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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  July 16, 2024 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT

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first the psychologist, then the inmate. how much did you wager, jay? $14,401 will drop you down to $1,799. i did the math wrong. but today that is enough. jay fisher, you are a "jeopardy!" champion. congratulations. [applause] we'll see isaac back for the tournament of champions, and i hope we see you back here tomorrow. so long. ♪♪ captioned by los angeles distribution and broadcasting, inc. time on the losing end with elon musk. the entrepreneur now taking the rest of his companies
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to texas. good evening. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley. >> thanks for joining us x. formerly twitter will no longer mark the spot in san francisco, and space x is also moving its mission headquarters from socal to the lone star state. >> yeah, musk made the announcement today in a pair of tweets pointing to governor newsom's newly signed law. >> abc seven news reporter joe stone is following the story and breaks down the impact that this could have. >> elon musk tweeted tuesday this is the final straw because of this law and the many others that preceded it, attacking both families and companies, spacex will now move its headquarters from hawthorne, california, to starbase, texas, and x hq will move to austin. musk, the ceo of spacex and owner of x, wrote that in reaction to california governor gavin newsom signing a law that does not require school employees to tell parents if their child changes the gender they identify with, we have to be really clear of here is to
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not overread into this, right, >> he said he's going to move his headquarters. that's a completely different conversation than moving the business lock, stock and barrel from california to texas, which, candidly, i don't think he has any interest in doing. >> christopher thornberg heads a california based consulting firm called beacon economics. he says moving a main office like this out of state would likely mean anywhere from dozens of lost jobs to a couple hundred, not thousands of jobs lost. >> is it going to move the needle here? is it going to change things for the better? no is it going to hammer our economy and make us fade into a third world nation? no, this is just me and elon musk. >> also, later tweeted about x's san francisco headquarters have had enough of dodging gangs of violent drug addicts just to get in and out of the building. well, the neighborhood may not be perfect. we didn't see that at the door tuesday. when asked about the situation during abc
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seven news at 3 p.m, san francisco mayor london breed did not talk. elon musk specifically, only saying this, and i just came from the area where twitter is located and x or twitter, whatever you want to call it. >> and in fact, i'm in that area almost every single day and around the entire block, including the alleyway. it's pretty much empty. employees are not even coming back to work. to the building. and that's part of the problem. >> governor newsom's press office took to x after musk made the announcement comparing california to texas, saying the last time elon musk moved an hq, tesla ended up expanding in california. some, though, still questioning if musk will follow through on the move. jr stone, abc seven news late tonight, the national litigation firm, the liberty justice center, announced it will sue the state of california over that law regarding student gender notification. >> the suit was filed on behalf of an inland empire school
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district and a group of parents. the center said, quote, parents are the legal guardians of their children, not governor newsom, attorney general bonta or superintendent thurmond. the governor's office responded, saying the lawsuit was deeply unserious and that the state would swiftly prevail in court. >> public safety is always top of mind in the bay area, and tonight it was the main topic of the day. two of the republican national convention. the theme make america safe again rang loud and clear as trump's recent rivals all took the stage. tonight reporter liz nagy is in milwaukee with the biggest moments of the evening. >> tonight's lineup featured a full list of former president trump's one time rivals, who came to publicly make nice and promote a platform of cracking down on crime and illegal immigration. here he is again for a second straight night, the former president emerged on the floor of the convention, delighting his delegates with an appearance here. trump's former opponents for the top of the
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republican ticket came to publicly pledge their allegiance to their presidential nominee. former south carolina governor nikki haley had hoped to dethrone donald trump for the sake of our nation, we have to go with donald trump. for all the talk of unity following the assassination attempt against the former president just days ago, his one time competitors came out swinging at democrats and mocking president biden. >> america cannot afford four more years of a weekend at bernie's presidency. >> the feckless and failed joe biden has caused chaos, weakening our national security. >> this was law and order night at the republican national convention, painting a picture of a crime riddled country, trump's former opponents shouted a fierce message about what will change under another trump administration. >> our message to illegal immigrants is also this we will
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return you to your country of origin, not because you're all bad people, but because you broke the law. >> the two men at the top of the ticket took it all in together, side by side. this is now their republican party. tonight, president biden's campaign is pushing back, saying it was republicans who tanked their bipartisan border security bill. now, republicans are looking to expand their base beyond core voters and seize on the momentum of this convention. reporting in milwaukee. liz nagy, abc seven news. >> abc news has complete live coverage of the republican national convention. all this week, starting at 7 p.m. each night, right here on abc seven. >> meanwhile, president biden is in las vegas telling supporters in southern nevada, he's all in in the race for president. the president addressed the audience at the naacp annual convention, telling the crowd he was thankful donald trump was not seriously hurt saturday. but the democrat outlined the major differences between himself and the republican nominee. here's
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what he said on the topic of gun control. >> and they ar 15 was used in the shooting. donald trump says it was an assault weapon to kill so many others, including children. it's time to outlaw them. >> president biden also defended himself against criticism that he's too old to do the job. he said today there is more to be done. >> all right, time to switch gears now to get a jump on our weather for tomorrow. as we look live outside tonight, we're staring at a bit of a warm up on the way. after a nice cool day today, let's check in with abc seven news meteorologist sandyha patel looking at our 24 hour accuweather forecast. sandy. >> yeah. dan. and as you look at that live picture from our exploratorium camera, you will pretty much see that we're in our summer pattern. >> we do have low clouds here in san francisco. and tomorrow morning that's how you're going to begin the day. low clouds and fog. temperatures in the 50s and the 60s. at noontime, the sun will be out, the temperatures will rise. it is going to be a warmer afternoon. we're talking low 90s inland, mid 60s coast.
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breezy at the coastline and even cooler as we head towards the evening hours. the temperatures will trend even higher. we have triple digits. returning to the forecast, i'll be back to let you know exactly when and how long they're going to last. >> ama all right, thank you, sandhya. we'll check back the story over artificial and synthetic turf in california is something we have followed for years. and once again tonight, things are heating up. the switch to turf during the state's drought years was short lived, as now some cities and counties are reconsidering the potentially dangerous effects. abc seven news south bay reporter lauren martinez is looking at the pros and cons of the synthetic surface. >> some kids don't even know what real grass is. >> the debate over natural grass versus artificial turf continues. >> this is a shredded tires that you cannot dispose of in landfills. >> kari levin is a sunnyvale resident and passionate advocate against synthetic turf. >> i care because this stuff works this way and the storm drains and these storm drains go to the bay.
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>> the fremont union high school district has five high schools that already have synthetic fields. on tuesday, the district's board of trustees unanimously approved upgrading three of those fields with newer synthetic turf instead of reverting back to grass and there is a safety pad uh- underneath, along with all of pit infill instead of recycled tires and rubber, the infill will be olive pit superintendent graham clark said. they surveyed coaches and students who prefer the synthetic turf. >> they also like it that we don't have issues with geese or with mud or things like that. so there's very playable concerns regarding how hot turf can get were discussed. i call it the old turf and they took readings. it was 139 on on monday and 145 today. >> we heard from alice kaufman with the nonprofit green foothills. >> as we experience more and more extreme heat events, there's going to be more and more days when these fields are not going to be usable. >> this past spring, the santa clara county board of
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supervisors voted to study a potential ban on artificial turf on county owned property. >> millbrae, for example, has done that, and a city in southern california, san marino, has also banned it. >> levin expects more regulation is coming, along with more information about potential health impacts of plastic turf. >> we tend to look at the research by universities and outside third party labs, the data that's coming in and we're not paid to do this. we're we're just so concerned that the amount of data out there is, is, is a cry for alarm in the south bay. >> lauren martinez, abc seven news we will likely face a new set of rules when it comes to landscaping the state is set to revise what qualifies as a defensible space when it comes to preventing wildfires in the past, this has meant clearing the brush around a home, but going forward, it's likely going to be no plants within five feet of a house. >> a former cal fire official explains the reasoning. >> defensible space is not new
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to californians. what is new is this first five feet, again, based on our research that is critically important to the survivability of homes that sno, five fences attaching to the side of the house, no bushes, no wood mulch and other combustible items. >> the rules are still being ironed out, but they are expected to be taken up by a state board before the end of the year. >> a first of its kind program is getting students ready to play a big role in california's push to have nothing but electric vehicles on the roads. charger help in sacramento is teaching them how to repair ev charging stations. there are an estimated 105,000 of those stations in the state, and roughly 1 in 5 is broken at any given time, with more stations and electric cars in the future, the students are going to be entering a hot job field. >> there's going to be huge demand for them once they graduate with this class. >> no matter what your belief system is. i think the writing
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is on the wall that we are well into moving towards electrification. >> there are 15 students in each class which lasts about three weeks. the class is free thanks to funding from a federal grant, new peaceful protests tonight as a man is shot and killed by police near the republican national convention. >> the questions coming out of milwaukee plus live streaming the mega den of snakes. >> oh my goodness. the cal poly researchers studying hundreds of the serpents and all in a secret location. wow. >> and it's the red carpet premiere, and we're hearing of a special guest joining hulu's unimprisoned season two. >> first, a look at what's coming up tonight on jimmy kimmel live! with guest host anthony anderson. right after abc seven news at 11. anthony thanks dan and ama. >> i'm anthony anderson. jimmy ain't here. but i'll keep you company. do you find yourself watching old episodes of your work? >> even if i wanted to the
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embarrassment of somebody walking into the room and just going, yeah
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justice for a man who was shot and killed by an out of town police officer. police say the man was armed with knives and was fighting with another man. that's when a columbus, ohio, officer in town for the rnc intervened. >> someone from a whole nother state to come and do this to someone here, that makes no sense. now you got somebody who's dead because somebody from out of town have killed them. >> a body camera video was
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released immediately by columbus officials showing the confrontation. milwaukee's police chief credited the officer with saving a life. >> two knives were recovered from this particular situation. someone's life was in danger. these officers who are not from this area, took upon themselves to act to save someone's life today. >> an autopsy is scheduled for tomorrow. no officers were injured in the encounter. >> it's a story we have followed closely. all year. the alameda county district attorney's office choosing to review dozens of death penalty cases. and because of it, a man on california's death row will now be released. district attorney pamela price says a review of ernest dykes's case found misconduct during the trial. she calls racist notes by the prosecutor in the case indicated which potential jurors were black or jewish. none was selected for the trial. dikes is being resentenced for the fatal shooting of a nine year old boy during a robbery 31 years ago. >> when prosecutors or courts
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discriminate in jury selection, it is well-settled in our laws that not only are you violating the rights of the defendants, but you are violating the rights of victims to a fair trial. you are violating the rights of jurors. >> dikes is now set to be released next year. two more death penalty prisoners are also being resentenced. one person will be eligible for parole next year. the other was sentenced to life in prison. >> finding signs of progress is what our mission of building a better bay area is all about, so we love sharing those breakthroughs. here at 11, we found our first breakthrough in west oakland as we were there for the ribbon cutting of a new affordable housing complex, and it's thanks to the help of a former black panther. the apartments are on seventh street, just down the street from the west oakland bart station. music helped to ring in this new space, doing it for the people in oaktown. >> this is how we getting down with the brand new sound. and i know.
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>> the force behind these 79 new units was the former chairwoman of the black panther party, elaine brown. besides housing the complex also has a market restaurant and an urban farm. our other abc seven news building a better bay area breakthrough tonight is the little yellow vessel that you see here. check it out. it's named woodstock and is a new way to travel between oakland and alameda. in 15 minutes, it will get you between fifth street and alameda and oakland's jack london square. it's an alternative to the posey tube for pedestrians and bicyclists. the service is free, running wednesdays through sundays, and the first ride is tomorrow, launching from oakland at 7 a.m. >> big changes are coming to the act college entrance exam. the science component of the test will now be optional, and the new test will be shorter two hours instead of the current three hours allotted to take the test. the cost of the test will also come down. the changes go into effect starting with the national online test in spring
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of 2025. look away if you don't like snakes. i warned you now new at 11. although you probably just looked up and said, okay, this is something indiana jones would hate. or maybe it will give you the creeps. or if you'd like to watch hundreds of rattlesnakes in their natural habitat, here's something new to binge. these videos show a new perspective of a mega den in colorado. researchers at cal poly set up a web cam to watch the den of roughly 2000 snakes slither and slide around. this has turned into a group project, and the public's help is appreciated. >> the people who are watching on youtube live are telling us, oh, this happened at this time. you need to go back to this. they're even helping us to identify some of the plants and some of the insects that visit. and so it truly is a group effort, a community science effort. >> wonder who was lucky enough to have to set up the web cam? scientists say rattlesnakes will group together in the winter, as well as when it's time to give
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birth for this den. the babies are expected to arrive next month. please do not personally blame me for your nightmares. dan. you can look now. dan this guy doesn't like snakes. i'm okay with them. i think they're cool. >> but i got to go to bed dreaming about mega din. >> mega. i didn't even know there was such a thing. well, there you go. i was trying to look away. >> i know when i say don't look, you're just like, wait, what? >> yeah, yeah. what was that, dan and ama that. that's enough to make my skin crawl. okay. all right, let's take a look at something that won't make your skin crawl. hopefully, this area of low pressure, the last couple of days has been keeping us downward, like cooling trend for the last couple of days, this low is going to exit. it has brought us a deep marine layer, strong onshore winds. and that's why those temperatures were at or below average. but that's all changing as high pressure is going to retrograde from the desert southwest. and as it builds westward, you will notice those temperatures going up as early as tomorrow. so let's take
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a look at your warmer forecast. santa rosa 76 today. tomorrow you're going up by 13 degrees. so it is going to be noticeably warmer 89 degrees san francisco from 67 to 69. oakland up four degrees, and san jose from 78 to 84. six degrees warmer. not a major heat wave or anything like that. from our sutro tower camera. you can see the low clouds over downtown san francisco near the coast on live doppler seven, and will advance once again as we head into the overnight hours. so tomorrow morning, many of us will wake up to gray skies, 50s and 60s, right now it is actually nice and refreshing with the sea breeze still going gust to 24 in napa. not quite as windy as it was earlier today, but we do expect the breeze to pick back up again, especially near the coast. as you look at the hourly forecast, it will be in the afternoon and evening that you'll notice it the most from our golden gate bridge camera. it's a little bit of a murky view overnight tonight. low clouds and fog. tomorrow the warming trend begins and thursday and friday we are looking at it to heat up again
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in our inland communities. let's talk about speaking of heating up the rolling stones concert tomorrow evening at levi's stadium. if you are going, i know the gates will be opening early, but the concert begins at 730 and at 7:00 it's going to be in the mid 70s. temperatures will be slow to drop off, so pretty mild even late at night into the mid 60s. should be nice looking weather for that concert tomorrow morning. we start out with overcast skies in many areas and then the clouds will pull back to the coast. there will be a few patches lingering in the afternoon hours, but most of you will be seeing the sun shining and it will be a nice looking day tomorrow. as we look at your morning numbers. upper 40s to the upper 50s in places like antioch tomorrow morning, partly to mostly cloudy to start the day, and then tomorrow afternoon it will be sunny side up for many of you. mid 60s and half moon bay. all the way to the low 90s inland. so it will be a nice warm summer day away from the coast. the accuweather seven day forecast that warming trend continues, pushing temperatures into the hot category thursday friday. inland
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areas upper 90s to low 100 seconds, minor dip on saturday and then the temperatures will continue to drop off sunday before those triple digits returned to our inland areas. dan, i hope you're ready for the heat with the cool was nice while it lasted. >> thanks, sandy very much. well, this year's aids walk is just five days away. on sunday, july 21st at golden gate park. as always, the annual fundraiser benefits local hiv and aids programs. i'll be there once again as the emcee very proud to serve in that capacity. to register, call 415615. walk or visit sf aids walk dot net. it's a special day. hope you'l
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that follows a family dealing with someone just being released from prison, but it tells their story with a bit of a comedic twist. kerry washington and delroy lindo are back, but this year they have a special guest to help their family john stamos. he talked about being asked to join the show. >> i got a text from kerry washington because i the offer was coming in. she said, hey, i'm you know, i'm a big fan. please you know, come play in our sandbox. and first of all, you get a text from her. you
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know, it's great. i just adore her. >> kerry washington had to miss tonight's event because she has covid. new episodes of unpregnant will be available tomorrow on hulu, which is owned by disney, the same parent company as abc seven. i still see full house every time i look at them. it's true. >> it's good and everything he does well. an oakland a's pitcher, speaking of good, made history tonight and got the win in the all star game. >> that's right. abc seven news sports director larry biel is here larry. >> dan mason miller throws absolute smoke. and man was he bringing it in the all star gam. miller threw the fastest pitch in all star game history. how fast was that. tha it's piled high with tender beef that's slow cooked and smothered in tangy memphis style barbecue sauce.
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it's no fuss, no muss. just tons of flavor. the best barbecue beef is only a togo's. try one today.
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dave's company just scored the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. high five! high five... -i'm on a call. it's 5 years of reliable, gig speed internet... five years of advanced security... five years of a great rate that won't change. yep, dave's feeling it. yes. but it's only for a limited time. five years? -five years. introducing the comcast business
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5-year price lock guarantee. powering 5 years of savings. powering possibilities. played tonight in arlington, one of the highlights. a's closer mason miller throwing a pitch 103.6mph. fastest ever in an all star game since they started tracking this back in 2008. miller, the lone a's all star in their final season in oakland while the giants sent elliot ramos and logan webb to texas. pick it up scoreless in the third. two on for shohei ohtani and the dodgers. hi deep sayonara means goodbye. he obliterated that pitch three run
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homer to give the national league a three nothing lead. but this was a rough outing for logan webb. giants pitcher gave up three runs in one inning of work. david frei singled in juan soto and we are tied at three a piece. let's get to miller. time in the fifth. mason miller strikes out ohtani with a slider that's so nasty. and then here comes history. the fastest pitch in an all star game 103.6mph. it was a ball to trey turner. and then he gets turner on an off speed pitch to end the inning. all right. bottom five jarren duran of the red sox connecting for a two run bomb to give the american league the lead. and he would be the mvp of this contes. elliott ramos got a plate appearance in the eighth, but he struck out on a mighty swing. american league wins the midsummer classic five three is your final 40? niners receiver brandon aiyuk is getting impatient. he wants a big new contract right now. according to the nfl network. aiyuk has requested a trade. now look, he's terrific. but receiver salaries have exploded this
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offseason and the niners don't want to pay him or any wide receiver 30 million a year. the niners usually get these extensions done before or during training camp, which begins next week. aiyuk is under contract for this season at $14 million. so he really doesn't have much leverage in this situation. at all. meanwhile, the receiver who might eventually replace aiyuk or deebo first round pick ricky pearsall has been placed on the non-football injury list, which means he might have gotten hurt working out on his own. we're just not sure details of his injury have not yet been released. the wnba is taking a month long break for the all star game in the olympics, but sabrina ionescu left her mark before the hiatus. the walnut creek native hit six threes and scored 30 points as her new york liberty beat connecticut 8274 sports on abc seven, sponsored by river rock
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your time right now on jimmy kimmel with guest host anthony anderson. lisa kudrow kimmel live! with guest host anthony anderson. tonight


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