion, and you're going to see it worn beautifully and executed amazingly. and the runway sequences are going to be incredible. >> you're not shy about playing these characters who are fierce and intimidating. is there something that you really enjoy about that? >> you know, when you play the villain, when you play somebody? so over the top, it's quite freeing. and it allows you to kind of sit in your fierceness that you don't often have the opportunity to do. >> she made history at the age of 21. >> our new miss america is vanessa williams, miss new york >> the first black miss america would lose her title after a scandal involving risqué photographs. today, at age 61, the undeniably talented williams is in full command of her career and reacquainting herself with her first love music. still here, still standing, still kicking on the fact i'm the best
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i've ever been. how do you feel about this stage in your life? >> i have decided not to wait for things to happen. it's that empowering nature that you're not apologizing for anything and you're not waiting for somebody to make it happen for you. and i think i've just leaned into that whole that whole idea. would you dancing. >> our thanks to deborah. and when we come back, the espys, serena williams taking over the mic as host and the a-listers who took home awards including prince harry what you are, what you are driving the nissan rogue with google built in is like, hey google, turn on rocky's food. >> it's like the ultimate connection. see why it's been awarded a consumer guide, best
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