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tv   ABC7 News 400PM  ABC  July 22, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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both vice president harris and president biden for the first time since the president took himself out of the race. >> it is my intention to go out and earn this nomination and to win. yes so in the days and weeks ahead, i, together with you, will do everything in my power to unite our democratic party, to unite our nation, to win this election. >> notice, she said, earn this nomination. vice president harris, speaking here at an event today in delaware, she thanked president biden for his endorsement, and the president called in to the event as well. >> the name has changed the top of the ticket, but the mission hasn't changed at all. and by the way, i'm not going anywhere. i'm going to be out there in the campaign with her, with kamala. i'm going to be working like
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hell, both as a sitting president, getting legislation passed as well as in campaigning. >> president biden went on to say that the goal is still to unite the country and save the democracy. >> he said he believes vice president harris is the best person to do that, and the best person to defeat donald trump, and more endorsements and increasing support for vice president kamala harris as she begins to work to win the democratic nomination for president. >> abc news reporter ike ejiochi begins our team coverage today with a look at that support. >> and excitement from democratic supporters today for vice president kamala harris, now running for president after president joe biden's decision to get out of the 2024 presidential race. greetings, everyone. the vice president appearing today at an event on the south lawn of the white house welcoming ncaa student athlete champions harris, beginning her remarks highlighting biden's accomplishments. i am firsthand witness that every day our president joe biden, fights for
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the american people and we are deeply, deeply grateful for his service to our nation. harris not talking directly about the presidential campaign, collecting endorsements from more key democrats today, former speaker nancy pelosi, in a statement praising president biden and saying, quote, my enthusiastic support for kamala harris for president is official, personal and political. house leader hakeem jeffries, stopping short of endorsing harris. >> she's excited the house democratic caucus and she's exciting the country. >> michigan governor gretchen whitmer also endorsing harris, saying she would not join the ticket if offered. >> i am not leaving michigan. i'm proud to be the governor. >> instead announcing she'll co-chair harris's 2024 campaign. the trump campaign quickly pivoting to now focus on harris. >> you want to lead this countr, you should feel grateful for it. you should feel a sense of gratitude and i never hear that gratitude come through when i listen to kamala harris. >> ike ejiochi abc news, new
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york now, recent polls show kamala harris has nearly the same amount of support as president biden over donald trump. >> but it is important to note those polls were done before yesterday's announcement. earlier today, paul mitchell, the vice president of political data inc, offers some insight on the polling in california. >> she is definitely, you know, going to beat trump in california. she's about one point better than biden statewide. and more importantly, she's a little bit better than biden in those swing congressional districts where democrats have about seven seats in california, that will likely determine whether or not democrats or republicans control congress in the in this administration, california polling has also shown voter turnout may be better, with kamala harris at the top of the ticket. >> about 40% of democrats said they'd be more likely to vote if the candidate were someone younger than president biden, and among younger democrats, that number is about 75. >> childhood friends and former
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colleagues of vice president harris are showing their support today. abc seven news reporter ryan curry spoke with some of the people who know her best in the east bay. >> a walk along browning street in berkeley brings up many memories for carol porter. >> this is the bus stop here. and if anybody sees this and i'm wrong, that's okay. but i believe it was the green duck that we caught here. and we would all line up right from here, all the way back there. >> this neighborhood is where she grew up with vice president kamala harris. it was a red lined neighborhood. >> i want to say that because this was the berkeley flatlands and redlining and yellow lining was a way that, of segregating people back in the 60s and 70s segregated but full of character. >> the vice president lived above this daycare, and porter says they spent a lot of time here. >> we got to fourth grade. we walked to school. i would sometimes come and wait for her mom to finish her hair. hair was a thing. >> a childhood. she wouldn't trade for anything, she remembers. summer block parties
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and playing games. >> at the end of the day, the most fun thing was coming outside at probably about 5:00 in the summer and everybody being outside and just playing together, it was just it was it was wonderful. >> the pair attended franklin and thousand oaks elementary. the school has a dedicated mural to the vice president. it was a wonderful place to grow up, and i think it really influenced her and gave her some good grounding and some good learning to have her be ready for where she is today. she says that character and community support inspired harris to pursue public service. bart board member lateefah simon, who is running for congress, used to work for the vice president. even before she was san francisco district attorney. she considers harris a mentor. >> toughest boss that i'll ever have, however, the best leader that i've ever worked for, she says she had to take breaks from her own campaign this weekend because she is excited about her mentor. >> projected to become the democratic presidential nominee. >> i know her spirit and her
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value of service and to me her becoming the nominee, the democratic nominee. it gives me so much hope. >> simon is a superdelegate, she says. there is no doubt she's casting her vote to make vice president harris the nominee at the upcoming convention in the east bay. ryan curry, abc seven news. >> well, one of the first phone calls that since vice president harris made on sunday after deciding to run for president was to her pastor in san francisco, reverend amos brown of third baptist church. >> as i want you to pray for me, for doug and this election. so mrs. brown and i both had that propitious, important moment of talking with the person who was on the way to becoming the nominee. >> reverend brown tells us it's time the nation elected its
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first female president. and he says vice president harris is the right person for the job. stay with abc seven for the latest election news. be sure to download the abc seven news app to get information on the go. >> all right, moving on to other news now, a major setback for the company hoping to build a new city near fairfield in solano county. the plans are on hold, at least for now. >> abc seven news i-team reporter stephanie sierra has been following the story and is here with the latest developments. steph. >> yes, kristin and larry. this comes as a shock to the community. as we all know, these plans have been in the works for many years now and i did just speak to the company ceo, jan sramek. and he says with the drawing, the ballot measure was a mutual decision between the company and the solano county board of supervisors. now this all comes after the company's turbulent start with many local, state and federal leaders raising concern about mistrust, according to a statement posted to california forever's website, the company has more work to do and will be submitting an application for a general plan and zoning amendment. then we'll
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be proceeding with the standard process required for new development that includes completing what's called an environmental impact report. earlier this year, the county completed an independent study on the potential impacts of the proposed plan. city and county officials say that study painted a bleak picture, but california forever ceo jan sramek says these new steps will make the plan more effective. >> we're going to line up all of these approvals, do the work with the county, have additional input, and then bring it back to the voters for one big approval. >> i'm slightly relieved because it does, you know, give us some breathing room. i think that it was inevitable that they were going to lose this ballot initiative. and so the only choice was to pull it. >> now, princess washington, the mayor pro tem of suisun city, says the county's report of the initial plan wasn't good, adding it would have been a detriment to the county, creating billions of dollars of infrastructure that would have created a deficit for the county each year. now, we asked shramek
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about that. and he says the county's report used unrealistic assumptions, adding a firm he hired that works with the state treasurer and state comptroller found the project would have brought $50 million in additional tax surplus to the county. that's his claim. so there's clearly still a disconnect here. shimek hopes this measure will still be back on the ballot in 2026, with no impact to the construction timeline. so larry and kristen, we'll see what happens. >> all right. we will. thanks, steph. all right. turning now to the weather and another heat wave. >> yes. abc7 news meteorologist lisa argen here with a first look at the forecast. and lisa, i was driving in from the east bay and it was 100 degrees. came through the tunnel. then the bridge and it was 70 degrees. yeah >> and the fog there still at the golden gate bridge. so we have a 43 degree spread out there. and so that's why our advisory is up in the north bay from the peninsula to the south bay. and our excessive heat warning is in our inland valley. so this is certainly not like
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what we had in early july. a live look outside there you can see the haze from mount tam. current numbers are in the upper 50s. in half moon bay you can see that 92 in san jose with mid 60s san francisco. looks pretty nice here from our sutro tower camera. but there it is, that 102 in fairfield, 100 in livermore, with 80 up in the north bay. so certainly warm. and look at the 24 hour temperature change 21 degrees warmer in our inland valleys. so we are looking at thunderstorms in the sierra nevada. the marine layer keeping us cool at the coast and the moderate air quality through tomorrow and wednesday we are looking at the hottest day tomorrow. it's still a warm night. tonight we'll track when we see the cooler weather, and you're going to want to pay attention because we're going to be going below average larry, by the weekend. >> all right. thank you lisa. see you in a few minutes. with the seven day forecast, crews are gaining control of a wildfire that's burning along the border of colusa and lake counties. cal fire says it has 800 personnel out there working today. working through the very
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hot temperatures that fires burned more than 2700 acres since it started on saturday, and containment is at 25% a heads up. >> if you're planning to travel down near big sur this weekend. starting tonight, caltrans is planning partial overnight closures on highway one at the rocky creek bridge. crews are going to be working on that section of highway one, which washed away in storms back in march. the closures will last from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. each night tonight through thursday. >> coming up on abc seven news at four. slow your roll. the big divide over san francisco's slow streets a pledge for parents. the effort to keep cell phones out of kids hands until they're in high school, and how the bay area
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call leaffilter today. and never clean out clogged gutters again. leaffilter's technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good. guaranteed. call 833.leaf.filter today, or visit
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that's slow cooked and smothered in tangy memphis style barbecue sauce. it's no fuss, no muss. just tons of flavor. the best barbecue beef is only a togo's. try one today. introduced in san francisco at the beginning of the pandemic as a way for people to get outside while social distancing. but this effort to build a better bay area has created division among some residents and abc7 news reporter lyanne melendez took a closer look at the issue and the changes. >> and what do we find out? well, you know, living here in san francisco, you find out that it's not a major issue, but certainly a talker for many people. >> now, san francisco has 19 slow streets again, created during the pandemic and made permanent in 2022 by the board
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of supervisors. now the city is now more divided than ever between those who insist they have transformed their community and those who say the pandemic is over and those slow streets are not needed. this is sanchez street in san francisco's noe valley neighborhood. families share a blissful moment while in the midst of this concrete valley, all on a so-called slow street. >> it's been incredible. i think it's the best way we've met our neighbors in the community. you know, you you see kids learning how to ride their bikes. you grab coffee with people you've never met before just to refresh your memory, the sfmta introduced the concept of slow streets as a way to incorporate other ways of getting around the city, such as bicycling, running, walking and mind you, they are not closed to cars. >> the city just wants you to drive slowly. but who wants to drive at a snail's pace when you can drive on other streets? and
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that's how the slow street controversy began. san franciscans have voiced their opinions at city hall. not every neighbor living on or near lake street in the inner richmond district has embraced their slow street in fact, some argue the program was forced upon them. someone even wrote communism on this sign. we heard there have been tense moments between pedestrians, bicyclists and drivers. we wanted to see if that was true and decided to set up a chair to observe. we found more than your average number of cars insisting on driving on lake street, some even exceeding the suggested 15 miles an hour in noe valley. the slow street program has also been divisive. >> we see guys, they'll yell at people in the street for being in the street, get out of the street right next to a sign here. so that's the kind of response that we're getting from the motorists in this city.
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>> motorists, some say slow streets are safe streets. so fa, 14 pedestrians have died in traffic accidents in the city. however, no one has ever been killed on a slow street. a few locals have also complained that having a slow street has increased the amount of traffic on the adjacent streets. abc seven news was able to analyze san francisco county transportation data available for roads adjacent to slow streets, though data was not available for all of them. the ones we could review actually showed little to no traffic impact on nearby streets. since the program was adopted, but even those who want to keep them say there are still issues that need to be addressed for example, a few construction workers now double park for most of the day on this slow street. >> you know, there's a lot of contractors or people who feel like because it is a slow
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street, they can just park. they're not pulling permits. they're not, you know, trying to do things the right way. they're just doing it because it's easy for them. i understand that, but it does make it a hazard for people who are biking or walking, you know, because it forces them into oncoming traffic and it's very unsafe. >> she told us there is little to no enforcement, which is the responsibility of the san francisco municipal transportation agency, the sfmta. >> we are doing our best to allocate our limited resources in a way that we see meets the highest value need for that time. >> sfmta encourages people to report all incidents to the 3-1-1 customer service center. neighbors and merchants were adamantly opposed to having a slow street on a section of west portal avenue. back when it was proposed. they fought both their district supervisor and the sfmta and were successful. george wooding of the midtown terrace homeowners association said the slow street would have hurt business owners. >> what you do is you end up excluding a tremendous number of potential customers in an area,
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and it just destroys the merchants. >> we polled every leading san francisco mayoral candidate mark farrell said he supports most slow streets. everyone else told us they favor keeping all slow streets, but believe improvements are needed. how will you improve things to fit the specific needs of each community? yes. >> so through a lot of detailed outreach and engagement and listening and learning from those community members, what are their unique needs? we can then design which are the particular interventions. so this is really a conversation and in collaboration with community to make sure that each street meets the particular needs of that place. >> so the sfmta has promised to do more community outreach when proposing the next group of slow streets, because they have already announced that expansion will happen in the upcoming years as part of the city's bicycle and rolling plan. i think a lot of people feel that, they are not being heard right?
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>> both sides. i love seated ceo like leanne, just kind of observing the whole thing. >> it was great to observe, you know, because these people, your friends and colleagues and what have you tell you, this is what's going on. and, you know, we spent a good amount of time just observing and seeing if that was true. >> seems like what seemed like a good idea. but unintended consequences. yeah, right. >> setting up some conflicts there. thanks, liane. sure. >> all right. it's hot today. going to be hot tomorrow. and wednesday and thursday. >> i don't know if we want the details, but nonetheless, meteorologist lisa argen has been hard at work preparing them for you. so here they are. >> that's right. you know, we are under that marginal heat risk for the north bay. that advisory you know, really borderline it's definitely hot inland. but you'll see what i mean when we show you the current numbers. you can see socked in clouds on the golden gate bridge. we'll show you that again. but look at the lightning strikes here now, because of our fog, our stable air mass at the shoreline, we're pretty sure we're in good shape here. and
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the risks will stay in the sierra nevada. so we'll watch the marine layer at about a couple hundred feet. now, continue to shrink. and then it's back tonight. but it's not widespread. it's dense at the coast. and that will provide that cooling that air conditioning for the next several days. so really the inland heat wave is what you're feeling if you're east of the caldecott tunnel. we are 59.5 moon bay 81, in redwood city. looks beautiful here, doesn't it? our exploratorium camera 82 for you in hayward. that's warm for the bay shore. 66 downtown. and there it is. all the fog there. 100 in livermore, 102 by the delta. it is 97 in concord, and we certainly have a breeze out there. temperatures tomorrow in the north bay. santa rosa, still in the 90s. so we're not anywhere near where we were early in july. but look at the upper elevations, where relative humidity is about 23, 24. we're in the 80s and 90s from our east bay hills to mount tam. so that's certainly a concern. so triple digit temperatures returned for your tuesday
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inland. and that always increases the risk of fire danger. the fuels are dry. we have some of those breezy winds coming in out of the south through the delta tomorrow, and then late week cooling where we'll have temperatures at average and then below average with mist and drizzle and a widespread marine layer. coastal flood advisory a high tide right before 1 a.m, 6.5ft. so some of the usual areas here, the san pablo bay parking lots could see some minor flooding. we had a full moon yesterday, and as we look at the overnight lows tonight, it is mild inland, upper 60s to near 70. with those 50s around the bay so certainly comfortable. probably need the fan for a little bit. but as we jump ahead to the end of the week, notice we're in the 80s inland. that's a nice day. but that is certainly much, much cooler. 60s and 70s, coast and bay shore. this looks like your coolest day on saturday. we'll be waiting for the sun and then looking at mild afternoon highs. a bit of a bump up on your sunday. and as for tomorrow, 104
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in fairfield, 102 in concord, 77 in oakland. so very pleasant. san francisco 70. air quality, moderate mid 80s down around palo alto and the accuweather seven day forecast. we've got the hottest day on tap for your tuesday with about 104 out by the delta mid to upper 80s around the bay shore. and then as we get into wednesday not as hot inland, we get more cooling and then much more cooling as we look at friday into saturday. and it's kind of nice as we get towards sunday and monday. but boy, we're sort of getting used to the hot summer. it's been certainly a warm one for us, but this is the way we usually do 2 or 3 days and then it's over. >> i don't need it to be over. yeah. thank you lisa. okay. >> all right. speaking of the heat, a heated hearing on capitol hill as lawmakers
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of the attempted assassination of former president trump. abc's jacqueline lee has more. >> a combative testimony on capitol hill as u.s. secret service director kim cheatle appeared before the house oversight committee monday. >> you have offered no reason for this committee, this body or the american people to trust you or the secret service today. >> the idea that we're getting less than you did on television
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is something that democrats, independents or republicans are going to find unacceptable. >> cheadle, coming under scrutiny after a gunman attempted to assassinate former president donald trump at a campaign rally in butler, pennsylvania, earlier this month. >> the assassination attempt of former president donald trump on july 13th is the most significant operational failure of the secret service in decade. >> republican ohio representative jim jordan, demanding to know whether the agency denied requests from former president trump's security detail for a national resources. >> were you guessing or lying when you said you didn't turn down requests from president trump's detail? >> neither, sir, and i appreciate the question. so what i can tell you is that for the event in butler, there were no requests that were denied. >> lawmakers digging in on why the rally was not paused when there were reports of a person of interest an hour before shots were fired 20 minutes before the shooting began, the state police informed the secret service of their concern, cheadle refusing to resign, citing her 30 years
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of service and stating she is determined to find out why there was a security lapse. >> i think that i am the best person to lead the secret service at this time, the department of homeland security inspector general opened three separate investigations into what went wrong. >> the fbi is also leading a criminal investigation. jacqueline lee abc news, los angeles. >> coming up, big show of support for now. presidential candidate kamala harris. are we murder? and the preparations already underway for the campaign? >> and later, when should kids get cell phones? the new pledge 100% all white meat spicy chicken strips. ...not really what i had in mind deadpool. starting at $5.50! with brand new dipping sauces.
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stand outside san francisco city hall. here's abc seven news reporter lena howland. when we fight san francisco, democratic leaders are getting behind vice president kamala harris as she hopes to shatter another glass ceiling as the first female president. >> right now, she needs us more than ever. she needs us to come together. we as democrats, we don't have time to waste. >> vice president harris was the first woman to ever serve as district attorney in san francisco, less than 24 hours after she announced her intention to run for president. san francisco mayor london breed is giving her support to the oakland native. >> we're going to have to travel to battleground states. we're going to have to hit the doors and the phones. we're going to have to do text messages. we're going to have to defend her record, because there are people right now, as we speak, that are trying to tear her down, and we'll consistently go after her
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every single step of the way. but we know the real kamala harris. >> city attorney david chu was at monday's rally, too, wearing a 21 year old shirt saying asians for kamala. this is from when harris first ran to be the city's district attorney. >> there is no one better to prosecute the case against a convicted felon than kamala harris against donald trump, who's been convicted of 34 counts, 88 indictment. there is no one who has more qualifications than her. >> the same sentiment is being echoed by state leaders. here's state comptroller malia cohen. >> kamala harris is more than a black woman, more than a southeast asian woman that is run. this is an accomplished professional. this is a woman that is centered and focused on justice, on fairness, and most importantly, universal love. yes yes, vice president harris still has to formally secure the nomination from around 4700 democratic convention delegates.
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>> the committee setting the rules for the democratic national convention is expected to meet virtually on wednesday to discuss the next steps in san francisco. lena howland, abc seven news. >> and vice president kamala harris's campaign debuted a new logo early this morning. it simply reads harris for president. it comes less than a day after president biden announced he'd withdraw from the presidential race and endorsed harris for the 2024 bid. >> her campaign also also started selling merchandise to support her run for president. there's a t shirt, coffee mug, several sticker packs. the campaign took over the website that was being used by president biden during his run before he stepped down. >> all right. joining us live now to talk more about it is abc seven news insider phil matier. uh- first of all, phil, a lot of excitement in the bay area and in california. her roots here are so deep. >> well, yes. and there was a lot of excitement and a lot of relief. i have to be honest with you. and a lot of people are just relieved now that joe biden
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is out of the race, and there's a hope that kamala harris can do the job. get it yourself elected uh- that is sort of this mixed euphoria out there, and i don't know how long it's going to last. but her roots are very deep in the bay area. she went to elementary school here. she went to high school in montreal, canada, and then she came back and she was district attorney here. she was attorney general for the state of california and a senator from here as well. so she has been around her a lot of ties here. but in the last couple of years, there's been a distancing between her in the bay area, at least behind the scenes as she's become more and more washington oriented. >> the campaign raised $81 million like in a day right after the announcement. you think that's inflated. >> no. yeah. it's kind of like, you know, those sports contracts. you always talk about where they get these huge numbers and then you look at them and go, i'm not sure about that. they raised $80 million, but i think they had about 70 million of it already ready to open, because there's a time between reporting. but the fact is they are getting the money. money is not going to be a problem. the problem, the
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challenge, at least that's been outlined by me by democrats who have been involved in past races like this is it's not just enough to change necessarily. the person at the top. she's replacing somebody that was going down physically and mentally. and so there's new hope there. but we have to recall that even prior to the debate, president biden's job performance ratings were about 35. and kamala harris is worth 38. so america was not necessarily all that enamored with the message as well as the messenger. so people are saying it's going to be interesting to see if she just takes the biden script and goes with it, or if she tries to bring in something new. >> i mean, it certainly feels like the democrats are energized, re-energized, and they're giving money. they're signing up. but what about those swing states and middle america, the places that she would need to bring in that? >> you're making a great point. republicans are energized. democrats are energized. but that's the same 40 to 45% split that they walk in with on all of these polls. and as you're right, it's the 10 or 15 in
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between in those swing states. we don't know how it plays right now, because right now it's only been 48 hours. and right now they're still paving the way for her to get the nomination at the convention, which is going to be, you know, a dicey sort of message way to on one hand, you say, let's show unity right now. get out there, get behind kamala harris and really make a push for it. but others people say, you know, this kind of looks like a real quick inside deal that just got done. he gets pushed out and she's in. and before i know it, nancy pelosi and chuck schumer. and everybody has decided she's the candidate. and that's it. so where's the democracy in that? >> where is the vice president in this as to who is going to be her running mate? >> well, there are a couple of let's see if we i think we had a graphic that was made up. yeah the leading contenders right now appear to be like pennsylvania governor josh shapiro. then we have, you know, others on there or north carolina governor ray cooper, arizona senator mark kelly, and we've got kentucky governor andy beshear. what do they all have in common? white
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male. thank you. okay. >> and i'm very observant like that though. >> and they're also from states outside of new york, with the exception of governor pritzker, who i don't really think is in there from illinois. there, the list seems to be that middle america that you were talking about, that swing state of america, because you're picking of a vice president. there's two things you want out of that. one, you want an image, whether it's younger or older. if you're an outsider like donald trump, you get an insider like mike pence. you know, you get that if you are, you know, a minority, possibly you go get the white guy, okay? they call it balancing the ticket as to what it actually brings with any luck, it just doesn't bring embarrassment because that's where you really get into trouble. if you're vice president. really, you know, like sarah palin or something goes goes off and creates a little bit of a, you know, embarrassment there. so you're just looking for somebody solid that sort of fits the image. >> and they got to make a quick decision too. >> they can't wait to, you know, my bet would be on somebody from
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the us senate because governors actually have to go to work in the morning and run states, whereas senators basically. yeah, senators, there's 100 of them. you can, you know, you know, every every four years, 12 of them run for president. so they can't be a too heavy a word. >> i'll take a governor and let's put five bucks on it, okay. all right. sounds good. phil. thanks, phil. >> all right, a brat summer and how it ties into kamala harris. also changing things up at (woman) oh, come on! come on! (vo) fargo lets you do this: (woman) fargo, turn off my debit card. i found it! i found my card! (vo) and also, this: (woman) fargo, turn on my debit card! (vo) do you fargo? you can, with wells fargo.
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have to help me out with this because, you know, i'm decidedly uncool when it comes to pop culture and trends. but there's a new viral trend known as brat summer. the term was coined by pop star charli xcx, whose new album is called brat. it's been widely embraced, even inspiring this mural in san francisco. brat is defined as edgy and distinctive, with a carefree but polished look that stands out yesterday. charli xcx wrote on social media kamala is brat and her fans then went so crazy for it that kamala's campaign changed her page to match the album. like the same stylistics, same font, same color, so yeah. so kamala is brat. leanne, i think you're hipper than the rest of us. so explain this. what do you think about it? >> well, you know, leave it up to the brits to come up with this new term. and we're not
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talking about the brat pack. the rat pack. remember that? yeah, well, i think you know, her campaign moved very quickly to sort of be trendy and appeal to a younger voter. yeah. and something that, you know, they weren't feeling the love for president biden. so yeah, it's sort of interesting in terms of the timing. >> and it seems like coincidence, lisa. but obviously you want every voter you can get young or old, especially young, given the situation right now. >> yeah, it seems a little rebellious and a little bit what san francisco is about. of course, they're on the cutting edge, so they would embrace that. but i kind of had to google it because, you know, in my younger days in the 70s, maybe i was called a brat, but for a different reason. so yeah, not the cool brat, but more like, you know, maybe a spoiled bread, i don't know. >> we'll have to bring your parents in to discuss this. no. later. don't. okay. all right. now to debunking an old wives tale. it turns out you can swim
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right after you eat. doctors now say there's no need to wait. the old warning stems from fear that people might struggle because blood would be diverted to their full stomachs instead of their muscles. but doctors say in reality, people still have plenty of blood flowing to their muscles after eating. in fact, the research nowadays suggests that even like a leisurely walk after you eat is best for digestion. so swimming would obviously be, you know, more labor intensive than that. but, cristina, are you going to tell your kids, okay, eat, jump in the water, >> not so much. jump in the water, but i do mandatory post-dinner walk whenever i can convince them to do it. >> mandatory. >> well, i mean, i cajole, i coerce, i bribe, i do whatever i can because i think it's a nice family bonding time. >> but also, like you said, i think new studies show that it's actually good for your body. and health. >> you know how hard it was for me as a kid to wait for an hour. my parents would say, you have to wait. you know, the psychological trauma that i.
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yeah, for waiting to get into the beach or the swimming pool, yeah. a mom that was not brat. okay >> yeah. and if you're diving, you know, you might want to eat deep sea diving. you know, give yourself some energy. that's also advised. that's a different kind of swimming. but you need, you know. yeah. >> just don't stuff yourself silly, you know, and then go hard. >> don't don't go to the, the all you can eat buffet, then jump in the water. >> okay. you can soon be seeing some changes at starbucks and it's all connected to the bay area. starbucks will start using fiber based compostable cups at 24 locations, 21 in california, three in minnesota. the change is due in part to a law passed in alameda in 2018. it required reusable or compostable packaging in restaurants and in petaluma. starbucks is testing its reusable cup program, where cups are washed and sterilized and then put back into use. so all of it reducing that single use, you know, thing. what do you think i'm all for anything that reduces the amount of
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plastic that we produce and then ends up in the ocean in small particles eaten by fish, then eaten by us and then we have a whole bunch of plastic in us. >> so if we can do anything to eliminate that risk and that problem, let's go forward with it. and hopefully people can embrace it. >> now who's washing these and sterilizing these cups? that's what i want to know. it just yeah, i would imagine they put them put them in a dishwasher and you're fine. >> yeah. >> but if you if you say so chuck that in your green bin. >> it's going to get rejected. you know that's not it could be recyclable for at home but it's not compostable. you know what i mean. those will you know how if you get the wrong thing in your bin, it's going to get rejected. so it's this is industrial. so you have to be sure it really gets composted. >> all right. it'll be interesting to see how that unfolds, you were mentioning robots, so let's keep going. robot workers are coming to tesla. tesla is expected to have
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humanoid robots for internal company use by next year. elon musk today posted on x, writing the humanoid robots will be genuinely useful. tesla will make the robots for themselves and eventually produce them for other companies, we always joke about you know, the robot concept is great, and until they are weaponized and turned against us. but you know, i saw some projections about tesla that as well as they do on the cars and the batteries that like the big business success, is going to be robots in the long run. >> yeah. >> it's scary. i mean, tesla's always been a very, robotically reliant factory, right? the one that they had on the east bay. yeah right. it's tons of robots already. so are they just making their robots a little more human looking now? >> well, yeah. >> i mean, they look like the terminator, actually. yeah. >> you know, so they're called gen threes and they. i read this, they're five feet, ten inches tall, 138 pounds. what
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are we calling these supermodel? but anyway, they're slow because they can only kind of walk at 1.3mph. and the average human speed is 2 to 3. so. wow they wouldn't survive here in the newsroom because they wouldn't get our scripts to us in time. >> yeah, they'd be way too slow for us, well, crank it up, elon. that's i i only meant to order five. there's not enough money in my account for these. i'm gonna get charged. two things i just can't deal with. overdraft charges. and garden gnomes. but your bmo smart advantage checking account gives you an extra day to avoid an overdraft fee. nice to see a bank cutting people some slack. mistakes happen. and we give you time to correct them. so, you don't like gnomes huh? what about that one? that one i like. a lot. ♪ bmo ♪
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>> the promise that they will not give their kids smartphones until they reach high school. >> abc seven news reporter cornell bernard, with reaction from parents and experts. >> it's a decision many parents have to make during back to school time to give their kids a smartphone or not. >> from the children's point of view, really important for emergencies. you need that feeling of connection and quick access. >> the novato unified school district is hoping parents of elementary and middle school students will think twice before arming their kids with smartphones. the superintendent says. this summer, the district's administrative team is reviewing and developing our cell phone policies and expectations using successful models from other school districts. the district is considering the wait until eighth pledge, in which parents pledge to withhold smartphones from students until the end of
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eighth grade. the cell phone pledge follows an assault on a female student at sinaloa middle school by a group of other girls in may, video of the assault was posted on social media. >> i think it's really important to have a partnership with families, john carroll is marin county superintendent of schools. >> he supports the no cell phone pledge. last year, his office sued several social media companies, claiming they were contributing to an increase in mental health disturbances among young people. >> we have really solid evidence that social media companies algorithms have set kids up where they're compromising their emotional health, setting the stage for social bullying. >> social psychologist jonathan haidt has rules for kids and smartphones one. >> no smartphone before 14. you can give them a flip phone. you send them out, but you do not give a child the internet in their pocket where strangers can reach them. >> i knew what tesla wanted a smartphone screenagers is a series of documentaries exploring how technology impacts
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the mental health of kids. >> created by marin county filmmaker lisa tabb. >> my feeling is that it's one of the biggest gifts we can give our kids in this moment is to have phones off and away all day. >> some novato parents say they're ready to take the no cell phone pledge. what do you think of that? >> i think that's a great idea. i think they are a problem, and i would definitely support that in marin county. >> cornell, bernard. abc seven news. >> i kind of like the flip phone idea at least they'll have a way to get in touch with you in case of emergency, but they're not going to be sitting there, going to be on it the whole time. yeah. what do you think? >> agreed. yeah. too late for me to convince my kids of it, but no, no, they've got the fancy phones already. the us postal service has a new stamp honoring late jeopardy! host alex trebek. the stamp looks like the show's iconic blue game board, with the words, this naturalized u.s. citizen hosted the quiz show jeopardy! for 37 seasons. who is alex trebek is upside down under the clue. the new stamp was
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released today in honor of the show's 60th anniversary. >> after years of waiting and some teasing, deadpool and wolverine are teaming up. >> i'm the wolverine. yes you are, and i'm gonna need you to come with me right now. look lady, i'm not interested. >> the friendship between both the characters and the actors next
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at 11. all right. this is going to be fun. busy week for ryan reynolds and hugh jackman. they were on gma today. they'll be on jimmy kimmel live wednesday all leading up to friday's release of deadpool and wolverine. reporter george pennacchio caught up with the stars. life is a mystery. >> i don't know anything about saving worlds, but you do. >> i hear you trust me, kid, i'm no hero. >> it's been six years since we last saw deadpool on the big screen. seven years for wolverine. now, friends. ryan reynolds and hugh jackman are back together for disney's first r-rated marvel movie. deadpool and wolverine directed fearlessly by shawn levy. >> we keep waiting to get in trouble, but no one's telling us to stop. no, so we're just enjoying it almost done, almost done what? >> getting my knife out of your
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buttocks. >> i never feel more free than when i'm this character. you know, it's like everything i love about performing, it's clown work. it's like you know, literally clown work. i mean, under suit and a mask and all that kind of stuff. and then working with my closest friends, i thought, man, if i'm lucky enough, one day i get to make a great movie with my friends. and that dream has come true with deadpool and wolverine. >> i'm the wolverine. yes you are, and i'm going to need you to come with me right now. >> look, lady, i'm not interested. >> when hugh said yes to this project, he said yes to something else. finally, wearing that famous superhero spandex. i can't believe we didn't do it for the last 24 years. >> it was their idea. immediately. this is what we're going to do. and it's. it just. it's perfect. >> you're just stand there, you ape. give me a hand up. no, i'm actually okay. >> we built the movie for audience. joy and we're pretty excited that we finally get to share that with the world.
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>> and this one film has been years. i mean, we've been we're really literally working on this for years. >> you appear to have soiled yourself while unconscious. >> i was unconscious. who are you? >> deadpool and wolverine enters the summer box office battle this weekend in new york. george pennacchio abc seven news i might watch that movie a dozen times. >> that's it for this edition of abc seven news at four. i'm larry beil, abc seven news at five is coming up next fargo makes banking faster, and easier. (woman) fargo, turn off my debit card! (vo) lets you pick up the tab, even if you forget your wallet... (kaz) i got this.
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this nomination and to win >> vice president kamala harris, with her eyes on a new prize tonight. today, she made her
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