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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  August 6, 2024 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT

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we don't -- everyone has a story, right? yeah, we do. thanks for watching. until next time, remember, the question is, what would you do? -- captions by vitac -- behind. as another pedestrian is hit and killed in san jose. good evening. thank you for joining us. i'm dan ashley and i'm ama daetz. >> it's a heartbreaking scene. and now the 30th person to be killed in a traffic accident in the city this year, san jose police say a car hit and killed
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a 12 year old boy at an intersection in the cambrian park neighborhood of san jose. >> abc seven news reporter lauren martinez on a tragic loss at one of san jose's major intersections. >> police say a 12 year old boy was hit and killed by a driver. a yellow scooter was on the ground off the intersection of lee and camden avenues. police say the time of the accident was 420 tuesday afternoon. loved ones and onlookers could be seen in shock and distress. >> it's the worst thing a parent has to go through in life. >> joseph bardo works at a real estate office across the street. >> i mean, i've been in the in the area for about 30 years and i, i've seen this to be one of the busiest intersections in the whole city of san jose. >> the intersection is not far from highway 85, between probably the hours of 5:00 to about 630 7:00. >> i mean, it's completely jammed. >> this silver truck was
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cornered off as investigators looked over the area. police said the driver involved remained at the scene and is cooperating with the investigation. authorities shut the intersection down in all directions for hours, but dodo said years ago his father was hit by a car. he sends his sincerest sympathy to the child's family. >> i just pray to god that he would give them healing and that's all i could say in san jose. >> lauren martinez, abc seven news. >> we'll move on now to an interview. you'll see only on seven. the family of an oakland man is completely shaken by a devastating shooting. he was sleeping at home when a bullet ripped through the wall and straight through his skull. abc seven news reporter tim johns is the first to speak with the family about what happened. >> for 33 year old hua quang most, thursday's look relatively the same get up, go to work and then come home to his family. but last thursday was different.
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kong's family says he was at home in east oakland, taking a nap after his shift when suddenly a bullet came through the wall striking him. >> so the bullet is go straight through the left brain and exit to the left eye. >> on tuesday, i sat down with quang, sister jasmine, as well as jessica, a close family friend. they asked us to blur their faces to help conceal their identities. jasmine says the past few days have been a living nightmare for her and her family, all of them just trying to process the unimaginable tragedy, especially. >> it happened at home. like everyone thinks home is the safe place to live in. but this happened at home. we feel so shocked and we don't know what to do. >> quang remains in critical condition at a local hospital. so far, he's undergone three surgeries, and the family says doctors believe the chances of him regaining consciousness are slim. >> today we received a call from the doctor saying that he needs another surgery right away. i mean, it's painful for us to learn that he he has to go through more pain, jessica tells
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me the family is afraid to be at their home in oakland and are trying to move out of the city as soon as they can. >> in the meantime, she's calling on local leaders to do everything in their power to stop the feeling of recurring violence that's run rampant throughout the town. >> please do something to stop crimes. this is totally unacceptable. they got to do something. the government, the mayor, the police, just. it's just ridiculous. >> with quang in the hospital for the foreseeable future, his sister says she worries about the financial impacts on his wife and their children in order to help alleviate some of those pressures, they set up a gofundme page and are asking for the community's help. >> my brother is the only one who is working and he's in the hospital right now and he has two kids. i don't know who can support. his family >> and while the family waits for any sign that quang might recover, jasmine says if she
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could talk to her brother once more, she would only have this to say, i want him to come back with us because we need him, and i want everybody to pray for him. >> i hope the miracle will come out. >> in oakland, tim johns, abc seven news. >> tensions rising between oakland's mayor and its police officers. the police union is now calling on shengtao to resign immediately. in a letter sent to the mayor, the oakland police officers association says her policies have made it harder for police to fight crime. they point to recent budget cycles from the mayor and the city, cutting police staffing. >> 25 years ago, when i came here as a young police officer, we had 750 police officers. we're working backward. if we think that we can function as 600 police officer or 678 police officer in this city, this afternoon, mayor tao responded to abc seven news, saying, this
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letter from the police union is a distraction. >> stop with the infighting. there is no reason for that. my door is open to anybody who wants to have a conversation with me. and at the end of the day, what this is going to cause is more instability that we in the city of oakland cannot afford. >> oakland is currently dealing with a $177 million deficit. mayor tao says she's focused on preventing severe cuts to police staffing while avoiding layoffs of any city workers. >> and in san francisco, police are calling it a game changer for fighting crime. new drones deployed by officers are leading to arrests, and sfpd is looking to expand, but others are expressing concerns. this spring, voters gave police the power to use surveillance cameras and drones to pursue suspects. police say they've now made three arrests with the help of drones, and the video is now part of prosecutors cases. >> we have a sense of urgency to make this a safe city and to do the things that the people in this city deserve. >> right now, the department only sends out a drone if it
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hears of a possible crime in progress, but it plans to start using drones proactively in parts of the city with higher crime concerns. all of it is alarming to the electronic frontier foundation, which advocates for digital privacy rights, is disturbing. >> that sfpd hasn't publicly released its policy related to the drones. there is currently a california state law, ab 481, that is meant to dictate transparency. >> chief scott says sfpd is in compliance with state law. he says the department is only storing video of crimes and deleting all other video within 30 days for an up close look at public safety in your neighborhood, turn to our abc seven neighborhood safety tracker. it gives you a detailed look at real time data so you can get the full perspective of trends and crime history for san francisco, oakland, and san jose. go to the front page of our website abc7 news .com. >> all right, let's turn things over to the weather for a few moments. it's a cool outside now
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as we look live from our emeryville camera. but a lot of people around the bay area are gearing up for another toasty day. abc seven news meteorologist sandhya patel is tracking it all in our 24 hour accuweather forecast. sandhya. >> yeah dan, we had triple digits inland today and because we're expecting another round of it, that heat advisory for the southern part of our viewing area, santa clara valley and hills, has been extended until 9 p.m. tomorrow. >> the risk of heat related illnesses will remain, so you will want to take it easy tomorrow morning. starting out partly cloudy, 50s and 60s. mostly sunny at noontime. you're going to see hot weather again with the triple digits inland but mild at the coast. a mix of sun and high clouds in the evening. we do have some big changes coming, but i will let you know exactly when that's going to happen and when those temperatures will fall below where they should be for this time of year. coming up, ama. >> all right, sandhya, thank you. now to breaking news in southern california. magnitude 5.2 earthquake hit south of bakersfield, rattling people across los angeles. quake hit just after nine, followed by a magnitude 4.5 aftershock less
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than a minute later. at least 25 more aftershocks have hit since the epicenter is just north of the grapevine on i-5. a reporter with our sister station in los angeles shared video of the classic light swinging as the earthquake hit. you see it there. first responders in la and in other parts of southern california have not reported any major damage, but it got everyone's attention. >> yeah, all right, now to your voice and your vote and the widespread reaction tonight to vice president harris's running mate, minnesota governor tim walz. >> yes, the attacks are already coming from former president trump and his running mate, senator jd vance, and they're zeroing in on san francisco. >> kamala harris is running as a san francisco liberal. she is governed as a san francisco liberal. and she's chosen a running mate who will be a san francisco style liberal. >> that was vance at an event in philadelphia tonight, the same city where harris and walz made their first appearance together. >> abc7 news reporter j.r stone has more on the conversation tonight. jr ama minnesota is
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1500 miles away from us here in california, but once tim walz was named as harris's running mate, the policy comparisons between minnesota and harris's home state of california started pouring in. >> and now. welcome the next vice president of the united states, tim walz. vice president kamala harris formally introducing minnesota governor tim walz as her running mate. walz wasting no time hyping up harris with references back to her days as san francisco district attorney and california attorney general. >> she took on the predators. she took on the fraudsters, she took down the transnational gangs. she stood up against powerful corporate interests, and she never hesitated to reach across the aisle if it meant improving people's lives. >> as to harris choosing walz, here's former bay area congresswoman jackie speier, who
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worked with him in washington, d.c. he brings some midwestern charm, and i know midwestern charm because i'm married to one, and they are plain speaking, uh- modest. and while walz has spent the last 30 years in minnesota, he didn't hold back about his love for california and specifically san francisco. in a recent new york times podcast. >> last week was my first time in san francisco, and stayed down there. i was doing some meetings, woke up, did my five mile run through the presidio to the golden gate, went back to my hotel, was downtown and then up leaving. and i'm like, that is the most beautiful city i've ever been in. san francisco mayor london breed chiming in on that too. >> and i think it's really exciting that someone like him would talk about his own personal experience in that way and really bring attention to the realities of san francisco. >> he's going to be labeled as a california progressive in
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midwestern clothes, and he is. i mean, minnesota is basically the california of the midwest. it's very progressive, a recreational marijuana choice codified within the state laws. but while there were plenty of smiles here, tuesday, walz did end his speech by going after donald trump and his running mate j.d. vance. >> like all regular people i grew up with in the heartland, j.d. studied at yale, had his career funded by silicon valley billionaires, and then wrote a bestseller trashing that community. come on. >> now, when it comes to the negative publicity on walls today, there were specifically two things named by his critics. first, minnesota's response to the pandemic, which shut down businesses for some time. secondly, walz's response to the george floyd protests some, including state republicans, felt like he should have called in the national guard sooner. as for kamala harris, she is slated for a fundraiser here in san
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francisco this weekend. j.r stone, abc seven news. >> very good. all right. thanks, chair. and out of bounds mystery. why one man says his neighborhood is being targeted by golf balls. >> waymo making its way to a street near you. but some in its newest bay area region are none too pleased. >> and an extra perk from disney plus. the new feature you'll notice next
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z's baking the house special. arisa's styling a new look. and steve's filling his biggest order ever. with the first ever comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee, these business owners get five years of value on gig speed internet and advanced security, all from the company with 99.9% network reliability. so now they can focus on doing what they do best for the next five years.
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that's a lot of bread. you got this. the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. switch today for a limited tim. in the dark, shattering the peace of a senior community. >> but it wasn't a bullet. it was a golf ball. in san diego, multiple neighbors are wondering about golf balls flying through
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their windows. terry o'dea says he was up early last thursday morning when he heard what he thought was a gunshot. he says he'd actually been hit by a golf ball that flew fast enough to rip through his screen. he does live by a golf course, though it had been closed for hours. o'dea believes the ball came from the street. >> the trajectory came straight from the middle of the street to the screen to hitting me in the back. >> one of o'dea's neighbors says she experienced the same thing with a golf ball blasting through her window just a few minutes before the incident at o'dea. the woman says she heard a car driving off after posting on next door. o'dea says he heard from other neighbors about similar incidents. >> people on the peninsula have a new way to get around waymo launched its driverless car service beyond san francisco today. the robo taxis are now carrying passengers and daly city, colma and broadmoor. broadmoor, a ten square mile expansion. waymo's have been on the roads there for testing since may. actually, san mateo
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county supervisor david canepa is concerned about this expansion. he's pushed for more local control over where self-driving cars can go. canepa told us that his office only found out about the peninsula service yesterday, and he believes local government and first responders should have had more notice. >> let's not become the wild, wild west of autonomous vehicles where we have all these uh- autonomous vehicles and different companies and we really can't manage the roadway. it's not fair and it's not safe for the public. >> waymo's are not allowed on highways yet, so you won't see any zipping down 101 or 280, just surface streets. they're not allowed at sfo either. >> there might be some menu changes coming to school cafeterias in california. state legislators have proposed a bill to ban artificial food dyes they say are harmful to children. those dyes are used in things like soda, chips, candies and baked goods, experts say. research has linked the chemicals to behavioral and
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neurological problems in kids, including trouble learning. >> the point of this bill is to encourage manufacturers to make minor modifications to their recipes so that they can serve the same foods that we all love, that our kids love. but without these dangerous chemicals. >> if the bill passes, it would go into effect in 2027. >> some motivated teenagers are helping build a better bay area. today, they delivered two pods to unhoused people at an encampment in oakland. it's part of their teen community service project called pods for change, a summer program at the nueva school in san mateo teaches middle school students about engineering and construction for social good. these pods are made to be parked on the side of the street. measure they measure four feet wide, four feet tall, and eight feet long. they have insulation windows, a folding desk, and two lockable doors made to last 15 years. >> tomorrow is the official launch of a new series called
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bricks at embarcadero plaza in downtown san francisco, is offering up activities tuesday through saturday. things like a cafe and beer garden, rotating art and daily music. fridays include happy hours and dance parties featuring local bands. saturday has family days with kid friendly events. tomorrow starting event is a business mixer in the afternoon. this runs as a pilot through october. >> that sounds like a lot of fu. nice activity. question is what will the weather be like? >> uh- this question, sandhya might have that answer for us. sandhya yeah. ama and dan it's going to be fantastic. >> all right. the weather for any outdoor activities, including that one. so let's take a look at these live pictures from our tower cameras. we do have some fog showing up from mount tam. you can see pretty nice views from sutro to san jose to emeryville. that fog layer is pretty shallow, just like it was this morning, which means we are in for another hot one inland and the coast will remain comfortable. high pressure in control of our weather. it nudged west enough to bring us the heat today. low
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60s to low one hundreds. tomorrow we're going to do it all over again with the hot spots in the 90s and 100. so inland areas will be in the moderate heat risk for tomorrow. so just take it easy, especially if you are sensitive to the heat. we do have that heat advisory for the south bay until 9 p.m. tomorrow on live doppler seven. we just have a couple of passing clouds. that's about it. fog is very patchy and half moon bay, and those temperatures in the 50s to the 80s in places like clear lake, look at the temperature change compared to 24 hours ago. we're running up to 15 degrees warmer in concord and livermore, right now. a beautiful view from sutro tower tomorrow, the heat lingers inland. thursday the heat will be easing and your weekend weather will feature breezy and cooler conditions. by sunday. so we're going to go hour by hour tomorrow morning. patchy fog, a few high clouds, 50s 60s. you will notice as we head into the noontime hour that it is warming up into the 80s and 90s. and as we head into the afternoon
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already in the upper 90s for some of our hot spots, i'll show you the ultimate high temperatures for the rest of the day, 50s to 60s to start the day. i think you don't really need to worry about a jacket in the afternoon. it's short sleeve weather. south bay temperatures 90. in san jose, 96 in morgan hill, 70s for santa cruz on the peninsula, 85 in redwood city 62 degrees pacifica 82 los altos on the peninsula san francisco 67 degrees. you're looking at nice weather in the north bay. 60s coast side, but triple digits ukiah, cloverdale 92, santa rosa 88 and san rafael. occasional high clouds in the east bay 75 degrees in oakland 84 castro valley. head inland. it's going to be another hot one. 97 in concord 98 livermore 100 in brentwood. now outside lands is coming up friday, saturday, sunday. and it's going to be nice weather but you know, to dress in layers as the temperatures will start off on the lower end in the morning with some fog. and then in the afternoon it will be in the 60s. the warmest day will be saturday. good look. taking a
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quick look at what's left of debbie, it has gained strength. it is now 45 mile an hour winds tomorrow morning it is going to continue to meander off the south carolina coast and then eventually weakening, but remaining a major flood threat. right now they are looking at up to 25in of rainfall across the carolinas, which of course would cause catastrophic flooding and certainly could be potentially historic. now, as a front comes in, new england area will be picking up anywhere from 4 to 5in for the wettest spots. accuweather seven day forecast a one more day of 100 inland and then the temperatures begin to come down into the 90s. look what happens by the second half of your weekend. we're in the 80s inland and below average monday before things turn around heading into tuesday, dan and
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in october. most disney plus, hulu and espn plus subscriptions will cost 1 to $2 more a month. disney plus is also adding in its abc news live streaming channel and a playlist focused on preschool content next month. a premium subscribers will have access to extra playlists later in the fall. of course, disney
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is the parent company of abc 740 niners receiver brandon aiyuk has a big decision to make, and everyone's waiting. >> yeah. abc seven sports director larry beil is here. >> larry. >> dan. ama. does he stay or does he go? we're still asking brandon. we know he wants to get paid a lot of teams would love to have brandon aiyuk. he's so talented. but at what price? and is there a player coming back in a trade that the nin i only meant to order five. there's not enough money in my account for these.
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of options. the unhappy 40 niners receiver has been given permission to shop around for a trade, but espn reports the patriots are now out of the running. so that leaves the browns and steelers as far as teams that we know about who have interest, will brandon aiyuk get $30 million a year? and just as important, what would the niners get back. they need to get a receiver back in the deal. as you listen to the soundbites pay close attention to christian mccaffrey. friends a great player. >> so it's real hard to, to be better when you lose a great player, it's brutal, >> especially when you're here and you have that extra pressure on you. i've talked to him a few times just as a friend, but when it comes to what's actually going on behind closed doors, i
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have no knowledge or input. >> obviously, as a as a former teammate or, you know, teammate of his in general, any teammate that you have, you love, you respect them. you want the best for them. >> did i hear christian say former teammate freudian slip i guess. as for mccaffrey, he has a strained calf, could miss a couple of weeks of practice. he's not going to play in any of the 40 niners preseason games. they want him fresh for the season. all right. on a baseball giants visiting the nationals. all souvenir for little sparky there. giants jump on the nats in the first michael conforto we have lift off three run homer. his 12th. giants up four. nothing but hayden birdsong really did not have it. the game turns right there. second inning c.j. abrams swings at a fastbal. it's like an eye level, cranks a three run homer, turns the game around, put the nationals up five four, and they never look back. jumping around and they beat the giants 11 five. white sox and a's battle. the worst two teams in the american league is john fisher wearing one of those paper bags? he should be. white sox have lost 21 straight
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coming in, zack says. let's make it 22. his 14th of the season. and the a's are down two one in the fourth. but too many mistakes. michael ohtani's wild pitch in the sixth run scores. white sox finally win five one. their 21 game losing streak is over. lauri markkanen will not be joining the warriors next season. the dubs would love to have him, but they didn't want to put brandon pisemsky in the deal. so the jazz will keep their all star big man who averaged 23 points per game last year, likely give him a max contract and that means that markkanen cannot be traded during the upcoming season. team usa now two wins away from winning the gold medal at the olympics, beating brazil one 2287. devin booker leading the way with 18 points. steph had only seven points. team usa meets serbia in the semis on thursday. sports
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downtown san francisco. the employee entry procedure looks something out of a spy movie, but as our abc seven news reporter lyanne melendez went to find out, there's a strange
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company policy at play affecting anyone's right to the public space. that story is one of the top things people are clicking on right now on our website. it's up for you on the top news sidebar at abc seven >> and a reminder before we go that you can watch all of our newscasts live and on demand through the abc seven bay area connected tv app. it's available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv, and roku as well. download the app now and start streaming. >> all right. thank you so much for watching tonight i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley for sandhya patel larry beil all of us. >> we appreciate your time right now on jimmy kimmel. it is guest host anthony anderson. >> have a great night. >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live" with guest host, anthony anderson. tonight -- howie mandel, roy wood jr., and music from the decemberists. with cleto and the cletones.


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