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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  August 17, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm PDT

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frightening close call with a wildfire racing towards homes. the one thing neighbors did that made the difference. and a look at climate change from the consequences of pushing whales to new places, to the new california driven solution in our skies. it's the beginning of the end. in oakland, fans bitter goodbyes as the coliseum's final bay bridge series begins tonight on abc seven news, always live, abc seven news starts right now. >> it's trending. it's absolutely horrendous. >> leaders in oakland schools are calling it a crisis coming out of the water pipes at nearly two dozen campuses. thanks for joining us i'm j.r. stone testing shows lead in the drinking water at schools across oakland. district leaders say these lead concerns come from a bigger problem aging schools. they can't afford to replace. abc seven news reporter cornell bernard looks at what's now being done to keep everyone
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safe. >> i absolutely want more transparency. we demand more transparency. >> stuart lobel is a sixth grade teacher at frick united academy of language in east oakland. most of that public school's drinking fountains are now off limits, with signs saying do not drink the water. parents and staff at frick got this letter from the school district last week saying water testing found five fixtures at your school with lead levels above five parts per billion, three times higher than the epa's recommended threshold. abc seven news obtained the water testing report dated april 2024. lobel is asking what took so long to inform parents and staff of the findings. >> students have been going to that school and summer school included for this whole time, drinking that water, which is completely unacceptable and infuriating. >> district officials say frick is one of 22 o.s.d. campuses were elevated. lead levels have been found. parents and teachers vented their frustrations at last week's school board meetin.
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>> we are demanding safe drinking water for our students immediately. transparency about what's happening. >> this is a real crisis and we're taking it very seriously. >> oakland school board president sam davis says communication with schools needs to be better. he says the district has been aggressive in testing water since 2017, and is now taking steps to fix the problem. >> so we need to make sure that there's testing available for families to find out if they were exposed to lead. and we need to invest in remediating the issue. >> the district says new water filters and pipes will be installed at campuses and will be tested again to comply with safety standards. >> do you believe these schools are safe for teachers and for kids? >> we need to make them safe. >> our buildings are old. we know we need to test on a regular basis and do the abatement. the root is we need brand new buildings. that is the solution. we obviously can't do that. >> stuart lobel wants a campus with safe drinking water. in the meantime, he hopes the community can help keep students hydrated.
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>> so i would call on partners from the community to help us provide bottled water to school sites in oakland. >> in oakland, cornell, bernard abc seven news. >> cornell, thanks so much. a deadly mass shooting in the city of oakland. four people were shot, two of them killed when an argument escalated into bullets flying. police say the shooting happened just after nine this morning on 83rd avenue, about a block from international drive. investigators believe a group of people were arguing when one of them pulled out a gun and opened fire. the shooter took off in a car. police found two people dead. the other two were taken to the hospital in critical condition. there are no details on a suspect at this point. here at abc seven, we think it's important to put crime in context. data from opd shows homicides are down, so far this year compared to last year. you can get detailed information about crime happening where you live with the abc seven
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neighborhood safety tracker. it includes information and trends for oakland san francisco and san jose. you can find it on abc seven new video out of the north bay shows the frantic moments as firefighters kept a fast moving fire from reaching homes. it started this morning in a commercial building on red hill avenue in san anselmo, triggering evacuations as it spread quickly to the brush at the back of the property. crews got the fire under control before it reached the homes nearby. ross valley fire tells us the neighbors defensible space made the difference. no word yet on how the fire started. our weekend is off to a cool and drizzly start in some spots. looking live out from our exploratorium in east bay hills, cameras tonight. very cloudy out there, but gray. abc seven news weather anchor spencer christian is tracking the cloudy and in some cases, wet conditions. spencer are cool and drizzly is precisely what our weather's been like today.
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>> here's a look at the satellite radar composite image. you can see why with that low pressure system spinning offshore, they're kicking rain up into most of the pacific northwest, including parts of northern california. although most of the rain that has fallen in northern california has been north of the bay area, although we did have patchy drizzle in many spots earlier today during the morning hours and up until about midday before it tapered off. so as we go into the evening hours, by the way, i should mention we had no measurable rain in terms of, you know, an inch or more, but we had trace amounts going into the evening hours. we'll see spotty drizzle continuing offshore, 1 or 2 patches of that drizzle may work its way onshore during the late night or overnight hours. however our forecast animation indicates no measurable rain once again between now and 11:00 tonight, we will have sunnier, warmer weather ahead. i'll have all that in my accuweather seven day forecast a little bit later. j.r. >> spencer, thank you so much. now to your voice. your vote with the democratic national convention just days away. this is a live look at the convention
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floor in chicago. come monday it will be packed with people. the first day of the convention is expected to feature speeches by president biden and first lady jill biden and former secretary of state hillary clinton. vice president kamala harris and running mate tim walz will be there all week. walz is campaigning today in nebraska, where he grew up. former president donald trump held a rally in pennsylvania today. he'll be back in the state on monday, kicking off a series of swing state events during the dnc. abc seven news anchor julian glover will report from chicago at the democratic national convention starting on monday. he'll be there through thursday for harris's big speec. hundreds of immigrants and their supporters are trying to get the presidential candidates attention with a protest march through the bay area. members of the northern california coalition for immigration reform began a 48 mile trek from san jose to san francisco today. marchers say they want to be
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seen, recognized and legalized. they're calling for changes to immigration law, including the right to apply for permanent residency after seven years. we are following the story of multiple scandals in the antioch police department fueling a staffing crisis. tonight, we're learning that the desperate hiring situation is not even close to being solved. the interim police chief says it could take a year to get staffing back to full capacity, with multiple officers on leave and dozens of positions open. antioch police are facing investigations by the state and federal government, plus several civil lawsuits over alleged misconduct, including a racist text message scandal. this week, the antioch city council agreed to hire a new police captain to help manage the department. antioch police have two captains right now, but one of them is on leave and expected to retire. >> the absence of a permanent
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captain has had some significant impacts on our operations, creating challenges that we are doing our best to manage and allowing us to hire. this position, i think, is going to fill a critical need to provide stability and management. >> the interim police chief says the department has to hire well over 35 police officers to get back to full staffing. the giants and a's are playing in oakland's last bay bridge series this weekend, with the green and gold set to play in sacramento next season. bay area rivals square off today and tomorrow for likely the final time at the oakland coliseum. a's fans had mixed emotions tailgating in the parking lot before this evening's games. >> it's somewhat of a sad day, you know, so many memories growing up and coming to games here. it's going to be really tough when they head out and don't get to experience this anymore. >> mixed emotions, you know, hating on the ownership. but you know, just blessed enough that we got lucky to have this one last season. a's of the world
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champions. >> ahead in sports. we'll hear from the giants about their last weekend playing across the bay. california has a new eye in the sky on the lookout for super polluters. how a new launch is helping our state hone in on the causes of climate change. also, years after a bad fire ripped through a school cafeteria, students are starting the school year with a new place to snack. plus egg inflation in the grocery aisle. the culprit? driving z's baking the house special. arisa's styling a new look.
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and steve's filling his biggest order ever. with the first ever comcast business five-year price lock guarantee, these business owners get five years of value on gig speed internet and advanced security. all from the company with 99.9% network reliability. so now they can focus on doing what they do best for the next five years. that's a lot of bread. you got this. the comcast business five-year price lock guarantee. switch today for a limited time.
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[vo]: fear. i love you. [vo]: and bravery.
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you got this. [vo]: all in the life... i love you. [vo]: of a child. starlight exists to bring happiness to hospitalized children when they need it most. because happiness matters. california has a new tool to help fight the climate crisis. now looking down on us from orbit. a new satellite took off yesterday as part of a space launch from vandenberg space force base. the satellite, developed by san francisco based planet labs, is designed to track and pinpoint the biggest sources of methane. methane is a potent planet warming gas. governor gavin newsom says the data will help the state stop big sources of pollution. and oakland middle school is celebrating a brand new addition to campus nearly a decade in the making. a grand opening was held
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today for a new multi-purpose room at claremont middle school. it's a long awaited opening. a fire on campus severely damaged the old building, which housed the school cafeteria. that was nine years ago, and it's been a long time coming. >> the facility burned down in 2015, and it was just a small cafeteria at the time. and so we're really glad to see this reopen as a multi-purpose room with a gym, with a sound system, with a brand new kitchen, just a lot of features that are it's just such a beautiful building. >> the new multi-purpose room at claremont is the first major project to be completed, with funds from measure y, which was approved by oakland voters in 2020. you may have already noticed this at the supermarket. new inflation data show egg prices have soared nearly 20% since july of 2023. they're also up more than 5% since june. experts say the cost increases
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are caused by egg supply issues. avian flu outbreaks have killed 13 million egg laying hens since november. well, it's a stunning sight with a not so positive reason why the bay area is becoming a big buffet for whales and tracking a wet and gloomy weekend, abc7 weather anchor spencer christian is up next with your accuweather forecast, plus the a's and giants meeting for the last time as bay area rivals at the coliseum this weekend. and an emotional jose canseco returns to the coliseum to become a member of the a's hall of
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its first ever concert series. it's headlined by alternative rock band system of a down and deftones. today's shows come a week after outside lands brought out thousands of concert goers, while low riders cruised into the streets of san francisco today for a yearly showcase and parade. hundreds gathered at the palace of fine arts for the annual king of the street car
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show. about a thousand lowriders with their bouncy hydraulics and bright paint jobs look at those beautiful cars there. they were on display. participants say it was an important event to show support for the lowrider community. >> it's important to keep the culture alive. you know what i mean? and. and for people to come together and see people's rides and share knowledge and, and come together as a community. >> the show also included a cruise down mission street. good times all around. well, whales are making their presence known along the coast of pacifica in recent days. these photos and videos were recorded by viewer maria escalante at linda mar beach this week. experts tell us changing ocean temperatures are sending whales food sources closer to shore, which would explain the increase in sightings as the whales get ready for winter. always exciting, spencer christian here. and those pictures were taken earlier this week because it's a little grayer today. >> it kind of looks like winter today, doesn't it? it does.
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yeah. >> but as dreary as it is, i know your forecast is always much more exciting than any dreariness outside. >> well, i hope so. we do have a warm up coming our way, but not for a couple of days. so here's a look at what brought us today's dreary weather. that low pressure system there, spinning off shore, has produced rainfall not only in northern california, but all the way up into other parts of the pacific northwest. here in the bay area, we didn't get any measurable rainfall, no fractions of an inch, but we had trace amounts all over the region, and we have breezy to gusty conditions right now with the strongest gusts ranging between 22 and 28mph from livermore down to san jose. so let's move along and take a look at the 24 hour temperature change. you can see it's several degrees cooler and much cooler. in fact, in many locations than at this time yesterday, 11 degrees cooler in novato, 14 degrees cooler in santa rosa, and seven degrees cooler at san carlos. and looking across the embarcadero right now, we'll take a look at current temperature, reading 63 in san francisco, oakland 6970 at hayward, 79 san jose, redwood city 75 and 63 at half moon bay.
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and of course, there we have low clouds and fog at the golden gate as we often do this time of the day. 71 degrees at santa rosa, petaluma 66. we have 72 at at napa and mid to upper 70s at fairfield, concord and livermor. and looking back toward san francisco actually look that was looking towards oakland, i believe from emeryville. these are our forecast headlines. clouds and spotty drizzle overnight tomorrow. bright and breezy. so sunnier than today. was not much warmer though. but it will be warmer early next week as we expect a sunnier and warmer pattern to develop on monday. so for tonight, going into the overnight hours, look for a continuing onshore flow. there will be lots of spotty drizzle offshore and near the coast, and it's quite likely 1 or 2 patches of drizzle may move onshore. so if you encounter some of that tonight, just remember that we told you about it. and then as we get into the mid morning hours tomorrow, the low clouds will pull back to the coastline, giving us a mainly sunny start to the day. overnight low temperatures will be generally in the mid to upper
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50s and highs tomorrow. low to mid 60s at the coast. low to mid 70s around the bay shoreline mid 70s to low 80s in the north bay. mainly mid 80s in the inland east bay and mainly upper 70s down in the south bay. and here's the accuweather seven day forecast. here's that little warm up i talked about at the beginning of next week, monday and tuesday. going into the mid 90s in our inland areas. but temperatures will taper off by midweek, going back into a cooler than average pattern. >> today and tomorrow. the final bay bridge series meetings in oakland. i mean, you talk about sad. it's all that the a's and giants playing at the coliseum for the last time before the a's moved to sacramento next season and then eventually maybe to las vegas. bob melvin grew up in the bay area, went to cal and managed the a's for 11 years, getting 853 wins. the most by an oakland manager. he's now in his first season as the giants skipper, while the a's don't play their final home game at the coliseum for another month. for melvin, these are his last
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two games there and it's bittersweet. >> you know, at the end of the season, it's going to be gone for good. and in our case, it's after tomorrow's game. so i've been here a lot. i love this place. so i'm going to miss it. it's going to be sad. you know we'll see how we get through tomorrow. but today is just about winning a game and, you know, probably a little bit more. i don't want to say emphasis. you're trying to win every game, but this is the last bay bridge series, so it'd be nice to play well prior to the game, the a's inducted their 2024 hall of fame class, including legendary broadcaster bill king, shortstop miguel tejada, catcher terry steinbach and slugger jose canseco. >> former a's manager tony la russa introduced canseco and helped him into that green jacket. you see, he's still got those guns. love seeing that. and canseco couldn't hold back his emotions being back at the coliseum. >> i'm an emotional wreck right now. can't believe this is being given this chance. the opportunity and the honor to
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have this jacket put on me. i wish i could give the fans right now a forearm bash to everybody. again, i am an emotional wreck right now. thank you very much for this honor, man. >> i still picture that bash right there. the 49 ers play their only preseason home game tomorrow night against the saints. football season is here. no movement yet on the brandon aiyuk contract situation. niners gm john lynch said friday he doesn't understand why talks are taking so long, and that they've been negotiating since april, so aiyuk will definitely not be suiting up tomorrow at levi's stadium. but brock purdy will play even if it's only for a series or two. hey, it's something as most of the starters are expected to get some action, even if it's limited. purdy and the others glad to get some work in again. somebody wearing a different uniform came in today and it was the same routine that we've done a number of days in a number of
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weeks in a row. >> i remember seeing mike lombardi this morning. we go over to the team meeting clips and stuff i'm going to show. and right when he walked in this morning, i'm like, gosh, this is getting old meeting with you every morning here. and he goes, i feel the same. i go, i think everyone feels that same right now. >> yeah, i'm excited for sunday to be able to get some some new looks and, you know, being able to run our offense against guys that, you know, haven't seen it every day. so that's also going to be nice. but get in uh, be efficient, be clean with it. and compete. >> yeah, it's the dog days boys. it might just be preseason but patrick mahomes is already in midseason form throwing. yeah. did you see this. check it out. look at your screen here throwing a behind the back pass to travis kelce in today's chiefs lions game right there. mahomes said he was. he was mad at kelce for not hearing the play call in the huddle. so he was kind of trying to make him look bad. >> travis didn't run the route he was supposed to run, and then it was kind of a behind the back pass, kind of because i was mad. i was off at travis out of
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spite. i threw it behind the back pass, but now it's going to be a highlight. >> you know, he's got the voice thing. no, no, no. and so he kind of mumbled out the play. i couldn't hear it. he was already in mid form, like a photo on a on a sports card throwing the ball to me. so it was just i guess right place at the right time. >> those accept the trade offs of treating? or push through the pain and symptoms? with ubrelvy, there's another option. one dose quickly stops migraine in its tracks.
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recall will tell you what brands you should be checking for, and it's definitely a balancing act in the north bay. we'll tell you about the art project that could literally be sending your tax dollars down the drain. that's tonight on abc seven news at 11. a santa cruz teen has apparently set a new world record in a stunt called bike surfing. it's performed by hopping on a moving bike with one foot on the seat and the other on the handlebars, and staying on until the forward motion stops. yesterday, 19 year old brock johnson set out to break the guinness world record here of 80m. the bmx stunt cyclist shattered the previous record mark in fact, he didn't stop until he had traveled 200m. after guinness verifies that
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video, johnson will become the world record holder. spencer i'm impressed. i'm impressed as well. >> i would want to try to do it, but i've got a
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