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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  July 18, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm PDT

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[shaq] it's all in there. it's all there and in singles. [audience laughter] so what is your lucky number? uh, okay. i think my lucky number is seven. -[applause] -[gina] lucky number seven. -krista, it is time to reveal everything. -all right. here are the answers that'll decide your fate. ♪ first question, please. you said... true. -were you correct? -i don't know. [buzzer] -[shaq] that's okay. -wait, was he the 14th? -[gina] he was 16th president. -dang! did you know that? -i sure did. -[audience laughter] you answered... -true. -mmm?
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i don't feel like i have the same amount of neck bones as shaq. [audience laughter] shaq, you have to have more neck bones than me, right? i don't know. [laughs] -let's see if you were correct. -[krista] okay. -[chiming] -[gina] you were. -[krista] oh! -[applause] -oh! oh! oh! -[shaq] let me guess the number. -okay, guess the number. how many neck bones? -seventy-two. [gina] no, we have seven neck bones, but a giraffe's can be ten inches long. next question, please. you answered... false. -you did tap. -[krista] mm-hmm. can you give us a little moment? no, because i quit after one lesson. [audience laughter] all right. one lesson in tap, no ballet. -no ballet. -but you thought it was a bendy leg thing. i did. [chuckles] -were you correct? -[krista] oh, was i correct? -[chiming] -yes, you were. okay! okay! okay! -it is a bendy leg thing. -okay! yeah, a plié is bending of the knees with the back straight. and if i do that, my pants will split.
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[audience laughter] five away from your range. five from your lucky number. let's play on. you answered... true. -were you correct? -[krista] i don't know. -[buzzer] -[gina] oh, goodness. [krista] okay, okay. all right. it sounded-- -[shaq] just sounded so nice, right? -[gina] it did. damn, it sounded so nice. depending on the model and the manufacturer, the number of dimples can vary between 300 and 500 dimples. wow. wow, wow, wow, wow. now we know. you said... false. -know pop culture much? -mmm, hit or miss with me. [gina] same. -were you correct? -[krista mumbling] i don't know. -[chiming] -you know enough pop culture. [applause] they had a four-month engagement, -but they were never married. -[krista exhales] next question, please.
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you said... false. you said that your son had an ear infection. -how many children do you have? -two. -both boys? -[krista] yeah. -wow! -i know. they're amazing. but you were a bit distracted on that cruise. you felt like you remembered it in her right hand. i-- yes. -were you correct? -[krista] i don't know. [chiming] -[applause] -yes, yes, yes. we're three away from your range, and three from your lucky number. next question, please. you answered... true. were you correct? [chiming] -[applause] -yes, you were. yes, you were. you're about to get this money. -am i? am i? am i? -yes, yes. two away from your range, two from your lucky number. you could be taking home $50,000. [applause] next question, please.
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you said... false. were you correct? [buzzer] -[audience groans] -[krista] okay. okay. -that's okay. i need some red. -[gina] that's okay. -that's all right. -that's all right. -right, i need some red. it's okay. it's okay. -[shaq] you're good. so the new york post newspaper was founded in 1801 as the new york evening post. who knew. you answered... false. -elon does have some crazy ideas. -mm-hmm. -but was he the first? -was he the first? are you gonna go into space, shaq? i'm from space. -of course you are. -[audience laughter] you answered false. were you correct? -[chiming] -you were. -[applause] -okay.
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-wow. -a company called space adventures sent the first tourist in 2001, more than 20 years before spacex started doing it. oh. is krista on her way to winning? find out when we return to lucky 13. [applause] ♪ (woman) i'm so excited. i'm finally here in the city. what. (man) ahhhhh! (man) have you seen my ph- ahhh! (man) woah, woah, woah! (woman) no, no, no, no, no! (woman) great. (man) ughhh. (man) dude. (vo) you break it. we take it. trade in any phone, in any condition guaranteed and get a new iphone 15 with tons of storage on us. (woman) oh yeah. (vo) only on verizon.
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now at kohl's, freshen up your summer look and save on the latest styles for men and women during kohl's exclusive cardholder event. take up to 30% off when you use your kohl's card. no card? you still save 20%. and earn kohl's cash. kohl's. looking for a reason to try the new $5 meal deal at mcdonalds? here's one, two, three, four and the price makes 5. that's everything you get with the new $5 meal deal at mcdonald's. (vo) dan made progress with his mental health, but his medication caused unintentional movements in his face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. so his doctor prescribed austedo xr— a once-daily, extended-release td treatment for adults. ♪ as you go with austedo ♪ austedo xr significantly reduced dan's td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks.
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with austedo xr, dan can stay on his mental health meds— (dan) cool hair! (vo) austedo xr can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, or have suicidal thoughts. don't take if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo xr may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, or abnormal movements. seek help for fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, or sweating. common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness. ♪ as you go with austedo ♪ ask your doctor for austedo xr. ♪ austedo xr ♪ ♪ hey! i'll give you $574 if you switch. for an ice cream? okay. so, what about $574 for switching your home insurance to allstate? tempting. but that's way too much of a hassle. actually, it's not. allstate can handle the switching for you. just call 'em. so, it's easy and i could save? and you get allstate.
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huh, like a cherry on top. oh, you brought your own. check allstate first and you could save hundreds. you're in good hands with allstate. dad, target school list assist finds my list. check allstate first so i'm totally ready for class. which is great because we can both be forgetful. weird. i remember tying them. ♪ welcome back to glitzy las vegas and the even glitzier krista, who has impressed us all with what she knows and entertained us with what she doesn't. so far, krista has gotten six questions correct and three questions incorrect
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out of the 13 she answered earlier. if she ends up getting seven to nine correct, she'll be leaving here with at least $25,000. [applause] if you hit your lucky number, lucky number seven, you will win an additional $25,000. [applause] remember, though, you can still lose the game by getting too many questions correct. -yeah. wow. -[gina] yikes. let's continue and find out if you're a winner, krista. okay. you said... false. -but let's see if you were correct. -[krista] okay. -[buzzer] -[audience groans] [gina] he is a dj! -wow. wow, wow. okay. -[shaq] yes, he is. and he's performed under that name since he was a teenager. -dang. -i know, 'cause it's a whole other shade of gorgeous. -[audience laughter] -it's all right that you got it wrong. we're still looking for some incorrect answers. -yeah. -one more away from your lucky range,
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-one from your lucky number. -yep. let's proceed. next question, please. you said... false. let's see if you were correct. -[buzzer] -no! [audience groaning] [gina] but that's okay. -we want some incorrect answers. -[shaq] yes. you need at least one more correct to be in your range. just one more would also put you at $50,000. it's true. [applause] okay. you said... false. mm-hmm. [shaq] hold it, hold it. hold it. -[applause] -[krista] i don't like this! i don't like this. ♪ just hold it. hey! hey! hey! hey! -what do i do? -hold it. shag triggered an offer.
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this is your one and only chance to walk away with guaranteed cash. now, if you take the offer, the game ends here. let's see what the offer is. whoa. [applause] that is your offer. $12,500. right now, we have two questions left. yes. get both of those incorrect, and you're going home with nothing. yep. get one correct, you can hit your lucky number, -which will get you $50,000. -yep. hit two correct, and you go home with $25,000. [krista] okay. [gina] $12,500, guaranteed cash. -it's a big moment for you. -yep. -[shaq] there's a lot of cash on the line. -uh-huh. do you accept, or do you reject? reject. -[applause, cheering] -let's go in! [laughs] rejected. right? right? -yeah. -yeah. okay, okay. you just turned down a guaranteed $12,500. [applause]
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let's see if you made the right decision. krypton is an element on the periodic table. -you answered false. -mm-hmm. were you correct? [buzzer] -you were incorrect. -[krista] okay. it may be superman's home planet, but it is also a real element. wow! big money on the line, everyone. [krista] okay. krista, one more incorrect answer, and it is all over. oh, my god! okay. this final question can either have you -going home with $50,000... -yeah. -...or absolutely nothing. -that's okay. [audience booing] -you need to get this correct. -okay. do you feel confident? -yes. -all right, put your hands up. -just keep them up there. -[applause] -all the way up like this. -[krista laughs] i'ma do it with you. let's go. come on, gina. let's go. [applause, cheering]
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-our arms are getting tired, gina. -let's go. come on, gina. get this question correct, and you win $25,000 for being in your lucky range, and $25,000 for hitting your lucky number seven. -this is for $50,000. -okay. -can i see the last question, please? -oh, god. oh, jesus. oh, god. be confident, be confident. -you answered... -i hate this. ...false. the last time you were in munich, you were not drinking beer. i was in high school! $50,000 are on the line. you don't remember a penguin. i don't. -were you correct? -i don't know! [tense music] [chiming] shut up! shut up! -[applause, cheering] -[krista exclaiming] ♪
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well, it's been our absolute pleasure having you here tonight. -did you have a good time? -yes! [laughs] please give it up for krista. [applause, cheering] see you next time on lucky 13. stay lucky! [krista] whoo! ♪ tell you about a problem that
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not only us here at abc 7 are dealing with, but kgo. kfsn in california, as well as other businesses and television stations in many areas of the state of california and perhaps around the country. we are having computer problems. that affects our ability to present a show, but we're going to do the best we can because there is a lot of news to cover tonight, including the final day of the republican national convention, where donald trump delivered a one hour and 32 minute acceptance speech. that is a record for any speech by either party, democratic or republican. he had said earlier in the week that he intended to try to unite the country. he also sounded familiar themes in his speech tonight, calling immigrants, killers and criminals and saying that they were going to be mass deportations of illegal immigrants in the united states. we have more from our reporter, liz nagy, at the convention site. >> donald trump waited four years for this night. he never once mentioned his opponent by name, but laid out a starkly different vision of the country
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and a second trump term that looks much like the first acenas nancy, the 45th president, is back to reclaim the job he held and then lost. i am running to be president for all of america, not half of america. >> with a bandage still covering the wound from a shot at his life, donald trump recalled the moment he says it all could have ended the assassin's bullet came within a quarter of an inch of taking my life, the former president says that moment changed him. >> this, he promised, is a freshly written speech with a softer tone. >> i extend to you a hand of loyalty and of friendship. >> familiar themes of trump's first term quickly resurfaced. painting a dark picture of the way he views the country right now. >> under the current administration, we are indeed a nation in decline. we have an inflation crisis that is making
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life u the incomes of working and low income families, and crushing just simply crushing our people like never before. they've never seen anything like it. we also have an illegal immigration crisis before the reality star turned former president stepped on stage, former pro wrestler hulk hogan pumped up trump's republican base and they tried to kill the next president of the united states. >> enough was enough, and i said, let trump mania run wild, brother. >> former first lady melania trump reemerged alone for the first time this election cycle. on stage, her husband promised an expansion of the american centric policies of his first term. >> we will not let countries come in, take our jobs and plunder our nation. they come
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into that. they plunder our nation. the way they will sell their product in america is to build it in america. >> now a three time republican nominee, donald trump leaves milwaukee headed into a presidential campaign for redemption. the official republican nominee had a captured, intensely loyal audience this week, but donald trump will now face a reality of undecided and skeptical voters who are much more critical reporting in milwaukee, liz nagy abc seven eyewitness news as for his opponent, the current president, joe biden, he's battling covid right now, and the question is whether his campaign is in critical condition. >> with many on in the democratic party, including a former president, barack obama, raising questions about whether he can win in november. we will have more on that in just a couple of seconds. once we get that story together. in the meantime, we need to tell you about a dangerous pursuit live streamed with the suspect holding a baby in his lap. the baby was in the car with that
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suspect during that pursuit. now we're learning the driver had an already troubled criminal history. eyewitness news reporter tim caputo live now in beverly hills with more on that. tim. >> a kidnaping suspect who live streamed while being pursued by police on wednesday has been videotaped committing a crime before, although during last september's armed robbery, he likely didn't intend to get caught on camera or caught at all, abc seven has learned. 21 year old deon henderson was out on $170,000 bail when he led police on this chase with his two month old daughter and the little girl's mother in the car screaming for him to stop. >> i love both of y'all. >> this all began with an armed robbery in beverly hills. as a driver sitting in his car says 2 to 3 men pulled a gun stealing his rolex, a ring, and his iphone. two others were arrested in henderson, only taken into custody after this pursuit. last fall's armed robbery was just as dramatic, lapd says henderson, with three other men, broke into an apartment, tied up a victim
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and stole his car keys. that police, one of the men, leaping from a four story building bouncing off the roof of another home and landing injured in the alley. two other suspects were quickly arrested, and once again henderson was the last to get caught changing his clothes and trying to walk out the front door. only he didn't fool police. some wondering why he wasn't still in jail for that crime. they should be in jail and never to be out because this is the pattern. >> i think in wednesday's kidnaping to henderson's already long rap sheet, which includes nearly half a dozen felony charges in the last 13 months, he's been in and out of jail a lot, and some are concerned it's become a revolving door, even for violent crimes. >> i don't understand how the system allows these people to continue coming out, and crimes will just continue to escalate, and somebody's going to get seriously hurt. that's my fear. >> that little girl and mother from the pursuit are okay. as for henderson, he has a court appearance next week, but not for the crimes that happened yesterday for the felonies from back in september in beverly
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hills. tim caputo abc seven eyewitness news. >> now to a story that is developing in san dimas. a woman dead after someone attacked her with a sword. the at least one other person wounded there. the sword laying in the street next to a u-haul truck. you see it right there. ambulance is called to the scene here in san dimas on south huntington avenue at bassett court. this happened about 330 this afternoon. no word yet on whether deputies have made any arrests so far. that is still under investigation. they're still looking for a suspect. we're waiting for more details on who the attacker might be and the identities of the victims, and what the motive may have been for that attack. a family taking los angeles county to court after a 27 year old mother who called for help, ended up being shot by an la county sheriff's deputy, eyewitness news reporter michelle fisher has the story. michelle. >> seven months after leanne finlayson's death, her family has officially filed a lawsuit against los angeles county and
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the deputies involved in her fatal shooting. happened last december after finlayson called for help during a domestic dispute at her lancaster apartment. the sheriff's department releasing this body worn camera footage capturing the moments deputies arrived and entered the unit. then larson was shot seconds later as she held a knife near her ex-boyfriend. the lawsuit seeks millions in monetary damages and demands a jury trial for the deputy named in the complaint. as the shooter, the l.a. county sheriff's department confirming to eyewitness news thursday the deputy who shot finlayson was fired in march.
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>> all right. that story from our michelle fisher. the la county sheriff's department has said it takes all deputy involved shootings. it takes them seriously with a robust review process where every aspect of the shooting is thoroughly examined and evaluated. we apologize for what is happening there on our air. but as you can tell, we are having computer problems and they are widespread, not just here at abc seven in los angeles, but in a lot of other places. as well. let's go to eyewitness news reporter jory rand. he's live in our newsroom with more on this problem. jory. >> well, mark, a simple flip around the dial will show you it is not just us having these problems. >> this is a nationwide problem in pockets. another several other stations in los angeles are suffering similar issues right now. and that also includes some airlines. earlier tonight, frontier airlines was forced to ground their entire
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fleet due to a network problem. and now we're hearing a lot of complaints that it might have happened with american airlines as well. if you search american airlines, you can see a lot of people complaining their flights have been grounded. this looks like it might be a system wide problem. we would like to be able to give you a lot more information, but unfortunately some of our systems being affected is our ability to get on our computers. i can tell you most of our system has blue screens on it, which, if you know anything about going to an office and seeing network wide problems, you see the blue screen of death. well, that is what we are seeing. and anything you can do, there's nothing you can do to get out of it. so it looks like this perhaps is a microsoft problem. any company, any network that is running on a microsoft, network looks like they are experiencing some sort of problem right now, crowdstrike, issues is what is happening here tonight. i'm just being told in my ear. so this is a large network problem. we're told our stations through the disney abc group in san
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francisco and fresno are having similar problems as well as stations here in los angeles. we have dealt with issues like this before or similar outcomes. we had a bomb threat about a decade ago, and we were forced to pull operations out of this building and go on to the lawn across the street. we've had problems where our system wouldn't run any tapes, and that is a similar problem to what we're experiencing right now. but this is just tap dance to try and get you as much information as we can, while dealing with the limitations that we are experiencing here. mark. and you've been here a long time. i'm guessing you've never seen anything quite like what we're seeing right now. >> never seen anything quite like this. and it's an indicator, really, of how much technology has taken over. not only this business, obviously, but so many others. and in this particular business television, a lot of things that used to be done by human beings are now done by computers and software, and it's great when it works, not so great when it doesn't. we've never had a system. the entire system fail in this way. we've been able we've had all kinds of computer problems. everybody does at times in whatever business you're in. but
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it's never been as wholesale as this where literally nothing works. editing, printing scripts, getting stories on the air, even to be able to research and look up information. we are unable to do that at this point, but it is important that we bring you the news of the day, and that's why we're on the air right now, because we are required to do that. that is our mission, and we're going to do our best to carry out that mission
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only us, but television stations up and down the california and beyond. dallas raines joining us now with a look at our weather. lisa, that's work in dallas. >> mark. everything is going well in the weather department. this afternoon. we had a beautiful day across southern california. but my friends, this is the last day with the mild to warm temperatures. we're going to seeoming in down in lax tonight. it is cloudy as the marine layer kind of pushed in earlier today. but look what we have in the forecast as we head into the weekend. we do have an excessive heat warning for areas of southern california. just about everybody is in it with the exception of the coastal areas, but especially in the desert. we're going to see temperatures of at palm springs climb all the way again. 115 116 today palm
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springs was at 110. it was 93 at northridge. not bad. that's about normal for this time of the year. big bear lake checked in at 83 redondo beach today. had that sea


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