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tv   ABC7 News 300PM  ABC  July 23, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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united states and the next president of the united states. kamala harris i came over. >> vice president kamala harris kicked off her campaign for the white house, kicking it into
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high gear with her first campaign rally today. just this afternoon. hello. i'm kristen sze. thanks for joining us. harris made her first official campaign stop as the presumptive democratic presidential nominee today. she made her case to voters in battleground wisconsin. abc news reporter christiane cordero is following this developing story. >> today, president joe biden returning to washington after recovering from covid in delaware. the first time we're seeing him since thursday and since he dropped out of the presidential race, his vice president and now presumptive democratic presidential nominee kamala harris on the campaign trail in battleground wisconsin, the path to the white house goes through wisconsin, and you all helped us win in 2020. >> and in 2024, we will win again. >> harris plans to campaign against former president trump by focusing on threats to abortion access and project 2025. >> donald trump wants to take our country backward. he and his
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extreme project 2025 agenda. will weaken the middle class. >> her candidacy, propelled by a flood of endorsements and donations, raising a record $100 million plus and getting the official backing of every democratic governor and nearly all of the party's members of congress today. senate majority leader chuck schumer and house minority leader hakeem jeffries giving their endorsements. >> we are brimming with excitement, enthusiasm, unity, kamala harris and her candidacy has excited and energized the house democratic caucus. the democratic party and the nation. >> some congressional republicans are targeting harris's involvement in the biden administration's policies as part of their case against her, and house speaker mike johnson questioning harris decision to campaign tomorrow instead of attending israeli prime minister netanyahu's
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speech to congress. >> madam vice president, you say you want to be the leader of the free world, and yet you can't bring yourself to sit behind our our most important and strategic ally in this moment. that is not a good look for you. >> vice president harris, president biden and former president trump each plan to meet separately with netanyahu this week. christiane cordero abc news, washington. >> and we're less than a month away from the start of the democratic national convention. that will be august 19th to the 22nd in chicago. abc is set to host the next presidential debate on september 10th, although it's up in the air until the democratic nomination is official and this is all leading up to election day on november 5th. now, tomorrow, president biden will address the nation after announcing plans to step away from the presidential race. he will deliver an address to the american people from the oval office tomorrow night at 5 p.m, and we'll carry it here on abc seven back here, former l.a.
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mayor antonio villaraigosa is running for california governor. he ran for governor in 2018, but finished third in the primary. in his announcement video posted this morning, villaraigosa said, quote, i believe we need a problem solver to lead our state. that's why i'm running for governor. several other democrats have already announced their candidacy. that includes lieutenant governor eleni kounalakis, senator toni atkins, state superintendent tony thurmond and former state controller betty yee. governor newsom will term out and cannot run for reelection again. the director of the secret service has resigned ten days after the attempted assassination of former president trump. yesterday, during house committee hearings, kimberly cheadle provided little clarity on how a gunman was able to get access to a roof with a clear line of sight of the former president. she refused to answer many questions, citing an ongoing fbi investigation. >> we are just nine days out from this incident, and there's
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still an ongoing investigation. >> so lawmakers, both republicans and democrats, have been calling for cheadle's resignation. >> i'm happy to see that she has heeded the call of both republicans and democrats, now we have to pick up the pieces. >> meanwhile, congressional investigations into the assassination attempt are picking up with the house homeland security committee today and the approval of a bipartisan congressional task force expected tomorrow. ronald roe, the us secret service deputy director, will now act serve as acting director. he's a 24 year veteran of the department. okay, shifting gears, you'll be able to turn down that ac soon as cooler temperatures come to the bay area. abc seven meteorologist drew tuma has the latest in the accuweather forecast. >> the coast is the place to go to get that heat relief today and tomorrow. you look along the coast. most of our areas will be in the 60s. a lot of sunshine in
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the north bay. we do have some patchy fog around half moon bay, santa cruz this afternoon, but still temperatures are very comfortable in the 60s and 70s. here's live doppler seven along with satellite high pressure in control that is acting like the heat pump. so that's why temperatures continue to warm as we head deeper into the day. now this evening, we will find those evening temperatures still quite warm in the 80s and in the 90s, but we will keep it comfy along the coast throughout the day. so highs in the microclimates starting in the south bay. today is the hottest day of the week. we will be in the 90s, 93 in san jose, 98, morgan hill 90. the high and cupertino along the peninsula, 60s along the coast. but 80s for redwood city. palo alto at 8686 in los altos as well across the city. today we will see cooler numbers along the ocean. warmer downtown, 73, in the financial district. later on this afternoon as we head into the north bay, those hot temperatures in the 80s and 90s, 94 in petaluma, 95 in santa rosa, 92 in napa. but sausalito, look at that. quite cool. at 69
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degrees, the east bay, it's warm. 80 in oakland for a daytime high 90, though in fremont, 89 castro valley and inland. we have that excessive heat warning in effect because temperatures range between 100 and 104. so take those precautions like you did yesterday. stay hydrated out there. find ways to beat the heat. seek shade. if you're outside. also, that ac as well. overnight tonight we will have some patchy cloud cover along the coast. inland temperatures. it is mild 60s and low 70s as we see another day of warm temperatures tomorrow afternoon. daytime highs on our wednesday will keep the heat advisory and excessive heat warning with us. for one more day, and then we start to see that cooler air arrive. the heat begins to retreat thursday afternoon and then it really disappears by friday. friday afternoon looks nice. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. the next seven days for you. hottest afternoon is today. with that heat continuing tomorrow. then we have that cooling trend on thursday. temperatures really drop to kick off the weekend, with saturday and sunday below average. both afternoon.
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>> all right. delta is facing a federal investigation as the airline struggles to recover from friday's global tech outage. it's the only airline still dealing with massive delays and cancellations, causing long lines at airports across the country. and it still isn't clear when the problems will be solved. abc seven news reporter lena howland caught up with passengers stuck today at sfo. >> i'm just feeling pretty terrible, like i've got a really massive migraine right now, and i just i just wish i, i just wish i we'd given up and stayed home. >> other airlines got back to normal in the days after friday's outage, but delta wasn't so lucky. the airline canceled 950 flights on monday. more than a quarter of its schedule. the department of transportation is now opening an investigation into the company, transportation secretary pete buttigieg said on x, all airline passengers have the right to be treated fairly, and i will make sure that right is upheld.
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>> this is our fourth cancellation, so now we're in this big long line. >> sarah lassig, her husband and their two year old are just trying to make it to salt lake city for a family reunion. >> really difficult. so i've tried the phone. i've tried online. like the other day i was on the phone for 2.5 hours and nobody ever answered, right? so so the last two times we've been to the airport, we just don't leave the airport until we talk to a human, because there's no other way. it seems to get rebooked. >> delta airlines says they are fully cooperating with the investigation. in a statement, they said delta teams are working tirelessly to care for and make it right for customers impacted by delays and cancellations. delta says customers who have incurred hotel meal or transportation expenses may be eligible for reimbursement, though the transportation secretary says the airline has already been warned about reimbursement rules at sfo. lena howland abc seven news. >> so we reported kamala harris is getting a rush of support as
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the presumptive democratic presidential nominee. so she's ready. but is america will vote voters embrace a black and asian woman as president, we'll explore harris's readiness and america's. and it's out with the old, in with the new for bart, the upgrade milest fargo makes banking faster, and easier. (woman) fargo, turn off my debit card! (vo) lets you pick up the tab, even if you forget your wallet... (kaz) i got this. (ben) fargo, send kaz $145 dollars with zelle®. (kaz) smooth. (vo) fargo puts important information at your fingertips. (dad) fargo, what did i spend on groceries this month? (son) hey dad, can the guys stay for dinner? (dad) no... (vo) want to see everything fargo can do? you can, with wells fargo.
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magic cauldron it's time to brew... a happiest halloween with so much to do. just a pinch of pumpkin... a dash of bat... a sprinkle of joy from my witch's hat. potions keep stirring... mix halloween flare.
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now, add some friendly spirits... that haunt the air. put magic and treats at every corner to be seen... come alive my cauldron... brew the happiest halloween. you gauge enthusiasm by fundraising and organizing. but is america ready to embrace a woman, a black and asian woman, in fact, as president? joining us live now, doctor melissa michaelson, political science professor at menlo college and
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dean of arts and sciences, to talk about harris's readiness and america's doctor. michaelson, thanks for joining us. >> sure. happy to be here. >> so i guess this question is america ready? some believe lack of readiness for a woman is partially or even greatly responsible for hillary clinton's loss in 2016 to trump. have things evolved to be more accepting of a woman leader of the free world? >> well, we're certainly going to find out in a few weeks, but i think the reality is that there is still quite a lot of skepticism about whether a woman should be president. there are a lot of people who have concerns that other folks won't vote for a woman, and that's often kind of a hidden concern on their own behalf. so i think there are still quite a lot of folks who are not quite sure if they're ready to vote for a woman or are afraid that other folks won't vote for a woman. but at the same time, i would note that all of those folks who were super excited for hillary clinton to
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be the first woman president eight years ago now feel like, okay, here's another chance. and i think from all the excitement that you've seen in democratic circles, both in the fundraising and in some of these massive online zooms, there's a lot of enthusiasm for kamala harris that might mean that america is ready. >> i mean, certainly, yeah, i'm just seeing an invite in my facebook feed now, right. for a south asian woman for kamala, it's another one of those zooms, like you talked about, the one with black women that was huge with 40,000. i think, or more people, you know, normally you don't get that. and the fundraising of about $100 million almost in, you know, the time that since she announced it is crazy. and it does point to something. and i wonder what you think that something is and if it has anything to do with her race or gender. >> i think some of it has to do with her race and gender. i think some of it is that for many democrats, while they were on team blue, on team biden, but
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maybe not very enthusiastically now that the top of the ticket is shifting, they feel more comfortable being enthusiastic about the democratic party ticket. then there's also the enthusiasm that we're seeing from black women who are, as we all know, a core constituency of the democratic party and are very excited to see one of their own advance to this position. there is, as you mentioned, the asian community. there's a lot of folks who are super excited. there's her sorority. so some of it is her and it's about women being excited. it's about women of color being excited. it's about communities of color being excited. but some of it is also just democrats being more excited when they wanted to vote against trump. and now they feel a little bit better about their choice. >> and, you know, since hillary clinton's loss, a lot has happened in this country just culturally, right. we have changing demographics. we have the metoo movement. >> we have we also have the
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dobbs decision. right. so it's not just that. right? okay. sorry. >> no, no, no. that's huge. you're right. >> the dobbs decision was two years ago. but we've seen it be a huge factor in elections ever since. it's been something that vice president harris has already been talking about. and the fact that she can now pursue that as a top priority of the democratic ticket, in a way, the biden uh- that joe biden really couldn't, that's going to be huge. so there's more attention on reproductive rights in this election, and having a woman be the nominee is going to make it even more of a factor. >> you're right. and i'm going to point to women donors who are rallying to her candidacy, in particular, philanthropist melinda french gates, who posted her endorsement today on x. we've got this, by the way. i'm sure she's putting a lot of money behind this endorsement, but gates says she is proud to support harris and says we need a leader who will stand up for reproductive freedom. to your point and caregivers, who knows
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when women have their full power in society? we all thrive. that's what you're talking about. there's this pent up energy and of course, a male leader could be all of those things and support all of those things. but this seems like a unique opportunity for harris. >> absolutely. and so this is part disappointment from hillary clinton. and now going into another possibility of the first woman president, but also that abortion rights and reproductive care is part of our current political environment, that that there's a woman at the front of this ticket on the democratic side focuses it even more. and again, does that in a way that a male candidate just really can'. >> okay. but as you alluded to earlier, you know, there is still sexism and, you know, whether enough people are starting to see things differently. we don't really know. and some gop lawmakers, despite her long resume as district attorney, attorney general, us senator and vice president, label her the d-i candidate. how does she beat
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back those calls? or does she not need to? >> yeah, i'm saying not only that, but, you know, more birtherism and all sorts of nastiness on social media that that's coming up. criticisms of outfits she's worn. what i'm seeing, though, is that democrats and vice president harris supporters are turning those around and saying, i don't know why you're questioning that. that dress she's wearing, she looks great. i don't know why you're making fun of this thing that she does. this is what makes her amazing. and so what we're seeing is that all that enthusiasm is pushing back against the sexism and the racism. yeah, it doesn't matter how many qualifications a black woman has. i think what we saw with the ketanji brown jackson confirmation hearings is that no matter how qualified you are, you're going to be attacked as a black woman going up for a high position. but i but what what we're going to see and what i think we're starting to see is that the folks who support vice president harris are activated
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and are actively online, pushing back against those tropes. >> look, we don't have a crystal ball, but how might harris run influence the future of women and minority candidates in american politics? i'm wondering if you think maybe is it a win whether she wins or loses. >> it is. but of course it'll be a much different win if she's successful. just as barack obama inspired many young black men to decide to go into elected offic, if a black woman, a south asian woman, is elected president, that will in turn inspire all sorts of young women of color to pursue those careers in a way that being the nominee but not winning just won't. there's something about becoming president and becoming the leader of the free world that's very inspiring indeed. >> doctor melissa michaelson, menlo college. thank you so much for joining us today. >> sure, we'll continue to bring you updates out of washington as they happen. >> you can get the latest anytime on our website, abc seven, including a look
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at the leading vp candidates for harris. an east bay rapper with a rising career murdered during a promotional appearance today, there's word it's piled high with tender beef that's slow cooked and smothered in tangy memphis style barbecue sauce. it's no fuss, no muss. just tons of flavor. the best barbecue beef is only a togo's. try one today.
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bowen's funeral was held this morning at the father's house church in vacaville. hundreds of people gathered to pay their respects. investigators say while officer bowen was conducting a traffic stop, his motorcycle was hit from behind by a woman accused of driving under the influence of drugs. she was arraigned yesterday on murder charges and will undergo mental competency tests to determine if she can stand trial. new developments in the murder of a rap artist in oakland. police say they've arrested a man, another rapper in the shooting death of aliana green, 27, known as tan da god. the shooting happened july 13th at the grand opening of glamor beauty supply on telegraph
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avenue. witnesses say they heard yelling inside the store a fight outside, then gunshots. tan de god was there for a promotional appearance. you'll be seeing fewer of these older bart cars. bart today says its fleet of the future project has just completed a milestone, with the final car of phase one now in service, the transit agency is now accepting cars at the hayward test track for the next fleet. the 775 cars replace original trains that were built between the 1970s and 1990s. it's been six years since the first fleet of the future train went into service. if your renter did, you know that i could be playing a role in determining how much you pay for your place? our media partner, the san francisco standard, joins us next to explain how it
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you can pick up the tab even when you forget your wallet. (kaz) i got this. (ben) fargo, send kaz $145 dollars with zelle®. (kaz) smooth. (vo) want faster, easier banking? you can, with wells fargo. what else can fargo do? (woman) oh, come on! come on! (vo) fargo lets you do this: (woman) fargo, turn off my debit card! i found it! i found my card! (vo) and also, this: (woman) fargo, turn on my debit card! (vo) do you fargo? you can, with wells fargo.
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and now even your rent. our media partner, the san francisco standard, has a new article about one san francisco supervisor and mayoral candidates effort to ban price hike software. joining us live to talk more about this new application for ai that may affect you sometime, standard reporter kevin nguyen. hey, kevin. >> hey, kristen. good to be with you again. >> yeah, i read your article. so you say supervisor aaron peskin has proposed a ban on algorithmic rent setting software. what exactly is that? >> yeah, i mean, it's a really interesting time to be talking about this. i at this moment. right, kristen? i mean, the city is super eager to embrace this technology, especially in the office sector. but here in real estate, we have technology that landlords are using to, price
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rental units. and the supervisor here is, jumping off or hopping on the back of a federal lawsuit that's about to happen that pretty much accuses these major software providers of, helping landlords collude in order to keep rents artificially high. and i can explain how that works, too. >> yeah, yeah, just a little bit about how the, you know, formula works. i mean, what kind of data is it using? >> yeah. so these landlords use, you know, what's called like real estate software. so this software promises to make their businesses more efficient. and one of these features is an algorithm that helps them price their units. and, you know, within that promise these companies make is to also, you know, increase these landlords returns. so what it does is it collects information that you and i, kristen, can't research online, such as, you know, how much existing tenants are paying when their leases start or end. you know, building occupancy
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levels. it's using all of that information and in this client base, then feeding me like the landlord, a rate i should be charging every day. >> so what kinds of problems has this software created? i mean, are we as renters paying more because of it? >> again, i got to be careful with my words. but yes, that is allegedly what the department of justice and now supervisor peskin are alleging is that this technology, because it uses information that isn't public, is pretty much allowing landlords to, keep rents higher than what otherwise would be taking place if, say, supply and demand came into play. right. if i have a building that's half full, you know, logic dictates that i should drop my prices. but these algorithms, again, allegedly, are not advising to do that. okay. >> and i think i read in your article what 70, 80% of the rental stock in the city is now controlled by this kind of software, >> no one knows exactly, because it's hard to, you know, a lot of these landlords don't want to publicly admit that. but based on some market research and the
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lawsuits that are in place, filed by tenants, that's how much people the supervisor believes is controlled in the city. >> kevin, when you call them, they didn't say, come check out our books. here's our formula. here's you. no surprise. no. but what what are the i guess, this ordinance? what are the penalties, if any, that it proposes? >> yeah. so first and foremost, it has two parts. it doesn't allow anyone to sell this kind of software, and it doesn't allow anyone to use it anytime the either the city attorney or a tenant finds a violation, they can sue for up to $1,000 per violation. >> got it all right, and i take it there's, you know, you mentioned that there's a federal effort. is there any sort of state effort here as well to control this new trend, >> another federal thing i would throw in there, kristen, is that, you know, in his last few months in the white house, president joe biden did say that he wants congress to prioritize maybe rent caps for corporate landlords. >> and, you know, on top of just
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getting housing built a lot of things. you know, state legislatures are thinking about are is the affordability side and how they can do that is, again, you know, this idea of red caps or maybe capping what how many units corporate landlords can own. so there's efforts like that in the state legislature right now. >> kevin, great information. thank you so much. you can check out kevin's story and more of the san francisco standard's other original reporting on their website. standard dot com. thanks for joining us. world news tonight with david muir tonight, breaking news. vice president kamala harris now the presumptive democratic nominee. abc news now reporting she has the delegate support she needs. and tonight, her first campaign speech in battleground wisconsin. and just in tonight, the new national poll taken after president biden dropped out. donald trump versus vice president kamala harris, and what it shows already. tonight, harris campaigning in milwaukee, telling supporters she's ready to prosecute the case against donald trump. framing it as a


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