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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  August 8, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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>> now at six, an overnight crash in san jose leaves a power pole in the road. what you need
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to know if you're driving through the area this morning. >> then, days after angry festival attendees in san francisco complained about lines and false advertising. a similar one, set in the south bay is now a no go. >> and back to school. tens of thousands of students in the south bay will be among those heading back to the classroom this morning. >> good morning. it is thursday, august 8th. >> i hope your outfit is looking right for back to school. and to start with a check of our forecast with drew. >> did you lay yours out in the morning? >> yes. >> oh, yeah. for the first day. right. nice and press. looking good this morning. we are cloudy out there. the marine layer is back. we'll take you to our richmond-san rafael bridge camera. you're looking at the richmond side and you can see we have our morning marine layer with us. and it's just an indication that we have changes today. it's going to feel cooler this afternoon. we don't have any heat advisories in effect this afternoon. we'll drop about 5 to 10 degrees today compared to our daytime highs yesterday. underneath the clouds we're mainly in the mid 50s to the low 60s. some areas inland are still
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holding in the low and mid 60s right now. so look at our inland communities first about a 10 degrees drop in our daytime highs today compared to yesterday. yesterday we were close to about 100 in our hottest cities. today it's mainly in the upper 80s to the lower 90s this afternoon, so it will feel cooler out there around the bay shoreline. remember yesterday how bright it was in the morning? this morning though, we're fighting the marine layer so it takes its time finding that sunshine this morning by the afternoon it feels nice in the low and mid 70s. then along the coast it's foggy. this morning we have coastal drizzle. it will be partly sunny later on this afternoon along the ocean. we'll have highs in the low 60s. check in with amanda. see those drive times? yeah. >> hi, drew. let's take you to emeryville and show you a live look at our eastshore freeway. you can see, of course, the headlights heading westbound. you can see it's pretty crowded. it will take you about 45 minutes to get from highway four into the city. you'll see a slowdown as well. once you get past the metering lights they are on at this hour. once you get past them, things are moving under the limit across the upper
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deck of the bay bridge because of an earlier crash that we've been tracking for about an hour now. it did block the two middle lanes, but those lanes have since reopened. the cars involved have since been removed from the area, but things are still moving extremely slowly. they do open up for you though, at fremont street, so just be aware. give yourself plenty of time this morning. reggie. amanda. >> thank you. happening today. it's the end of summer for tens of thousands of south bay students. san jose unified, one of two local districts going back to school. abc7 news reporter gloria rodriguez joins us live from san jose. good morning. >> good morning reggie. newark unified school district also starts classes back up today. and for many parents, traffic safety is top of mind. it is back to school for thousands of students here in san jose. san jose unified is home to about 25,000 students at 41 schools. the city is urging drivers to slow down around school zones and pay attention when they're in a school zone. look out for kids walking to and from campuses and says the police department is going to be
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stepping up enforcement around schools, colin haney with the san jose department of transportation tells us they are upgrading visibility of crosswalks, that ladder style, rather than the two stripes, which seems like maybe a small effort, but it makes the crosswalk much more visible to cars from a greater distance away, and it makes it very clear that that is where people can expect to see children and their parents crossing. >> so i can't say enough how important it is, especially because it's a time of transition. people are not in regular routines yet, you know, new parents, new kids at schools may be trying to find their way around the neighborhoods. >> and he also says they'll be rolling out electronic message boards near school sites where they know there's high traffic volumes or high traffic speeds. so if you're driving through a school zone today and he's just reminding you, be extra cautious with all of the students that are going back to school today. live in san jose. gloria rodriguez, abc seven news. >> thank you gloria. well, today
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is also the first day of school in newark. police there set up an awareness campaign to slow down drivers and alert them to pedestrians. officers went undercover yesterday. non uniform members of the department crossed a few pedestrian crosswalks while officers watched for compliance. >> we're looking to basically have awareness not only for pedestrians who are crossing at this location and other locations in newark, but also to remind our motorists that they need to slow down, be less distracted, giving themselves more time to their destinations so that they can watch out for all of our our young ones going to school and put other pedestrians that are in our crosswalks. >> the ticket with penalties and fees will add up to hundreds of dollars. >> breaking overnight in san francisco, fire crews have put out a fire in the at the saint andrew missionary baptist church. this is on post street, not far from gary. masonic. the fire started early this morning. we don't know how badly the building was damaged and we don't know yet what started that
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fire. >> new this morning san jose police are investigating a crash that brought down a power pole. it happened just after 230 this morning on camden avenue and kooser road. a man who just finished his shift at the taco bell nearby saw the crash. and he says after it happened, everything went pitch black for about a minute. then all the lights came back on. >> but i heard everything. it was a loud explosion and then all i seen was, blue and orange lights, like an explosion. i just seen the car right there, a bunch of smoke and everything, and we do have calls into the san jose police department for more details about what happene. >> it's not clear when this road will reopen or when the power pole will be removed from the street. >> we continue to follow the story on the homeless encampment sweeps in san francisco. a federal judge has ordered the city provide better training when handling confiscated items during these sweeps and madness at the live desk with the details of this order. >> yeah, reggie, the order requires the city to provide
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better training on its bag and tag policy. a federal judge issued it on monday. this is the latest development in the legal battle between the coalition on homelessness and the city. in 2022. the group accused the city of violating constitutional rights of unhoused people by taking and destroying their belongings in street cleaning operations. the city says its employees follow internal policies, but in the judge's ruling, she said the city failed to demonstrate, quote, meaningful training on the bag and tag policy. it requires items like luggage, medication and personal papers be taken to a public works storage facility for 90 days. officers must leave a note at the encampment site to let people know where their belongings can be found. the judge has ordered the city to meet with the coalition and come up with a plan about how to better train workers on this policy. back to you at the desk. >> thanks, amanda. last week, san francisco mayor london breed directed city officials to prioritize a new journey home program. this allows crews to
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offer bus tickets out of town to unhoused people who have support elsewhere, before offering them other city services. well, the program has been happening for a few years, and our partners at the san francisco standard look into where people are being sent. so they looked at data going back to september of 2023. and when it comes to the states that people are going, the top state is oregon. nevada and texas are tied for third. now, for people within california, the top three destinations are la, sacramento and humboldt counties. >> a san jose community service officer who was hurt in a crash has been released from the hospital. more than 200 police officers and other first responders lined the hallway to applaud her. as veronica bear left yesterday, a suspected drunk driver hit her and her partner, long pham saturday night. cso pham died. cso bear suffered a dislocated shoulder, a broken jaw and a head injury.
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the community service officer program started in 2014. they respond to and investigate lower priority calls. csos just like the police officers, are out there risking their safety, risking their lives in the service of this community. >> and we need to recognize that. and when someone does make the ultimate sacrifice or a huge sacrifice like veronica did, we've got to acknowledge that the driver suspected of hitting the officers while being under the influence appeared in court yesterday. >> he is charged with murder in the death of cso pham. he is. he has had prior arrests for dui, which enabled prosecutors to charge him with murder. >> more fallout over last weekend's troubled west coast taco and beer festival in san francisco. organizers have now postponed the second event they'd planned for san jose later this month, as they continued to deal with complaints. many people who went to the event last weekend say that they're struggling to get their money back. the event promised unlimited taco samples and bottomless beer tastings,
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but attendees say that's not what they got, and even the vendors were caught off guard. >> you know, they told us when we got here this morning that we were supposed to provide uh- free taco samples, and we don't have enough. and we did not. we didn't, you know, we didn't prepare for that. >> the event organizer told abc seven he is accepting refund requests, but there are possible fraudsters online posing as customer service to people who reach out on facebook to the accuweather forecast. >> we go, hello? okay. this morning, a live look outside. it is certainly a gray start from this vantage point. you look at the current conditions. it is cloudy in oakland right now, 59 degrees. if you remember this picture yesterday morning it was very bright with sunny skies. so our marine layers back this morning. if you are traveling, we are starting to see the heat ease across the west coast. no longer have any heat advisories or excessive heat warnings to
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our south, but it's still quite warm across the four corners later on. this afternoon, heading to the east, we will find some hot weather around texas, even new orleans. still hot and humid. 100 for a daytime time. some afternoon showers around kansas city closing in on 80 degrees. we're watching tropical storm debby. it's impacting the carolinas this morning. it will work its way up into virginia. so if you're traveling to say, maybe iad or dca this afternoon, you may have some delays because of the rain. new york, some afternoon showers as well. back here at home, it's all about a cooling trend. getting underway here. we have that morning cloud cover giving way to afternoon sunshine. no heat advisories in effect today we will find that cloud cover breaking down, pulling back to the coast. our warmest areas today, mainly in the upper 80s to the lower 90s. so enjoy the cooling trend. it continues over the next couple of days heading into the weekend. reggie aqui temperatures do dip below average. we'll show you that coming up in a few minutes. drew. >> thank you. still to come, multiple taylor swift concerts canceled in europe over concerns about a terrorist attack. the new details we've learned about the suspects overnight, and
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teenagers trying to play a pivotal role in their own education. some east bay students will get to vote in school board elections, then makeovers at two of the bay area's biggest airports, sfo and oak, may look differen
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european tour. authorities say two suspects have been arrested. they're accused of planning to attack one of her three shows in
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vienna. a man is at the live desk with more on the security concerns now. >> reggie. police in austria announced they stopped an isis inspired attack. investigators say the men were radicalized online, with one who was a 19 year old from austria recently pledging allegiance to isis. a bomb squad removed chemical substances from the teen's home. they are testing it for possible explosives, but officials say potential bombs would not have been ready in time for this week's concerts. isis has not claimed responsibility, but it has been behind attacks on other concerts. an isis backed bomber killed 22 fans at an ariana grande concert in 2017. the austrian chancellor said, quote, the situation surrounding the apparently planned terrorist attack in vienna was very serious. the threat was recognized early, combatted and tragedy prevented. that's the end of his quote. the sold out eras tour concerts in vienna were expected to draw 65,000 fans each night, and another 15,000 outside. all those fans
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will be getting a full refund. back to you at the desk. >> thanks, amanda. today marks one year since the wildfire disaster on maui. the hawaiian island was devastated. more than 100 people died and thousands were displaced overnight. president biden released a letter to commemorate the day he recalled his own visit to the towns of lahaina and kula. he wrote of the courage and kindness he found and thanked first responders. the letter also touched on the federal response to the recovery and rebuilding, which is still going on. a newly completed temporary housing project is now open for residents. >> thank you for having a place for us to live. this is our sixth move, so hopefully we're hoping it'll be our last until it's time to rebuild. >> two major investigations into the fire and the government's response are still ongoing. last week, the defendants, which includes the state, the county and hawaiian electric, agreed to pay $4 billion to settle claims related to the fire. a historic
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vote for teens in alameda for the first time, students will be able to vote in school board elections on wednesday. berkeley and oakland unified school districts announced that 16 and 17 year olds will be able to vote for their districts this november. it all started with a ballot measure passed in 2016, in berkeley and 2020 in oakland. both districts then worked with alameda county to implement a registration process. >> it definitely feels like we have the strength to do this now. i feel like it makes us just feel heard. i feel like it makes us feel, i don't know, more welcomed into like community, you know, and educators and staff at berkeley unified say they're looking forward to working with the students. >> oakland unified said they are excited to see their students finally being allowed to vote. >> do you love auntie anne's pretzels? do you love them enough to smell like them? if yes, this is for you. the company is launching a signature fragrance called need auntie anne says over the years, fans
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have shared their memories and experiences that started with a whiff of the pretzels. so now they have bottled it for you to enjoy. apparently smells like buttery dough, salt, and a hint of sweetness. you can get it. wednesday. it's $25 for one ounce bottle, $45 if you want. 3.4oz. i would think this scent would be more like a candle as opposed to a perfume. i don't know if i want to smell it on me all the time, but if i walk in the room and i get a whiff. >> good idea. >> bring me joy. >> i agree with you. >> but wasn't i just talking about you were talking about the scent for, i don't know forget we're talking about mall pretzels. >> you talked about it. >> i have a special order. i don't like the butter they put on it. okay. so i have to get a new one made. >> complicated order. >> yeah, a complicated order. and if they can't do it, then i walk away. >> so what's left on it? >> yeah, just the salt. >> oh, yum. >> that sounds good. >> you know, like a regular anything. no. okay. >> you know like a regular
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pretzel because the butter is not usually that's a auntie anne's thing. yeah. >> right. i like the butter. you know what i'm saying. >> you like that okay. >> me too. >> yeah. >> but he didn't put butter on the popcorn either. >> you don't put butter on your popcorn. no. >> that's just don't even get the popcorn. i like my arteries. >> well. >> then i just wouldn't order popcorn. that just sounds like a desert in your mouth. dry pop. not he said firmly okay. all right. >> he doesn't like, but it's still good. it's still popcorn with salt on it. >> and that's a thing. uh- this morning, the tab cam. it is lovely out there. we do have our morning clouds. do you just hate butter? >> oh, i hate everything. >> i hate fun, i hate good tasting things. hey, joy. yeah hate smiles. >> i just want bread with salt. so i want to make it as hard as possible to chew this. >> yes. >> here's a live look from our tam cam. our morning marine layer is back. we have those
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clouds with us hanging over the next couple of hours that will lead to a cooler afternoon here. a cooling trend is underway and the weekend by sunday those temperatures actually dipping below average. so highs today in our microclimates. that cooling trend is underway here no longer have that heat advisory in the south bay 80s and 90s for daytime highs. as we head up to the peninsula 70s and 80s for the most part, san mateo 72, but warmer, redwood city at 8060 along the coast across the city today, not as warm as we were yesterday. yesterday we were in the 70s. today will cool off into the 60s. it will be windy this afternoon under a mix of sun and clouds later on into the north bay. this afternoon we'll find warmer temperatures, 80s and 90s. not as hot as yesterday, but still it will feel warm out there. the east bay morning clouds to sun. we'll go to 70 in richmond, 78 in fremont, 71 in oakland and inland. today will drop about 5 to 10 degrees compared to our highs yesterday, upper 80s to the mid 90s. overnight tonight coastal drizzle returns. our morning marine layer is back tomorrow morning. temperatures mainly in the 50s now. tomorrow
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our temperatures a similar story to today. not much of a change, but cooler weather will start to move in here over the weekend. so outside lands kicks off here tomorrow in the city we will have morning clouds to sun. the warmest day looks to be saturday. it's also the brightest day will hit a high of about 6768 on saturday, and then we'll cool off as our morning marine layer returns. here's the accuweather seven day forecast next seven days for you. cooler afternoon on the way today we'll keep those temperatures on the mild side through the start of the weekend. by sunday, cooler air moves in here below average, and we'll keep those temperatures below average for the start of next week guys. >> drew thank you. and now we bring in ginger zee. she is following the path of debby. >> and now you are live in north carolina. good morning ginger. >> yes good morning. yes i'm wrightsville beach north carolina. we've had gusts up to 40mph. so you can see there that sign which was rusted. so that's probably part of why it came down. but we've had those big time winds after that second landfall of debby. we've just followed it all the way from
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florida up here to north carolina. now you can see the kick and surf back there too at the beach, but most importantly, it's about the tornadoes that have ripped through overnight and the inland flooding that is still now possible. i'm going to track this all the way through gma up appalachia into the northeast. and especially if you guys are trying to travel or something coming to new york by friday night you'll want to know about it. also coming up, there's been some shark sightings recently on the jersey shore. so we're going to have some tips if you still plan to get out before the end of summer for one last beach day. and by the way, i'm not counting this as my last beach day. >> this is this is not it. we want more for you. >> yes, we want it to be relaxing. we would prefer a little sunshine. and we would prefer a jacket that is waterproof. >> sometimes for hours into this, i tell myself, well, at least i've eaten a lot of the sand. that's fiber and then it's like a little microdermabrasion and then the rain. i've actually been at a spa every morning. you
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know what? i like how you get through it. >> that is how you get through it. you've inspired me to think even more positively. >> yes, that's my gratitude journal. >> yes, it really is. >> just your face is going to look amazing when you are at the actual beach relaxing. ginger. thank you. we appreciate you out better in as little as 2 weeks. and when you can breathe better, what isn't better? this is better. this is better. that's better. and that. even this. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. it works with your asthma medicine to help improve lung function. that's pretty good! dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's proven to help prevent asthma attacks. it can reduce or even eliminate oral steroids. and doesn't that make things better? dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. tell your doctor right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs.
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to apply for financial aid. the department of education announced its fafsa form is not going to be ready until december of this year. this announcement comes after a shaky rollout of this year's revamped forms in the 20 2425 cycle. fafsa forms were unavailable to students until january this year. beta testers will have access to the forms in october before it becomes open to everyone later. the department of education says it's taken feedback from this past cycle, and will be working closely with the early group to check for any issues with the new fafsa. the giants are honoring the life of legend orlando cepeda with a celebration next month before the giants padres series finale on september 15th. oracle park will be opening early that day as the team's annual fiesta gigantes, which cepeda considered one of his favorite
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events. the day celebrates hispanic culture with music and dance performances. cepeda died in late june at 86, and his death was just ten days after his friend and teammate willie mays. all right. if you are planning to fly out of oakland, you need to know that starting today, construction will be starting at san francisco bay oakland international airport, and this is a part of a project to bring 16 new storefronts and vending kiosks to the terminals. work from local artists will be on display inside the stores as well, celebrating the diversity of the east bay. this comes in conjunction with the airport's new name, the san francisco international airport is also launching its rebrand. sfo is going all in on its san francisco identity, with this bold new lettering. it's casting aside, its flight lines logo in response to the oakland airport name change, san francisco international says this new logo gives it more flexibility to adapt the o for special themes.
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next, at 630, the events at san francisco's embarcadero plaza aimed at bringing more people to that area. then the new rules in place at your local costco aimed at
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president continues her cross country swing state campaign as she rises in the polls. now her rival announces a news conference for later today. >> then a cooler trend moving in. you could see mid 60s in the city and some sun inland. drew is here with our forecast. >> the adorable cub that is now recovering at the oakland zoo. the playful and engaged feline is improving and doing well. >> good morning everyone. it's thursday, august 8th. >> let's see what your forecast looks like. >> yeah. hi. good morning. so big change from yesterday is not nearly as bright this morning as you were yesterday. our morning marine layer has visibly returned in the form of a lot of fog, some high clouds up above that fog too. we will see a cooling trend initiated today and that will continue as we head into the weekend. temperatures right now around the bay shoreline. we're in the low 50s to the low 60s. good morning hayward, you're at 60 degrees inland. we have some
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mild air at 64 in danville heading into the north bay. we do have that marine influence. sonoma, napa, santa rosa, starting off our day in the mid 50s. so looking inland first we'll drop about 5 to 10 degrees in our daytime highs compared to yesterday. we'll find our highs in the upper 80s to lower 90s with sunny skies this afternoon. now around the bay shoreline, we have that morning cloud cover. it's back right now. we'll see a mix of sun and clouds by 11 a.m. by 4 p.m. temperatures are pretty pleasant. cooler than yesterday. will mainly be in the mid 70s. now along the coast it's cloudy. there's drizzle. right now, it's partly sunny this afternoon and daytime highs mainly in the low and mid 60s. let's check in with amanda. see the drive times this morning. >> hi drew. plenty of green across our overall map, but we do have some trouble spots to tell you about the first is in vallejo. this is because of a car fire on westbound 80 before magazine street. people through the area will notice emergency crews are on scene. that fire, that car fire, i should say, is on the shoulder. you're seeing heavy traffic from redwood street. and then i want to take you to dublin. westbound 580
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before 680, a two car crash is blocking the two middle lanes there. the backup is to hacienda drive. an alternate route would be dublin boulevard. you can see speeds are down to about 20mph there. let's get back to the desk. >> thanks, amanda. happening today. thousands of students across the bay area going back to school. whether they want to or not. and some districts are trying to make sure those students are safe when they return to campus. abc seven news reporter gloria rodriguez live in san jose with more on that. good morning, gloria. >> yeah, kumasi. you're right. maybe it's going to be a little tough for some students to wake up again today to go back to school, but i know a lot of students are also very excited. this is one of the schools that's starting classes back up today. and for many parents, traffic safety is definitely top of mind. san jose unified is home to about 25,000 students at some 41 schools, and the city is urging drivers to slow down and just pay attention when they're around school zones. look out for students who are walking to and from campuses as well. the
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police department is going to be stepping up enforcement around schools. colin haney with the san jose department of transportation talked to us about what they're doing. >> we're going to be rolling out electronic message boards near school sites where we know there's high, high traffic volumes or high traffic speeds nearby. we also have a school safety initiative that has begun a long project of upgrading hundreds of crosswalks near schools to high visibility crosswalks. >> and he says that means what they call ladder style crosswalks, rather than two strikes on the crosswalk, making them more visible. the cars at a greater distance. and he also recommends avoiding your neighborhood school on your way to work this morning. if you are able to live in san jose, gloria rodriguez, abc seven news thank you. >> gloria. there may be more emphasis on pedestrian safety in the south bay because of a tragic crash on tuesday. an 11 year old boy riding a scooter was hit and killed at a busy san
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jose intersection. the collision happened in the city's cambrian park neighborhood on camden avenue near highway 85, and this was the city's 30th deadly traffic collision of the year. >> the preliminary information that we have is the juvenile was crossing the street against either a red hand, but basically the driver did have a green light going through camden to the through that intersection on camden. >> the victim hasn't been identified. police say the driver is cooperating. >> your voice, your vote. republican presidential nominee donald trump will hold a general news conference today at mar a lago. vice president kamala harris will be at a campaign event in michigan today before heading to phoenix. she and governor tim walz had a rally held a rally in michigan yesterday. their largest of the race so far. donald trump's running mate, jd vance, who served in the marine corps, is questioning governor walz's military record after walz said this about gun restrictions. >> and we can make sure that those weapons of war that i carried in war is the only place
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where those weapons are at. >> wall served in the army national guard for 24 years and acknowledge he did not see active combat. >> i think the evidence at this point is overwhelming that he lied about serving in a combat zone. >> walz retired from the national guard in 2005, two months before his unit deployed to iraq. meanwhile, trump says a new debate with vice president harris will be, quote, announced soon. vice president harris will be attending a fundraiser in san francisco on sunday. entry to the event ranges from 3300 to $500,000. you can find the election coverage heading into. heading into november. right now at abc seven and wherever you stream abc seven. >> a wildfire in the sierra foothills is challenging firefighters. the crosier fire started early yesterday morning northeast of placerville in el dorado county. firefighters are worried about the weather conditions. humidity in that area is expected to drop, winds to increase, and crews are also facing steep canyons and few
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access roads. people in that area, as you can imagine, are on edge. >> i stayed up all night. i couldn't, i couldn't sleep, you know, i was just really concerned. and, so i made a couple of trips up here, one about 5:00 in the morning, another one around 12. and this is my third trip, just to see what the status of things are. >> the fire has burned 706 acres so far. it's 5% contained. evacuation orders are in place for mosquito and swansboro counties. >> farther north, the park fire just keeps on growing. it's now scorched, about 426,000 acres. it remains at 34% contained. firefighters are dealing with searing heat. temperatures are expected to top 100 degrees. cal fire says the flames have destroyed over 600 buildings, including several homes. a chico man was arrested and accused of starting that fire. the family of an 18 year old richmond man
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who was shot and killed by la police last month, say that they're going to sue the city for wrongful death. the family of ricardo ramirez junior also called on state prosecutors to file criminal charges against the lapd vice sergeant involved in the shooting. ramirez was visiting southern california after his high school graduation, according to the lapd, a plainclothes sergeant was investigating a possible dispute between the occupants of two vehicles. the officer fired through his window, hitting and killing ramirez. >> his journey was just beginning, and that was taken away from us by a police by sergeant from lapd, and the only thing that ricky did that led to his death was to go wire you. >> and before he could say anything more, he was shot in the chest and killed. arms out, hands open. no weapon. >> general rob bonta, alameda county district attorney pamela
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price has 60 days to decide whether to retry a death penalty case. >> the conviction was overturned because of prosecutor misconduct. this case dates back to 1986, when curtis lee ervin was convicted in the murder for hire. death of an associate's ex-wife. price says the prosecutor illegally excluded prospective jurors who were black and jewish. the state attorney general agreed. >> deputy district attorney mr. anderson during jury selection, he exercised his peremptory challenges in a way to exclude. i believe it was nine of the 11 black jurors and one jewish juror that were denied the opportunity. >> price says she will consult with the family of the victim before deciding to retry the case. abc seven news spoke with former alameda county district attorney tom orloff, who was a high ranking prosecutor in the office at that time. he says, quote, there is no policy in the office to discriminate against jury selection.
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>> the san mateo county board of supervisors is considering adding a measure to the ballot about low income housing. they held a meeting to ask the public to weigh in on article 34. it would ask voters if they'd like to allow the creation of more affordable housing under a new approval process. many people spoke in support of housing, but criticized giving more control to the county than to the cities. >> we have a lot of issues in this community and more affordable housing would solve many, many, many of them. so i want us to be able to better support domestic violence survivors, single parents, seniors, veterans are most vulnerable. they deserve that, and i think that, our community and our residents want that. >> this was likely the last chance for public comment before the board decides whether to push article 34 to the ballot. the newest effort to revitalize downtown san francisco officially underway. >> yes, i got to check it out yesterday. bricks at embarcadero plaza is bringing free events to embarcadero plaza. multiple days
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a week, and it started yesterday with a business mixer. this afternoon, there's going to be trivia and tomorrow a happy hour with a dj. organizers say the goal is to bring people back to the area on a daily basis. >> when we talk to people, what they said was just doing an event or a big concert once is not really going to revitalize downtown. what we need is something happening every day, brick said. >> embarcadero plaza is set to run through october, with events happening wednesday through saturday. there are also activities continuing in other parts of downtown, including a bi monthly night market. >> coming up, the latest store to shut its doors at the troubled san francisco center. >> and let's take a look right now live the big board at the new york stock exchange, up about 320 points right now. another update on the markets next. >> stuck in space. two astronauts in the at the isthe might be there until next year. but first here's drew. >> hey there. 641 as we take a look at the month of august so far, we do have a cooling trend
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that is moving in here later today. but the first seven days of the month, looking at san jose, for example, have been warmer than average. and this comes off the heels of what has been a very warm july across the globe. in fact, july 2024 was the second hottest july on record across the globe. if you zoom in even closer here into the nine counties of the bay area. last month was the hottest july on record for almost all of the bay area. the lone exception was san francisco. thanks to the marine layer, it was not the hottest in the city, but for most of us, we have not lived through a warm july like last month. and these are all activities that are primarily due to the emission of greenhouse gases. but we do have some changes as we head later into fall and into winter. we look at the waters off of south america and the equatorial pacific to see if they're above or below average, and they are cooling off, which is indicating la nina is expected to take over in the fall. and that could give us a drop in our global average temperatures over the next couple of months. we'll keep you
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updated on that. today's highs inland were in the mid 90s, which is cooler than yesterday around the bay shoreline will go for morning clouds to afternoon sunshine. mid 70s along the coast. we'll keep it pretty cloudy, a little bit of afternoon sunshine. highs in the low 60s. so across the region today we'll hit about 91 in concord, 84 in san jose, 71 in oakland, 65 in the city, 86 at high in santa rosa. we'll preview the weekend forecast
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there. that was around midnight here in the bay area. officials say three people were hurt, but there have been no reports of serious damage. there was a tsunami warning issue, but that has now been canceled. these type of events always a good reminder to make sure that you're ready for the big one. we have everything you need to know at abc7 news dot com slash prepare. >> norcal tropical storm debby made a second landfall early this morning. it's moving over south carolina, bringing a high risk of flash flooding. there's also a high risk of excessive rainfall from north carolina into southern virginia. this storm is being blamed for at least six deaths in florida and georgia. after making landfall as a hurricane monday morning. by tomorrow, the remnants of debby are expected to move into the northeast and into new
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england. the final preparations are happening now for outside lands before the music festival kicks off tomorrow in golden gate park. jfk drive already closed. it's been closed since monday. most entrances into the park are closed to cars starting tonight. mlk junior drive is closed to cars starting tomorrow night through sunday. when the festival ends. >> if you've made a costco run recently, you may have noticed a big change at the front door and many stores. now you have to scan your membership card or mobile app instead of just flashing it to a worker. it's part of an effort to crack down on people without memberships. costco says it has seen an increase of nonmembers using other people's cards since they expanded self-checkout. >> they sold $4.6 billion worth of memberships last year, so their whole goal is to make sure that membership is valuable, that people can't do what we call in business free riding, that people just can't sort of sneak into the store and buy things because they're not really making any money. when people buy things, they're
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making most of it on the membership. >> the scanners have already been set up at quite a few locations across the bay area, and will be coming to more stores soon. if you're one of the people who has been sneaking in with someone else's card, you either need to get your own membership or you can still go. but the member has to be with you. >> nasa says it's now making contingency plans for the two boeing starliner astronauts, who are still stuck in space, now seven weeks longer than they initially expected to be there. nasa is considering sending a spacex dragon crew nine, which is set to launch to the iss in september, with only two of the four astronauts assigned to it. that spacecraft would carry extra spacesuits for butch wilmore and suni williams. that would mean, though, the pair would stay on the es until february of 2025, because that's when crew nine is set to return to earth.
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>> knowing butch and sonny, you know they are professional astronauts and test pilots, and they understand the difficulties of the decisions that we're faced. they have complete confidence in the ground teams and uh- and then they'll they'll do what we need them to do. >> when they launched on june 5th, the astronauts were just supposed to be on the iss for about a week. but the starliner sustained helium leaks and propulsion problems on the first leg of its flight. >> now you're morning money report another store at the san francisco center mall on market street has closed its doors. victoria's secret confirmed to abc7 news that its final day was sunday, august 4th. the company says the store closed when its lease ended. victoria's secret still has a store at union square. american eagle closed for good at san francisco center last month following numerous other closures, including nordstrom and the cinemark theater. now we take a live look
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at the new york stock exchange, where you can see that we are 313 points up. this morning. >> the oakland zoo is sharing its newest rescue, a four week old mountain lion cub. this is brier. he was found alone in el dorado county last week and brought to the zoo on monday. fish and wildlife officials put out cameras to see if brier's mom would come back to get him. she didn't. and so they brought him into captivity so he could be taken care of. brier will stay at the oakland zoo until he's healthy enough to go to a proper facility. he's really young, so he doesn't have survival. survival skills just yet, so he can't return to the wild. >> he's too young to be on his own. normally they stay with the mom till they're about a year and a half or two years old. so you can imagine at 4 to 5 weeks, not even 4 pounds, he would have no ability to survive at all. >> brier is a 27th mountain lion rescue through the zoos bay area cougar action team. >> well, he's awfully cute.
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>> his little toy. >> look at those eyes. >> now, a little brier. >> we have some great zoos around here? a lot of options. a lot of things to see. >> but no pandas yet. well yet. >> yet you can go south yet? >> yes. >> have you heard? san diego is getting their pandas. >> it's also panda day across the state. >> yeah, across the state. state? >> we love that. this morning. let's take you outside. here's our south beach camera, the bay bridge. we are shrouded in clouds this morning. our marine layer is visibly back, leading to a cooler afternoon. so we have that morning marine layer. it is back once again this afternoon. cooler air does arrive and then the weekend outlook turns breezy and by sunday temperatures will go below average. believe it or not, we have a cooling trend initiated today. get that morning walk or run in. it's comfortable out there. we have mostly cloudy skies in many areas, temperatures mainly staying in the 50s and 60s through about 11 a.m. this morning. so highs in the microclimates starting in the south bay. that cooling trend begins here. no heat advisory in
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effect will be in the 80s and 90s for daytime highs up along the peninsula. 80 redwood city 76 in los altos, 72 in san mateo along the coast, will be in the 60s across the city. today it is going to be cloudy this morning. partly sunny this afternoon. certainly cooler than yesterday. we'll stay in the 60s now in the north bay. we'll stay in the 60s for sausalito, stinson beach, but warmer as you head towards santa rosa. calistoga in the 80s and 90s. we'll hit 81 in napa in the east bay. morning clouds to sun. we'll see that sunshine likely appear around 10 a.m. this morning for oakland. berkeley at 7178, in fremont, 80. castro valley and inland will drop about 5 to 10 degrees in our daytime highs compared to yesterday, upper 80s to the mid 90s. overnight tonight we'll see our clouds return. we'll have those clouds first thing tomorrow morning. we'll have some coastal drizzle overnight lows mainly dipping into the 50s. now looking at future weather. little change to our temperatures tomorrow. it stays pretty comfortable. a similar story on saturday to start you out the weekend. lots of sunshine after morning. clouds we'll watch sunday. now even
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cooler air starts to move in here. and then we're flirting with below average temperature territory. so here's the accuweather seven day forecast showing you our cooling trend gets underway here today. we'll keep it sunny for the start of the weekend. breezy and cooler on sunday with those temperatures dipping even into monday. and we'll keep it below average for the early part of next week, guys. >> thank you. drew. downtown san francisco's storied history is a subject of a new interactive exhibit inside the flood building. it's at powell and market streets. these digital displays show snapshots of the downtown area during the 50s, the 60s, and the seconds. that was an era when going downtown was a special event for a lot of people. some of the photographs on display haven't been seen in nearly 50 years. the public art project will be up through mid-october. bird watchers are flocking to a san francisco park, hoping to catch a glimpse or take a photo of a bird that's never been seen in california before. birders and photographers are getting up early in the morning looking for this bird. it is a slate
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throated redstart at pine lake park, which is near stern grove. the rare bird is found primarily in mexico and central america. we talked to a couple of lucky birders who got the photos. >> i'm so sorry to say this, but we were here for like five minutes. we were really lucky. i don't know, i just had this feeling because the sun was out and it was still pretty early and there weren't a lot of people special. >> you know, the people tell me in the first time in california, you know, they just everybody like it is a very high iso. >> experts aren't too sure how the bird even got to pine lake. the sighting has, though, gotten national attention after being featured on the american birding association's podcast. >> well, once you're on the american birding association's podcast, watch out you're famous. famous? >> i mean, really, should we go out there and look for the bird? >> you know what? i will support you in that journey. send me a picture. >> up next is seven things you
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need to know today. >> you can watch all of our newscasts live and on demand through the abc seven bay area connected tv app. it's available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv and roku. download the app now and you can start streaming as we head to break. >> let's take a live look outside right now at 654. we'll be right back. >> this is abc 724 over seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi's stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland. >> yeah, you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. we are we are we are we are, we are, we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc seven bay area streaming app. join us and start get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. ♪ ♪
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we can tell you what it's capable of or you could find out for yourself. how we get there matters. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. thousands of bay area students returning to class today. this is the first day of school for san jose, newark and the mount
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diablo unified school districts. >> number two, the upcoming west coast taco and beer festival in san jose has been postponed. organizers made the announcement yesterday. they're still dealing with complaints about their san francisco event last weekend. >> number three delta passengers have filed a class action lawsuit over last month's global computer outage. they claim delta refused to offer full refunds on flights that were either delayed or canceled. >> number four, if you're flying out of oakland, a heads up starting today, there's a big construction project at okay! it will create room for 16 new retail stores inside the terminals. >> all right, number five, let's get to the accuweather forecast. the cooling trend gets underway here today. our hottest days this week were yesterday and the day before. no longer have any heat advisories in effect. we'll have sunshine inland today. it's warm but we'll drop about 5 to 10 degrees. and our daytime highs compared to yesterday low and mid 90s inland today. now around the bay shoreline, our morning marine layer is visibly back. that's a big change from yesterday. we had a lot of
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sunshine from the get go that is going to lead to a cooler afternoon heading towards 5:00. we'll have temperatures in the low and mid 70s now along the coast. it is foggy this morning. we have some coastal drizzle. we'll get a mix of sun and clouds this afternoon. highs mainly in the low 60s. so across the region today we'll find cooler weather moving in here. we'll have 60s along the coast, 70s and 80s around the bay shoreline. low and mid 90s in our warmest spots inland. >> and number six, we're going to take a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza. you can see the backup is only to the middle of the parking lot, so not too bad. metering lights remain on here at 658. it is a little slow moving across the span because of an early morning crash that has been cleared. lanes have been opened, but still something to keep in mind. and i do want to mention you're not going to see it. san mateo south, el camino real is currently closed in both directions from 39th to 40th avenues for a downed power line. p-g-and-e's is on scene >> look at this panda number seven. today is california. i
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mean, it was just chilling. and look at it, look at it, look today is california panda day. it's also the day two adorable giant pandas are making their debut at the san diego zoo. they arrived in the u.s. back in june. they've been getting to know their surroundings. san francisco is supposed to read. we will be getting pandas next year. we are claiming it in advance. >> i just learned something fascinating about pandas. they spend 12 hours a day eating and they barely move. they are comparable to a sloth in the amount of movement that they do. >> oh yeah, i've never seen a panda like run. they don't run, you know, they saunter. saunter 7 to 7 is >> michael: good morning america for our viewers in the west. breaking overnight, tropical storm debby makes landfall for a second time.
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flash flooding emergen


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