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tv   ABC7 News 400PM  ABC  August 14, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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of richmond will still come out ahead. good afternoon. thanks for joining us. >> i'm larry beil and i'm kristen z. an oakland officer shot and killed in the line of duty. now the city is being accused of threatening to take money out of the pension given to loooooong lee's widow. >> the amount we're talking about here is $461. and while not a huge amount of money. abc seven news reporter ryan curry spoke with the police union. and they say this is just absurd. >> this is an invoice mailed to made to the widow of twan lee. it's asking her to pay the city $461 to make up for an overpayment sent to lay during a ransomware attack last year. but the invoice came seven months after lee was shot and killed while trying to stop a robbery. the oakland police union says lee's wife is still grieving. >> realistically, the letter that we saw that was sent to her, we were in furious with it because of how devastating it is for her to go through the experience that she's going through. >> lee's widow alerted the police union, which sent a letter to city hall asking them
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to leave her alone. we win, called it inhumane bureaucracy and mistreatment of lee's widow. he claims the city was trying to use her death benefits from his passing as a way to get the money back. >> city attorney's office reaching out to our executive director, asking about insurance policies and other benefits to pay $461. like, do you really want to waste this much effort and energy into this? >> we reached out to the city and they said the ransomware attack in february of last year caused an issue to their payroll system. they said more than 120 city employees were overpaid during the attack, and that officer lee was one of them. the city worked to get some of that money back. gwen wrote a check from the union to the city to cover the expense. >> i don't think anybody in our in our society would go after a victim of a murder. uh- family member for $461. uh. to me, that's just not right in any shape or form. >> now, oakland is forgiving the debt. in a statement, they said the authority to waive the city's process and waive an
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overpayment of this nature rests with the city administrator. now that this matter has been brought to his attention, city administrator johnson has directed staff to waive this debt going forward. wynne wants the city to respect the family of officers killed on the job of anything. >> if your husband or your wife died in the line of duty, that you would feel that some sense of support from the city. >> the city's statement also said they apologize for any distress or inconvenience this caused. in oakland, ryan curry abc seven news. >> three of the four people charged in the shooting death of officer lee will stand trial. that's the order handed down today by an alameda county judge. that judge also dropped the murder charge against the fourth defendant, who was the alleged lookout. lee's murder was the first on duty killing of an oakland police officer in nearly 15 years. >> two san jose police officers are on the other side of the law tonight. officer timothy hackney of morgan hill, is charged with a series of assaults on his now pregnant girlfriend. investigators say he threw her
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into a bedroom, covered her mouth so she couldn't scream and prevented her from calling 911. in another incident, he's accused of firing his on duty weapon at the ceiling. hackney was arraigned yesterday on felony domestic violence charges. he is now on administrative leave. another police officer's license has been suspended as he faces child sex charges. anthony perez was just charged this summer with a sexual assault of a minor in san benito county, a decade ago. authorities say the victim only reported it to police earlier this year. the alleged assault happened at least three years before perez joined the san jose police academy. all right. >> now for a historic settlement in a story that we followed very closely, richmond's plan to put a tax targeting chevron on the november ballot will now be pulled. under this agreement, chevron will pay out a total of $550 million to the city over the course of ten years. that is, instead of the dollar per barrel tax on each barrel produced at that refinery.
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during a special city council meeting today, richmond's mayor said the agreement reflects the strength of the community. >> what's happened here, has demonstrated to the community, to the nation, to the world that when we as people pull together, we can create change >> the mayor says the settlement will save the city a potentially costly litigation. >> now, to a story we've been following for weeks in san francisco, dozens of people living in rvs have been forced to move again after a midnight deadline. >> abc seven news reporter suzanne phan live in the newsroom for us with the very latest. suzanne. >> larry. kristen. some of the families living in rvs tell me this is the second time they've been forced to get up and go. they were evicted just in the last two weeks from another street near lake merced. now, one family tells me they're in limbo. they don't know how long
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they'll be at any given spot before they have to get up and move again. carla hernandez is exhausted and uncertain about what the future holds for her family. >> tengo dos ninos y mi esposa hernandez, her husband, and their 14 and eight year old sons were forced to move their rv from zoo road last night before the city's midnight deadline. >> they were living there for a couple of weeks after moving from winston drive, where they lived for about three years. hernandez says because of the order to move families scattered on tuesday night, some temporarily settled wednesday on vidal road. we asked her how she's doing. >> pues inestable porque no sabemos. it's a little unstable because we don't know where to go. >> but for now this is where they're at. >> hernandez says she's still taking her kids to school. >> but you know, i take them to school and it's really tough because, you know, i have to tell my kids that we have to move around in different places, which makes it difficult for them. >> the city of san francisco offered the rv residents different options and services, so they offer them where they
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pay like a certain small percentage. >> if we leave our rvs, the city says they've been doing outreach and providing housing vouchers. >> san francisco's department of homelessness and supportive housing says they've helped 23 households move off of winston and into long term housing over the past several months. as for those living on zoo road, hsh says 20 households living in rvs there have agreed to enroll in various housing programs, including hernandez. she says until housing is available, though, her family doesn't have anywhere to go. >> nosotros. >> they're just on the waiting list. they accepted the offer. they're waiting. they still have to live, so they're staying here. >> jennifer friedenbach is the executive director of the coalition on homelessness. she says because the process takes time, they have a request for the city. >> our ask is, let them stay until they're able to move into that housing. and that way they can have some stability. they're there to the city. can get in touch with them, easy to help
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them navigate this very arduous process. >> and according to the mayor's office, no rvs on zoo road were towed overnight. just one motor scooter. the department of homelessness and supportive housing says it will work or continue to work with the 14 households who are on zoo road and are interested in housing services. live in the newsroom suzanne vaughn, abc seven news. >> suzanne. thank you. east palo alto mayor antonio lopez is calling on his fellow city leaders to take action to clear encampments. today, he announced he'll be issuing an ordinance to direct clearing of encampments after at least two written warnings and two offers of shelter. >> i want to be clear this isn't about criminalizing people. it's about helping people, empowering people and encouraging them to get the help they need. >> and they deserve. this is a win win for our county and our community. in my city, the unhoused population is down in east palo alto from 169. >> in 2022 to 81 last year. >> san mateo county and three
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bay area cities are about to get some much needed funds to help create affordable housing. today, governor newsom awarded $130 million in project homekey grants to nine communities to fund new housing projects. the local cities include san francisco, richmond and sebastopol. newsom says the grants will create 533 permanent supportive homes for an estimated 4800 californians. >> san francisco public health officials say progress is being made in the fight to reduce opioid overdoses. the city has seen a 50% decrease in accidental drug overdoses compared to this time last year. there were 79 reported deaths in july 2023, in just 39 last month. sf public health officials say increasing access to medications like methadone is critical to further reducing drug overdose deaths. they continue to call for a change in state laws to make it easier to access possible. >> i mean, if you go back to the history of this, this is based
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on government bureaucracy that was that was established in the 1970s in terms of methadone restrictions. and we really need to make sure that we break down the barriers so that people can access this, this life saving medication as quickly and as effective as possible. >> now, july's total also marks the single fewest overdose deaths in san francisco for any month this year. >> san jose mayor matt mehan and other democratic leaders around the state are throwing their support behind proposition 35. that's a referendum that would roll back reforms passed by voters back in 2014, giving prosecutors the power to charge repeat theft offenders with a felony. supporters say that change will help tackle the surge in retail theft, as well as drug related offenses. mehan says it also addresses the fentanyl crisis by imposing mandated drug treatment for some drug crimes, by requiring those who need treatment to get treatment. >> we will save lives. we will help bring our homeless neighbors indoors, and we will
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save hard pressed consumers money on everything they buy. >> governor newsom says the bill, which is prop 36, is overly punitive and unnecessary. other opponents say it would increase incarceration levels to a return to prison overcrowding, which is something they're trying to avoid. a state bill to limit self-checkout machines at retail outlets is advancing in sacramento, with a second committee review in the coming days. the prevention and safe staffing act calls for retailers to ensure safe staffing levels and better supervision of self-checkout machines. the bill's sponsor says those machines have made employees easy targets for theft and violence. >> the data makes it clear that self-checkout machines cost 16 times more loss than check out the cashier. with billions lost in profit while some major retailers, including safeway, have cut back on those self-checkout stands, the california retailers association is against this bill, saying the
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state has no business regulating self-checkout service. >> san francisco fire chief janine nicholson has officially retired, citing health issues, at an event today to honor her service. 30 years. nicholson reflected on her five years as chief in 2019. >> when mayor breed swore me in. i said that i loved this department and this city, and that's still true. and i vowed to work diligently to move the department forward. and i think we collectively have done that. >> nicholson made history as san francisco's first openly lgbtq fire chief. >> coming up on abc seven news at four. a bay area community looking to revive their downtow. the unusual move to keep control in the city. the return of colin kaepernick, his possible professional football comeback and what you want to avoid, including in those first day of school photos. >> and it was a nice day for the
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first day of school for many parts of the bay area. >> i'm meteorologist sandhya patel. we have an increase in the winds and to the next. did they even send my lab work...? wait, was i supposed to bring that? then there's the forms. the bills. the 'not a bills.' the.... ”press 4 to repeat these options.” [chaotic music] [inspirational music] healthcare can get a whole lot easier when your medical records, care and coverage are in one place. at kaiser permanente, all of us work together for all that is you. z's baking the house special. arisa's styling a new look. and steve's filling his biggest order ever. with the first ever comcast business five-year price lock guarantee, these business owners get five years of value on gig speed internet and advanced security. all from the company with 99.9% network reliability. so now they can focus on doing what they do best
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for the next five years. that's a lot of bread. you got this. the comcast business five-year price lock guarantee. switch today for a limited time.
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a power outage is looming. that's just alert, he's always getting worked up about something. flex alerts notify us of preventable power outages. that way we always know when to help stop one. ok flex, just drop some knowledge on me again. oh, ok i will - i'll turn our thermostat to 78... i'll unplug the blender. the hair dryer. - my blankie? - yep! - let's talk about it! - nope. ooo, we can save the laundry til' the morning! oh, yes please! oh! little things like this help save our power and help save us from outages. with flex alerts, the power is ours. the city of hayward is doing its part. they recently spent millions to buy a movie theater,
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of all things. some say this is kind of a risky move. others say it's exactly what downtown needs. >> abc seven news reporter anser hassan looks into the debate. >> hayward mayor mark salinas doesn't like the empty storefronts in the downtown. >> we have empty buildings that are owned by people who may or may not live in the city and who sit on them, and don't lease them. i don't know what they wait for. >> mayor salinas says buildings usually stay vacant for a long time. that's a big loss of tax revenue. they become vulnerable to graffiti and vandalism. residents link it to crime. so in the downtown movie theater came up for sale. they didn't want it to end up the same way. so they bought it. >> i didn't hesitate in the idea in purchasing this property is because the city has a very strong track record of turning out 10 to 15,000 people at all of our street parties in downtown. >> salinas says the theater serves as an anchor for a new
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economic development plan. he admits movie theaters are struggling post pandemic, but owning it means they can reconfigure it. for example, for live events, try new business concepts, especially those that target students. >> cal state, east bay and chabot college combined is like 50,000 students, right? and so it's, you know, finding those retailers and finding those economic, generators that will draw people to downtown. >> lucy lopez, president of the chamber of commerce, says the movie theater is also a family friendly venue, which is important for families and family friendly environment. >> it's critical to keep this anchor to help feed a lot of the businesses in the downtown district. >> the owner of buffalo bill's brewery across the street praises the city leadership as courageous for buying the theater. the staff sees it as a game changer, gives people a reason to come downtown. >> it helps the district, grow. >> mayor salinas knows it's a bold move, but he likes his
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odds. >> i don't know too many cities that have made these economic development investments, but i'm pretty optimistic about this. and. and if it doesn't work, well, we sell it. >> in hayward, anser hassan, abc seven news. >> sorry about that. technical issues. oh, well, we're already into the first day of school. san ramon valley schools kicking off their new school year today. the district begins the new year with a new superintendent, cj carmack joins san ramon valley unified after four years as superintendent in fremont. >> fantastic first day of school. there's nothing that quite replicates the energy and excitement of a first day of school, and i'm so grateful for all the work our staff has done to prepare for this day. and we're so excited to welcome our students and our families back
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to campus. >> san ramon valley unified expects student enrollment to reach more than 29,000 this school year, with the school year starting up again. >> your social media feeds might be full of back to school photos. while adorable, some of these pictures can actually be harmful. >> as much as we want to see the beautiful back to school pictures and again, you're talking about the kids holding a board with their full name, their age. some have their height and other details that personally identify the child. so you want to make sure that you're extra cautious and careful because unfortunately, scammers or predators can use that information to commit identity theft. and also earn your child's trust. there's nothing wrong with having that picture with that board, but make the board simple. without that personal identifiable information. >> so keep it simple and brief. avoid putting your child's full name. the school name, or their teacher's name online. i mean, you know those photos when people hold first day of third grade, right? and yeah, but
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isn't it sad that this is what it's come to at this point? >> like you can't take a photo of your kid without worrying about some predator that's going to be looking. >> i know, it's just something needs to be done. >> yeah, i'm not sure what, though. we can't do anything about the weather, but just enjoy it. >> don't need to worry about it. >> exactly. sandhya. yeah, it's pretty benign here in the bay area. beautiful weather today. kristen and larry. let me show you a live picture right now. back to school time across the region. and for parts of the bay area. and you're seeing a mix of sun and a few low clouds out there. well, some sea lions are out there and they're soaking up the sun from pier 39. camera. we do have still some patchy clouds lingering near the coast, otherwise sunshine across the entire region and many of our inland communities have actually seen a little bump up in the temperatures. high pressure is in control of our weather, but there's still a little troughing going on to our north, and this is pretty much going to be the pattern from time to time, keeping our temperatures at or below average. today we've bumped them up into the average
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or above average category winds right now gusting to 36 at sfo, sustained 33 at san francisco. we're going to remain in this pattern. so as we go hour by hour, still gusty. 8:00 inland areas dropping off 30 mile an hour winds along the coast. and then as we start off tomorrow morning, it's going to be all right. but the winds will pick right back up again tomorrow afternoon. and evening. so get used to this pattern. a live view from our mount tam cam, and you can see some of the low cloudiness out there. 64 in the city 70s for oakland, san jose currently in the 80s. pretty mild in san jose and redwood city. a live view from walnut creek camera. and it is a bright view 94 in santa rosa right now. a nice breeze going through petaluma and napa. you have 70s 90s around concord and livermore, sfo cameras showing you a little bit of mix of fog and clouds through this evening. our gusty pattern continues overnight tonight. fog near the coast and bay and the next few days we are expecting mild to warm afternoons so we go hour by hour tonight. fog near the coast at 520. you will notice it's
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still pretty warm in inland, so if you have stuff to do outdoors tonight, it's looking nice still and then tomorrow morning the fog will spread back from the coast to the bay, pulling back away and we will see some clearing along the north bay coast. as you will notice here. but patchy fog will linger 60s to 90s on those temperatures. first thing in the morning, 50s and 60s. when you leave home, just be aware of the fact that fog may reduce visibility during that morning commute, or if you're taking your kids off to school. 83 tomorrow afternoon in san jose. it's going to be a nice day in the south bay. 85, los gatos 78. in milpitas on the peninsula, 75 in san mateo. low to mid 60s. coast side, downtown san francisco 69 degrees north bay. numbers 90s for sonoma. santa rosa 85. in san rafael, heading into the east bay. 76 in oakland, 82 castro valley and our inland spots will be on the warm side. 91 in concord, 94 in fairfield, 90 degrees in livermore. a wide range of temperatures on the accuweather seven day forecast, at least for two days before it turns gustier
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and cooler than average for your saturday. sunday. still breezy, but a little bump up and then warmer early next week. larry. kristen. all very nice. yeah very pleasant. all right. thanks, andrea. >> all right. uh. it's still going to be at least another week before those two starliner astronauts will find out exactly how they're going to get back to earth. they've been on the international space station for more than two months, and they could be stuck there until february. now, tonight, an uncrewed progress spacecraft will launch, taking nearly three tons of food, fuel and supplies to the space station. >> a call for donations from new moms, the big need for breast milk and an unusual collaboration between a quarterback and a mayonnaise company. >> what they are introducing
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hydrating foot mask will refresh and moisturize tired feet in just ten minutes. >> love this manuka honey foot and heel creams is to revitalize and restore and repair nourish those dry feet this time of year. you need it when you're always in sandals, right? really important. >> looks good. you'll save 50% off on our popular assortment. next up, how about some socks with benefits? socks with benefits. >> let's do it. this is true energy's unique compression socks. they focus on circulation and recovery. so whether you're sitting standing, exercising or maybe expecting. compression socks are really important. yeah. >> so they promote blood flow. they minimize the chance of varicose veins and they energize your feet. if they're tired and your legs as well. plus, you can feel the arch support. i can feel it right now in their moisture wicking for added comfort. save 35% today. >> love this for long flights too. >> yeah, it's the great way to travel. >> okay, finally step out in comfort with arithmetic shoes. we're talking cushioned arch support with deep heel cups and padded toe rests. >> so our big assortment will have you walking in style. whether it's from flip flops,
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strappy sandals to cork bottoms, slip ons, update your shoe collection with supportive options that will become your favorites, all at 35% off. >> it's flip flop season, but that doesn't mean you have to have uncomfortable shoes, right? this does it both. >> this is everything. i mean, look at that style and everything. >> sounds great. >> treat your feet to great prices. scan that qr code or head to now to abc and get to shopping. >> a milk drive to help babies thrive as part of national breastfeeding awareness month, san francisco's zuckerberg general hospital hosted a breast milk drive today, taking in donations from the public, research shows human milk is the best milk for babies, helping to prevent a number of illnesses. today's donations will be used to supplement the milk supply for some new parents. >> just ahead, governor newsom's $200,000 photographer plus former president donald trump returns to the campaign trail today as he attempts to sharpen his attacks against vice
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president kamala harris by focusing on the issues. >> i'm christiane cordero with the latest from washington. and we'll take you back a few million years to when this guy was still running around the new exhibit featuring this rare by cardiologists. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure. novartis may help you save on your prescription. z's baking the house special. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure. arisa's styling a new look.
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and steve's filling his biggest order ever. with the first ever comcast business five-year price lock guarantee, these business owners get five years of value on gig speed internet and advanced security. all from the company with 99.9% network reliability. so now they can focus on doing what they do best for the next five years. that's a lot of bread. you got this. the comcast business five-year price lock guarantee. switch today for a limited time.
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presidential election. >> former president trump campaigned in north carolina today while governor tim walz was in los angeles. abc's christiane cordero with the latest from washington. >> today, former president donald trump cast his early ballot in the florida primary before taking the campaign trail to the blue ridge mountains. speaking at a rally in ashevill, north carolina. trump on offense over the economy. >> remember a couple of days ago
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and we will have no tax on tips. i said that was my plan. not only didn't she, i mean they came up with a plan to go after all these people violently. then one day she just uttered that sound. but she'll copy a lot of other things too. >> but the former president, still drifting into personal insults. >> what happened to her laugh? i haven't heard that laugh in about a week. that's why they keep her off the stage. that's the laugh of a crazy person. i will tell you, if you haven't noticed, it's a crazy. >> vice president kamala harris plans to lay out her economic agenda when she rallies in north carolina on friday. she will first join president joe biden at an event in maryland. and on saturday, trump will campaign in wilkes-barre, pennsylvania. minnesota governor tim walz held his first solo campaign event since becoming the democratic vice presidential nominee. walz, attempting to relate to the group of union workers in los angeles. >> if each of us does an extra shift, an extra hour, a little bit more, we get to wake up
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that morning after the election and know that the work we did transformed the lives for millions, transformed generations. >> both campaigns continue to make their case to a key demographic the middle class in battleground states. >> we're going to take back the white house. we're going to restore american manufacturing. we're going to restore a whole country and it's going to start right here in the state of michigan. the harris walz campaign says it's launching a $90 million ad buy for the last three weeks of august, targeting every battleground state and expanding their reach in wisconsin, pennsylvania, michigan and ohio. >> christiane cordero abc news, washington. >> a new survey shows californians are excited about harris candidacy. the berkeley igs poll gives harris a 25 point lead here, 59 to 34% over donald trump. by comparison, president biden led trump by 18 points, 10% or percent or points in february. the poll shows harris receiving higher levels of support than biden almost across
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the board, but especially among voters ages 18 to 29. and that could be beneficial to down ballot democrats. >> absolutely. >> now to some new criticism over governor newsom's new staff photographer. a famed former journalist who's making $200,000 a year. abc seven news insider phil matier joining me live now via zoom. phil, the governor says lots of other governors have staff photographers, but we've been trying to research this and we haven't been able to come up with. well, a lot. but is this position unusual? >> well, let's put it this way. the position is not necessarily unusual. somebody usually clicks the camera going and hands out photos after an event, but sometimes it's a staffer. but they're not making $200,000 and they don't have a long career that includes being photographer for george w bush, president barack obama, mark zuckerberg, and as well as stints as a war photographer and a foreign correspondent. what we have here is somebody that was retired that the governor brought on as
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a freelancer to chronicle his trip to china and catch him in those gripping poses that he so loves to do as he looks off into the distance. and then they put him on staff uh- back in december. and what they've done is they were quiet about it. they usually don't announce. they usually announce high level staffs like this. they didn't. and so we got films and pictures of gavin newsom with the aviator sunglasses and the t shirt buffed out and picking up garbage and cleaning encampments and visiting fire zones. larry, it is pr to the max and including the price tag. >> speaking of the price tag, i assume just for accuracy's sake, this is all taxpayer funded. >> yes, for accuracy's sake. now the photographer makes $200,000 a year. the governor makes $234,000 a year, which gives you an idea of the scale of importance this is seen. now gavin newsom is a very media savvy uh- governor. most governors of california are. jerry brown was very understated, but he knew how to
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work the media. arnold schwarzenegger brought in his own team, and whenever he had an event, he had an outside production company that worked for big parties and hollywood come in and stage the whole event. a lot of times that was on his dime or on nonprofit dimes. but gavin newsom is, you know, there's no question about his ambitions, and he's got to have somebody to get that image out there to us as well. i mean, larry, wouldn't you feel like cheated and left out if you didn't get great pictures? not only in the in the newspapers and on magazines and tv, but on social media as well. >> yes. just seeing him dribble the basketball warms my heart up. anyway, why did the governor do this in the first place? i mean, they made this hire about six months ago. it was kind of kept quiet. is this part of a larger newsom effort to try to look good for a future presidential run? and so now we have a backlog of all these wonderful photos. >> i think that we had that future presidential run and probably creating that image before. and this one is reinforces it. and it does. i
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mean, gavin newsom is very photogenic. part of him is hollywood. let's be honest about that. and he is out there as a national figure, and he feels he's deserved this. they also make the point that they didn't have a staff photographer on the way for four years earlier, so that they're basically making u. i called mayor breed's office and said, do you have a photographer on staff? and they said, no, but we all have this thing called an iphone that can take pictures. now, larry, i'm going to leave you with this thought that, you know, they say a picture is worth a thousand words. in this case, the photos are worth about $200,000. >> that's quite a price tag. they're very good photos, but i don't know about that price tag. thank you. phil. all right. all right. up next, colin kaepernic. are we talking about a return to the gridiron and the sweet smell of mayonnaise on the
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alcohol. americans, especially those under the age of 35, are choosing apparently, to abstain from alcohol. nearly half of americans say having 1 or 2 drinks a day is bad for your health, and that's the highest in more than two decades. it does help that nonalcoholic mocktails have become popular. yes. and you know, the pressure to drink has lessened. i believe
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that you three ladies do not drink at all. that's my recollection. so i'm the only one here that can really address this based on. i'll just say this based on, based on my daughters and their friends. i'm not sure about this trend. they might be going the other way, but what do you guys do? you guys have mocktails when you go out? >> not really. i have sometimes, yep, yep. because they're getting very creative and quite delicious. and i've noticed more restaurants offer like a long list of menu items on mocktails. what do you think? >> i am part of the group that doesn't drink. i don't drink at all. i didn't drink in college. i don't drink as an adult now. i just don't see the point of alcohol. yeah, me too. i'm already a really hyper fun person. i do not need alcohol at all in my life. yes, and when i go to a restaurant, i normally just ask for water or a fruit juice or anything like that. yeah, i'm part of that. >> people are like, i'll have what he's having and then they
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find out it's water. i was going to say, i'm exactly like lose in terms of that. and you know what? i can vouch for you. you are a fun person and you don't need alcohol to lose. thank you. yeah. you know what i think maybe the younger generations are also more health conscious. that's right. i mean, yeah, that's right. larry, you'll be drinking alone soon. >> soon? soon. would you like that? >> that started a long time ago. >> okay. if you're looking for somewhere to travel, this winter, you know, somewhere where your friends haven't been to yet. how about north korea? >> hard pass. >> the isolated country is reopening to very, very limited international tourism. recently, only small tour groups from russia were allowed. however, people with u.s. passports are not allowed unless given special permission by the u.s. department of state. and you have to go through a china or russia and a friend of mine actually did that a few years ago, went through a chinese tourism company and went from china into north korea, and then flew back to china to come back. and she said it was interesting, but it's very much a pr tour
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where they take you where they want you to see it, like from far away. this the stores look bountiful and the fruit looks fresh. it's so there's that pr component. but still, it was interesting historically. would you guys do it? do you lose as a journalist? >> i am curious, i would like to see it and i have both a colombian and a u.s. passport, so i could go and check it out, and then i'll come back and tell you guys what it looks like. >> oh, that sounds good. i would consider it. >> that's it. yeah and then not go, okay. all right. no, i thought there was more coming there. it just stopped. >> if you have to go in with an american passport, i would say right now, maybe not the. >> yeah, i would wait it out a little. colin kaepernick, here's a name we haven't heard of for a while, may finally have a chance to get back in the nfl, but not as a quarterback. los angeles chargers head coach jim harbaugh, who, of course, coached kap with the niners, says that he talked with kaepernick about joining his staff as a coach back in
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january, but has not heard back. kaepernick you'll recall he was great in the early years with the 40 niners when harbaugh was his head coach. but kaepernick has been out of the nfl since 2016. i you know, obviously his stance with the kneeling, it really cost him his career. and that's unfortunate. i would have liked to have seen him get another opportunity somewhere. i don't know that he would necessarily want to be a coach, but but maybe. do you think do you think he can do it? >> do you think he can be a coach? >> i mean, sure, if he tried hard enough, but the issue that he had as a quarterback is he had difficulty reading defenses. so how are you going to teach other quarterbacks to read defenses if you can't really read the defenses that well? but but he's an incredible athlete. i'm sure he would have something. he would bring stuff to the table in terms of intensity training, all of that. >> all right. we'll see if that pans out for him. once again, sorry. what coach kap coach, he's got a name ready, so why not right. once again, we have another strange scent to tell you about. >> you are the ingredient to your own success.
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>> tennessee titans quarterback will levis has teamed up with hellmann's mayonnaise to introduce a mayonnaise inspired fragrance, uh. the cologne will levis number eight contains notes of lemon mayo, coffee, musk and vanilla. yeah, he's apparently a big fan of mayo. he partnered with hellmann's after a video showed him putting mayo in his coffee. >> i love the video. the video is fantastic with the whole mayonnaise thing needs some work, but we should do this in like the will levis voice. we have your ingredient to success and it's called mayonnaise. >> i mean, is he a big enough personality, larry, where he could sell push a product like that? like, is he like lebron? you slap his name on it. >> no, no, no no no no no i mean he's he's a good well he's a quarterback and he's very muscular but he's unproven. >> let's just put it that way.
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so it's not like getting tom brady to do an endorsement or you know, joe montana or whatever quarterback from whatever era you want to choose. he's not that, but he likes mayonnaise and he might be the only one who else are you, a mayonnaise thumbs up, thumbs down. >> i do like mayo, but i don't know that i like the smell of mayo. like i wouldn't want to be walking around with the smell of mayo. that's kind of random. zendaya >> hard pass. i can't stand the smell or the taste of mayo. mayo cologne, north korea, mayo, cologne, north korea put them together. >> you could take the cologne to north korea. >> yeah, there you go. what sense? >> and then you'll really get in trouble fast. >> yes. >> well, we'll never see you again imagine checking your own heart with medical precision from anywhere. introducing kardiamobile 6l, the fda-cleared ekg that provides six-times more heart data than any smartwatch. and it detects three of the most common arrhythmias in just 30 seconds,
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ridge regional park, and you can see him right there. uh, a runner, caught some great video of them right along the ridge line trail. abc seven news reporter j.r stone has the story. you'll see only on seven. >> this video was shot by a man who had gone running on the trail on monday morning. he tells me he recorded this around 6:15 a.m. he says he didn't hear the mountain lions. he just suddenly saw them. i asked him if he felt threatened. i mean, we're not just talking about 1 or 2 mountain lions, but four of
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them. he told me he did not feel threatened since they were 500 or so feet away. they didn't stop at all either, he said. it appeared that there were three juvenile lions and an older one. his thought was that that was their mother. we showed this mountain lion video to hikers, some of whom have seen mountain lions before, but not a group or family of them. >> if i had been the one taking that video, i definitely would have been like, okay, that's a little that's a little scary. there uh- i think it was kind of trippy because we just hiked that trail and so kind of seeing where we had just been and then seeing the lions, that was that was kind of cool. >> well, i just think it's awesome that there's, you know, this kind of wildlife thriving in the bay area, they're usually not dangerous if you stay away from them. >> i did reach out to those with east bay regional parks, california fish and wildlife and pleasanton police to see if they were aware of the group of mountain lions. everyone aware that there are mountain lions here. but those i talked to didn't know about what appeared to be a family of them. experts
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say most of the time mountain lions are quiet, calm and elusive. but if you do come across one, stay calm or back away slowly. do not run away from a mountain lion. do not approach one. in pleasanton j.r. stone abc seven news for your safety. >> and the mountain lions. all right. a groundhog apparently clawed his way into one of those toy claw machines at a mini golf course. and much like a toddler, couldn't find his way out. the pennsylvania state game commission was called. they sent a game warden and the vending machine company to take care of business. the golf course says they have no plans to replace the stuffed animals with real ones anytime soon. >> and you know, you can't use the claw to get them out of there because the claw doesn't pick up anything. it's designed. it's designed to get you nothing. you'll get nothing and like it. >> that's right. it's a scam. >> exactly. >> all right. >> let's check in with sandy. and now we've got some mild, mild and not wild weather coming our way. absolutely. which is a good thing, because kristen and
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larry, when you take a look at what's happening in the caribbean, we have hurricane ernesto. it has pounded puerto rico so far. five to about ten inches of rain has fallen. flooding risk continues. it is expected to strengthen into a major category three hurricane as it nears bermuda this weekend, and then eventually veering out over the open atlantic. of course, it is not expected right now to make a direct hit on bermuda, but it is expected to stay away from the eastern seaboard as we take a look at live doppler seven here locally, we have a few patches of fog that will expand overnight. tomorrow afternoon, 90s inland, 60s coast side. very similar to today. much cooler this weekend on saturday and gustier. larry. >> all right. thank you. sandhya. there is a new effort to raise awareness about the struggle. some in the lgbtq plus community have when it comes to buying homes. it's part of the love has no labels campaign to address the discrimination targeting lgbtq plus people. the first psa from the american
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dreams campaign premiered on good morning america. take a look. >> these walls and windows hold me tight. the warm embrace we all call home. this little street is a land of liberty. of its own. where i always have a place to go. i'm free to call this place my place to call home. that's an american dream >> to learn more about this campaign, visit. love has no >> a glimpse into the past. >> the rare dinosaur fossil on display in southern c
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dinosaur discovered in utah, finally going on display in southern california. reporter sophie flay, from our sister station in los angeles, has a sneak peek. >> the natural history museum is introducing a new four legged friend to los angeles. natalie the dinosaur. and thanks to national geographic, we are getting a sneak peek. >> natalie was found in the badlands of utah in 2007, so it's been almost 17 years putting natalie together. >> according to the natural history museum, dozens of folks from los angeles were part of
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the excavation of the long necked dinosaur. and it took a village. hundreds of paleontologists, researchers and volunteers, which is why natalie is being called the community dinosaur. about 80% of the dino on display is real. it's a composite of multiple dinosaurs, all belonging to the same species, weighing about five tons or as much as an rv. >> natalie is a diplodocid dinosaur, which means that it walked on land. it ate plants. it was enormously long. it's almost 75ft long. the skeleton itself, and it lived about 150 million years ago. >> the minerals in the riverbed where natalie's fossils were found is what gives the dinosaur its green color. the only green dinosaur on display in the world. >> natalie was named for the biting gnats that are in this area of the utah badlands. the excavation teams go out for months at a time in the summer, and it's very hot and very filled with biting insects. >> from 2007, the bones have gone through a lengthy, painstaking excavation, as featured in the september issue of national geographic. nat geo
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exclusive on the reconstructed dino can be found at nat >> plus, it will be free for the public to come in and see natalie and see all the informational displays we've set up about her excavation, the preparation and the installation of this amazing creature. >> and you can visit natalie here at the natural history museum starting on november 17th in expo park. sophie flay abc seven news. >> impressive. and that's going to do it for abc seven news at four. i'm kristen z. abc seven news at five with dan and ama is coming your way next. but do they really? do they see that crick in your neck? that ache in your heart? will they see that funny little thing that wasn't there last year? a new bounce in your step? the way your retinal scan connects to your blood sugar? at kaiser permanente all of us work together
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