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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  August 16, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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businesses. also ahead. >> happening today, opening day galaxy con comes to san jose for the first time ever. >> always live. abc7 news starts right now. >> no other reporters were in the courtroom today besides the abc7 news i-team when the first man arrested under san francisco's latest bait car program received a plea deal. good evening. >> i'm ama daetz, and i'm dan ashley. thanks for joining us. car burglary victims. certainly not pleased that 27 year old robert sonza is being released today. time served. after 11 months in jail. >> dan noyes has been following this case and joins us with the story. dan. >> and dan, robert sonza has heard that expression time served several times. he has a record of car break ins running from police, domestic violence and more. dan and linda villegas had their rental car broken into on september 1st of last year.
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they came from indiana for a wedding and parked in this lot so they could tour alcatraz prison. you're in a busy parking lot with, you know, thousands of people all over. >> usually that's not where crime happens. it happens at late, late at night and not in broad daylight, not in good areas of the town. but this is a tourist site. >> they lost cash, a $1,200 ipad, a $3,500 laptop. police arrested 27 year old robert sonza that same day, after he broke into another rental car and an sfpd bait car in san francisco. superior court judge harry jacobs approved a plea deal two years in county jail for each of three burglary counts, but the sentences run concurrently. that means with the 11 months he's been in jail and with good time credits, sonza is getting out today. i broke the news to the ologists. >> well, i can't say it surprises me. i mean, the people of san francisco elect these people. they support them and they get what they get. yeah i don't know what else to say to
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me. that's a joke. >> san francisco public defender anita inaba emailed me that sonza has completed over 300 hours of programing in custody, working toward college credits, and that social workers have helped him identify further opportunities for him to access upon his release, a probation violation was also part of this case. in april of 2022, police spotted sonza driving a stolen suv used in multiple car break ins that day. >> the police sort of trapped him this is a one way street. he they trapped him down there. >> police said sonza in a dead end on union street past montgomery. but he sped away. took out this garage on alta street, sideswiped cars and returned to the intersection where officer riley bandy had just pulled up. i obtained bandy's body camera video from that night. >> he just headed right straight for my car and tried to run me over, so i had to jump in back into my car to avoid getting killed. >> then you can see sonza back up and drive down the sidewalk
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to avoid police. hit this staircase. take out this vespa. he made it to columbus and broadway, where he slammed into a civilian's car, injuring him. sonza ran from that scene, officers finally catching him a few blocks away in chinatown. >> he was in the driver's seat of our car when the car rammed it. >> our car. so he's got three? yeah, i can feel it. >> i'm starting to feel my back. kind of lock up. >> tighten up. yeah. songs that injured two officers in that civilian. at first, prosecutors charged sanzo with several counts of assault upon a peace officer with a deadly weapon hit and run. evading an officer with willful disregard, leaving the scene of an accident, resisting arrest and a misdemeanor possession of burglary tools. in a plea deal, all the charges got dismissed except a single count of evading an officer. >> so i was really surprised to know that they that they really dropped, you know, almost everything. >> that court proceeding also included an incident from february 2nd of last year. police responded to the japantown garage for a report of an auto burglary. officers tried
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to detain sonza as the suspect, but he fled, got in his car, ran over an officer's foot and hit a parked car. that case brought nine more charges, including assault upon a peace officer, burglary of a vehicle, hit and run, and resisting arrest. >> i too am disappointed. >> i spoke to district attorney brooke jenkins about sansa's release after 11 months in jail. so the bottom line is you were pushing for more, but you didn't get it. that's correct. >> we believe based on his prior criminal history as well as the conduct in the new case, that this should be stacked time so that the old case and the time that he was facing for that should be stacked on top of what we agreed to in the new case. and the judge, again, having reviewed his criminal history and heard our arguments, disagreed. >> robert sanzo was also ordered to pay $10,000 to the olive jesus, $4,000 to his other victim. that night. but his public defender told the court he is indigent so he won't have to pay court fees, but is still
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on the hook for what he stole from those two victims. dan wow. >> okay, dan, thank you so much. >> well, an update now on a controversial arrest first reported by the abc7 news i-team, a marin county judge has dismissed criminal charges against a former san rafael police officer involved in a 2022 confrontation with a gardener over an open beer. a judge has decided that there isn't enough evidence to send daisy mazariegos to trial. the case is proceeding against brandon nail, another former officer. mazariegos still faces a federal civil rights lawsuit filed by the gardener against her former officer. nail and san rafael police as well. and remember, if you have a story for dan and the i-team, call the number on your screen. go to abc7 slash i-team. >> tonight, we're following the story of an unprecedented new effort to fight crime in california. from smash and grabs to grab and go. governor newsom announced a new plan today to curb retail theft. the governor
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signed ten new bills into law. abc seven news south bay reporter dustin dorsey has the details on this extensive bill package display cases broken and goods stolen, videos of smash and grabs like this one became a more common sight during the pandemic. >> but since 2022, california has been cracking down on retail thefts from issuing millions of dollars in crime fighting grants to sending additional chp officers to parts of the bay area. now, state leaders are taking their next big step. >> if you ransack our stores, if you attack our people, if you endanger our communities, we will come for you. >> that's thanks to ten new bills signed into law friday morning in san jose. the property crime and retail theft crackdown bill package promises stronger enforcement, more serious penalties and steep consequences. >> this package is going to be instrumental in curbing retail theft and organized retail crime in california. >> the ten bills hold criminals accountable from crimes
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involving property, retail and vehicles. they create stricter penalties, including enhanced felony charges and punishments for those selling stolen goods. they bolster existing laws to enforce and prosecute, particularly repeat offenders through increased probation for shoplifting and petty theft and retail theft. restraining orders. but governor newsom says the work does not stop here. program passing is not problem solving. >> signing a bill doesn't solve a problem. it's the hard work that comes over the course of the next weeks and months to deliver on what we're promoting and promising results. >> san jose mayor matt mehan looks forward to seeing, but he believes it's only a good first step in more needs to be done to target those who commit crimes because of addiction or mental health problems. he's calling for the passage of prop 36, which would increase penalties for certain drug and theft crimes. what we really need is mass treatment, and that's what i'm supporting, prop 36. >> it's what i'm asking our leaders in sacramento to support is more tools for judges, more treatment. we need to get our most vulnerable people into
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treatment. now newsom brushed off the idea that prop 36 would help his cause, but he agrees. >> this package is only a first step in san jose. dustin dorsey, abc seven news. >> so now that the governor has signed this package of bills into law, how are small business owners responding? abc seven news reporter lena howland set out to find out today, and joins us live in the newsroom. lena. >> dan san francisco has been no stranger to retail crimes from major luxury retailers hit repeatedly by smash and grabs to small business owners wondering when they'll get hit again. some say they need the support now more than ever. >> definitely retail theft is out of control every day. >> it's a problem. >> it's been just three months since two thieves broke into mariana o'connor's clothing store in san francisco's cow hollow neighborhood. they got away with more than $43,000 worth of inventory and o'connor's sense of safety. >> every day i come into my space, my store, and then i'm asking myself, so those people, they're going to come back agai,
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we're going to happen. so that's some this is something we really, really, really need to fix that i don't feel safe inside of my store in the mission district, someone tried to break in to ronda's market wednesday night, cutting the lock on their front gate. >> the thieves didn't get away with anything this time, but it's not the first time someone has tried and it seems like it's like might be the same people more than anything. >> it's stressful, unnecessary, and annoying because everyone's already struggling in this economy and it's just just a waste of time. >> san francisco saw a dramatic increase in shoplifting incidents during the pandemic. videos like this one showing organized retail thefts in union square seeming more common. the thefts led to economic losses, contributed to store closures and some upscale stores have since changed to appointment only. efforts to combat retail theft ramped up in 2022, when the state set aside more than $200 million for crime fighting grants. san francisco got 17
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million, but senator scott wiener of san francisco says more help is on the way. >> it is incredibly harmful to our retailers, to our grocery stores, to the community, and we need better accountability. >> he wrote one of ten theft bills governor newsom signed into law friday. >> if there's no accountability, then people are just going to keep doing it. and you know, when you walk into a walgreens or cvs and everything is locked up uh- that that's just negative for the customer, for the employees, for everyone. and we need to move past that part of the legislation signed by governor newsom today. >> also targets car break-ins, known as beiping. senator wiener says this removes a loophole where the da had to prove the doors were locked on a car during a car. break-in live in the newsroom lena howland, abc seven news. >> all right, lena, thanks very much. now find the full picture
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on public safety where you live with our abc seven neighborhood safety tracker. the interactive tool has thorough historical data and trends for san francisco, oakland and san jose. it's available for you right now on our website, abc7 >> oakland's police chief says his city's problem with crime isn't necessarily the amount of it, but the perception of it. chief floyd mitchell says there's still work to be done, but today he shared new numbers that he says show violence in oakland is trending downward. here's abc seven news reporter anser hassan. >> we are seeing a reduction in total crime across oakland, but it's important to understand that when you look at our violent crime, it is decreasing. and we know these numbers are very accurate. >> just three months into his new role, oakland police chief floyd mitchell is praising the gains oakland is making fighting crime, which includes targeting crime corridors and working with community based partners and increased police presence. >> we're focusing a lot of our efforts in the area on
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international boulevard where we know sex trafficking is occurring. >> the department highlighted arrests made in connection to four different homicides from the summer. community activist george galloway says crime may be trending downwards, but it's not necessarily the result of better police work or the increase in number of arrests. >> the question is, is who was arrested? is it more of the same kind of scandalous behavior that we've seen in the past, in which people are just being arrested because and racially profiled evidence is being planted? >> galvez says many residents are still skeptical of the police department, which is still under federal oversight. even chief mitchell admits the department faces challenges dealing with property crimes, but adds an upgrade to the computer system should resolve problems with the backlog, which we hope will help us in regards to those property crimes, and getting more accurate and up to date and timely data out to our public. chief mitchell says the department is also reviewing its police chase policy, following last month's request from governor newsom to ease restrictions. and he says staffing shortages continue to
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present challenges. it means in some cases, violent crimes are prioritized over property crimes. >> i don't like where we are now, but from a staffing issue, we have to stay within the prioritization of this and we're going to get to you. it just may take a little longer. >> he adds a new staffing study is due out soon. the outcome could be to redistrict the police. beats in oakland, anser hassan abc seven news. >> coming up next, the big back to school backpack giveaway. it's part of building a better bay area. >> and big changes are ahead. i'm meteorologist sandhya patel. i'll let you know why some of you will be dodging drops in which day. coming right up. when
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bay area by helping kids get ready to go back to school. today, hundreds of families from underserved communities got free school supplies and tools. abc seven news reporter cornell bernard was there. >> the anticipation is so high. i was getting texts this morning at 8 a.m. already letting me know the line was forming. >> people lined up two hours before this school supply giveaway even started at the ritter center in san rafael. >> i'm sorry, what grades is really the question? >> a second kindergarten and tk ritter, a nonprofit outreach to low income families, is helping kids like angie perez get ready for school. >> two notebooks and then some paper in case you run out. >> angie has now got a lot of the stuff she needs to succeed in class. >> i really like it, and it's also really big help for people that don't have that much money. they can come here and get like all the supplies in the
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backpacks. >> 200 donated backpacks are free to families in need. everyone is getting a $100 target gift card too. >> hey man. come on man. ready, man. all day. love y'all man. thank you. >> so by being able to give these gift cards, we're helping these families so they don't have to make decisions about. am i putting food on the table or am i helping my child get ready for school? >> the cost of back to school is not cheap. inflation continues to make things like backpacks and school supplies more expensive than they were last year. in fact, the cost of school supplies has increased more than 24% over the past four years, according to the bureau of labor statistics consumer price index. >> for any store, especially one. but whether income is rising. ye man, you get you can't even go to safeway and try and get groceries, bro. it's how hard it is. >> what do you guys say? >> so these are. this is yours. you're welcome. you're welcome. have good have a good school year. this year, you guys. >> angie says she's feeling confident and ready to take on school next week. >> i'm really happy because,
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like, i get a new teacher and i also get to see all my friends and we and we can, like, hang out. >> in san rafael, cornell, bernard, abc seven news. >> that's terrific. >> it is really great. okay, the weekend is here. that's great too. >> it is. meteorologist sandhya patel is here with the forecast. sandhya. yeah, and it's going to start to feel like back to school. >> if it doesn't already. let me show you the evening forecast. if you are stepping out tonight. our high temperatures managed to get up into the mid 60s to low 90s this evening. inland areas in the low 80s dropping off into the seconds and eventually the 60s, but still clear at 11 p.m. around the bay from sunshine, 67 degrees coming down into the low 60s, you start to notice some partly cloudy skies by 11 p.m. and near the coastline going from the low 60s to the upper 50s with increasing clouds later on tonight. so here's a look at the changes that we are expecting. one of the biggest things you're going to notice is when you were at 88 degrees today in livermore, the average high is 88 and tomorrow you drop
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to 81. yeah trust me, you're going to notice, especially when it's a lot cooler than average temperatures will bounce back the second half of your weekend heading into early next week. looking at live doppler seven and the water vapor imagery, it really shows you this deep trough that is developing off the pacific northwest and northern california coast. it's going to drop in, and as it does, it's going to bring us some drops tomorrow morning. right now on live doppler seven. all is quiet. we do have gusty winds up to 30 at sfo. onshore winds will actually continue to increase as we head towards tomorrow. overnight they drop off though. livermore gusting to 23 miles an hour. so you can open up the window, get some fresh air and cool off your house. you don't need to worry about the ac tonight. 7:00 you will notice over 30 mile an hour winds at 9 p.m. still a little gusty out there, but then the winds drop off only to pick back up again by noontime. you're already seeing 25 to 30 mile an hour winds in our inland areas. and that continues into the afternoon with topping 30 at times. so definitely will be gusty and cooler than average. emeryville camera looking at
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downtown oakland right now, a lovely view 63 in the city, 69. in oakland you're in the 70s around san jose and redwood city from our exploratorium camera. seeing a lot of sun right now. 80 from santa rosa to napa, 72. in petaluma, 84 in concord and 78 in livermore. sutro tower showing you the sun overnight tonight into the noontime hours. saturday, we're expecting cloudier skies and areas of drizzle. tomorrow afternoon will be cooler with gusty winds and sunday through early next week it's sunnier with a warming trend getting underway tonight. not a whole lot of cloud cover at seven, but by 3:00 in the morning, clouds start to fill in. we'll get some fog in there, some spotty drizzle starts to show up, and by tomorrow at nine, a m, we're talking about damp roadways around the east bay shoreline, also spotty in the north bay and along the san mateo coast. as this trough comes in, we'll still have a little bit around at noontime, and then the clouds break up at least partially inland. still a lot of cloud cover right near
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the coast in terms of rainfall. measurable drizzle is what we're expecting anywhere from a few hundredths to about five hundredths in oakland. morning temperatures. 50s. 60s. watch out for the drizzle tomorrow afternoon in the south bay. it's noticeably cooler. 81 in san jose, 84 gilroy on the peninsul, 73. in san mateo, mid 60s and mostly cloudy at the coast. 68 in downtown san francisco. north bay numbers 78, in santa rosa, 77 in san rafael, heading into the east bay. low 70s oakland berkeley inland 82. concord 81 degrees in livermore. now sunday is your milder day. if you want to bump up in temperatures, you'll get it. here's your accuweather seven day forecast. damp and cloudy start tomorrow. breezy and brighter for sunday and we'll continue with the warming theme through early next week. >> ama and dan like the theme? >> yes we do. it's going to be a little bit of a change tomorrow morning. >> thank you very much, sandy. >> all right. >> abc is making it official. dan and eugene levy will host this year's emmys. we told you
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last week the two were rumored to be the favorites to host the ceremony. both are emmy winning actors and producers. it's the first time ever a father and son duo will host tv's biggest night. prior to the emmys. you can see eugene on the new season of hulu's comedy only murders in the building on august 27th. the emmys air on abc on september 15th and this sunday. hear from the stars of your favorite emmy nominated shows like the bear, only murders in the building, and abbott elementary. plus, top contenders for outstanding game show and reality series. don't miss on the red carpet. emmy nominees sunday at 10 a.m. here on abc seven. disney of course, the parent company of abc seven and hulu. >> all right. coming up here, who pays and how much those questions will have new answers tomorrow. as the real estate industry braces for major changes in the business of buying and selling homes, stay with
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closing bell, u.s. stocks notched their best week of the year, just barely a week after a bruising global sell off. the dow gained almost 100 points today. the nasdaq added 37. the s&p picked up 11. the market's focus will shift next week to jackson hole, wyoming, where federal reserve chair jerome powell will give a speech at a setting that's been home to big policy announcements in the
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past. >> well, it's the weekend, and a lot of people will be out looking at houses and happening tomorrow. major changes are going to hit the real estate market, overhauling the way real estate agents get paid to help people buy and sell homes. the changes scrap informal rules that propped up the industry's traditional payment structure. starting tomorrow, people who are selling property are no longer required to pay the buyer's agent. the new rules make it easier. make it clear that commissions are negotiable and can be paid by either the buyer or the seller. it means that buyers would be responsible for paying their realtors. if a seller chooses not to cover the cost. buyers now need to be more involved in the negotiations, since they must start by negotiating their agent's commission. some homeowners are rushing to refinance their mortgages now as the rates have dropped last week. mortgage applications surged 17%. the surge was driven by homeowners seeking to refinance, which was up by 35%, according to the
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mortgage bankers association. this week, the standard 30 year fixed rate mortgage averaged 6.49%. that's according to freddie mac. >> i'm abc's perry russom in washington. vice president kamala harris talking the economy in north carolina today with the dnc starting next week. that story coming up. >> and abc seven news anchor julian glover will report live from chicago at the democratic national convention starting on monday. he'll be there through thursday for har
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time to the moment the polls open on november 5th. a bit of a tense moment for republican vice presidential nominee senator jd vance today. his plane was forced to make an emergency landing shortly after takeoff from an airport in milwaukee. the plane had to turn around because of an issue with a door seal. once it was fixed, he continued on his home state of ohio safely. just last week, former president donald trump was forced to make an emergency landing as he flew to a rally in montana. >> the harris campaign has a new
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poster for her presidential bid. it features harris's image and the word forward. if it looks familiar, that's because it is. the poster was designed by the same artist who created the hope poster for barack obama's campaign in 2008. the artist says forward is a nod to harris's words. we are not going back. and today, kamala harris unveiled her economic agenda in north carolina, and former president trump is facing criticism for saying that the presidential medal of freedom is much better than the congressional medal of honor given to soldiers. >> abc news reporter perry russom has the latest. >> today, vice president kamala harris in north carolina breaking down her economic agenda, building up the middle class will be a defining goal of my presidency. her plan includes up to $25,000 in down payment support for first time home buyers who paid their rent on time for two years. expand the child tax credit, providing up to $6,000 per child in the first year of life, and create the first ever federal ban on price
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gouging for food and groceries. >> my plan will include new penalties for opportunistic companies that exploit crises and break the rules. >> former president trump yesterday accusing harris of breaking the economy. >> if she wins, your finances and your country will never recover. >> today, trump, facing criticism after saying last night the presidential medal of freedom he gave to miriam adelson in 2018 is much better than the congressional medal of honor given to soldiers. >> we gave miriam the presidential medal of freedom. that's the highest award you can get as a civilian. it's the equivalent of the congressional medal of honor. but civilian version. it's actually much better because everyone gets the congressional medal of honor that soldiers, they're either in very bad shape because they've been hit so many times by bullets or they're dead. >> trump's running mate jd vance today. >> i don't think him complimenting and saying a nice word about a person who received the presidential medal of freedom is in any way
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denigrating those who received military honors. >> and we have some new polling from abc news and ipsos about the personal favorability of both candidates for vice president. tim walz leads the way at 39%. jd vance is at 32%. perry russom, abc news, washington. >> cutting prices is a big focus of both candidates messaging on the economy today on abc seven news at three, economist chris thornberg told us the focus on rising prices may be misplaced. >> both, of course, continue to discuss high prices and what they may or may not be able to do about it. now, the problem here, of course, is that neither one of them are talking about that 800 pound gorilla in the room, which is the enormous fiscal deficit we're running. it pretty much seems as if inflation is in the rear view mirror. but of course, neither candidate is letting go of this because it is a hot button topic and everybody's looking for that hot button topic. ergo, though, both putting out proposals to honestly deal with the problem that seems to have passed. >> new details were revealed
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today about the next presidential debate. it will be on abc on september 10th, moderated by david muir and linsey davis. kamala harris and donald trump will debate in philadelphia at the national constitution center. the race for the white house pre-debate special begins at 5 p.m. the debate itself starts at six. you can watch it all live here on september 10th on abc seven and streaming on abc news live, disney+ and hulu. >> president biden signed a proclamation today designating a new national monument for civil rights. in 1908, a white mob laid siege to springfield, illinois. looting, burning and destroying black owned homes and businesses. biden marked the 116th anniversary of the riots. he called out the efforts of those who want to, quote, literally erase history by limiting what can be taught in schools about america's complex past with racism. >> i know this may not seem significant to most americans, but it's important. it's important. >> important, important.
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>> and everybody walk by this area and know what happened here because it can happen again. >> if we don't take care of ourselves. >> two black men were lynched during the 1908 riot. their deaths fueled calls to start a national movement for political and racial justice. the movement ultimately led to the creation of the naacp out of this world and from all over the world. >> for the first time, they are coming to san jose for galaxycon. >> look at those costumes. all right. and how a lack of ticket sales for burning man this year is affecting stores hundreds of miles away from the playa
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go for another concert. a sold out crowd of 50,000 will attend the inaugural golden gate park concert series, headlined by alternative rock band system of a down and deftones. the organizers say 90% of the audience is coming from outside san francisco. >> that means hotel rooms, restaurants, ubers, retail taxes, all of that you saw last year with dead and company at oracle park. what an impact that
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had. it's the same thing here. people are coming in not just for the concert, for that night, but for the entire weekend. >> another planet entertainment is planning two free concerts in the city before the end of the year, with more coming next year. thousands of people are making their way to the south bay this weekend. galaxycon, a popular fandom convention, has come to san jose. abc seven news south bay reporter zach fuentes has a look three. >> and with that, galaxycon has officially launched in san jose, the first time the convention has ever been here, welcoming fans from all over the world and the celebrities who created their beloved characters. >> hello to all my friends in san jose. it's me, super mario! woohoo! you number one! haha. >> the iconic voice of super mario was born in san jose. at one point, part of the san jose repertory theater. the first four years at that theater company existed. >> i was literally out there on the streets saying, hey, we're
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putting a show up. want to come now? >> charles martinet has people coming to him for autographs and pictures. he's among the iconic performers. jodi benson, the voice of disney's little mermaid, is another. >> i got her to sign, flounder, don't be such a guppy. >> look, it's not just the humans that attendees are excited to see here. we also have this b1 battle droid, buck. buck and his friends, including the human celebrity guests, are bringing in millions to the city of san jose. what do you think about your contribution here? >> pretty impressive. please tell me more. >> between 6 and $8 million in total spend a boost to the local economy. >> organizers behind galaxycon are thrilled to help usher in after the city lost two of its main fandom conventions. >> san jose is a phenomenal city with a very rich history. the whole bay area has a rich history of fandom, conventions going back decades. >> aside from meeting lifelong heroes and picking up intergalactic merch, the attendees are also just excited to see each other. >> i have only like a couple days out of the year that i get to see everyone in one place and just kind of all have fun and
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see what everyone's been up to. >> the fun all started with friday's ribbon cutting and lasts throughout the weekend. >> the city will be alive this weekend because of galaxycon, so we're really grateful that they came. >> that gratitude shared by city officials, attendees, and even super mario himself. thank you so much for playing my games. >> woohoo! >> in san jose zach fuentes, abc seven news. >> they are going to have a fun weekend. well, burning man, the popular gathering that takes place in the nevada desert every year, returns this weekend. but the festival is facing slumping ticket sales and that is affecting the bay area economy. business owners think it's because of the negative press surrounding last year's burn. you may remember torrential rain stranded thousands of people in the middle of the desert with one person even dying. it was a muddy mess. now a year later, stores in san francisco's haight-ashbury neighborhood that cater to burners say they're being affected with fewer people going to the festival and buying outfits, they're losing money. >> that fiasco was publicized as really negative, extremely
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negative. nationwide worldwide. so that may have scared off a lot of newbies. >> this year's burning man is scheduled to take place from august 25th through september second. >> expect a cool start to the weekend. sandhya shows you how the weather will change next and it's our pick for the best thing you'll see today. >> a local nonprofit providing wheelchairs around the world and you pursue it. and with vitiligo, the pursuit for your pigment is just the same.
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communities all around the world. it's the result of a charity founded and based here that is doing something so simple but so profoundly. life changing. these smiling faces are in mexico, and they're smiling because the physical challenges they live with just got a little bit easier here in the u.s, most people who need a wheelchair can get one, but that's not true in so many places around the world. that need is what the wheelchair foundation was created to fill. started in 2000 by the late ken bering, the developer of blackhawk and one time owner of the seattle seahawks. his sons
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have stepped in to keep this charity well, rolling. when you deliver a wheelchair to someone around the world and you see the reaction on their faces, what goes through your mind? >> well, i tell you, i think what i'm most fond of in the wheelchair foundation is when i give them away. personally in someone's home, we do in-home deliveries as well as large distributions. but those in-home deliveries is what really touches your heart. >> this is a recent trip the foundation made to mexico. they brought hundreds of brand new wheelchairs with them. to date, 1.2 million distributed to those in need in 156 countries around the world. what does that feel like when you deliver those wheelchairs? >> we feel like ambassadors of the united states. i mean, we're coming to their country helping them. we want nothing in return. my father had a saying all we want in return is a smile. >> and do they ever see smiles in return? the gift of mobility and the comfort of knowing that
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strangers from america care. >> so you don't know exactly what you're getting into. you do know when you walk away from it. when it's all said and done, you are going to. they're going to leave their fingerprint on your soul. you just don't know how they're going to do it. but it happens. >> you know you will have changed their lives. >> yeah. and they changed our lives too. it makes us look at life through a different lens and about how we need to look about connection and not correction and be more, you kno, interconnected with each other. >> glenn, jeff, david and everyone who brings desperately needed wheelchairs to people around the world. talk about that connection. if you'd like to feel that too. by supporting this effort, maybe even making a distribution trip, just go to. wheelchair i love what they're doing. >> absolutely. i mean, how can you not? great story. making a huge difference. all right, let's get one last check on our weather. >> meteorologist sandhya patel is back. sandhya. >> yeah. dan, it has been a beautiful day. let me show you a
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live picture right now from our walnut creek camera. and you will notice a lot of blue sky out there. that is all going to be changing tomorrow. but the one thing that i do need to pass along to you in case you're wondering about sunset 8:00 tonight, september, it's 705 on the 22nd. as we're heading into fall and then winter. 4:54 p.m. so take advantage of it while the sun is out. taking a look at the changes ahead. there's a trough coming in and that is going to squeeze out some drizzle first thing tomorrow morning. up along the northern california coast, even down to ukiah, they're going to have measurable rain across the region. but what this is really going to do is kick up the winds. red flag warning for the sierra and northern california going up tomorrow due to the gusty winds and low humidity. so fire danger increasing. not here in the bay area though. it's a cooler day. a breezy to gusty one 60s to 80s tomorrow. accuweather seven day forecast will show you the changes ahead, which includes some damp roadways tomorrow morning. brighter and breezier and then warming it up sunday monday, tuesday before temperatures
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level off on monday. >> an interesting little bit of damp weather coming. >> yeah, it's good from a fire danger perspective. >> that's true. thanks, andy. >> all right. sports director larry beil, what's going on tonight? >> football, football, football. the 40 niners have another preseason game sunday against the saints. kyle shanahan wants to protect his starters, but brock purdy is expected to play. the question is, for how long? and of course, the latest on brandon aiyuk. and research on pain relief, my recommendation is simple: every home should have salonpas. powerful yet non-addictive. targeted and long-lasting. i recommend salonpas. it's good medicine. ♪ hisamitsu ♪
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it's good medicine. a power outage is looming. that's just alert, he's always getting worked up about something.
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they were up against the saints, niners gm john lynch said today on the radio. even he does not understand why the brandon aiyuk contract talks are taking so long, and lynch is the one doing the negotiating. presumably he knows what the issue is, but he won't say. and now there's a report indicating the niners and aiyuk have their deal almost done. just one item to be resolved, perhaps involving year four of the contract. lynch said they started negotiating with aiyuk before the draft in april, yet they still do not have a signed contract. if you listen, though, to the niners talking about aiyuk, they expect him to be wearing red and gold. >> you guys call it a hold in and i'm not disagreeing with you guys on that. but people say that they're hurt and i think he's got a sore back right now. and it is what it is. are you hurt? always getting old.
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>> it is what it is. my answer is the same with how it was before. i love ba and i want nothing but the best for him. and i'm not in the in the business side of things. so i'm sort of sitting here waiting as well, but, you know, hopefully, hopefully something gets settled soon, >> can we win a super bowl without ba, i think ba is going to be a part of this team. so, i mean, we don't have to worry about that. >> and everything is connected to each other, to wherever you go. one spot, you got to go less than another. so it's not as simple as that perspective. i totally get that from a fan standpoint and everything, if it was that simple, i think it'd be a lot easier to figure things out. but too many things do connect and tie together with that, and that's why these things can be difficult. >> yeah. what he's talking about there is if you give aiyuk money, what do you have for trent williams? so that's another outstanding contract. meanwhile, brock purdy has been busy the past few months working out for the upcoming season and getting married to his longtime girlfriend, jenna brandt. they posted videos of their wedding on social media on the football field. purdy will play 1 or 2
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series with the starters against new orleans. now there's only three preseason games these days, so getting live reps against other teams is really hard to come by when you're also trying to make sure that nobody gets hurt. >> i'd like to get a lot of them in there for at least a little bit. we wanted these three practices to go through before we could evaluate that, so we haven't told each player specifically, but the plan you guys will see some ones. i mean, right now i plan on brock going, but that could change. >> but most likely for me just to be able to get into a rhythm, obviously going into the game, studying and preparing, you know, like like it's any other game. so getting in that kind of mindset, warming up and then, you know, getting out there and getting, you know, clean looks, you know, how can i be efficient with my feet and, and in rhythm and hitting guys and getting completions. so just feeling the game environment, you know, it's a little bit different from practice. and so that's the goal. >> on to baseball. giants manager bob melvin knows this is going to be a really emotional weekend with the giants visiting the oakland a's for the final time in the bay bridge series. melvin is in year one with the
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giants, but he spent 11 years guiding the a's. former chronicle sports writer chuck nevius reflected on the end of an era. >> at the end of the day, what happened was the team is leaving and oakland has, has, has suffered a real loss. the city of oakland has suffered a real loss. >> you know, fans ask athletes to autograph just about anything. i can't ever remember seeing this before. wnba star caitlin clark autographed a baby. i'm just a baby. clark was asked if it was the youngest person that she'd signed an autograph for, and she said no. she had actually signed an ultrasound. oh how fun. okay that's getting in early sports on abc seven, sponsored by smart and final. >> is that permanent marker or no? well, i don't know. speaking of baby news, hashtag breaking. >> we have breaking news because our very own chris alvarez and his wife, chantal. oh, well. chantal did all the work, but they have a new baby girl. baby priscilla is 7 pounds and seven
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ounces and 20in long, and everybody is doing wonderfully. so, chris, come on back to work. >> yes. congratulations. yeah. no, absolutely. >> absolutely. hopefully we'll get we'll get some video or a photo up for later on i'm sure. >> that's great. good for them. >> tonight on abc seven at eight is jeopardy masters. that's followed at nine by 2020. then stay with us for abc seven news at 11. remember that abc seven news is streaming 24 seven. get the abc seven bay area app so you can join us whenever you want, wherever you are. >> all right, finally, this friday, a few thoughts about what really matters. i often think about how different life was 100 years ago, 200 years ago, or a thousand. no modern medicine, no air conditioning, central heating, refrigeration, electricity, or indoor plumbing. for me, it's hard to imagine life without ice cream, let alone anesthesia. how we live today is so very different and so very convenient. cars airplanes. amazon food right to your door. it's all great. consumerism really changed in
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america from the 1920s to the 50s, where before, buying something you couldn't afford with cash seemed wrong. suddenly, though, credit meant get it? and we've never looked back. credit card debt is out of control. but hey, if it's good enough for our government, why not for us? i suppose, right? the national debt is now a staggering $35 trillion. the government will spend close to 900 billion this year just to service that debt. both candidates are outlining their economic plans and both will tack trillions more onto that pile of debt. perhaps what really matters is for trump and harris to promise to deal with the giant elephant in the room that, to mix metaphors, will eventually come home to roost. i always love to hear from you. let me know what you think. follow me on social media at dan ashley abc seven. >> and that'll do it for this edition of abc seven news. thanks for joining us. i'm ama daetz. >> i'm dan ashley for sandhya
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a music executive from tampa, florida... and a social and personality psychologist from vancouver, washington... ♪♪ and now here is the host of "jeopardy!"--ken jennings! [cheers and applause] thank you, johnny gilbert, and welcome back to the "jeopardy!" tournament of champions. so far, we have seen some tremendous gameplay in these finals. ben has responded correctly to 73 clues, troy has come up with 103, and yogesh leads with 112 correct responses after notching 29 in yesterday's game alone. that's the highest we have seen in a single game in this tournament. can troy add one more win to his column today and force this to a game seven? let's start finding out. for possibly the last time in this tournament, here are your categories in the jeopardy! round. ♪♪ we begin with... then we have...


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