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tv   Nightline  ABC  July 18, 2024 12:37am-1:06am PDT

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♪ this is "nightline." >> byron: tonight, bubble shock.
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president biden's foundation continuing to crumble as another top democrat asks him to leave the race. >> i think if he is our nominee, i think we lose. >> byron: and just as all eyes are on biden's health, his new covid diagnosis. plus, who is j.d. vance? the freshman senator from ohio now on the national stage at the rnc. >> i officially accept your nomination to be vice president of the united states of america. >> byron: once a trump critic, now a fierce ally. known for his best-selling "hillbilly elegy," becoming a hit netflix movie. >> you've got to decide if you want to be somebody or not. >> byron: could this 39-year-old silicon valley venture capitalist be our next vice president? and the alarming details from the fbi's latest timeline on the assassination attempt on former president trump. the secret service now confirming it saw the gunman on the roof of that building 20
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minutes before he opened fire. how were so many signs missed? and the emmy award nominations. >> i have every intention of turning this into a respectable place of business. >> byron: are a real bear. pain means pause on the things you love, but... green... means... go! ♪ cool the pain with biofreeze. and keep on going. biofreeze. green means go. (♪) (♪) bounce back fast from heartburn with new tums gummy bites, and love food back. (♪)
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>> byron: good evening. thank you for joining us. the rnc is in day three, but tonight, stunning news from the white house. president biden diagnosed with covid, canceling his speaking events. this as he faces mounting pressure from his own party to drop out of the campaign. abc chief washington correspondent jonathan karl joins us from the convention floor. jon, what are relearning tonight? >> reporter: stunning development indeed, byron. we heard late, just as the president was about to speak in nevada, that he wouldn't be giving the speech because he had been diagnosed with covid. the report we were given from the white house is that the symptoms were mild, and we saw as he got onto air force one to head back home to delaware, we saw the president moving very slowly. clearly feeling the impact of covid. then we saw him arrive back on the east coast, and the same thing, seeing him walk down the
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stairs very slowly and needing even some help, it seemed, from the secret service to get into the car. we're told that he's doing fine, that the symptoms are mild. >> byron: as we mentioned at the top of the show, there are powerful voices in the democratic party who are now speaking out loud that this president, their president, should step aside. talk to me about that. >> reporter: this movement has been around for a while, for the last couple of weeks, really since that debate with donald trump. but the voices are getting louder. we heard from adam schiff, who is perhaps the most high-profile democrat to come out publicly to say that joe biden should get out of the race, that if he stays in, he will lose and he will cause democrats to suffer losses down the ballot. byron, perhaps most significantly is the democratic leadership is privately saying the exact same thing to joe biden. chuck schumer had a meeting saturday actually just hours before the assassination attempt
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on president trump in pennsylvania, had a private meeting in rehoboth, delaware, with president biden. and i am told very directly made the case that biden should get out of the race, that if he stays in, it's going to hurt democrats up and down the ballot. a view that has also been expressed, i am told privately, by hakeem jeffries and nancy pelosi. >> byron: it feels like the world is moving beneath us from what happened in pennsylvania over the weekend to what's going on in milwaukee to this news about the president. jon karl, thank you so very much. >> reporter: thank you. tonight, the other big news. j.d. vance taking the stage at the rnc. former president trump's pick for vp. joining us also from milwaukee, senior national correspondent terry moran, who was on the floor of the convention. terry? >> reporter: byron, this convention has been such an emotional journey beginning on monday. it was subdued. the trauma of the assassination attempt hung over this place.
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and the emotions now are building. tonight, the gold star families, the families of the fallen, from the debacle in afghanistan three years ago, captured this room in a way i've never experienced before. a call and response. the names of each of them repeated by the crowd. that really brought the crowd to an emotional pitch. the real star of the night, the vice presidential nominee, j.d. vance. it was really his introduction to america. and to many of these delegates as well. and he talked about that upbringing that he wrote about in "hill belly elegy" and what he sees as the future of the republican party, different from the corporate-nominated, country club republicans that people have thought of so far. he wants, and so does donald trump, he says, a blue-collar, working-class, nationalist, populist republican party. people listened to it tentatively, like they were learning something, a new
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language of republicanism. we'll see how it goes over. byron? >> byron: our thanks to terry. since monday's announcement, rnc attendees have been eagerly awaiting vance's turn at the podium. the one-time venture capitalist sworn in as a junior senator just last year and seeming to make an about-face in his kneelings about donald trump. so who is j.d. vance? >> i promise you this. i will be a vice president who never forgets where he came from. >> byron: tonight, former president donald trump's vp pick making his national debut. >> tonight is a night of hope. a celebration of what america once was, and with god's grace, what it will soon be again. >> byron: j.d. vance, a former silicon valley venture capitalist turned ohio senator, just 18 months into his term, welcomed with huge applause. >> i stand here humbled, and i'm overwhelmed with gratitude to say, i officially accept your nomination to be vice president of the united states of america.
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>> the 39-year-old firing up the crowd as he lauded trump. >> president trump represents america's last, best hope to restore what, if lost, may never be found again. a country where a working-class boy born far from the halls of power can stand on this stage as the next vice president of the united states of america. >> byron: vance also taking jabs at biden. >> jobs were sent overseas, and our children were sent to war. [ boos ] >> byron: a staunch conservative, vance's position on key republican party issues like immigration and abortion mirror the former president. >> from iraq to afghanistan, from the financial crisis to the great recession, from open borders to stagnating wages, the people who govern this country
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have failed and failed again. >> this is someone who very much appeals to trump and trumpism directly. >> please welcome usha vance. >> byron: by his side, wife usha vance, who he met while they were both studying at yale law school, introducing him tonight. >> the j.d. i knew then is the same j.d. you see today, except for that beard. >> byron: a corporate lawyer, usha began her career clerking for chief justice john roberts. >> usha is indian american. the indian american vote is increasingly important. maybe one-third are traditional republicans. maybe this opens the door. usha vance isn't used to the spotlight she's gotten but definitely could be an intriguing campaign weapon. >> byron: see changed parties in 2017, voting in the republican primaries. >> when j.d. met me, he
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approached our differences with curiosity and enthusiasm. he wanted to know everything about me. where i came from, what my life had been like. although he's a meat and potatoes kind of guy, he adapted to my vehvegetari to cook indian food for my mother. >> reporter: her husband's fledgling political career on a fast track. >> not being known as a candidate is helpful, ask barack obama. there is definitely a good thing about not having a long voting record. not having to take a lot of tough votes. not having a lot of firm positions. >> byron: vance's path to becoming a republican party mega star has been less than traditional. the marine corps veteran became a household name after publishing "hillbilly elegy" about his appalachian grant parents who raised him, the book adapt into a netflix film directed by ron howard starring
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glenn close and amy adams. during trump's first presidential run vance said trump was dangerous and unfit for office. telling pbs -- >> i'm a never life trump guy. i never liked him. >> he was a trump skeptic, even suggesting that he might be another generation's but when trump became president, a lot of that began to change. >> byron: trump invited j.d. vance to mar-a-lago in february 2021 in an effort to improve their relationship. >> vance basically apologized for the things that he had said about former president trump. bent the knee. >> byron: months later when vance launched his senate campaign, he began to sound a lot more like the former president, seen in this campaign ad. >> joe biden's open border is killing ohioans with more illegal drugs and more democrat voters pouring into this country. >> byron: trump endorsing vance, who ultimately won his campaign. >> the great people of ohio, thank you for this honor to serve you. i'll fight for you every day. god bless you guys and thank you. >> byron: months later trump
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visiting vance's home state after a massive train derailment in east palestine, ohio, the two standing shoulder to shoulder. >> j.d.'s been here four days, i've been watching him every day. >> first, president trump, thanks so much for coming and shining a light on this community. >> by the time he re-emerged as a candidate, the transformation was complete. >> byron: vance disavowing his past comments on trump to my colleague, marco morgan. >> you've been very critical, at one point discarded him as an idiot and moral disaster. what's changed? >> what's changed is i saw effective governance. i made those criticisms while he was running for president in 2016. and i was happy to be proven wrong. >> former president trump loves someone that has been converted to his cause. there is not a greater surrogate than someone that has done a 180. >> in the senate, j.d. vance has been one of the leading skeptics of the current u.s. policy of supporting ukraine financially and militarily. on abortion rights he has come out against access to abortion, even favoring a nationwide ban,
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which goes significantly farther than anything donald trump currently supports. he's been against expanded lgbtq rights. been one of the strongest conservatives on issues like immigration. trying to talk about it in a very trumpian way. >> byron: earlier this year, vance appearing to side with the former president over his dispute of the certification of the 2020 presidential election. >> you didn't answer the question i asked. would you have certified the election results had you been vice president? >> if i had been vice president, i would have told the states like pennsylvania, georgia, and so many others, that we needed to have multiple slates of electors, and i think the u.s. congress should have fought over it from there. that is the legitimate way to deal with an election that a lot of folks, including me, think had a lot of problems in 2020. i think that's what we should have done. >> he has been challenged directly on this issue. he says his answer, instead of rejecting those challenges, would be to put up these alternate slates of electors and let congress figure it out. while he has said it as hypothetical situation, he's been pretty clear on that point. he thinks mike pence made the
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wrong decision by certifying that election and rejecting those last-minute challenges. >> byron: now j.d. vance's work begins, hitting the trail and working for a republican win in november. >> and we will, in short, make america great again. >> where it goes from there might depend on this election, but j.d. vance being only 39 years old is well-positioned to be the face of the future for the party for a long time. donald trump has remade the image of the republican party in a way that very well could be enduring. >> byron: we'll have continuing coverage of the republican national convention, including remarks by republican presidential candidate donald trump, tomorrow night here on "nightline." when we return, why didn't secret service stop the gunman who tried to assassinate former trump before he started firing? shocking details they admit they noticed more than an hour before shots rang out. type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone.
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♪ >> byron: welcome back. new details tonight from the investigation into the assassination attempt on former president trump. the gunman, thomas crooks, identified as a person of interest on that day long before those first shots. here's abc's chief justice correspondent pierre thomas. >> reporter: tonight, stunning new images appearing to show donald trump's would-be assassin, thomas matthew crooks, one hour before he opened fire. police believe that this is crooks in a video obtained by abc affiliate wtae, walking near the campaign rally in butler,
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pennsylvania, on saturday. at one point looking towards the crowd. sources telling abc news crooks walked toward the security entrance with the magnetometers, did something suspicious, was approached by authorities. he backs up and fades into the crude. tonight, the fbi briefing lawmakers who gave abc news a detailed timeline. at 5:10 p.m., crooks is first identified as a person of interest. a full 62 minutes before the first shots. at 5:30, crooks was spotted with a range finder, which can be used to determine distances for target practice. sources telling abc news he's able to get on that roof by climbing over air conditioning units. at 5:52, crooks was spotted on the roof by the secret service. a full 20 minutes before the shooting. 6:02, trump takes the stage. 6:12, crooks fires those shots, killing one man and nearly taking trump's life. a sniper killing crooks 26 seconds after he fires the first shot. >> it as split-second decision,
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and they have the ability to make that decision on their own. >> reporter: how crooks was able to get on that roof undetected still sending shockwaves through law enforcement. and local authorities in butler, pennsylvania, starting to push back. >> the deputies under my control did their job and went above and beyond after the shooting stopped and the chaos began. >> reporter: sources telling abc news that before the rally, local authorities warned the secret service that they would not be able to provide enough police personnel to cover all the buildings. sources say the secret service asked for a police cruiser to be stationed at the building and that the request was denied. officers were stationed inside the complex of buildings, but somehow, everyone missed crooks climbing onto that roof. this new video coming in tonight of former president trump being brought to the hospital minutes after being shot. surrounded by secret service. >> byron: our thanks to pierre. we'll have more on the investigation as it unfolds. when we come back, not only
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>> byron: finally tonight, bears, sagas, and murders in the building. shows celebrating their new emmy nominations. there's david muir. >> david: tonight, the nominations are in. >> fire everything right now! >> yes, chef! >> david: the 76th annual primetime emmy awards, history being made and a big night for abc's parent company, disney, already. a record 183 nominations, the most ever in its history. >> i have every intention of turning this into a respectable place of business. >> david: "the bear" with a record-breaking 23 nominations, the most ever for a comedy series in a single year. "only murders in the building" from hulu with 21 nominations, including best actor for severe martin and martin short, and costar selena gomez earning her first emmy nomination ever for best actress. >> actors are just people. remember how nervous you were to
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meet me? >> i don't -- >> >> david: "shogun" 25 nominations in all. >> war is coming. >> there's danger everywhere. >> david: history also made by actresses kalie reese and lily gladstone. gladstone in "under the bridge" on hulu, reese? "true detective" night country" on hbo max. >> you never even wanted to look at her files, now you're brushing her off like -- like she's -- >> david: now the first indigenous women ever to be nominated for an acting emmy. tonight, 11 nom nations for the cultural sensation "baby reindeer" on netflix. >> ladies and gentlemen, this is my stalker. say hello to -- >> how dare you say that to me, apologize to me right now. >> can't take my mom anywhere. >> david: the 75th annual primetime emmys airing september 15th right here on abc. >>


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