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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  July 13, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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♪ hey, come on, come on ♪ ♪ do what you want ♪ get into an audi and go your own way. find your way to exceptional offers during the summer of audi sales event at you local audi dealer. >> whit: good morning, america. it's our second hour. case dismissed. the stunning end to alec baldwin's involuntary manslaughter trial.
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>> your motion to dismiss with prejudice is granted. >> whit: why the judge ruled in baldwin's favor and how the prosecutor wound up on the witness stand. all the details in the trial's emotional end. >> rhiannon: vacation hesitation. how you can advocate for yourself this summer. when and how much time is appropriate to take off. plus, tips on how to fully disconnect and refresh while you're away. >> gio: pack like a pro from the beach to summer camp. tricks to packing and utilizing space for any summer adventure. >> rhiannon: and with record high temperatures from coast to coast, we're bringing you hairstyling tips to help you beat the heat with celebrity hairstylist andrew fitzsimons. the simple tricks to keep you looking and feeling cool. ♪ you give me the shivers ♪ >> gio: swimming with sharks. >> that's a 20-footer. >> 25. three tons on him.
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>> gio: we're diving into the deep end this morning, learning about these massive creatures. why education helps against extinction and the biggest misconceptions about the apex predator as we say, good morning, america. ♪ >> gio: oh, and we do say good morning, america, and there's a reason we're playing this song because a group of sharks, did you know they're called shiver? >> whit: oh, okay. there you go. a little ed sheeran getting in on the mix. >> gio: absolutely. we're excited to be with the florida aquarium in tampa this morning. >> rhiannon: we're also breaking down the major at&t data breach. what to know if you were impacted. >> whit: first a courtroom bombshell in the alec baldwin trial. the involuntary manslaughter case against the actor gets dismissed with prejudice. the case now permanently dropped. abc correspondent jaclyn lee joins us. she was in the courtroom in santa fe, new mexico, and has the latest.
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jaclyn, good morning. >> reporter: whit, good morning to you. you could feel the tension in the courtroom as the case started to unravel. alec baldwin remaining a free man who cannot be tried again. this morning, a dramatic hollywood ending in actor alec baldwin's criminal trial. >> your motion to dismiss with prejudice is granted. >> reporter: after the judge ruled that the charges of involuntary manslaughter in the case be dismissed with prejudice. baldwin crying, hugging his wife hilaria. the judge ruling prosecutors withheld key evidence from baldwin's defense team. >> they buried it. they put it under a different case with a different number. >> reporter: that evidence, an envelope of ammunition turned in to investigators earlier this year allegedly from the same batch that killed "rust" cinematographer halyna hutchins. prosecutors pushing back arguing those rounds did not match the bullets on set. the judge sending the jury home while attorneys heard testimony from the lead detective on the case.
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>> when you say that there were discussions and the decision was made by all of you to put that ammo in a separate file, right? is that correct, you said that? >> yes, ma'am. >> was ms. morrissey part of that discussion? >> yes. >> thank you. >> reporter: the lead prosecutor kari morrissey then taking the stand as her own witness telling the judge she thought the ammunition would be turned over. >> i was not aware at that point in time that a doc report would not have the same case number. >> reporter: but outside of court telling a different story. >> do you regret not turning over the ammunition? >> well, i didn't know that the ammunition that became the subject of today's hearing existed. >> reporter: pressing her further. you said you didn't know the evidence existed until today. can you clarify that? >> you heard my testimony. >> reporter: as for the convicted armorer hannah
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gutierrez, her attorney says they will file a similar motion as they appeal her case. gio? >> gio: just an unbelievable development there. all right, jaclyn, thank you so much. and president biden remaining defiant as calls grow from his own party to step aside. biden back on the campaign trail this weekend aiming to restore the faith in his party after a shaky performance in last month's debate. the president speaking before a crowd in the battleground state of michigan yesterday saying he's the best person to beat donald trump. rhiannon? >> rhiannon: in california the wind-fueled lake fire explodes to 38,000 acres. fire crews are racing to get these massive flames under control. so far it is only 19% contained. california's also reporting its first wildfire tragedy of the season as a body was found in a home that burned on monday in the mina fire in mendocino county. >> whit: turning now to that
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massive at&t data breach that exposed the records of nearly all of its wireless customers. abc's alexis christoforous is here now with the details and what you can do if you're impacted by this. alexis, good morning. >> good morning, whit. at&t says it learned of an illegal download of data in april and immediately began an investigation. what it found is that hackers stole records of calls and texts from nearly all of at&t's 90 million wireless customers from may through october of 2022. also impacted, the customers of wireless providers that use its network as well as landline customers who interacted with those affected cell numbers. now, at&t says the stolen data includes phone numbers, but not the content of those calls and texts or information such as social security numbers or names. even so at&t does acknowledge online tools can find the name associated with a specific telephone number. now, so far the company says there's no evidence the data has been made public. at&t says it is working with law enforcement and that at least one person has been arrested. the justice department is also investigating. in a statement at&t says we
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sincerely regret this incident occurred and remain committed to protecting the information in our care. so, how do you know if you're impacted? at&t says it will notify affected customers by text, email or regular mail. it's not providing identity theft protection at this time, but it is warning customers to beware of emails or texts requesting personal information and says never click on a link in an unsolicited email or text. guys? >> whit: important information. alexis, thank you so much. coming up in our "gma morning menu," we turn to the experts for advice on how to better advocate for ourselves in the workplace, especially when it comes to taking time off. >> rhiannon: also ahead, someone much braver than the three of us is swimming with sharks live at the florida aquarium. >> gio: i'd do it. and tory johnson is here with sizzling "deals & steals" to make sure you're all comfortable this summer. we'll be right back. we'll be right back. you're watching "gma."
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>> whit: we are back with our "gma" cover story. vacation hesitation. with summer in full swing for some, asking for time off can be difficult, especially when starting a new job. so, joining us to help navigate this is leadership development expert and author of "show your ask!" joyel crawford. joyel, good morning to you. great to have you. >> good morning. so good to be here. >> whit: yes, we were just talking about this. i think no matter where you are, your comfort level in your position, a lot of people feel this anxiety to ask for the time off. where does that anxiety come from? >> it comes from a lot of different things. personally i get work fomo, oh, my gosh, everything is going on and my emails are racking up like the national deficit. it could be what's going on in the organization. there could be pending layoffs
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or people got promoted and you feel this overwhelming guilt for leaving people like high and dry in the office. or it could just be that, you know, there's this hustle culture that we kind of get really entrenched in and we want to make sure that we are seen as strong and not weak, because, you know, we're taking time off and it's like a badge of honor to have all this extra vacation time instead of taking time off for yourself. >> rhiannon: it does feel like a bit of a badge of honor. i definitely get work fomo too, like something big happens when i'm gone. >> always. >> rhiannon: a lot of people have had bosses that make it a little awkward or hard to ask. how can we advocate for ourselves and get that time off? >> i think the first thing is to make sure that you are giving enough notice, you know, that you're requesting the time in advance. two to four weeks is expected. the more time you give them, the better. also, be proactive. make sure that you're answering the questions that are asked, that they're going to ask. are you going to get your job
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done? will you delegate to somebody that will really give them peace of mind while you're out of the office? so, it's really important to do that. but always enter into any conversation and set that intention of collaboration and support. it's got to be a win-win. if i take time off, i'm going to be more productive and you, as a business, you're going to be making more money and everybody wins. so you've got to set yourself up for that. >> whit: what about the other side of the coin from the boss' perspective? what tips do you have for an employer in terms of how they could create a work environment in which people feel comfortable asking for the things that they actually deserve like vacation? >> well, it starts with setting that -- fostering that communication, having one-on-ones, regular communication, getting to know who your employees are and then walking the talk. you cannot be that type of boss that is checking their emails while they're on vacation, calling all the time. you need to also, you know, walk the talk. if you're going to take time off, take that time off, and
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also be respectful. you know, it's really important to foster an environment that really shows respect for the time off that you're taking. >> rhiannon: and we're running out of time, but quickly, is it okay to check your email when you finally get that time off? it's hard not to. >> whit: i do. i am so guilty of that. >> here's my big pro tip. take the app off your phone. take it off. >> rhiannon: ooh. >> delete it off your phone. >> whit: that's a big step. >> rhiannon: it's a big deal. >> delete the app off your phone. it will deter you from checking and, like, overchecking. take the sim card off your phone. turn the wi-fi off so you're not tempted. just do your best and rest and restoration, that is the key thing. >> rhiannon: i can see it now, whit has notifications. >> whit: everybody gets the alert. you're pushing us to a new level and we appreciate that. joyel, thank you so much for your time this morning. >> you're very welcome. thank you. >> whit: all right. let's send it over to gio. >> gio: all right, guys. a great conversation there.
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now to summer saturdays helping you make the most out of your summer and whether you are gearing up to head to the beach, camp, or even vacation, lisa adams, the founder of l.a. closet design is here to help us pack like a pro. hey, lisa. welcome. >> thank you. >> gio: you flew all the way from l.a. and brought us all this stuff. we'll start here. i hope you packed well and i know you did. we'll start here with, you know, if you're just wanting to have some fun out there at the beach. >> yeah, so, you know, i like to start with the heavy items first. so we've got the snack bag, pretty heavy, put it in the bag first, water bottle, what i like about this, it also -- you can freeze it. it acts as an ice pack. >> gio: a great idea. that's awesome. >> then your clothes. i like to pack the ziploc bags, have it handy for wet items change of clothes goes in as well. i like multi-functional items and things that can act duly. so this is a towel but also a cover-up. it can also be your spa robe. >> gio: yeah, yeah. >> i like to roll so whatever you're going to wear that day, just sort of roll it in there. >> gio: boom, boom. >> start with the heaviest and
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work your way to the lightest which are ultimately the essentials. your phone, i like this waterproof case so they don't get damaged. first aid kit and a visor. this is great. it folds up. as you can see from the bag -- >> gio: put it on the outside. boom, easy. from the beach we'll go to camp now getting the kids ready. how should we help them pack here? >> with the kids i like to find a bag that they'll use that's durable, it's waterproof. this is a backpack but also acts as a shoulder back. >> gio: oh, okay. there you go. you're doing the combo stuff you love. >> combo, right? and then we've got the airtag so this is i feel like essential for kids so they don't lose their bags. it's in a waterproof case. >> gio: essential for me too. >> everyone needs it. so that goes in and then these pouches. so, you've got the school supply bags. i feel like every family probably has dozens of these but use these as your packables. you can put your school supplies, art supplies, change
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of clothes, i mean, just all, you know, everything -- >> gio: all in here and, of course, you have your snacks and all of that. >> snacks and sunscreen. >> gio: okay, perfect. so now let's go on vacation. we're going somewhere and this is for your carry-on. >> yeah, so, again, the bag, so dual. it has wheel. it rolls while you're carrying it, but also it can -- once you're at your destination you can use it as a shoulder bag. >> gio: oh, okay. that's great. >> then here, we've got packing cubes. >> gio: you love packing cubes. >> i do love packing cubes. i feel like every family has them. they don't know what to do with them. gather them up and put them in your bag so they're already in there and what i like to do is roll, not fold. just because it saves space and reduces wrinkles. >> gio: really? okay, all right. >> so here we can roll and then it goes into the packing cubes. i also like this. you know, it's a luggage tag,
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but it also has your information and your airtag so bags don't go missing. >> gio: what is this? >> a flat water bottle. >> gio: a flat water bottle. i've never seen that. >> fill it up but when you get to your destination, you can fit it in a pocket, it can fit flat. >> gio: i need that. thank you so much, lisa. you're so great. appreciate it. now a time for another check of the weather. lee goldberg from our new york station wabc is right here. hey, lee. >> lee: that's perfect, gio. yeah. we're headed to the beach and want the rain to move out and get back to lovely luna park, one cyclone moves out and we get to ride the cyclone this afternoon. that will be great. i'm thinking crinkle cut fries at nathan's. the rip current risk is elevated because of the bermuda high. especially on south-facing shores, lower in the gulf. that's where we have the bath water. it feels like we're in the upper 80s to around 90 degrees and, of course, the air temperature warmer than that, but 70s have made it all the way up to coney island. tory let me take these for a test drive. they're fantastic. i don't know that she's getting them b
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♪ >> whit: by the way, i love that lee goldberg is wearing the sliders from our "deals & steals" segment coming up. we'll show you that, more on that in just a moment. but for "deals & steals," this segment, we are talking about summer comfort products that you can save on. we got all the essentials. tory is here to walk us through it. >> yes. >> whit: literally walk through it. >> this is gelpro. seriously like luxurious cloud-like comfort in every step.
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you would use this specifically at home in areas where standing is going to hurt your back and this is going to help with that fatigue that often comes from standing on hard surfaces. >> whit: like the kitchen where you're washing dishes and all that. >> yes, a work space. if you have a standing desk, if you are in the laundry area and you see how thick this is. >> whit: wow. >> their special gel-like technology that will help to alleviate all the sort of discomfort associated with fatigue that comes from those hard surfaces. we've got three different sizes, big variety of styles that you'll find online. these are all slashed in half from gelpro starting at $65, always a winner. >> whit: excellent. what do we have here? >> peachskinsheets fresh off being named a good housekeeping best bedding award winner. these are fabulous because they keep chilly sleepers cool, hot sleepers cool. everyone just feels very -- >> whit: something for everyone.
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>> -- comfortable when they sleep in peachskin. gio is staring. he's looking at something over there. >> whit: yeah. >> 32 colors which is one of the best benefits of this brand. they get softer with every wash. they're already you can feel that finish feels soft and have their duvet covers, oversized comforters. i think changing the bedding just kind of upgrades the whole bedroom so you not only get the sleep benefit but visual benefit as well. all slashed in half, 50% off. >> whit: excellent. >> travel in comfort with discover night. >> whit: and style. >> exactly. the oversized eye mask. this one is in silk and the satin neck pillow for travel which is great. this has this nice memory foam here. feel if you're going to travel with that, it's got that great memory foam. we also have their silk scrunchies. you're good to go. all slashed in half. they start at $20. >> whit: love it. i'm in. >> arnica, one of the centuries old remedies for helping with relieving aches and pains, this is arnicare. arnica is the active ingredient
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that's in this. so if you have sore muscles, aches -- >> whit: i got a bad knee. >> tired feet. people use it on their knees. one of the best things about it, nongreasy, fragrance-free and won't smell like the medicine cabinet if you put it on your knee. give it a try today. >> whit: nothing like walking around the house with a fresh layer of tiger balm. nobody likes that. >> $10. all right, underoutfit. this is a "gma" favorite for undergarments. one of their best-selling products is this one right here. it's the seamless wire-free bra for both support and comfort. great because there's no underwire but you get the full support. we also have from them leggings, shaping shorts, their shaping tank. this one is a winner. everything from underoutfit slashed in half today, starts at $16. >> whit: excellent. >> then the lee goldberg favorite. first of all, i'm so impressed lee is here on a saturday. i thought he only joins us on days of the week with david muir
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but we must have paid extra to get lee these are freewaters. they have lee's seal of approval. what is fabulous about these, they've got what they call their cloud nine proprietary foam blend that gives that little extra bounce in the rebound so they feel really comfortable. that's a unisex style you're looking at right there. we've got a big assortment for men and women. everything about this line is really designed for extraordinary comfort. they also have some really great benefits. there are styles that float, that are water friendly. but if you need a new pair of shoes to take you now through, quite frankly, depending on where you live or travel year round comfort from freewaters. all slashed in half and start at $25. >> whit: perfect. hopefully there's some left after lee hits the internet and our website. thank you, tory, as always. we partnered with all these companies. you can find each deal on our website, coming up, we are live at the florida aquarium which is celebrating sharks all week
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long. we'll be right back. what do you mean the connecting rooms were not confirmed? exactly, not confirmed. we need to be able to see our kids. oh, you'll be able to see them. when you want your kids in a room that's actually connecting... matters where you stay.
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(vo) what does it mean to be rich? maybe rich is less about reaching a magic number... and more about discovering magic. looking for a reason to try the new $5 meal deal at mcdonalds? here's one, two, three, four and the price makes 5. that's everything you get with the new $5 meal deal at mcdonald's. it's target circle week. with the neah?5 meal deal -what? what week? -circle. she's saying circle week. it's the biggest sale of the season! oh great! does that mean more savings or something? you bet your bottom derler! your bottom what?
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[thinking] why always the couch? does he need to go to puppy school? get his little puppy diploma? how much have i been spending on this little guy? when your questions about life
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turn into questions about money... there's erica. the virtual financial assistant to help you spend, save, and plan smarter. only from bank of america. what was that? and pnothing.ter. ahh! gorilla super glue. brush for edge to edge coverage, and nozzle for precise application. all in one. for the toughest jobs on planet earth introducing togo's new barbecue beef sandwich. it's piled high with tender beef that's slow cooked and smothered in tangy memphis style barbecue sauce. it's no fuss, no muss. just tons of flavor. the best barbecue beef is only a togo's. try one today.
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sierra. a man accused of shooting and killing his wife, in-laws and six year old and his alameda home was arraigned yesterday. 54 year old shane killian is charged with multiple felonies. he's also accused of shooting his one year old child, who remains in critical condition. a motive for the shooting is still unclear. to weather. now, let's check in with lisa. how are things outside? >> well, we have a lot of fog
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out there. you can see that behind you. it's dense at the coast and we've got mid 50s there. the city is in the mid 50s. san jose ten degrees milder. and we're looking at that marine layer and some extra cloud cover today for 60s at the coast seconds inland. >> lisa girls playing in compton.
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this is not normally how that n. story goes. >> rhiannon: back now on "gma," that is the trailer for the new espn+ original docu-series "in the arena: serena williams." the eight-episode series premiered the first two episodes this week. it gives an unprecedented look at the now retired tennis star, her life and career. >> gio: serena and her sister venus dominated the game for more than 20 years so "in the arena serena williams" is now streaming on espn+. >> rhiannon: she was also fantastic on the espys. >> whit: absolutely. that will be a great one to check out. we do start with the headlines we're following right now and the sweltering conditions gripping the nation as the east coast braces for life-threatening heat, triple-digit temperatures are already baking california through colorado. part of that heat dome expected to bring a new heat wave to the east coast in the coming days. meanwhile, texas still facing the aftermath of hurricane beryl. 1 million customers remain without power across the state. >> rhiannon: and rudy giuliani
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has lost his bid for bankruptcy protection. a federal judge threw out the case citing giuliani's repeated failure to be transparent about his finances. the former new york mayor and lawyer for donald trump filed for bankruptcy after two georgia election workers won a $148 million defamation case against him. ruby freeman and her daughter shaye moss may now go after giuliani's properties and other assets directly. >> gio: nasa celebrating the second anniversary of the james webb telescope with the stunning image you see that shows two galaxies 326 million light-years from earth. they are being called the penguin and the egg. the celestial clusters appear intertwined in what nasa describes as a cosmic hug. how amazing is that. >> rhiannon: incredible. >> whit: love seeing those images. we are back now with our zooming with zoo series featuring different animals all summer long. this week we're celebrating sharks. did you know there are more than 530 different types of sharks,
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with new species being discovered every year? >> 20-foot. >> 25, three tons on him. >> reporter: they're the species often misunderstood with an entire week dedicated to them and one of the most iconic theme songs. ♪ ♪ but the florida aquarium wants you to know not all sharks are as dangerous as they are portrayed in hollywood. >> fish are friends, not food. >> reporter: some sharks are safe enough to swim with in their interactive seatrek program that they offer to visitors. with fossil records dating back more than 400 million years and up to 15 rows of teeth, sharks are extremely important in our ecosystem and help balance food webs and help keep reefs and beaches healthy. no wonder they're so prevalent in pop culture. ♪ baby shark ♪ ♪ doo doo doo doo ♪ >> reporter: so this week the florida aquarium is taking fear
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and turning it into fascination. >> rhiannon: look at that. >> whit: i love that. what do you think? do you think you could go swim with the sharks? >> rhiannon: i could not. you said you can. >> gio: if i know for sure it's safe. >> rhiannon: is it ever really safe? >> gio: i don't know. >> whit: the florida aquarium has it all taken care of for you. they make it simple and easy and safe for everybody. our big thanks to them for helping out with this story. coming up here, author of "gma" july's book club pick is here to talk about her book, "the love of my afterlife." >> gio: if the title alone doesn't hook you, stick around, folks. we'll be right back. better, what isn't better? can breathe this is better. this is better. that's better. and that. even this. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. it works with your asthma medicine to help improve lung function. that's pretty good! dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems.
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ensure, nutrition for strength and energy.
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>> gio: all right. welcome back to "gma." you know it's the season for beach reads and rom-coms and this month's "gma" book club pick, you're just going to love it. it's called "the love of my afterlife." it's right on time and so is it its author kristy greenwood. welcome to "gma." >> thank you for having me. >> gio: absolutely. so, first of all, i told you already i started reading this book. it is so, so, so funny and the premise is so creative and i know a lot of readers, they're already connecting with it. so we had this reading rhythms party this past week here in manhattan. we got video here. people gather.
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they read socially and people absolutely loved it there. what's it been like for you to get all of this love for this book? >> it's been -- it's been bonkers and lovely. i wrote this book with no expectation beyond, i guess, cheering myself up and appealing to the small but loyal group of readers i did have at that time. so to now be getting this response is a dream. it's given me so much confidence actually. >> gio: and you didn't even have to die for it. >> no. no visiting the afterlife. >> gio: your main character not typically the type of lead we see in rom-coms, probably, you know, because of the fact she's dead and that's not a spoiler here. >> no, first page. >> gio: but she's very familiar to you. why? >> yeah. i identify as an introvert. i like to be indoors with a weighted blanket and my book and i was in therapy a couple of years ago and my therapist said, you have to get out of this cocoon. you have to try to meet people and socialize and i thought that
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would be a really hard thing to do in london because there's all this -- rumors about the big city being, you know, kind of -- no one wants to talk to each other and everyone keeps to themselves. but actually people were really receptive to my friendship advances. and having socialized it made me feel so joyful, and i started thinking about how somebody who was even more introverted than i was would deal with that kind of thing and how they could start to connect with other humans. and i came up with the idea of delphie having this life or death situation where she has to make friends and find her soulmate to save her own life. >> gio: so fantastic. when i read the premise alone, that's brilliant. i asked you where the idea came from and that's a silly question because this great idea just
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comes to you, right? >> it's a mix of different ideas that kind of melted together in my head and then i was like, ooh, i really want to write that one. >> gio: as you know we partner with little free library to get the copies of our "gma" book club picks to readers all across the u.s. one of our stewards justin farley has a question for you. so, listen up. >> great. >> as a middle school teacher i was wondering what advice you would give aspiring readers and writers at the middle school level and as a middle schooler yourself what was your favorite book or books? >> okay. so, i would say to middle school writers, don't fret or worry too much about whether your spelling or punctuation is perfect. because, when you're writing fiction, what's most important is how big your imagination is. the magical thing about writing is that you can make up anything you want and no one gets to tell you you can't until you get a publishing deal and an editor will tell you what you can do. these guys are young. they've got time.
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so i would say just think as far reaching as you can, invent anything you want and have, like treat it as play time and just have fun, i guess. >> gio: and play time because you don't necessarily have to have all of it figured out. you wrote this book with just sort of rough ideas. >> yeah. >> gio: you discovered it as you just wrote. you didn't know what was happening? >> i did not know. i wanted to write and i like to write as if i'm a reader. so i like to get my character into a real pickle and then be like, how on earth am i going to get her out of this? i find that fun and i hope that is put into the reading experience, that it is full of surprises, because i was surprised by some of the things that happened. >> gio: you are such a pleasure. >> thank you. >> gio: kristy greenwood, thank you so much and the book is called "the love of my afterlife" and it is available right now. thank you so much. time for another check of the weather. lee, who is very much alive. hey, lee. >> lee: but a little nudge to socialize, i could use that. a book on the beach when it clears out in seaside height, sure. right now it's still pouring, two to three inches over the
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past 24 hours because of a stalled front along the coast and a train of tropical moisture. that will nudge offshore and a nice trend that maybe boston gets spared the worst and start to see the flood watches drop. we'll watch it through the afternoon hours. right now philly through boston, one to two-inch rainfall rates in the heaviest downpours. i know you want the rain to go. be careful what you wish for, we got the heat coming in. it's a heat wave brewing. it will go four days sunday through wednesday then finally get relief but until then it feels like 100 to 110 degrees. that's the national view. >> whit: and now to one of the most anticipated movies, "deadpool" and "wolverine" hits theaters in two weeks and we
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have maggie rulli who talked with the stars, ryan reynolds and hugh jackman. >> reporter: the hottest movie of the summer. >> i don't know how to save the world but you do. >> reporter: "deadpool & wolverine" is just around the corner. >> you are an x-man. you are the x-man. ♪ it feels like home ♪ >> reporter: we caught up with the superheroes in real life, ryan reynolds and hugh jackman in london on the movie's international tour. friends off screen for 20 years, the duo reuniting for this action blockbuster after jackman thought his days of wolverine were over. >> i was really sure i was done. it was three days after announcing logan would be my last time playing it, i watched "deadpool 1" and remember going, oops. >> i remember doing the same thing. >> come on. >> cleanup on aisle hugh. >> you've been spending a lot of time together on this world grand press tour. i'm curious, has it made your love grow stronger, or are you ready for a break? >> not once. we even sat on a flight home
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after literally being awake for 26 hours and gabbing the whole time like a couple of -- i don't know what. >> honestly, all jokes aside, it's a dream job. >> you said there is only one wolverine. so, what is it about this man, about hugh, that makes him the wolverine? >> hugh, there's a humanity to everything hugh does, and i think audiences sense that. the same thing you see when you watch cary grant or jimmy stewart. it comes through, and you can't shake it off. >> oh, my gosh. that is a lot of love. >> but it is true. >> reporter: director shawn levy who co-wrote with reynolds. >> my god, ryan reynolds and hugh jackman. it's ryan reynolds and hugh jackman. >> they're right there. >> they're so close. >> reporter: also feeling the bromance. >> it's ultimately a movie about friendship, and it was made by friends. so what was happening off screen found its way onscreen. >> it's hilarious. it's irreverent. it's also about friendship.
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>> reporter: a movie about friends -- >> hi, peanut. i need you to come with me right now. >> reporter: -- who also like to poke fun at each other. >> you might want to put your mask on it. >> it's super hard to eat. >> it's super hard not to. >> whit: rhiannon, you're interviewing both of them. >> rhiannon: i'm seeing the movie. i got a sneak peek. >> whit: andrew fitzsimons is here to help us beat the heat with humid-proof hairstyles. ste. this is steve's stomach, where voquezna can kick some acid, heal acid-related damage to the esophagus called erosive esophagitis, and relieve related heartburn. voquezna is the first and only fda-approved treatment of its kind. 93% of adults were healed by two months. of those healed, 79% stayed healed. and voquezna i got a sneak peek. days and nights. other serious stomach conditions may still exist. don't take if allergic to voquezna or while on products with rilpivirine.
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♪ >> rhiannon: welcome back to "gma." temperatures are soaring around the country and this morning we are helping you beat the heat with some hairstyles to keep you looking and feeling cool. we have celebrity hairstylist andrew fitzsimons here to show us how it's done. welcome to "gma." >> thank you so much. >> rhiannon: okay, so you have worked with everyone from madonna to the kardashians, j.lo. >> yes. >> rhiannon: are these tips going to make my hair look like
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j.lo? >> guaranteed. >> rhiannon: i love that. so what are some basic tips to beat the humidity? a lot of people's hair goes like this or like this in humidity. >> it feels like sometimes in summer our hair has its own personality type. but what i have come to learn is not a lot of people use leave-in conditioner on their hair. i think it's because when people hear the words leave-in conditioner, they imagine this heavy feeling like they didn't rinse out their conditioner properly. our faces need moisturizer and our hair needs the same type of protection. key protection for styling and for some people frizz protection. so there's a lot of really lightweight options out there that you won't even notice in your hair so give it a try. >> rhiannon: let's start. we have our wonderful "gma" staff to show off hairstyles you have done. candace first with the ponytail. that will definitely keep you cool. >> absolutely. i love a ponytail, especially in summer. i think there's no hairstyle that is more chic but also works so well in the summer to take your hair off of your neck and
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keep it off your face. a ponytail is a great option for that to still have a little bit of hair so it's not just a bun. and the great thing about this is that you don't need heat to create this look. you can just basically put your hair into a ponytail or a little braid and it's heat-freestyling which is always great. okay, so -- >> rhiannon: you'll add this to give it a little -- >> this is our ponytail which you can style off your head which is really amazing and just basically -- >> rhiannon: you clip it in? >> yeah, there's like a little comb. so you put it into the hair and then it's pretty secure. you wrap it around and this is like the best quality human hair so you can heat style it. you can curl it. wave it. you can straighten it. >> rhiannon: that's beautiful. >> you basically wrap around the hair and there's a little piece that wraps around that hides the ponytail and it takes like 20 seconds. you can put a little pin in it to hide the ends.
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>> rhiannon: there you go. you're all done. let's move on to angelica whose hair looks fantastic. she has beautiful curls. >> so this is more, like, this style is great for all hair types. this is for my curly and wavy girls out there. i love this style. it's a bit more bohemian wavy look and it's great for summer because you can really use your natural texture. so, for instance, we used a wave spray to really encourage -- >> rhiannon: the beachy -- >> yeah, natural waves. and what i love about this look is you're adding little braids. it goes with this boho vibe, but also at the front, it takes your
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hair out of your face so you're kind of like styling your hair, but you're also keeping your hair out of your face, which in the summer months is always a great idea. >> rhiannon: always a great idea. >> yeah, so you can braid the hair then the coolest part about this look is using a texture spray to add instant volume so you can spray in the roots and it will give you volume and in the sides, it'll give you that pc effortless beachy look. >> rhiannon: it smells good too. our last model carolina has another updo. i love a good updo. >> absolutely. in the summer it's a go-to hairstyle. i think this style is a great option for people who think that maybe a sleek pony of tail is a little too severe. you still get the volume and have hair around your face, but for this look i left out the front and i don't like using a flat iron or a curling iron on the front. i think it makes the hair too flat. you might have seen a heated brush go viral on tiktok. you have to wrap your hair around the brush like you're about to blow dry the hair, twist it around. >> rhiannon: look how easy that is. >> so easy and gives you this beautiful volume around your face that's complimentary. >> rhiannon: andrew fitzsimons, that is lovely. all of these hairstyles look fantastic.
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dave's company just scored the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. high five! high five... -i'm on a call. it's 5 years of reliable, gig speed internet... five years of advanced security... five years of a great rate that won't change. yep, dave's feeling it. yes. but it's only for a limited time. five years? -five years. introducing the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. powering 5 years of savings. powering possibilities.
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>> whit: thank you guys so much for joining us and thanks to lee goldberg in the house today. will you be back tomorrow? want to come tomorrow? >> lee: i got my leave-in conditioner. i'm ready to go. >> whit: you got some slides. >> lee: i need the extra height. >> gio: book ended, the gray suit, pastel tie. >> lee: you tell me what color to go with. >> rhiannon: can i get in on the group chat? >> whit: we'll see you tomorrow.
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♪ ♪ sierra. a man accused of shooting and killing his wife, in-laws and six year old child in his alameda home was arraigned in court. 54 year old shane killian is charged with multiple felonies. he's also accused of shooting his one year old child, who still remains in critical condition. a motive for this shooting is still unclear. prosecutors in san francisco announced charges against the man accused of kidnaping a teenage girl from the powell street bart station. police say the suspect pulled a girl out of the station and into a car earlier this week. investigators found the girl safe on wednesday. the suspect is now
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facing charges of kidnaping by force or fear, as well as sexual battery. to weather. now let's check in with lisa on this cooling trend. >> yes, the cooldown continues as we have a stronger onshore flow and that marine layer definitely strengthening out there. we do have extra cloud cover as well. the temperatures are cooler than yesterday mid 50s at the coast, downtown, low 60s oakland and hayward. and we're looking at some upper 60s. we had 70. we still do 72. in livermore. so upper elevations still quite warm. and we still have an advisory for the hills of the north bay, east bay and santa clara region. that's because it's going to take a while for that cooler air for the upper elevations. but at the surface, it's that southerly flow 2 to 10 degrees cooler this morning. and that's going to bring some hazy conditions once again. and with partly cloudy skies, we are much cooler. we're about ten degrees cooler yesterday and further cooling today will keep us only in the low to mid 90s inland, so that's a big improvement from the triple digits yesterday. low 70s in oakland, upper 80s in san
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jose. stephanie. >> lisa. thank you. up next, passengers rushed to get off a plane at sfo moments before takeoff. what's to blame for smoke filling up the cabin? abc seven news at
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