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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  July 12, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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the weekend. the forecast is coming up. >> always live. abc seven news starts right now. >> small, simple and successful. the speed bumps stop sideshows. and there are some other benefits too. good evening. thanks for joining us. >> i'm larry beil and i'm dan ashley as you. well know, sideshows have become a huge problem around the bay area. dangerous and disruptive. >> in one san francisco neighborhood, residents have been waiting and waiting and waiting for a solution for year. and now they may have found one. here's abc seven news reporter luz pena with the story. luis. >> yeah. during the pandemic, sideshows became a big issue for san francisco. this led to the passing of legislation that allowed officers to impound vehicles that were part of sideshows. but not even that has stopped many of them. so now there's a neighborhood trying out speed bumps. stunt driving or sideshows is happening across the bay area. just three weeks ago, traffic on the bay bridge
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came to a stop because of a sideshow. overnight, a scene residents on california and divisadero streets are familiar with. this is not a bridge, but the tire marks tell a story of a neighborhood that has been crying out for help. >> all the cars and bikes running around at like 1 a.m. 2 a.m. wake everyone up. >> after multiple years waiting for a solution. this week, the city installed speed bumps, hoping this will stop the sideshows that torment this neighborhood. this worker who did not want to be identified, said they constantly come back to work the morning after a sideshow to graffiti on their walls. >> the first thing you can see, because you have to cross the streets. the walls where i work vandalized. >> they're hoping the speed bumps will make a difference. >> i'm a fan. if it's going to stop these sideshows in 2020, supervisor asha safai introduced legislation to combat sideshows in san francisco. >> it allowed sfpd to impound vehicles for 14 days after the
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first offense. after the second offense and even stronger penalty. >> you're involved in stunt driving in san francisco. we're taking your car for 30 days. >> our abc7 news data team looked into the latest incident reports and found that since january, there have been 24 stunt driving incidents reported in the city and 11 just last month, according to supervisor safai, not many cars have been impounded. multiple sideshows in san francisco this year and only five cars have been impounded. >> only five to date. and last year in 2023, only six. >> if this legislation is not stopping them, then what can? we spoke to oakland council member noel gayo. oakland has been fighting sideshows for years, so what is working for them in the neighborhoods, >> the planter boxes, cement boxes, the trees that neighbors have planning does deter the sideshows from coming into our neighborhood streets. >> his message to san francisco. >> you know, it's worth the try.
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>> supervisor safai said he's concerned with the speed bumps is that they could shift sideshows to another san francisco neighborhood. and not fix the problem. he's urging sfpd to enforce the legislation. luz pena, abc seven news. >> all right, luz, thank you. contra costa county fire crews are on the scene of multiple vegetation fires in pittsburg, oakley and antioch. now, one of those fires burned along highway four in pittsburg. a separate fire sent smoke into the air above highway four in antioch. both happened between 2 and 3 this afternoon, and two fires this afternoon in pittsburg. they're being treated as a possible arson case. one of those fires started at at stoneman park in the area of bailey and leland roads. and then minutes later, a second fire sparked about a half mile away. and police did detain one suspect. the first fire started at the same location where another fire burned back on june 9th. all right. we have we've made it. we've made final day of this heat wave. it was a long, sweaty mess, but we've had
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temperatures above average for most of the month. don't have to talk about me personally. >> abc seven news meteorologist sandhya patel is here with a look at these hot temperatures. sandy. >> yeah, and dan and larry, you don't have to worry about sweating it anymore, that's for sure. the heat wave tomorrow done all right. we did have triple digits today on this final day of the heat wave. 107 degrees in fairfield, 104, concord, livermore, 103 degrees. we had 90s around san jose, santa rosa, but noticeably cooler. oakland 7566. in the city compared to 24 hours ago. everyone has dropped 13 degrees cooler in san jose, down 17 in santa rosa. don't get me wrong, it was hot inland and it still is. we have 90s and one hundreds in our inland areas right now as you will notice, which is why the excessive heat warnings are going. the heat advisories are going because there's still a risk of heat related illnesses. this is up until 8 p.m. tonight for solano county. it's in effect until tomorrow night. so keep that in mind as we go. hour
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by hour this evening, 80s and 90s at 7:00. inland temperatures are coming down. really cools off fast along the coastline because it's already there. but we will notice an increase in the monsoon moisture as we head towards tomorrow. and that is going to lead to the possibility of some mist and drizzle as well. here's a live view from our pier 39 camera. looking at alcatraz, you could certainly see more gray sky out there. a sign of what's to come. i'll be back with a full look at the forecast coming up. >> dan okay, sandia, thanks a lot. developing news. we're getting our first look inside the smoky cabin of an american airlines plane as panicked passengers rushed to get off right before takeoff at sfo. >> it sounded like someone's lithium ion battery just corroded and caught fire. i was afraid i was going to die, like genuinely had never been so afraid for my life before. >> the san francisco fire department confirmed just minutes ago that it was a fire involving a lithium ion battery in a laptop that flight to miami
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has now been rescheduled to depart tonight at 1115. abc seven news reporter suzanne fawn is live at sfo with the story. suzanne >> so, dan, thank goodness this emergency did not happen while the plane was in the air. right now we have new video from inside the plane showing those frantic moments that passengers faced. passengers were boarding flight 2045 when the crew reported smoke in the cabin, according to american airlines. do not take your bags. >> move forward. do not take your bags. >> video from sky seven shows the fire department looking at a black bag on the tarmac. san francisco fire department this afternoon said crews observed smoke but no actual flames. american airlines released this statement saying, quote, during boarding of american airlines flight 2045 with service from san francisco to miami. smoke was reported from inside a customer's bag. the bag was quickly removed by her crew members, and all customers exited the aircraft. we thank our crew members for their professionalism and apologize to
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our customers for the inconvenience. you can see video of crews working on the tarmac handling a black laptop bag. at one point, they appeared to move the bag and dump it into a large industrial tub of water. american airlines says smoke was reported from the laptop within the customer bag. american airlines says customers deplaned using emergency slides. others using the jet bridge. according to the airlines, one person was hurt in the process with minor injuries. late today, we told some travelers about the emergency on the tarmac. this is what they had to say. >> we take these risks when we fly like this, but people don't pay attention to that battery thing. they ask you, is everything turned off? and that could have been the problem. if a bag was smoking. you know, these laptops that we carry around so casually can be pretty dangerous. >> and again, san francisco fire department says this was a battery fire. they say the smoke stemmed from a lithium ion battery inside of the laptop. now, captain baxter with san francisco fire department tells me this does not happen very
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often. i followed up and asked him, why did it happen this time? and he says, that's still under investigation. we're live at sfo. suzanne vaughn, abc seven news a lot of anxious passengers. >> thank you suzanne. a brief court appearance today for the alameda man accused of killing four members of his own family wednesday night, 54 year old shane killian did not enter a plea today. police say he killed his wife. his six year old son and his in-laws inside their home on kittyhawk road. his one year old son did survive the shooting, but he is in critical condition now. killian has something of a criminal past. he served 60 days in jail for a misdemeanor assault on a government official in north carolina. that was 13 years ago. that incident involved a gun at a gas station, and it led to a high speed chase. >> the speeds traveled during this incident was at 125mph, in a 55 mile per hour zone. that's the speeds that they got up to. and ultimately, mr. killian ended up wrecking his vehicle and then fled on foot and was took into custody within an hour
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of the incident. >> a motive for wednesday night's shooting in alameda is still unclear. killian expected back in court next week. we know stories like this can be really upsetting if you need somebody to talk to or you want some support, check out local resources at abc7 slash. take action tonight. >> vacaville police officer matthew bowen is being remembered as funny and a strong leader. the day after he was hit and killed by a woman accused of driving under the influence of drugs, according to investigators. bones motorcycle was hit from behind while he was conducting a traffic stop at leisure town road and orange drive. the driver faces homicide and driving under the influence charges. a bone joined vacaville pd in june of last year, previously serving in concord, officer daniel gallegos worked with bone there and joined the force around the same time. >> this job isn't easy. the things we have to kind of go through on a daily basis, the things we see and encounter.
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it's always good to have somebody there alongside you that has, you know, a positive outlook and is always in that good mood that can bring people up in dark times. and he was always the one to kind of do that. >> officer bowen was 32 years old and is survived by his wife and two young sons, a teenager who stabbed a brentwood police officer last october will spend the next six years in juvenile hall. that's the maximum allowed by state law on my this is video of that incident where the then 16 year old strikes the officer. another officer quickly approaches and orders the teen to drop the knife. a short time later, a bystander tackled this young ma. brentwood police say the officer has fully recovered after suffering life threatening injuries. >> prosecutors in san francisco announcing charges against the man accused of kidnaping a teenage girl from the powell street bart station. police say
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he pulled a girl out of the station and into a vehicle earlier this week. now, investigators did find the girl safe that was on wednesday and they don't think this was some random attack. they say the victim and the suspect may have known each other. that suspect now facing charges of kidnaping by force or fear as well as sexual battery. >> coming up next, the hefty rate hike proposed by allstate insurance hundreds of thousands of homeowners may be you could be affected. >> plus, understanding containment and why a wildfire can be fully contained yet still burning. >> also hear a new way to get to work for one day onl
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it's seeking approval from the state department of insurance to raise home insurance premiums by an average of 34. reporter monica deanda, from our sister station in los angeles, has the story. >> i'm disappointed, to say the least. >> disappointment echoed among homeowners after learning allstate is the latest company asking the state's insurance department for a 34% increase to homeowner insurance premiums. >> ours went from $1,000 a year, up to 10,000. >> harry and diana, sharing how their home insurance skyrockete. over the last five years, we have shopped around. >> it's not for the best rate. it's for anybody who will insure us. >> yeah. allstate pointing to higher repair costs, more frequent and severe weather and legal system abuse as reasons behind the increase, the company stopped writing new california homeowner insurance policies in november of 2022. just last year, allstate got approval for
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a 4% hike in rates. now they're waiting to hear if this 34% increase is also given the green light. but consumer watchdog is asking questions challenging that rate increase to be frank, it has been very difficult to get full disclosure from the company about the secret black box model that it uses to determine wildfire risk. residents bracing for that possibility take matters into your own hands. >> i think you've got to go and be very proactive and look at whatever source you have. >> and if you're shopping around for homeowner's insurance, be sure to ask this what kind of discount might i qualify for if i do things like replacing my roof or clearing the brush and the trees around my home? >> can that reduce my insurance rate? monica >> and that abc seven news. >> we're learning tonight about the first death of this wildfire season. the sheriff's office in
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mendocino county says they found a body in a burned building. the mina fire sparked monday in a remote part of mendocino county. now, that was north of the community of covelo and about 80 miles from ukiah. deputies say a burn pile somehow escaped a man at the home where the fire started told deputies his 66 year old family member tried to put out the fire with a garden hose and has not been seen since. firefighters found remains in the destroyed building the next day. there is no formal id yet. a manufactured home in the community of la honda in the santa cruz mountains is a total loss. destroyed by a fire that broke out around 530 this morning. multiple outbuildings and three trailers also burned, but a quick response helped keep those flames from spreading to the woods and any brush nearby. no word of any injuries or how the fire started so far. meanwhile, in the south bay, fire crews got the upper hand on a grass fire at stonecrest and fox ridge way in san jose that broke out just before 230. five acres burned, but forward progress was stopped
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and you can see the fire burned right up to a fence but did not damage any homes. thankfully. now, one term that you hear a lot during fire season is containment. so exactly what does that mean? well, containment means a fire surrounded. that could be by a natural boundary, like a lake or a freeway, or maybe a fire line. a fire line is created by firefighters when they take away material that could fuel the fire, like grass or shrubs. containment, expressed as a percentage, means the percent of the fire that is actually surrounded. so even when a fire is, quote, fully contained, as in fully surrounded, it can still be burning, but it is no longer spreading. and that's important. >> yeah, we get asked that a lot. so we want to explain that. and of course one of the first things they try to do is contain it. even before, unless it's small, put the fire out just to keep it from getting even worse. exactly. but when it's hot and windy, that can be a real challenge. so we're glad to see the heat ease of it. >> absolutely. and here with the weekend forecast is sandhya patel. yeah. >> and larry and dan, those
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temperatures are going to be trending lower, the humidity higher, which helps from the fire weather perspective obviously fuels are really dry though following this prolonged heat wave that we've had. so let's talk about what's happening. high pressure is shifting east, which is why the heat eased today. but we certainly are seeing this area of low pressure off the california coast that's going to continue the cooling trend. the flow around that high is drying up the monsoon moisture. so thunderstorms have been firing up in the sierra expecting more of that, which is why the red flag warnings are going for the sierra. and we have fire weather watches for parts of northern and southern california. the concern is there's possibility of dry lightning, and that could spark some new fires. so we have a slight chance here between 5 to 10. but right now it's looking like a better possibility. east and north and south of us on live doppler seven. we certainly are seeing the marine layer regrouping along the coastline. the air quality still suffering under this high pressure ridge. we've had good to moderate air quality
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right now. it will improve as we head towards the weekend. sea breezes kicking up right now. sfo 22 miles an hour. that sea breeze will continue to pick up, especially tomorrow afternoon. not so much tomorrow morning, but you'll notice up to 30 miles an hour out towards the delta and that will help to kind of mix out the atmosphere. a bit from our east bay hills. camera seeing plenty of sun right now it is 62. in the city. oakland. it's at 67 degrees right now, 81 in san jose and 79 in redwood city. bright skies from our san jose camera. the temperature is definitely backed off in san jose as well. 81 in santa rosa, you're in the 70s. petaluma, napa still holding on to some of that heat. concord livermore in the 90s. and there is a view from our mount tam cam of the marine layer overnight tonight. mix of fog and clouds. weekend forecast does feature the continuation of cooler weather and early next week we're expecting for a change near average temperatures. all right. let's look at the hourly forecast. not only the fog but we have that mid and high level cloudiness coming in later on
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tonight. that continues tomorrow. in the morning we're going to start off with some mist and drizzle. one thing you'll notice though is the monsoon flow will bring in showers and thunderstorms to the sierra nevada. but some of those thunderstorms, like i said, could be accompanied by very little or no rain, which is why there's a concern for fires, temperatures in the morning coming down partly to mostly cloudy skies anywhere from the 50s to the 70s tomorrow afternoon in the south bay 86 and santa clara, 89. in san jose. not quite as warm as it's been or hot as it's been on the peninsula 78, in palo alto, 62 in half moon bay, where the fog is going to hang around along with the cloud cover. 65 downtown san francisco, north bay temperatures 83, in san rafael, napa 86 degrees for you in santa rosa heading into the east bay, coming closer to average 73. in oakland to 83 fremont castro valley inland areas will be warm, but not as hot as it has been. 92 concord, 94 degrees in livermore. here's your accuweather seven day
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forecast. and those temperatures are coming down a few degrees each and every day. right on through tuesday when you have 80s showing up inland, when we've had 110, 112, it's kind of a nice change of pace. 60s coastside next week, those temperatures will come up a little bit. i mean, it is summer after all, but we're not expecting any extreme weather here in the bay area next week or so. >> thank you. >> all right. i wish we could do this. commuters in colorado changed up their morning commute today. it's the annual ■tube to work day in boulder, colorado. the byob event or bring your own tube invites workers to ride down a river in an inflatable tube instead of driving. can we do this on the embarcadero somehow? i don't know somebody, there's also a costume contest. it benefits charity. a portion of the proceeds raised from ticket sales go to the bridge house charity, which helps unhoused people access employment and housing. >> pretty cool. >> well, we can do this. however, karl isn't just the name of the fog around here
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anymore. it's the name of a new san francisco bay ferry boat. the other name, zalophus, which is the scientific name for sea lion. bay area students put in their submissions to name the new boats. the public voted and the board approved, and a big unveiling on the water today in san francisco, a zero emissions passenger ferry that will cruise through the bay. we got a sneak peek at sea change, the world's first commercial passenger ferry powered 100% by zero emission hydrogen fuel cells. it's a 70 foot catamaran that fits up to 75 people. the state is requiring all short distance ferries to be emissions free by the end of just appropriate. >> that san francisco, which is the leader in so many things, especially when it comes to the environment, is a leader in making sure that ferries become clean, because i think that was the one criticism of water transit. it was that it was polluting. >> starting next week, sea change will run for free for six months, so you can check it out.
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that's not the only change coming. the angel island tiburon ferry company has signed an agreement with a company from new zealand to design and build an all new vessel, as the company prepares to convert its boat fleet to fully electric ferry. >> so tranquil then i know, right? all right, coming up next, new rules for traveling with dogs. if they're going to be crossing the border.
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reporting mixed earnings results. both the dow and the s&p surged to all time highs before giving up most of the gains. by the close end of day, dow was up 247 points, closing at 40,000. the nasdaq rose 115. the s&p gained almost 31 points. elon musk is shopping excess space. and we're talking a lot of excess space at xs mid-market location in san francisco. roughly 460,000ft■!s, accordingo the san francisco chronicle. the real estate firm jll, which has been hired to represent x, formerly twitter, says their skeleton staff will continue to work in one part of the buildin. it's not clear what this signals for the future of x in san francisco. elon musk did announce plans for a new 100 person office in austin, texas, back in january.
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>> new cdc guidelines for bringing dogs into the u.s. take effect next month. as it stands, the only requirement now is a copy of the dog's rabies vaccination certificate. but starting august 1st, dog owners will have to meet three new requirements. the dog must be at least six months months old, have a microchip, and have cdc import forms. the existing requirement for proof of rabies vaccination remains. larry rover meets red tape and you're going to have to pay for it. >> what a shock. >> all right, this is serious months of records of calls and texts. all exposed tonight. just how much information hackers got in an at&t data breach. and that company is just now going public with this news. >> and after hosting nato leaders in washington, president biden is back out on the campaign trail. but some critics are still calling for him
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♪ hey, come on, come on ♪ ♪ do what you want ♪ get into an audi and go your own way. find your way to exceptional offers during the summer of audi sales event at you local audi dealer. that he's worthy of four more years have failed to silence critics. >> here's abc seven news
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reporter and win in washington. >> president biden heading to a campaign rally in swing state michigan. biden keeping up the momentum after a solo press conference last night following the nato summit in washington. i think i'm the most qualified person to run for president. despite a pair of gaffes, the president first calling ukrainian president zelensky russia's president putin during the summit. >> ladies and gentlemen, president putin, president puti, you cannot beat president putin. president zelensky and then mixing up vice president harris for his gop rival, donald trump. look, i wouldn't have picked vice president trump to be vice president, but i think she was not qualified to be president. >> the presidents laughed off those mistakes and went on to tout the resilient economy and defend his foreign policy record. >> have you seen a more successful conference? find me a world leader who didn't think it was still a growing number of congressional democrats continued to call on biden to drop out of the race directly
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following the press conference. >> we're told house minority leader hakeem jeffries met with the president in a letter to colleagues, jeffries says he expressed the full breadth of insight, heartfelt perspectives and conclusions about the path forward that the caucus has shared. jeffries did not say if he told biden to remain in the race or drop out. as president, biden works to calm anxieties over his mental fitness, sources say he's meeting with both the congressional hispanic and asian pacific american caucuses today, as well as the progressive caucus tomorrow. and when abc news, washington. >> bay area congressman john garamendi is among those democrats sticking with mr. biden, telling cnn today that democrats just have to stop all this infighting. representative garamendi joined us today on our 3 p.m. show, getting answers, telling abc seven news anchor kristen sze he believes the president stumbles should not force him off the ticket. >> biden is perfectly capable of
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campaigning, campaigning successfully and take one more moment to look at his opponent. his opponent is a certified felon. now that we're in this situation, is oh my, my, maybe i got a chance to be president after all, without having gone through the primaries and proving themselves. the fact of the matter is that biden went through the primaries and he was not challenged. and there was opportunity after opportunity for anybody to do so >> political analyst and cal state east bay history professor doctor nolan higdon weighed in on the possibility of president biden dropping out of the race. he says if that happens, there may not be enough time to raise enough money and get the new candidates message out there. >> it would really set up whoever's going out there for failure. so i think if he is
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going to drop out, this is something that needs to be done immediately, and similarly, the questions of whether or not he needs to drop out need to be solved immediately as well, because i think just the discussion is also hurting democrats in the polls. >> we see doctor higdon also says he thinks president biden last night came out a lot stronger compared to the debate two weeks ago. but he says he doesn't think it changed the right minds because more democrats have asked the president to step down since then. and a new poll shows the race is still incredibly close. the marist national poll survey found 50% of voters say if the election happened today, they would vote for president biden, the same percentage also said they would vote for vice president kamala harris or governor gavin newsom. several other polls over the last two weeks had president trump leading biden by up to three points. >> former president trump will no longer be subject to suspension penalties on facebook and instagram. the parent company, meta, says it's because he's a presumed presidential
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nominee. meta says members of the public should be able to hear what politicians are saying so they can make informed choices. mr. trump is expected to officially become the republican nominee at the republican national convention, which begins on monday in wisconsin. melania trump will reportedly attend, making a rare public appearance with her husband. >> well, this may affect you directly. nearly every at&t customer and many non at&t customers have their call and text records exposed as part of a massive data breach. at&t has known since april that customer data was illegally downloaded, but only made the announcement today. abc seven news reporter melanie woodrow has the story for seven. on your side reporter at&t says nearly all of its 110 million wireless subscribers call and text message records were exposed in a massive data breach. >> the stolen data includes every number at&t customers called or texted, even customers of other wireless networks the number of times they interacted and the call duration. >> i feel like this is just another incident in this trend
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of data privacy issues. >> in april, at&t says it learned that customer data was illegally downloaded from its workspace onto a third party cloud platform. the wireless provider says it launched an investigation and took steps to close off the illegal access point. the compromised data includes records of calls and texts between may 1st, 2022 and october 31st, 2022. it also includes records from january second, 2023 for a very small number of customers. for a subset of records, one or more cell site id numbers were included. data that could reveal the geographic location of one or more callers. >> i'm really wary of where my contact information is going and who has access to it, and so this is just really frustrating. as a consumer, the data does not contain the content of calls or texts or personal information like social security numbers or birth dates. >> while the data does not include customer names, at&t concedes there are ways using publicly available online tools to find a name associated with a specific telephone number. wireless customers are disappointed at&t waited to make
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the announcement. >> if anyone's in your system and you don't know, let's say a week after, then your company should not have customers data. >> their notification process sort of could have happened a lot earlier. >> at&t says it does not believe the data is publicly available. the provider also says it's their understanding that at least one person has been apprehended. a department of justice spokesperson told abc seven news it could not confirm or deny that. melanie woodrow, abc seven news. >> coming up, a new exhibit highlighting the historical legacy of marin city and the contribution of its black pioneers. >> and next, the tales of a nearly $50 million makeover
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lorenzo was last seen yesterday at 6 p.m. with her father at the caso arroyo apartments on rancho arroyo parkway in fremont. you see her picture here? she's three feet tall, weighs about 60 pounds. anyone with information, please is asked to contact fremont police. >> all right, now we give you a live look at alcatraz. kind of cloudy out there. this is from our pier 39 tower camera. a
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multi-million dollar renovation project at the former prison will start soon. the $48.6 million project will include getting rid of hazardous materials, repairing damaged concrete, installing storm windows in the main prison building, etc. will also be improvements to better protect the building from earthquakes and the weather. work is set to begin this month, expected to finish in the summer of 2027. >> in the north bay, a new exhibit in marin county library branches is highlighting the historical legacy of marin city and the contributions of its black pioneers, including many who came to the area during world war two to work in the shipyards. abc seven news reporter cornell bernard spoke with the founder of the exhibit about what it means to her. >> it is a california black history story. it is a national story. >> marin city resident felicia gaston is preserving the rich history of her community the only way she knows how, by creating an exhibit for all to see at the marin county library. >> what i like about it is that whatever area you live in, you
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can come and get a taste of it through a partnership with the library. >> gaston's archive collection is now on display at all ten branches, highlighting the history of black pioneers who came to marin city in the 1940s to build ships for the war effort. >> they came out to build a better life for themselves and their families. they were leaving the jim crow south, but when they came here, they all helped build these 93 ships. >> what we love is really, i think, celebrating those hometown heroes. i mean, the history of what you know, families, individuals had to endure. and coming from the south to marin city for a better life. >> pictures, artifacts and newspaper clippings tell the story of strength and struggle during the height of world war two, about 6000 people were living here in marin city, many of them black. some faced racism and segregation at the nearby shipyards, but welder joseph james fillled, the civil rights lawsuit and one during the early 40s the boilermakers won at all
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the blacks to being a separate union, and joseph james was like, oh no, we're not here to be in the jim crow, in the shipyards. >> we're all working for the same cause. >> it's history that many in marin and across the bay area only thought they knew felicia and lorna hope visitors take the entire journey. called the legacy of marin city, a california black history story. >> really? a touch point again for families, adults and the community to travel from branch to branch and build on what they're learning in each library. >> the exhibit now on display through september 30th in marin county. cornell, bernard. abc seven news, uh- >> relief in sight. we're finally coming to the end of the heat wave. well, that doesn't look hot at all, actually. now, now i'm cold. we've got cooler temperatures in sandia's seven-day forecast. next. i think we need sweaters. next. >> plus, why spacex rockets are grounded by the faa
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launch. the unmanned falcon nine rocket carrying starlink satellites broke apart in space last night after launching from vandenberg space force base. this is video of the previous
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launch. spacex is blaming the failure on a liquid oxygen leak. it's the first time in nearly a decade that the falcon nine has failed. the rocket is grounded until the faa can investigate the failure and get spacex to fix it. >> today, nasa is celebrating the two year anniversary of the james webb telescope. and to mark that occasion, nasa released a new image showing a pair of intertwined galaxies. nasa calls them the penguin and the egg. dan and i are thinking dolphin, but you know, whatever you see is whatever you see. this morning on our 7 a.m. streaming show, we spoke with doctor eric smith, a program scientist for the webb telescope uh- the penguin or the orange one, was probably a spiral type galaxy that is being torn apart in the interaction with the egg or that round galaxy down below. >> so these galaxies will eventually, in about a billion years, merge together. uh. and this is in the constellation hydra. for those who want to know that. and it's about 400 million light years from earth.
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>> so we've got a billion years, astronomers estimate the webb telescope will operate for at least 20 years. we saw dolphin. >> yeah. it's like a galactic rorschach. exactly. it's clearly a dolphin. what do you see? what do you see? >> you know what i see? i see cooler temperatures down. >> i could feel that. >> and i can feel it, too. and we're ready for it. meteorologists sandhya patel is back with the forecast for the weekend. >> yeah. welcome relief, that's for sure. dan and larry, we are definitely ready. let's show you a live picture right now from our east bay hills camera. we're still seeing the sun out there and feeling the heat in concord, where it is 97 degrees, but 40 degrees cooler as we look from our sfo camera, you can see why half moon bay only 57 right now with the fog around. here's a look at live doppler seven. and that fog is there near the coastline. it will continue to advance overnight along with mid and high level clouds increasing. tomorrow is a cooler day. low to mid 90s for our inland east bay valleys only low 60s at the coast sunday. those temperatures are dropping even
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more into the low 90s inland. continuation of that on monday and you will notice by tuesday we're only in the upper 80s in our warmest inland valleys. so that is going to be a good news. as we look at the accuweather seven day forecast, temperatures trending lower right on through the weekend and into early next week. middle of the workweek will start to notice an uptick in those numbers. the heat returns inland by friday. larry and dan, they're not too bad. no, not too intense right now. >> all right. thanks, cindy. all right. we love it when we can get our money's worth and really put larry to work. he's doing double duty tonight. management said let's crack the. >> i like it a little bit too close for comfort with the jokes. dan uh- steph curry and his team usa buddies are in abu dhabi, where they were greeted by a hopefully friendly falcon finally won a cracker not eating steph
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give up? jonathan kuminga or brandon pisemsky? one guy we know who is not involved in any trade talks, steph curry, curry and team usa, landed in abu dhabi where steph was greeted by a falcon. that's the national symbol of the united arab emirates. i got scared just
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looking at the video of the bird, looking at steph. i'm like freaked out by this. but team usa is going to play a couple games in abu dhabi back in the bay. warriors gm mike dunleavy jr noted steph is eligible for an extension this summer. here's my bold prediction curry gets whatever he wants whenever he wants it. >> yeah, i mean, we'll we'll talk about that too. i mean, look, man, that guy, you know, kind of whatever he wants. so we'll get through all that stuff. it's been, it's been a sprint here, getting through the draft and free agency and summer league and all that, but, all that stuff will get figured out, and i think stuff will be, you know, i think, say, pretty confidently, he'll be a warrior for life on a baseball. >> giants open a three game series with the twins tonight. then they hit the all star break, and soon after that, they really have to figure out, are we buyers or are we sellers at the trade deadline? because outside of all star elliott ramos, the giants offense just is not getting it done. giants are four games under 500. they're in danger of just completely slipping out of the wild card chase if they don't start playing better and the skipper is just flat out
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frustrated, we get right to the right to the 500 mark, then we lose a couple games. >> we need to have a good series to go, you know, away and have a good feeling about and get that close that much closer to 500, because it's important that, you know, there's some teams that are starting to separate a little bit from the 500 mark and you know, we can't do fall too far behind. so we'll we'll deal with the break when it gets there. but we got we have three important games there. >> do you have an extra ten grand laying around. that's what tickets are starting for. this is a get in price for sunday's men's wimbledon final. for the first time in a decade, a rematch defending champ carlos alcaraz. he won in three sets on center court over daniil medvedev. he'll face 24 time champion novak djokovic, who torres meniscus in june looked like he might not even be able to play. but the joker is going for his eighth wimbledon title. looking for a little revenge, some payback, and that would tie him if he won with roger federer for the most wimbledon titles ever. first round of the annual celebrity golf tournament at
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edgewood and lake tahoe, and charles barkley, daniel i believe this charles barkley shot his best round ever in this tournament. he's plus three on the stableford scoring system. usually he's he's really poor. then he went on sportscenter and had some strong words for steph curry for not defending his tahoe title, opting to play in that that little event called olympics steph curry, he's a coward. >> hannah. he's ducking me. can you believe he knew i was going to play my best round ever? that's what he going to use. some lame, lame excuse like some lame excuse like the olympics to dunk me. how could. what kind of excuse is that? >> you're so funny. >> oh, man. sports on abc seven, sponsored by smart and final. >> that is fantastic. and, you know, i think charles barkley sort of fixed the weird hitch and he used swing. yeah, i think he's got that worked out somehow. >> it's remarkable. he's actually like playing real right i mean he played well actual golf. it's quite remarkable. all right. coming up tonight on abc seven 8:00 jeopardy masters
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followed at nine by 2020. and then stay with us for abc seven news at 11. and do remember abc seven news is streaming 24 seven. get the abc seven bay area app. join us whenever you want, wherever you are. >> all right, finally, this friday, a few thoughts about what really matters. i heard from a concerned viewer yesterday. a woman named tracy reached out to me on social media. i have always liked your reporting, she said, but i knew there was a but coming. but tracy said she was deeply troubled by the media's coverage of the doubt regarding president biden's ability to do the job and whether he should step aside. she believes we've been biased against biden, pointing out each gaffe and flub. of course, president biden has also been hammered by the media many times who trump rather. and just as there are deep concerns about trump's worthiness to serve another term, there are real and growing concerns from with his own party within his own party about biden's ability to handle four more years. tracy encourages me to be a journalist
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in the vein of walter cronkite, who reported in the best interest of the country. she reminds me. i would remind her that what really matters is that the truth is always in the best interest of the country, and i always love to hear from you and thank you, tracy, very much for reaching out. i truly appreciate it. it's a great discussion to have. i'd love to have that same discussion with you. let me know what you think. follow me on social media at dan ashley abc seven. >> you know what's really interesting is that the role of the media in covering politics has changed so dramatically, because what works in walter cronkite's era is not necessarily what you're going to get to get ratings now. no, it's true. >> and it's also fueled by social media. and the news cycle has just shrunk and shrunk and shrunk, and headlines turn so quickly these days, it is a very different environment. yeah, absolutely. >> all right. that's going to do it for this edition of abc seven news i'm larry beil and i'm dan ashley for sandhya patel. >> all of us here. we appreciate your time. have a great evening and we'll see you again at 11. look at that.
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from the alex trebek stage at sony pictures studios, this is "jeopardy!" introducing today's contestants... an attorney from lakewood, ohio...
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a chemistry professor from edmond, oklahoma... and our returning champion, a customer support team lead from burbank, california... whose seven-day cash winnings total $161,388. [applause] and now, here is the host of "jeopardy!," ken jennings. thank you, johnny. welcome to "jeopardy!" our champion, isaac hirsch, earned lucky win number seven yesterday, making him just the third contestant this season to achieve that milestone. can isaac do it again today and head into the weekend as an eight-day champion? not if mike or ashley have anything to say about it. he's got to get through them first. good luck, everybody. here are your categories in the first round... the jeopardy round. first i ask... then, go... we have... you'll be...


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