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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  August 13, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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right now, at five, an attack on israel is imminent. u.s. officials warning the situation in the middle east is on the verge of getting worse. the international effort underway to calm tensions. >> the deadline to leave some san francisco families being told to pack their rvs and move by midnight. the help being offered by the city. that could lead to a more permanent solution. >> over the past two weeks, i've
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been woken up more times over night than i have combined over 20 years. >> a group of waymo cars on the fritz in the san francisco parking lot. neighbors say it's been disturbing the peace for weeks. how waymo is responding. beep, beep. good morning. it is tuesday, august 13th. >> we're starting with a check of our forecast with drew. >> hi guys. so it's a nice day today a little windy this afternoon. here's a live look outside from our exploratorium camera. not widespread cloud cover nor is it obscuring any of the buildings. just a little bit of patchy fog. currently around half moon bay across the western half of the city. but for the most part, we are starting out with clear skies and temperatures right now in the mid 50s to the low 60s. morning redwood city 54, right now 53, in castro valley, san jose, coming in at 61 degrees. the wider view shows you some cool spots in the north bay. sonoma right now coming in with a chilly reading of 49 degrees this morning. so let's take a look at our inland forecast first. it's pretty pleasant out there. later on this afternoon
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we'll get temperatures mainly in the mid and upper 80s under full sunshine. so a little bit below average for this time of the year around the bay shoreline. we have just a little bit of cloud cover in some spots. not widespread fog this morning. later on this afternoon we'll get temperatures in the 70s. it does get breezy. just like yesterday. those winds pick up over 20mph later on today. it's windy this afternoon along the coast. we'll see a decent amount of sunshine out there, but those winds will make it feel a little bit cooler. daytime highs in the low and mid 60s. let's check in with amanda and see those drive times this morning. >> yeah good morning drew. we're going to start with a live look from our south beach cam at the bay bridge. you can see no drama on your upper deck. but i do have to warn if you're traveling eastbound into oakland, there is a solo crash before treasure island. this is blocking the second lane from the left, so just be aware and then i'm going to take you to emeryville, our east shore freeway. just a bit crowded. 26 minutes is what it will take you to get from highway four uh- into the city. of course, headlines heading
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west. and then i do want to tell you about this crash in concord after. let's go right into it. this is southbound 242 before concord ave. a four vehicle crash is in the left lane. the backup is to oliveira road, so just be just have your heads up because it's 11mph is how fast people are driving. i should say slow instead. back to you at the desk. thanks, amanda. >> developing news in san francisco, where families living in rv's in one neighborhood are being displaced for a second time. this year. now, months ago, they were told to leave a street near lake merced. if you look at this map, you can see where it is. so they ended up just outside the san francisco zoo. now they have to pack up and leave from there, or face punishment from the city. abc seven news reporter gloria rodriguez is joining us live in gloria. the city is offering help, but the deadline is less than 24 hours away. >> it is kumasi. san francisco is requesting that these rvs leave zoo road by midnight or they will be towed. the city is now offering them help, but it's not a simple process. many gathered outside their arby's
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yesterday as they waited for city workers who set up tables to intake people. many of these residents left winston drive two weeks ago, hoping to avoid getting towed after the city implemented a four hour parking restriction for an upcoming repaving project. and since then, zoo road became their new home. but last week, the city put them on notice, saying they had to leave zoo road as well. the city is providing vouchers or financial assistance to help many of them pay for housing, but these rv residents still need to find available housing that will accept the vouchers. that also depends on what's available right now and in many cases, some of these rv residents will qualify to get a percentage of the rent paid for by the city for up to three years. >> now, what we have is what we call rapid rehousing, which are vouchers that kind of, a program that allows them to have subsidies for a period of time, and seeing if we can move them close by, apartments because they want to live in the community. so seeing how that
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that's going to work out happy, because i, we're going to have a place to live. >> i have been living in arby's for four years now. >> that's 11 year old hazel, who is in line with her family. you could see she is hopeful about getting housing, and she's one of the residents living in some 24 rvs on zoo road. the city says that some rvs have multiple families in each, and san francisco will not be paying for people's rent indefinitely. city workers say it's a case by case situation to help people get into housing. now as a way out of homelessness, live in the studio. gloria rodriguez, abc seven news. thank you. >> gloria. there's a back to school mess in the north bay and apparently wild boars are to blame. caution tape ropes off what's left of the grass at geyserville new tech academy. it looks like a bulldozer came through there, but the press democrat reports it's actually the work of wild pigs. the boar started with a baseball fields and when school officials put up fences there, the pigs went to
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town on the rest of the campus, paper says the school has hired a trapper school there starts thursday. hopefully not the same situation here in san ramon, or i should say in san ramon valley. and fremont unified, who are kicking off their school years. alameda unified starts on thursday and sf usd starts next week. >> developing news in the mideast, israel, israel is on high alert this morning amid concern that iran could launch an attack at any time. and amanda, the white house is reacting as israel is mobilizing its resources and kumasi. >> currently, the israeli air force is banning its members from leaving the country. a white house official says iran and its proxies could launch what they're calling a significant set of attacks on israel this week. iran has vowed to retaliate for the recent assassinations of top hamas and hezbollah officials. yesterday, president biden spoke with the leaders of france, germany, italy and the u.k. they discussed the escalating tensions and called for iran to stand down, even as a u.s.
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missile guided submarine heads to the region. >> the president is confident that we have the capability available to us to help defend israel. should it come to that? nobody wants to see it come to that, which is why we continue to have these diplomatic conversations. >> cia director william burns will arrive in qatar thursday for previously scheduled peace talks between israel and hamas. talks are seemingly growing more fragile by the day, with the threat of a wider regional conflict looming back to the desk. kumasi. >> thanks, amanda. we are 83 days and counting to the presidential election, and you can see our countdown clock right here to the polls opening on election day next week. democrats will be gathering for their national convention. it starts monday in chicago. it runs through thursday. vice president kamala harris has already been certified as the party's nominee. scheduled speakers at the dnc include president joe biden, former
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presidents barack obama and bill clinton as well as former secretary of state hillary clinton. >> this week, you're going to start seeing waymo's fleet of driverless cars on freeways in san francisco. the company says taking a freeway compared to city streets can cut down on ride times. waymo says a trip from the lake merced neighborhood to oracle park could be as much as 50% faster, taking the freeway, although you won't be able to be in those cars just yet. right now, only waymo employees can get in on the freeway rides. the company is also testing its driverless cars on freeways in phoenix. that freeway testing comes as waymo is promising people in one san francisco neighborhood a fix to a really annoying problem. the driverless vehicles get confused in this one parking lot. they honk at each other at some very inconvenient times. we've seen waymo cars have a few hiccups in their first year of fully autonomous driving. but this this is new. abc7 news reporter tim johns is hearing from frustrated neighbors. >> for the past few weeks,
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randall white has been dealing with a persistent and annoying problem right outside his san francisco condo. >> so i was like, where is that coming from? i looked down and i was like, i think it's coming from the waymo cars, this parking lot full of driverless waymo cars has had multiple incidents where suddenly the vehicles become confused and start honking all at each other. >> white says he heard it for the first time about two weeks ago, after he was woken up around 4 a.m. then it happened again and again, and i started thinking, well, this is an issue. white isn't the only one who's had issues with the noises either. several people who live in the buildings nearby the parking lot have also had similar complaints. >> over the past two weeks. i've been woken up more times over night than i have combined over 20 years. >> russell popovski lives in a building adjacent to white. he says the honking incidents have happened at random times during both the day and night, and have started to take a toll on him. >> i could not be more cranky
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today for a monday after these past two weeks. it's really at a high level. it's just really, really it's tough. it affects the way you uh- you feel. >> white says he and others have reached out to waymo about the issue. in a statement sent to abc7 news, waymo says, quote, we are aware that in some scenarios, our vehicles may briefly honk while navigating our parking lots. we have identified the cause and are in the process of implementing a fix. white says monday afternoon was the first time the honking seems to have gotten better. despite the inconvenience, he tells me he's still a fan of the autonomous vehicle company and uses the cars on a regular basis. >> and so i was all about it until the honking started. and all i really want is resolution in san francisco. >> tim johns, abc seven news. >> time now 510. this morning we're looking at air quality and this is what it will be like throughout the day today. pockets of moderate air quality with the yellow dots. but for the most part we will find fresh air overhead, especially since a breeze picks up later on this
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afternoon. let's take a look at how the next couple of hours are shaping up this morning. just very limited cloud cover out there. just some patchy fog along the coastline near half moon bay. pacifica a little bit of fog across the city right now, but we will see full sunshine pretty fast across the region today. sunrise here after 6 a.m. we'll find those temperatures gradually warming through the 60s. this morning. so definitely that first layer. you need it till about 9 a.m, then get rid of it and enjoy the mild sunshine. later on this afternoon we'll take a look at okay. this morning it's pretty quiet out there on the tarmac. partly cloudy skies right now over the airport. 58 degrees. we have good visibility and just a light northwest breeze, but that will pick up throughout the day. look at the forecast today. mostly sunny in the city today. pretty much spot on for daytime highs at 68 degrees. that's pretty much where we should be for this time of the year. mild sunshine in oakland at 74. a little bit warmer in san jose, but still very pleasant at 82. we'll hit 86 later on today in walnut creek with sunshine. let's talk about those winds. it was breezy yesterday. we still have some of those winds this morning through the delta
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concord gusting close to 30mph. right now it's a similar story as we head deeper into the afternoon, we'll find those winds between about 15 and 30mph. keeping those temperatures in check with that onshore flow. so looking at today, we will find daytime highs in the 60s and 70s along the coast, 80s in our warmest spots inland. we do have a little bit of a warming trend coming our way. tomorrow we'll show you those numbers coming up in just a few minutes, guys. >> thanks, drew. taylor swift security being beefed up for her shows in the uk coming up, the rules police in london will be enforcing to assure a safe show and a new sports team taking over the oakland coliseum. >> the deal made between the oakland roots and the venue's soon to be new tenant. >> plus stunning images of a late night light show for parts
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z's baking the house special. arisa's styling a new look. and steve's filling his biggest order ever. with the first ever comcast business five-year price lock guarantee, these business owners get five years of value on gig speed internet and advanced security. all from the company with 99.9% network reliability. so now they can focus on doing what they do best for the next five years. that's a lot of bread. you got this. the comcast business five-year price lock guarantee. switch today for a limited time.
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to protect taylor swift fans. it comes after an alleged terror plot was foiled in europe last week. man has the details on the preparations from law enforcement officials. >> kumasi london is increasing security as taylor swift returns
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to the stage. an alleged terrorism plot forced her to cancel three shows in vienna last week. she will perform five shows at london's wembley stadium over the next week, in front of more than 90,000 fans each night, in addition to local police, private security specializing in counter terrorism will reportedly be called in to keep people safe. security experts believe protocols will be expanded outside stadium perimeters, as well. >> it definitely changes more. the opportunity to move the perimeter out and extend the perimeter as well as deploy surveillance and other foot traffic security representatives. there will be thousands of people involved in security. there will be uniformed security and law enforcement. there will be plainclothes security and law enforcement. >> and wembley stadium says, quote, no one is allowed to stand outside any entrance or on the olympic steps at the front of the stadium. non-ticket holders will be moved on. now the stadium implemented these
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rules when the pop star performed at wembley back in june. back to you at the desk. >> thanks, amanda. next year a new tenant will take over the oakland coliseum. the oakland roots soccer team have secured the venue for their home games. here's abc seven news reporter ryan curry. >> we have the oakland values, and together we're going to get stuff done here in east oakland and oakland at large. >> big cheers from city leaders as the coliseum welcomes a new team, the oakland roots announce their home games for the 2025 season will be in the recently sold stadium. we have been nomadic up to this point, playing at different venues around oakland and the east bay, and this gives us the opportunity to be here in oakland and also to significantly increase our capacity. team president lindsay baron says securing the site was once a vision now turned to reality. once the a's announced they would move out after this season, the roots immediately worked on a plan to move in. >> it was always the dream to be able to play at the coliseum. this is such a historic and
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iconic venue in oakland. it is the greatest of honor to be able to play our games here next year. for the roots, they are tentatively planned for 17 games next season and potentially more if they reach the playoffs. >> roots and city leadership say they will work to try to keep the staff who already work at the coliseum to stay. >> we are committed to making sure that it will have a future that is vibrant and active and brings jobs and brings revenue and brings positivity for the surrounding community. >> this announcement comes following the african american sports and entertainment group's recent deal with the a's and the city to acquire the coliseum land. ray bobbitt, the organization's co-founder, says he wants to keep the roots around while they focus on redevelopment. >> it's really consistent with us having a sort of a multi-use facility that's also going to have sports and entertainment as an anchor, but more importantly, be a mixed use space with housing and open space and, and, you know, other things. >> after 2025, the roots hope to finish building a temporary stadium in the parking lot next to the coliseum that will stand for ten years. after that, barons hopes they can build a
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permanent home with the goal of joining major league soccer. >> we think that will give us the runway. that will be the bridge that will get us to that purpose built stadium in oakland for soccer. >> one of oakland's last standing professional sports teams is ready for the future in oakland. ryan curry, abc seven news. >> last night was another night of dazzling displays. the tail end of the perseid meteor shower is timing up with vivid looks at the northern lights. and in many parts of california, you've been getting to see both. so these stunning images were taken sunday night. the aurora borealis above yosemite's half dome. it's so beautiful. the lights were also seen above lake sonoma in yountville and in mendocino county. ryan wyatt of the california academy of sciences says predicting these northern lights events are challenging, but there's more activity this year as far as how long it's going to persist. >> i think we're we'll see at least another several months of activity. and it won't just,
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abruptly stop. it will kind of go through the cycle and wane. so there could be surprises as it goes out of its period of maximum activity. >> wyatt says. if you haven't seen the northern lights, you may still have a chance to do so in the coming months. >> that's great, but what am i supposed to do, just be out here? yeah, yeah, and just look up to the sky and wish upon a star. >> doesn't it look better through like an iphone, cameras or whatever. >> so it's not going to look like that just when i'm looking. >> not to your naked eye, but i saw them earlier this year, and you can really see, just like this faint glow of green on the horizon. okay. and then if you take your phone now and take like a long exposure photo, maybe like seconds really looks dramatic like that. >> so better on insta than in real life. >> i mean that's just that's everything. >> yeah. that's everything. >> you know this really cool though. you've seen it at least two times this year in northern california when people are chasing them and going to other countries to see them, you know, right here. so it's really cool.
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this morning we are tracking a clear sky inland. we have some clouds along the coast. san jose, good morning. you have a really quiet picture out there right now. winds have been pretty breezy overnight. they calm down a bit, but the delta is still experiencing some strong gusts right now. concord gusting close to 30mph. fairfield 21. and those winds will pick up again later on this afternoon. that onshore flow is going to keep us on the cooler side in some spots, so your weather today good to moderate air quality. pollen levels are low in the uv index a nine out of an 11 today. so here's the forecast. inland we'll find those temperatures into the 80s with lots of sunshine around the bay shoreline. it's mostly sunny, very pleasant in the 70s, but that wind picks up this afternoon. and then along the coast we'll have a mix of sun and clouds and highs in the low 60s. so sunny but breezy. this afternoon will be in the 70s and 80s in the south bay 85, los gatos 82 for san jose along the peninsula 60s coast side. we'll have 70s and 80s from san mateo to redwood city to mountain view at 75 across the city. today, it will be windy this afternoon.
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those winds will likely gust 20 to 30mph. temperatures in the 60s in the north bay. it's warm 80s and 90s for the most part. 88 santa rosa 82. in vallejo, the east bay. it's bright and breezy today 74 in oakland, 73 in berkeley, 76 in fremont and then inland today, very pleasant. we're all in the 80s. 86 walnut creek, 88, in brentwood. now, overnight tonight we will see temperatures mainly in the 50s under mix of stars and clouds. you look at future tracker. there's little change coming our way. the next couple of days, maybe a few degrees warmer tomorrow. but these temperatures stay pretty steady through the end of the week and into the weekend. we'll find a nice saturday and sunday, so here's the accuweather seven day forecast next seven days for you. we'll find some mild conditions over the next couple of days over the weekend. yes, cooler air technically moves in here. we are slightly below average. both days are looking lovely guys. >> thanks, drew. coming up, the seven things to know this morning a north bay business owner is using her sweet product to sweeten the deal for v
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a heatwave, it's kinda chilly in here. oh, that's because i'm pre-cooling the house with the ac before 4 pm. then i'll turn our thermostat to a comfortable 78 or higher that way i could stay cool later. ooh, what about me? you're never cool. oh. hey! i'll give you $574 if you switch. for an ice cream? okay. so, what about $574 for switching your home insurance to allstate? tempting. but that's way too much of a hassle. actually, it's not.
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allstate can handle the switching for you. just call 'em. so, it's easy and i could save? and you get allstate. huh, like a cherry on top. oh, you brought your own. check allstate first and you could save hundreds. you're in good hands with allstate. (♪) to stay on top of my game, i need to keep up my energy. clif bar is purposefully crafted with 10 grams of protein and organic oats. because the more good you put in, the more great you get out. clif. the most important ingredient is you. you are bountiful. your skeleton can support two times your weight. it's in your nature to stand strong. supplement your bones with high-absorption magnesium. nature's bounty. it's in your nature. and families living in rvs on san francisco zoo road. the city is ordering them to move by
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midnight. >> number two, israel is on high alert this morning. there's concern iran could launch an attack at any time. the white house is making a diplomatic push to calm tensions. >> number three, san francisco police asking for your help to solve a cold case. murder. 17 year old aubrey abram was killed in august of 2006 at grove and baker streets. today his mother and police chief bill scott, will be handing out fliers hoping to find new clues. >> number four, the oakland roots soccer team will play their 2025 season at the coliseum. currently, the roots play at various venues around the bay area. >> and number five, we've got mild sunshine out there this afternoon. it does get breezy later on today. by about three 4:00 we'll have those winds onshore gusting about 15 to 30mph. >> and number six, we're tracking a four vehicle crash in concord. this is southbound 242 before concord avenue. it is blocking the left lane. traffic is now backed up to port chicago
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highway on westbound highway four. you're going to notice a 14 minute delay. speeds down to seven miles per hour. take 680 instead. >> number seven google is set to reveal its new lineup of phones today. the company will also be giving updates on how it's planning to integrate ai into its products and provide more details about the upcoming android 15 operating system. a north bay jam maker is getting a rush of business because of her new patriotic themed flavor, named after vice president kamala harris. abc seven news reporter cornell cornell bernard has more on lala's jam bar. >> i was born in oakland like kamala, and i was raised in the east bay. >> there's no doubt who leslie goodrich, better known as lala, is voting for this november. >> i'd love to see a woman president in my lifetime. >> she owns lala's jam bar and urban farm stand in petaluma, where these sweet, spreadable bowls have been award winning. now lala is pumping up the jam
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with a new creation honoring kamala harris's run for the white house. >> i make kamala jam that's red, white and blue jam and it's raspberries, white sugar and blueberries. >> lala donating a portion of each jar sold to the harris walls campaign. >> the jam is $15 for eight ounces with a $5 donation to the campaign. >> the jam bar's website, keeping track of the donations so far more than $700 raised. leslie says response to her jam, which tastes a lot like blueberries and raspberries, has been nothing short of overwhelming and pretty sweet. did you ever expect that you would get such a response from? >> no, not at all. i thought i would sell 24 jars of jam to my friends. >> now she's shipping kamala jam across the country, about 200 jars in seven days. >> we've had connecticut several to new york, several to portland, oregon. i think it shows the interest that she's
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bringing to the campaign, to the democratic party. >> we'll do a big jar. all right. yeah. perfect. >> nick harris sells lala's jam at his coffee shop. he's grabbing something extra today. >> i think this is a great way for her to get some money going in that direction and support a good cause, and. and then you also get a delicious product out of it as well. >> people like it. and the best part is there has been no comeback, no nasty calls, nothing thrown at my store. >> lala hopes to give kamala harris a jar of the jam one day, but for now, she's not expanding her product line. any plans on making trump jam? >> uh- no, not none at all in petaluma. >> cornell, bernard abc seven news this morning people in southern california are being warned to brace for aftershocks >> such scary moments captured
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on surveillance camera. >> she's holding that ceiling up. ooh >> next at 530. how people i only meant to order five. there's not enough money in my account for these. i'm gonna get charged. two things i just can't deal with. overdraft charges. and garden gnomes. but your bmo smart advantage checking account gives you an extra day to avoid an overdraft fee. nice to see a bank cutting people some slack. mistakes happen. and we give you time to correct them. so, you don't like gnomes huh? what about that one?
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that one i like. a lot. ♪ bmo ♪ z's baking the house special. arisa's styling a new look. and steve's filling his biggest order ever. with the first ever comcast business five-year price lock guarantee, these business owners get five years of value on gig speed internet and advanced security. all from the company with 99.9% network reliability. so now they can focus on doing what they do best for the next five years. that's a lot of bread. you got this. the comcast business five-year price lock guarantee. switch today for a limited time.
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i never thought that i would ever experience something like that, that close to something that big. when i was you know, we were both very exposed. >> a close encounter off the peninsula coast, now at 530 with an oakland teacher, says he did when he encountered a shark in half moon bay. >> donald trump, one on one with elon musk. trump bringing up false claims and controversial statements, even seeming to slur his words, laying out plans to shut down the education department, ignore climate change and taking aim at vice president harris. the response from her campaign this morning. >> president biden's mission to reduce cancer death rates. the new initiative being announced by the white house overnight. >> good morning everyone. it is tuesday, august 13th.
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>> let's start with a check on the weather and drew. >> hey friends, good morning. 531 and we're taking a look at san rafael right now. it is clear out there. no fog from this vantage point. you're looking at 101 this morning. current conditions right now in san rafael, we're at 51 degrees, 100% humidity and very light winds out there. so temperatures right now we do have some chilly spots. look at gilroy sonoma. we're starting out in the upper 40s right now. it's a mixed bag of 50s and 60s around the bay shoreline. so it's one of those mornings. you will certainly need that jacket and you'll keep it on for the next couple of hours. as the warming process is a little slow today. but it will be a pleasant afternoon. so look inland first 60s early on getting into the 80s later on this afternoon. this afternoon, though, the wind will pick up. we'll likely see gusts about 15 to 20mph. now around the bay shoreline. some patchy cloud cover. there's not widespread fog out there. visibility is good. we'll find daytime highs around the bay shoreline. we'll get into the low and mid 70s. and again, that breeze will pick up to this afternoon. now along
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the coast it will be windy today. we'll likely see winds gusting about 20 to 30mph this afternoon. it's a nice looking afternoon. it's a mix of sun and clouds out there. we'll find daytime highs in the low and mid 60s. let's check in with amanda. see these drive times. >> hi drew. we're going to take you right back to concord where we've been tracking a trouble spot after a four vehicle crash. this is southbound 242 before concord avenue. of course that's in concord, slowing things down to about 11mph. it is blocking the left lane there, backing up traffic to port chicago highway on highway four. in that westbound direction, you should take 680 to get around it. so we'll check those drive times for you. highway four, walnut creek, just six minutes. so that's a good alternative. walnut creek to 584 ten minutes. and then that typical slowdown from tracy to dublin is going to cost you about 53 minutes of your morning. also, you're not going to see it here, but the bay bridge toll plaza, it is clear for you, but you should know that metering lights have just flipped on. let's get back to reggie. >> amanda. thank you. a big
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announcement from the white house overnight about president biden's effort to fight cancer. today in new orleans, the president will reveal he is awarding $150 million to eight research teams working on innovative cancer treatment to cut down on the number of deaths. nearly 2 million americans are diagnosed with solid tumor cancers and surgical removals are often the first step in treatment. the money will go toward developing technology that will allow surgeons to remove tumors more successfully. >> your voice, your vote. now as he struggles with the rise of vice president kamala harris's popularity, donald trump returned to x last night. his conversation with elon musk was hampered by some technical issues and filled with false claims. abc news reporter nguyen has a look at what was said and how the harris campaign is reacting. reporter in one of his most significant returns to the platform x since he was kicked off in 2021, former president trump spoke at length with owner elon musk. >> the virtual chat off to a rocky start with technical issues delaying the conversation
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for more than 40 minutes. the former president jumping right in to criticizing vice president harris on border security, mocking climate change and discussing plans to shut down the education department. >> i want to close up department of education, move education back to the states. >> many listeners commented that trump appeared to slur his words, including when talking about his attempted assassination. >> i have to give the secret service sniper they call him or sharpshooter, but sniper because he didn't know there was a problem. he's been he's an extraordinary shot. obviously >> the harris campaign slammed the interview, writing trump's entire campaign is in service of people like elon musk and himself. self-obsessed rich guys who will sell out the middle class and who cannot run a live stream in the year 2024. this coming amid big news out of swing state arizona abortion access will be on that state's ballot in november, allowing
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voters to decide on the issue as democrats make abortion rights a central message. this election year. harris attacked the republican ticket for its position of leaving the decision up to each state and now in over 20 states in our nation. >> there is a trump abortion ban it would ban medication abortion in every state. but we are not going to let that happen because we trust women. >> and when abc news, washington. >> tomorrow marks 18 years since the shooting death of a 17 year old in san francisco. his mother and police are still trying to solve this case. a man is at the live desk with the push to reignite interest. >> now, reggie, as you mentioned, san francisco police and the mother of a cold case murder victim are asking for the
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public's help to find justice. 17 year old aubrey acosta was shot and killed in 2006, in the city's north of the panhandle neighborhood. now, it happened at the intersection of grove and baker streets. aubrey's mother in law enforcement hold a gathering every year. they're hoping people with information about his death will come forward. since aubrey's death, his mother, paulette brown, has become an advocate for families of murdered victims. this afternoon at 3:00, brown will be at the intersection, handing out fliers about her son and the case. chief william scott will also be there. now, if you have any information about the case, you are asked to contact the sfpd homicide detail. their information is on your screen right now. you can also text a tip to 411. >> thanks, amanda. developing news. people living in their rvs in one san francisco neighborhood have less than 24 hours to pack up and move. they've been staying on zoo drive since they were forced from another street near lake merced earlier this year. this
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is a map, so you can kind of get a sense of it, but the city says they have to go somewhere else now. abc seven news reporter gloria rodriguez joining us live in gloria. the city is offering help. >> it is kumasi. san francisco is now offering the residents help. but it's not a simple process. the residents need to leave zoo road by midnight or they will be towed. zoo road has been home to about 24 rv's for the past few weeks. this after many residents left winston drive to avoid getting towed after the city implemented a four hour parking restriction for an upcoming repaving project last week, the city put them on notice, saying they have to leave zoo road as well. yesterday, city workers offered housing resources. 25 year old victoria oliveira moved into an rv with her friend in november after losing her housing. victoria and gabriel said they had filled out multiple apartment applications, but they've been rejected despite having high credit scores and bank statements that prove their incomes. >> i work like 85 hours per week. he works almost 50 hours
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per week and we just want a home, a place to stay that we don't need to be concerned if we have water or know if we need to move the rv or know and being denied. it's like what is wrong with us, >> we're here just to answer the call for people needing help over a road. these are folks that, a lot of them moved from winston road. that's up the street. so trying to see what we can get them in today, with rapid rehousing, you know, whatever we have available. >> the city is providing vouchers or financial assistance to help many of them pay for housing for a period of time. but these rv residents still need to find available housing that will accept the vouchers. and that also depends on what's available, right now. if residents get the housing, the city is asking that they have a plan for their rv, such as selling it or donating it, and the deadline for the residents to leave is wednesday at midnight. live in the studio.
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gloria rodriguez, abc seven news. gloria, thank you. >> and oakland science teacher has a great story to tell us new students about his encounter with a great white. ian walters shot this video while out fishing in a half moon bay last week. he and his friend were on kayaks when they noticed that big fin trailing them. walters thinks it was a great white shark, about 13 or 14ft long, following them in the water. >> we watched it kind of go back around and start following me and, we just tried to keep each other calm and not give any reason for, you know, a reaction from the shark. and just let it toward some seals. and it eventually just let us go. >> walters says the shark didn't do anything aggressive. it just seemed curious. i guess that's a reaction that you get from a science teacher. >> just a feeling of, wonder. you know, maybe that's the teacher in me, but that's it's amazing to live in a place where that's a part of our of our
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natural environment and to get the chance to experience it in such a peaceful way was, once in a lifetime. >> i don't know about you, but this would turn into a very dramatic story for me, as you could tell, it isn't for him. he called it a magical moment with water like glass and a gentle bubbling of a shark behind you. you know, it's all perspective. >> you know what? yeah might as well. i mean, what good is it going to be distressed? >> particularly the crowd? >> sort of getting behind as we have a bit of an earthquake here in los angeles. so we're just going to make sure that our studio lights, everything stays safe. everything's shaking. good. everybody good? >> all right. this morning, people in southern california are being told to prepare for aftershocks. after that earthquake shook the region yesterday. what you just saw was a moment the quake hit live on our sister network, espn. it was a magnitude 4.4. it was shallow enough, though, to make it widely felt. emergency crews had to step in soon after it happened. it hit around 12:20
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p.m. in the highland park neighborhood of los angeles, northeast of downtown. >> the building just started to shake violently. it wasn't those nice rolly ones we get that i had to hold on to the door jamb, and i could feel someone else holding to on me. >> our crews discovered that a sprinkler head at the very top of the rotunda. actually the piping broke, causing a water flow. >> the pasadena city hall was gushing water from above. officials had to evacuate a middle school on the first day of school. for many students, thankfully, no reports of any serious injuries. there's a new deal for fans of chuck e cheese. we're going to explain how customers can maximize their visit. first, though, here's a check of our forecast with drew. >> hey kumasi 542. we're looking at sfo this morning where we find mainly clear skies above the airport. if you are traveling today, we'll take a look at the nationwide forecast. a few thunderstorms working through salt lake city, parts of
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colorado as well. we'll have some afternoon thunderstorms in denver through kansas city. we will see some scattered thunderstorms throughout the day, but it still remains hot in texas. 101 the high in dallas, the east coast is doing pretty well today when it comes to any delays. we will find good weather in the northeast. temperatures in the 80s, low humidity there, but it is quite hot in florida. miami coming in at 91 with a mix of sun and clouds. back here at home, future weather. we see bright skies early on this morning. we don't have any widespread fog out there, just some patchy clouds along the coast and temperatures today very pleasan. 80s inland, 60s and 70s around the bay shoreline. but it does turn breezy this afternoon. we'll look at winds later on today, and after lunchtime we'll find those winds gusting over 20mph, that onshore flow just helping to keep temperatures in check today. so 87 in concord, 74 in oakland, a pleasant 82 in san jose we'll go to 68 in the city. low 80s for napa, santa ro
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without talking to your doctor. show off to the world. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent.
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start at a local hospital that could impact your care. starting yesterday, regional medical centers, trauma center changed from a level two to a level three. that means some emergency services have been downgraded to less comprehensive levels. last night, community members held a vigil outside the hospital. they criticized the downgrade at regional medical center and plans by the owner, hca hca, to expand its other san jose hospital, good samaritan. they're worried the change will impact people who have the least amount of resources in that gap. >> will follow the lives of patients and disproportionately patients who are underinsured or struggle to keep insurance. >> there are now no level two trauma centers in santa clara county. people who need more advanced care will have to go to
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the two level one trauma centers. valley medical or stanford health care. we reached out to hca healthcare regarding the change at rrmc and plans to upgrade. good samaritan and we are waiting to hear back. previously, hca told us they were making the change due to a decline in utilization. >> pro-palestinian protesters arrested for blocking the golden gate bridge back in april say the charges against them are excessive. yesterday, the group surrendered to authorities. each facing 40 criminal counts. the attorney for the protesters called the pursuit of charges a, quote, humongous waste of time and money. in san pablo, a native american tribe is protesting the construction of a new police training facility. members of the muwekma ohlone tribe held a rally yesterday vowing to evict the san pablo police department from the site on gateway avenue. the city of san pablo plans to build a $44 million training facility at that location, but tribal leaders say the construction would take place on sacred
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tribal land. >> the idea of stopping something that has already been constructed might seem impossible, but whatever is being built can be repurposed. they came to the city of san pablo. >> pans plans to begin construction on that new training center in october. >> san francisco's tourism rates are trying to claw their way back from pandemic losses, but hotels continue to be hit hard. the wall street journal reports the hilton and union square and hilton park 5-5-5 have lost $1 billion in value as hotels citywide see a rise in bad debt. the san francisco travel association tells us this summer has been challenging conferences and business travel are down. plus, the strength of the dollar is discouraging international visitors. >> it's been a tough summer. i'm not going to i'm not going to try and sugarcoat that, you know, we had a good june and july and august have been a
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little softer than we'd like. you know, it's kind of like a three legged stool. and right now, all three of those legs are a little bit broken. >> anna marie presutti with the san francisco travel association, thinks it could take until 2028 or 2029 for san francisco to hit pre-pandemic tourism levels. >> caltrain has gone all electric with the rollout of its new fleet of railcars, but what does that mean for the gas powered trains? so if you're a train enthusiast, you may have the chance to take home a piece of history. caltrain is selling a diesel locomotive locomotive with 40 years of service in a million miles traveled. it doesn't come with a functional engine, so you will have to use your imagination to transform it for how you want to use it. perhaps it will become someone's train themed coffee shop, or maybe an airbnb. >> chuck e cheese is launching a nationwide monthly membership program. it starts at $8 a month, and it lets customers play a set number of games every day, with an additional discount
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on food depending on the subscription tier. there are nine bay area chuck e cheese locations, including san jose, concord, hayward and san bruno. there's helen. henny. >> okay, helen. >> oh, i'm all about a membership. >> are you? you like your membership? yeah. gilroy garden. we get to take the kids. one ever just pop on over and say, hey, swipe a card. go, go three times. it's paid for. i guess chuck e cheese, $8. legit. yeah. >> do the kids go to chuck e cheese? >> they don't. not. not old enough? not yet. and they don't have the, like, jungle gyms anymore. it's all games. >> can't crawl around. no. getting that ball pit. >> that sounds like my day when we had. we had the sky tubes. right. >> oh yeah. look down like wave at your mom and dad. >> yeah. >> yeah. they don't have those anymore. >> scream gets stuck cause me to go up and have to rescue them. >> now, do they have any, like, trap doors that you could, like, easily get the kids out or use? like, the long way? you had to go up? i think that would be illegal. >> you can't have trap doors for
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kids. here they come. >> you know, easy access, like an emergency exit instead of a trap door. >> no trap doors. i had to go up there. all six foot four. >> yeah, yeah. no >> and crawl around and be like, stop crying. yeah. come down. the pizza's ready. yeah. >> come on now it's play stop for everybody else. or are they just, like, crawling around? yeah. >> so no play stop. yeah. okay. >> it's a wild time. $8 you can have. here's a look at the accuweather forecast. so highs today versus average. you look on the board the last column. we're pretty close to where we should be for this time of year. there's no intense heat today. we're mainly in the 70s and 80s. our warmest spots today. santa rosa only a few degrees above average today. we don't have that much cloud cover out there this morning. look at the forecast inland today. we'll max out in the 80s with sunny skies. feeling very nice for this time of year around the bay shoreline. very limited fog this morning, which means mostly sunny skies throughout the entire day. temperatures in the 70s. a little bit of fog along the coast this morning around half moon bay, across parts of
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the city. we'll have partly cloudy skies throughout the day, and temperatures in the 60s. so highs today in our microclimates is pretty pleasant in the south bay, mainly in the 70s and 80s for daytime highs up along the peninsula. 80 redwood city, 70, in millbrae, but 62 for half moon bay across the city today. it will be partly cloudy, but winds turn gusty this afternoon about 20 to 30mph. in the north bay. it's warm, 80 for san rafael, 90 in calistoga, 87 in lakeport in the east bay, sunny skies, mild weather and breezy conditions this afternoon. 74 in oakland, 79 castro valley go to 75 in hayward and inland today. we'll stay in the 80s all afternoon. 83 san ramon, but 87 in pittsburg. overnight tonight, temperatures mainly dipping into the 50s underneath a mix of stars and clouds. just looking at the rest of the week, temperatures don't budge all that much. maybe 1 or 2 degrees warmer tomorrow. similar story on thursday, but it will keep those temperatures in check through friday before cooler weather moves in for the upcoming weekend. so here's the accuweather seven day forecast, showing you it is going to be a
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steady pattern of morning fog to sun over the weekend. we do have cooler weather moving in, will dip a bit below average, but both days we'll have plenty of sunshine in the afternoon. guys. >> thanks. new at six idle time fees. this one bay area county is searching for a solution to prevent drivers from hogging ev chargers. >> but first, a fraud alert. >> that's costing americans millions. what you need to look z's baking the house special. arisa's styling a new look. and steve's filling his biggest order ever. with the first ever comcast business five-year price lock guarantee, these business owners get five years of value on gig speed internet and advanced security.
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are facing legal trouble over alleged lavish spending while on tour. here's abc news reporter rhiannon ally in this morning's gma first look. >> it's the lawsuit dividing one of the biggest bands in music history. don't stop believin journey, the rock and roll hall
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of famers behind so many hits, are in touch and will separate now in the middle of a legal battle. >> jonathan cain is suing neil shaw and that's over a disagreement about their partnership and in particular the expenses that neil allegedly is incurring on the american express card. but also other expenses as well. that relate to their touring entity. >> and coming up at 7 a.m, we'll have more on the lawsuit and the future of this beloved band with your gma first look. i'm rhiannon ally, abc news, new york. >> an urgent alert this morning about a scam costing people tens of millions of dollars. authorities in maryland announced the arrest of five fraudsters yesterday. so here's how the scam works. so these scammers target victims with pop up ads online that claim the victim's personal data has been
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stolen. then they impersonate federal authorities to convince the victims to buy gold bars to better protect their life savings. the scammers then send couriers for that transaction. at least $84 million has been stolen across the country in just the last year. >> if you look at the number and you don't recognize the number, don't answer the phone and don't click on the pop up ads on your computer. >> the five people arrested in maryland are being held without bond. still to come on abc seven mornings. some city leaders deciding against running for reelection. the race is suddenly up for grabs in the east bay. >> plus, pack it up. families in one san francisco neighborhood are being told to leave their parking spots behind. the deadline, put in place by the city, and it looks like some kind of back to school prank. >> but there is a real reason this north bay school has some major landscaping issues. >> and a meteorologist, drew tuma. you're looking at a live
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picture from sutro tower this morning. some patchy fog out there. we have a mild day on the way, but it will be breezy this afternoon, so it's a mostly sunny day. limited clouds this morning. it's breezy this afternoon. winds between 15 and a victory that is there for the taking. grab it. now that was a great halftime speech. let's go win. [jim valvano] don't give up. don't ever give up®
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seven mornings live now at six. >> an attack on israel is imminent.


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