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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  July 27, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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>> gio: good morning, america. massive inferno. wildfires in the west explode in
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size, an area the total size of new york city devoured by flames in california alone. the sky turning red as fire forces thousands of people to flee their homes with hundreds of structures destroyed. >> look at right there. they're doing major drops in the area. >> gio: the choking smoke now moving east affecting air quality across the country. >> rhiannon: campaign blitz. with 100 days to go till the election, vice president kamala harris holding events across the country this weekend. donald trump targeting his presumptive opponent with fresh, new attacks. plus, his meeting with israel's prime minister. what came out of it? >> whit: autopsy report in the fatal shooting of sonya massey by a sheriff's deputy. what it reveals as her family calls for justice. >> gio: under scrutiny, the faa increasing its oversight of southwest airlines after a pair of incidents it's now investigating as the airline makes a major change in its
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seating policy. what's behind the move? ♪ you're an x-man. >> rhiannon: marvel-ous opening. >> you're the x-man. >> rhiannon: "deadpool & wolverine" breaking records and breaking ground in the cinematic universe. >> whit: and let the games begin. the spectacular start in paris. an opening ceremony like never before. team usa joining the parade of ships down the seine and major star power. beyonce and lady gaga and celine dion's fantastic finale. ♪ >> gio: oh. >> whit: good morning, america. that music says it all. sets the tone. how about celine dion? >> gio: that moment. >> rhiannon: i was crying. >> gio: brought us all to tears. just amazing. >> whit: unbelievable. >> gio: just incredible. >> whit: more on that, the opening ceremony like no other, the first in history of the summer games held outside of a stadium.
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of course, lara spencer right there in the mix in paris covering the games and bringing us highlights from the performances and celebrations. and here at home, the white house lit in red, white, and blue overnight to support team usa. >> rhiannon: i can't wait to talk about that. we have a lot to get to this morning including keeping your kids safe online. that is always on parents' minds and this morning a parenting expert shares her advice on how to monitor their social media behavior. >> gio: we do begin with wildfires raging in the west and the growing concern about smoke-filled air across the region. thousands forced to flee their homes now. the biggest concern is the fire in california rapidly growing, the park fire, and abc's jaclyn lee is at the staging area for firefighters in chico. good morning, jaclyn. >> reporter: gio, good morning to you. firefighters are resting up before redeploying to the front lines. this as california governor gavin newsom declares a state of emergency as a result of this fire. this morning, an astonishing
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chaotic wildfire raging out of control scorching more than 300,000 acres across northern california. the park fire, burning in california's butte county has become the largest fire so far this year. this as firefighters struggle to gain an upper hand with 0% contained. at least 134 structures destroyed, and more than 4,000 people evacuated. firefighters across the state descending on the city of chico at a newly created base camp, working up to 36-hour shifts to contain flames in the north that have turned the sky into a fiery red for miles. we are seeing a crew deploying here, ready to cut lines, trying to get this under control. you can see the flames burning over here. the wind is creating all this billowing smoke. this appeared in a matter of seconds showing the conditions firefighters are dealing with. our kayna whitworth on the scene
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as cal fire uses every available asset to tame this inferno. >> look, right there, so they're doing major phos-chek drops because this fire continues to jump its major containment lines so are relying heavily on this air attack right now. >> reporter: the hardest hit towns including cohasset and forest ranch. a haunting reminder for jen robins who lost it all in the 2018 camp fire in the nearby town of paradise. >> yeah, we lost our home, vehicles, pets, everything. >> reporter: and after smoke turned the sky black earlier this week, robbins fleeing down the highway with her young daughter, only to encounter what she calls a tunnel of fire. >> we just started crying because we already have ptsd from the camp fire, so it brought up a lot of emotions and memories and what ifs. >> reporter: and as for the cause of this fire, officials arrested 42-year-old ronnie dean stout for suspected arson. he will be arraigned on monday where he will face charges. gio?
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>> gio: so many people dealing with the aftermath. jaclyn, thank you so much. let's go to the smoke danger now spreading across the west because of those wildfires. somara theodore is here with the details. good morning, somara. >> somara: good morning, gio. yeah. this dangerous situation will continue to unfold. now, these are the conditions you need, low relative humidity, where the park fire is burning, 22% relative humidity. the areas in gray,s that a where they're having an air quality alert because of the smoke. and if you look, it's not just the usa. canada, 926 active fires burning right now. that smoke is going to make its way down to the lower 48. in the coming days this is where the heavy smoke will migrate. northern california, nevada, parts of utah, and as we head into august, temperatures will be much warmer than normal out west, and that itself will definitely be conducive to more wildfires. whit? >> whit: all right. somara, we'll check back in with you in just a bit. to politics now and donald trump turning his attacks on his new opponent, vice president kamala harris as she takes aim
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at trump's choice of running mate. abc's maryalice parks is here with more. maryalice, good morning. >> yeah, whit, good morning. overnight former president donald trump clearly frustrated by the whiplash of this week and the fact that he'll no longer face off against president biden. his attacks against his new opponent, vice president kamala harris, quickly turning personal. on the campaign trail overnight, former president donald trump lamenting that president biden dropped out of the race calling it a coup. >> he's losing badly, ready to be knocked out, and they say, well, wait, let's stop the fight and let's put somebody else in. it doesn't work that way. >> reporter: trump also appearing before supporters without his ear bandaged just two weeks since that assassination attempt. the former president then turning his attention to the new presumptive democratic nominee vice president kamala harris, attacking her work on the border but also getting personal calling harris a, quote, bum, then mocking her name. >> they were explaining to me you can say kamala, you can say ka-mala. i said, don't worry about it. it doesn't matter what i say.
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i couldn't care less if i mispronounce it or not. >> reporter: he also claimed harris, quote, does not like jewish people though her husband is jewish, and he did not mention his new running mate, ohio senator jd vance who has faced new scrutiny while trying to clean up old comments he made about women without children. >> this is not about criticizing people who for various reasons didn't have kids. this is about criticizing the democratic party for becoming anti-family and anti-child. >> reporter: vance calling out the record low birth rate in the country saying more should be done to encourage people to have families trying to clarify these comments in 2021 that resurfaced this week. >> we're effectively run in this country via the democrats, via our corporate oligarchs by a bunch of childless cat ladies. >> reporter: vice president kamala harris' campaign responding overnight calling vance, weird and creepy, adding on trump's rally, america can do better than the bitter, bizarre
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and backward-looking trump. at her campaign rally, harris focused on families and children too. >> we see a future with affordable health care, affordable child care, and paid leave, not for some, but for all. [ cheers and applause ] >> now, democrats have also continued to push to restore the expanded child tax credit. senator vance in that interview talked about wanting to lower housing costs for families but little else in terms of concrete policy proposals and opening himself up to the question of what exactly are republicans pushing for families. >> whit: something to watch moving forward. maryalice, you also have an update from the fbi on that assassination attempt on donald trump. >> yeah, during his testimony last week on capitol hill, fbi director christopher wray said that there were still some questions about whether trump was hit by a bullet or shrapnel but the fbi put out a statement overnight saying clearly what struck
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former president trump in the ear was a bullet, whether whole or fragmented into smaller pieces, fired from that subject's rifle. >> whit: that's what trump is saying and his doctor is saying. maryalice, we appreciate it. rhiannon? >> rhiannon: former president trump met with israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu who wrapped up his trip with a visit to mar-a-lago, and matt rivers joins us with more from tel aviv, and, matt, a lot has been talked about. the two haven't met in person in almost four years. how did this meeting go? >> reporter: this was a very busy week for israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu throughout the u.s. wrapping up that u.s. tour by meeting with former president donald trump. this is the first time the pair have met in florida since trump's election loss back in 2020. trump reportedly unhappy back then when netanyahu called joe biden to congratulate him on his election victory, so all eyes on this meeting to see how it would go, and it was all smiles. trump saying the relationship was, quote, never bad and has always been good. meanwhile, after meeting with president biden, vice president harris and family members of hostages still inside gaza this week, netanyahu said he is confident a cease-fire deal that would bring those hostages home
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is within reach, but no time tables were given. multiple sources have told abc news, israeli negotiators will be in rome today meeting with mediators from the u.s., qatar, and egypt. hostage families say they're more confident than they have been since last year. that a deal could come through soon, but we have heard talk of progress before only to see a deal fall apart. meanwhile, a stark reminder this conflict rages on. israel's military saying that they struck targets in khan younis in gaza targeting hamas and, meanwhile, the hamas-run health ministry saying those strikes killed an additional 18 people. gio? >> gio: matt, thank you for your reporting from tel aviv. we're going to turn now to paris where security is being heightened even more after what appears to be coordinated attacks that crippled the french rail system just hours before the summer games. james longman is in paris covering the summer games for us and joins us with more on that. good morning, james. >> reporter: yeah, good morning, gio. it's still unclear who carried out this massive and coordinated attack on france's railway
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system. if they wanted to destabilize the opening ceremony, that didn't work because it went off without a hitch, but there are still massive and serious delays and cancellations to train services in this country. engineers have been working around the clock to try to get the situation resolved. they found incendiary devices in the signal boxes alongside three of the country's most important high-speed rail lines. the euro star was affected. that connects the united kingdom with france, but the conditions have been very difficult, as well. it's been raining so much here. that's made getting these lines back up and running very, very difficult, indeed, but they say they're having some success. some lines are back up, and the whole system should be back up by monday, and workers are also coming in to place alongside the tracks for security. so, a thousand workers are going to be deployed alongside france's railway lines for added security along with drones, as well. they're hoping that this doesn't happen again, but the big
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headline here basically is that all these lines should be back up and running by monday, and all the athletes, most importantly, will be able to make it to their events. whit? >> whit: that is the hope. all right, james, thank you so much. back here in the u.s., the family of sonya massey is calling for justice. the black woman who was shot in her own home by a sheriff's deputy. authorities releasing an autopsy report as the fired deputy who fatally shot her appeared in court. abc's morgan norwood joins us now with more. morgan, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, to you, whit. yes, that autopsy report confirming that sonya massey died of a gunshot wound to the head, but her family says it's the direction in which massey was shot that further proves this was a senseless killing, all of it on police body camera video, and we do warn you this morning, it is disturbing. this morning, new details in the police shooting death of sonya massey. an autopsy report showing the 36-year-old mother of two died as a result of a gunshot wound to the head. her death ruled a homicide. >> she needed a helping hand, not a bullet to the face. >> reporter: deputy sean grayson showing up at massey's door
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after she called 911 to report a prowler. >> what do you need help with? >> nothing, i just wanted to see if y'all could help me. >> reporter: throughout the six-minute encounter, massey struggled to answer questions. her family said she had recently been experiencing mental illness. >> what is your last name? >> huh? >> shouldn't have to think about your last name. >> reporter: when she asked to take a pot of boiling water off the stove, the situation changes in an instant. >> where are you going? >> away from my hot steaming water? yeah, i rebuke you in the name of jesus. >> you better not. i'll shoot you in your [ bleep ] face. >> okay, i'm sorry. >> drop the [ bleep ] pot. drop the [ bleep ] pot. drop it. >> shots fired. shots fired. >> reporter: grayson, who did not turn on his body camera until after shooting massey responded to officers when they asked where is the gun?
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>> she had boiling water and came at me. >> you shot her? >> yeah. she said she was going to rebuke me in the name of jesus and came at me with boiling water. >> reporter: according to the autopsy report, the bullet entered massey's face under her left eye in a downward motion and massey seen here ducking down as the fatal shots were fired. the family devastated now demanding justice. >> he needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. >> and sean grayson has been fired from the force and has pled not guilty to the charges. in massey's killing. abc news, meanwhile, we've obtained a grievance filed for grayson that claims he was terminated without just cause. he's asking for his job back along with lost wages and benefits. tomorrow, guys, has been designated as a national day of mourning for sonya massey. >> rhiannon: all right. morgan. thank you for that report. now to the arrest of two leaders of the sinaloa cartel. ismael "el mayo" zambada was apprehended when he was duped into getting on a flight that he thought was going to northern mexico, but, in fact, it landed in el paso,
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texas, and joaquin guzman lopez, the son of the notorious drug lord el chapo, was secretly flown to chicago. the details of his custody have yet to be released. we'll have much more on the latest on this blow coming to one of the largest drug cartels coming up in our next hour. gio? >> gio: now to southwest airlines under pressure after recent close calls and their chief executive officer speaking out as the faa takes a closer look at the airline. this morning, southwest airlines in the sights of aviation officials, the faa increasing oversight of the airline after a string of incidents it's now investigating. earlier this month a southwest flight from columbus to tampa dropped within 150 feet of the water, and in june a different flight dropped to 525 feet over oklahoma. the ceo of southwest airlines saying he spoke to the faa this week earlier. >> we take the issues very, very seriously. we have a team focused on understanding what happened, what we can do to improve. >> reporter: southwest officials say they started looking into
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safety issues in april after two flights which had similar issues. they didn't specify which, though around that time a southwest flight plunged toward the ocean off the coast of hawaii coming within 400 feet of the water after a new pilot inadvertently pushed the control column forward according to a southwest memo obtained by bloomberg. the faa scrutiny comes as southwest is making a major change. for the first time in more than 50 years, it's abandoning its open seating policy switching to assigned seats saying their research indicates that 80% of southwest customers and 86% of potential customers prefer an assigned seat. >> travelers that sort of shied away from booking with southwest could likely turn over a new leaf due to the fact that they now can guarantee that they will get a seat assignment. >> gio: and if you fly southwest, you know that the airline is known for not charging for first two checked bags, and the company's ceo says he has no plans on changing that, so that's good news. >> whit: we'll hold him to that
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for now. remember what you said. thank you, gio, for that. all right. let's get another check of the weather and go back to somara theodore. difficult conditions in parts of the country today. >> somara: yeah, so we're headed to houston. normally it's the heat they have to beat, but this morning we are dealing with the rain. flood watches are already in effect. good morning, houston. this is a setup. look at this. an abundant amount of moisture being pumped in from the gulf slamming the coastline and area shaded in green. we have flood watches. very steady rainfall this morning becomes a little more scattered this afternoon, but they could see up to five inches of rain in houston, texas. overall a lot of these gulf coast states could pick up anywhere from two to three inches of rain even as far north as parts of the tennessee valley. that's a look at the forecast across the country. let's see what's going on
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>> somara: that's a look at your local forecast. houston has seen three times its normal amount of rainfall, and today they'll add to that. >> rhiannon: that's a lot of rain. you know where else it's raining? >> somara: where? >> rhiannon: in paris. yeah, it's raining in paris right now. let's go back to paris and the summer games off to a spectacular start. did you watch that opening ceremony? like no other. lara spencer is in paris covering the summer games, lara. and what a treat to watch it from home. you are there. did you have a favorite performance or a favorite moment? >> reporter: oh, my gosh. impossible to choose, you guys. i was right on the river. the rain did not get us down. today it's not getting us down. last night everybody was there. they were loving it as the athletes came down the river in a flotilla representing their
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countries so proudly waving, and we saw it all firsthand. ♪ let the games begin. ♪ the lighting of the floating cauldron by the olympic torch during the 2024 opening ceremonies marking the official start to the olympic games and the most anticipated moment of the night. [ singing in a non-english language ] >> reporter: for the first time since 2020, celine dion performing live beneath the eiffel tower. [ singing in a non-english language ] >> reporter: crowds weathered the pouring rain as the french canadian celine dion sang the iconic french bam lad edith piaf's romantic "l'hymme a l'amour." celine not making the only performance of the night.
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lady gaga singing zizi jeanmaire's "mon truc en plumes." [ singing in a non-english language ] and french artist aya nakamura taking the global stage. ♪ these moments joined by the parade of olympic athletes floating down the river seine. the ceremony held outside a stadium for the first time in olympic history. hundreds of athletes from team usa including lebron james and cocoa goff as flag bearers, along with star athletes like steph curry and sha'carri richardson all cheered on by more than 300,000 fans along the riverside. and, yes, i was one of those fans wearing basically a garbage bag, and i didn't care one bit, because it was worth every moment watching the athletes from over 200 countries in that flotilla. they did not seem to mind the rain, so happy to represent their countries. and then when i got home to the hotel, soaking wet and happy, i witnessed this.
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check out these stills i sent you guys. an incredible light show at the eiffel tower. it lasted over a half an hour, and in the background you could hear celine dion singing that incredible song, her comeback just extraordinary, and i do have some great news. team usa got its first medal this morning, cook and bacon, the two female divers won the synchronized swimming event. actually they got second place. they did beat -- i'm sorry, james, cover your ears. they beat great britain. they got the bronze, and the gold went to china. we'll have more news on that coming up in just a moment. guys, back to you. >> whit: amazing. >> gio: lara, even better than seeing those images you sent us was hearing your reaction to that on your instagram. that was just fantastic. all right. we'll see you very soon in the show. thank you, lara. >> reporter: yes, you will. coming up here on "gma," vice president kamala harris is riding a wave of support. is it just a so-called honeymoon or is the momentum here is to
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now, add some friendly spirits... that haunt the air. put magic and treats at every corner to be seen... come alive my cauldron... brew the happiest halloween. sierra. today. crews will continue their recovery efforts near highway one at devil's slide after a deadly crash yesterday. officers say two people were in a car when it went over a cliff and landed more than 300ft down an embankment. they say the victims were found dead inside the car near highway one between pacifica and montara. closures will be in place today from 830 this morning to noon in that area. and today crews will try to recover the body of the second victim. well, to weather now. and that cooling trend continues. good morning lisa. good morning stephanie.
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>> yes the breezy onshore flow has brought a marine layer over 2000ft deep. and right now it is only in the mid 50s. half moon bay, that's nothing shocking, right? 61 in san jose with the clouds here. but today 60s and 70s with mostly sunny skies inland. >> lisa, thank
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your little cinematic your little cinematic universe is about to change forever. i'm the messiah.
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>> are you? >> i am. marvel jesus. >> whit: welcome back to "gma" on this saturday morning. the mcu changed overnight with the premiere of "deadpool & wolverine" slashing records with an opening box office take of get this, $180 million, the most ever for an r-rated movie. again, it's just been one night. friday. we have much more on the ryan reynolds and hugh jackman superhero buddy movie. they've been all over the place. they were on "gma" this week. my daughters got to meet them. >> rhiannon: aww. i interviewed them last week. >> whit: yes. >> rhiannon: they knew this was going to be huge. >> whit: it's amazing. >> gio: i'm seeing it tomorrow. somara, who is our resident marvel expert, says it's absolutely amazing, so i can't wait. >> whit: strong review. >> gio: some of the other big stories we're following on this saturday morning. northern california is on fire this morning with a series of wildfires being called the worst of the year. the largest, the park fire, near
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chico with 0% containment. it has burned more than 300,000 acres destroying more than a hundred homes and buildings and forcing widespread evacuations. the fire is believed to be arson. a suspect is currently in custody. >> rhiannon: and more than 200,000 pounds of boar's head deli meats have been recalled due to a possible listeria contamination. 34 people in 13 states have already become ill, and two people have died. the company is telling retailers nationwide to pull the products with the code est-12612 on the package off the shelves. you can find much more on this on >> whit: and history being made in the national women's soccer league. defending champion gotham fc signing 13-year-old mckenna "mak" whitham to a multiyear contract through 2028. the guaranteed deal makes the forward the youngest contracted player in the nwsl. she's even younger than cavan sullivan -- you remember him? we interviewed him a while ago. the 14-year-old boy who recently broke the age record when he
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signed with the mls' philadelphia union. mak could be on the pitch as early as tomorrow. what a way to celebrate her birthday. by the way, she turns 14 today. >> rhiannon: happy birthday, indeed. >> whit: congratulationsment incredible. >> gio: we are going to start this half hour here with a closer look at the race for 2024. joining us, of course, are abc white house correspondent maryalice parks and npr white house correspondent and abc news contributor asma khalid. welcome to you both. good morning. maryalice, let's start with you. there's a lot of energy right now around kamala harris. right? is this just a honeymoon, though? that's what a lot of people are wondering. >> yeah, of course it is. it's only been one week, but how remarkable. one week. in one week the democrats have gone from the party in crisis to the party with momentum. she raised over $100 million in a matter of days. her campaign is boasting of 30,000 new volunteers, but, yes, some of this will come back to earth. there's going to be a lot of eyeballs now. how does she handle the pressure?
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does she actually have crossover appeal to swing voters, or are those swing voters going to be put off by all this whiplash? of course, there will be fresh scrutiny on anything she's ever said. but i do think it's important to note that could cut both ways. i think some of her more progressive comments about health care, immigration, the border might be off-putting to some of those swing voters, but they also could further energize the progressive base. there's a lot of ways to get voters out, a lot of ways to win elections. >> gio: the fact there's 100 days left. >> if there's any time to get hot, it's helpful for democrats right now. >> rhiannon: asma, let's bring you in now. how are republicans adjusting to this new reality and this new opponent? >> yeah, well, there are reports that leaders in the house, republican leaders in the house, have told fellow republicans to knock off any racist or sexist attacks on the vice president. you know, they want to make this race particularly in key competitive congressional districts about policies, not about personalities, and, you know, i was really struck by this, because this is a
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remarkably different tone from republican leaders than you might have seen a decade ago, and i would say it's for two reasons. one is that republicans are clear-eyed that the electorate, that the population of this country has changed. you know, you look at census data, and the population of people under 18 is majority not white. the other concern i think they have is that it could really energize the base of the democratic party if they do make overt racist and sexist attacks, and, frankly, you already got a glimpse of that this week. there were a bunch of zoom calls for harris, white women for harris, black women for harris, organizing calls and big, big fund-raising calls to bring in money for the vice president. >> whit: and so, maryalice, something else that was interesting this week. we see harris wearing two separate hats. she's the vice president and the head of the party. so how is that going to play out? we saw her making separate statements from president biden at times. >> i think that was really fascinating on thursday. i asked the white house national security spokesperson john kirby about the fact she had her own meeting with israeli prime minister netanyahu.
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he really dismissed it, that it was just a scheduling thing. but then she came out of that meeting and gave her own remarks to reporters. she spoke very forcefully about the suffering that palestinian people have been going through during that conflict. she said, i will not be silent. so interesting to see if in the next few months she essentially starts to run a bit of a shadow administration. how do foreign leaders deal with this? how does president biden deal with this? does he start to encourage it, encourage her to look more presidential in this way? does he start to get ruffled by it? it's just really a sign of how unusual this moment is. >> gio: absolutely, and, asma, let's talk about the veepstakes because kamala has not chosen her running mate. what's the latest there? >> well, there are four names we keep consistently hearing about. the most likely, i would say on this short list, they are all white men, moderate democrats, three of them are governors, that's the governor of north carolina, roy cooper, the governor of pennsylvania, josh shapiro, the governor of kentucky, andy beshear, and then
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a senator from arizona, mark kelly. you know, democrats are very eager to balance out the ticket and broaden their appeal to voters, and that's on race, that's on gender, and it's based on attacks that they're seeing from some republicans accusing vice president harris of being in their words a radical liberal from california. it is a noticeable difference, i would say, from what we've seen of trump doubling down with his pick of jd vance. >> whit: absolutely, we also know this race will be decided by a handful of battleground states. that pick could be critical. thank you so much, asma, maryalice parks, as always, we appreciate it. >> let's go ahead and get a check of the weather one more time and go back to somara theodore. we've been waiting for the pristine weather in the northeast, and it looks like you're delivering today. >> somara: so, the next couple of days not bad. in new york city when they go on vacation toward the hamptons and long island, they say, i'm going out east. look at this nearly placid lake, montauk, new york. there really pleasant. you can see it here. you got that white overlay and
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the blue and the reds, that's the rain and clouds making their way in, but until then we have warm, quiet conditions. 92 in our nation's capital on sunday. boston sitting pretty in the low to mid-80s this weekend, but we do have changes under way. take a look. sunday night into monday, get ready for rain pumping through much of the northeast and parts of new england. that's a look at the forecast across the country. let's see what's >> somara: and that's a look at >> somara: and that's a look at your local forecast, so enjoy the weather here in the northeast until the rain moves in tomorrow night. >> whit: oh. [ laughter ] make it happen. >> rhiannon: hey, at least we'll have a nice weekend. >> whit: thank you, somara. >> rhiannon: coming up on "good morning america," a parenting expert will join us to share advice on how to protect your children from harmful online
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♪ i like it like that, i like it like that ♪ ♪ clap your hands if you want some more ♪ ♪ que rico ♪ ♪ yeah, baby, i like it like that ♪ ♪ i've got the soul i've got the soul ♪ ♪ i like it like that ♪ >> rhiannon: we are back now with online safety for your kids. on thursday the senate advanced
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legislation to protect children's privacy on social media platforms. joining us now to talk about it is parenting expert ericka souter. ericka, thanks for joining us. >> glad to be here. >> rhiannon: let's jump right in. a lot of parents talking about this, especially parents of older kids. mine are a little too young for social media, but it can be hard to keep on track on top of social media. what do parents need to know about keeping their kids safe online. >> this is the most common question i get from parents, and the answer is, we should be monitoring what our kids are doing online on their devices. that means monitoring their activity, checking their search history, and reading their online profiles and posts. it's as much about seeing what they're putting out in the world as to what people are saying to them to stop bullying and predatory activity online. a lot of parents feel it may be a violation of privacy, but the fact is, you are doing this to protect them, and you want to make sure when you have little
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kids and they're online, you're in the room with them. >> rhiannon: absolutely. great advice there, and this can sound like a full time job trying to monitor your kids on social media. it can be overwhelming. are there apps or things that can make it easier for parents? >> parent control apps are great. google family link helps you do this across several devices. you can also monitor content with apps like bark, which is what my family uses. and it lets us know if there's profanity or inappropriate language on the device and there's also qustodio to limit screen time and block calls and internet searches. >> rhiannon: what about when you find something your kids have seen online or have posted online that they shouldn't be doing, how can parents talk to their kids about that and what to look out for when they are online? >> yeah, parents are always asking how far they should go to explaining risks. well, if there is a risk, they should tell their kids about it. use age-appropriate language, of course, but to many kids they think nothing bad is going to happen to them, and it's going into real world cases. you don't want to terrify them,
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but you also want them to be aware of what's out there. >> rhiannon: and let's talk about onling gaming because i think there is a little bit of a false sense of security when it comes to online gaming platforms. what are some general guidelines parents can set with those? >> yeah, knowing what games they play isn't enough. so many parents know that the games -- what the games are rated and if they're age appropriate. but it's not just the game content we need to be aware. knowing who your kid is communicating with is key to keeping them safe. the rule in our home is that if you don't know the person in the real world, you can't play with them online. >> rhiannon: what a good rule of thumb. thank you so much for joining us, ericka. good advice there. coming up here on "good morning america," we're talking more "deadpool & wolverine" breaking new records at the box office. the marvel-ous debut straight ahead. ♪ when you have moderate to severe eczema, it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch.
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>> whit: b >> whit: back now on "gma" with the newest blockbuster, "deadpool & wolverine." audiences loving the bromance and the surprise familiar faces. abc's will ganss is here with more on that, and you got a special bucket for us there. what you got your hand in? >> back from the theater with the official "deadpool & wolverine" popcorn bucket. totally normal. you guys, there's nothing to see here, but what is slightly above average, a $55 million opening friday as "deadpool & wolverine" are poised to slash a few box office records this weekend. >> who are you? why am i here? >> reporter: it's the only marvel movie coming to the big screen this year, and it's coming in hot. >> are you ready? >> reporter: to the tune of an anticipated 160 to 180 million
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bucks this weekend, making this the biggest opening weekend of the year and the biggest for any r-rated film ever. >> i am marvel jesus. >> reporter: the avengers of tiktok assemblying to weigh in. >> it's fire. just go watch it. >> he brings a level of emotion and depth that not only this movie needed, but the mcu as a whole needed. >> reporter: the frenzy reaching a fever pitch this weekend after ryan reynolds and hugh jackman's globe-spanning press tour. >> that's okay. >> reporter: from hot ones to a surprise appearance of comic-con. >> we're going to show you this movie and watch it with you. >> reporter: to their visit right here at "gma." >> so good to be here. >> reporter: now, finally fans flooding theaters to avoid spoilers including the answer to who plays lady deadpool? >> you are an x-man. ♪ feels like home. >> you are the x-man. >> reporter: the soundtrack, by the way, is absolutely incredible.
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no spoilers here, but taylor swift did post on instagram encouraging her fans to go see this movie and she also revealed she's the godmother to blake lively and ryan reynolds' kids. for his part, ryan revealing in the last few days that his fourth child with blake is a boy named olin and despite all that family sentiment, "deadpool & wolverine" is not a family movie, i would say, but it is hilarious, and it's packed with a lot of amazing cameos. >> gio: ryan reynolds may disagree. >> well, sure. if you want to bring your kids, bring your kids. >> rhiannon: he said his daughter was at the premiere, and she's only 9 years old. >> sort of spoiler. she's involved in the movie somehow, so maybe that's her excuse. >> whit: when he came to "gma," i did have this conversation with him. it's a fine line whether you take your kids or not. i'm thinking probably not. >> probably not, but you can bring your friends. get the whole squad together and get a graphic popcorn bucket. you know? >> rhiannon: what's it say on there, will? >> it -- >> gio: don't worry about that. we'll be right back here on "gma." >> thank you, gio. saved by the gio. ♪ we'll be right back here on "gma."
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♪ >> gio: all right. with the summer games getting started in paris, we sent lara and james, who are covering the games, to check out the city of lights. guys, nice assignment. >> thank you so much. yeah, we have had such a brilliant time here so far. i mean, we have -- see, this one has made me laugh a whole bunch. we have been perfume shopping and we've been getting cheese, croissants. >> we went to a beret maker. >> she doesn't like moldy cheese, so i specifically said the stinkiest cheese imaginable for lara spencer. >> that wasn't nice. you learned a very cool trick with vaseline you'll share with them coming up. we'll explain that. you will want a pen and paper, guys, because we found the gems, the spots in paris that you would not find unless you had our incredible team of producers who were here --
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>> whit: cannot wait. guys, we appreciate it, and we'llen back for "gma" in our second hour coming up. issues involving a controversial housing project. they voted to recall vice mayor maurice goodman and council member angela carlin. residents are upset over the handling of a plan to convert a la quinta inn into permanent supportive housing. the recall campaign claims the two leaders failed to represent the community's voice. well, the san francisco marathon is tomorrow. tens of thousands of runners are set to participate starting early in the morning. the 26 mile loop winds mostly through the northern part of the city.
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they'll start at mission street and the embarcadero at 5:15 a.m, and you can expect street closures in the area, and public transit will be rerouted. you can find a list of the service changes on muni's website to weather. now let's check in with lisa. good morning. >> good morning. lots of gray sky behind you, stephanie. we have mist and drizzle at the coast. and look at the fog from mount tam here. the marine layer that's steady onshore flow continues our cool down today 56. in the city it is 59. in oakland it was 61. in san jose the clouds out towards walnut creek in pleasanton, san jose right now in the cloud cover with upper 50s concord in livermore. so compared to yesterday, 12 degrees cooler in livermore, ten degrees cooler in san jose. and a look at the winds. they're breezy. it won't be as windy as yesterday, but they've been anywhere from 20 to 26 miles an hour from oakland to concord. so as the fog pulls back, we'll reveal more sunshine highs today, mid and upper 70s inland. but notice the clouds get hang around the bay here
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with just 60s and the accuweather seven day forecast. looking at a slow warm up throughout. next week. stephanie. >> all right lisa, thank you. and thank you all for joining us. gma is next. and cash in at cache creek casino resort. to rock and to roll. to go all out or go all in with four stars and rising stars. northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place to do as much... or as little as you want. make your getaway now and cache in at cache creek casino resort.
8:00 am
(vo) with fargo, the new virtual assistant from wells fargo, you can pick up the tab even when you forget your wallet. (kaz) i got this. (ben) fargo, send kaz $145 dollars with zelle®. (kaz) smooth. (vo) want faster, easier banking? you can, with wells fargo. what else can fargo do? (woman) oh, come on! come on! (vo) fargo lets you do this: (woman) fargo, turn off my debit card! i found it! i found my card! (vo) and also, this: (woman) fargo, turn on my debit card! (vo) do you fargo? you can, with wells fargo. >> whit: good morning, america.


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