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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  August 14, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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phil matier about it tonight. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> tonight, the skyrocketing price of buying a home in the bay area. you know it's bad, but new figures show it is even worse than you thought. good evening. i'm ama daetz. and i'm dan ashley. >> thanks for joining us. housing is about stability, security and a sense of community, but that all comes at a budget crushing cost. >> it's just too much for too many people. the south bay is the first region in the country where a median single family home price tops $2 million. that's according to the national association of realtors. seven of the top ten most expensive markets in the u.s. are in california, and we see the struggles of people who can't afford a place to live. >> for months, we followed a group of rv dwellers in san francisco. first, they had to move from winston drive for a repaving project. some settled
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on zoo road. the city gave them a deadline. midnight to move. >> abc seven news reporter suzanne fawn revisited zoo road today and joins us live with an update. suzanne ama and dan one family tells me they are in limbo. >> they don't know how long they'll be at any given spot before they have to get up and move again. karla hernandez is exhausted and uncertain about what the future holds for her family. >> tengo dos ninos y mi esposa hernandez, her husband, and their 14 and eight year old sons were forced to move their rv from zoo road last night before the city's midnight deadline. >> they were living there for a couple of weeks after moving from winston drive, where they lived for about three years. hernandez says because of the order to move families scattered on tuesday night, some temporarily settled wednesday on vidal road. we asked her how she's doing because inestable porque no sabemos. >> it's a little unstable because we don't know where to go. but for now, this is where they're at. >> hernandez says she's still taking her kids to school, but
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yo, i take them to school. >> and it's really tough because, you know, i have to tell my kids that we have to move around in different places, which makes it difficult for them. >> the city of san francisco offered the rv residents different options and services, so they offer them where they pay like a certain small percentage. >> if we leave our rvs. >> the city says they've been doing outreach and providing housing vouchers. san francisco's department of homelessness and supportive housing says they've helped 23 households move off of winston and into long term housing over the past several months. as for those living on zoo road, hirsch says 20 households living in rvs there have agreed to enroll in various housing programs, including hernandez. she says until housing is available, though, her family doesn't have anywhere to go. >> nosotros. >> they're just on the waiting list. they accepted the offer. they're waiting. they still have to live, so they're staying here. >> jennifer friedenbach is the executive director of the coalition on homelessness. she says because the process takes
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time, they have a request for the city. >> our ask is let them stay until they're able to move into that housing and that way they can have some stability. they're there to the city, can get in touch with them, easy to help them navigate this very arduous process. >> according to the mayor's office, no rvs on zoo road were towed overnight. just one motor scooter. the department of homelessness and supportive housing says it will continue to work with the 14 households who are on zoo road and are interested in housing services. we're live in the newsroom suzanne phan abc seven news. >> all right, suzanne, thanks a lot. the mayor of east palo alto is calling on fellow city leaders to take action to clear encampments. mayor antonio lopez announced that he will issue an ordinance to direct clearing of encampments after at least two written warnings and two offers of shelter. >> i want to be clear. this isn't about criminalizing people. it's about helping people, empowering people and encouraging them to get the help they need. and they deserve.
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this is a win win for our county and our community. in my city, the unhoused population is actually down in east palo alto from 169. >> in 2022 to 81 last year. >> san mateo county and three bay area cities are about to get some much needed funds to help create affordable housing. today governor newsom awarded $130 million in project homekey grants to nine communities to fund new housing projects. the local cities include san francisco, richmond and sebastopol. governor newsom says the grants will create 533 permanent supportive homes for an estimated 4800 californians. today, california's largest ever affordable housing bond was taken off the november ballot. it would have provided $20 billion in funding to address the bay area's lack of affordable housing options. abc seven news south bay reporter dustin dorsey explains today's decision and what comes next. >> this is one of the most difficult votes that i will be
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taking. >> not often does a unanimous decision have such hesitation, but that was the case when the bay area housing finance authority voted to pull an affordable housing bond from the november ballot, meaning $20 billion for housing projects is now off the table. santa clara county supervisor cindy chavez was among the reluctant yes votes. >> we know that we need the best shot at communicating with the voters in a way that helps people understand how important this opportunity is to getting housing built in our community, and that the timing was off. >> the bond would have raised funds through a surcharge on property tax bills and distributed those significant dollars to bay area counties based on their contributions, including big dollars to big cities. with 2 billion coming to san jose alone in the north bay, 2 billion would have been spread out among the four counties, and the other five counties would have gotten around 2 billion each, including 2.5 billion for santa clara county money supervisor chavez says. could have gone a long way. we have
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12,000 homes somewhere in the pipeline that are affordable, that just need a little bit more money to get over the finish line and get built. >> 12,000. so for us, this is a significant loss when the need for housing is top of mind as the state continues to clean up encampments and move homeless off the streets. >> why this vote? the commissioners say there is not enough support for the measure at this time. only 55% approval in recent polls. disappointing, but there's hope for a future ballot i would call for and ask that we all take that energy of disappointment to ensure that prop five passes, to ensure that that very first step takes place so that we can move forward with this when it comes through again. prop five would lower voter approval thresholds from 67% to 55. if this passes in november, an effort to get the bay area affordable housing bond approved could come in 2026. finally providing the money, bay area residents desperately need. dustin dorsey, abc seven news. >> happening today, the new school year is now underway for
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san ramon valley students. the district kicked off its first day of school and welcomed a new superintendent. cj cammack joins the district after four years as superintendent in fremont. well, it is back to school in berkeley as well. and for some students, the year begins in an unfamiliar place. classes at longfellow middle school moved to berkeley adult school after a summer renovation project turned up a big problem. abc seven news reporter lena howland on what they found and why some teachers think it's actually working out for the better. >> wednesday marks the start of a new chapter for 450 students at longfellow middle school. after a bit of a manic summer vacations were canceled, plans were put on hold. >> but this is what we do. >> instead of returning to their usual campus in berkeley, they're starting the school year about a mile and a half away. at berkeley adult school, construction workers discovered dry rot at longfellow over the summer. >> everyone was really surprised because it was supposed to just sort of be a remodel that was
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going to be done in time for today, superintendent nikki afford martell says the building had to be redtagged during that modernization process. >> they broke into one of the walls and discovered something, and then looked even closer and said, it's not just in this one section, it's actually throughout. it wasn't anything that we could have foresaw, but in just two months, the district quickly pivoted, moving everything into the adult school campus and moving more than a thousand adult school students to other sites in the district. luckily, we had and have this site and all the programing things that were happening at the original longfellow campus will continue here from their own gated parking lot to hallways filled with natural light and no more shared classrooms. >> teachers say this has actually been an upgrade all teachers have their own classroom, which is huge for teachers, and the classrooms are bigger. >> the space is enormous. i never knew that that the berkeley adult school had this much to offer. i'm actually
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really impressed. >> gretchen montoya has taught at longfellow for the past 17 years. she says crews packed up each classroom over the summer and hand delivered the boxes to the adult school. >> what we know about schools is that the building is not the school. it's the people that make up the school that actually make the school and the community. >> the district says they're not expecting to be back here at the original longfellow middle school site for at least the next two years. in berkeley. lena howland, abc seven news. >> the city of oakland is apologizing to the widow of a police officer killed in the line of duty after asking her for money. the city sent officer twan lee's widow, an invoice in may, asking her to return $461. it was money that was overpaid to lay during a ransomware attack last year. oakland's police union claims the city even threatened to take the money from the pension. the widow started receiving after her husband's murder. the 36 year old was shot and killed in december while trying to stop a robbery. >> realistically, the letter that we saw that was sent to her, we were inferiors with it
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because of how devastating it is for her to go through the experience that she's going through. >> the union offered to pay the $461, but now the city is waiving the debt and apologizing for any distress or inconvenience to the family. >> two san jose police officers are on the other side of the law tonight. officer timothy hackney of morgan hill, is charged in a series of assaults on his now pregnant girlfriend. investigators say he threw her into a bedroom, covered her mouth so she couldn't scream and prevented her from calling 911. in another incident, he's accused of firing his duty weapon at the ceiling. hackney was arraigned yesterday on felony domestic violence charges. he's on administrative leave from his job and another officer may soon be barred altogether from serving in california law enforcement. anthony peraza's police credentials were suspended after he was charged with child sex crimes. perez was just charged this summer with the sexual
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assault of a minor in san benito county a decade ago. authorities say the victim only reported it to police. earlier this year, the alleged assault happened at least three years before perez joined the san jose police academy. >> encouraging news today from san francisco's public health officials on opioid overdoses. the city says accidental drug overdoses this past july are half of what they were in july of 2023. the numbers show pretty steady improvement since january. there were 71 overdose deaths that month. july had 39. the fewest in san francisco for any month this year. sf public health officials say increasing access to medications that counteract overdoses like methadone is critical to further reducing drug deaths. they are calling for a change in state laws that would allow easier access. >> the stigma and barriers caused by this overregulation prevent people from entering and staying in treatment. can you
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imagine requiring a person who has heart disease to be physically present at a special cardiac clinic every day to take their medication? that's what new methadone patients need to do to get their daily medication. >> the health department says 71% of the overdose deaths this year are fentanyl related. and we want to make sure that, you know, if you or someone close to you is struggling with substance abuse issues, there is help. we've put together a list of local resources. abc seven slash. take action. >> coming up here next. why the city of hayward bought a movie theater. it's part of building a better bay area. >> i'm meteorologist sandhya patel. >> no extremes here today. warmer spots in the 90s. i'll to the next. did they even send my lab work...? wait, was i supposed to bring that? then there's the forms. the bills.
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for ear ringing. and now i'm finally free. take back control with lipo flavonoid. building a better bay area. the city of hayward is doing its part. recently, spending millions to buy a movie theater on b street in the heart of downtown. some say it's risky, but as abc seven news reporter anser hassan explains, others believe it is the anchor. downtown hayward needs. >> hayward mayor mark salinas doesn't like the empty storefronts in the downtown. >> we have empty buildings that are owned by people who may or may not live in the city, and who sit on them and don't lease them. i don't know what they wait for. >> mayor salinas says buildings usually stay vacant for a long time. that's a big loss of tax revenue. they become vulnerable
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to graffiti and vandalism. residents link it to crime. so in the downtown movie theater came up for sale. they didn't want it to end up the same way. so they bought it. >> i didn't hesitate in the idea in purchasing this property is because the city has a very strong track record of turning out 10 to 15,000 people at all of our street parties in downtown salinas says the theater serves as an anchor for a new economic development plan. >> he admits movie theaters are struggling post pandemic, but owning it means they can reconfigure it. for example, for live events, try new business concepts, especially those that target students. >> cal state, east bay and chabot college combined is like 50,000 students, right? and so it's, you know, finding those retailers and finding those economic, generators that will draw people to downtown. >> lucy lopez, president of the chamber of commerce, says the
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movie theater is also a family friendly venue, which is important for families and family friendly environment. >> it's critical to keep this anchor to help feed a lot of the businesses in the downtown district. >> the owner of buffalo bill's brewery across the street praises the city leadership as courageous for buying the theater. the staff sees it as a game changer. >> it gives people a reason to come downtown. it helps the district, grow. >> mayor salinas knows it's a bold move, but he likes his odds. >> i don't know too many cities that have made these economic development investments, but i'm pretty optimistic about this. and if it doesn't work well, we sell it in hayward, anser hassan abc seven news. >> i like the optimism. yes absolutely. >> all right, let's get a check on our weather midweek. >> midweek. looking a little head toward the weekend. meteorologist sandhya patel is here. sandhya has just been lovely. it has been gorgeous. >> and we're going to keep this going since, really, there's no problem with it. and from a fire danger perspective, locally, we are doing a okay for august. let
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me show you a live picture right now from our east bay hills camera. you will notice there is plenty of sun at this hour. we did get up into the mid 90s for our hot spots. vacaville is at 93 degrees right now. visibility is unlimited ten miles. you compare it to half moon bay where it is 61 degrees and visibility is down to nine miles with a little bit of fog. clearly we have our summer microclimates this afternoon, so fire danger. unfortunately with the winds picking up in the sierra this weekend will be going up. fire weather watch saturday, 11 a.m. until 11 p.m. and you can see that this is the region where there is concern with the low humidity and the gusty winds. we've definitely been in this gusty pattern as we've got high pressure nosing in here across parts of the pacific and a trough to our north. we're kind of squeezed in between. so the winds have been gusty right now 33 at sfo, 38 in san francisco, sustained winds there as we look at 7:00
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tonight. still the strongest winds near the coastline heading into 9 p.m, about 30 at point reyes, but not as strong in our inland communities. tomorrow morning the winds die down a bit and then they will increase again for the afternoon hours over 30 mile an hour. winds sustained here at point reyes, 7:00. we're talking 36 mile an hour winds. so right now, those temperatures anywhere from the low 60s to the low 90s, a nice variety to please everyone. a live view from our san rafael camera showing you the gusty winds right now that will continue through this evening. overnight tonight, fog near the coast and the bay and the next few days are mild to warm. afternoons will be with us tonight. speaking of warm, it's going to be warm still inland at 7:00 in the 70s and 80s. maybe you're stepping out to run some errands, fog along the coastline. so if you're going to be near the coast, definitely take an extra layer as we head into 9 p.m. that fog advances across parts of the bay and into the bay shoreline area. by tomorrow morning, and then it clears back to the coast with
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the winds picking up. most areas will see the sun with seconds repeating again inland, but 60s coast side first thing tomorrow morning in the 50s and the 60s. watch out for that fog. tomorrow afternoon we'll bring you a wide range of temperatures. south bay 78in cupertino 83. in san jose on the peninsula, 79. in redwood city, 62 degrees in half moon bay. today, san francisco got into the mid 60s. the average high is about 68. so you're close to that tomorrow, 69 degrees in the north bay, 90 in santa rosa, 85 san rafael, vallejo in the east bay. you're looking at 76 in oakland, 80 in hercules, 77 fremont. inland areas will be up into the mid 90s around fairfield, brentwood 91, in concord. and now here's a look at what's happening on friday. temperatures will be in a holding pattern, but saturday it's a drop. i mean, you're only in the 80s for the warmest spots with the winds picking up sunday. a little bit of a recovery in the accuweather seven day forecast does feature that trend of numbers going down
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for the first half of your weekend and then warming back up next week. >> very nice though. >> yeah. beautiful weather. >> thanks. >> coming up, a multi-billion dollar deal for mars. we're not talking about the planet, but imagine checking your own heart with medical precision from anywhere. introducing kardiamobile 6l, the fda-cleared ekg that provides six-times more heart data than any smartwatch. and it detects three of the most common arrhythmias in just 30 seconds, including atrial fibrillation, bradycardia and tachycardia. check your heart with the most advanced personal ekg outside the hospital. kardiamobile 6l is on sale now for just $99. don't wait, this offer won't last.
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higher today after data showed inflation slowed more than
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expected in july. the dow rose 242 points to close above 40,000. the nasdaq had a five point gain and the s&p picked up 21 points. the inflation drop was substantial. it hit its lowest mark in more than three years. that could pave the way for a long awaited rate cut by the federal reserve. reporter karin caifa has a look at the changes that are most noticeable after last week's market tailspin. some data that wall street likes year over year. price increases, falling back below 3% and moving closer to the fed's target. inflation is at its lowest rate since march 2021, according to the bureau of labor statistics. the july consumer price index report, or cpi, showed price increases slowed to 2.9% year over year. >> we are seeing improvement in the sort of inflation that had been on full boil and now it's simmering. >> the data comes on the heels of july's sluggish jobs report and the u.s. economy showing signs of stress. with the inflation rate creeping closer to the federal reserve's target
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of 2%. there's optimism the fed will start to peel back interest rates from a 23 year high next month. >> i do think that as we get inflation data that comes in as expected, if indeed we get as expected, the federal reserve cutting interest rates, those are positive developments driving overall annual inflation down. >> airfares dropping 2.8% since last july. used cars and trucks down 10.9% year over year. areas where prices aren't budging much shelter up 5% since last july. auto insurance up more than 18% and restaurant dining up 4.1% in the same period. >> consumers have not been relieved of the significant burden of high prices. it's just that the recent gains in prices are coming down. >> grocery prices remained relatively flat from june to july, but year over year breakfast and summer cookouts are more expensive. the cost of eggs up 19.1%, bacon up 8.5%,
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hot dogs up 9.7% from july 2023. ground beef up 4.2%. and all of that adds up to consumers still feeling a squeeze, according to a government inflation calculator. a cart of groceries that cost $100 back in july 2020 would have cost $121.40 last month. in washington, i'm karin caifa. >> a snack food superpower is being born at a multi-billion dollar price. mars, the maker of snickers and m&ms, has made a $29 billion offer to buy the company behind cheez-its and pringles. kilonova, which spun off from kellogg's last year, also makes pop-tarts and eggo waffles. the deal would rank in the top ten global food and beverage mergers and acquisitions since 1995. if approved, it is expected to close in the first half of next year. >> now i bet you're hungry. well, coming up, the cost of being your own cashier. what's
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the problem? apparently it's yo. >> and we're joined live by abc seven news insider phil matier to talk about what professional pictures are doing to governor gavin newsom's image. stay with
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five point lead 59 to 34% over donald trump in her home state. by comparison, president biden led trump by 18 points in the last igs poll conducted in february. the poll shows harris receiving higher levels of support than biden almost across the board, but especially among voters ages 18 to 29, where she's polling 23 points higher than biden did. >> early voting is already underway for the primary election in florida, and today, former president trump cast his ballot. trump was on the campaign trail in north carolina today. he attacked vice president kamala harris ahead of the rollout of her economic proposal later this week. as for his plan, trump promised to slash energy prices. >> i am announcing today that
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under my leadership, the united states will commit to the ambitious goal of slashing energy and electricity prices by half at least half slash prices by half within 12 months at a maximum 18 months, and if it doesn't work out, you'll say, oh, well, i voted for him. >> meantime, trump's running mate, ohio senator jd vance, campaigned in michigan today. the republican vice presidential nominee discussed inflation, crime and immigration policies. this was vance's third visit to michigan since being announced as his party's vice presidential nominee. now we are still waiting to hear whether vance will agree to a vice presidential debate. today, his opposition democratic vice president nominee tim walz said he will attend. the vice presidential debate is scheduled for october 1st. >> now to new criticism over
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governor newsom's new staff photographer. a famed former journalist who's making $200,000 a year. >> abc seven news insider phil matier joins us via zoom. and phil, the governor says a lot of other governors have staff photographers. is this really that unusual? >> yes it is. other governors do have staff photographers. even cities have staff photographers, but they don't have charles ommanney, who is a world renowned photographer, both for his foreign war coverage and also for being the photographer for former president barack obama, george w bush and mark zuckerberg. so he's sort of in the stratosphere of photographers. and yes, other people have staff photographers, but this is a director of photography at a $200,000 a year uh- paycheck. so that is unusual. i have to say, and so is everybody else. >> can we talk about the timing?
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because the hire was made about six months ago. so could this be part of newsom looking good for a potential presidential run? >> you think or just gavin newsom looking good? well, here's sort of the chronological timeline on it, well, he went with the governor to china on a freelance basis, where he shot the governor around the great wall of china. they clicked. it worked out really well. and then he came on as the photographer. and we've seen him do a number of things, you know, whether it's in the helicopter or visiting with the first partner to schools and events or cleaning up homeless encampments or out there in fire zones, they tend to be great photographs. and with a very dramatic gavin newsom often at the center. and is that brushing his image for national? of course it is. but it's also enhancing the state image, they say, and communicating better with you and i and everyone in the state of california through great pictures that wind up on the
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social web as well. they say that also that this is the first time they've brought on a director of photography that before they just had staffers for years and years. and so this is actually sort of kind of if you want to look at it as a money saver because they weren't spending the money in the past. this is political. this is political speak. it's trying to put a good frame on a picture that looks a little off to a lot of people. >> yeah, well, there are pictures and then there are hero shots, which is what this photographer is capturing. and you can argue with the idea, but certainly not the result. they're remarkable images. but on the subject of image, that's what this is all about for the governor. but could it backfire? could it hurt his image? he's already seen as somewhat of an elite. remember the french laundry incident during the pandemic? >> yeah. and gavin newsom has never been camera shy. and he likes to control his image very much. and he likes to control his messaging very much. it's very rare that he makes you know, spontaneous appearances or does a press conferences. he prefers instead to do sort of
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specific type things, oftentimes releasing videos rather than coming out live. his entire state of the state address was videoed in advance and then broadcast and cut up. so he's a very image conscious guy. he wants to look good and for the price he's paying for this photographer, i hope he does look good for all our sakes. >> yeah, let's talk about that number. $200,000. considering the governor himself only made 234,000 last year. >> that's right. and you have to understand that when they hired the omani known as the photographer, they didn't make the usual announcement of it and saying, guess what? we brought on? this is done pretty quietly, which lets you show that there's a question of the image there, but he takes great photos, as dan pointed out. and then they're very dramatic, and they'll be seen around the world and around the state. and you know the saying one picture's worth a thousand words. well, one picture in this case is worth i don't know how much, but
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200,000 is a pretty good price to pay for whatever you're getting. >> yeah. >> that's true. all right. thanks, phil. very much. interesting. >> well, a state bill to limit self-checkout machines is advancing in sacramento. the prevention and safe staffing act calls for retailers to ensure safe staffing levels and better supervision of self-checkout machines. the bill sponsor says self-checkout has led to understaffing, increased theft and has also made employees easy targets for crime. >> the data makes it clear that self-checkout machines cost 16 times more loss than checkout via cashier, with billions lost in profit. >> the california retailers association is against the bill, saying the state has no business regulating self-checkout service. >> all right. coming up, voters will not get the chance to decide on a refinery tax in richmond. the city finds another
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need to listen to that advice. and so that's what i'm doing. >> nicholson got her start with the department in 1994. she was the first openly lgbtq fire chief in san francisco's history. >> the city of richmond has agreed to a settlement with chevron for more than half $1 billion. as part of that settlement, the city is removing a measure from the november ballot that would have added a refinery tax if it was approved by voters. abc seven news reporter tim johns has been following this story and looks at what's behind this deal. yes so voted unanimously at a special meeting on wednesday, the richmond city council voted unanimously to approve a $550 million settlement agreement with chevron. >> the company has been the largest employer and source of tax revenue in the city for years, but has received scrutiny for the pollution it causes. >> i don't know that there's an amount of money. that's enough money. you know, because i think that we're talking about generations of harm, of death,
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of sickness, of pollution. >> as a part of the settlement, richmond has agreed to pull a measure that was set to appear on the november ballot. that measure would have asked voters to approve a refinery tax on chevron. >> we were talking to hundreds of voters a day, and they were excited to vote in november, and they were excited to hold big polluters accountable. >> the city council expressed their support for the refinery tax on wednesday. however, mayor eduardo martinez believes the settlement is an easier, gauaranteed way to get the money from chevron. >> carson city had had passed a similar measure in 2017, and they still don't. they still haven't seen the money because it's been tied up in litigation. >> mayor martinez says it was fear of losing at the ballot box that pushed chevron to approach the city with the proposal, but the company says it views the offer as a way of being a responsible member of the richmond community. >> i think we always maintain a good dialog with the city. we're always looking at ways to collaborate. like i said, we've had a long history with richmond. >> many environmental activists here say despite the city
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council accepting the settlement with chevron, they will continue to apply pressure to the fossil fuel giants. they say their attention will now turn on making sure the money addresses the needs of the east bay city as well as planning for a green future. >> the long term investments in a just transition away from fossil fuel refining that our community has been demanding all along. >> both the mayor and the city council say none of this would have been possible without the local environmental groups. in richmond. tim johns abc seven news. >> home improvement retailer el al flooring is closing nearly 100 stores, including one in the bay area. the chain, formerly known as lumber liquidators, has filed for bankruptcy. it announced today it will close 11 locations in california, including one bay area store on adrian road in burlingame. five other bay area locations will remain open. the richmond, virginia based company says a decline in home sales and rising interest rates led to a drop in business. >> coming up next, an updated look at sandia's seven day forecast. see what to expect where you live. >> plus, the impact of hurricane ernesto. we are talking flooding
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and power outages i
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they've been on the international space station for more than two months now. they were only expecting to stay for just a few days now. they could be stuck until february. tonight, an uncrewed progress spacecraft will launch, taking unmanned, rather taking nearly three tons of food, fuel and supplies to the space station, which they now need for sure. >> a new international travel destination will soon open up north korea. the isolated country is reopening to very limited international visitors. two china based tour groups will be allowed to visit the mountainous city of samjiyon, the birthplace of kim jong il. recently, only small tour groups from russia were allowed. people with u.s. passports are not allowed unless given permission by the u.s. department of state. the world health organization is once again sounding the alarm about the mpox virus. today, the agency declared africa's outbreak a global health emergency. officials say a deadlier strain of the virus has spread to four african provinces that were previously unaffected.
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mpox, previously known as monkeypox, can be transferred from infected animals to humans through close contact. the u.s. currently has one fda approved mpox vaccine on the market. >> after brushing puerto rico, hurricane ernesto is heading toward the u.s. and british virgin islands. it's left hundreds of thousands of people without power, as heavy rain and strong winds just pummel that area. abc news reporter reena roy has more. >> high winds and heavy rain hitting the caribbean as hurricane ernesto churns through the atlantic. puerto rico in the thick of it overnight. power knocked out for more than half a million customers in puerto rico. >> there's a particular problem. the vegetation under the lines caused outages to take place. >> you can see downed power poles, scattered debris and fallen tree branches. the governor, urging people to stay home as the system moves through. with many roads closed due to flooding, this neighborhood under water. villages isolated because of high river levels.
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>> stay away from the coastal areas. stay safe at home or wherever you are. and keep an eye on the reports of the national weather bureau. >> island officials also asking people to donate blood because resources are low. president joe biden approving an emergency declaration for puerto rico, which will help unlock federal funds for the island. fema and other federal teams also standing by, ready to help. ernesto also impacting islands to the east of puerto rico. wind and rain lashing the island of tortola and off the shore of saint martin. this cargo ship becoming untethered. ernesto could become an even stronger hurricane by friday as it approaches bermuda. here on the east coast, we aren't expecting to get a direct hit, but we will see some high surf and rip currents. reena roy, abc news, new york. >> and of course, our weather team is always keeping track of all the storms for sure. >> and sandhya patel is tracking ernesto for sandy. it does not look like it will hit the u.s.
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mainland. is that right? >> no, it will not. danny as we take a look at live doppler seven right now, it is certainly been hitting puerto rico. as you just heard, they have seen a soaking rain about a half a foot to almost a foot of rain. some of the totals from puerto rico. it is moving away. and you will notice that there are still some flood watches up flash flood watches up as the heavy rain will continue. it is stronger. this is the latest from the national hurricane center. hurricane watches are up for bermuda. as we take a look at the current stats. winds are 80 miles an hour. moving to the northwest at 16. it becomes a major category three hurricane friday morning before it nears bermuda as a cat two over the weekend, and then veers away from the u.s. mainland right now on live doppler seven, all is quiet as we take a look at our high temperatures. a lot like today, mid 90s inland, low 60s coast. it's going to be breezy, and the accuweather seven day forecast does feature our summer spread. the next couple of days with cooler weather, gusty winds on saturday below average, and then sunday slowly temperatures
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recover. next week we'll bring in the summer warmth again. ama and dan all right. >> very nice. thanks, sandy. all right. >> sports director larry beil is here. what's up with the giants? >> really? they can't score any other questions? that sums it up. that's that's it. that's the whole thing. and that's why the frustration is mounting for the g-men. three straight, one run losses. manager bob melvin searching for anybody who can drive in some runs please. that is next in sports but do they really? do they see that crick in your neck? that ache in your heart? will they see that funny little thing that wasn't there last year? a new bounce in your step? the way your retinal scan connects
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to your blood sugar? at kaiser permanente all of us work together to care for all that is you.
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6:52 p.m. on august the 14th. yep. okay, we're right on that as of this moment, to the best of our knowledge, brandon aiyuk has not been traded, nor has he signed a contract extension with the 40 niners. so we go on with this. there is, however, some encouraging news. aiyuk was at practice today watching while wearing niners gear. there's one report out there indicating there's now only one issue left to be agreed upon between he and the niners. we don't know what that issue is, though. one reason teams just hate these kinds of holdouts is that all the other players are then asked to comment about the star, who is not practicing with them, like tight end george kittle. >> i mean, i love aiyuk. i've played with him for four years. i love his mindset every single day, you guys asked mooney. like, you know, do you guys miss him? and i think mooney answered it perfectly. it's like, you know, we haven't played a game
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without him yet. so as an offense, we don't know how much like his pieces are. like, you interchange pieces all the time. and like, you know, we've had trent williams hurt in a game and we've still won. so it's like, yeah, you miss him, but you can make do with it. so we don't know right at the end of the day. but i do know that aiyuk is a fantastic football player and the energy that he brings every single day just elevates us. >> so we thought there was going to be news today. we'll see. giants have lost three games in a row, each of them by one run. this is a team that just does not get clutch hits. they were zero for ten last night with runners in scoring position. the giants have dropped two in a row to the braves, both in ten innings, where just one timely hit would have been gigantic. a frustrated bob melvin searching for answers. >> i mean, it's three games in a row here where we've lost by a run and at home. we've been pretty good about winning the close games. yeah, regardless, every game is important now, so we know where these guys are in the standings. we know where we are. you know, we came in here and had, you know, pretty high expectations when the first two
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games of the homestand to get ourselves a three above. and we feel like we can you know roll a little bit more and get get above 500 more. so but lose three games in a row and get back to 500 is pretty frustrating. >> we'll try it again tonight against the braves. two weeks ago, when the giants traded jorge soler, the idea was to get more at bats for marco luciano, while the giants just sent him back to the minors. and this play from monday did not help his cause. where you see him, just slow up into a jog? well, if he actually ran out the ground ball and hustled, he might have been safe at first because the infielder bobbled the ball. this is a team that's desperate for runs, which means you got a run. nfl major quarterback injury news rookie j.j. mccarthy, who was the 10th overall pick in the draft by the vikings, is done before his rookie season has even started. tore meniscus in his knee in the first preseason game. surgery today done for the year, which means sam darnold will start for minnesota. darnold was brock purdy's backup last year with
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the 49 ers. didn't play all that much. but darnold is now on his fourth team in seven years. >> you are the ingredient to your own success. >> you are the ingredient to your own success. deep thoughts with will levis. >> yes, i should do the whole thing like that. but anyway, the tennessee titans quarterback has just signed a lifetime deal as a spokesman for hellmann's mayonnaise. they're now selling will levis number eight parfum de mayonnaise. yes, it is mayonnaise. perfume as ridiculous as this sounds, the perfume sells for $8 and it's sold out instantly. sports on abc seven, sponsored by smart and final. >> does anyone want to smell like a sandwich? i mean, do you even have a strong scent? yeah, i've never noticed. >> it's kind of mild for eight bucks, you can find out. >> so the deal with him and the mayo is he. they saw him pouring mayonnaise into his coffee. okay. yeah that's what he does.
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okay. >> and that's just as weird as perfume. yeah, i know the rest is history. wow. all right. thanks very much. all right. >> tonight on abc seven at eight, who wants to be a millionaire? followed by claim to fame at ten. watch shark tank, then stay with us for abc seven news at 11. all right. that's it for this edition of abc seven news. thanks for joining us. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley for sandhya patel, larry beil, all of us here. >> not sure about the mayo perfume maybe. think about that and we'll see you again tonight at 11. maybe catch exactly. >> this is abc 724 >> in san francisco, live at levi's stadium in san jose. live in oakland. >> you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. >> we are, we are, we are, we are we are, we are where you are. >> never miss a moment
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♪ bmo ♪ from the alex trebek stage at sony pictures studios... this is the... [applause] please welcome our finalists-- a philosophy professor from green bay, wisconsin... a music executive from tampa, florida...
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and a social and personality psychologist from vancouver, washington... and now, here is the host of "jeopardy!!"-- ken jennings! [cheers and applause] [applause] thank you, johnny gilbert. welcome to the fourth game in our tournament of champions finals. so far, this series is all knotted up at one win apiece for yogesh, troy and ben. and as this is a first-to-three-wins tournament, we know we're in for at least two more games before we determine our winner. it's been great so far. i can't wait to see what happens next. let's get right into the game. good luck, champs. here are your categories in the jeopardy! round. ♪♪ first up... then we have... we're going... then we have... and... yogesh, you select first. hopefully lunch is coming up soon, so food & drink, $600. with spinach as a star ingredient,


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