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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  July 13, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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>> gio: good morning, america. case dismissed, the stunning end to alec baldwin's involuntary manslaughter trial. >> the motion to dismiss with
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prejudice is granted. >> gio: why the judge ruled in baldwin's favor and how the prosecutor wound up on the witness stand. all the details on the trial's emotional end. >> whit: political pressure. president biden reassuring voters he's got what it takes. >> i am running, and we're going to win. >> whit: biden meeting with the top house democrat while donald trump prepares for next week's republican national convention. questions swirling about who he'll name as a running mate. >> rhiannon: coast-to-coast shark alerts. the new urgent actions to keep swimmers safe. more drones taking to the skies. a beach temporarily closed after three shark sightings. what to know to stay safe in the water. >> gio: airplane scare. >> out, out, out. >> gio: passengers ordered to evacuate the cabin. >> the flames were huge. they were up to the ceiling. >> gio: emergency slides deployed. what's being blamed for
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starting it all. ♪ and i been taking care of business ♪ >> look. i made the honor roll. >> no way. you did it? >> yeah. >> no way. let me see. you did it. >> whit: and sweet success. the new york city deli owner rewarding members of his community for their academic achievements, inspiring their hunger for knowledge with a hunger for treats. >> i want to get honor roll. >> whit: and good morning, america. it's great to have you with us and great to have rhiannon back at the desk with us. good morning to you. >> rhiannon: thanks for having me. >> whit: we have a lot to cover this morning. president biden hitting the campaign trail vowing to continue his re-election campaign. this follows a big week for biden including that nato summit in washington. white house national security communications adviser john kirby joins us in a few minutes. >> rhiannon: and another scorching weekend ahead of us, pretty much coast to coast. in texas a public health emergency just declared.
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the heat compounded by the lack of electricity for about a million people in the houston area following hurricane beryl. >> gio: yeah, so many people still struggling there. but we do begin with the legal shocker overnight. a judge dismissing the case against alec baldwin in that deadly movie set shooting in 2021. abc's jaclyn lee joins us now from the courthouse in santa fe, new mexico. jaclyn, good morning. i know you were in the courtroom when this all happened. >> reporter: yes, that's right, gio. good morning to you. you could feel the tension as it started to unravel. alec baldwin remaining a free man who cannot be tried again. this morning, a dramatic hollywood ending in actor alec baldwin's criminal trial. >> your motion to dismiss with prejudice is granted. >> reporter: after the judge ruled that the charges of involuntary manslaughter in the case be dismissed with prejudice. baldwin crying, hugging his wife hilaria. the judge ruling prosecutors withheld key evidence from baldwin's defense team.
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>> they buried it. they put it under a different case with a different number. >> reporter: that evidence, an envelope of ammunition, turned in to investigators earlier this year allegedly from the same batch that killed "rust" cinematographer halyna hutchins. prosecutors pushing back arguing those rounds did not match the bullets on set. the judge sending the jury home while attorneys heard testimony from the lead detective on the case. >> when you say that there were discussions and the decision was made by all of you to put that ammo in a separate file, right? is that correct, you said that? >> yes, ma'am. >> was ms. morrissey part of that discussion? >> yes. >> thank you. >> reporter: the lead prosecutor, kari morrissey then taking the stand as her own witness telling the judge she thought the ammunition would be turned over. >> i was not aware at that point in time that a doc report would not have the same case number. >> reporter: but outside of court telling a different story.
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>> do you regret not turning over the ammunition? >> well, i didn't know that the ammunition that became the subject of today's hearing existed. >> reporter: pressing her further. >> you said you didn't know the evidence existed until today. can you clarify that? >> you heard my testimony. >> reporter: and as for the convicted armorer, hannah gutierrez, her attorney says they will file a similar motion as they appeal her case. gio? >> gio: yeah, that appeal is sure to come. jaclyn, thank you so much. let's go ahead and bring in abc news legal contributor, brian buckmire. thank you so much for, brian, for being here. this decision, this came as a real shock to everyone including yourself. how did we get here? >> so, we got here because there were those ammunition, as well as a report that the prosecutor not only didn't turn over, but actually put in a different docket number. docket numbers are like social security numbers for your cases. so, imagine having crucial information for your case put in someone else's identifying
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information. now, the judge ruled this was material to the case, and it should have been turned over to the defense to give them the opportunity to evaluate it and also potentially form their own defense, and it prejudiced alec baldwin so much that there was only one remedy, not to have a mistrial, allow the prosecution to try again, but to throw out the case altogether. unfortunately, things like this are called brady or giglio violations are far too common. not common to the point that judges are throwing the cases out, but common that prosecutors withhold evidence that they think is not relevant, but this law that started in i think 1963 and then following law in 1972 has been around literally for decades, and it's not the prosecution to decide what's relevant or not, it's up to them to give to the defense so they can make their arguments. >> gio: and to be clear, they cannot try alec baldwin again? >> this case is dismissed with prejudice, meaning that it cannot come back for any reason. the judge said that this was so egregious, this was so bad, that a mistrial, meaning it could come back again, was not the
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appropriate remedy, that it must be thrown out altogether, and the reason why the law is formed this way, it's supposed to be that big stick that reminds prosecutors, get it right the first time, or we won't let you do it again. >> gio: all right. abc news legal contributor brian buckmire, thank you so much for joining us. >> rhiannon: what a twist, thank you, brian. now to politics, and president biden hitting the campaign trail telling voters, he is in the race to win it. abc's maryalice parks joins us now. maryalice, it's been a big week. what's the latest with this? >> yeah, rhiannon, good morning. the president overnight was more energetic in michigan. he enjoyed a warm reception from his supporters telling him they had his back, but we know other democrats, including many running for office themselves, are still worried about whether biden will ever be able to put these questions about his age behind him. [ crowd chanting ] >> reporter: president biden overnight sounding more energized on the campaign trail in michigan boosted by supporters. [ crowd chanting, "we got your back" ] >> i've got your back. >> reporter: addressing the political turmoil in his own party and speculation about
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whether he could bow out of the race, the president insisting, he isn't going anywhere. >> i am running, and we're going to win. [ cheers and applause ] i'm the only democrat or republican who has beaten donald trump ever, and i'm going to beat him again. >> reporter: working overtime to try to turn the conversation to his opponent saying, it's time to stop treating politics like reality tv. listing trump's criminal convictions and attempt to overthrow the 2020 election results. >> do you really want to go back to the chaos of donald trump as president? >> all: no! >> reporter: and biden laying out what he wants to do in the first 100 days of a second term, restore a national right to abortion, end medical debt and raise the federal minimum wage. but anxiety over biden only growing. 20 congressional democrats now saying biden should step aside. >> we must prevail against the incalculable threat donald trump poses to the american institutions of freedom and democracy. >> reporter: house democratic leader hakeem jeffries meeting privately with president biden
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telling his colleagues after that he directly expressed the full breadth of insight, heartfelt perspectives, and conclusions about the path forward that he heard from his members. his statement not mentioning whether he encouraged the president to stay in the race. around the country democratic voters telling us, some more excited than others, that they are sticking with their party. >> i'm going to vote for the democratic party, not necessarily joe biden. >> everybody keeps accentuating his gaffes. >> nothing has changed for me. i support biden. his record is great. ♪ >> reporter: the president has been working the phones talking to democratic lawmakers. one of those calls was with members of the hispanic caucus and sources telling me that congressman mike levin said directly to biden that he should drop out and that others were frustrated they couldn't get their questions straight to the president. >> whit: yeah, and these questions keep on coming. maryalice, thank you. we appreciate it. president biden was also in the spotlight this week hosting world leaders at the nato summit
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in washington. joining us now is white house national security communications adviser john kirby. john, thanks so much for joining us. we appreciate it. so, let's go ahead and start with that moment at the nato summit when president biden introduced ukraine's president zelenskyy as president putin, mixing up their names. of course, he did correct himself, but you know this comes at this critical time as some are raising questions about president biden's health, his fitness for office. what does a moment like that do to president biden's credibility on the world stage? >> well, it doesn't affect his credibility on the world stage one bit. you know, he corrected it, as you rightly noted, and then he went on to have a terrific meeting with president zelenskyy about all the ways in which we are supporting ukraine. in fact, in that meeting he actually announced another $225 million in support of weapons and equipment. so it's not affecting anything about our support to ukraine and certainly nothing about the world stage and american leadership on it.
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>> whit: but as you know, it wasn't just that moment. later in the day there was the mix-up with kamala harris as vice president and donald trump, but i do want to ask you because there have been reports that other nato leaders are worried about biden. did you witness any of those concerns in these meetings this week? >> i did not. as a matter of fact, many of those world leaders came up to the president privately and expressed their great gratitude for his leadership on the world stage, but also more critically his leadership, his stewardship of the nato alliance. under this president now when he started -- when he got elected, nine countries from the nato alliance were meeting their 2% spending on gross domestic product on defense and now 23, so it's more than doubled. when he started, the alliance was at 30 members. now it's at 32 with finland and sweden now members, so the alliance is stronger. it's more resilient, more relevant than ever, and that is not an accident and very much in large part due to president
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biden's leadership. >> whit: and outside of that, john, though, as you know, i think the concern from many in the public is not just what they're seeing out in public, but what's happening in private when it comes to some of these gaffes from the president. from your personal perspective, your interactions with president biden, have you ever been concerned about his mental acuity or fitness for the job? >> no, not once, and i can tell you, just in the meetings i'm in, the sessions i have with him, the time that i get to spend with him, i see a commander in chief who takes his responsibilities extraordinarily seriously. he knows that we're at an inflection point in history. he understands the dangers and challenges out there, russia's war in ukraine certainly chief among them, and he's doing everything he can to protect the american people and do it in a way that builds on and, i think, frankly, benefits from his long experience in government service and the deep relationships that he has with world leaders.
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>> whit: i do want to turn while we have you and ask you about the middle east and a potential cease-fire deal. president biden said that israel and hamas have agreed to a framework, but still more work to do. how close is a possible deal right now? >> well, we're cautiously optimistic. we believe that we got this essential framework done, which is not insignificant now. you got both israel and hamas have signed up to the framework. that's a big deal, but there are still details that need to be hammered out, and our team is still working with their counterparts in the region to do that. i can't give you a time certain. i don't know how long that process is going to take, but we do believe we're very close, and we also believe that these gaps, these gaps that remain, these details that still have to be hammered out, are of such a nature that they absolutely can be solved, and so we're cautiously optimistic. we're hopeful. we really do want to get this over the finish line. >> whit: so many hopeful around the world and so much at stake. john kirby, thank you for your
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time this morning, as always. we appreciate it. gio? >> gio: all right, whit. now to the republicans. they're about to open their convention in milwaukee where donald trump is expected to name his running mate. abc's jay o'brien is right there in milwaukee this morning. good morning, jay. >> reporter: gio, good morning. before things even kick off here in milwaukee, all eyes today will be on former president trump at a rally in pennsylvania as suspense builds over exactly who his vice presidential pick will be. in a recent radio interview, trump said he'd like to announce the pick at the convention here in milwaukee or slightly before it. abc news has reported that florida senator marco rubio, ohio senator j.d. vance, north dakota governor doug burgum all on trump's short list. meantime, here in milwaukee, preparations are under way for a convention that will very much be in trump's image. each night has a theme that is a spin-off of trump's make america great again tag line. monday is make america wealthy again. tuesday is make america safe again and so on.
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sources tell abc news the former first lady melania trump will be in appearance in a rare campaign appearance for her. both of trump's adult sons are also expected to speak. republican sources tell me that they have relished in recent weeks that the scrutiny has been on their opponents as democrats grapple with president biden's candidacy, but they acknowledge when things kick off here in milwaukee, the spotlight will shift back onto the gop and back onto trump. rhiannon? >> rhiannon: all eyes on milwaukee. jay o'brien, thank you for that. now to the power crisis in texas where hurricane beryl left more than 2 million people without electricity. that number is now down to about a million, which is still a lot of people, but hundreds of thousands could be sweltering without air-conditioning even next week. abc's zohreen shah has more. >> i'm fed up, and i'm tired. >> reporter: this morning texas residents outraged left in the dark for nearly a week after beryl crashed into the gulf coast.
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>> we shouldn't have to suffer, but we're suffering right now. >> reporter: nearly 800,000 houston area residents dealing with sweltering heat without any electricity. the medical examiner in harris county saying at least three people have died from heat exposure. the power company says they are working around the clock to get power restored by the end of the weekend. >> the remaining customers are going to be the hardest hit customers. >> you're talking till saturday, maybe sunday, maybe next week? how is that possible? >> reporter: beryl came ashore as a category 1 storm leaving behind a trail of destruction. state officials saying residents can now apply for federal aid. hospital officials say they're seeing an influx in heat-related illnesses three times the norm this time of year. patients with chronic illnesses who were supposed to get priority for power restoration say they are being left behind and state officials vow to investigate the power company's response. >> you can't handle five days of losing power in this type of temperature.
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the phrase houston strong, we're houston tired. >> reporter: the texas lieutenant governor is calling for an investigation into the power company, and overnight centerpoint put out an interactive map where residents can type in their address, and it will tell them when they can expect power to be restored. guys? >> whit: from houston strong to houston tired, i think a lot of people can relate to that. zohreen, thank you. now to that scare for passengers and crew aboard an american alliance jet as it was preparing for takeoff in san francisco. smoke in the cabin forced everyone to evacuate the plane with emergency responders then racing to the scene. abc's phil lipof is here with the latest. phil, good morning. >> whit, good morning to you. these were, as you say, some really scary moments aboard this american airlines jet. a backpack on fire, confusion, and ultimately evacuation for everyone on board. >> out, out, out. >> reporter: this morning the tense moments during that emergency evacuation of a passenger plane getting ready for takeoff from san francisco. smoke filling the cabin. >> we got a mayday, mayday, mayday. there is a fire in the back of the aircraft.
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start the fire rescue. >> reporter: passengers boarding the american airlines jet when the crew called for help. >> the flames were -- they were huge. they were up to the ceiling. >> reporter: jan jankai says the backpack under his father's seat ignited. the flames growing quickly. jankai said he tried to throw that backpack out of the emergency door, but a flight attendant stopped him. >> at that moment i just dropped the bag for like a second, and my father just took it and threw it out, because it was at that time still burning, and for us, the logical thing to do is throw the burning thing outside. >> reporter: passengers pushing to the front of the plane. a flight attendant deploying the emergency slides. >> i can see them exiting the fire department just off your right-hand side. they should be there in two minutes. >> reporter: this video showing passengers on the tarmac shortly after the incident. firefighters finding the source of the smoke confirming it was a battery fire, which american airlines tells us came from a laptop in a passenger's bag. first responders appearing to
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place what may have been a laptop in a container of water. all right. the san francisco fire department says three people experienced some minor injuries while evacuating through the emergency slides. one of them did have to be taken to the hospital. guys? >> gio: yeah, really scary situation there. phil, thank you so much. time for the weather, and what a treat to have new york legend lee goldberg right here from our new york station wabc. >> legend? >> gio: yeah, 100%. >> whit: we're your hype guys today, lee. >> lee: i really appreciate that. i'm so excited to be here. this is really special. thanks for letting me visit and i'm glad we have the wardrobes. >> whit: exactly. >> lee: the weather wall here, so what we're looking at is something familiar. they're not taking the training wheels off of me yet. this is columbus circle where drenching downpours are in new york city right now, and there's a flood watch until 6:00. you can see the rainfall totals from the mid-atlantic all the way up to southern new jersey
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over the past 48 hours. two to five inches of rain, even seven inches northwest of wilmington. that dreaded stalled front tracks for tropical rains to ride along, and now it's the i-95 corridor, so from new york to boston. even i-84. hartford up to worcester is late morning. this is definitely a morning experience. it gets better during the afternoon hours. flood watches from baltimore to boston. more than 30 million people, that will expire later today, and the heat wastes no time coming back. it will be with us as we finish the weekend into early next week. that's the national view. >> lee: in our next weather
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we'll move on to the heat and some of the hottest temperatures of the season getting into the northeast. that means a lot. it's been stifling. >> rhiannon: and for those who don't know, lee actually did the 11:00 last night here on the local station and is up this morning. >> gio: right. two hours' sleep. two hours' sleep. >> lee: psyched to be here, and i feel awake. >> whit: excellent. love it. >> rhiannon: now to wimbledon and the women's singles championship today featuring two players who have never reached a wimbledon final before. it's exciting, and abc's ines de la cuetara is there and joins us live. good morning, ines. >> reporter: good morning, rhiannon. an unlikely women's final here at wimbledon with italian player jasmine paolini facing off against czech player barbora krejcikova. it will be a first-time win for either of them, so this will be an historic match no matter what happens, and, guys, there were so many twists and turns on the women's side this year. you had top players like iga swiatek and coco gauff both eliminated early on. jasmine paolini, she was a relatively unknown player until this year when she did well at the australian open and then
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reached the final at the french open. now, when it comes to the men's final, that is happening tomorrow. we know it will be a rematch. carlos alcaraz against novak djokovic with alcaraz winning against djokovic at wimbledon last year. lots of high-profile guests expected to attend including princess kate. she has been out of the public eye as she battles cancer but has attended every wimbledon since 2011, and the palace says she will be here at wimbledon tomorrow, and you can catch all of the action from the women's action on espn. >> rhiannon: going to be a big weekend. thank you so much, ines. a lot of people obviously will be watching the court, but kate middleton will obviously draw a lot of eyes as well. >> whit: i think so. >> rhiannon: coming up on "gma," the president under pressure. our political team on whether biden's nato news conference changed any opinions. >> whit: also, shark alerts up and down the east coast this weekend. what you need to know to stay safe at the beach. ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same.
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sierra. a man accused of shooting and killing his wife, in-laws and six year old child in their alameda home was arraigned yesterday. 54 year old shane killian is charged with multiple felonies. he's also accused of shooting his one year old, who remains in critical condition. a motive for the shooting is still unclear. at this point. to weather. now let's check in with lisa on conditions outside in this cooling trend. >> yeah, that's right. certainly underway. we had a good shot here a second ago. we have a heat advisory for the upper elevations. it's in the 50s and 60s, but low clouds, mid-level clouds to start out, still got a
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mild from concord to livermore, but today only in the low 90s. inland low 70s in oakland. >> lisa, thank you. and thank you all for joining us. the news continues right now with gma. ♪ jardiance! -it's a little pill with a ♪ ♪ big story to tell. ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's staaart. ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to seeee, ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction.
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>> global power is shifting. you're just a pawn. >> whit: welcome back to "gma" on this saturday morning. that's the new trailer for "captain america: brave new world." anthony mackie plays sam wilson taking up the mantle as captain america. the explosive marvel movie hits theaters in february of next year. >> rhiannon: i have the chills. >> whit: yeah. >> gio: such a good franchise. really good. >> rhiannon: now let's take a look at some of the other big stories we're following on this saturday morning. in colorado three presumptive cases of bird flu in humans. the three people are all workers at a poultry factory who came in contact with infected birds. the team from the cdc is on their way to colorado to assess the situation. there have been four confirmed human cases of bird flu in the u.s. this year. >> whit: at&t says hackers stole records of calls and texts from nearly all of its wireless customers back in april. that breach impacting 90 million accounts.
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the company says the data from 2022 included phone numbers. hackers did not access the content of calls or texts or any sensitive information, we're told. at&t says at least one person has been arrested. >> gio: and the spacex falcon 9 rocket has been grounded. the faa taking action after thursday's failed launch. the second stage of the rocket exploded in space as it attempted to launch a batch of starlink internet satellites to orbit there. the faa will decide when the rocket can return to flight once it determines what actually went wrong. >> rhiannon: and it is prime time for an mlb rookie sensation. pirates' right-hander paul skenes will be the starting pitcher at tuesday's all-star game. he had a sizzling start in the big leagues with 89 strikeouts in just 11 games. he is now the fifth rookie pitcher to start the all-star game, but he's the first in nearly 30 years, and i have to tell you, he is exciting to watch. >> whit: yes. >> gio: absolutely. all right, and we are going to
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start this half hour here with a closer look at president biden under pressure from those who say that he should abandon his run for president. joining us here are abc white house correspondent maryalice parks and npr white house correspondent and abc news contributor asma khalid. welcome to you both. good morning. okay, so, maryalice, let's start with you, because you cover the white house every day. the president doesn't seem to be making any big changes. >> there's no big change in strategy, and his team insisted they are staying the course. they say they still think he can win if they get him out there more, if they work closely with organizers, but i can tell you that's an answer that has been wholly unsatisfying to a lot of these members who are running themselves in tight races, and they say that voters just already think the damage has been done and think he is too old. it's also interesting to me to listen to even staff at the president's campaign who are worried that that that top brass is in denial about how bad the political situation really is. you know, one source who works with the party described it to me, he said he thought it was a campaign that is paralyzed. he said that these members of
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congress are not dumb. if -- they are waiting for numbers. they're waiting for data, and if the biden campaign had good data about how they would still pull it off, they would show it, and so far have not shown it to those members of congress, so that's why you've seen more defections. >> whit: asma, did the press conference do enough for anything really to ease concerns? >> i don't think it fundamentally changed the status quo. if you look at president biden and his team, they feel re-energized. he got a sort of boost of optimism. you saw him give that fiery speech in michigan yesterday. on the other hand, though, i don't think it actually alleviated any of the democratic angst in the party. you saw additional defections from lawmakers, members of congress. so, you know, the democratic party as a whole, i would say, is in this very awkward state of limbo at this moment where all this fixation is on biden though the party certainly -- some democratic voters and lawmakers want the preoccupation and
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the fixation to be on donald trump and his campaign, but right now it's all on biden. >> rhiannon: and, maryalice, you mentioned the numbers. the president himself has said the only way he would even consider stepping aside is if the polls showed he had no chance of winning. what do the latest numbers show? >> yeah, the biden campaign is pointing to polls like ours that show that since the debate, the numbers and that head-to-head matchup between biden and trump have not moved. still, within the margin of error, a virtual tie, and it's important to remember that we don't elect presidents with one national vote. through the electoral college process, it's those battleground states that matter so much, and that's where we've heard democratic operatives really worried. they are concerned about the polling that they are seeing in places like wisconsin. they are saying that some of these even more traditionally sort of safer blue states like minnesota and virginia, they are worried since the debate could now be more vulnerable and in play, and there is some clues, i think, some moments where we see that kind of anxiety we're hearing from democrats even in our own polls. when you get to the questions
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about excitement, in our own poll we saw only about a third of biden supporters said they strongly support him. others sort of reluctantly so, and that's where democrats are really worried that even some of his own supporters might just be like they can't be bothered to vote. >> gio: and that worry, asma, has a lot of people talking about vice president harris. you've interviewed her several times. it seems like all eyes are on her right now. >> that's right, and that's in particular because some lawmakers when they have suggested that they want joe biden to drop out, they will cite kamala harris, his vice president, as the potential candidate in waiting here. look, i think vice president harris has evolved in the role. there's no doubt about that. i've seen that myself in interviews even that i've done with her. she sort of struggled to find her footing, but i think after the supreme court's overturning of roe versus wade, she really came into her own and been the main messenger on abortion and reproductive rights, but she's in this awkward position as well right now where she's been out on the campaign trail trying to refocus the campaign on donald trump while also being one of the few people who can
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really be a key validator of biden in this moment telling people, i see him in the oval office, she says, i see what he's been able to be like, and that's what she's trying to do. you know, at the same time, the trump campaign republicans have taken no -- wasted no time in trying to focus on her. you heard donald trump this week talking about her giving her a nickname calling her laughin' kamala and mispronouncing her name. i can anticipate you'll probably see more of that. >> rhiannon: asma, maryalice, thank you both so much. time to get a check of the weather with our friend, lee goldberg. lee. >> lee: all right, rhiannon, let's pivot to the heat and wildfires. this is the lake fire. it's in santa barbara county. they're reinforcing contingency lines, but 38,000 acres have been burned, and it's only 19% contained. they're getting no help from the weather with the long duration heat wave. you know, actually, las vegas, a relative cooldown, they've been over 115 for more than a week, but overall that heat is expanding from the west all the way to the plains, and then it's right into the northeast. now that beryl's remnants are
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out of the way and we move the tropical rains offshore, we've got triple-digit feel-like readings all the way from raleigh, d.c., up to boston. this is going to be a fierce four days of heat that could feel like 100 to 110. make sure you pace yourself. the good news is, we look to maybe thursday or friday of the upcoming week, a nice front will >> lee: we have to remember no midday runs this week. this will be hotter than recent heat waves. >> whit: i just needed an excuse to be lazy. so, thank you for that. today's not a workout day. >> gio: get those steps in. all right. thank you, lee. coming up on "good morning america," shark sightings at america's beaches. what to know before you hit the
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>> whit: welcome back to "gma" >> whit: welcome back to "gma" and as millions of americans seek relief from the heat at the nation's beaches, shark
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sightings are being reported from coast to coast. abc's ike ejiochi is at one of those locations in rockaway beach. ike, good morning to you. >> reporter: yeah, good morning, whit. this stretch of beach right behind me in queens is where officials say they spotted a shark they nicknamed jaws, and now authorities are expanding their surveillance capabilities all throughout the city. this morning, shark sightings rattling swimmers coast to coast. >> wow. >> reporter: the fear of shark encounters making its way to new york city after three shark sightings, including this one, temporarily closed parts of rockaway beach. in florida, this 14-year-old telling us a shark bit his right leg while swimming through waves. >> i dove right on top of a shark, and it spun around, and it was like stuck in between my legs. >> reporter: officials say dempsey likely encountered a three to four-foot-long shark. >> it was bite and release and more or less a surprise for the shark.
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the boy actually ran across him. the shark reacted. >> reporter: last week in hawaii this video showing a group of sharks in a frenzy. >> wow. be careful. >> reporter: this hawaii resident capturing this video. >> my husband just yelled, shark, and so i turned my head and i could see right by the shoreline like a huge dorsal fin. >> reporter: in massachusetts the sharktivity app which helps beachgoers avoid areas where there might be sharks showing sightings throughout cape cod. one 100 feet off shore and they urged swimmers not to fish near fishermen whose bait could easily attract sharks. >> see that shark? >> reporter: like in this scene in georgia last week, beachgoers fleeing this shark, those fishing poles hanging just nearby. now, new york governor kathy hochul has announced the renewal of added surveillance capabilities this summer, which will include drones all throughout long island. now, she's asking new yorkers to
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follow safety protocols, and always listen to authorities. guys? >> rhiannon: good advice. that's why i love to look at the ocean, not to go in it. thank you, ike. coming up on "good morning america," the deli owner who is getting high marks for inspiring kids in his community. it's a story you don't want to miss right here on "gma." " the getting high marks for inspiring kids in his community. it's a story you don't want to miss right here on "gma." arget circle week. sorry, it's what week? target circle week! what did she say? i think she said— circle. not following... what week? circle week! she's saying circle week. it's the biggest sale of the season! oh great! does that mean more savings or something? you bet your bottom derler! your bottom what? (vo) wake up with delicious o's... ...and the taste of real honey for big smiles... ...little smiles... ...and good for the whole family smiles
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>> rhiannon: we are back on >> rhiannon: we are back on "gma" with how a store owner is inspiring kids in his community to excel in school who are hungry to do better. >> i made the honor roll. >> reporter: meet 12-year-old zameir davis from new york city. no way. you did it? >> reporter: this spirited seventh grader spent the last few months proving he could make
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the honor roll at his middle school telling his neighbor and deli owner, wail, he was going to do it. >> he came and showed me his grades the first time, and then i'm, like, you know what, let me see if he's going to keep going and i just want to encourage him. >> reporter: wail encouraging zameir and others to reach their potential. >> a lot of kids get honor roll, and i was like, i want to get honor roll, but then i get merit roll, and i'm like, i don't want merit roll, i want honor roll, so i kept trying and trying. >> reporter: and after months of trying, zameir delivering on his promise. >> look. i told you i would get honor roll. >> no way. you did it? >> yeah. >> no way. let me see, man. >> reporter: running back into wail's store to give him the good news, zameir getting a 90% average in his last semester and making the honor roll. his prize? >> go grab whatever you want. >> all right. i want you to mix this into an oreo milkshake. >> reporter: getting whatever he
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wanted in the store, zameir stocked up on an oreo milkshake, doritos and -- >> one more thing. >> okay. >> a bacon egg and cheese. >> i got you. >> reporter: zamier's father grateful telling his son, the sky's the limit. >> i'm proud of my son. this is just the beginning. you can reach the top if he put his mind to it. get going harder. he's going to be my doctor or my lawyer someday. >> rhiannon: that's right. bravo to zameir and that deli owner, as well. it takes a village, and we need more adults stepping up. >> gio: we really do. >> rhiannon: inspire our kids. >> whit: i love the kid too. he kept going back for me. one more thing. bacon, egg, and cheese, throw that in there too. >> gio: a great uplifting story. on this saturday. all right. we'll be right back here with our "play of the day." stick around. here with our "play of the day." stick around. ♪ big story to tell. ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's staaart. ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to seeee, ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪
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♪ >> gio: all right, and we are back now with our "play of the day" and the difference between cats and dogs. so, take a look at this video right here, because we've
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got these two pups. they're really trying to engage with the family cat here. anna says her dogs merlin and rollo pulled out all the stops to try to get jasper with them. one dog rolled around in front of the cat. did all sorts of shimmies. nothing seems to be working. >> whit: the cat is just like, what are you doing? >> gio: what are you doing? like, and then look what he's doing. then the other one is trying to go back and forth zooming by, back and forth, but, you know, jasmine is just like, eh, you know, just blase about it all, and it's apparently going to take a lot more to impress this cool cat. >> rhiannon: nothing impresses cats, nothing. >> gio: nothing impresses cats. >> whit: that's like me trying to impress my kids with dad jokes, and they're just like, nope. >> gio: same with us. >> rhiannon: your mickey mouse impression. >> gio: coming up on "gma" in our second hour, alec baldwin's emotional reaction in court when a judge dismissed the charges in his involuntary manslaughter trial. >> whit: and our "gma" cover story, looking at vacation time.
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the best way to ask your boss for time off from work. >> rhiannon: and then it's "deals & steals," the products to keep you cool and comfortable this summer. m work. >> rhiannon: it's "deals & steals," the products to keep you cool and comfortable this summer.
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sierra. fremont police are trying to find a missing three year old girl whose father died. and he was found here in san francisco. authorities say ellie lorenzo was last seen yesterday at 6 p.m. with her father in fremont. he was supposed to return her to her mother. you can see her picture here. she's three feet, six inches tall and weighs about 45 pounds. anyone with information on ellie's whereabouts is asked to call fremont police. panic aboard an american airlines flight after a fire started in the plane's cabin yesterday. the plane was at san francisco international airport when the fire started.
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passengers were forced to evacuate using slides and the jet bridge. the fire was caused by a laptop battery inside a passenger's bag, according to the federal aviation administration. fires from lithium batteries on planes have increased by 43% over the past five years. to weather. now let's check in with lisa. cooler days ahead. yes. >> our strengthening marine layer out there. but we still have an advisory for the upper elevations of the hills of the north, the east bay and even the south bay, where temperatures will be in the 90s once again. but that's about two 3000ft right now from mount tam to mount diablo. we're in the mid 80s and ben lomond is near 80 degrees. you can see the marine layer though it continues to build mid 50s at the coast, 60s along the bay shore. and you notice that 70 in livermore it is 63 in concord with temperatures continuing to come down today compared to yesterday, anywhere from six to about ten degrees cooler, that delta breeze getting going. the air quality will improve, but we
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are still looking at some haze out there. partly cloudy, 60s downtown, low 90s inland. >> lisa, thank you and thank you all for joining us. gma is next ♪ do what you want ♪ get into an audi and go your own way. find your way to exceptional offers during the summer of audi sales event at you local audi dealer.
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♪ hey, come on, come on ♪ ♪ do what you want ♪ get into an audi and go your own way. find your way to exceptional offers during the summer of audi sales event at you local audi dealer. >> whit: good morning, america. it's our second hour. case dismissed. the stunning end to alec baldwin's involuntary manslaughter trial.


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