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tv   ABC7 News 300PM  ABC  August 8, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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and cash in at cache creek casino resort. to rock and to roll. to go all out or go all in with four stars and rising stars. northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place to do as much... or as little as you want. make your getaway now and cache in at cache creek casino resort. campus is fully back open this afternoon after a six hour partial lockdown sparked by
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gunshots fired on campus that set off a widespread search for a gunman, which is still underway at this hour. good afternoon, i'm kristen tsay. thanks for joining us for abc7 news at three. police say the situation in berkeley began around 715 this morning after a man fired two gunshots on the clark kerr campus that is the site of student dorms away from the main campus. now, although the school year has not yet begun, summer students wrapping up their session may be there certainly there were finals being held. it's unknown if the two shots were fired at anyone in particular, but no one was hurt. one neighbor heard the shot. >> i was laying in bed about 737. i don't know what time and i thought i heard a pop, you know, a gunshot. and then all of a sudden, about two minutes later, all you heard was sirens and everything going off for about ten minutes up until almost 2:00 this afternoon, people were asked to avoid the clark kerr campus and the area around the lawrence berkeley national lab and the botanical garden for a while, the
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investigation was focused on a house less than a mile away from clark kerr uh- abc. >> seven crews heard police on a loudspeaker and video from sky seven showed police surrounding the house with their weapons drawn, as you can see. but we learned just in the last half hour that the house was empty. now the suspect is described as a white male with bleached hair with possible red or orange highlights. he was dressed in all black, carrying a red backpack. anyone with information is asked to contact uc police. another developing story in san francisco fbi agents served a search warrant today on a towing company, one that abc seven news has been following for months. the agency raided specialty towing, which is located on oakdale avenue in near interstate 280. video from the scene shows agents in fbi jackets on the property. the irs was also there. the raid comes only weeks after san francisco banned the company from doing
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business with the city for incidents like this one. this video went viral earlier this year. it shows a specialty towing truck trying to tow a car. look carefully with people inside in the middle of traffic, also developing a computer problem is continuing to impact bart, shutting down four stations from fremont to hayward. sky seven spotted crews working to fix something near the tracks in north san jose. it's unclear when this outage will be fixed. bart and ac transit are running bus bridges impacted. riders should show their clipper card for boarding. summer is officially over for tens of thousands of south bay students. san jose unified is one of two local school districts where classes started back up. today. officials say they're trying to make sure those students are safe as they make their way back to campus. abc7 news reporter gloria rodriguez explains the changes coming to drop off. it's the first day for students at willow glen middle school in san jose. >> and yes, mom still wants to
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take a picture. 25,000 students in the san jose unified school district's 41 schools started school on thursday, like sixth grader jordan rios, a little nervous and happy. >> i'm excited to go to my new school. >> sixth grader mia cabral can relate to the mix of emotions, exciting and nervous because it's new to me. for parents, safety is top of mind. >> i always walk into school, so i always get out of my car and take them to school and see them off and then leave from there. that's just my routine so far. >> we didn't find any trouble on crossing, crossing and all the way to malone to here, so far, the traffic is good. >> san jose is urging drivers to slow down when they're around school zones, and look out for students walking to and from campuses. colin haynie with the san jose department of transportation, says the police department is going to be
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stepping up enforcement around schools, and there's more. >> we're going to be rolling out, electronic message boards near school sites where we know there's high, high traffic volumes or high traffic speeds nearby. we also have a school safety initiative that has begun a long project of upgrading hundreds of crosswalks near schools to high visibility crosswalks, to crosswalks like this one, referred to as a ladder style. >> you could see it has lines on the outside, and haney says this makes them more visible to cars from a greater distance away. in san jose, gloria rodriguez abc seven news. >> mount diablo unified school district also started back to school today, and this year, high school students have to abide by a new cell phone policy during the school day. their phones, airpods and smartwatches will be locked in pouches so students cannot use them in the classroom, and those pouches will be unlocked at the end of the school day. abc seven news
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reporter ryan curry will have more on this story coming up on abc seven news at four. now to the race for the white house. former president trump held a news conference today at his mar a lago resort in florida, blasting his rival, vice president kamala harris, and her new running mate, minnesota governor tim walz. it comes as the harris walz ticket has been barnstorming swing states. abc's jay o'brien has more. >> after days off the campaign trail and out of the public eye, former president donald trump holding a rare press conference from mar a lago claiming he's agreed to three debates with vice president kamala harris, including one hosted by abc news. i just look forward to these debates. >> i think it's very important that we have them. >> trump then going after harris and her new running mate, minnesota governor tim walz. >> we have somebody that hasn't received one vote for president and she's running. and that's fine with me. but we were given joe biden and now we're given somebody else. and i think,
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frankly, i'd rather be running against to somebody else. but that was their choice. they decided to do that because kamala's record is horrible. >> meantime, harris and walz, still on the campaign trail, postponing events in north carolina and georgia because of tropical storm debbie. but holding another event today in must win michigan. >> like we have talked about. we got 89 days to get this done. you know, the one thing about all of us is we like hard work. hard work is good work. hard work is good work. >> in front of a packed house at 15,000 supporters last night in detroit, harris facing her first handful of protesters calling for a ceasefire in gaza since she became the democratic nominee. the vice president responding you know what? if you want donald trump to win, then say that. >> otherwise, i'm speaking. >> harrison walz will continue their introductory tour with a rally tomorrow in phoenix, and then saturday in las vegas. trump has a rally planned for
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this weekend in montana. jay o'brien abc news, washington. >> you can find all of our election coverage heading into november right now at abc seven and wherever you stream abc seven. from recall to calls to resign, oakland mayor shantel responds to the efforts to get her out of office and one of the bay area's biggest music festivals returns tomorrow. the closures you need to know about as we
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of a positive report showing first time applications for unemployment benefits went down. that report puts some recession fears on hold. after a very
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rough start to the week. today, the dow gained 683 points. take a look at that. the nasdaq soared 464 points, ending the day at 16,660. and the s&p went up 119. and this is wall street's best day since 2022. tensions remain high in the city of oakland. embattled mayor shinto, who will face a recall vote this november, is fending off powerful new calls for her to resign. coming from the oakland police officers association and the rival she defeated former oakland council member lauren taylor. this as the fbi continues to investigate those close to her for possible corruption. after agents raided her home in june, oakland mayor chen tao joined us earlier today on our midday live show. here's our conversation. look, it's the elephant in the room, so let's get that out of the way and talk about it. now, you got a letter this week from the police officers union asking you to resign. they cite they say the city is a more dangerous place now with increased crime rates
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and reduced police staffing under your policies, they say, what is your response? >> well, first of all, it was not actually the whole association. you know, i want to commend all of our working officers who come in day in and day out to do the hard work driving crime down. and so what this is, is that it is a four member executive team who took this unanimous vote of four members uh- of the opoa executive board, who is calling for this and who is stating actual fact? i mean, false facts, right? crime is trending down and that is because of the great work of our officers. and i have received so many calls from our rank and file, so many calls from officers who are doing the great work every day to say, we do not stand with this statement, and i know that our officers will continue to do the job no matter what, because that's what we do as public servants. we do the work, we do the job. and so i commend our men and women who come into work every day to actually save lives and curb crime, because that's
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what we're doing under this administration. >> and then mayor tao, with a focus on those men and women in uniform, your critics say while it is true your budget doesn't cut overall funding for police, it does have a hiring freeze for sworn positions and staff, which could impact how quickly the department responds to emergency calls and manage crime. realistically, do you think it's possible to improve service in public safety? and then we want to talk about specific plans that you might have to ensure that that happens. >> you know, absolutely. we're going through a very difficult time right now with with regards to the financial crisis, right? just like many other big cities across the nation. and so with that being said, we have to think outside of the box without the leadership that i took and the majority of the city council members, you know, we would see officers drop down from 678 officers funded to 610 officers, which is ridiculous and unsafe, you know, and so what we did was
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we thought outside of the box, we sell our half of the coliseum so that we can generate revenues, not just for right now. so we can plug in that gap. but this is multibillion dollar long view thinking about how do we create new streams of revenue so that we can hire more officers so that we can hire more firefighters, so we can hire more people to clean our streets? you know, it's just not about the moment in time. it's about, you know, how do we keep people safe today? but what are we doing to ensure that we increase our capacity in the future? and so this is the work that leaders have to do. you have to think about, you know, just not the now but the future. and that's exactly what we did. it has been a huge success. we've just announced you know, that asg, the african american sports entertainment group, it has bought our half and just this week, the a's announced that they have sold their half to the same group. meaning now there's only one owner. finally, we have one owner of this site and finally we can get it developed so that those tax revenues can be accounted for in
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our general fund so we can hire more police officers. >> all right. i mean that is a win for the city for sure. you know huge win. but the problem is development is going to take time. and any revenue generated right from the taxes, people spending money at restaurants that happened there, that will take time. the city is in a lot of pain now. are you confident that this will happen in a timeline? that's soon enough for people to realize the benefits while you're still in office. >> you know, it's a it's a strategic approach in regards to incremental successes. right. and so we will be announcing come next week something really exciting that will be happening at the coliseum to continue to generate those monies. since my administration has taken place, oracle arena has had the most sales in tickets then we have ever seen in its history. that means we are generating new streams of revenues from that from that institution already. we are. we also understand that
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oracle arena is actually being booked more often than chase center right across in san francisco. you know, oracle arena is actually the unofficial site for k-pop fans for their concerts. and so these are all the incremental changes that we are making in order to see a better tomorrow. and it's unfortunate that people continue to have false facts out there. but if you follow the facts and follow what we're doing, you know, you can see that we're not only addressing the issues of today with crime trending downward. since my taking of office, but we're also seeing that i am investing in a better and stronger oakland for tomorrow, which we have seen leaders come in office and have not done that work. and so, again, i've only been in office for less than two years, and we are already seeing huge successes in, you know, developing parks like raymond park and then having the ballers come in the pioneer league, come in to play there. that's also a new stream of revenue, right. and so there's all these different nuances that come into
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play to actually create a thriving economy. and that's what we're doing. >> all right. and mayor, we know that you are calling them false facts as you pointed out. but let's talk about maintaining public trust. we have to go back to it. we know that the fbi investigation continues. and while you may not be a target, people surrounding you are. so how do you maintain public trust now? >> i don't yeah, sure. absolutely. i don't know what it means to say people surrounding me. you know, these are business owners in the city of oakland. i work with many business owners in the city of oakland. it's unfortunate that the fbi had raided my house. for whatever reason, i still have questions as to the why, especially since i'm not a target, you know? and it's unfortunate because it really lays a heavy finger on the election. and we all know that this this happened recently with hillary clinton when she was running against donald trump. and what do we see? we saw some negative consequences and nothing come about in regards to that investigation. and so i know that oaklanders
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oaklanders understand that there is only one person who is funding this ridiculous recall. let's also be clear that this recall started right when i started my work. and so it is in bad faith, you know, it is. and of course, you know, coming into office, i want to root out the bad and continue to do good in the city of oakland. and when you root out the bad, that means that some people may have to be dismissed from their jobs. and, you know, the person leading the effort was dismissed from her position because she was being an obstructionist to the process of finding a new chief. and so i'm unapologetic, and i'm unafraid to make sure that we create a change for oakland in a way where we are strong and that we can better invest in our public services. >> oakland mayor, we're going to have to leave it right here, but we hope to keep the conversation going. thank you. >> absolutely. thank you for having me. >> up next, examining maui's coral reef one year after those devastating wildfires on lahain.
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why experts say there's reason to feel hopeful
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than 100 people died and thousands were displaced. but one impact that's been harder to spot damage done to the delicate coral reefs. now, a year later, researchers are releasing the results of a reef survey and their findings are optimistic. reporter rob hayes, from our sister station in los angeles, has the story. >> when the flames ripped through lahaina, they left the classic maui town in ruins. you gotta go. more lost. $5.5 billion in damage. but one year later, the burned out parts of the island aren't the only enduring concern. scientists keeping a watchful and hopeful eye on lahaina vibrant marine world. >> i think it's too soon to say
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exactly what those impacts will be. >> ryan mccarthy is part of a research team from the scripps institution of oceanography at uc san diego. the team has been surveying the reef, checking to see what, if any, damage has been done because of the fire. >> we basically saw the reefs from there all the way up past, right next to where the fire was burning, so that we can track the impact of that dump site on the reef by dump site. >> he's referring to the area of the reef hardest hit by the fire. even though the flames never touched the underwater life here, runoff from the firefighting efforts washed countless amounts of toxins and pollution into this delicate ecosystem. but right now, their survey shows very little evidence of damage. even though the land looks completely changed under the water, you can really see reefs that look fairly healthy and comparable to elsewhere around maui. >> i don't think there's been the immediate mass die off of corals that some people had feared directly after the fire, so not much damage, but a good
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amount of concern. >> marine researchers are worried about the long term effects of the fire, so they're going to continue to monitor the reef well into the future. in the newsroom, rob hayes, abc seven news. >> abc news has an in new prime time special maui rising. the fight for hawaii's future. it examines how the tragedy ignited a grassroots movement for statewide change. >> august 8th was a wake up call. change has to happen. >> within days of the fire, a new generation of leaders emerged to fight for their town, their community and ultimately, a more equitable future for all of hawaii. >> you can watch maui rising the fight for hawaii's future tomorrow night at 8:00, right here on abc seven and streaming the next day on hulu. turning to weather now as we look live at our east bay hills camera, we are tracking a bit of a cooling
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trend, but chances are, or changes are coming as we head toward the weekend. here's abc seven news meteorologist drew tuma. >> in the accuweather forecast, as we track a cooling trend over the next couple of days, that is certainly been the exception, not the rule. so far this month. we'll take san jose, for example, looking back at the last seven days so far, we've had more warmer than average days compared to cooler than average. and certainly the past couple of days have been quite warm. we had heat advisories in effect in the south bay, and this just comes on the heels of what has been a very warm month, not only locally, but across the globe. so you look at some of the climate records of july. july 2024 was the second hottest july on record globally. if you zoom in even closer, just down to the nine counties of the bay area. last month was the hottest july on record for most of us. the lone exception here was san francisco, thanks to the marine
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layer, it did keep us on the cool side, but as we look at what's to come in the next couple of months, we are switching from an el nino to a la nina phase. and what that means we look at the waters in the equatorial pacific off of south america, and you notice there's a lot of blue in this region. that means our sea surface temperatures are cooling, and when they cool below average, that is called la nina. and we're expecting that to really ramp up as we head into the fall. and that means we could see a drop in global average temperatures over the next couple of months as we switch phases. of course, we'll keep you updated on that as things change. highs in our microclimates today. the cooling trend is underway here. 80s and 90s for daytime highs in the south bay with full sunshine along the peninsula. we'll keep it cool. partly sunny along the coast in the 60s, but 70s and 80s for san mateo redwood city now yesterday in the city we were in the 70s. today it's going to feel a lot cooler. we're still trying to find sunshine out there. this morning will mainly be in the 60s for
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daytime highs in the north bay. we'll stay in the 70s and 80s for a lot of us in sonoma and napa county and parts of ukiah, cloverdale, lakeport were warmer than that. we'll hit about 81, though, in napa, the east bay today we'll find increasing sunshine this afternoon we'll find 80. castro valley, 78. union city 70. in berkeley and inland, we see those temperatures trending downward. yesterday, our hottest cities were close to 100. today we're in the upper 80s to the mid 90s now. overnight tonight we'll see that cloud cover return. we'll have coastal drizzle. see those temperatures dipping into the low 50s to the low 60s. so we'll kind of do that. rinse and repeat forecast. we'll have that marine layer tomorrow morning with afternoon sunshine away from the coast. temperatures stay pretty steady here tomorro. similar story here on saturday. saturday. we do expect a lot of sunshine out there. but watch what happens on sunday. we'll see winds pick up. we'll see cooler air move in here. and by the back half of the weekend you look at those temperatures. and we do find those numbers below average for this time of the year. so here's the accuweather seven day forecast. it's a cooler afternoon today. we'll
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keep that cooler trend going the next several days. we go from bright sunshine mild weather on saturday to breezy and cooler on sunday. and those below average temperatures do continue for a big portion of next week. >> and of course, you can get the latest forecast, breaking news and more anytime with the abc7 bay area app. download it now and stream abc7
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entrances will close to cars starting tonight. mlk junior drive will be closed to cars starting tomorrow. roads are expected to reopen on sunday, when the festival ends. a
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california teacher was preparing for the new school year when an unexpected visitor appeared in her classroom. elaine salmon left her kern county classroom to print some copies. and then this is what she found when she came back a black bear. salmon says she closed the door, locked the bear inside, and called her husband when he got there, they held the door open and banged on the window to get it to run away. it took off back into the mountains. the only damage was to an earthquake kit that had some snacks inside. bears happened to be the school mascot, so it was one wild way to get into the school spirit. >> or maybe he was just looking for salmon. >> thanks for joining us. world ne developing right now, a faceoff now finalized. former president trump and vvic president kamala harris agree to a prime time debate right here on abc. the northeast on alert. flood watches and warningss


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